`International Bureau
`WO 97n1394
`(11) International Publication Number:
`(51) International Patent Classification 6 :
`GOlV 1138, 1120
`(43) International Publication Date:
`27 March 1997 (27.03.97)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`20 September 1996 (20.09.96)
`(81) Designated States: AU, CA, NO, SG, US, European patent
`(AT, BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU,
`MC, NL, PT, SE).
`Without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report.
`(30) Priority Data:
`22 September 1995 (22.09.95)
`22 September 1995 (22.09.95)
`22 September 1995 (22.09.95)
`22 September 1995 (22.09.95)
`22 September 1995 (22.09.95)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US):
`Harahan, LA 70123 (US).
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): ROUQUETI'E, Robert, E.
`[US/US]; 633 Meursault Drive, Kenner, LA 70065 (US).
`(74) Agents: HUNT, Gregory, A. et al.; Leydig, Voit & Mayer,
`Suite 300, 700 Thirteenth Street, N.W., Washington, DC
`20005 (US).
`(57) Abstract
`A system for communicating with and powering sensors and cable control and monitoring devices deployed at individual locations
`along an instrumented underwater cable used in offshore seismic prospecting or scientific, and/or military underwater cable or other
`applications. The system includes a unique underwater cable architecture, coupler design, and electrical device architecture to improve the
`reliability of the underwater cable and to allow the electrical devices to receive operational power from the underwater cable.
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 1

`Codes used to identify States party to the Per on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the Per.
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`COte d'lvoire
`Czech Republic
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`Viet Narn
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 2

`This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/004,203,
`filed 9/22/95, which is incorporated herein by reference; U.S. Provisional Application No.
`60/004,209, filed 9/22/95, which is incorporated herein by reference; U.S. Provisional
`Application No. 60/005,500, filed 9/22/95, which is incorporated herein by reference;
`U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/004,493, filed 9/22/95, which is incorporated herein
`by reference; and U.S. Provisional Application No. 60/004,494, filed 9/22/95, which is
`incorporated herein by reference.
`Field of the Invention
`The invention relates to underwater cable assemblies and, more particularly, to
`apparatuses for powering and communicating with and powering electrical devices, such
`as sensors and cable-control devices, deployed at spaced locations along an instrumented
`underwater cable, such as a towed seismic streamer cable used in offshore seismic
`prospecting or other applications.
`Background of the Invention
`Towed seismic streamer cable assemblies typically include a plurality of spaced
`electrical devices selectively disposed therealong. Where the electrical devices are
`connected around an exterior of the towed seismic streamer cable, they are commonly
`referred to as wet units.
`In many applications, the wet units are inductively coupled to
`data communication lines within the seismic streamer.
`One or more of the seismic streamer cable assemblies may be towed by a survey
`vessel. The wet units communicate with dry-end electronics disposed, for example, on the
`survey vessel via one or more communication channels. Communication channels
`between the wet units and dry-end electronics conventionally include either a single-ended
`twisted-pair data communication
`inductively coupled
`the wet units.
`Electromagnetic coupling may be utilized to allow communication with the wet units
`without breaching the exterior sheath of the towed seismic streamer cable.
`Conventionally, each of the wet units receives operational power from a battery
`~SHEEr (RULE21)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 3

`wo 97/11394
`disposed within the wet unit. The use of batteries as a primary power source in the
`plurality of spaced electrical devices may be required in practical applications because of
`low coupling coefficients between the underwater cable and the wet units. However, the
`use of batteries as the primary power source is frequently undesirable since the batteries
`5 may require replacement every few weeks or months. Replacing the batteries typically
`involves removing the wet units as the seismic cable is retrieved onto rolls on the survey
`vessel. The wet units are then individually serviced by opening the wet unit and replacing
`and/or recharging the existing batteries. This battery maintenance process may be highly
`inefficient and results in unwanted down time. Further, when lithium batteries are used,
`the cost of disposal and replacement of the batteries for a single vessel may exceed several
`hundred thousand dollars per year. Accordingly, conventional wet unit designs suffer
`from a number of problems.
`A major problem associated with eliminating batteries from the wet unit devices is
`the low coupling coefficient between the wet units and the underwater cable. Although
`numerous attempts have been made to improve this coupling coefficient, these attempts
`have been less than satisfactory.
`U.S. Patent No. 4,912,684 to John T. Fowler describes a communication system
`which transmits both power and data signals along a one- or two-wire transmission line
`running the length of the underwater cable. The power signals may be used to charge
`batteries in wet units such as cable-leveling birds attached along the cable. The power and
`data signals are inductively coupled between the transmission line and the wet units by
`means of coils connected to the transmission line at specific locations along the streamer
`and associated coils disposed within each bird. However, due to a number of technical
`difficulties, a seismic streamer cable assembly which transfers operational power from the
`underwater cable directly to the wet units or to the wet units and in-streamer devices has
`not yet proven commercially practical.
`For example, conventional transmission lines are typically configured as continuous,
`unbroken transmission lines running the length of the streamer cable which has
`traditionally been about 6 km or less. Transmission line losses in transmission lines of
`underwater streamer cables having a length longer than 6 km exacerbate the problems
`associated with powering the spaced electrical devices directly from the underwater
`streamer cable. Furthermore, data and/or power transmitted to electrical devices at the aft
`end of an underwater streamer cable are often severely attenuated. This problem may be
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 4

