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`4,170,415 A
`10/1979 Lemeshewsky et 211.
`4,415,970 A
`1171983 Sweneen e151
`4,455,605 A
`6/1984 Cormieret al.
`4,504,927 A
`371985 C911”
`4,533,996 A
`8/1985 Gartunget a1.
`4,573,152 A
`2/1986 Greene etal.
`4,603,380 A
`7/1986 Easton et al.
`4,620,295 A
`10/1986 Aiden, Jr.
`4,644,462 A
`2/1987 Matsubaraetal.
`4,595,948 A
`971987 131eV1nee1e1~
`4,697,232 A
`9/1987 Brunelleetal.
`4,715,035 A
`1271987 K5511 e191
`4,751,535 A
`571988 Kne‘
`4,787,028 A
`1171988 F1nfn°e1‘e1n1~
`4,807,180 A
`2/1989 Takeuchietal.
`4,811,278 A
`371989 Benn e151,
`4,821,179 A
`471989 1eneene1n1'
`4,825,406 A
`4/1989 Bean etal.
`4,827,411 A
`5/1989 Arrowoodetal.
`4,835,674 A
`5/1989 Collins etal.
`4,845,722 A
`771989 Ken1e“,'1~
`4,854,532 A
`971989 ReeVe e191
`4,897,874 A
`1/1990 Lidenskyetal.
`4,947,357 A
`871990 Cneng e”‘1
`4,951,224 A
`1071990 Ynng
`5,072,378 A
`1271991 Mnnkn
`5,077,732 A
`1271991 F1eene1e“‘1-
`5,077,736 A
`12/1991 Dunphy, Jr. em.
`5,124,987 A
`6/1992 Milliganetal.
`5,155,845 A
`1071992 Ben1e“‘1~
`5,153,131 A
`1171992 R°We“*1~
`5,185,875 A
`271993 Nguyen en 91
`5,193,168 A
`3/1993 Corriganetal.
`5,193,184 A
`3/1993 Belsanetal.
`5,202,855 A
`471993 G11‘1ene“’1~
`5,210,855 A
`571993 M1111‘,3nne”11~
`5,212,785 A
`571993 P°We1ee1n1'
`5,214,778 A
`571993 G11e1ene”‘1~
`5,225,143 A
`771993 135115 e”‘1
`5,239,532 A
`871993 Lennen
`5,239,643 A
`8/1993 Blountetal.
`5,239,654 A
`8/1993 Ing-Simmons et a1.
`5,247,638 A
`9/1993 O’Brieneta1.
`5,247,592 A
`971993 FnJ1nnnn
`5,257,385 A
`1071993 59115
`5,297,252 A
`371994 COX e151
`5,301,290 A
`4/1994 Tetzlaffetal,
`5,315,657 A
`5/1994 Abadjetal.
`5,317,593 A
`571994 E115 e151
`5,331,573 A
`771994 E11“ en 51'
`5,347,384 A
`9/1994 McReyn01dseta1.
`5,355,453 A
`10/1994 Glideretal.
`5,351,347 A
`1171994 G11e1ene”‘1~
`5,367,646 A
`11/1994 Pardillosetal.
`5,379,385 A
`1/1995 Shomler
`5,379,398 A
`171995 Cenn e151
`5,388,243 A
`2/1995 Glideretal.
`5,388,245 A
`271995 K551
`5,394,402 A
`271995 R°eee1n1~
`5,394,525 A
`271995 Cn°n5e e191
`5,396,596 A
`3/1995 Hashemietal.
`5,403,539 A
`471995 13e1S9n e1 91-
`5,410,667 A
`4/1995 Belsanetal.
`5,410,697 A
`4/1995 Bairdetal.
`5,414,820 A
`5/1995 McFar1andeta1.
`5,416,915 A
`5/1995 Mattsonet a1.
`5,418,909 A
`5/1995 Jachowskietal.
`5,429,988 A
`571995 13111511
`5,423,026 A
`6/1995 Cooketal.
`5,423,044 A
`6/1995 Sutton etal.
`5,426,637 A
`6/1995 Derbyet 61.
`5,430,855 A
`7/1995 Wash etal.
`5745075770 A
`9/1995 Richeketal.
`5,452,421 A
`9/1995 Beardsleyetal.
`5,459,357 A
`10/1995 Lud1ameta1,
`5,463,754 A
`10/1995 Beausoleiletal.
