
`Ex. PGS 1004
`EX. PGS 1004


`International Bureau
`wo 98/28636
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`GOlV 1138
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(43) International Publication Date:
`2 July 1998 (02.07.98)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/GB97 /03507
`(22) International Filing Date:
`19 December 1997 (19.12.97)
`(30) Priority Data:
`20 December 1996 (20.12.96)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): GECO AS
`[NO/NO]; Schlumberger House, Solbraveien 23, N-1370
`Asker (NO).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): BITTLESTON, Simon,
`Hastings [GB/NO]; Bjomsvikveien 27, N-1312 Slependen
`STOOLE, Brian, David; Geco-Prakla Technical
`(74) Agent:
`Services Inc., Schlumberger House, Buckingham Gate,
`Gatwick, West Sussex RH6 ONZ (GB).
`(81) Designated States: AL, AM, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR,
`BY, CA, CH, CN, CU, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, Fl, GE, GH,
`HU, IL, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS,
`LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, NO, NZ, PL,
`PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, Sl, SK, SL, TJ, TM, TR, TT,
`VA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZW, ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, SD, SZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian patent (AM, AZ,
`BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European patent (AT, BE,
`CH, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL,
`PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`With international search report.
`16) POWER ~ROVIDED .~ z,
`1~ '0 E~D CONNECTOR ~6
`(57) Abstract
`A control device (10) (or "bird") for controlling the position of a marine seismic streamer is provided with an elongate, partly flexible,
`body (12) which is designed to be connected electrically and mechanically in series with the streamer (14). In its preferred form, the bird
`has two opposed wings (24), which are independently controllable in order to control the streamers lateral position, as well as its depth.
`Ex. PGS 1004


`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international applications under the PCT.
`Bosnia and Herzegovina
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`C6te d'Ivoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's
`Republic of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Saint Lucia
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`The former Yugoslav
`Republic of Macedonia
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Ex. PGS 1004


`This invention relates to control devices for controlling the position of a marine seismic
`A marine seismic streamer is an elongate cable-like structure, typically up to several
`thousand metres long, which contains arrays of hydrophones and associated electronic
`equipment along its length, and which is used in marine seismic surveying. In order to perform
`a 3D marine seismic survey, a plurality of such streamers are towed at about 5 knots behind a
`seismic survey vessel, which also tows one or more seismic sources, typically air guns.
`Acoustic signals produced by the seismic sources are directed down through the water into the
`earth beneath, where they are reflected from the various strata. The reflected signals are
`received by the hydrophones, and then digitised and processed to build up a representation of
`the earth strata in the area being surveyed.
`The streamers are typically towed at a constant depth of about ten metres, in order to
`facilitate the removal of undesired "ghost" reflections from the surface of the water. To keep
`the streamers at this constant depth, control devices known as "birds", attached to each
`streamer at intervals of200 to 300 metres, are used.
`Current designs of birds are battery-powered, and comprise a relatively heavy body
`which is suspended beneath the streamer, and which has a pair of laterally projecting wings
`(hence the name "bird"), one on each side. The combination of streamer and birds is arranged
`to be neutrally buoyant, and the angle of attack of both wings is adjusted in unison from time
`to time to control the depth of the streamer.
`Birds in accordance with these current designs suffer from a number of disadvantages.
`Because they are battery-powered, the batteries can run out before the survey is completed,
`necessitating either retrieval of the streamer for battery replacement, or deployment of a work
`boat to replace the battery in the water. The former operation is very time consuming, while
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`Ex. PGS 1004


