WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 1
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 1

`Deparzmem‘ of Mechanism Engr'neen'n.g,
`MCGEH Uarivcrsii)‘,
`Monrreai, Québec, Canada
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 2

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`1 lntroductzon
`|.1 General
`1.2 Ciiissifi
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`2 Concept-*=, D
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`3 Pipes Cnuvcy
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`3.2.2 C
`3.2.3 0
`This book is printed an nc:‘iJ—Fr::c paper.
`(‘upyrighl © 1998 by ACADEMIC PRESS
`AH R!"I;.f!'r’.\' Rc'.s'r’rw’d.
`No part 0|‘ this publication may he rcpimluccd or lr;1m;miI1::d in any form or by any means.
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`i[iL1iLIl.ii]']g plmlocnpy, recording. ur any ir1i'u|'im1tiui1 slnraigc-2 and retrieval
`syslcni, wiihuul pcr1ni:;.~;imI in writing from the puhlssiicr.
`AI.'d(itZl1'IiL‘ Press
`525 13 S1':'ccl, Suiic mun, San Dicgi:,C:1ii!h1'11ia 9301-4495, USA
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`24-23 (mi Road. Lolidun NWI 70):. UK
`ISBN o—i2—54436n—9
`A uuuilogilc record for this hook is uvaiiubli: from the British Lihrairy
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 98—S6469
`’l"ypesct by Lasel‘ Words, Madras, India
`Printed in Great Britain by WBC Bonk M.mufacliirci's, Bridgeml, Mini-Giamiorgun
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 3

`1' by any means.
`n storage and retrieval
`Artwork Ackil.ow[edgrite.-:.r.x-
`1 Introduction
`l.l General ove|'view
`1.2 Classification of ll(]W-i|1dl1t..‘L:{l vibrations
`Scope and contents of volume I
`1.4 Contents of volume 2 .
`Concepts, Definitions and Methods
`2.| Discrete and distributed p:n'an1etet' systems .
`The equations of motion .
`Brief review of discrete systems .
`The Galerkin method via a simple example
`Gale1‘kin‘s method for a nonconservative system .
`Sel|'—adjoint and positive definite continuous systcnis
`Diatgonalization. and forced vibrations ol‘ continuous
`The fluid mechanics of tluid—structu1‘e interactions .
`2.2.] General Ci‘t'ctl'aClt2l‘ and equations of tinid tlow .
`2.2.2 Loading on coaxial shells tilled with quiescent fluid .
`2.2.3 Loading on coaxial shells filled with quiescent
`viscous lluid .
`2.3 Linear and nonlinear dynamics .
`Pipes Conveying Fluid: Linear Dynamics I
`3.2 The fundamentals
`Pipes with supported ends .
`3.2.2 Cantilcvered pipes
`3.2.3 On the various bifurcations
`The equations 01' motion .
`Preamble .
`3.3.2 Newtonian derivation .
`3-3-3 Hamiltonian derivation .
`3.3.4 A comment on frictional forces
`3.3.5 Nondimensienal equation of motion
`3.3.6 Methods of solution .
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 4

