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` INC., ) IPR 2014-01475,
` Petitioner, ) -01476, -01477,
` vs. ) 01478.
` Patent Owner. ) Page 1-30
` ** T E L E C O N F E R E N C E **
` Monday, April 27, 2015
`Reported by:
`JOB NO. 92981
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`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 1
`PGS v. WesternGeco

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` Teleconference taken stenographically
`from Los Angeles, California, on Monday, April 27, 2015,
`by Brenda R. Countz, CSR No. 12563.
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`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 2
`PGS v. WesternGeco

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` 725 Twelfth Street, NW
` Washington, DC 20005
` 1940 Duke Street
` Alexandria, Virginia 22314
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`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 3
`PGS v. WesternGeco

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`APPEARANCES (Continued)
` One Marina Park Drive
` Boston, Massachusetts 02110
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`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 4
`PGS v. WesternGeco

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` 7:32 A.M.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Let me start off by
`asking about the issue with Mr. Walker. I think
`the last thing I see filed in the record is that
`a notice of deposition was filed.
` Does that mean, for the moment, that
`that issue is somewhat resolved for this
` MS. BERNIKER: Do you mean the matter
`of the hours? Is that what you are asking about
` JUDGE DANIELS: No. I'm asking about
`in the e-mail there was a question from
`petitioner that didn't have to do with time. It
`has to do with Mr. Robin Walker's statement.
` MR. BERNIKER: Yes. We have not
`resolved that issue at this point. We still
`continue to have a dispute about whether material
`will be produced in advance of his deposition.
` I'm happy to describe that more fully
`for you.
` JUDGE DANIEL: Yeah. Before we get to
`the time, if you could explain please what the
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`issue is. I guess it looks like a potential, the
`routine discovery that we asked for.
` MR. BERNIKER: Yes. So Mr. Walker in
`his statement includes a few statements that very
`clearly site material. So for example, in
`paragraph 18 he says, "According to our global
`internal statistics."
` And then he says, "On average 16
`percent of the first pass of the survey --" et
`cetera, et cetera.
` The point being he sites to his global
`internal statistics in support of what he
`purports to be data but he does not attach any
`sort of documentation in his declaration; In his
`statement, I should say, supporting that 16
`percent number or anything that he purports to
`show as global internal statistics.
` The other thing he does repeatedly in
`his statement is appear quotes from individuals
`in the industry and he actually will put
`quotations about statements.
` So he will say, for example, Peter
`Karriger proclaimed Cumerine to be-- and then he
`has quotes, the game changer that we have been
`waiting for, end quote.
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` Again, when he provides these
`quotations he didn't provide any exhibit or any
`other support for where he got this statement
` So several weeks ago we addressed this
`issue with counsel for patent owner and we said
`we believe that this is routine discovery. These
`are cited in a paper or testimony and it must be
`served in connection with the citing document.
` And they have taken a position that
`it's not routine discovery. We have had some
`back and forth on that and they have indicated to
`us apparently that they are looking for this
` But it's been a few weeks now and
`somehow they have not managed to find it which
`seems surprising to us because obviously if it
`was cited in this statement, I would hope that
`they had support for it when they made the
` But in any event, his deposition is
`coming up at the end of this week and we've asked
`them to produce the documents or represent that
`they don't exist in advance of the deposition.
` And at this point we don't have an
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`agreement that they will do that and that's why
`we still have a dispute on this issue.
` JUDGE DANIELS: All right, great. His
`deposition is the 30th, April 30th --
` JUDGE DANIELS: And we are at the 27th
`today. So yes, we are getting a little tight.
` Patent owner, is this information
`readily available to you? Is it not?
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, let me
`respond. First of all this isn't routine
`discovery because these are not exhibits, Your
` Mr. Walker refers to his recollection
`of the evidence that he has seen and his quotes
`could likely be quotes from conversations that
`he's had with people.
` That's part of the deposition, Your
`Honor, for petitioner's counsel to ask him where
`did he get this from et cetera.
` So the rules are very clear on what's
`routine discovery. They have to be exhibits
`cited and we have produced all exhibits.
` Nevertheless, we have this whole
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`conversation with the Board is premature because
`we have agreed to search for any underlying
`documents to support what Mr. Walker has said in
`his declaration in various paragraphs, about six
`paragraphs, I believe.
` So the problem, as petitioner's counsel
`knows, is that Mr. Walker is no longer an
`employee of Westerngeco. His computers have long
`since been reclaimed. We've had to take it upon
`ourselves to find those computers.