`the latter can be hazardous. Further, because the birds hang beneath the streamer, they
`produce considerable noise as they are towed through the water, which noise interferes with
`the reflected signals detected by the hydrophones in the streamers. The hanging of the birds
`from the streamers also means that the birds need to be detached each time the streamer is
`retrieved and re-attached each time it is re-deployed, which is again rather time consuming.
`During the seismic survey, the streamers are intended to remain straight, parallel to each
`other and equally spaced. However, after deploying the streamers, it is typically necessary for
`the vessel to cruise in a straight line for at least three streamer lengths before the streamer
`distribution approximates to this ideal arrangement and the survey can begin. This increases
`the time taken to carry out the survey, and therefore increases the cost of the survey. But
`because of sea currents, the streamers frequently fail to accurately follow the path of the
`seismic survey vessel, sometimes deviating from this path by an angle, known as the feathering
`angle, of up to 10°. This can adversely affect the coverage of the survey, frequently requiring
`that certain parts of the survey be repeated. In really bad circumstances, the streamers can
`actually become entangled, which though rare, causes great damage and considerable financial
`loss. Current designs of birds can do nothing to alleviate any of these lateral streamer
`positioning problems.
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide novel streamer control
`devices which alleviate at least some of the disadvantages of the current designs, and/or which
`possess more functionality than the current designs.
`According to the present invention, there is provided a control device for controlling the
`position of a marine seismic streamer, the device comprising a body mechanically connected in
`series between two adjacent sections of the streamer, sensor means in the body for
`determining its angular position in a plane perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the
`streamer, two opposed control surfaces projecting outwardly from the body, each control
`surface being rotatable about an axis which in use extends transversely of the streamer, and
`control means responsive to control signals and the sensor means for independently adjusting
`the respective angular positions of said two control surfaces so as to control the lateral
`position of the streamer as well as its depth.
`Ex. PGS 1004


`In a preferred embodiment of the invention, for use with a multi-section streamer which
`includes an electric power line, the control means is at least partly electrical and arranged in
`use to receive electric power from said electric power line.
`When the streamer also includes a control line, the control means is preferably arranged
`in use to receive control signals from the control line.
`The control means preferably includes at least one electrical motor, and may also include
`means for sensing the respective angular positions of the two control surfaces.
`Conveniently, said two control surfaces rotate about a common axis.
`Advantageously, each of the two control surfaces comprises a respective wing-like
`member which is swept back with respect to the direction of tow of the streamer.
`Preferably, said control surfaces are releasably secured to the body, which may be
`adapted to be non-rotatably coupled to the streamer.
`The invention will now be described, by way of example only, with reference to the
`accompanying drawings, of which:
`Figure 1 is a somewhat schematic representation of a preferred embodiment of a
`streamer control device in accordance with the present invention;
`Figure 2 is a simple schematic of a control system forming part of the streamer control
`device ofFigure 1; and
`Figures 3 to 5 illustrate the operation of the streamer control device ofFigure 1.
`The streamer control device, or "bird", of Figure 1 is indicated generally at 10, and
`comprises an elongate streamlined body 12 adapted to be mechanically and electrically
`connected in series in a multi-section marine seismic streamer 14 of the kind which is towed by
`- 3-
`Ex. PGS 1004


`a seismic survey vessel and which is used, in conjunction with a seismic source also towed by
`the vessel, to conduct seismic surveys, as briefly described hereinbefore. To permit such
`connection, each end of the body 12 is provided with a respective mechanical and electrical
`connector 16, 18, these connectors being complementary to, and designed to interconnect
`with, streamer end connectors 20, 22 respectively which are normally used to join together
`adjacent sections 14a and 14b of the streamer 14.
`The bird 10 is provided with two opposed control surfaces, or wings, 24, typically
`moulded from a fibre-reinforced plastics material, which project horizontally outwardly from
`the body 12 and which are independently rotatable about a common axis extending
`substantially perpendicularly through the longitudinal axis of the body. Rotation of the wings
`24 is effected under the control of a control system 26 sealingly housed within the body 12.
`The wings 24 are generally ogival (ie rounded) and swept back with respect to the direction of
`tow of the streamer 14 (which direction is indicated by the arrow 28), in order to reduce the
`possibility of debris becoming hooked on them. To facilitate their rapid removal and re(cid:173)
`attachment, the wings 24 are secured to body 12 by a quick-release attachment 30.
`As mentioned hereinbefore, the streamer 14 includes hydrophones distributed along its
`it also includes control and conversion circuitry for converting the outputs of the
`hydrophones into digital data signals, longitudinally extending control and data lines for
`conducting control and data signals to and from the control and conversion circuitry, and
`electrical power supply lines for supplying electrical power from the vessel to the circuitry.
`All these lines are coupled together from the streamer section 14a to the streamer section 14b
`via respective corresponding lines 32 which extend through the body 12 of the bird 10
`between the connectors 16, 18. Additionally, the control system 26 is connected to receive
`control signals and electric power from respective ones of the lines 32.
`The greater part of the length of the body 12 of the bird 10 is flexible, the only rigid
`parts being the connectors 20, 22, and a short central section which houses the control system
`26 and from which the wings 24 project. This central section, which is made of aluminium or
`titanium and has holes passing longitudinally therethrough for the passage of Kevlar or other
`stress members which bear' the longitudinal loads on the body 12, is kept as short as possible,
`- 4-
`Ex. PGS 1004


