`Appiicants: Jiang XiaoPing
`Examiner: Banyan Ketema
`Serial No; 11143151?
`Filed: May 18, 2006
`Title: Two-Pin Buttons
`Assignee: Cypress Semiconductor
`Group Art Unit: 2629
`Docket No: (2006039
`Confirmation No: 2623
`Commissioner for Patents
`RC). Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`Amendments to the present appiioafion audio: associated remarks are detaiieo
`1 “$143751 7
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 1
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 1


`This communication is responsive to the NonwFinai Office Action maited on
`August 3, 2010. Ciaims 1-20 are currently pending. Ciaims 1-4 and 18 are amended.
`No ciaims have been canoeiied or withdrawn.
`respectfutty requests
`reconsideration of the present objections and rejections. Appiicaot beiieves this
`communication to be fuiiy responsive to sit issues raised in the Action.
`Examiner Interview
`thanks the Examiner for the courtesy of the teiephone interview
`conducted on October 25, 2010, in which it was agreed that the Appiioant would amend
`the ciaims to more accurateiy ciaim the subject matter of the specification, which
`overcomes the references cited.
`The amendments to the ciaims are fatty supported by the specification as
`originaiiy flied, and no new matter wtti be added by entry of the amendment, The
`amendments to the ciaims are made to satisfy Appiicants’ preferences, not necessariiy
`to satisfy any iegai requiremenfis) of the patent laws. The amendments clarify the
`ciaims and are not intended to limit the scope of equivaients to which any ciairn eiement
`may be entitted. Appiicants respectfoiiy request reconsideration of the above—identified
`epoiication in View of {he amendments above and the remarks that fotlow.
`§ 7 02 Reg'ections
`Ciaims 1, 2, 4 and 18 were reiected under 35 USE. § 102(b) as attegediy being
`anticipated by Tsujioke et at. (US. Patent Number 5,518,078, hereinafter “Tsuiiokefi.
`Regarding independent ciaim 1, Examiner stated:
`“Tsaiioka et ai diseioses a method (Column 1 line 5-10), comprising:
`detecting a presence of a conductive object on a sensing device; (Gemini:
`9 iine 25- Coiumn 10 iine 4)
`1 t!437,51?
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 2
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 2


`recognizing three or more button {Fig 5 item 49, buttons) operations
`performed by the conductive object (Fig 5 item 50 8: 51‘ finger or pen)
`using Mo sensing areas of the sensing device (Fig 5 8. 6 item 24 & 25,
`two sensing areas).“
`Mereiy in the interest of advancing prosecution and without conceding the
`propriety of the rejection, Aceticant submits that claim 1 has been amended to recite:
`A method, comprising:
`detecting a presence of a conductive object on a capacitance sensing device,
`the sensing device comprising at ieast two sensing areas each coupied to
`a capacitance measurement input; and
`recognizing a pluraiity of button activations performed by the detected
`presence of the conductive obiect, wherein the number of the piuraiity of
`button activations is squat to at least the number or sensing areas pius
`one and wherein a combination of the at least two sensing areas is used
`to recognize at feast one of the piurality of button operations.
`Aooiicant respectfuiiy submits that Tsujioka does not disclose “recognizing a
`pluraiity of button activations performed by the detected presence of the conductive
`object, wherein the number of the piuraiity of button activations is squat to at least
`the number or sensing areas plus one and wherein a combination of the at least
`two sensing areas is used to recognize at least one of the piuraiity of button
`operations” as recited in the present apoiication. Tsojioka (Col. 10, lines 4-9) teaches:
`“The controi device 28 detects the pressing position as the operating position
`of the transparent eiectrodes 39 to 42; 32, 33, that is, the input coordinates as
`the coordinates (x, y), {x=t
`to 4, 51:1) of the pressing region 49 of two lines
`and four rows as an exampie of matrix arrangement.”
`Figure 5 of Tsujioka shows a 2x4 matrix of buttons (49) and a touchscreen area
`(first input area 24). Tsug'ioka does not disciose that the 2x4 matrix of buttons (49)
`recognizes “three or more button operations...using two areas of the sensing
`Therefore, apoiicant submits that Tsuiioka does not teach or suggest the claimed
`materiai of ciaim 1.
`1 11437151?
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 3
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 3


