`(12) United States Patent
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,742,293 B2
`Jun. 22, 2010
`2004/0150944 A1
`2006/0l 16009 Al
`2006/0127034 Al
`8/2004 Byrne et a1.
`6/2006 Langberg et al.
`6/2006 Brooking et al.
`(76) Inventor: Jack Strauser, 6365 53rd St. North, Sum B’ Pmenas Park’ FL (Us) 33781 ~ -
`gve?ifth~~~t~~~~l ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ 0W e a . 2008/0307144 Al* 12/2008 Minoo ...................... .. 710/304
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`$12318 11S siztsntdegg; didJsusted under 35
`* Cited by eXaminer
`Primary Examinerilayprakash N Gandhi
`(21) Appl NO _ 11/676 850
`y '
`22 F1 d:
`F b. 20 2007
`Prior Publication Data
`Us Zoos/0197050 A1
`Aug' 21 2008
`(51) Int. Cl.
`H05K 5/00
`H05K 7/00
`(52) us CL
`(58) Field of
`361/679_41. 361/679 4
`561/679 01
`4 679' 41’
`See a lication ?le for Com lete Search hist'o’
`References Cited
`Assistant ExamineriAnthony M Haughton
`(74)AZZ0rney,Agenl, 0rFirmiLarson& Larson, P.A.; Frank
`A digital music player cradle for sequentially supporting
`multiple digital music players includes a base With a cavity in
`an upper surface. The cavity accepts an end portion of a
`lar est di ital music la er of the multi le di ital music
`P y
`players. A support Wall extends from the upper surface of the
`base for supporting one of the digital music players at a time.
`A trough in the back ofthe base extends through the support
`Wall and into the cavity. The trough is provided to route a data
`cable connected to the one of the multiple digital music play
`ers.Aplurality of ledges is Within the cavity. The ledges are of
`decreasing siZe toWards the bottom of the cavity and each
`ledge is siZed to hold a different one of the multiple digital
`mum p ayers
`D513,938 S
`l/2006 Grif?n
`20 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 1

`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 2010
`Sheet 1 of4
`US 7,742,293 B2
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 2

`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 2010
`Sheet 2 of4
`US 7,742,293 B2
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 3

`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 2010
`Sheet 3 of4
`US 7,742,293 B2
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 4

`US. Patent
`Jun. 22, 2010
`Sheet 4 of4
`US 7,742,293 B2
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 5

