`Patent Owner
`CASE: To Be Assigned
`Patent No. 7,259,783 B2
`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`I, Tony Gomez, declare under penalty of perjury that:
`I have been engaged by HTC Corporation and HTC America, Inc.
`(collectively, “HTC”) as a consultant in connection with HTC’s Petition for Inter
`Partes Review of U.S. Patent No. 7,259,783 B2 (the “783 Patent”).
`I am compensated at my customary rate of $200 for preparing this
`Declaration and $75 per hour for any work incidental to this Declaration. The
`compensation is not contingent upon my performance, the outcome of the inter
`partes review, the district court litigations, or any other proceeding, or any issues
`involved in or related to the inter partes review or the district court litigations.
`I am a veteran video producer, photographer, and technical editor. I
`evaluate consumer electronics products that focus on video and digital imaging,
`and write reviews which describe my evaluations.
`I earned a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from Loyola Marymount
`University in 1979. I also earned a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
`from the University of Houston in 1968.
`I worked as a video producer, director and editor at Hughes Aircraft
`Missile Systems Group in Canoga Park, California from 1976 to 1994.
`- 1 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`I worked as a technical editor for JMillerMedia and Miller Magazines
`between 1996 and 2009. As a technical editor, I reviewed consumer electronics
`hardware and software, such as digital cameras, camcorders, and computer-related
`accessories. I authored technical articles summarizing my reviews. I also
`reviewed and edited stories submitted by contributing editors.
`I also was a contributing editor for online
`magazine during 2012-2013. During that time I wrote articles focusing on
`consumer/prosumer camcorders. My articles are in-depth reports on features of the
`latest camcorders, and how they perform in real life situations.
`8. My public LinkedIn profile summarizing my employment and
`education experience is attached to this Declaration as Attachment A.
`Camera manufacturers provide me with newly released digital
`cameras and their accompanying manuals so that I can evaluate these products and
`write reviews of these products. The digital cameras and manuals provided to me
`typically are the same as the ones commercially available to the public at the time.
`10. When I receive a digital camera and accompanying manual, I read the
`entire manual to familiarize myself with the operation of the camera. I also operate
`- 2 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`the camera as part of my evaluation. The results of my evaluation are published in
`print or internet articles that I write.
`11. One camera I evaluated was the Sony DSC-F1 digital still camera.
`My review was published in the June 1997 issue of Camcorder magazine, in an
`article I wrote titled “Digital Still Video: Sony’s DSC-F1 Camera is Super Tiny
`with a Great Picture and Free Bundled Software.” Attachment B to the declaration
`is a true and correct copy of that article.
`12. The Sony DSC-F1 digital camera was released in the United States for
`public purchase in February 1997. In February 1997, Sony loaned me a retail
`version of the Sony DSC-F1 digital camera. The camera was provided in retail
`packaging, which included a manual with operating instructions.
`13. When I received the Sony DSC-F1 camera and manual, I was under
`no obligation to maintain them as confidential. The Sony DSC-F1 digital camera
`and manual were the same as those available for public purchase in 1997.
`14. After I received the DSC-F1 camera and operating instructions
`manual from Sony, I reviewed the manual to learn how to operate the camera and
`to learn about the technical features of the Sony DSC-F1.
`- 3 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`I also used the Sony DSC-F1 to take digital pictures between February
`and April of 1997. As part of the process of preparing this Declaration, I searched
`my archives for digital pictures that I took using the Sony DSC-F1.
`16. Attachment C is a true and correct copy of a screen image from my
`personal computer showing a digital picture I took using the Sony DSC-F1 camera
`in February 1997. The Sony DSC-F1 digital camera creates pictures in a
`proprietary file format called “PMP.” I converted the pictures I took with the Sony
`DSC-F1 to the more common “PICT” format for storage on my computer at that
`time. Attachment C also shows the metadata for the image, showing that I took the
`picture no later than February 5, 1997, which is the date I saved it in “PICT”
`format after downloading the picture to my computer from the Sony DSC-F1
`camera. Attachment C also shows that I extracted the picture from my personal
`picture archive on August 9, 2014.
`17. HTC’s counsel provided me with a scanned copy of a Sony DSC-F1
`manual, attached to my Declaration as Attachment D.
`I examined Attachment D attached to my Declaration. I recognize
`Attachment D as another copy of the Sony DSC-F1 manual I received and read in
`February 1997 in order to prepare my review of the Sony DSC-F1 digital camera
`for Camcorder magazine.