`Ciaims 2 and 4 depend from independent claim 1 and incorporate aii of the
`features therein. Ciaim 2 and 4 are aiso asserted to be eitowabte for the reasons
`presented above, and Appiicant respectfuiiy requests notification of same. Appiicant
`considers additionai eiements of ciaims 2 and 4 to further distinguish over Tsujioka and
`Appiicant reserves the right to present arguments to this effect at a later date.
`Regarding independent eiaim 18, Examiner stated:
`“Tsujioka et a! disctoses an apparatus (Coiumn i, touch panel), comprising:
`a first sensing area to detect a presence of a conductive object on a
`sensing device; {Fig 9 item 25)
`a second senign area to detect thr presence of the conductive object on
`the sensing device; {Fig 9 item 24)
`means for recognizing three or more button operations (Fig 9 item 39—42)
`performed by the conductive object (Fig 5 item 51 and 50, finger or
`pen) using two sensing areas on the sensing device (Fig 9 item 24 &
`25, two sensing areas).“
`Mereiy in the interest of advancing prosecution and without conceding the
`propriety of the rejection, Applicant submits that claim 1 has been amended to recite:
`An apparatus, comprising:
`a first sensing area configured to detect a presence of a conductive object on
`a sensing device;
`a second sensing area configured to detect the presence of the conductive
`object on the sensing device; and
`means for recognizing three or more button activations performed by the
`conductive object using the first and second sensing areas on the sensing
`For at toast the reasons stated for independent ciaim “i above, Tsujioka does not
`recite the stained features of claim 18.
`in panicoiar, Tsujioka does not disctose
`"recognizing three or more button activations performed by the conductive obiect
`using the first and second sensing areas on the sensing device” as oiaimed.
`Appiicant respecttoiiy submits that oiaim 18 is in condition for aiiowance and requests
`notification of same.
`§ 1 03 Reiections
`1 1143751?
`October 25, 2010
`“i i
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 4
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 4


`Ciaim 3 was rejected under 35 {3.8.0 § 103(a) as aiiegedh; being uneatentable
`ever Tsujieke in View of Ceiiins (US. Pubiished Application 2004;0239616, hereinafter
`Claim 3 depends from independent ciaim 1 and incorporates ail of the features
`therein. Ciaim 3 is e¥se asserted to be aiiewabie for the reasons presented above, and
`Appiicant respectfuiiy requests netificatien of same.
`Ciaims 19 and 20 was rejected under 35 USO. § 103(3)::13 eiiegediy being
`unpai’entable ever Tsujieka in View of Gritzinger et at. (US. Published Appiication
`200636097992. hereinafter “Gritzinger").
`Claims 19 and 29 depend from independent ciaim 18 and incorporate al! of the
`features therein. Cieims 19 and 20 are aiso asserted to be ailewabie fer the reasons
`presented above, and Appiicent respectfuiiy requests notification of same.
`Ciaims 5-17 have been aéiewed by the Patent Office. Applicant thanks the
`Aflowed Claims
`1 11’43751 7’
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 5
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 5