`US 7,742,293 B2
`1. Field of the Invention
`This invention relates to digital music players and more
`particularly to a cradle for supporting and holding one of a
`selection of music players.
`2. Description of the Related Art
`Digital music players are Well knoWn in the industry. Gen
`erally, these devices have internal storage for storing songs in
`digital format, a display for providing user feedback and
`controls for accepting user inputs to direct the music player to
`convert one or more of the songs from digital format into
`analog so that the user can listen to the audio With headphones
`or through an ampli?er and speakers.
`Predominately, portable music players utiliZe songs or
`other audio content in the form of compressed digitiZed audio
`?les (e.g., content). Music or other audio is converted to
`digital by an audio-to-digital converter (ADC), then sampled
`at a given rate, then compressed using a particular encoding
`standard such as MP3 (MPEG-2 layer 3) or WMA (Win
`doWs® Media Audio).
`When used in a portable mode, digital music players are
`predominately used With earphones for a single user’s plea
`sure. Although portable music players are perfect for use in a
`portable mode such as When Walking or exercising, often such
`players are used in a stationary mode. There are tWo primary
`modes of stationary use: connected to an audio system for
`ampli?cation and reproduction of music from the digital
`music player and connected to a computer for management
`and loading of content.
`For connection to an audio system, often the audio input of
`the audio system is connected directly to the headphone jack
`of the digital music player and the music normally heard on
`the user’s headphone is ampli?ed and delivered to one or
`more speakers for the user’s listening pleasure. Alternately, a
`connector, usually located on the bottom of the digital music
`player, interfaces to a mating connector and some of the pins
`on the connector carry the analog audio output from the
`digital music player to a cable that connects to the input of the
`audio system. There have been several docking systems
`designed for popular digital music players such as those mar
`keted by Apple corporation. Additionally, some manufactur
`ers market audio systems With docking cradles for speci?c
`digital music player such as the Apple Corporation iPod®.
`For example, Apple Corporation markets an alarm clock and
`ampli?ed speakers called “XtremeMac Luna Speakers.” The
`“XtremeMac Luna Speakers” have a docking cradle that
`accepts an iPod®, but users With different digital music play
`ers cannot use the docking cradle and must use this device’s
`auxiliary audio input connected to the earphone jack of their
`music player. When connected in this fashion, the digital
`music player does not receive poWer from the audio system
`and is not supported or protected from damage or scratching.
`For connection to a computer system, often a data cable is
`connected to the connector located on the bottom of the
`digital music player. Often, some of the pins on this connector
`include poWer pins to poWer the digital music player While
`connected to the computer as Well as data pins for transferring
`digitiZed audio ?les to the digital music player from the
`computer. Often, the data pins conform to a computer inter
`face standard such as Universal Serial Bus (USB), a standard
`supported by many existing computers. Such a standard often
`provides for tWo-Way data transmission as Well as poWer,
`usually 5 volts, DC.
`There have been several computer connection docking sys
`tems designed for certain popular digital music players such
`as those marketed by Apple Corporation. For example, Apple
`Corporation markets an iPod® nano docking station for sup
`porting the iPod® nano and connecting it to a computer
`system. Unfortunately, this docking station only accepts the
`iPod® nano and no other digital music players, not even other
`digital music players from the same manufacturer. A user
`having tWo different digital music players Would need tWo
`different docking cradles.
`Some docking cradles, such as those provided With digital
`music player from Apple Corporation, hold more than one
`variety of digital music players. For example the Apple Uni
`versal iPod® Dock holds any of the iPod® nano, 30 GB
`iPod®, 80 GB iPod®, etc. It does this With ?ve different
`adapter inserts, requiring the user to sWap inserts depending
`upon Which digital music player they are currently using.
`What is needed is a digital music player cradle that sup
`ports more than one class of music player.
`In one embodiment, a digital music player cradle for
`sequentially supporting multiple digital music players is dis
`closed including a base With a cavity in an upper surface. The
`cavity accepts an end portion of a largest digital music player
`of the multiple digital music players. A support Wall extends
`from the upper surface of the base for supporting one of the
`digital music players at a time. A trough in the back of the base
`extends through the support Wall and into the cavity. The
`trough is provided to route a data cable connected to the one
`of the multiple digital music players. A plurality of ledges is
`Within the cavity. The ledges are of decreasing siZe toWards
`the bottom of the cavity and each ledge is siZed to hold a
`different one of the multiple digital music players.
`In another embodiment, a method of supporting multiple
`digital music players is disclosed including providing a digi
`tal music player cradle for supporting any one digital music
`player of the multiple digital music players. The digital music
`player cradle has a base With a cavity in an upper surface. The
`cavity accepts an end portion of a largest digital music player
`of the multiple digital music players. A support Wall extends
`from the upper surface of the base for supporting one of the
`multiple digital music players at a time and a trough passes
`through the back side of the base, extends through the support
`Wall and interfaces With the cavity to route a data cable
`connected to the one of the digital music players. Ledges of
`decreasing siZe toWards a bottom of the cavity are con?gured
`to each hold a different one of the multiple digital music
`players. The method continues With connecting a ?rst digital
`music player to a ?rst end of the data cable and connecting a
`second end of the data cable connected to a computer system
`then inserting a ?rst end of the ?rst digital music player into
`the cavity With a back side of the ?rst digital music player
`resting against the support Wall. Next, the ?rst digital music
`player is removed from the cavity and a second digital music
`player is connected to the ?rst end of the data cable. The
`second digital music player has a different Width than the ?rst
`digital music player. Finally, a ?rst end of the second digital
`music player is inserted into the cavity With a back side of the
`second digital music player resting against the support Wall.
`In another embodiment, a digital music player cradle for
`sequentially supporting multiple digital music players is dis
`closed including a base With an area for accepting an end
`portion of any one of the multiple digital music players and a
`support extending from an upper surface of the base for
`resting the digital music player. The base has a channel to
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 6