`5,465,382 A
`11/1995 Day, 111 et :11.
`5,469,576 A
`11/1995 Dauereretal.
`US 7,934,041 132
`5,471,609 A
`5,237,183 A
`5,495,474 A
`5-’496’5-76 A
`51504857 A
`5,507,032 A
`5’511’169 A
`5-’5l9’695 A
`5,530,845 A
`5’535’352 A
`55371585 A
`5’544’313 A
`55481791 A
`5,564,019 A
`5,568,648 A
`5,581,709 A
`5,581,714 A
`5,581,724 A
`5,596,562 A
`515961736 A
`5,598,541 A
`5,613,082 A
`5,621,902 A
`5,632,012 A
`5,634,111 A
`5,638,518 A
`51642515 A
`51659756 A
`5,664,107 A
`5,680,556 A
`5,684,800 A
`5,701,491 A
`5,712,976 A
`5172712188 A
`5,729,705 A
`5,743,847 A
`5,748,924 A
`5,751,971 A
`5,751,975 A
`5,764,931 A
`51768623 A
`5,774,683 A
`5-’778’411 A
`5,781,715 A
`5,802,278 A
`5,805,816 A
`5,805,920 A
`5,809,328 A
`5,812,754 A
`5,819,054 A
`5,825,772 A
`5’835’496 A
`5,845,107 A
`5,848,251 A
`5,857,080 A
`5,860,137 A
`5,864,653 A
`5,867,648 A
`5,884,027 A
`5,889,952 A
`59131045 A
`519231557 A
`51933824 A
`5,935,205 A
`5,985,260 A
`5,941,969 A
`5-’941’972 A
`5’946’308 A
`59531511 A
`5,959,994 A
`5,963,556 A
`5,974,535 A
`5,978,379 A
`5,978,875 A
`5,991,797 A
`6,000,020 A
`6,021,451 A
`6,029,168 A
`11/1995 Yudenfriend et :11.
`2/1996 O1n0wichet.a1
`3/1996 J
`4/1996 13e:iIr1a8eta1
`40996 Kimum '
`4/1996 Suda
`5/1996 Purohitetal
`60996 Hiattetal
`7/1996 Bridges 6661
`7/1996 Blickerstaffetal
`8/1996 Shachnaietal
`8/1996 Casperetal
`10/1996 Beausoleil 61 al
`10/1996 Cosca.rel1aeta11
`12/1996 09 6991
`12/1996 Amini 61211
`12/1996 Be1saneta1
`10997 Chen
`1/1997 Kems
`10997 M90661.
`3/1997 Breweretal
`4/1997 Cases et al
`50997 Belsanet 9'1
`5/1997 Oedaetal
`6/1997 Malladj
`6/1997 Jones et al
`8/1997 Hefferon etal
`90997 Ch6tW69m6t61
`100997 Begun 6991
`11/1997 Dobbins e{a1
`12/1997 Dunnetal
`1/1998 Falcon eta1
`3/1998 Hotchkin
`30998 Weber
`4/1998 Nalmmuraetal
`5/1998 Llorensetal
`5/1998 Dobbinseta1
`5/1998 Gillespie eta1
`6/1998 Schmahl et 2111
`6/1998 Juddetal
`60998 Gulick
`7/1998 DGMOSS
`70998 Shell
`9/1998 Isfeldetal
`9/1998 Picazo Jr etal
`9/1998 Sprenk,le etal
`90998 N6ga16S6ta1'
`90998 metal
`10/1998 Ninomiya etal
`10/1998 Dobbins etal
`11/1998 Yeung etal
`12/1998 Fi99h6t91'
`12/1998 Lomelino etal
`10999 Janderetal
`10999 Razetal
`1/1999 Tavallaeietal
`20999 F601 6961
`3/1999 Garbuset1a1
`3/1999 Hunnicutt e1 31
`6/1999 Gillespie etal 1
`7/1999 Eidson
`8/1999 DeK0ningeta1
`80999 Mmayamaetai
`80999 Ofer
`80999 Rametal
`8/1999 Hoese eta
`8/1999 Dobbinseta
`9/1999 Sesci1iaeta11
`9/1999 B
`10/1999 Varghese et :11.
`10/1999 Y°nng
`11/1999 Chanet :11.
`11/1999 Asano etal.
`11/1999 Futraletal.
`12/1999 Chin etal.
`2/2000 Bell et :11.