`Reservation of Rights
`Appiicant believes every assertion try the Office Action has been addressed,
`however in the interest of ciarity and brevity, Appiicant may not have asserted every
`avatiabie argument for each assertion made in the Office Action. Applicant’s silence
`regarding any such assertion does not constitute any admission or acquiescence
`Appticant reserves aii rights not exercised in connection with this response, such as the
`right to chaiienge or rebut any tacit or expiicit characterization of any reference or of any
`of the present ctaims, the right to chaiienge or rebut any asserted factuai or legal basis
`of any of the rejections, the right to swear behind any cited reference such as provided
`under 37 CPR. § 1.131 or othenvise, or the right to assert (so-ownership of any cited
`reference, Appiicant does not admit that any of the cited references or any other
`references of record is reievant to the present claims, or that they constitute prior art.
`To the extent that any rejection or assertion is based upon the Examiner‘s personal
`knowiedge, rather than any objective evidence of record as manifested by a cited prior
`art reference, Appiicant timely objects to such reliance on Official! Notice, and reserves
`ait rights to request that the Examiner provide a reference or affidavit in support of such
`assertion, as required by MPEP § 2144.03. Applicant reserves at! rights to pursue any
`canceited ciaims in a subsequent patent appiication ctaiming the benefit or priority of the
`present patent apptication, and to request rejoinder of any withdrawn ciairn, as required
`by MPEP § 821-04.
`1 t!437,51?
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 6
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 6


`Appiioant respectfully submit that the oiaims are in condition for aliowanoe and
`notification to that effect is earnestly requested. The Examiner is invited to tetephone
`Appiicant's agent, Ryan Seguine. at (425} 7534459.
`Pioaso charge any additionat fees under 3? CFR §§ MB, 1.17, 1.18, 1.20 and
`1.21 that may be required to maintain pendency of the present appiication, or appiy any
`credits to our PTO deposit account number: 50-33781-
`Respectfuliy submitted,
`Jiang XiaoPing
`By their Representative,
`Agent for Appficant
`Date Octoberzs 2010
`{Ryan Seguinei
`Ryan 9. Seguine
`Reg. No. 64,577
`Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
`198 Champion Good
`San Jose, CA 95134
`Facsimiie: (408) 545-5911
`1 11’43751 7’
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 7
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 7


`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Application Number: 11437517
`International Application Number:
`Confirmation N um ber:
`Title of Invention:
`Two—pin buttons
`Customer Number:
`Larry Joel Johnsoanenny Jackson
`Filer Authorized By:
`Larry Joel Johnson
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date: 18-MAY-2006
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Utility under 35 USC 111(a]
`Payment information:
`Submitted with Payment
`File Listing:
`File SizeiBytesh‘
`Number Part hzip (ifappl.) Document Description “a Name Message Digest
`Amend ment/Req. Reconsideration-After CD06039AmendmentAfierNon
`Non-Final Reject
`M‘JfiiWJ‘JfllfirdNfid IS‘J'ILIdLbLXIZJLth
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 8
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 8


`Total Files Size (in bytesll 3575179
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`Ifa new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53Ibl-{dl and MPEP 506], a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54} will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date ofthe application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`Ifa timely submission to enter the national stage ofan international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCTIDOIEO!903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`the application.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO asa Receiving Office
`Ifa new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP1810], a Notification of the International Application Number
`and ofthe International Filing Date (Form PCTIROH 05) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 9
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 9


`Claims pending
`a At time of the Action:
`. After this Response:
`Currently Amended claims:
`1—4 and 18.
`Currently Cancelled claims:
`Currently Withdrawn claims:
`New claims:
`1. (Currently Amended) A method, comprising:
`detecting a presence of a conductive object on a cagacitance sensing device, the
`sensing device comgrising at least two sensing areas each cougled to a
`capacitance measurement input; and
`recognizing tines-emote a glurality of button operations activations performed
`by the detected gresence of the conductive object wherein the number of the
`gluraliy of button activations is equal to at least the number of sensing areas
`glus one and wherein a combination of the at least two sensing areas is used
`to recognize at least one of the gluralitv of button operations using—Me
`.2' (Currently Amended) The method of ciaim 1, wherein recognizing the plurality of
`three-sensors button opera-dens activations com prises:
`11i437,51 ?
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 10
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 10


