WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2068, pg. 1
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2068, pg. 1

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`Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data
`Main eulry under title:
`Wd7steI‘s third new lntemallomll dictionary of the English language.
`unabridged: a Merriam-Wehstuieditor in chiei, Philip Babcock
`Gove and the Merrinm-Webster editorial stafi.
`ISBN E87779-201-l (blue siurdite) —lSBN M7779-2o2—x
`(carrying case), — ISBN 0—87779-206-2 (imperial buckram).
`1. English iangiiagwoiezionanzs.
`1. Gave, Philip Babcuuli.
`1902 1972.
`ii. Merriam-Webster, Inc
`PEi62S.W3E 1993
`reserved. Nu part 0/ this book covered by the mpyrigtits hereon may be
`All right‘
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`wrilicri perrriirsiori of the publisher.
`. . .
`Preface .
`Editorial Stafl
`Outside Consiilta
`Explanatory Char
`Explanatory Not:
`Divisions in Bold
`Spelling. .
`izztion. .
`Italicization. .
`cgs electromagne
`Afro-Asiatic lang
`alphabet table. . .
`anthracite coal si:
`architecture... ,
`common area for
`Beaufort scale. .
`ship’s bells. .
`. .
`hook sizes. .
`Braille alphabet.
`constellations. .
`chief crusades. . .
`principal ocean c
`executive U.S. tie
`dye tables I and
`Easter dates. .. .
`chemical element
`four syllogisticfl;
`principal railroac
`common shotgun
`geologic time
`gestation periods
`glacial epochs . .
`incubation period
`Irzdo-European la‘
`measures and wei
`Two plates in
`Constellations an
`Constellations an
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2068, pg. 2

`gliding ioinf
`formation of new initials in the canlbiuin) —- called also sliding
`gliding joint I1 : ARTHRODIA
`lgllff \‘glil\ vi
`-En/-ING/-s [ME glif/cu to look quickly,
`glance] dinl Rm : snuunun
`iglitf \“\ 7|
`-5 [E dial. (northern) gill]. v., to look quickly,
`glance, fr. ME gliflcri] 1 chiefly Scot I : GLlMl>Sl;:
`ll : a faint
`trace : suuoizsrlon 2 chiejly Scot : a sudden fright : SCAKE
`3 chit-fly Scot : a brief moment : INSTANT
`gllff-lng \-firJ\ n -5 [fr. gerund of E dial. (northern) gli/J, v.]
`lglim \'glim\ ri -s [perl-I. short for 2 limmer]
`-ot a ~ of hope —P.E.Green) f slang : a brief look
`: GLANCE 3 is (I) : something (as a lamp. flashli ht. candle)
`that furnishes light
`ILLUMINATION; esp : llunilnalion
`from a particular source of ii
`t (~: from a half dozen hurri-
`canc lamps spotted a path to
`e far door —Richard Llewellyn)
`b urchrx‘
`: EYE
`vi glimmed; glimnled; glimming; glims slang
`: to take :4 look a
`lance at : ATCH
`gli-ma \'glEma\ Vt -
`[lcel glima, fr. 0Icel] : ii wrestling tech-
`his bac
`nique wl'(hose object is to throw an opponent to the floor on
`‘glime \'glim\ Vi‘-ED/-ING/-S [origin unknown] dial chiefly
`Brit : to look obliquely at samethuig : steal is glance
`Iglime \“\ n -s dial chiefly Brit : an oblique glance
`‘ghm-mer \'glima(r)\ vi glinunered; glunmered; gli.uuuer-
`iitg \-m(a)riu\ glimmer: [ME glimereri, glemeren; akin to
`MHG glim spark, glimmen to glow, glimrmrn to glow, ON
`gljc7 to glittcr ~ more at QLEAMJ 1 I : to emit feeble or in-
`candles ~ed in the windows of the old inn)
`low the
`fermitlent rays of light : shine faintly or unsteadily <gl€lCkel'lng
`intruder's pockmarked face ~ed the barrel 0 an automatic
`pistol vl-‘.V.W.Mason)
`b :
`to shimmer softly (her white
`satin dress ~ed in the dusk) 2 : to appear indistinctly with or
`as if with a faintly luminous quahty (the chalk cliffs «vet! for
`off in the night)
`Zglimmer \“\ u -s 1 a : a feeble or intermittent light: a faint
`or unsteady shining (the space beyond the ~ of her lunlern
`—Ellen Glasgow) (the first ~ of dawn) h : a soft shimmer
`(the moonlit ~ of the pool) 2 a : a dim perception : a lnint
`idea (the interview gave them a ~ of what they could expect)
`h : a vague manifestation or indication : lN'nMA'l'l0N. INKLINO
`(had given the worldonly a ~ of her
`otentlal _as a gay
`slaughterer of convention —-Bernard Kalb
`c : an indistinct
`appearance marked by or as if by a faintly luminous qualit
`(he saw the ~ of her face in the shadow ~—R.P.Warren
`3 : a small amount or degree : a faint trace : arr a_~ of hope
`showing in his eyes —‘l‘.B.Costain) (a ~ of inte ligence)
`Iglimmer \"\ n -S [G. back-formation fr. glirrlmerri Io glow.