`2/2000 Frey
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`CQ-1001 / Page 2 of 15

`2/2000 Renner, Jr.
`6,032,269 A
`3/2000 Flanders et al.
`6,041,058 A
`3/2000 Hoese
`6,041,381 A
`4/2000 Ofer et al.
`6,055,603 A
`5/2000 Keaveny et al.
`6,065,087 A
`5/2000 Tavallaei et al.
`6,070,253 A
`6/2000 Bergsten
`6,073,209 A
`6/2000 DeKoning et al.
`6,073,218 A
`6/2000 Krishnan et al.
`6,075,863 A
`6/2000 Born et al.
`6,081,849 A
`8/2000 Velez-McCaskey et al.
`6,098,128 A
`8/2000 0fer et al.
`6,098,149 A
`8/2000 DeKoning et al.
`6,108,684 A
`9/2000 Akers
`6,118,766 A
`10/2000 Fukui
`6,131,119 A
`10/2000 Weber
`6,134,617 A
`10/2000 Krantz et al.
`6,141,737 A
`11/2000 Vishlitsky et al.
`6,145,006 A
`11/2000 ghand et 31,
`6,147,976 A
`11/2000 Dobbins et al.
`6,147,995 A
`11/2000 N_e1S011 61 31
`5,148,004 A
`1/2001 Gllbrech
`6’173’399 B1
`2/2001 Barman
`6485203 B1
`3/2001 Diamam et 31,
`6,202,153 B1
`3/2001 Dimitroff et 31,
`6,209,023 B1
`4/2001 Kikuchj e1 31,
`6,219,771 131
`4/2001 Sartore
`6,223,266 B1
`5/2001 Casper et al.
`6,230,218 B1
`6/2001 ReImer,Jr~
`5,243,827 B1
`7/2001 Blumenau et al.
`6,260,120 B1
`7/2001 Diamant et al.
`6,268,789 B1
`10/2001 Ackerman
`6,308,247 B1
`12/2001 Kondo et 31,
`6,330,629 B1
`12/2001 Grjffith
`5,330,637 131
`1/2002 Arroyo et a1,
`6,341,315 B1
`1/2002 Hubis et al.
`6,343,324 B1
`3/2002 Befgstell
`6,353,462 B1
`6/2002 G1'11711111e131~
`6,401,170 B1
`7/2002 Hoese et al.
`6,421,753 B1
`7/2002 Hoese et al.
`6,425,035 B2
`7/2002 Hoese 6, al,
`6,425,036 B2
`7/2002 Hashemi
`6,425,052 B1
`9/2002 Trcka et al,
`6,453,345 B2
`11/2002 Sanada etal.
`6,484,245 B1
`2/2003 Cheng
`D470,486 S
`3/2003 Nguyen etal.
`6,529,996 B1
`4/2003 Peng et a1,
`6,547,576 B2
`5/2003 Chien et al.
`6,560,750 B2
`5/2003 Peng et al.
`6,563,701 B1
`8/2004 Adams
`6,775,693 B1
`1?; 113111 it 31‘
`uc esnee a.
`2/2005 Hsu et a1’
`6’854’027 B2
`3/2005 Smp“
`6362637 B1
`3/2005 Treggiden
`6,874,043 B2
`3/2005 Rauscher
`6,874,100 B2
`6/2005 Hsu etal.
`6,910,083 B2
`6/2006 Nemazie
`7,065,076 B1
`10/2006 McBryde etal.
`7,127,668 B2
`11/2006 Chien
`7,133,965 B2
`3/2007 Chen et :11.
`7,188,111 B2
`5/2007 H3V1V 31 31,
`7,216,225 B2
`7/2007 TTOSSCH 61 31
`7a25-L248 B2
`10/2007 L1u_et 31'
`712811072 B2
`6/2002 T531 6131'
`2002/0083221 A1
`9/2006 H0856 et 31'
`2006/0218322 Al
`12/2006 Tsai et al.
`2006/0277326 A1
`12/2006 Tsai et al.
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`Memo Dated Aug. 15, 1997 to AEC-7312A Evaluation Unit Custom-
`ers re: B001 Release Notes (Lavan Ex 18 (CNS 182878-879)) (CD-
`ROM Chaparral Exhibits D038), Aug. 15, 1997.
