Installation Guide
`Enhanced Parallel-to-SCSI Host Adapter
`EXHfBfr: t{ff-
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`CQ-1020 / IPR2014-01463
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`Il overview
`This Insfallation Guide explains how to physically
`install and configure Adaptec APA-358 MiniSCSI'"
`EPP Enhanced Parallel-to-Scsl host adapters. Your
`adapter has been designed to provide simple, flexi-
`ble control of most SCSI devices. The adapter's ultra
`high-speed operation enables it to be fully compati-
`ble with enhanced parallel ports (EPP), offering
`excellent performance while remaining compatible
`with bidirectional and unidirectional ports found on
`many older computer systems. Both SCSI and paral-
`lel printer interfaces may be operated simulta-
`neously, with no performance degradation.
`Hardware Requirements
`The MiniSCSI EPP is designed to be as universally
`usable as possible, but there are five primary hard-
`ware compatibility requirements:
`The parallsl port must be standard-i.e., have a
`fully IBM*-compatible hardware design, includ-
`ing all ground lines. For highest performance, the
`computer's parallel port must be EPP compliant.
`The SCSI device chain must be properly termi-
`nated as per ANSI SCSI specifications.
`The SCSI device(s) connected to the MiniSCSI
`EPP must have the standard ANSI SCSI-
`specification TERMPOWER implemented, since
`the adapter draws its power from this line. See
`your dealer for details.
`r IBM or compatible AT@, PS,/z@, or similar
`r Al00o/o IBM-compatible BIOS. Operationwith an
`incompatible BIOS may be possible but is not
`You should have received the following items in
`your MiniSCSI EPP package:
`r APA-358 MiniSCSI EPP host adapter
`r 3.5-inch, l.44-MBvtes software diskettes
`CQ-1020 / IPR2014-01463
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`r APA-358 MiniSCSI EPP Installation Guide
`r Software User Guide
`r Product Registration card
`r Microsoftt MsCnnX Registration card
`If anything is missing, please contact your dealer.
`I wtrat is EPP?
`This section gives you a brief overview of the
`Enhanced Parallel Port @PP) design and how the
`adapter functions to incorporate the increased per-
`formance of EPP.
`EPP is a major breakthrough in enhancing parallel
`port performance. Current parallel ports achieve
`data transfer rates of between 50 and 260 KBytes/
`sec, but the EPP reaches up to 1 MBytes,/sec.
`How is this achieved? Current device drivers for
`parallel port peripherals require several instructions
`to be executed for each byte of data transferred. With
`EPP, each byte requires a single L/O instruction, sub-
`stantially reducing overhead per byte. These fea-
`tures, plus improved hardware design, significantly
`improve the performance of parallel-connected
`There is no need to specify whether an EPP device is
`being connected-faster EPP transmission rates are
`automatic. When notrunning in EPP mode, the port
`operates at standard parallel rates, providing com-
`patibility between EPP and non-EPP parallel ports
`and peripherals.
`With the new MiniSCSI EPP, you can take advantage
`of this new EPP technology and achieve the best per-
`formance for your peripherals. The adapter pro-
`vides easy connection of peripherals and is roughly
`as fast as a conventional 8-bit ISA-bus SCSI adapter.
`The MiniSCSI EPP is also backward compatible
`with non-EPP unidirectional and bidirectional paral-
`lel ports. Simply connect the adapter to your parallel
`port, and it detects which port you have.
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`I Host Adapter Layout
`This diagram shows the APA-358 components.
`SCSI Connector
`I Oefault Settings
`The MiniSCSi EPP
`default settings in
`operates correctly with its factory
`most PCs. The default settings are
`Default Set
`l E
`378h (0ptions: 278h, 3BChl)
`Fastest possible for EPP
`Automatic (Enabled)
`Host Adapter SCSI lD
`Host Adapter Termination
`Port Address
`Speed Selection
`Extended Translation for Drives Over
`1 The 3BCh setting can only be used for bidirectional and unidirectional configura-
`tions; it is not applicable for EPP.
`'Use the /M switch to lower the transfer rate as required for certain parallel ports.
`See Ihe MiniSCSl EPP Does Not Function 0n paqe 7 and the Software User
`Guidefor more details on the iM options.