`I 1
`1 H
`l 15
`l. I3
`Pipes with supported ends .
`3.4.1 Main theoretical results
`3.4.2 Pressurization, tensioning and gravity effects
`Pipes on an elastic foundation
`3.4.4 Experiments
`Cantilevered pipes .
`3.5.] Main theoretical results
`3.5.2 The effect of gravity
`3.5.3 The effect of dissipation .
`3.5.4 The S-shaped discontinuities
`3.5.5 On destabilization by damping .
`3.5.6 Experiments
`3.5.7 The effect of an elastic foundation
`3.5.8 Effects of tension and refined fluid mechanics modelling .
`Systems with added springs, supports, masses and other
`Pipes supported at 5 = i‘/L < I
`3.6.2 Cantilevered pipes with additional spring supports
`Pipes with additionai point masses
`Pipes with additional dashpots
`Fluid follower forces
`3.6.6 Pipes with attached plates
`3.6.7 Concluding rcniarks .
`Long pipes and wave propagation .
`3.7.1 Wave propagation
`lnliniiely long pipe on elastic foundation .
`3.7.3 Periodically supported pipes
`Articulated pipes .
`3.8.1 The basic dynamics
`3.8.2 N-Degree~of—l'recdom pipes
`3.8.3 Modified systems
`3.8.4 Spatial systems
`1 86
`4 Pipes Conveying Fluid: Linear Dynamics II
`Introduction .
`4.2 Nonuniform pipes
`4.2.1 The equation of motion
`4.2.2 Anaiysis and results
`4.2.3 Experiments
`4.2.4 Other work on submerged pipes
`Aspirating pipes and ocean mining .
`4.3.1 Baekgrotmd .
`4.3.2 Analysis of the ocean mining system .
`4.3.3 Recent developments
`Short pipes and refined flow modelling
`Equations of motion .
`4.4.2 Method of analysis
`2! I
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 5

`4.4.3 The inviscid lluid—dyn:unic force
`4.4.4 The fluid-dynamic force by the integral FOLll‘il’:r—l;I'flIlSf0U11
`4.4.5 Relined and plug-llow fluid—dynarnic forces and specification
`of the outflow model
`4.4.6 Stability of Clamped—clarnpoCl pipes
`Stability of cantilevered pipes
`4.4.8 Comparison with experiment
`4.4.9 Concluding remarks on short pipes and refined-llow
`4.4.10 Long pipes and refined llow theory .
`4.4.] l Pipes conveying eornpressihle fluid .
`Pipes with hartnonieally perturbed llow .
`Simple parametric resonances
`4.5.2 Combination resonances
`4.5.3 Experiments
`4.5.4 Paratnctric resonances by analytical methods
`4.5.5 Articulated and modilied systems
`4.5.6 Two—phase and stochastically perturbed flows
`Forced vibration
`4.6.l The dynamics of forced vibration .
`4.6.2 Analytical methods for forced vibration .
`Applications .
`4.7.] The Coriolis mass-llow meter
`4.7.2 Hydroelastie ichthyoid propulsion .
`4.7.3 Vibration attenuation
`4.7.4 Stability of tleep—water risers
`4.7.5 High-precision piping vibration codes
`4.7.6 Vibration conveyance and vihration—intlueed llow
`4.7.7 Miscellaneous applications
`4.8 Concluding remarks .
`5 Pipes Conveying Fluid: Nonlinear and Chaotic Dynamics
`Introrluetory comments .
`5.2 The nonlinear equations of motion
`I-Iamilton’s principle and energy expressions .
`5.2.3 The equation ol’ motion of a cantilevered pipe
`5.2.4 > The equation of motion for a pipe titted at both ends
`5.2.5 Boundary conditions
`5.2.6 Dissipative terms .
`5.2.7 Dimensionless equations
`5.2.8 Comparison with other equations for cantilevers
`5.2.9 Comparison with other equations for pipes with fixed ends
`5.2.10 Concluding remarks
`5.3 Equations for articulated systenls
`5-4 Mt‘-lhnds of solution and analysis
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 6