`particularly acute where data lines are also utilized to transmit power. It has been found
`that transmission line losses and noise levels in such a system often make the system
`commercially impractical. Thus, communication with and power delivery to aft electrical
`devices may be difficult, particularly for ever increasing cable lengths. Much research
`has been directed at solving this problem, but to date there has been little success.
`One approach is to resort to heavy gauge wire and increase the power level
`transmitted to the cable. However, this is typically unacceptable because additional
`weight may be added to the underwater cable and because higher power levels may
`interfere with the operations of the seismic equipment, such as
`the underwater
`Another shortcoming of conventional power distribution and/or data communication
`systems is that the inductive circuits utilized to couple between the underwater cable and
`the wet units are required to be precisely tuned within narrow margins to ensure adequate
`coupling of power and data to or from the electrical devices. If an electrical device fails,
`falls off, or is otherwise damaged or removed from the underwater cable, the associated
`coil on the transmission line may have an open secondary, detuning the tuned circuit.
`Often, the transmission line may be detuned to the point where reliable data and power
`transfer is compromised.
`In typical underwater sonar cables, it is difficult to transfer power along the cable at
`a high frequency due to the length of the cable, amount of power required to be
`distributed, and the noise generated by such a transfer. Accordingly, power is typically
`transferred along the entire length of the cable at a low frequency. However, low
`frequency signals are extremely inefficient when coupled across a transformer having a
`low coupling coefficient. Thus, configurations which couple power from the main power
`line may be commercially impractical in many applications.
`Another shortcoming of conventional streamer power distribution and/or data
`communication systems may be reliability problems due to the leakage of seawater into
`one or more of the sections of the streamer cable. As seawater leaks into a section of the
`underwater streamer cable, a low-impedance path or short circuit may be formed across
`In a continuous-wire transmission line running the length of the
`the transmission line.
`underwater cable, the short circuit may disable the entire transmission line. When the
`transmission line is disabled, sensor data cannot be collected, the electrical devices cannot
`be powered from the underwater cable, and depth control from the survey vessel may be
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 5

`Thus, there is a need for an underwater cable power distribution and/or data
`communication system that overcomes these and other problems and enables highly
`efficient and reliable transmission of power and data between the underwater cable and the
`electrical devices even under demanding operational conditions.
`Summary of the Invention
`A principal object of the present invention is to provide a power distribution and/or
`data communication system which provides an elegant and reliable power distribution and
`data communication system for supplying power and data to a plurality of electrical
`devices disposed along an underwater cable.
`The power distribution and/or data
`communication system may also provide an improved structure and/or operation which
`enhances the reliability of the seismic streamer cable assembly even when the cable is
`damaged and/or electrical devices are removed.
`Additional objects of various aspects of the present invention include providing an
`underwater cable structure which enables the transferring of operational power to the
`electrical devices without breaching the outer sheath of the underwater cable; eliminating
`batteries as the primary source of operational power for the electrical devices coupled to
`the underwater cable; eliminating and/or reducing the need to change batteries; providing
`better economy by enabling an underwater cable assembly to survey for more hours
`20 without interruptions; extending the operational length of underwater cables by 5, 10, 15,
`20 krn or more without altering the basic structure and/ or operation of the underwater
`cable power distribution and/or data communication system; increasing the bandwidth of
`data transmitted to and received from the electrical devices; minimizing the weight of
`wires (e.g., copper wires) in the underwater cable; reducing the weight, size, and number
`of inductive cores used along the underwater cable; allowing brittle cores to be used in
`inductors along the underwater cable;
`increasing the power transfer efficiency from a
`main power supply to the electrical devices disposed along the underwater cable; reducing
`noise generated by the power transfer which may interfere with the seismic equipment;
`reducing capacitive coupling and mutual inductance between the electrical devices and
`other parts of the underwater cable;
`improving the coupling coefficient of a transformer
`disposed about the outer sheath of the underwater cable; providing a fault tolerant power
`distribution and data communication system in an underwater cable assembly; reducing the
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 6