` First of all I should mention that
`petitioner didn't even make the request until two
`and a half weeks after we served Mr. Walker's
`declaration. So after we filed the declaration,
`two and a half weeks later they raised this.
` We immediately jumped on it. We tried
`to find those computers. We got back with
`counsel. We told them we were going to look for
`it. And now at great expense our client is
`searching those computers, has located them.
` It is massive amounts of data on there.
`It's all encrypted. In fact, today we found out
`that at least one of the drives is double
` That information we are locating, we
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`are searching it and we are trying to produce
`documents as soon as we possibly can. But again,
`this is additional discovery that we are, out of
`the spirit of cooperation, we are trying to
`provide to the other side.
` MR. KIKLIS: If I may, Your Honor--
` MR. KIKLIS: Again, your honor, this is
`premature. We have an agreement with the other
`side. The other side didn't properly meet and
`confer on this issue.
` Moreover, when they contacted the Board
`they didn't even give me the courtesy of finding
`out what my available was which forced me-- I
`was supposed to be on a plane right now which
`forced my client to incur a $400 change fee so I
`could make this phone call.
` MS. BERNIKER: And I apologize for
`that, Your Honor. We had inadvertently
`overlooked that but that was certainly not
` JUDGE DANIELS: All right. This
`potential additional document, the problem of
`course that patent owner is going to have is that
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`if this stuff is produced late, these documents
`are produced late, then potentially petitioner is
`going to need a follow-up deposition.
` So, at the moment, what I would urge
`the parties to do is produce the information that
`they have so that it can be used in this
`deposition. If there is evidence that is
`unsupported well then that's up to the Board to
`decide whether or not it is persuasive evidence.
` If there is evidence without support,
`then that is our job to figure out what weight to
`give it. So I leave the parties with that and
`we'll let you decide how you want to handle this
`deposition and the material that is with respect
`to Mr. Walker.
` If there is a follow-up deposition
`needed because there is material later then we
`can have that discussion in the future.
` So with that said, let's go on to the
`times for these depositions, of the remaining
` Mr. Kiklis, are the times accurate for
`the initial that was in the e-mail? Are the
`times accurate for the first round of
`cross-examinations of Dr. Evans and Mr. Cole.
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` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, I haven't
`double-checked that. So what I would respond is
`that simply an efficient use of time shouldn't be
`used as a reason to penalize us.
` The Board has ordered 1232 in these
`cases in the first round of IPRs and we think
`that that rule should continue. We don't see any
`reason for departing from that.
` Because if there's a departure from
`that rule, that seriously prejudices the patent
`owner because, as you know, the petitioner has
`the ability to serve and file declarations in not
`only the petition itself but also in z reply
` Our opportunity is only with a good
`cross-examination of their witnesses. So a
`reduction of the hours serves to prejudice us and
`benefit the petitioner. And this is consistent
`with what you see with the petitioner.
` We simply want a fair fight, Your
`Honor. I mean we are a property owner here of
`three U.S. patents and you see the petitioner at
`every turn trying to hamstring us and make this
`not a fair fight and try to tie one of our hands
`behind our backs.
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` This board has already ruled on the
`1232 rule and we think that that rule should
`suffice. If we use the time efficiently, great.
`But an efficient use in one deposition should not
`be used as a penalty in a subsequent deposition.
` MS. BERNIKER: May I respond, Your
` JUDGE DANIELS: Yes, please. Go ahead.
` MS. BERNIKER: So, in the first
`instance we do not believe that the first ruling
`was designed to address reply declarations or
`even to address the second phase of IPRs.
` With respect to reply declarations,
`there is absolutely no bases for concluding that
`Westerngeco will need more time. They haven't
`even been served yet and they certainly can't
`look at them and say that they are sufficiently
`extensive that they require more time.
` And on top of that I do think it's
`meaningful that in the first round of the first
`set of depositions the longest deposition they
`took was just over seven hours which is the
`default time limit.
` You may remember that the way we ended
`up with the 12 hours of cross-examination is that
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`Westerngeco originally insisted that they needed
`21 hours of cross-examination. They then lowered
`the number to 14, eventually were granted 12 and
`still only used just over seven.
` And so what we find is that they have
`been exaggerating their need for time from the
`beginning which is burdensome for everybody in
`terms of preparing and blocking out time for the
`witnesses that ends up not being used.