`recognizing a first button operation activation when the presence of the
`conductive object is detected on a first sensing area of the arias; two
`sensing areas of the sensing device;
`recognizing a second button epsretien activation when the presence of the
`conductive object is detected on a second sensing area of the flag; two
`sensing areas of the sensing device; and
`recognizing ene—er—naere a third button eperatieas activation when the presence
`of the conductive object is detected on the first and second sensing areas.
`3. (Currently Amended) The method of claim 1, further comprising determining
`measuring a capacitance of the conductive object on the sensing device overtime,
`wherein determining measuring the capacitance further comprises determining
`measuring a capacitance of the at least two sensing areas of the sensing device. and
`wherein recognizing the button eperatien activation is based on the measured
`capacitance of the at least two sensing areas.
`4. (Currently Amended) The method of claim 1, further comprising scanning the at least
`two sensing areas of the sensing device, and wherein recognizing the three-waste g
`glurality of button operations activations comprises:
`recognizing a first button eperatien activation when a first sensing area oi the at
`ieast two sensing areas detects the presence of the conductive object during
`the scanning of the at least two sensing areas;
`1 ‘1i‘437,51 7
`October 25. 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 11
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 11


`recognizing a second button operation activation when a second sensing area of
`the two sensing areas detects the presence of the conduCtive object during
`the scanning of the at least two sensing areas; and
`recognizing a third button operation activation when the first and second sensing
`areas detect the presence of the conductive object during the scanning of the
`at least tWO sensing areas.
`5. (Original) An apparatus, comprising:
`a sensing device comprising:
`a first sensor element;
`a second sensor element; and
`a third sensor element comprising a first portion coupled to the first sensor
`element and a second portion coupled to the second sensor element, wherein
`the first and second portions of the third sensor element are electrically
`6. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, wherein a surface area of the first portion and a
`surface area of the second portion of the third sensor element are substantially equal.
`'r'. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, further comprising a fourth sensor element
`comprising a third portion coupled to the first sensor element and a fourth portion
`coupled to the second sensor element. wherein the third and fourth portions of the
`fourth sensor element are eiectrioally isolated.
`1 “437,517
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 12
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 12


`8. (Original) The apparatus of claim 7', wherein a surface area ratio of the third sensor
`element is approximately 25% of the first portion to approximately 75% of the second
`portion. and wherein a surface area ratio of the fourth sensor element is approximately
`75% of the third portion to approximately 25% of the fourth portion.
`9. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, further comprising a fifth sensor element
`comprising a fifth portion coupled to the first sensor element and a sixth portion coupled
`to the second sensor element, wherein the fifth and sixth portions of the fifth sensor
`element are electrically isolated.
`1'0. (Original) The apparatus of claim 9, wherein a surface area ratio of the third sensor
`element is approximately 33% of the first portion to approximately 67% of the second
`portion,_wherein a surface area ratio of the fourth sensor element is approximately 50%
`of the third portion to approximately 50% of the fourth portionI and wherein a surface
`area ratio of the fifth sensor element is approximately 67% of the fifth portion to
`approximately 33% of the sixth portion.
`11. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, wherein the first portion comprises a first
`conductive trace having one or more sub-traces, and the second portion comprises a
`second conductive trace having one or more sub-traces, and wherein at least one sub-
`trace of the first conductive trace is interleaved with at least one sub-trace of the second
`conductive trace.
`1 1!437,51?
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 13
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 13


`12. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, wherein the first, second. and third sensor
`elements are substantially circular shaped.
`13. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, wherein the first, second, and third sensor.
`elements are substantially rectangular shaped.
`14. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, further comprising a processing device coupled
`to the sensing device, wherein the processing device comprises one or more
`capacitance sensors coupled to the first and second sensor elements, and wherein the
`one or more capacitance sensors are operable to measure capacitance on the first,
`second, and third sensor elements.
`15. (Original) The apparatus of claim 14, wherein the processing device comprises a
`first pin and a second pin, wherein the first pin is coupled to the first sensor element,
`and wherein the second pin is coupled to the second sensor element.
`16. (Original) The apparatus of claim 15, wherein the processing device is operable to
`recognize a first button operation on the first sensor element, a second button operation
`on the second sensor element, and a third button operation on the first and second
`portions of the third sensor element.
`17. (Original) The apparatus of claim 14, wherein each of the one or more capacitance
`sensors comprises a relaxation oscillator coupled to one of the first sensor element and
`October 25. 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 14
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 14