`6.6 Cum‘;
`A Fl (‘St-prin
`B Analytical
`C Deslabiliz
`D Experimet
`D_t Mate:
`D.2 Short
`D.3 Flexu
`D4 Measi
`E The Timot
`E.l The e
`E2 The e
`E3 The it
`F Some of ti
`5.5 Pipes with supported ends
`5.5.1 The effect of amplitude on frequency
`5.5.2 The post-divergence dynamics
`5.5.3 Pipes with an axially sliding downstream end .
`Impulsively excited 3—D motions
`Articulated cantilevered pipes
`5.6.1 Cantilever with constrained end _
`5.6.2 Uneonstrained cantilevers
`5.6.3 Concluding comment
`Cantilevered pipes
`2-D limit-cycle motions
`3-D limit—cye[e motions
`5.7.3 Dynamics under double degeneracy conditions
`5.7.4 Concluding comment
`Chaotic dynamics
`Loosely constrained pipes
`5.8.2 Magnetically buckled pipes
`5.8.3 Pipe with added mass at the free end
`5.8.4 Chaos near double degeneraeies
`5.8.5 Chaos in the articulated system
`Nouilineai‘ parametric resonances
`Pipes with supported ends
`5.9.2 Cantilevered pipes
`5.10 OseilIation—induced llow .
`5.ll Concluding remarks
`6 Curved Pipes Conveying Fluid
`Formulation of the problem
`6.2.] Kinematics of the system
`6.2.2 The equations of’ motion .
`6.2.3 The boundary conditions .
`6.2.4 Nondimensional equations .
`6.2.5 Equations of motion of an inextensible pipe .
`6.2.6 Equations of motion of an extensible pipe
`Finite element analysis
`6.3.| Analysis for inextensible pipes
`6.3.2 Analysis for extensible pipes
`Curved pipes with supported ends
`6.4.1 Conventional inextensible theory
`6.4.2 Extensible theory
`6.4.3 Modified inextensible theory .
`6.4.4 More intricate pipe shapes and other work .
`6.4.5 Concluding remarks
`Curved cantilevered pipes
`65.] Modified inextensible and extensible theories
`6.5.2 Nonlinear and chaotic dynamics .
`F. 1.|
`F. [.2
`F.l .3
`The rt
`G Newtonial‘
`G.l Cantil
`G.2 Pipef
`H Nonlinear‘
`H.l Centti:
`H.'2 Norm:
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 7

`6.6 Curved pipes with an axially sliding end
`6.6.1 Transversely sliding downstream end
`6.6.2 Axially sliding downstrenrn end .
`A First-principles Derivation of the Equation of Motion of a Pipe
`Conveying Fluid
`B Analytical Evaluation of b,,., (:5, and E!“
`C Destabilization by Damping: T. Brooke Benjamirfs Work
`47 l
`D Experimental Methods for Elastomer Pipes
`D.] Materials, equipment and procedures .
`D2 Short pipes, shells and cylinders .
`D.3 Flcxtlral rigidity and damping constants .
`D4 Measurement of Frequencies and damping
`E The Timoshenko Equations of Motion and Associated Analysis
`E.1 The equations of motion .
`E.2 The eigenfunctions of a Timoshenko beam .
`E3 The integrals In,
`F Some of the Basic Methods of Nonlinear Dynamics
`Lyapunov method
`F.l.| The concept of Lynpunov stability
`l-7.1.2 Linea1'i'.r.ation
`F.l .3 Lyapunov direct method .
`Centre manifold reduction .
`Normal forms
`The method of zweraging
`Bifurcation theory and unfolding parameters .
`Partial dil'I'erenliz1l equations
`F.6.l The method of averaging revisited
`F'.6.2 The L.ynp1znov—Sel1midl reduction
`F-53 The method of alternate problems .
`49 l
`G Newtonian Derivation of the Nonlinear Equations of Motion of n Pipe
`Conveying Fluid
`G.l Cantilevercd pipe
`G.2 Pipe fixed at both ends
`H N°“]i“e3" Dynamics Theory Applied to :1 Pipe Conveying Fluid
`H1 Centre manifold
`H2 Normal form .
`I-[.2.1 Dynumie instability
`H22 Static imatahility
`5 I5
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 8

`I The Fractal Dimension from the Experimental Pipe-vibration Signal
`J Detailed Analysis for the Derivation of the Equations of Motion of
`Chapter 6
`Relationship between (X5, fit}, an) and (x, y, .1
`J.?. The expressions for curvature and twi:
`J.3 Derivation of the lluid—aceeleration vector
`1.4 The equations of motion For the pipe
`K Matrices for the Analysis of an Extensible Curved Pipe
`Conveying Fluid
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`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2079, pg. 9

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