
`Ex. PGS 1007
`EX. PGS 1007


`Sept. 20, 1971
`Filed Sept. 8, 1969
`2 Sheets-Sheet 1
`~/ !'f7
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`Ex. PGS 1007


`Sept. 20, 1971
`Filed Sept. 8, 1969
`2 Sheets-Sheet 2
`Ex. PGS 1007


`:United States Patent Office
`3,605,67 4
`Patented Sept. 20, 1971
`Raymond C. Weese, Houston, Tex., assignor to
`Dresser Industries, Inc., Dallas, Tex.
`Filed Sept. 8, 1969, Ser. No. 855,939
`Int. Cl. B63b 21 I 00
`U.S. Ci. :U4-235B
`9 Claims
`The orientation of objects towed below the surface of
`a body of water is today required in many areas dealing
`with the use, exploration and development of the earth's
`water bodies and the land areas lying beneath them. Per(cid:173)
`haps the most common field requiring this is marine seis(cid:173)
`mic exploration of geological formations in water cov(cid:173)
`ered areas. This technique encompasses the reflecting of
`seismic signals off of the subsurface layering down to
`depths of 5 or 6 miles and picking up these reflected sig(cid:173)
`nals by a seismic cable towed by a vessel. These cables
`are known in the field as "streamers," and are towed
`beneath the water's surface to avoid interference by waves
`with the cable's position or the configuraton that it as(cid:173)
`sumes and to aid in receiving the reflected signals.
`In order that the signals received can be properly and
`correctly interpreted, the position of the cable relative to
`the water surface, as well as to the bottom of the body
`of water must be known and maintained as uniformly as
`possible. The streamer, up to two miles in length, must
`also be maintained in a relatively straight-line horizontal
`position. Means are, therefore, required to resist action
`such as cross-currents which would disrupt the straight(cid:173)
`line configuration of the cable. In addition, it is desirable
`to have means available to change the position of the
`cable to move it closer to or further away from the bot(cid:173)
`tom or surface as conditions change.
`In the past, various means have been devised to achieve
`the above results such as disclosed in the U.S. Patent Nos.
`3,371,739, 3,331,050, 3,386,526 and 1,690,578. Such ap(cid:173)
`paratus as disclosed in these patents, however, as well as
`other such devices, suffer from certain shortcomings which
`the present invention is designed to overcome.
`Such prior devices are quite often controllers that are
`actuated by pressure sensitive and responsive means to
`maintain them at a preset and predetermined level below
`the surface of the water. This, of course, can be rather
`inconsistent and the pressure responsive means are often
`subject to malfunctions due to exposure to salt water and
`the like. Furthermore, these devices suffer from the ob(cid:173)
`vious disadvantage of not being able to readjust the posi(cid:173)
`tion of the cable once the controllers have been set and
`let out under tow. These controllers must, of course,
`be set for the depth desired before they are placed in the
`water. Thus no control is maintained over the controllers
`without reeling in the cable and resetting them should a
`The present im,ention is directed to controllers for use
`in connection with cables that are towed beneath a body
`of water in order to maintain the cable in a desired posi(cid:173)
`tion. The controller employs control planes or vanes ver(cid:173)
`tically disposed on opposite sides of the controller for
`maintaining position in a horizontal plane, and van~s
`horizontally disposed on opposite sides to maintain posi(cid:173)
`tion in a vertical plane. Standard reversible D.C. motors
`or D.C. torque motors are used to control the position of
`the vanes in response to signals transmitted from the tow- 20
`ing or other vessel. A yoke arrangement allows simulta(cid:173)
`neous operation of each pair of vanes.
`change in position be desired, or should one of the con(cid:173)
`trollers used become inaccurate for some reason, thereby
`resulting in a change of position of the cable or a portion
`Other devices rely on relatively complex control ap-
`paratus to provide some control over the controllers once
`they are in position behind the towing vessel. These de(cid:173)
`vices can often be unreliable, however, and are some(cid:173)
`what expensive due to the complex equipment involved.