`- 4 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`19. My article in Camcorder magazine described many of the features of
`the Sony DSC-F1 digital camera. These same features also are described in the
`Sony DSC-F1 manual. For example, page 9 of the manual describes image
`recording using the LCD as a viewfinder, and display of the recorded image for
`two seconds after the shutter button is pressed. Attachment D at page 9. I
`described this same functionality in the Camcorder magazine article when I
`described the Sony DSC-F1’s LCD as an “electronic viewfinder” and when I also
`wrote “The 1.8 inch LCD screen is your real-time window on what is seen and
`what is being recorded. There is never any question about framing, composition or
`color balance. Just moments after you take your shot , you can watch playback to
`confirm the results.” Attachment B at 62.
`In another example, page 13 of the Sony DSC-F1 manual describes
`image playback on the digital camera LCD using the arrow buttons. Attachment D
`at page 13. I described the same functionality in the Camcorder magazine article
`when I wrote “The left and right arrow buttons control the reverse or forward
`playback of images.” Attachment B at 56.
`In yet another example, page 14 of the Sony DSC-F1 manual
`describes pressing the ROTATE button on the Sony DSC-F1 digital camera to
`rotate the stored image by 90 degrees, changing the direction of the image during
`- 5 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`OF U.S. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`playback. Attachment D at page 14. I described this same functionality in the
`Camcorder magazine article when I wrote, “Rotate, a function of the play mode, is
`a built-in digital rotator that automatically turns vertical-aspect pictures into a
`properly aligned horizontal format, without cropping the top or bottom of the
`image.” Attachment B at 56.
`In the magazine publishing industry, an article must be submitted to
`the publisher 45 days to 60 days before printing. My experience with the article I
`wrote about the Sony DSC-F1 article was no different. I finished writing the
`article in Attachment B and submitted it to the publisher no later than May 1, 1997
`for publication in the June 1997 issue of Camcorder magazine. I also returned the
`Sony DSC-F1 digital camera, manual, and packaging to Sony when I finished my
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own
`knowledge are true and that all statements made on information and belief are
`believed to be true; and further that these statements were made with the
`knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by fine
`or imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. § 1001.
`- 6 -
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`12.02 I‘l-I Tu“: GuauL-L.
`easing-#5“ size
`OF US. PATENT NO. 7,259,783 B2
`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
`Executed on fiaVIfiay ofZ 62 2: 2014 in wfiWflfh"£ fix}?
`777W ,éé/a
`Attachment A:
`Tony Gomez Linkedln Profile, available at
`http://wwainkedin.conflpub/tony-gomez/4/924/673 (last
`accessed Aug. 11, 2014)
`Attachment B:
`Tony Gomez, Digital Still Video: Sony ’5 DSC—F1 Camera is
`Super Tiny with a Great Picture and Free Bundled Software,
`Camcorder, June 1997, at 54-65
`Attachment C:
`Screen Snapshot of Sony DSC—Fl picture and metadata
`Attachment D:
`Digital Still Camera Operating Instructions, DSC-Fl (Sony
`Corporation 1996)
`HTC Exhibit 1007
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`TmyGanez | Lirledn
`Tony Gomez
`Contributing Editor at Videomaker
`Greater Los Angeles Area Wnlrng and Edillng
`Join Linkedln and access Tony Gomez’s full profile. It's free!
`As a Linkedh member, you'll join 300 minim omer professionals who are shaing comedians. ideas. and opportmilies
`- SeeMuoyouaidTony Gomez knowincanmon
`- Get htromced to Tony Gomez
`. Corlact Tony Gomez (irectly
`T'm-u Gnu»: . (Nerve-.1
`Current Contributing Editor at www.digitaluendsoom
`Past Technical Editor at Miller Magazines
`Technical Editor at Miller Magazines
`Technica EdtorIDigita Photographer at .MilleiMedia
`Loyola Mayrnoml Wily
`114 comedians
`I all 1‘; ‘3')‘ll'r: : E t". "fiivi lu-f
`Contributing Editor
`January 201 3 — Present (1 year 8 months) wwwxfigntallrendscom
`I write alicles [or Digital Trends orline magazine a! wwwngitatreruscun. The aliens focus on consuneflprosumer camcorders. and g'ie in depth
`reportsoniaattnsoflhelaesl cancorders, ammulhey perhmimfiliiesiluations.
`Technical Editor
`Miller Magazines
`1993 — 2009 (11 years)
`Tecmicalreievs oicaneras, camcorders. Wesoflraeandhadwae.