` And it's quite clear to us that now
`that they have had an opportunity to depose
`doctors Evans and Cole on this subject matter and
`they only required seven hours for the one
`witness and only three hours for Dr. Cole that
`it's not reasonable to conclude that they would
`need extensively more than that for any reply
` The same goes for the second round of
`IPRs. As you know there is a lot of overlap in
`subject matter between the second round of IPRs
`and the first round of IPRs.
` Their declarations are very similar in
`the second round than they were for the first
`round. So they have already had an opportunity
`to depose both witnesses and they have had an
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`opportunity to depose them for 12 hours on this
`subject matter.
` The idea that they would need an
`additional 12 hours seems pretty extreme to us,
`especially because, as we've seen, they didn't
`require that much the first time.
` So we think it's clear that the default
`should apply for their second round deposition
`and for any reply declarations. And certainly we
`don't think there is any basis for the reply
`declarations to be any longer without at least
`having them in our hand to look at them and
`provide some sort of articulation for why it
`should be longer than the default.
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, may I please
` JUDGE DANIELS: Yes, Mr. Kiklis, go
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, the second
`round of petitions which the petitioner filed,
`they filed these petitions on different art and
`the Board instituted on different art, different
` And of course the 742 rule is for a
`single IPR proceeding, not the three proceedings.
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`That's how we ended up with the 1232 rule.
` Again, Your Honor, I've been practicing
`for 22 years, I have never heard of this high
`watermark argument where you only used a certain
`amount of deposition and so that's all you get in
`a subsequent deposition. I've never heard of in
` This is prejudicial to the patent owner
`because all we get is really the opportunity to
`depose these witnesses. And we should be
`afforded the full 12 hours whether we use it or
`not. There is no reason here to penalize the
`patent owner.
` We have a property right and the rules
`provide for us to have sufficient deposition time
`and moreover this raises due process issues.
` We have a property right. We have the
`right to be heard and to protect that property
`right. This is raising serious due process
` JUDGE DANIELS: Let me remind both
`parties that the lack of civility and the raising
`of voices during phone conferences with the Board
`will not be tolerated.
` Some of what I'm hearing here is taking
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`up a significant amount of time which we are
`trying to be ultimately fair within the rules and
`the law to both parties.
` I'm going to go on hold. I'm going to
`discuss with the panel and we will be back in a
`few minutes.
` (Discussion held off the record.)
` JUDGE DANIELS: Hi, this is judge
`Daniels back on the line. Can everybody hear me?
` MS. BERNIKER: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE DANIELS: I apologize. I must
`have gotten dropped off the call.
` The thing I don't understand is the
`hotly contested issues here and that this is a
`case which has gone for several rounds in the
`district courts. We want to make sure that the
`parties continue to deal with each other and the
`Board similarly so that we can resolve this for
`everybody's efficient use of time.
` With that said, let me ask,
`Ms. Berniker, is there a particular issue with
`giving more than the 742.
` I understand that the patent owners
`didn't use it all but is there a particular
`timing issue or problem with allowing whatever
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`the 1232 rule that we came up with?
` MS. BERNIKER: The principal issue is
`one of scheduling. It just makes it much harder
`for both the attorneys and the witnesses to
`schedule much larger blocks of time.
` And as you know, we've had scheduling
`issues in the past in this case in terms of one
`of our witnesses is coming from Australia. So
`when we have the 1232 we are blocking off three
`days of deposition because you can never really
`tell if it's going to lead on to the third day
`and this is simply a long period of time.
` Not to mention that it's obviously
`difficult for the witnesses. Our witnesses are
`not spring chickens, so to speak. And it's hard
`for them to go a lot of time every day. So three
`days in a row of very long days is difficult for
`them as well, particularly with the time change
`for Dr. Evans.
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, may I respond
` JUDGE DANIELS: Yes, please.
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, convenience
`takes a back seat to due process. These are
`three patents to file for 742. The Board has
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`already ruled on 1232. We are comfortable with
` You haven't heard a compelling reason
`to depart from that rule that this Board has
`already issued.
` JUDGE DANIELS: All right, thank you.
`We're not going to do a ruling on the phone here.
`We're going to take the matter under advisement.
`But we will issue an order today or tomorrow with
`respect to the time.
` Apart from that, were there any other
`issues at the present time?
` MR. KIKLIS: Yes, Your Honor. This is
`Mike Kiklis again for the patent owner. We do
`have another issue that is ripe for this Board's
`consideration and that is additional discovery on
`real party in interest against PGS.