`fr. Ml-{G} 2 Mia
`Slimmer gawk n. dial Eng : owL _
`glimmer ice ri : ioe newly fanned in cracks. holes. or surface
`puddles of other ice
`Iglimmering adj [ME glimerlngz,
`llrrlerlng, fr.
`llmei-en to
`glimmer + -inge, -ing -ing (v. sufix or ad]. suf ix)l : that
`glilniners (the ~ rnist of a spring rain splashed by sun and
`a v
`streaked by rainbow —Claudiii Cassldy) ~ glimdner-lug-Iv
`zglimmering n -s [ME glimerln e,
`limering, fr. glirnererl _to
`glimmer + -inge. -iniz -ing (n. su fixllt GUMMER (the last faint
`~s cf
`twilight —'l'.L.Peacock) (5 ~ of happiness —W.R.
`Burnett) (~s of economic theory in the writings of the Greeks
`—l.eo Fishmtln)
`gli.tii.inery \-m(a)r€\
`ad] [Iglimmer + -y] : tending to glimmer
`or ha>ving an er cc! suggestive of glimmering (n peculiar --
`lglimpse \'glim(p)s\ vb -En/-mo/-s [ME gllmsen; akin to
`MHG glimsen to glimmer, glfm spark] vi 1 archaic : GLIMMER
`1 : to take a brief look _: glvega passin
`lance (he glimpsed at
`the letter, then threw it impatiently as) e ~ vi 1 archaic : to
`furnish a brief look at 2 : to get a brief look at : see momen-
`tarily or incompletely (glimpsed the man as he sped through
`the forest) (from the fragments of sculpture that remain we
`can ~ the strength and beauty of_ the figures that adorned the
`lemples —w.K.Fer uson) ~ \-so(r)\ n —s
`Iglinipse \“\ n -s
`archaic : oiwwini 2 : ii hrjef fleetin
`look : a momentary or incomplete view (an occasional ~ 0
`her husband‘; face behind the morning newspaper —Cvrace
`Nagle) (had interesting ~.v of them as they went in and out of
`the various cabins —Joseph Conrad)
`Iglinl \'glint\ vb -ED/-ING/-S [ME glinren, alter. of glenren
`~ more at GLENTI vi 1 a archaic : to move rapidly and usu.
`obliquely; s eclj : to glance off an object struck the muiorit
`the shells struck armor and simply ~ed o f —W.A.My.
`Geode) h of rays of
`: to strike 3 reflecting surface
`obliquely and dart out at an angle (light gleaming and spar-
`kling on thesea .