`Brooklyn Main Board (AES-0302) MES Schedule (Lavan Ex 19
`(CNS 177759-763)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D039), Feb. 11,
`News Release-Adaptec Adds Fibre Channel Option to its External
`RAID Controller Family (Lavan Ex 20 (CNS 182932-934)) (CD-
`ROM Chaparral Exhibits D040), May 6, 1997.
`AEC-4412B/7412B User’ s Guide, Rev. A (Lavan Ex 21) (CD-ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D041), Jun. 19, 1905.
`Data Book- AIC-7895 PCI Bus Master Single Chip SCSI Host
`Adapter (Davies Ex 1 (CNS 182944-64)) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D046), May 21, 1996.
`Data Book- AIC-1 160 Fibre Charmel Host Adapter ASIC (Davies Ex
`2 (CNS 181800-825)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D047), Jun. 18,
`Viking RAID Software (Davies Ex 3 (CNS 180969-181026)) (CD-
`ROM Chaparral Exhibits D048), Jun. 18, 1905.
`Header File with Structure Definitions (Davies Ex 4 (CNS 180009-
`018)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D049), Aug. 8, 1996.
`CQ-1001 I Page 4 of 15
`CQ-1001 / Page 4 of 15

`US 7,934,041 B2
`Page 5
`C++ SourceCode for the SCSI Command Handler (Davies Ex 5
`(CNS 179136-168)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D050), Aug. 8,
`Header File Data Structure (Davies Ex 6 (CNS 179997-180008))
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D051), Jan. 2, 1997.
`SCSI Command Handler (Davies Ex 7 (CNS 179676-719)) (CD-
`ROM Chaparral Exhibits D052), Jan. 2, 1997.
`Coronado: Fibre Channel to SCSI Intelligent RAID Controller Prod-
`uct Brief (Kalwitz Ex I (CNS 182804-805)) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D053).
`Bill of Material (Kalwitz Ex 2 (CNS 181632-633)) (CD-ROM Chap-
`arral Exhibits D054), Mar. 17, 1997.
`Emails Dated Jan. 13-Mar. 31, 1997 from P. Collins to M0 re: Status
`Reports (Kalwitz Ex 3 (CNS 182501-511)) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D055).
`Hardware Schematics for the Fibre Channel Daughtercard Coronado
`(Kalwitz Ex 4 (CNS 181639-648)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`Adaptec Schematics reAAC-340 (Kalwitz Ex 14 CNS 177215 -251))
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D057).
`Bridge Product Line Review (Manzanares Ex 3 (CNS 177307-336))
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D058).
`AEC Bridge Series Products-Adaptec External Controller RAID
`Products Pre-Release Draft, v.6 (Manzanares Ex 4 (CNS 174632-
`653)). (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D059), Oct. 28, 1997.
`Hewlett-Packard Roseville Site Property Pass for Brian Smith (Dun-
`ning Ex 14 (HP 489) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D078), Nov. 7,
`Distribution Agreement Between Hewlett-Packard and Crossroads
`(Dunning Ex 15 (HP 326-33) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D079).
`HPFC-5000 Tachyon User’ s Manuel, First Edition (PTI 172419-839)
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D084), May 1, 1996.
`X3T10 994D—(Draft) Information Technology: SCSI-3 Architec-
`ture Model, Rev. 1.8 (PTI 165977) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`X3T10 Project 1047D: Information Technology- SCSI-3 Controller
`Commands (SCC), Rev, 6c (PTI 166400-546) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D088), Sep. 3, 1996.
`X3T10 995D-
`(Draft) SCSI-3 Primary Commands, Rev.
`(Wanamaker Ex 5 (PTI 166050-229)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits
`D089), Nov. 13, 1996.
`VBAR Volume Backup and Restore (CRDS 12200-202) (CD-ROM
`Chaparral Exhibits D099).
`Preliminary Product Literature for Infinity Commstor’s Fibre Chan-
`nel to SCSI Protocol Bridge (Smith Ex 1 1; Quisenberry Ex 31 (SPLO
`428-30) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D143), Aug. 19, 1996.
`Letter dated Jul. 12, 1996 from J. Boykin to B. Smith re: Purchase
`Order for Evaluation Units from Crossroads (Smith Ex 24) CRDS
`8556-57) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D144), Jul. 12, 1996.
`CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Channel
`to SCSI Router Preliminary
`Datasheet (Hulsey Ex 9 (CRDS 16129-130)) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D145), Nov. 1, 1996.