`10 It should be remembered that usually a plurality of such
`underwater controllers are used on any such cable, and
`a malfunction in any one of these could result in· an inac(cid:173)
`curate and unreliable survey. Thus a dependable device
`is preferable and one that may be controlled from the
`15 ship so that adjustments can be made should the con(cid:173)
`troller move out of position for some reason without the
`expensive and time-consuming method of reeling in the
`The present invention seeks to overcome the above
`noted disadvantages by providing a relatively simple de(cid:173)
`vice which as a result gives extremely dependable per(cid:173)
`formance. The controller which is the subject of the pres-
`25 ent invention utilizes a pair of vertically disposed vanes
`or rudder blades positioned on opposite sides of the con(cid:173)
`troller body. These vertically disposed vanes are used to
`control the position of the controller in a horizontal plane,
`and a similar pair of horizontally disposed vanes are used
`30 to control the position of the controller in a vertical plane.
`It is, of course, anticipated that control in either the ver(cid:173)
`tical or horizontal plane would not be desired in some
`situations, and accordingly, provision is made for the
`pairs of vanes to operate independently of each other. Fur-
`35 thermore, one pair of vanes may be omitted if necessary.
`Simplified actuating means are employed to provide
`the movement of the vanes, and in turn, the control of
`the controllers and the attached cable. The actuating
`means is comprised of rotatably mounted yoke means ex-
`40 tending between the vanes making up each pair, so that
`both vanes in each pair operate simultaneously. A re(cid:173)
`versible D.C. motor or D.C. torque motor is used to rotate
`the yoke means. This, in turn, rotates the vanes the de(cid:173)
`sired amount The motors are controlled by signals trans-
`45 mitted from the towing vessel, and being reversible, can
`actuate the vanes in either direction. Thus more than ade(cid:173)
`quate control is provided for the controllers by this rela(cid:173)
`tively inexpensive and simple arrangement of parts de(cid:173)
`scribed herein.
`It is, therefore, an object of the present invention to
`provide control means for the control and positioning
`of cable and the like while it is being towed beneath the
`surface of a body of water.
`A still further object of the present invention is to
`55 provide such controllers which are comprised of relatively
`simple and economical arrangements of parts with the re(cid:173)
`sult of decreased costs and increased dependability.
`It is the further object of the present invention to pro(cid:173)
`vide cable controllers which may be secured to the device
`60 to be controlled and which utilizes at least one pair of
`vanes connected by a yoke arrangement and rotatable in
`either direction.
`Still another object of the present invention is to pro(cid:173)
`vide such a controller which utilizes two sets of vanes
`65 that are rotatable in either direction about axis perpen(cid:173)
`dicular to each other, and which utilizes simplified con(cid:173)
`trol and actuating means for the positioning of the vanes.
`Still another object of the present invention is to pro(cid:173)
`vide such apparatus which may be constructed in an in-
`70 expensive manner and which will provide long life, con(cid:173)
`trol means free from the elements within which it will be
`Ex. PGS 1007


`submersed and dependable performance with little main(cid:173)
`tenance time or cost involved.
`Other and further objects, features and advantages will
`be apparent from the following description of a presently
`preferred embodiment of the invention, given for the pur· 5
`pose of disclosure when taken in conjunction with the
`accompanying drawings.
`Like character references designate like parts through- 10
`out the several views of the drawings, which views are
`as follows:
`FIG. 1 is a partially schematic view of the present in(cid:173)
`vention as it would be employed to control a cable being
`towed behind a vessel,
`FIG. 2 is a front view of one of the cable controllers
`as viewed along section lines 2-2 of FIG. 1 but on an
`enlarged scale,
`FIG. 3 is a section view of the controller of FIG. 2
`as viewed along section lines 3-3 of FIG. 2,
`FIG. 4 is a side view of a second embodiment of the
`controller of the present invention,
`FIG. 5 is a section view of the second embodiment as
`seen along section lines 5-5 of FIG. 4,
`FIG. 6 is a section view of the first embodiment but
`showing different actuating means for the vanes, and
`FIG. 7 is an end view of one of the actuating means
`shown in FIG. 6 as seen along lines 7-7 of FIG. 6.
`For purposes of description, the present invention will
`be described as used with a seismic cable. It should be
`understood, however, that the controller may be used for
`any such device that is to be towed beneath the surface
`of a body of water at a predetermined depth or over
`which control is desired. Other uses of the present inven(cid:173)
`tion would include such things as cables towing magne(cid:173)
`tometers, used to measure the earth's magnetic field, or
`cables towed by mine-sweeper·s.