`the first portion, and the second sensor element and the second portion, wherein the
`relaxation oscillator comprises:
`a current source to provide a charge current to first sensor element and the first
`portion, and to the second sensor element and the second portion;
`a selection circuit coupled to the first sensor element and the first portion, the
`second sensor element and the second portion, and the current source.
`wherein the selection circuit is configured to sequentially select a sensor
`element of the first sensor element and the second sensor elements to
`provide the charge current and to measure the capacitance of each sensor
`element of the sensing device;
`a comparator coupled to the current source and the selection circuit, wherein the
`comparator is configured to compare a voltage on the selected sensor
`element and a threshold voltage; and
`a reset switch coupled to the comparator, current source, and selection circuit,
`wherein the reset switch is configured to reset the charge current on the
`selected sensor element, and wherein each of the one or more capacitance
`sensors further comprises a digital counter coupled to the relaxation
`oscillator, and wherein the digital counter is operable to count at least one of
`a frequency or a period of a relaxation oscillator output received from the
`relaxation oscillat0r_
`18. (Currently Amended) An apparatus, comprising:
`11143751 7
`October 25, 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 15
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 15


`a first sensing area configured to detect a presence of a conductive object on a
`sensing device;
`a second sensing area configured to detect the presence of the conductive object
`on the sensing device; and
`means for recognizing three or more button speratiens activations performed by
`the conductive object using Me the first and second sensing areas on the
`sensing device.
`19. (Original) The apparatus of claim 18. further comprising means for reducing a pin
`count of the sensing device.
`20. (Original) The apparatus oi claim 18. further comprising means for reducing scan
`time of the sensing device.
`1 1143?,517
`October 25. 2010
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005,.Pg. 16
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 16


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`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 17
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 17


`611325/ 2011
`14: 4B
`JAN 26 2011
`Applicants: Jiang XiaoPing
`Serial No; 11f43?,517
`Filed: May 18. 2005
`Title: Two-Pin Buttons
`Assignee: Cypress Semiconductor
`Examiner: Benyan Ketema
`Group Art Unit: 2629'
`Docket No.: CD06039
`Confirmation No.: 2623
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Dear Sir:
`Amendments to the present application andlor associated remarks are detailed
`January 26. 2010
`PAGE 39 " RCVD AT “250011 4:49:24 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ' SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-5iifi ' DHISIZHNUO " CSIDIHSTSNW " DURATION (mm-ss]:fl2-fl4
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 18
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 18


`Claims pending
`t. At time of the Action:
`.. After this Response:
`_ M
`Currently Amended claims:
`1-4 and 18.
`Currently Cancelled claims:
`Currently Withdrawn claims:
`New claims:
`1. (Currently Amended) A method, comprising:
`detecting a presence of a conductive object on a capacitance sensing device, the
`sensing device comprising at least two sensing areas each coupled to a
`capacitance measurement input; and
`recognizing egj'ivgtigg 9f gt legal three a—plurality-ef buttons activations performed
`- by the detected presence of the conductive object. wherein the pluralist
`number of batten buttons activations is equal to at least the number or
`sensing areas plus one and wherein a combination of the at least two sensing
`areas is used to recognize at least one of the pluralityLef activated batten
`buttons operations.
`2. (Cunentlv Amended) The method of claim 1. wherein recognizmg the plurality of
`button activations comprises;
`recognizing a first activated button astivatien when the presence of the
`conductive object is detected on a first sensing area of the at least two
`sensing areas of the sensing device;
`January 26. 2010
`PAGE 313‘ RCVD AT 112612011 4:49:24 PM [Eastern Standard Time] ‘ SVR:USPTO£FXRF-§ll§ ‘ DNIS:2?333130 * 88103251874545 ‘ DURATION lmnsslm-fli
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 19
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 19