`Technical Editor
`Miller Magazines
`Reviewed consumer electrodes ham and solme (digila carnelas,cancorders, corrurteuelated accessories). Reu'ewed and eated stories
`stbrnitled by continuing edicts.
`Technical EditorlDigital Photographer
`1998 — 2009 (11 years)
`Tum, f r magi; I" j;-"1-;4 hr 1w}
`. Spaish
`"him; in we}, 3 ‘i'mlifl
`3:1 E36] «away
`Proaicl Remus
`Outer! Maiagernent
`Copy Etiing
`Ptlilisll'ng Web mtenl
`Techrl'ca Oorrlmn'cation
`1i II n,
`\H Mir: 3 3 in ‘Lll dimiu
`Loyola Marymount University
`MSEE aid MFA. Engineering. TV Produclion
`1976 — 1979
`Video poducer. diedor. edmra m (hmga Pair CA from 19791994.
`Tecmical Edlor Miler Magazines- 199610 present.
`Editoria aid producls reu'ews brCamcoudera. OornpulerVideo. Digita Pnotogaaher. aid Pro Digital Inaging.
`[21m 11-"1'I'I‘E:
`rM'ZIVIwM'J-m‘ lvrltleV‘fiqun'
`Groups and
`Public Relations and Communimlions Pmiessionals
`HTC Exhibit 1007"2


`8I1 1/2014
`TmyGanezl Lidedn
`W ‘ mun? Err-x L I:
`. expense teqtmts
`\fiew Tony Gomez's full profile to...
`. See who you and Tony Gomez know in common
`0 Gel intnxluced to Tony Gomez
`. Comact Tony Gomez diectly
`Lmkedhrrenmrdirectory-Bmmsenmefsbycouraryabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw xyzrmre
`Lmedh Cbrporation © 2014
`HTC Exhibit 1007212


`looking For A Killer System
`rip! Your ;
`5.6m #
`Ill VIDEO ;
`HTC0 Exhibit 1007
`HTC Exhibit 1007


`HTC Exhibit 1007


`8. CompulerVidec“
`$1M liigilal Videomder
`Great Things Can Be Done with Presto'
`Bancorder Mernorios
`Prmmng Personal HISIUIV
`Script Your Videos
`Word Processing Sonwme Fo: Scrlpiwnlels
`Digital Book
`A VCR in Match New Camcorders
`by ram Shapiro
`by liolil lloliilnr
`by Sieve Bros
`When Bad Things Happen
`Dealing Willi Cumulus: 015351815
`by Mark Shapiro
`Easy-True Studio Stand
`n Oilers Emma Soupon
`Il|ltal Still Video
`Testing Sony 3 iony DSL-F:
`Carol‘s Video Edilli‘ig And films Tool
`Wireless Hiking
`When ihe BuniI-ln Milli: Won‘l Do ll
`Camcorder Tests:
`PAIASillilc M507
`by Jock Burner
`by low Gomez
`byJell M
`by John From:
`Checking liut A Camcorder
`mm in in Before Y0u Buy
`oy Booed irvin
`Create Your Own Background Music 94
`Lomputer Software lov A Saunatrack
`by Deborah Flower:
`Looking For A Killer System
`i no Media :00 And UiQiiBl hauling
`oy Larry Plna
`Video cmooers Shoot-But
`New competition for
`ine onapov
`by Richard Mark:
`Camcorder Bulletin Board
`(A “5410173“
`‘ ".
`Lil“) Wk.
`1W 5
`MAJ-VIM $380 No In! 3'
`Mammal Amnlsmg 8.1135
`8001'! A m
`lum- (997
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`m II. E. In an.” CARRIE
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`40”". mm AMER Cunmourma
`Editors mm A. UetEAil Advarlrsmp
`Ourclor Ill! PANGIUHI Aavrmsma
`Production MESH WEINGAM" Ammo!
`Advertising r-‘roauxllo/ OAIA WEE.
`LVN! moo lymoram»
`MS L, Will i’ldh‘lshel
`MY MlLLEfl-IAVO 1650mm Hub/Mic"
`imliSSN w-Ia 3800 now
`mum W Mill i‘l MN»
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`Exhibit 1°97;


`Still Video
`Sony’s DSC-Fl Camera ls Super Tiny With
`A Great Picture And Free Bundled Software
`by Torry Geno:
`lam really taken by the new Sony
`DSC-Fl digital still camera (S850
`street price). In this review. 1'" de-
`tail how the DSC-Fl digital camera
`combines many of the best technolo-
`gies for digital still cameras. and is
`convenient and fun to use. as well!