`typically around 40 em, so that once the wings 24 have been detached from the body 12, the
`streamer 14 can be wound onto and unwound from the large drum used for storing the
`streamer, with the body 12 still connected in the streamer. The quick-release attachment 30
`permits the removal and attachment of the wings 24 to be at least partly automated as the
`streamer 14 is reeled in and out during the survey.
`The reason for providing the elongate flexible parts of the body 12 is to provide enough
`length for the inclusion of one or more hydrophones or hydrophone groups, should this be
`necessary to preserve a desired uniform hydrophone spacing along the length of streamer 14.
`If no hydrophones need to be included, the flexible parts of the body 12 can be omitted
`altogether, along with the aforementioned stress members.
`The control system 26 is schematically illustrated in Figure 2, and comprises a
`microprocessor-based control circuit 34 having respective inputs 35 to 39 to receive control
`signals representative of desired depth, actual depth, desired lateral position, actual lateral
`position and roll angle of the bird 10 (ie the angular position of the body 12 in a plane
`perpen.dicular to the longitudinal axis of the streamer 14). The desired depth signal can be
`either a fixed signal corresponding to the aforementioned 10 metres, or an adjustable signal,
`while the actual depth signal is typically produced by a depth sensor 40 mounted in or on the
`bird I 0. The lateral position signals are typically derived from a position determining system
`of the kind described in our US Patent No 4,992,990 or our International Patent Application
`No W09621163. The roll angle signal is produced by an inclinometer 42 mounted within the
`bird 10.
`The control circuit 34 has two control outputs 44, 46, connected to control respective
`electrical stepper motors 48, 50, each of which is drivingly connected to a respective one of
`the wings 24. The stepper motors 48, 50 have respective outputs at which they produce
`signals representative of their respective current angular positions (and therefore of the current
`angular positions of the wings 24), which outputs are connected to respective control inputs
`52, 54 of the control circuit 34.
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`Ex. PGS 1004


`In operation, the control circuit 34 receives between its inputs 35 and 36 a signal
`indicative of the difference between the actual and desired depths of the bird 10, and receives
`between its inputs 3 7 and 3 8 a signal indicative of the difference between the actual and
`desired lateral positions of the bird 10. These two difference signals are used by the control
`circuit 34 to calculate the roll angle of the bird 10 and the respective angular positions of the
`wings 24 which together will produce the necessary combination of vertical force {upwardly
`or downwardly) and lateral force {left or right) required to move the bird 10 to the desired
`depth and lateral position. The control circuit 34 then adjusts each of the wings 24
`independently by means of the stepper motors 48, 50, so as to start to achieve the calculated
`bird roll angle and wing angular positions.
`Figures 3 to 5 illustrate the operation of the bird 10 in the case where the streamer 14 is
`slightly heavy (slightly negative buoyancy), and the bird 10 thus needs to produce lift to
`maintain the streamer at the desired depth. This lift is produced by the flow of the water over
`the wings 24 of the bird 10, resulting from the 5 knot towing speed of the streamer 14 through
`the water, and can be changed by changing the angle of attack of the wings with respect to the
`flow. The magnitude of the lift required for the situation envisaged by Figure 3 is indicated by
`the length of the arrows 60.
`If the streamer 14 now needs to be moved laterally to the right (as viewed in Figures 3 to
`5), the angular position of the left wing 24 of the bird 10 is first adjusted to increase its lift,
`while the angular position of the right wing is adjusted to decrease its lift, as represented by
`the length of the arrows 64 in Figure 4, thus causing the bird 10 to roll clockwise from the
`position shown in Figure 3 to the position shown in Figure 4. This clockwise roll continues
`until the bird 10 reaches the steady state condition shown in Figure 5, where it can be seen that
`the vertical component of the lift produced by the wings 24, indicated by the arrows 66, is
`equal to the lift represented by the arrows 60 of Figure 3 required to maintain the streamer 14
`at the desired depth, while the much larger horizontal component, represented by the arrows
`68, moves the streamer 14 to the right.
`While adjusting the angular positions of the wings 24 of the bird 10, the control circuit
`34 continuously receives signals representative of the actual angular positions of the wings
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`Ex. PGS 1004