`fl lnstallation
`Hardware installation involves plugging the
`MiniSCSI EPP into a parallel printer port and con-
`necting it to the applicable SCSI device(s). Follow the
`steps carefully in each subsection below to correctly
`install the MiniSCSI EPP.
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`Connecting the MiniSCSl EPP
`WARNING: Turn OFF the computer, printer,
`and SCSI devices when connecting or dis-
`connecting the MiniSCSI EPP. This protects
`against damage to any components.
`Connect the MiniSCSI EPP parallel port connector to
`a parallel printer port on your computer. You may
`use either LPTI, LPT2 or LPT3-the MiniSCSI EPP
`drivers automatically detect which port is in use.
`If your parallel printer port has a copy-protection
`device (commonly known as a dongle) or other non-
`printer product connected to it, you should remove
`the device from your printer port and connect it to
`the printer passthrough connector on the MiniSCSI
`EPP. If this arrangement causes any problems,
`either the dongle or the MiniSCSI EPP must be relo-
`cated to a different parallel port.
`Connecting SCSI Peripherals
`1 Connect the first SCSI device to the SCSI connec-
`tor on the MiniSCSI EPP.
`2 Connect other SCSI devices (up to seven total) by
`daisy-chaining them to the first SCSI device.
`SCSI devices are daisy-chained by connecting
`cables in a single, continuous series called the
`SCSI bus. SCSI bus cables must run directly from
`one device to the next, with no branches. The
`SCSI connector on the MiniSCSI EPP is a 50-pin
`Centronics-type external connector.
`Caution: The MiniSCSI EPP supports only
`single-ended SCS/devices. Do not connect
`differential SCSI devices to it. Read the
`device's documentation to determine
`whether it is single-ended or differential.
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`Assigning SCSI lDs
`If you connect more than one SCSI device to your
`MiniSCSI EPP simultaneously, make sure that each
`device's SCSI ID (device number between 0 and 6) is
`different; ID 7 is reserved for the adapter and cannot
`be changed. IDs must be different to prevent conflicts
`when the adapter communicates with the devices.
`See your SCSI device documentation for details.
`Terminating the SCSI Bus
`The SCSI devices on both ends of the SCSI bus must
`be terminated. See the following subsections for
`details on termination.
`Terminating the Host Adapter
`MiniSCSI EPP termination is set to Enabledby
`default. This setting cannot be changed.
`Terminating SCSI Peripherals
`1 Read the manufacturer's documentation to deter-
`mine how to enable or disable termination on
`SCSI device(s).
`2 Install or enable terminators on the last SCSI
`devices at the end of the SCSI bus.
`3 Remove terminators or disable termination on all
`other peripheral devices in the middle of the SCSI
`4 Be sure the SCSI cables are connected securely.
`They may have been loosened if you changed
`jumper or switch settings on the peripherals.
`Termination Power
`The SCSI device(s) connected to the MiniSCSI EPP
`provides power to the adapter and, thus, musf be
`equipped with the standard TERMPOWER output
`(which is part of the SCSI connector interface specifi-
`cation). See your SCSI device manual or dealer to
`confirm this. Your MiniSCSI EPP requires TERM-
`POWER to operate.
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`Caution: If you disconnect your SCSI
`device(s) from the MiniSCSI EPP while in
`use, the adapter loses power and cannot rec-
`ognize the device(s) when reconnected.
`Reboot your computer in this case.
`Connecting the Printer
`Connect a standard parallel printer cable to the
`MiniSCSI EPP printer passthrough connector if you
`wish to simultaneously use a parallel printer with
`your MiniSCSI EPP. No special configuration or
`switching is needed to use your printer.
`For U.S. Residents Only: Use the printer cable
`included in your kit to connect the MiniSCSI
`EPP to your printer. This cable is shielded to
`comply with FCC-mandated requirements
`for a Class B computing device. Use of any
`other printer cable may result in noncompli-
`ance with FCC shielding requirements and
`undesirable electronic interference with
`other devices.
`The printer port on the MiniSCSI EPP functions only
`while it is powered up; if you disconnect or turn OFF
`the connected SCSI device, the printer passthrough
`port on the adapter cannot function.