`to SCSI Router Preliminary
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre Channel
`Datasheet (Bardach Ex. 9, Quisenberry Ex 33 (CRDS 25606-607))
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D153), Nov. 1, 1996.
`Fax Dated Jul. 22, 1996 from L. Petti to B. Smith re: Purchase Order
`from Data General for FC2S Fibre to Channel SCSI Protocol Bridge
`Model 11 (Smith Ex 25; Quisenberry Ex 23; Bardach Ex 11 (CRDS
`8552-55; 8558) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D155), Jul. 22, 1996.
`Email Dated Dec. 20, 1996 from J. Boykin to B. Smith re: Purchase
`Order for Betas in February and March (Hoese Ex 16, Quisenberry
`Ex 25; Bardach Ex 12 (CRDS 13644-650) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D156), Dec. 20, 1996.
`Infinity Commstor Fibre Channel Demo for Fall Comdex, 1996
`(Hoese Ex 15, Bardach Ex 13 (CRDS 27415) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D157).
`Fax Dated Dec. 19, 1996 from B. Bardach to T. Rarich re: Purchase
`Order Information (Bardach Ex. 14; Smith Ex 16 (CRDS 4460))
`(CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D158).
`Miscellaneous Documents Regarding Comdex (Quisenberry Ex 2
`(CRDS 27415-465)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D165).
`to SCSI Router Preliminary
`CrossPoint 4100 Fibre Channel
`Datasheet (Quisenberry) Ex 3 (CRDS 4933-34) (CD-ROM Chapar-
`ral Exhibits D166) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D166).
`CrossPoint 4400 Fibre to Charmel
`to SCSI Router Preliminary
`Datasheet; Crossroads Company
`Product Overview
`(Quisenberry Ex 4 (CRDS 25606; 16136)) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits D167).
`Crossroads Purchase Order Log (Quisenberry Ex 9 (CRDS 14061-
`062)) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits D172).
`RAID Manager 5 with RDAC 5 for UNIX V.4 User’s Guide (LSI-
`01854) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits P062), Sep. 1, 1996.
`Letter dated May 12, 1997 from Alan G. Leal to Barbara Bardach
`enclosing the original OEM License and Purchase Agreement
`between Hewlett-Package Company and Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`(CRDS 02057) (CD-ROM Chaparral Exhibits P130).
`CR4x00 Product Specification (CRDS 43929) (CD-ROM Chaparral
`Exhibits P267), Jun. 1, 1998.
`Symbios Logic—Hardware Functional Specification for
`Symbios Logic Series 3 Fibre Charmel Disk Array Controller Model
`3701 (Engelbrecht Ex 3 (LSI-1659-1733) (CD-ROM Pathlight
`Exhibits D074).
`Report of the Working Group on Storage 1/0 for Large Scale Com-
`puting; Department of Computer Science Duke University:
`CS-1996-21 (PTI 173330-347).
`(CD-ROM Pathlight Exhibits
`Brian Allison’s 1999 Third Quarter Sales Plan (PDX 38 )CNS
`022120-132)) (CD-ROM Pathlight Exhibits D201), Jun. 5, 2001.
`Brooklyn SCSI-SCSI Intelligent External RAID Bridge Definition
`Phase External Documentation ((CD-ROM Pathlight Exhibits
`StorageWorks HSx70 System Specification by Steve Sicola dated
`Jun. 11, 1996 4:57pm, Revision 4.
`ANSI TR, Revision 9 ofX3-991D. Draft Proposed X3
`Technical Report—Sma1l Computer System Interface—3 Generic
`Packetized Protocol (SCSI-GPP). Computer and Business Equip-
`ment Manufacturers Assoc.
`Enterprise Systems Connection (ESON) Implementation Guide, Jul.
`IBM International Technical
`Support Organization,
`Poughkeepsie Center, Jul. 1, 1996.
`Digital Delivers Industry-Leading Enterprise-Class Storage Solu-
`tions. StorageWorks Family Provides Easiest Path to Fibre Channel.
`Three pages by Company News Oncall dated Sep. 9, 2004.
`American National Standard for Information Technology—Fibre
`Charmel Protocol for SCSI. ANSI X3.269-1996, Jun. 18, 1905.
`F1710A File Control Unit and F6493 Array Disk Subsystem by
`Hitoshi Matsushima, Shojiro Okada and Tetsuro Kudo, Feb. 3, 1995.
`The Legend of AMDAHL by Jeffrey L. Rodengen (5 pages).