`. Nlriiz from the sand—J.L.Lowes) 2 a :to
`shine usu. by refle tion: (1) : to shine with tiny bright flashes
`: SPARKLE (the slightly niffled surface of the lake was ~i‘ng
`brilliantly in the morning sunlight) (little tin cups that ~ like
`bright money —~Lillian Smith) (you can see the rocks and
`pebbles ~ing under the shimmcrin
`veil of waiter —wliilnrn
`Goyen) (2)
`: to shine with a hat bright metallic luster of
`scattered light 2 ctn-tax (eyes ~i'ng with anger) (sunlight ~ed
`on the vicious edges of the bottle fragments —l-larriet Lil
`Barre) (3) : to shine with a subdued scatteredlight : GLI-SAM
`(moonlight ~r»d on the brass bed —Sloane Wilson)
`ll : to
`emit scattered rays of light (held a magnifying glass over my
`hand and let the sun N through —Charles Spielberger)
`faintly. or transiently (across the river the vil age .
`. . ~cd
`3 2
`lo look quickly or briefly : PEEP 4 : to appear briefly.
`through the palms ~H.0.Forbes) ~ vt
`: to cause to glint
`: reflect in tiny flashes or gleams (the dark surface of the
`ac )
`yjvatir caught the lights of the boat and ~ed them brightly
`“glint \“\ ri -s 1 a (1)
`: a tiny bright usu. reflected flash of
`light : SPARKLE (watched the twin ~.s of his eyeglasses) (2) : a
`hurt‘ bright melallic point of light (the singularly venomous ~
`in her eye ——Ngaio Marsh) (3) : a small point of subdued light
`: cram (~s Ul ruddy light pinyin
`over the polished dark
`mahogany) b : a ray of scattered light (the little room was
`dusky, save fo a narrow ~ streaming through the not quite
`closed door of he room —Charles Dickens)
`u l) : a shining
`appearance produced by tiny bright scattered _aslies : spar-
`l(ll_tlg brightness (tlie~ of unshed tears blurnng the clear
`bright blue of his eyes ~Marcia Davenport) (the ~ of spring
`and autumn sunlight -Donn Byrne) 2) : a glittering metallic
`luster (his bright eyes burning with a s arp wild ~ of madness
`~T'tluinas Wullc) (3) ; a subdued radiance : GLEAMINO (the
`~ of moonlight through the leaves) 2 archaic : GLANCE,
`ci.i.m>sb 3 : a brief, faint. or transient appearance or marli-
`festation (as of a quality) (thought I detected a ~ of recogni-
`tion in her expression)
`glint 0‘ gold: at moderate yellow that is slightly stronger than
`mustard yellow and duller than colonial yellow
`3110- — see cu-
`glio-blas-to-ma \.gli(,)E.bla's!5m::\
`rt, pl gliohlaslouins
`\-nIaz\ or glioblastoma-fa \-mad-a\ [NL, fr. gli‘- + bla:t— +
` \, lib"kli‘idEam\
`ri, cap [NL,
`fr. gll- +
`-cludium (fr. Gk
`odos branch) — more at GLADIATORJ : a
`genus of molds resembling those of the genus Penicillium but
`with the corlldia of a spore head becoming surrounded by a
`slimy deposit that binds them into a rounded mass
`gll-o-cyle \' 1io,sit\ n -s [gIt'- + -byte] : a neuroglial cell
`gl.i-o-ma \g i'5ma\
`rt, pl gliomas \—moz\ or glfoma-ta
`\-mad-a\ [NL, lr. MG}: glin glue + NL -on-in — — more at CLAY]
`2 a tumor arising from neuroglia - g1i.o.iua.lo.sls \(.)gli-
`.3mn‘t6s5s\ n, pl glioniiito-ses \—5.sEz\ — gll-om:-[nus
`\(-)gn, mad-as, -:am-\ adj
`¢li.o-sis \gli'§sés\ Ii, pl gllo-ses \-o.s‘e’;\ INL: fr.