`Completing the Installation
`1 Turn ON the power for the PC and device(s).
`2 Load the software as explained in the Software
`User Guide.
`In most cases your PC, MiniSCSI EPP, and peripher-
`als are now ready to use.
`Il rroubleshooting
`If you have a problem during installation, check the
`items below. Be sure to read the Troubleshootingsec-
`tion in the Software User Guide for other remedies.
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`Note: You cannot boot from a device con-
`nected to the MiniSCSI EPP because your
`computer cannot boot from a device con-
`nected to the parallel port. The MiniSCSI
`EPP device drivers must be loaded during
`the boot process from another device.
`r Make sure all cables are properly connected.
`r Make sure all SCSI devices have unique SCSI IDs.
`r Make sure the SCSI bus is properly terminated.
`t1/o SCSI Host Adapter DetectedMessage Appears at Bootup
`The MiniSCSI EPP requires SCSI TERMPOWER to
`operate. Check for SCSI device TERMPOWER:
`r Use a voltmeter to measure the voltage available
`between pin 38 and ground on the SCSI device's
`connector (see SCS/ Connector Pinouts). Make sure
`the SCSI device(s) power is ON; it should measure
`approximately +5 volts. Very low or no voltage at
`pin 25 indicates a problem with termination
`power; this condition disables the adapter.
`r Plug a printer into the printer passthrough port. If
`the printer can print, you have correct
`/l/o SCS/ Functions in Use Message Appears at Bootup
`The software driver is looking for a different device.
`For example, you may have the CD-ROM driver
`loaded, but you are trying to work with a hard disk
`drive or vice versa. Each Adaptec software driver
`recognizes the existence of all SCSI devices attached
`to the SCSI chain but only works with the device for
`which it is written to communicate. Install the correct
`driver or remove an unwanted driver from your
`config.sys file with a text editor program.
`Network Installations
`If your computer is part of a network installation,
`your printer port may be redirectedto a network
`printer. For instance, Novell@ Netware@ software
`uses the capture command for this purpose. If this is
`the case, the software will not detect the hardware at
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`bootup. The simplest solution is to change your com-
`puter's parallel port hardware to LPT2 or LPT3, or
`change your network redirection to a different port.
`The MiniSCSl EPP Does Not Function
`1 In the mode configuration switch lMnmat the end
`of the line device=[path]ma358.sys in your
`config.sys, set the value of n to 1.
`The /Mnm switch must have both n and m values
`specified. For example, enter lM70 (n or m must
`be set to 0 if not being used). (See Device Driver
`Options in the Software User Guide.)
`Note: For non-Intel 386SL or 486SL based
`computers, modify the value of m first. Set
`the switch to /M08 to force EPP mode. Then
`follow the tests in a through c. If you dis-
`cover problems, modify the n value as
`explained in steps 1 through 3.
`After setting the switch, perform the tests below
`to ensure the adapter is functioning properly:
`a Perform a dir command on a hard disk drive
`and/ or a CD-ROM drive. Check if a problem
`is evident, such as absurdlywrong numbers or
`corrupted file names being reported.
`b Try copying a large (greater than 100 KBytes, if
`possible) file from the SCSI device to a non-
`SCSI hard disk or floppy drive. Then use the
`DOS comp command to compare the new
`copy to the original file. Check if a problem is
`evident, such as the file comparison failing.
`c Copy a large file from your non-SCSI drive to
`a SCSI rewritable device. Again, compare the
`two files with the comp command. Check if a
`problem is evident, such as the file compari-
`son failing.
`If your MiniSCSI EPP still does not function prop-
`erly, repeat step 1 with other n values such as 2, 3,
`4, 5, 6, and 7 until the adapter works. The idea is
`to optimize performance by selecting the lowest n
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`value that works with your EPP; typically the
`value of 2 works with most parallel ports with
`this problem.
`Caution: If your MiniSCSI EPP still does not
`work after trying all these tests, it may not be
`compatible with your parallel port. Contact
`technical support.