`from the stepper motors 48, 50, as well as a signal representative of the actual roll angle of the
`bird from the inclinometer 42, to enable it to determine when the calculated wing angular
`positions and bird roll angle have been reached. And as the aforementioned difference signals
`at the inputs 35 to 38 of the control circuit 34 reduce, the control circuit repeatedly
`recalculates the progressively changing values of the roll angle of the bird 10 and the angular
`positions of the wings 24 required for the bird and streamer reach the desired depth and lateral
`position, until the bird and streamer actually reach the desired depth and lateral position.
`The body of the bird 10 does not rotate with respect to the streamer 14, and thus twists
`the streamer as it rolls. The streamer 14 resists this twisting motion, so acting as a kind of
`torsion spring which tends to return the bird 1 0 to its nonnal position (ie with the wings 24
`extending horizontally). However, this spring returning action, though beneficial, is not
`essential, and the bird 1 0 can if desired be designed to rotate to a certain extent with respect to
`the axis of the streamer 14.
`It will be appreciated that the bird 10 has several important advantages with respect to
`prior art birds. Its in-line connection in the streamer 14 not only reduces the noise it generates
`as the streamer is towed through the water, but also enables it to derive power and control
`signals via the streamer and so obviates the need for batteries (although they may still be
`provided if desired for back-up purposes). But most importantly, it enables the horizontal or
`lateral position of the streamer 14 to be controlled, and not just its depth.
`Another significant advantage of the bird 1 0 is that by virtue of the shortness of the stiff
`parts of the respective body 12 and the easily detachable wings 24, it does not need to be
`removed from the streamer 14 during winding and unwinding. This saves a considerable
`amount oftime when carrying out the seismic survey.
`Many modifications can be made to the bird 10. For example, the wings 24 can be
`staggered slightly along the length of the body 12, in order to provide slightly more room for
`their respective drive trains. Additionally, the electric motors 48, 50 can be replaced by
`hydraulic actuators.
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`Ex. PGS 1004


`1. A control device for controlling the position of a marine seismic streamer, the device
`comprising a body mechanically connected in series between two adjacent sections of the
`streamer, sensor means in the body for determining its angular position in a plane
`perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the streamer, two opposed control surfaces projecting
`outwardly from the body, each control surface being rotatable about an axis which in use
`extends transversely of the streamer, and control means responsive to control signals and the
`sensor means for independently adjusting the respective angular positions of said two control
`surfaces so as to control the lateral position of the streamer as well as its depth.
`2. A control device as claimed in claim 1, for use with a multi-section streamer which
`includes an electric power line, wherein the control means is at least partly electrical and
`arranged in use to receive electric power from said electric power line.
`3. A control device as claimed in claim 1 or claim 2, for use with a streamer which also
`includes a control line, wherein the control means is arranged in use to receive control signals
`from the control line.
`4. A control device as claimed in any one of claims 1 to 3, wherein said two control
`surfaces are releasably secured to the body.
`5. A control device as claimed in claim 4, wherein the body is adapted to be wound onto a
`streamer drum while still connected in the streamer.
`6. A control device as claimed in claim 5, wherein the body is at least partly flexible.
`7. A control device as claimed in claim 5 or claim 6, wherein the body is of approximately
`the same diameter as the streamer.
`8. A control device as claimed in any ~preceding claim, wherein said control means includes
`at least one electrical motor.
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`Ex. PGS 1004