`g_li‘_- +
`: excessive develo _ment of neuroglla esp. iuterstiually
`—— compare GLIOMA —— g 1-of-ic \(')gli:Hd-ik\ nil]
`glio-ttlxlll \{gli5+\ ri [ISV gll‘n-
`(fr. NL Gliacladitlm) +
`toxin] : a crystalline antibiotic C|g1'luNzo4Sg that is toxic
`to higher animals as well as to animal and plant pathogens and
`c a lum
`tl;lZ§VlS produced by vnnous fungi esp. of the genus Gila-
`gli-res \'gli.rEz\ n pl, cap [NL. fr. L. pl. of gllru, glls dor-
`mouse] : a superordcr or other division of Eutheria comprising ]
`the typical rodents and the lagomorph rodents and including
`the orders Rodentia (sense 1) and Lagomorpha
`glir-i-cit!-in \. lii'o'sidEa\
`fr. glirl‘~ (fr. NL
`Glires) + _l.. -cl‘
`-cide + NL,-fa : a genus of low-bi-iinchin
`trees (family be minosae) with odd-pinnate leaves having
`to ls large le
`e , pink flowers borne in great profusion,
`dark ll|_ll'al!lB wood, and roots that together with the leaves
`are believed to be
`isonous to mice and rats
`'gl.|l'l_d \'glir5d, ~lir-
`adj [NL Glirldne] : of or rclatingto the
`iglirid \“\ ri -s : in rodent of the family Crliridae : noRMotIst=.
`dae \'glira,dé\ n pl, cizp_[l‘{L, fr. Glir-, Glis, type genus
`+ -ldflelt a family of widely distributed Old World myomorph
`rod nts including the dormice
`-form \'glira.form\ adj [g!I'r- (fr. NI. Glirer) + —ilarm]
`esembling a rodent 2 of incisor teeth : having the form
`characteristic of the rodents
`sli-tine \'gli,rfn\ _izdj [glr‘r- (fr. NI. Glires) + -ine] : of or
`relatin to the Gllres
`Elie \‘g is\ n, cup [NL om-., Gllla, fr. 1. gllr-, gm dormouse —
`do_rmice and being the type 0 the amilv Glirldae
`more at GALEA]; a genus comprising the con-lrlion Old World
`‘ghsk \'glisk\ n -s [origin unknown] 1 chiefly Scar : GLIMPSE
`2 chiefly Scot
`: GLEAM 3 chiefly Scat
`: a brief moment
`lglisk \“\ vb -ED/-INO/-S vt, chiefly Scot : to glance I! : look
`at cursorily ~ vi, chiefl Scor_: to get a glimpse
`gllss \'glis\ n -5 [by s ortening] slang :
`Iglimsado \gls'sad, gl?-. -sad sometime:
`ad\ vi‘ -En/-mo/-s
`[F gllssade, n.] 1 a : to slide by design or with control; specij
`: _to make is controlled slide in a standing or sitting position
`without skis,
`tohoggans, or_ other similar devices down a
`snow-covered slope the exhilaration of
`llssudlrig down the
`side of a mountain)
`: to slide or slip ha
`azardly or without
`control (rock rubble glismding down min the crumbling
`heights —CA.CDlton) 2 : to rnove along smoothly and
`effortlessly : oLloe (the boat was light and buoyant, glissading
`ocefully over each swell in the lake); specll : to perform a
`lissade~— slis-sad-er \-da(r)\_ n -s _
`ndsllde, gliding step in ballet, glissan 0, fr. MF, social error,
`also a \“\_n -s [F. social error. shay. action of Bl._lSSflt‘lIl‘lE.