` I told the Board in our scheduling
`conference a week or so ago that we were going to
`try to work it out with the petitioner who have
`not been able to do so.
` This Board has heard that we were
`willing to work with PGS and provide them with
`additional discovery willingly even though our
`client has had to incur a vast amount of
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`resources and time and money in trying to
`resurrect computers that have long since gone to
`try to find documents to assist PGS.
` What we are looking for --
` JUDGE DANIELS: Excuse me, Mr. Kiklis,
`are we back on the discovery issue of additional
`discovery relating to real party in interest?
` MR. KIKLIS: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Have you all met and
`conferred on this? Is this a new issue?
` MR. KIKLIS: We have exchanged
`communications over it, yes. And PGS has refused
`our request for additional discovery.
` May I continue, Your Honor?
` JUDGE DANIELS: Is there some new
`evidence of additional discovery?
` I'm sorry, I've got to go back and look
`at what we did previously in this case.
` MR. KIKLIS: Yes, Your Honor, the new
`evidence is --
` JUDGE DANIELS: As I understand it, the
`request for additional evidence, was there a
`motion earlier on in these, in the 688 series of
` MR. KIKLIS: I believe the parties
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`agreed on some interrogatories. And I was
`involved with the case, so forgive me but that's
`my recollection and I have read all the back and
` But I think that there was no
`Board-ordered additional discovery. The parties
`worked out some interrogatories.
` MS. BERNIKER: If I may, Your Honor, it
`was in this case, the second case, the 1475 case
`where there was a set of briefing that went to
`the Board and the Board did, in fact, rule on the
`issue and determine that no additional discovery
`would be provided. There was no motion
` JUDGE DANIELS: All right. That's my
`recollection as well. I'm looking at both these
`cases and you will have to be patient with us.
` So, I guess my question then Mr. Kiklis
`is is there something that is bringing this issue
`up again in particular.
` MR. KIKLIS: Yes, Your Honor. In our
`patent owner response in the first round of cases
`we filed as Exhibit 2069 a master services
`agreement which has an indemnification provision.
` We also filed the interrogatory answers
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`that PGS served on patent owner which say that
`there are multiple indemnification agreements
`that exist between PGS related entities and Ion.
` And we are seeking additional discovery
`on those agreements because those agreements can
`be case dispositive in showing privity between
`Ion and PGS.
` And I would site to this latest
`decision by the Board in IPR 2014-01559, paper 23
`where the mere inclusion of an IP defense
`provision was sufficient to raise a privity issue
`and it was case dispositive in terminating the
`cases under 315-B.
` We have evidence that there are
`agreements out there, Your Honor. We want those
`agreements and the petitioner is not willing to
`provide those to us.
` JUDGE DANIELS: So, what you are saying
`is that this Exhibit 2069, is that the number.
` MR. KIKLIS: It is, Your Honor, and I
`don't believe that we had that in possession at
`the time that you entered that order. We
`certainly made it of record in our response. So
`I don't think the Board had it in front of it.
` MS. BERNIKER: May I respond, Your
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`Honor, briefly?
` JUDGE DANIELS: Yes, please.
` MS. BERNIKER: So we have now gone
`through several rounds of discussions about
`discovery on the alleged RPI issue. In the first
`IPR 679, the parties negotiated this issue and
`PGS agreed to provide pretty extensive
`interrogatory responses which we served on the
`other side and that describe in detail all
`conversations we had between PGS and Ion.
` Any agreements-- It goes in great
`detail. In those interrogatories we identified
`any agreements that we had. We gave them the
`Bates numbers because the documents had already
`been produced in the District Court litigation.
` That was before Westerngeco. When they
`then requested additional discovery the first
`time in phase 2 in the 1475 matter. We then
`agreed to provide supplemental interrogatories.
`We provided supplemental interrogatories that
`described any agreement.
` Just to be clear, these are not
`indemnification agreements. These are agreements
`that have provisions that relate to
`indemnification. So it is not correct to
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`represent, as I believe counsel for Westerngeco
`did that there is some agreement to indemnify in
` These are simply agreements that have
`kind of standard indemnification provisions in
`them. So we have provided then additional
`interrogatory responses in this phase 2 prior to
` And then patent owner requested
`additional information and in that request, that
`was before Your Honors. And at that time you did
`order in paper number 10 in the 1475 matter.
` Again, you said the patent owner had
`not produced factual evidence beyond speculation
`that Ion was controlling the proceeding and that
`you were persuaded that what was available at
`that point by way of information was sufficient
`even too authorize a motion.