`Turning now to FIG. 1, there is shown a body of water
`generally indicated by the numeral 10 having a surface
`12 and a bottom 14. A vessel 16 is illustrated as towing
`a cable 18. As can be seen, this cable is maintained be(cid:173)
`neath the surface of the water 12 but a certain distance
`above the bottom 14. The position of the cable relative
`to the water surface and to the bottom is usually deter(cid:173)
`mined by the use of a fathommeter to indicate the depth
`of the water and by the use of depth detectors carried
`in the cable to indicate the depth of the cable. This is ac(cid:173)
`complished by means of the cable controllers of the pres(cid:173)
`ent invention, which controllers are generally indicated
`by the numeral 20. Also from the towing vessel 16,
`seismic waves 22 are directed toward the ·bottom 14 by
`which they are reflected back toward the seismic cable
`Turning now to FIGS. 2 and 3, a controller of the
`present invention is shown. The controller is made up
`of a body 24 having a removable section 26 to allow the
`body to be secured about the cable 18. The removable
`section 26 is secured to the remainder of the body by
`any suitable means such as screws 28. In the embodi(cid:173)
`ment of FIGS. 2 and 3, only one pair of vanes 30 is
`utilized. Accordingly, this embodiment will allow control
`of the controller and connected cable only in a horizontal
`The vanes 30 are connected together by means of the
`yoke 32 which has a curved central section 34 to allow
`passage of the cable 18. A ring 36 is fixedly secured to
`the cable 18 and mates with a recess 38 in the body sec(cid:173)
`tions 24 and 26 to secure the cable controller 20 at a
`desired and fixed position on the cable. When the re(cid:173)
`movable portion 26 is secured to the body, the recesses
`38 are satisfactorily secured about the ring portion 36
`to prevent the controller from slipping longitudinally on
`the cable. The cable controller can, however, rotate about
`the cable, and to maintain proper orientation of the con(cid:173)
`troller relative to the water surface 12 and bottom 14,
`a weight 40 is secured at a suitable location in the body
`24. This weight 40 will insure that the vanes 30, as well
`as the second pair of vanes in the embodiment disclosed
`in FIGS. 4 and 5, are maintained in the proper verticle
`and horizontal planes, so as to give full and accurate
`control over the controller.
`A bevel gear 42 is connected to the yoke 34 and a
`second bevel gear 44 -is connected to the shaft of a rever(cid:173)
`sible D.C., stopper motor 46. This motor 46 is again
`secured to the body 24, and as one can readily tell, oper(cid:173)
`ation of the motor 46 will cause the gear 42 to rotate
`15 along with the yoke 34 to which gear 42 is fixedly secured.
`It should be noted that the yoke 34 is rotatably mounted
`in the body 24 and has suitable bearing members 48 for
`this purpose. These bearing members also contain sealing
`members 50 to prevent the flow of water into the body,
`20 thereby possibly damaging the actuating elements of the
`Fixedly secured to D.C. motor 46 is a receiver 52,
`which may also be secured to the body 24 if desired. The
`receiver 52 contains a power source for the motor such
`25 as a battery. The purpose of the receiver 52 is to receive
`signals transmitted from a transmitter 53 carried by the
`cable (a transmitter being positioned at each controller)
`to actuate the motor 46 accordingly. Appropriate wiring
`55 leads through the cable to carry signals from the vessel
`30 to the transmitters 53. By proper signals, the motor 46
`may be actuated in either direction, thereby rotating the
`vanes in either direction.
`In operation, horizontal ranging sonar may be used
`on the towing vessels to monitor the cable and its posi-
`35 tion. This sonar can be viewed or photographed at will at
`the master console of the control equipment on the vessel,
`and thus, it provides a continuous monitor over the posi(cid:173)
`tion of the cable. Other techniques may also be used to
`monitor the position of the cable. For example, a system
`40 marketed by Edo-Western of Salt Lake City, Utah, could
`be used. This system employs a number of transducers
`in the cable 18 which periodically transmit pulses through
`the water. Two additional cables are towed by the vessel
`16, one on each side and each carrying receivers or hydra-
`45 phones. Each pulse will be received by both hydraphones
`simultaneously if the cable is properly centered. If it is
`not, one hydraphone will receive the pulse first and the
`time lag between it and the second pulsing up of the pulse
`will determine how far out of position the cable is. In
`50 addition, these transducers will be positioned throughout
`the length of the cable so that the operators can determine
`what part of the cable is· out of position. This can <be
`accomplished, of course, by sending pulses at various
`times from the different transducers, sending different
`55 pulses from each, or by noting that the pulse from the
`first transducer will be received first, the second trans(cid:173)
`ducer's a short time later, and so on. It should perhaps be
`mentioned again that the position of the cable depthwise is
`determined by use of depth detectors in the cable and a
`60 fathommeter.