`fr. glii-ser to slip, slide fr. OF glicier, alter. of gllrr, fr. an
`OFrk verb akin to OH gliran t_o glide) + -ade — more at
`GLIDE] 1 a : the action of glissading (along ~ to the foot of
`the mountain)
`It : a mass of glissading material (her foot sent
`a tiny ~ of snow slithering down the bank —Victor Canning)
`2 : a gliduig stc
`in bu let 3 : GUSANDO
`a slope suitable for glissading (at last discovered it good ~
`.san-do \_ a'sl§n(.)d3. glE'-\ n [prob. lnodif. (influenced
`y It -undo as in nccelemnda) of 1? glisspde, n.] 1 pl HVIBBIII-fll
`\-de\ or gllsnndos I : a rapid se_nes_of consecutive notu
`played on a piano, harp, or other similar lnstniirient b sliding
`rapid series of chromatic uqta played on o v'
`'n or other
`one or more fingers across adjacent keys or string:
`(1) : a
`similar instrument by minute interruptions in sli ing the finger
`along the string being bowed (2 : a series of note: (as on u
`clarinet) forming a nearly unbro en change of pitch 1: : POR-
`-rimcvro l 2_ -s : the technique of gradually increasing the elec-
`tric current in the application of electroshock so as to inun-
`mi_ze the shock of the total current applied
`Inissando \“\ adv (ar adj) : in the manner of a glusnndo —
`used as a direction in music
`315.56 \glo‘sfi, glE'-\ Ii -s (F, fr. past part. of gllsser to slip,
`slide] : GLISSADE
`glls-slle \'glis3l\ ad] [F gliirser to slip, slide + E -Ila] : capable
`of gliding — used esp. of is dislocation or other fault in ii
`crystal - compare snssite
`-soul ea ule \'glis_’l_iz-\ n, my cup G [after Francis
`Glissan ll 67 Eng. physician] : an investment of loose con-
`lieclive tissue entering the liver with the portal vessels and
`lglisgten \'g|l'x’u
`vi glistenetl; sustained; glisteuin _\-It
`sheathing the larger vessels in their course through the organ
`8 mi]\ gilntens [ME glisrnen, glisnen. fr. OE glisrilair:
`ful, OE geulu yellow‘— more at YELLOW] : to s
`ine brightly
`glisian to glitter, Sw dial. glisa to peep out, w glwys beauti-
`usu. by reflection with it sparkling radiance (early-morning
`dew ~ing on the grass) (a crust of snow ~lng in thesun) or
`with the sleek shininess of or suggestive of a wet or oiled sur-
`fa_ce (the drenched streets of the brightly lit city ~ed in the
`night) (the ~ing bodies of the swimmers) (her eyes were ~ing
`with uapptriess) or with u glossy lustrmasness (brushed the
`dog's coat unt
`nglisten \"
`’he uality or state of glistening (the brass of
`the clock was polish
`to a mitrorlike ~ ~J.C.Lincoln)
`glls-ten-‘iug-l_y adv [glistening ( res.
`art. of lgllsien) + -ly]
`: in a glistening manner (black air
`at shone ~)
`-t(a)riu\ gllsters [ME glisrreri,‘ akin lo 013 gllriizn to glitter
`vi gllstored; glistered: gllstqnug
`‘mister \"\ n ~s : otls-ran
`glls-Ier-lug-ly adv [glistering (fr. pres. part. of lgllsrer) + -ly]
`: qLIs'raNlNc_tLv
`r. O
`litra, akin to QE glifenlart to glitter. Ol<lG_ gliziin to
`‘gilt-let \‘g1id-a(r), -lta-\ vb —nD/-mo/-s [ME gllreren, gleiererl,
`shine, N glitu to glitter, Goth glitmunjizn to glistcn. Ct
`chlide luxury, effeminacy, OE geolu yellow — more atAYcLLow]
`quick small flashes o brilliant light (a crown oi‘ Jewels ~ed on
`vi 1 : to shine respleridently usu. by reflection with many
`her head) (a landsca e ~lng with sun and rain -Ambrose
`Bierce) or with a bar bright often metallic luster made up of
`many small scattered rapidly appearing and disappearing
`points of light (dragonflies darting about and ~i'ng indes-
`cently in the bright sunlight) (the horses tossed_their heads,
`their well-oiled hooves ~r‘ng'as they shifted their feet nerv-
`ously --Dorothy C. Fisher) (the sun of the late summer_~ed
`on the gold cu s‘—Edith Sitwell) or with a dazzling brilliance
`marked by sin bing rays of light (shields and swords polished
`like mirrors ~ed in the morning sun) (sequins ~lng under the
`spotlights) and often with a showy or gaudy effect (the tree
`was lavishly hung with tinsel that quivered and ~nd) :
`dark and ftigl
`lonesomeness o the sky) (far off they could
`with twinklingdpoints of light (mfynads of stars that ~e in the