`US 7,742,293 B2
`allow a data cable connected to the digital music player to
`pass out to be connected to a computer system. Steps support
`the multiple digital music players Within the area for support
`ing the digital music player, the steps including ledges of
`decreasing siZe toWards the bottom of the area for supporting
`the digital music player and each ledge is siZed to hold a
`different siZed digital music players.
`The invention can be best understood by those having
`ordinary skill in the art by reference to the folloWing detailed
`description When considered in conjunction With the accom
`panying draWings in Which:
`FIG. 1 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention.
`FIG. 2 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention from the back.
`FIG. 3 illustrates an exploded vieW of a digital music player
`cradle of the present invention from the bottom.
`FIG. 4 illustrates a cross-sectional vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention along line 4-4 of FIG. 1.
`FIG. 5 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a large-siZed
`digital music player.
`FIG. 6 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a medium-siZed
`digital music player.
`FIG. 7 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a small-siZed
`digital music player.
`FIG. 8 illustrates an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a micro-siZed
`digital music player.
`Reference Will noW be made in detail to the presently
`preferred embodiments of the invention, examples of Which
`are illustrated in the accompanying draWings. Throughout the
`folloWing detailed description, the same reference numerals
`refer to the same elements in all ?gures. In the folloWing
`description, many different digital music players are cur
`rently on the market. These devices generally have persistent
`storage for storing audio content (music) such as a micro-hard
`disk or ?ash memory. Under user control, the audio ?les are
`retrieved, uncompressed and converted to analog audio. The
`analog audio signal is often emitted in a 3.5 mm stereo head
`phone jack for the user to connect headphones or other repro
`duction devices.
`Referring to FIG. 1, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention is described. The digital
`music player cradle 10 accommodates a variety of digital
`music players of various Widths and thicknesses, thereby
`eliminating the need for multiple cradles or adapter inserts as
`provided in the past. The digital music player cradle 10 has a
`base 12, a cavity for containing an end of the digital music
`player (not shoWn) and a support Wall 14 for supporting the
`digital music player on a slight slant toWards the rear. In some
`embodiments, a pair of front clip indentations 16 is provided
`to hold a clip-on micro-siZed music player (not shoWn).
`Referring to FIG. 2, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention from the back is
`described. Again, the digital music player cradle 10 accom
`modates a variety of digital music players of various Widths
`and thicknesses. The digital music player cradle 10 has a base
`12, a cavity for containing an end of the digital music player
`(not shoWn) and a support Wall 14 for supporting the digital
`music player on a slight slant toWards the rear. In some
`embodiments, a pair of front clip indentations 16 is provided
`to hold a clip-on micro-siZed music player (not shoWn). Also,
`in some embodiments, a pair of rear clip indentations 17 is
`provided to hold a clip-on micro-siZed music player (not
`A cable trough 20 is provided to route a data cable from the
`digital music player (not shoWn). Often, the digital music
`player (not shoWn) has a connector for connecting to a com
`puter for transferring content through the data cable. As an
`example, many current digital music players have a connector
`for connecting to a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable.
`Referring to FIG. 3, an exploded vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention from the bottom is
`described. In some embodiments, the base of the digital
`music player cradle 10 has a removable bottom 13. In some
`embodiments, balancing Weights are disposed inside of the
`base 12 and sealed With the bottom 13 by various methods
`knoWn in the art including, but not limited to, ultrasonic
`Welding, adhesives, pressure ?ts, etc.
`Referring to FIG. 4, a cross-sectional vieW of a digital
`music player cradle of the present invention along line 4-4 of
`FIG. 1 is described. The base 12 digital music player cradle is
`shoWn With the bottom 13 installed. In this embodiment, the
`cavity 18 is shaped to hold the ends of three different digital
`music players. An end of a larger-siZed digital music player
`such as an Apple Corporation 80 GB iPod® or a Microsoft
`Corporation ZumeTM ?ts Within the outer cavity formed by a
`ledge 28. An end of a medium-sized digital music player such
`as anApple Corporation 30 GB iPod® ?ts Within the middle
`cavity formed by a ledge 26. An end of a smaller-sized digital
`music player such as anApple Corporation Nano® ?ts Within
`the inner cavity formed by a ledge 24. Although shoWn having
`three ledges 24/26/ 28, the present invention is not limited in
`the number of siZes of digital music players supported. Any
`number of digital music players from tWo digital music play
`ers is supportable by the present invention. Also, although
`shoWn ?tting With Apple Corporation products, the digital
`music player cradle 10 of the present invention is adaptable to
`any siZe and shape of digital music player.
`Referring to FIG. 5, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a large-siZed
`digital music player 50 is described. In this vieW, a large-siZed
`digital music player 50 such as the Apple Corporation 80 GB
`iPod® or a Microsoft Corporation ZumeTM is shoWn resting
`Within the outer cavity formed by the ledge 28 and resting on
`the support Wall 14. In such a position, the large-siZed digital
`music player 50 is raised off the table surface, helping to
`prevent scratches and other damage. Many large-siZed digital
`music players 50 have controls 54 for selecting songs, etc. and
`a display for informing the user of various modes of operation
`52. Also, many large-siZed digital music players 50 have a
`connector into Which a stereo headphone jack 34 With cable
`32 is inserted. The data cable 30 is connected to the large
`siZed digital music player 50 by a connector similar to the
`connector 31 as shoWn in FIG. 7 (not visible in this ?gure) and
`the data cable 30 is routed through the trough 20. The present
`invention functions With or Without a data cable 30 and con
`nector 31 attached. LikeWise, the present invention functions
`With or Without an audio cable 32 attached.
`Referring to FIG. 6, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a medium-siZed
`digital music player is described. In this vieW, a medium
`siZed digital music player 56 such as the Apple Corporation
`30 GB iPod® is shoWn resting Within the middle cavity
`formed by the ledge 26 and resting on the support Wall 14. In
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 7