`The major features that you should
`look for when selecting a digital cartr-
`era art: image quality: memory stor-
`age: convenience and case of use: the
`ability of the camera to shoot under a
`variety of lighting conditions: close~
`up focus: free bundled] software that
`lets you load the camera's stored pic-
`tures into your computer and then ma-
`nipulate them: compatibility with oth-
`er popular image editing software; and
`battery-powered recording time. Also
`look for any special features that are
`attractive to you. Let‘s go over each of
`these feature categories and see how
`the Sony DSC-Fl rates in each.
`lung. nudity
`The Sony DSC-FI has an internal
`~lmb RAM memory for image storage.
`With it. you can capture and store
`JPEG images at
`resolution of
`640x480 pixels. Each image captured
`can he recorded in one of three differ-
`ent types of quality: Fine mode (30
`Small Cam, Big Picture—II can
`be conveniently earned In almost
`any pocket, it's lightweight and 1'!
`Includes cables and softwaro to
`connect it to most computers (Mac
`OI PC). including laptops. It also
`offers video out to portable W sols.
`lime I997
`pictures maximum). STD or Standard
`mode (as many as 58 pictures). and
`Snap or Snapshot mode (for up to IOR
`Fine quality uses the lowest JPEG
`compression factor (3:1). and only the
`subtlest of shades and colors will be
`removed. creating the best image qual-
`ity possible. Fine mode should be re»
`served for high-quality printing appli-
`cations. Standard. the middle-quality
`setting. has a more moderate level of
`compression (7zl) that gives not only
`good image quality. but also increases
`the total number of pictures available
`up to 58. Standard mode is a good
`tradeot’f between good quality and in-
`creasing the number of shots available.
`Snapshot (Snap) quality delivers the
`most images possible HUS). but be-
`cause Snap uses the greatest amount of
`compression (about l4:l). the image
`quality is the lowest.
`I tested the DSC-Fl under a variety
`of image’quality settings. and I found
`the STD setting to be a very good all-
`around compromise between a reason-
`able number of available images and
`picture quality.
`(auntie-re And Ease Of Use
`In my opinion. the Sony DSC-Fl is
`the content leader in digital still camera
`convenience and ease of use. With its
`tiny size (-1 inches wide by 3 inches
`high by H) inches deep) and its weight
`of only l0.6 ounces (excluding the
`lithium ion battery). the Sony DSC-Fl
`is the most comfortable digital camera
`available now to hand~hold and use.
`But don't let its small size make you
`think the DSC—Fl
`is lacking in fea-
`tures. On the right top side is a rotating
`function switch. This rotating switch is
`used to move from Power Off (center
`position) to its various record modes:
`A (Automatic) and M (Manual). as
`well as its Play mode 2E.
`The Automatic setting is for fool-
`proof operation. Auto exposure. STD
`Quality. and Auto settings for shutter
`speed and flash adjustment are preset.
`The Manual mode is for creative vari-
`ation. Various selectable menus that
`control all the DSC~Fl's functions are
`displayed on the LCD panel. For ex-
`ample. if you select Exposure. the Ex-
`posure Menu will appear. By rotating
`the Menu/Execute jog/dial knob. the
`exposure will be changed from the
`Auto setting to :2 stops in l-stop in-
`crements. Happily. these exposure
`changes can be seen on the LCD
`The Play Menu offers the means to
`control the DSC-Fl‘s various play-
`back functions. The most important
`Play function selectable here is
`Delete. This will allow you to selec-
`tively delete any frames already taken.
`That's extremely important in order to
`conserve memory space. And don’t
`worry: You can‘t accidentally delete
`frames easily.
`lt takes five dellibcratc
`steps before any given frame—or
`group of frames—is actually deleted.
`On the LCD backside. seven but-
`tons take you through most of the oth-
`er functions of the DSC-Fl.. Flash
`primes the built-in flash according to
`the Flash Menu settings. Self-Timer
`activates a built-in l0-second count-
`down timer to allow you to get into
`HTC ExfliUlf‘TOO'l' ”"


`s. the serial data wins allows about 30
`the picture. Rotate. a function of the
`Play mode. is a built-in digital image
`rotator that automatically turns verti-
`cal-aspect pictures into a properly
`aligned horizontal format. without
`cropping the top or bottom of the im-
`age. This eliminates the need for fur-
`ther image processing. which can be a
`lengthy pmcess in some software ap-
`plications. The left and right arrow
`buttons control the reverse or forward
`playback of your images.