`see the lights of the city ~I'ng in the night) : shine with a hard
`cold glassy brilliance marked by quick intermittent rapidly
`successive points of intense light her little eyes ~ed cruelly
`—Haldane Macfall) 2 : to be bri liantly or compellingly at-
`tractlve usu. in a superf
`I way : make ll brilliant appearance
`or impression the possibility of fame in the theater ~ed before
`them) ~ vt
`: to cause to glitter (brilliant stars --lag the
`sky) 2 : to trim, sprinkle, or cover with something that glitters
`(S belt that was ~eii with rhinestones)
`iglitter \“\ n -s 1 a : glittering brllliancy (agreat ~_of sun-
`light on the blue water —lra Wolfert) : glittering showlness or
`gaudiness (the ~ of opening night at the opera) (the ~ of
`costume jewelry) : glittering brightness (the ~ of icicles) (the
`unnerving ~ of a glass eye -Weston La Barre) D : glittering
`attractiveness (the N of a career
`in the foreign service)
`2 : small glittering objects (as sequins, rhinestones) of’ tiny
`glittering hits (as of tinsel, glass) used for ornamentation (ii
`neckline trimmed with ~) or decoration (of the base of the
`Christmas tree was a snowy sheet sprinkled with ~)
`gllt-[er-nice \-oran(t)s\ rt —s (‘glitter + -mice] : GLlTTER
`glittering ad] [fr. pres. part. of lglitlerl 1 :that_glittcrs: a : RE-
`SPLENDENT, aiuLLiAN'r (a ~ costume) (~ society)
`is : SPAR-
`KLXNG, TWINKLING (a~ sky) 6 : shining glassily with a play of
`GAUDV <~ ornaments) 2 a :
`rilliantly or compellingly If.-
`shifting points of intense light (feverish ~ eyes)
`I1 : snowy,
`tractive usu. in a superfidnl way (a ~ personality)
`ficially convincing in a smoothly misleading or decept
`e_ way
`: misleadingly or deceptively appealing (the ~ generalities of
`p_rot7alzanda)_— slit-tar-lug-ly adv
`g_lil-tery \-are,-ari\ adj [lglitier + -y]: GLn1'£glNo; esp : hav-
`ing rnuch glitter (~ chandeliers)
`Kll wi-ce \glE'vEtsa\ ad], usu_cizp (fr. Gliwice, city in Poland]
`: of or from the city of Gliwice. Poland : of the kind or style
`prevalent in Gliwice
`‘gleam \'glBm\ vi -ED/-ING -s [back-formation fr. gleaming]
`‘cihlelftly Scot : to become tw‘ ‘ght : grow toward dark : become
`cam \"\ fl -s_ar’chni s -rwruori-r, Dual:
`-5 [ME (Sc) glamirig. fr. OE
`8 aam-lug \'glomlu,. ’-ineu\
`glfimung, fr. glfim twilight: akin to OE glo'wnn to glow — more
`at GLOW] : 'l'Wll.lGl-l'l', DUSK (leaving the robin to sing in the ~
`lg/loaf \'glEt, usu -6d-+V\ vi -ED/-ll\'G/-S [prob. of Scand ori-
`gin; akin to ON glam: to grin scornfully, SW gllum to peep;
`akin to MHG glatzzn to stare Wide-eyed, OE geolu yellow
`— more at YELLOW
`1 ab: 8 : to look or gaze at something
`indirectly or furtive y b : to look or gaze at something admix-
`ingly or affectionately 2 : to look at, gaze at, or think about
`something with great self-satisfaction or intense often passion-
`ate gratification or gleefully triumphant joy (a miser ~l'ng
`over his gold (always ready to~over a new victory) : linv
`ger_ over or well upon something with extreme often evil
`delight 2 REVEL (a vision of demons ~i'ng over the tortures of
`the damned) (Ning oyer every detail of the murder) : cxult
`over something with intense often malicious pleasure (~ed
`at his discomfiturc) (used to mnke wiix images of the vital
`organs of a hated
`erson, and hold them over a fire, ~i‘ng
`to see them dri
`mma I-Igwkriclge) syn see GAZE
`Igloat \“\ n -s 5 A : the act of gloatln (the accomplishments
`of a great hunter. told _wltliou_t ~, wit out passion —Robcrt
`liean) b : an outward indication of gloating (to watch the ~
`in his eye —John Galsworthy) 2 : a feeling of triumphant
`often malicious satisfaction or joy (enjoying a ~ over his
`gloat-ling-ly adv [gloating (pres. part. of Igloizi) + -ly] : in a
`goating manner (spoke ~ of the number of people he had
`glob \‘gllh\ n -s Iperh. blend of globe and blabl 1 3 : a small
`drop : GLDBULE, atop (tiny ~s of mercury)
`spatter-ed ~r of
`~s of mud an em) (a N of rice) (hea ed the sllortcake with
`ink) b : a luniplisll usu. rounded mass of usu. atge size (threw
`great fv: of whipped ctean'i)_ 2 : a touc . smear, or splash esp.