`number of data and power transmission lines coupled to each of the electrical devices and
`time associated with
`the underwater cable;
`communications through the underwater cable with the electrical devices; allowing the
`electrical devices to respond directly to detected fault conditions without intervention of
`dry-end electronics; and providing for degraded mode operations which allow the most
`critical electrical device operations to be maintained even during fault conditions.
`Accordingly, the present invention provides an underwater power distribution system
`including an underwater cable for powering a plurality of electrical devices disposed along
`the cable. A main power line extends through the underwater cable. Two or more power
`distribution lines and two or more power distributors are also disposed in the underwater
`cable. Each power distributor is electrically coupled between the main power line and one
`of the power distribution lines to transfer power from the main power line to the
`associated power distribution line. One or more power couplers are disposed at selected
`locations along the underwater cable. Each power distribution line is coupled to one or
`15 more power couplers proximate to one of the electrical devices for coupling power to the
`proximate device.
`In underwater systems embodying this aspect of the invention, power may be
`transmitted along the main line and then distributed to the electrical devices by the power
`distribution lines. Each power distribution line distributes power directly to a small
`subgroup of the electrical devices. This arrangement is particularly advantageous.
`allows both power transmission along the main line and power distribution along the
`distribution lines to be independently optimized regardless of the length of the underwater
`cable assembly, resulting in a highly reliable and efficient underwater power distribution
`system. Systems embodying this aspect of the invention are so reliable and so efficient
`that batteries may either be eliminated entirely from the electrical devices or used only
`rarely in a fail safe capacity. Thus, this aspect of the invention virtually eliminates the
`economic loss associated with retrieving an underwater cable and replacing or recharging
`the batteries in the electrical devices and greatly extends the operational life of an
`underwater cable assembly.
`In addition, this arrangement of a main power line and several power distribution
`lines allows segmentation of the underwater cable assembly. For example, each power
`distribution line and the subgroup of electrical devices coupled to that power distribution
`line may define a different segment of the underwater cable assembly. This arrangement
`SUBSTI1UT£ SEr (Rill! 21)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 7

`wo 97/11394
`PCT IUS96/15128
`further enhances the reliability of an underwater cable assembly because it provides a
`highly fault-tolerant system. Each segment may be provided with fault protective features
`that isolate a fault, such as seawater intrusion or loss of an electrical device, in that
`segment but preserve power transfer and data communications to the remaining segments
`of the underwater cable assembly.
`Further, segmentation of the underwater cable
`assembly allows the cable assembly to be easily lengthened simply by adding additional
`segments, i.e., by extending the main power line and adding additional power distribution
`The invention also provides an underwater power distribution system for powering
`electrical devices. The underwater power distribution system includes an underwater
`cable including two or more streamer electronics modules and two or more cable
`segments. At least one of the electrical devices is disposed along each cable segment, and
`the streamer electronics modules are alternately arranged with the cable segments and
`spaced from the electrical devices. A main power line extends through the underwater
`cable. Two or more power distribution lines are disposed in the underwater cable with at
`least one power distribution line extending through each cable segment. Each streamer
`electronics module includes a circuit for coupling electric power from the main power line
`to an adjacent power distribution line. Two or more power couplers are disposed at
`selected locations along the underwater cable. Each power distribution line is coupled to
`one or more power couplers and each power coupler is positioned proximate to at least
`one of the electrical devices to couple power to the proximate device.
`Systems embodying this aspect of the invention may be similar to, and have many of
`the same advantages as, the previously described underwater power distribution system.
`However, in systems embodying this aspect of the invention, the underwater cable
`comprises alternately arranged streamer electronics modules and cable segments, and at
`least one power distribution line branches from the main power line at a streamer
`electronics module. This arrangement allows much of the circuitry, including power
`supplies, data circuits, and circuit cards to be consolidated with existing circuitry in the
`streamer electronics modules and,
`therefore, significantly reduces the weight and
`complexity added to the underwater cable assembly to effect power transfer to the power
`distribution lines.
`The invention provides a method for distributing power underwater to one or more
`electrical devices disposed along an underwater cable. The method comprises transmitting
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 8