`3 If you share the MiniSCSI EPP with other sys-
`tems, set up each system individually for proper
`performance with the MiniSCSI EPP. Be sure to
`follow the instructions in steps 1 and 2 to ensure
`Older Sharp Laptops
`Some older 8086-based Sharp@ laptops do notwork
`properly with the MiniSCSI EPP or with other pro-
`grams that use h$h-speed parallel port data transfer,
`such as Laplink- or Desklink* from Thaveling
`Software. Sharp offers a free hardware upgrade for
`customers experiencing this problem; contact your
`Sharp dealer for details.
`E ^^r-. ^
`Il SCSI Connector Pinouts
`This section documents the SCSI interface connector
`on the MiniSCSI EPP as well as typical connectors
`found on SCSI devices. Internal SCSI devices com-
`monly use a 50-pin header connector (SCSI specifica-
`tion, Alternative L), consisting of two rows of 25
`male contacts with adjacent contacts 2.54 mm
`(0.1 inch) apart, as shown below.
`Pin 1
`Pin 2
`Pin 50
`A typical single-ended shielded SCSI device 50-pin
`connector (SCSI specification, Alternative 2) is
`shown below; this connector is most often used with
`an external SCSI device.
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`Table 1 lists the pin assignments for each connector
`type.Definitions of the various signals may be found
`in any SCSI design reference book. The SCSI inter-
`face is fully defined in ANSI X3.131-1986; this docu-
`ment is available from Global Engineering
`Documents, 2805 McGaw Ave, Irvine, CA
`92713-9539 USA, telephone (714) 261,-1455.
`Alr.1 Att.2
`Internal External
`1 z 3 4 5 6 1 B 9
`1 3 tI
`Alt.1 Att.2
`Function lnternal External
`2 4 6 a 1
`I nOaptec Customer Support Services
`I For information on software upgrades, new releases, technical
`advice, and other topics, call Adaptec's Electronic Bulletin
`Board Service (BBS) 24 hours a day at 408-945-7727;
`1200/2400/9600/14400 baud,8 databits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
`CQ-1020 / IPR2014-01463
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`r For the latest online information about Adaptec products and
`services, call the Interactive Fax Service 23 hours a day,7 days a
`week, at 408-957-7150.
`I For technical assistance, call Adaptec's Technical Support Hot
`Line at 800-959-SCSI (7274\, or 408-945-2550. M-Th: 6:00 a.m.-
`5:00 p.m., F: 6:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Pacific Time.
`r To order Adaptec software and SCSI cables, call 80G442-SCSI
`(7274), M-F: 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Pacific Time. If you are cali-
`ing from outside the U.S. and Canada, the number is
`408-957-SCSt (7274).
`r To request literature on Adaptec products, call 800-934-2766.
`M-F:5:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m., Pacific Time.
`FCC Compliance Statement
`NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits
`for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules. These lim-
`its are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interfer-
`ence in residential installations. This equipment generates, uses, and can
`radiate radio frequency energ)4 and if not installed and used in accordance
`with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica-
`tions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
`particular installation.
`If this equipment does cause interference to radio or television equipment
`reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment offand on,
`the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more ofthe
`following measures:
`. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
`. Move the equipment away from the receiver
`. Plug the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to
`which the receiver is powered
`. Ifnecessary the user should consultthe dealer or an experienced radio,/
`television technician for additional suggestions
`CAUTION: Only equipment certified to comply with Class B (computer
`input,/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) should be attached to this
`equipment, and must have shielded interface cables.
`Finally any change or modifications to the equipment by the user not
`expressly approved by the grantee or manufacturer could void the user's
`authority to operate such equipment.
`Each APA-358 is equipped with an FCC compliance label which shows only
`the FCC Identification number. The full text of the associated label follows:
`This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is
`subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not
`cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any inter-
`ference received, including interference that may cause undesired
`691 South Milpitas Blvd.
`Milpitas, CA 95035
`Copyright o 1993, 1994 Adaptec, Inc. All rights reserved. Adaptec
`and the Adaptec logo are registered trademarks of Adaptec, Inc.
`MiniSCSI is a hademark of Trantor Systems Limited, an Adaptec
`company. All other trademarks used are owned by their respec-
`tive owners.
`Printed in Singapore
`Stock No.: 510604-00. Rev. A CV 5/94
`Information subject to change without notice.
`CQ-1020 / IPR2014-01463
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