`bleak on functional walls —_ rwin Shaw)
`of paint éwarm and appetizli-lg ~s of color on the otherwise
`glob-al \'gl3bal\ ad] 1 : havln the shape of a globe : sl>iiERl-
`CM. _(the earth is . ~ mass) 5 a (1) : of, relating to, or in.
`volvlng the entire world (~ economic problems) (~ health
`conditions) (~ warfare) (2)
`: including or ada ted to the
`more world (~ plans for peace) (a ~ point 0 view) (~
`strategy) : not narrow or provincial : unrestricted in outlook
`or application : nitoltn, t.vNivEnsAL (a hilosopby which takes
`a ~ view —Alan Gewlrth) (3) : distri uted over or extending
`throughout the entii-c_ world : WORLDWIDE (~ airlines) (a
`system of ~ communication) : ranging over or around the
`_enti.te yvorld <~ travelers) (N bombers) b : of, relating to, or
`involving the globe. of the eye (~ anesthesia in cataract
`surgery) 3 8 (l)_ : oQMl>liclviENsivE. ALL-lNcLUsIv£. GRAND
`(the~ total of national income in the U. S.) : OVERALL, TOTAL
`(limiting the ~ tonnage of that country's navy) (the ~ output
`of a factory)
`‘BLANKET l (a ~ allocation of funds)
`(3) : exhaustive y complete (a catalog noted for its ~ coverage
`of new recordings) I) (‘l)‘: of,_relating to, or constituting an
`organic whole : not divided into parts : not fractionallzed
`: UNI!-‘l'_ED. OROANISMIC (the newer psychiatry seeks to under-
`stand in 3 ~ way the dynamic structure of the patient's
`personality ~Ps,vchologica_l Abstracts) : en-iuhas
`n_iz a totality
`method of reading thattnlms of immediate recognition 0 whole
`rather than the constitutive elements of a totality (the ~
`words) (2) : of. relating to, or consisting of similar or identical
`parts : HOMOGENEOUS (a country trying to erfect in ~ form of
`social community) 3) : not admitting a c Dice : solidly uni-
`form : MoNOLrrisic confronted with in ~ list of political candi-
`dates) c : marked by absence of pal-ticiilarizing detail : simple
`and highly undifferentiated ‘ GENERALIZED (~ perceptions of
`the world outside the self) (be typically ~ nature of primitive
`art) —- glob-ll-lyA \-bale, -li\ adv
`glob-cl-lam \- a.lizam\ n -s 1 : GLOBALIZATION 2 : a policy
`or system favo ing or promoting globalization (proponents of
`~ as a means of safeguarding national security
`glob-at-fat \-_lost\ n -s : one that favors or a vacate: global-
`glo-bat-f-Iv \Bl6‘balad-E\ n -ES : the condition of being global
`the ~ of the war —Frank Gervasi)
`oh-at,-in-uon \.gl_6bela'za'st_isii,'z-\ n -s :
`the act of
`globalizing or condition of being globalized
`glob-sl-lie \'
`.lL_t\ vt -Eu/-ING/-S : to make global; esp : to
`make worldwide in scope or application (globalizing democ-
`racy —0.L.lleIser & Elodwen Davies)
`make into a ball, fr. glabus
`all] : GLOHULAR la
`gin-bate \'gl3.b5t\ adj [L ilobatus, past part. of xlobare to
`g_to-but-ad \-id-5d\ adj [L globurus + E -ed] archaic : formed
`into a globe
`globuhy \‘gllfbE\ ad], um -ER/-Esr [glob + -yfl : full of globs
`lahiepdaint would not spread evenly and the lnished product
`Igloua \'g §b\ n -s EMF. fr. L globus — more at cur] 1 : some-
`thing tbat is spherical or rounded : SPHERE,