` So from our perspective, we have seen
`this movie. We have done this a number of times.
`We have provided the information and the
`suggestion that we haven't been forthcoming in
`terms of providing documents and information I
`think is inappropriate. From our perspective
`there is nothing new here.
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` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, may I please
` JUDGE DANIELS: So, the original -- I
`believe you referenced, if I'm recollecting
`everything correctly, I believe you referenced
`the master services agreement in the evidence
`that we ruled upon initially; is that right,
`Mr. Kiklis.
` MR. KIKLIS: There was a communication
`that referred to it and now we've shown the
`actual master services agreement. That's the new
` And I would, Your Honor, like to
`respond to the other side when you have a chance.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Okay. Briefly, please.
` MR. KIKLIS: Sure, Your Honor. We
`served interrogatories on the petitioner and when
`we got back we got what they called interrogatory
`answers. But what they conveniently did is we
`had defined in our interrogatories PGS and
`related companies knowing that there was going to
`be a number of agreements between the Ion
`entities and the PGS entities.
` In their response they redefined PGS
`and excluded the related companies.
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` Then they say in their interrogatory
`answers that there are agreements out there, yet
`we only have one.
` Moreover, the interrogatories that they
`served on us aren't even verified. So yes, they
`claim to have provided these great
`interrogatories but they lack specificity. They
`lack any detail and they certainly haven't even
`provided to us the very agreements that we
` Knowing that the agreement is based on
`the case that I cited to this board can be case
`dispositive, we are talking about privity here.
`And indemnification agreement can serve to
`provide enough privity, or in the context of a
`CBM for an indemnification agreement for one
`company to have standing for CBM we want to be
`able to make the privity argument here through
`these agreements, that privity alone can be shown
`through these agreements if we can get our hands
`on them.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Well, let me--
` MR. KIKLIS: Your Honor, if I may, we
`are just looking for the opportunity to brief it.
`That's all. We just want to brief it.
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` JUDGE DANIELS: Well, that was going to
`be my question, what you were looking for.
` MR. KIKLIS: We just want the
`opportunity to brief it, Your Honor, just the
`opportunity to brief it.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Let me take this
`opportunity to remind everybody again that the
`42.51, if there is any information that is
`inconsistent with positions that have been
`advanced by the parties that they need to make
`them discoverable.
` And this requirement extends to issues
`in the rule such as corporate officers and anyone
`involved in the preparation and filing of these
` So, with that caveat, since this is a
`request for briefing we are going to take it
`under advisement. I will take a look at 2061.
` It looks like we looked at a lot of
`this evidence before so we will take a look and
`see what's in 2061. I'm sorry, 2069.
` MR. KIKLIS: I'm sorry, Your Honor, is
`it 2069?
` JUDGE DANIELS: 2069; is that correct?
` MR. KIKLIS: Yes. And the
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`interrogatory answers that says that there are
`multiple agreements between PGS related entities
`is page 14 of Exhibit 2018.
` May I ask a housekeeping matter too,
`Your Honor.
` MR. KIKLIS: The patent owner has paid
`to have this call transcribed as well as the
`previous call. We would request permission from
`the Board to use board exhibit numbers so that we
`can file those transcripts.
` JUDGE DANIELS: I don't think that's a
`problem. I haven't had that request before but I
`will let the parties know about that. I don't
`want to say yes without allowing that. That
`would make some sense though.
` MR. KIKLIS: We have had other panels
`do that, Your Honor. It just makes it easier.
`It doesn't screw up our exhibit numbering.
` JUDGE DANIELS: Okay. I'll tell you
`what. Let's go ahead and do it. If it's a
`problem I will contact you and let you know. I
`will contact both parties and tell you how to do
` MR. KIKLIS: Thank you, Your Honor.
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 28
`PGS v. WesternGeco

`Page 29
` JUDGE DANIELS: All right. We are
`going to take that request under advisement. I
`will let you know about the times for the
` So at this time we will go ahead and
`adjourn the call. Thank you everyone for the
`call. Have a great day.
` MS. BERNIKER: Thank you, Your Honor.
` MR. KIKLIS: Thank you, Your Honor.
` (Whereupon, the teleconference was
` concluded at 8:11 o'clock p.m.)
`TSG Reporting - Worldwide - 877-702-9580
`Board Exhibit 3002, pg. 29
`PGS v. WesternGeco

`Page 30

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