`The Sony DSC-Fl has a lens of
`4.8mm (equivalent to a 35mm medi-
`um wide angle). The lens has an f/2.0
`aperture. which isn't the world's most
`sensitive in available light. But when
`this is combined with the manual shut-
`ter spwd (yltnyltn) and the manual ex-
`posure control (two stops over to two
`stops under, in one-stop increments).
`you can adjust for practically every
`lighting situation.
`You can see the manual control re-
`sults directly on the LCD panel as you
`make them. This is especially useful if
`you‘re shooting another computer
`screen. And with Shutter Speed Ad-
`justment. you can eliminate the bar
`seen on the screen.
`However. if the available light is
`too low for quality pictures. the DSC-
`Fl’s internal flash can be used. It can
`be set to Auto. or it can be varied
`manually from its Auto point. from
`two stops over normal exposure to
`two stops under. These three selec-
`tions of Exposure. SH Speed (Shutter
`Speed). and Flash ADJ (Flash Adjust-
`ment) all contribute to making the
`best exposure.
`ltr addition to these exposure fea-
`tures. there is a builhin Close-Up
`mode. On a swiveling video head.
`then: is a rotating lever that switches
`the lens frorn Normal to Close-Up
`mode. When in Close-Up mode. a
`flower close-up symbol appears in the
`LCD panel. By carefully adjusting this
`close-focus lever. you can bring ob-
`jects. within three to l0 inches into
`sharp focus. while watching the focus-
`ing on the LCD screen.
`The bundled software is the tool to
`download the images stored in the
`DSC-Fl camera into your personal
`computer. There are actually two dif-
`ferent bundles of software with the
`DSCr-Fl. One set is for the Mac (the
`Sony Album Utility v1.0 and Arc-
`Soft's Photostudio for the Mac). and
`the other set is for the PC (the Sony
`Album Utility v1.0. TWAIN drivers
`for Windows 95. and the Windows 95
`version of PhotoStudio).
`I must con-
`gratulate Sony and ArcSoft for prepar-
`ing the Mac- and PC-bundled soft-
`ware set. This is unlike other digital
`still-camera manufacturers that nar-
`rowly focus on one platform market——
`usually the PC.
`In addition to the bundled software.
`there is a serial data cable that gets
`connected between the DSC-Fl's tiny
`serial port connector and either your
`Mac or PC. The other end of the seri-
`al cable gets connected to either the
`Mac's modem or printer
`(whichever is handiest). For PC users.
`the cable goes to either the COM] or
`COM2 serial port.
`I tested the DSC-Fl on both Mac
`and PC platforms. There are two dif-
`ferent software packages custom-de-
`signed to work with the Sony DSC-
`Fl. One is Sony‘s Digital Still Camera
`Album Utility v|.0 for either the Mac
`or the PC. The other is ArcSoft's
`PholoStudio DSC for image process—
`ing on the Mac or the PC.
`StII (more
`(Mat/Widows 95)
`Note: the following procedure per-
`tains to the Mac version of software.
`Similar features exist in the Windows
`95 version.
`After loading in the Sony Digital
`Still Camera Album Utility from the
`bundled CD-ROM software. you must
`verify that the DSC-Fl is in Playback
`mode. Then from the Album Utility
`software. select under the File Menu.
`Open Family Album. A bidirectional
`arrow symbol activates. This signifies
`that the camera is communicating
`with your computer. The first of sev-
`eral thumbnail screens will be creat-
`ed; with each thumbnail a miniature
`snapshot of the images taken. it took
`about 30 seconds to load in 30 image
`thumbnails from the DSC-Fl to my
`68040-based Mac. Shorter loading
`times can be expected on Power Macs
`and Pentium PCs.
`You can also annotate each frame
`by using frameediting features in the
`Sony Album Utility software. If you
`want to display the recorded data for
`the thumbnails. select Album/Show
`Recorded Date from the menu. The
`dates will be loaded in at the bottom
`of each thumbnail.
`Now. with the image thumbnail
`"database" loaded in. you can view
`any selected image in full photograph-
`ic quality by double-clicking on its
`thumbnail icon. This process took
`about 30 seconds for each frame in my
`68040-based Mac.
`After the image selected is finally
`displayed in full color. it must be
`saved in one of three modes—JPEG.
`PICT or CAMS forthe Mac: or JPEG.
`HTC EXhihiLlDOl. on
`'. n“...-


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