`nAr.L: as I (l) : a round typically hollow
`and metal ball that has a map of the earth
`drawn on it and that is usu. set so as to he
`rotatable at an angle corresponding to the
`inclination of the earth‘s axis (rotated the
`terrestrial ~ until the crimson triangle of
`India was opposite their eyes —Aldous
`Huxley) (2) : ii similar ball that shows the
`configurations of the heavens (as the loca-
`tion and arrangement of the constellations)
`(referring to a celestial ~ during the lee-
`globe la(l)
`ture) b 2 PLANET (still undiscovered ~s in
`space); esp : EARTH — usu. used with the
`or this (ioumeys over much of the ~ —RlA.Cordell) (every
`times and is distributed over the entire ~ —C.T,
`lvey) e ; a
`habitable part of this ~) (airglow appears to be Eresent at all
`golden blill carried by sovereigns as an emblem of authority
`: one lc(3) (His the scepter, crown, and ~ —P.B._Shclley)
`fl : a spherical or rounded typically glass vessel (us ti fishbowl)
`or covering (as is lampshade) or housing (as an electric light
`0 Y
`e : EYEBALL 2 obs : a closely massed group or compact
`Iglolte \"\ vb -ED/-[NO/-S vr. archaic : to form into it globe
`~ vi, archaic : to appear as a globe : take the form of a globe
`globe auiarantli n : an Indian herb (Gomphrenu gluborai often
`cultivated for its globose flower heads that can be dried with
`nearly full retention of their color
`globe nulmnlcule n : an organism of the genus Volvox
`globe artichoke ri : ARTICHOKE l 2
`globed adj [fr.
`as! part. of zglaliel 1 : airing the frlrm _of a
`globe (the roe et burst into ~ masses of fire) 2 : provided
`with a globe (~ lamps burning with A yellow glow)
`globe daisy rt
`ii plant of the genus Globularin
`gloheflsh \'u_ \ n 1 : any of numerous chiefly tropical marine
`fishes forming the family Tetraodontidae of the order l>lectog-
`nathi which can distend themselves to is globular form and
`float belly upward on the surface and most species _of which
`are highly poisonous because of a powerful gastrointestinal
`irritant contained es
`in the skin and viscera — called also
`ballounjlsh, puffer
`clusters: as a : a plant 0 the genus Trallius with globcsc yel-
`glohetlolwer \'-.-\ n . a plant with globose flowers or flower
`low fllowcrs b 2 GLOBE DAISY c : BUTTONEUSH ll : JAPANESE
`globe ‘oint ri
`globe iohen ri
`: a lichen having globular fruiting bodies
`globe lightning ri
`: BALL Liar-lrNIyc
`globe mallow n : a plant of the genus Sphm-mlr-4»_ir
`globe sight n : a from sight (as for a rifle) consisting of 1l>Sll’|;1ll
`ball or a disk with a hole in it placed on the top of :i pin
`globe thistle n 1 : ARHCHOKE l
`2 2 a lllafil 01 U1? ECDUS
`Iglcbe—trot \'t.r\ vi'[back-formation fr. glnl>(*»lI'rIl!(’r] ; to llU
`globe-trotting (an economical way to gluhr-imi
`Homes & Gnrdcrix)
`Iglobe-trot \“\ rt
`: n globe-trotting yourrlcy (iitxlrlilg the curl
`of a three-month globe-trot —Time)
`globe-troffer \'=.:s\ ri [Iglohu + tmitr-r] : mic that
`globe-trotting esp. often or habitually (a CDllllll\:l‘Ll rl<l\«k’l'l‘.llf\‘l'
`and glabemrottcr)
`WESTERNGECO Exhibit 2068, pg. 3

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