`Office Action dated Feb. 6, 2007 from the Japanese Patent Office
`regarding related application No. 526873/2000.
`InfoServer 100 System Operation Guide, Order No. EK-DIS1K-UG-
`iNFOsERVER 100 Installation and Owner’s Guide, Order No.
`EK-DIS 1 K-IN-00 1.
`Software Product Description: Product Name: InfoServer 100 Soft-
`ware, Version 1.1 SPD 38.59.00, Nov. 1, 1991.
`Software Product Description: Product Name: InfoServer Client for
`ULTRIX, Version 1.1, SPD 40.78.01, Apr. 1, 1993.
`Draft Proposed American National Standard. X3.269-199X, Revi-
`sion 012. Information System—dpANS Fibre Channel Protocol fo
`SCSI, Dec. 4, 1995.
`Impactdata Launches Breakthrough Architecture for Network Stor-
`age, Nov. 13, 1996.
`Impactdata Introduces New Storage
`Impactdata..News Release:
`Architecture for High Performance Computing. 2 Pages, Nov. 12,
`Impactdata’s Network Peripheral
`Impactdata..News Release:
`Adapter (NPA) Pushes Technology Envelope of Data Storage Man-
`agement in High-Speed Computing Environments. 2 Pages, Nov. 12,
`Impactdata and Storage Concepts
`Impactdata..News Release:
`Announce Integration of FibreRAID II Storage Solution with
`Impactdata’s Distributed Storage Node Architecture (DSNA). 2
`pages, Nov. 18, 1996.
`CQ-1001 I Page 5 of 15
`CQ-1001 / Page 5 of 15

`US 7,934,041 B2
`Page 6
`Impactdata. News Release: Breece Hill Libraries Now Able to Attach
`Directly to High Speed Networks Peripheral Adapter
`Impactdata. 2 Pages, Nov. 20, 1996.
`Impactdata—DSNA Questions and Answers. 22 Pages.
`1mpactdata—Network Storage Solutions. 4 pages.
`Network Storage Building Blocks. 2 Pages.
`Impactdata—NPA (Network Peripheral Interface). 4 Pages.
`Impactdata—CPI (Common Peripheral Interfae). 2 Pages.
`Impactdata—SNC (Storage Node Controller). 2 Pages.
`Impactdata—DSNA (Distributed Storage Node Architecture) Proto-
`col. 2 Pages.
`Impactdata—DS-50. 2 Pages.
`Impactdata—Corporate Fact Sheet. 1 Page.
`Raider-5 “DiskArray Manual for the U1traSCSI Controller”. Pa1tNo.
`261-0013-002. 191 Pages.
`Impactdata—White Paper: Distributed Storage Node Architecture
`(DSNA), Jan. 1997,
`Impactdata—DSNA Distributed Storage Node Architecture “Refer-
`ence Guide”. 44 Pages.
`F 1710 Logic Specification.
`Translation of Final Office Action issued in JP 526873/2000 mailed
`May 14, 2008. 4 Pages,
`Office Action issued in U.S. Appl. No. 11/851,837 dated Dec. 22,
`2008, Hoese, 7 pages.
`English Translation of Japanese Laid-Open Publication No.
`5-181609. 9 pgs.,Jul.23, 1993.
`English Translation ofJapanese Laid-Open Publication No. 7-20994.
`57 pgs, Jan.24, 1995.
`F1710 File Control Unit (FCU) Logical Specifications. 11 Pages,
`Dec. 9, 1997.
`Questioning Mailed Jun. 8, 2010 from JP Patent Application 526873/
`2000. 8 pages.
`Office Action Mailed Aug. 17, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No, 11/947,499 to
`Hoese. 6 pgs,
`American National Standard for Information Systems: Fibre Chan-
`ne1—Cross-Point Switch Fabric Topology (FC-XS); X3T1 1/Project
`959D/Rev 1.30. 114 pgs., Jun. 17, 1994.
`Office Action Mailed Sep. 13, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 11/980,909.
`Office Action Mailed Sep. 13, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/552,807.
`Office Action Mailed Sep. 15, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/552,885.
`Office Action Mailed Sep. 23, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/552,913.
`Office Action Mailed Dec. 2, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/910,375.
`Office Action Mailed Dec. 3, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/910,431.
`Office Action Mailed Dec. 3, 2010 in U.S. Appl. No. 12/910,515.