`recognizing a second activated button activation when the presence of the
`conductive object ls detected on a second sensing area of the at least two
`sensing areas of the sensing device; and
`recognizing a third activated button activation when the presence of the
`conductive object is detected on the first and Second sensing areas.
`3. (Currently Amended) The method of claim 1. further comprising measuring a
`capacitance of the conductive object on the sensing device over time. wherein
`measuring the capacitance further comprises measuring a capacitance of the at least
`two sensing areas of the sensing device, and wherein recognizing the agtigateg batten
`egg-Ls activation is based on the measured capacitance of the at least two sensing
`4. (Currently Amended) The method of claim 1. further comprising scanning the at least
`two sensing areas of the sensing device, and wherein recognizing the a plurality of
`activated batten legions aetivatiens comprises:
`recognizing a first activated button activation when a first sensing area of the at
`least two sensing areas detects the presence of the conductive object during
`the scanning of the at least two sensing areas;
`recognizing a second activated button activation when a second sensing area of
`the two sensing areas detects the presence of the conductive object during
`the scanning of the at least two sensing areas; and
`January 26, 2010
`PAGE 4i? ‘ RCVD AT “25‘2011 439 :24 PM {Easttm Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO-EFXRF-§i15 ‘ DtilSflimflfl * CSID:425?3?4545 ’ DURATION (mill-5513204
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 20
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 20


`recognizing a third activated button astivatiea when the first and second sensing
`areas detect the presence of the conductive object during the scanning of the
`at least two sensing areas.
`5. (Original) An apparatus, comprising:
`a sensing device comprising:
`a first sensor element;
`a second sensor element; and
`a third sensor element comprising a first portioncoupled to the first sensor
`element and a second portion coupled to the second sensor element, wherein
`, the first and second portions of the third sensor element are electrically
`isolated .
`6. {Original} The apparatus of claim 5. wherein a surface area of the first portion and a
`surface area of the second portion of the third sensor element are substantially equal.
`7. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5. further comprising a fourth sensor element
`comprising a third portion coupled to the first sensor element and a fourth portion I
`coupled to the second sensor element, wherein the third and fourth portions of the
`I fourth sensor element are electrically isolated,
`8. (Original) The apparatus of claim 7, wherein a surface area ratio of the third sensor
`element is approximately 25% of the first portion to approximately 75% of the second
`January 26. 2010
`PAGE iii“ RCVD AT main 4:49:24 PM [Eastern Standard Time] * SVR:USPTO£Fl{iif-5i15‘ DNISIZTSHUD ’ CSlDiiifimifiiG ’ DURATION (mmsslwi-fli
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 21
`BLACKBERRY EX. 1005, Pg. 21


`81'2'26/261 1
`14: 48
`portion, and wherein a surface area ratio of the fourth sensor element is approximately
`75% of the third portion to approximately 25% of the fourth portion.
`9. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5. further comprising a fifth sensor element
`comprising a fifth portion coupled to the first sensor element and a sixth portion coupled
`to the second sensor element, wherein the fifth and sixth portions of the fifth sensor
`element are electrically isolated.
`10. (Original) The apparatus of claim 9. wherein a surface area ratio of the third sensor .
`element is approximately 33% of the first portion to approximately 67% of the second
`portion, wherein a surface area ratio of the fourth sensor element is approkimately 50%
`of the third portion to approximately 50% of the fourth portion! and wherein a surface
`area ratio of the filth sensor element is approximately 67% of the fifthportion to
`approximately 33% of the sixth portion.
`11. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5, wherein the first portion comprises a first
`conductive trace having one or more sub-traces. and thesecond portion comprises a
`second conductive trace having one or more sub-traces. and wherein at least one sub-
`trace of the first conductive trace is interleaved with at least one sub-trace of the second
`conductive trace.
`12. (Original) The apparatus of claim 5. wherein the first, second. and third sensor
`elements are substantially circular shaped

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