`Should the cable for some reason move out of position,
`appropriate signals can be transmitted to the receiver 52
`which will atctuate the motor 46 accordingly. The change
`in vane position is achieved, therefore, by supplying D.C.
`65 current in one direction or the other for a specific amount
`of time. A change in the direction of current flow will,
`of course, reverse the direction of rotation of the motor
`shaft and thereby, provide the means to rotate the vanes
`in either direction. Time of D.C. current flow is con-
`70 vertible into degrees of vane angle change and charts of
`such may be made up for ease of reference by the oper(cid:173)
`ator. Where a stopper motor is used, such as those manu(cid:173)
`factured by the Clifton Division of Litton Industries, each
`electrical signal or pulse transmitted to the receiver will
`7 5 result in the rotation of the motor shaft through a dis-
`Ex. PGS 1007


`crete increment, for example, twelve degrees ( 12 o). With
`this knowledge and with knowledge of the gear ratio used,
`the amount of vane rotation for a pulse or a train of pulses
`can be determined. The change in position of the vanes
`will bring about the necessary adjustment to the path of
`travel of the controllers. Once the proper position has
`been resumed, the vanes can be again adjusted to the
`neutral position of FIG. 2 so that the cable will continue
`along in the path desired.
`In the situation such as passing through an area of 10
`cross currents, the vanes can be rotated into the necessary
`position to maintain the cable on line with the desired
`path of travel through this area. Once the area of cross
`currents has been passed, the vanes are again returned to
`their neutral position shown in FIG. 2. All of the previous(cid:173)
`ly discussed adjustments can be made manually or with
`the provision of proper equipment, automatically.
`As will be understood by those skilled in this art, the
`cable 18 will include weights (not shown) to provide a
`ballast effect, thus giving the cable a neutral balance at
`the desired depth, or as nearly as possible, thus, the cable
`will tend to sink to, and remain at, this depth. There are
`situations, however, in which it would be desirable to be
`able to adjust the depth of the controllers, or more ac(cid:173)
`curately, adjust the distance between the controllers and
`cable and the bottom 14 of the body of water.
`For this purpose, the controller 58 shown in FIGS. 4
`and 5 may be used. Such controllers utilize two pairs of
`vanes, 30 and 60. Again the weight 40 is employed to in(cid:173)
`sure that proper orientation of the controller 58 is main(cid:173)
`tained so that movement of the control vanes 30· and 60
`will bring about the desired changes in direction or depth.
`Turning now to FIG. 5, this section view discloses the
`internal arrangement of parts for the controller 58. The
`motor 46 is connected to the curved portion 34 of the
`yoke 32 by gearing indicated by the numeral 62. Certain
`advantages are derived from the utilization of the curved
`portion 34 of the yoke as the point at which the motor 46
`is operatively geared thereto. By example only, greater
`leverage is obtained in rotating the vanes, thereby over(cid:173)
`coming the resistance of the water to such movement with
`less stress or force exerted against the moving and con(cid:173)
`trolling portions of the control apparatus. This is in view
`of the fact that the curved surface functions in effect as
`a lever arm for gearing 62 because of the position of the 45
`gearing relative to the point at which the yoke members
`are attached to the vanes.
`A similarly shaped yoke 64 is utilized for the control
`vanes 60. Likewise, a similar arrangement is employed
`for the actuation thereof, which arrangement includes 50
`motor 66 shown in broken lines due to the fact that it is
`hidden in FIG. 5 by the ca<ble 18. The motor 66 is oper(cid:173)
`atively geared to the curved portion 68 of the yoke 64,
`as previously described with regard to yoke 32.
`The operation of this last discussed embodiment is in 55
`effect the same as with the first discussed embodiment,
`with the exception that it provides means to control the
`position of the cable in both the vertical and horizontal
`planes. This gives even greater versatility to the present
`invention and to the operation being conducted. It should 60
`perhaps here be noted that a coded signal must be used
`for each controller, whereby each particular controller
`will be responsive to only its signal, so that individual
`control is provided. Where the embodiment of FIGS. 4
`and 5 is used, a separate signal must also be used for 65
`each motor 46 in each controller.