`power at a first frequency on a main power line of the underwater cable, converting the
`power on the main power line to a second frequency, higher than the first frequency, and
`distributing the power at the second frequency on two or more power distribution lines to
`the electrical devices. The first frequency may be either a DC frequency of zero or an
`5 AC frequency having a value greater than zero.
`The invention also provides an underwater power distribution system for powering
`two or more electrical devices. The underwater power distribution system includes an
`underwater cable and the devices are disposed along the underwater cable. A main power
`line extends through the underwater cable and is arranged to transmit a main power signal
`at a first frequency. A plurality of conversion circuits are disposed at spaced locations
`along the underwater cable and are respectively coupled between the main power line and
`the electrical devices. Each conversion circuit is arranged to convert the main power
`signal into a power distribution signal at a second frequency higher than the first
`In methods and systems embodying these aspects of the invention, power is
`transmitted along the main power line at one frequency and is distributed to the electrical
`devices along the underwater cable at a higher frequency. This arrangement greatly
`increases the power transfer efficiency along the main line and to the electrical devices.
`Transmitting power at a relatively low frequency along the main power line allows the
`power to be most efficiently transmitted to the aft end of the underwater cable.
`Converting the lower frequency main power signal to a higher frequency power
`distribution signal allows the power to be most efficiently distributed from the main power
`line to the electrical devices. This is especially advantageous where the electrical devices
`are mounted external to the underwater cable and power is inductively or capacitively
`coupled through the sheath of the underwater cable without any connectors physically
`penetrating the sheath. The high frequency signal inductively couples power through the
`sheath far better than a low frequency signal.
`In some embodiments employing these aspects of the invention, it may be desirable
`to first convert the main power signal into a DC signal and then to convert the DC signal
`into a higher frequency power distribution signal. Conversion first to a DC signal may
`further improve the efficiency of the power conversion process.
`The invention provides an underwater power distribution system for supplying
`power. The underwater power distribution system includes an underwater cable and two
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 9

`wo 97/11394
`or more electrical devices selectively disposed along the underwater cable.
`underwater cable has an outer sheath and is filled with a lossy dielectric material having a
`dissipation factor of about 0.01 or greater. A main power line extends through the
`underwater cable. A plurality of insulated twisted pair transmission wires extend through
`the underwater cable and are coupled between the main power line and the electrical
`devices. Each twisted pair transmission wire has an outer sheath and a dissipation factor
`of less than about 0.01 when surrounded by the lossy dielectric material.
`Systems embodying this aspect of the invention very effectively transfer power along
`an underwater cable to electrical devices even when the underwater cable is filled with a
`lossy dielectric material, such as a non-aqueous liquid that maintains the underwater cable
`in a neutrally buoyant state. By providing an outer sheath on the transmission wires that
`has a dissipation factor of less than about 0.01 in the lossy material, power can
`nonetheless be very effectively transferred along the underwater cable, through the power
`distribution lines, to the electrical devices.
`The invention also provides an underwater system for distributing power to and
`communicating with two or more electrical devices. The underwater system includes an
`underwater cable and the electrical devices are selectively disposed along the cable. Each
`device includes one or more loads. A first line extends through the underwater cable and
`is coupled to the electrical devices. Fault detection circuitry is coupled to the first line to
`detect when a fault is present. Disabling circuitry is coupled to the fault detection
`circuitry to disable one or more of the loads in a hierarchical order in response to a fault.
`The invention also provides a method for distributing power along an underwater
`transmission system. The under water transmission system includes an underwater cable
`having two or more electrical devices spaced along the underwater cable, and each device
`includes one or more loads. The method includes transferring electrical signals along the
`underwater cable, detecting a fault in the underwater transmission system, removing loads
`along the underwater cable in a hierarchical order in response to the fault, and powering
`the remaining loads.
`The invention further provides a method for distributing both power and data along
`an underwater cable. Two or more spaced electrical devices are coupled to the
`underwater cable and each device includes one or more electrical loads. The method
`includes transferring power and data along a line in the underwater cable, detecting a
`fault, and selectively removing one or more of the electrical loads from the underwater
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 10