`CQ-1001 I Page 6 of 15
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 26, 2011
`Sheet 1 012
`US 7,934,041 B2
`wonxsnmow womcsmnow woaxsmuow
`_ 3
`CQ-1001 I Page 7 of 15
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`U.S. Patent
`Apr. 26, 2011
`Sheet 2 012
`US 7,934,041 B2
`CQ-1001 I Page 8 of 15
`CQ-1001 / Page 8 of 15

`US 7,934,041 B2
`This application is a continuation of, and claims a benefit of
`priority under 35 U.S.C. 120 of the filing date of U.S. patent
`application Ser. No. 12/552,885 entitled “Storage Router and
`Method for Providing Virtual Local Storage” filed Sep. 2,
`2009, which is a continuation of and claims the benefit of
`priority of U.S. application Ser. No. 11/851,724 entitled
`“Storage Router and Method for Providing Virtual Local
`Storage” filed Sep. 7, 2007, now U.S. Pat. No. 7,689,754
`issued Mar. 30, 2010, which is a continuation of and claims
`the benefit of priority of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
`1 1/442,878 entitled “Storage Router and Method for Provid-
`ing Virtual Local Storage” filed May 30, 2006, now aban-
`doned, which is a continuation of and claims the benefit of
`priority of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 11/353,826
`entitled “Storage Router and Method for Providing Virtual
`Local Storage” filed on Feb. 14, 2006, now U.S. Pat. No.
`7,340,549 issued Mar. 4, 2008, which is a continuation of and
`claims the benefit of priority of U.S. patent application Ser.
`No. 10/658,163 entitled “Storage Router and Method for
`Providing Virtual Local Storage” filed on Sep. 9, 2003 now
`U.S. Pat. No. 7,051,147 issued May 23, 2006, which is a
`continuation of and claims the benefit of benefit of priority of
`U.S. patent application Ser. No. 10/081,110 by inventors
`Geoffrey B. Hoese and Jeffery T. Russell, entitled “Storage
`Router and Method for Providing Virtual Local Storage” filed
`on Feb. 22, 2002, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,789,152 issued on Sep.
`7, 2004, which in turn is a continuation of and claims benefit
`of priority of US. application Ser. No. 09/354,682 by inven-
`tors Geoffrey B. Hoese and Jeffrey T. Russell, entitled “Stor-
`age Router and Method for Providing Virtual Local Storage”
`filed on Jul. 15, 1999, now U.S. Pat. No. 6,421,753 issued on
`Jul. 16, 2002, which in turn is a continuation of and claims
`benefit of priority of U.S. patent application Ser. No. 09/001,
`799, filed on Dec. 31, 1997, now U.S. Pat. No. 5,941,972
`issued onAug. 24, 1999, and hereby incorporates these appli-
`cations and patents by reference in their entireties as if they
`had been fully set forth herein.
`to network storage
`This invention relates in general
`devices, and more particularly to a storage router and method
`for providing virtual local storage on remote SCSI storage
`devices to Fibre Channel devices.
`Typical storage transport mediums provide for a relatively
`small number of devices to be attached over relatively short
`distances. One such transport medium is a Small Computer
`System Interface (SCSI) protocol, the structure and operation
`ofwhich is generally well known as is described, for example,
`in the SCSI-1, SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 specifications. High speed
`serial interconnects provide enhanced capability to attach a
`large number of high speed devices to a common storage
`transport medium over large distances. One such, serial inter-
`connect is Fibre Charmel, the structure and operation of
`which is described, for example, in Fibre Channel Physical
`and Signaling Interface (FC-PH), ANSI X3.230 Fibre Chan-
`nel Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL), and ANSI X3 .272 Fibre Chan-
`nel Private Loop Direct Attach (FC-PLDA).
`Conventional computing devices, such as computer work-
`stations, generally access storage locally or through network
`interconnects. Local storage typically consists of a disk drive,
`tape drive, CD-ROM drive or other storage device contained
`within, or locally connected to the workstation. The worksta-
`tion provides a file system structure that includes security
`controls, with access to the local storage device through
`native low level block protocols. These protocols map
`directly to the mechanisms used by the storage device and
`consist of data requests without security controls. Network
`interconnects typically provide access for a large number of
`computing devices to data storage on a remote network
`server. The remote network server provides file system struc-
`ture, access control, and other miscellaneous capabilities that
`include the network interface. Access to data through the
`network server is through network protocols that the server
`must translate into low

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