`The embodiment of FIG. 6 shows the controller of
`FIGS. 2 and 3 with different actuating means and signal
`sending means. The unly differences shown between the
`embodiment of FIG. 6 and that of FIGS. 2 and 3 are the 70
`motors 70 used to control and move the yoke means 32.
`and the use of the wires 71 to actuate and control the
`motors. In this embodiment, a D.C. torque motor gen(cid:173)
`erally indicated by the numeral 70 is utilized. A satis(cid:173)
`factory torque motor for this purpose is manufactured by 75
`the Torque Motor Products Division, Aerofiex Labora(cid:173)
`tories, Inc., of Plainview, N.Y. This motor 70 is shown in
`FIG. 7 in an enlarged view and is comprised generally
`of a toroidally distributed coil winding 72 and a perma-
`5 nent magnet 74. The yoke 32 passes through the center
`of the magnet and provides the axis about which it rotates.
`It is, of course, fixedly secured to the magnet so that as the
`magnet rotates, the yoke will also turn, thereby turning
`the vanes.
`For carrying the central signals to the torque motor,
`as well as the electrical power to energize it, wires 71
`lead directly to the motors 70 from the wires -55. Thus,
`the receiver and battery arrangement 52 and the trans(cid:173)
`mitter 53 are eliminated. It is understood, of course, that
`15 the signal carrying and transmitting arrangements of
`FIGS. 3, 5 and 6 may be used interchangeably on any of ·
`the embodiments of the present invention.
`In the embodiment of FIG. ·6, a torque motor has been
`utilized on opposite ends of the yoke 32, but in many
`20 applications, only one such motor will be needed tG
`rotate the yoke. Two are used simply to provide additional
`torque where necessary. These motors may, of course, be
`utilized on any embodiment of the present invention in
`lieu of the previously discussed arrangement made up of
`25 a D.C. motor geared to the yoke. The movement of the
`magnet (and attached yoke assembly) is a linear function
`directly proportional to the D.C. current flow. Thus by
`controlling current flow through the toroid coil, precise
`adjustments may be made to the vanes. These valves can
`30 •be calculated in advance and reduced to chart form to aid
`the operator. Again, a reversing of polarity will reverse
`the direction of rotation of the vanes.
`This arrangement brings about obvious improvements
`in that no gearing is required, such gearing may fail for
`35 many reasons. Relatively fewer working parts are needed
`and direct control is maintained over the position of the
`yoke. The torque motors are extremely dependable and
`reliable for long performance. Again, appropriate seals
`are to be positioned at the various openings in the con-
`40 troller body so that water will not enter and have any
`deleterious effect on the control segments of the present
`As can be seen from the above, therefore, a controller
`has been disclosed which utilizes relatively simple com(cid:173)
`p~ments in its makeup, and due to this simplicity, pro(cid:173)
`VIdes for economy of manufacture and operation, as well
`as dependability and performance. A device is disclosed
`which may ·be remotely controlled to provide control
`movements or repositioning movements in both a vertical
`or horizontal plane. Individual control can be exercised
`over the individual controllers on any one cable. Means
`have also been included to insure proper orientation of the
`controller at all times and to prevent the controller from
`slipping along the length of the cable.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A controller for controling cable that is towed be(cid:173)
`neath the surface of a body of water comprising
`a body having a longitudinal axis for attachment about
`the cable,
`means for maintaining proper orientation of the con(cid:173)
`first yoke means rotatably secured to the body,
`a first pair of vanes fixedly secured to the first yoke
`means on opposite sides of the body for rotation
`with said first yoke means about a first axis which is
`generally perpendicular to said longitudinal axis,
`first actuating means for rotation of the first yoke
`means, said actuating means being reversible for
`rotation of the first yoke means in opposite directions
`of rotation,
`first control means for operating the first actuating
`means in response to signals remotely transmited to
`the first control means,
`second yoke means rotatably secured to the body,
`Ex. PGS 1007


`a second pair of vanes fixedly secured to the second
`yoke means on opopsite sides of the bndy for rota(cid:173)
`tion with said second yoke means about a second
`axis which is generally perpendicular to said first
`axis and said longitudinal axis,
`second actuating means for rotation of the second yoke
`means, said actuating means being reversible for
`rotation of the second yoke means in opposite direc(cid:173)
`tions of rotation, and
`second control means for operating the second actuat- 10
`ing means in response to signals remotely transmitted
`to the second control means.