`cable according to a predetermined hierarchy in response to the fault.
`Systems and methods embodying these aspects of the invention respond to a failure
`in a power line or a data distribution line by selectively removing, e.g., shutting down,
`various loads and associated functions in a controlled, hierarchical manner. The least
`important functions or electrical devices are shut down first and the most important
`functions or electrical devices are shut down last. Alternatively, all electrical devices or
`functions may be shut down responsive to the fault, and then the most important electrical
`devices added in a controlled, hierarchical manner provided sufficient power is present.
`This management enhances the survivability of the more critical functions or devices
`in the damaged section of the cable as well as the survivability of other functions or
`devices disposed at undamaged sections of the cable. Shedding the electrical load
`associated with various functions or devices, and particularly hierarchical load shedding,
`has even greater importance where both power and data are disposed on a single
`distribution line. Load shedding allows power transfer and communications to or from aft
`electrical devices to remain intact even when an intermediate cable segment has been
`The invention provides an underwater power distribution system for powering two
`or more electrical devices. The underwater power distribution system includes an
`underwater cable with the electrical devices selectively spaced along the cable. A power
`line extends through the underwater cable and is coupled to the electrical devices. A
`current limited driver circuit is coupled to the power line to drive a power distribution
`signal on the power line at or below a predetermined current level. A fault detection
`circuit is also coupled to the power line. The fault detection circuit includes a voltage
`detection circuit for detecting a change in the voltage on the power line.
`Systems embodying this aspect of the invention allow a fault to be quickly detected
`autonomously by each of the electrical devices or by each segment of the underwater cable
`without intervention of the survey vessel. For example, where the current on each power
`line is limited, a short circuit or other current leakage fault, such as sea water intrusion,
`causes a drop in voltage to occur on the power distribution lines. A fault (e.g., sea water
`intrusion) may be detected simply by a monitoring a voltage received from the power line,
`e.g. , by detecting a reduction in the voltage on the power line. Further, the current
`limited driver not only provides for autonomous fault detection, but also prevents a section
`of the underwater cable from exceeding a predetermined power budget due to the fault.
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 11

`wo 97/11394
`Excess power drawn from one or more cable sections may adversely affect the entire
`operation of the underwater cable.
`The invention further provides an underwater power/data transfer system comprising
`an underwater cable and a mechanism associated with the cable for transfering power
`and/or data along, into, or out of the cable.
`The invention further provides a device associated with an underwater cable
`comprising a mechanism for sending, receiving, or generating power and/or data.
`The invention further provides an underwater data communications system for
`communicating with a plurality of electrical devices, and includes a primary data
`communications circuit, a backup data communications circuit, and circuitry coupled to
`the primary data communications circuit and the backup data communications circuit to
`switch between
`the primary data communications circuit and
`the backup data
`communications circuit in response to a loss of power to the electrical devices.
`The invention provides an underwater communication system for communicating
`15 with two or more electrical devices. The underwater communication system includes an
`underwater cable with the electrical devices selectively disposed along the underwater
`cable. An inbound data distribution line and an outbound data distribution line extend
`through the underwater cable and are coupled to one or more of the electrical devices. At
`least one repeater circuit is disposed in the underwater cable. The repeater circuit
`includes synchronization circuitry coupled to the inbound and outbound data distribution
`lines to derive clock data from the outbound data and to transmit the inbound data in
`accordance with the derived clock data so that a timing relationship exists between
`inbound and outbound data.
`The invention also provides a method of communicating data underwater. The
`25 method comprises transmitting outbound data and inbound data through a repeater circuit
`in an underwater cable, decoding the outbound data in the repeater circuit to recover clock
`data, and transmitting inbound data from the repeater circuit in synchronism with the
`clock data.
`The invention further provides another method for communicating data underwater.
`30 The method comprises receiving outbound data along an underwater cable, decoding the
`outbound data to recover a clock signal, and transmitting inbound data along the
`underwater cable in synchronism with the data clock.
`In systems and methods embodying these aspects of the invention, transmission of
`.-nnnt SHEEr (RUlE 21)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2146, pg. 12

`wo 97111394
`inbound data along an underwater cable is synchronized according to a clock derived from
`the outbound data. Synchronization of the inbound data with the outbound data by the
`repeaters, electrical devices, and dry-end electronics greatly reduces the latency, i.e., the
`time delay, associated with sending an inbound electrical signal from an electrical device,
`resulting in more efficient utilization of the available bandwidth. Further, since the
`electrical devices are already synchronized with each of the repeaters and the dry-end
`electronics, there is no need to send out a long preamble to achieve synchronization with
`each repeater and the dry-end electronics. Thus, in accordance with these aspects of the
`invention, data may be sent inbound from the electrical devices to the survey ve

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