`9. A control device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein the control means includes
`means for sensing the angular position of each of the two control surfaces.
`10. A control device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein the two control surfaces
`rotate about a common axis.
`11. A control device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein each of the two control
`surfaces comprises a respective wing-like member which is swept back with respect to the
`direction of tow of the streamer.
`12. A control device as claimed in any preceding claim, wherein the body is adapted to be
`non-rotatably coupled in the streamer.
`13. A control device for controlling the position of a streamer, the device being substantially
`as herein described with respect of Figures 1. to 5 of the accompanying drawings.
`- 9-
`Ex. PGS 1004


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`Ex. PGS 1004


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`Ex. PGS 1004


`.1onal Application No
`PCT/GB 97/03507
`!PC 6 G01V1/38
`According to International Patent Classification (I PC) or to both national classification and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`!PC 6 G01V
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practical, search terms used)
`Category' Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`wo 97 30361 A (THOMSON CSF
`21 August 1997
`see abstract
`see page 5, line 19 - page 6, 1 i ne 19
`see page 7, 1 i ne 17 - 1 i ne 32
`see claims 1,2,10
`see figures 1,15
`us 5 619 474 A (KUCHE HANS-WALTER) 8 Apri 1
`see abstract
`see figure 1
`us 3 774 570 A (PEARSON R) 27 November
`see abstract
`see figures 1,2,8
`10' 11
`[] Further documents are listed In the continuation of box C.
`[] Patent family members are listed in annex.
`" Special categories of crted documents :
`"A" document defining the general state of the art which is not
`considered to be of particular relevance
`"E" earlier document but published on or after the International
`filing date
`"L" document which may throw doubts on priority claim(s) or
`which is cited to establish the publication date of another
`citation or other special reason (as specified)
`"0" document referring to an oral disclosure, use, exhibition or
`other means
`"P" document published prior to the intemational filing date but
`later than the prionty date claimed
`"T" later document published after the international filing date
`or priority date and not In conflict with the application but
`cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the
`"X" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
`cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
`involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
`"Y" document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
`cannot be considered to involve an inventive step when the
`document is combined with one or more other such docu·
`ments, such combination being obvious to a person skilled
`in the art.
`"&" document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of theinternational search
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`2 Apri 1 1998
`Name and mailing address of the ISA
`European Patent Office, P B. 5818 Patentlaan 2
`NL · 2280 HV Rijswijk
`Tel. (+31·70) 340·2040, Tx. 31 651 epo nl,
`Fax: (+31·70) 340·3016
`Authorized officer
`de Heering, Ph.
`Fonn PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992)
`page 1 of 2
`Ex. PGS 1004


`.lonal Application No
`PCT/GB 97/03507
`Category' Citation of document, with indication,where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`Relevant to claim No.
`US 5 443 027 A (OWSLEY NORMAN L ET AL) 22
`August 1995
`see column 2, line 16- line 19
`EP 0 193 215 A (LAITRAM CORP) 3 September
`US 4 745 583 A (MOTAL GARY W) 17 May 1988
`see abstract
`Form PCTIISN210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992)
`page 2 of 2
`Ex. PGS 1004


`lnfonnatlon on patent family members
`,ional Application No
`PCT/GB 97/03507
`Patent document
`cited in search report
`WO 9730361 A
`US 5619474 A
`US 3774570 A
`US 5443027 A
`EP 0193215 A
`Patent family
`FR 2744870 A
`AU 1883297 A
`941801 A
`AU 2539095 A
`EP 0759177 A
`WO 9531735 A
`950574 A
`DE 2223798 A
`FR 2169016 A
`GB 1345462 A
`NL 7206690 A,B,
`US 4711194 A
`CA 1260772 A
`DE 3682517 A
`JP 1838695 C
`JP 61167322 A
`US 4745583 A
`Form PCTIISN21 0 (patent family annex) (July 1992)
`Ex. PGS 1004

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