`2. The invention of claim 1 wherein the first and sec(cid:173)
`ond actuating means are defined as,
`a reversible D.C. motor for each of said yoke means, 15
`the shaft of each said motor being operatively con(cid:173)
`nected to its respective yoke means for rotation
`3. The invention of claim 1 wherein the first and sec-
`ond actuating means are each defined as,
`at least one reversible D.C. torque motor for each first
`and second yoke me·ans,
`the rotor of each D.C. torque motor being operatively
`connected to its respective yoke means for rotation
`4. The invention of claim 2 wherein the first and sec(cid:173)
`ond actuating means are each defined as including,
`a reversible D.C. torque motor mounted about each of
`said first and second yoke means,
`the rotor of each D.C. torque motor being secured to 30
`its respective yoke for rotation thereof.
`5. The invention of claim 4 and including,
`two reversible D.C. torque motors for each of said
`yoke means, each of said yoke means having a curved
`section for passage of said cable through the body of 35
`the controller, the motors for each yoke means being
`positioned on opposite sides of its curved section.
`6. The invention of claim 2 wherein,
`each yoke means has a curved section for passage of
`said cable through the body of the controller, said 40
`motors being operatively connected to the curved
`section of their respective yoke means.
`7. The invention of claim 4 wherein each of said re(cid:173)
`versible D.C. torque motors are further defined as in-
`a toroidally distributed coil winding mounted about its
`respective yoke means,
`each said rotor being comprised of a permanent magnet
`rotatable about the respective axis of the yoke means
`to which it is secured, the yoke means to which it is GO
`secured being concentric with said respective axis
`at its connection with said rotor.
`8. A controller for controlling cable that is towed
`beneath the surface of a body of water comprising,
`a body having a longitudinal axis for attachment about 55
`the cable,

`means for maintaining proper orientation of the con(cid:173)
`first yoke means rotatably secured to the ·body,
`a first pair of vanes fixedly secured to the first yoke 60
`means on opposite sides of the body for rotation with
`said first yoke means about a first axis which is gen(cid:173)
`erally perpendicular to said longitudinal axis,
`first actuating maens for rotation of the first yoke
`means, said actuating means being reversible for
`rotation of the first yoke means in opposite directions
`of rotation,
`first control means for operating the first actuating
`means in response to signals remotely transmitted to
`the first control means,
`said first actuating means being further defined as in(cid:173)
`cluding reversible D.C. motor having a ·shaft opera(cid:173)
`tively connected to the first yoke means for rotation
`thereof, and
`the first yoke means having a curved section for passage
`of said cable through the body of the controller, said
`motor shaft being operatively connected to said
`curved section.
`·9. A controller for controlling cable that is towed
`beneath the surface of a body of water comprising,
`a body having a longitudinal axis for attachment about
`the cable,
`means for maintaining proper orientation of the con(cid:173)
`first yoke means rotatably secured to the body,
`a first pair of vanes fixedly secured to the first yoke
`means on opposite sides of the body for rotation
`with said first yoke means about a first axis which is
`generally perpendicular to said longitudinal axis,
`first actuating means for rotation of the first yoke
`means, said actuating means being reversible for
`rotation of the first yoke means in opposite direc(cid:173)
`tions of rotation, and
`first control means for operating the first actuating
`means in response to signals remotely transmitted to
`the first control means,
`said reversible first actuating means being further de(cid:173)
`fined as:
`a reversible D.C. torque motor mounted about the first
`a rotor in said motor, rotatable about said first axis
`said first yoke secured to the rotor at the point said
`first axis passes through the rotor for rotation there(cid:173)
`said reversible D.C. torque being comprised of,
`a toroidally distributed coil winding mounted about the
`first yoke means,
`the rotor being comprised of a permanent magnet
`rotatable in said coil about said first axis
`said first yoke means being concentric . _:.,ith said first
`axis at its connection with said rotor.
`References Cited
`3/1962 Aschinger -------- 114-235.2
`4/1968 Cole et al. -------- 114-235.2
`11/1968 Buller et al. ------- 114-235.2
`TRYGVE M. ·BLIX, Primary Examiner
`U.S. Cl. X.R.
`Ex. PGS 1007

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