`US 7,742,293 B2
`such a position, the medium-sized digital music player 56 is
`raised off the table surface, helping to prevent scratches and
`other damage. Many medium-sized digital music players 56
`have controls 54 for selecting songs, etc. and a display for
`informing the user of various modes of operation 52. Also,
`many medium-siZed digital music players 56 have a connec
`tor into Which a stereo headphone jack 34 With cable 32 is
`inserted. The data cable 30 is connected to the medium-siZed
`digital music player 56 by a connector similar to the connec
`tor 31 as shoWn in FIG. 7 (not visible in this ?gure) and the
`data cable 30 is routed through the trough 20.
`Referring to FIG. 7, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a small-siZed
`digital music player is described. In this vieW, a smaller-sized
`digital music player 58 such as the Apple Corporation Nano®
`is shoWn resting Within the inner cavity formed by the ledge
`24 and resting on the support Wall 14. In such a position, the
`smaller-siZed digital music player 58 is raised off the table
`surface, helping to prevent scratches and other damage. Many
`smaller-siZed digital music players 58 have controls 54 for
`selecting songs, etc. and a display for informing the user of
`various modes of operation 52. Also, many smaller-sized
`digital music players 58 have a connector into Which a stereo
`headphone jack 34 With cable 32 is inserted. The data cable 30
`is connected to the smaller-siZed digital music player 58 by a
`connector similar to the connector 31 as shoWn in FIG. 7 (not
`visible in this ?gure) and the data cable 30 is routed through
`the trough 20. The present invention functions With or Without
`a data cable 30 and connector 31 attached. Likewise, the
`present invention functions With or Without an audio cable 32
`attached. For some digital music players such as the smaller
`siZed digital music player 58, the orientation of the data
`connector 31 makes it dif?cult to rest properly in an upright
`position Within the digital music player cradle 10. In such
`cases, the smaller-siZed digital music player 58 rests in an
`upside-doWn con?guration as shoWn in FIG. 7, still providing
`the bene?t of keeping the smaller-siZed digital music player
`off of the table surface and thereby protecting it.
`Referring to FIG. 8, an isometric vieW of a digital music
`player cradle of the present invention holding a micro-siZed
`digital music player is described. Some micro-siZed digital
`music players 60 are very small and are designed to clip onto
`a user’ s clothing. Often, these micro-siZed digital music play
`ers 60 such as the Apple Corporation Mini, have no display
`and only a control 64 for initiating the playing of audio, etc.
`To support micro-siZed digital music players 60, a pair of
`front clip indentations 16 and a pair of rear clip indentations
`17 are provided. Using these clip indentations 16/17, a clip of
`the micro-siZed digital music player 60 clips onto the support
`Wall and the edges of each side of the micro-siZed digital
`music player’s 60 clip is held Within the clip indentations
`16/17. Without the clip indentations, the micro-siZed digital
`music player’s 60 clip Would not stay in place, especially if
`the digital music player cradle 10 is made from a slippery,
`plastic material. As stated previously, the present invention
`functions With one set of clip indentations 16/ 17, tWo sets of
`clip indentations 16/ 17 and Without any clip indentations
`16/17, depending upon the types and styles of digital music
`players supported.
`Equivalent elements can be substituted for the ones set
`forth above such that they perform in substantially the same
`manner in substantially the same Way for achieving substan
`tially the same result.
`It is believed that the system and method of the present
`invention and many of its attendant advantages Will be under
`stood by the foregoing description. It is also believed that it
`Will be apparent that various changes may be made in the
`form, construction and arrangement of the components
`thereof Without departing from the scope and spirit of the
`invention or Without sacri?cing all of its material advantages.
`The form herein before described being merely exemplary
`and explanatory embodiment thereof. It is the intention of the
`folloWing claims to encompass and include such changes.
`What is claimed is:
`1. A digital music player cradle for sequentially supporting
`multiple digital music players, the digital music player cradle
`a base;
`a cavity in an upper surface of the base, the cavity adapted
`to accept an end portion of a largest digital music player
`of the multiple digital music players;
`a support Wall extending from the upper surface of the base
`for supporting one of the digital music players;
`a trough in a back side of the base extending through the
`support Wall and interfacing With the cavity, the trough
`adapted to route a data cable connected to the one of the
`multiple digital music players; and
`a plurality of ledges Within the cavity, the ledges of
`decreasing siZe toWards a bottom of the cavity, Whereas
`each ledge is siZed to hold a different one of the multiple
`digital music players.
`2. The digital music player cradle of claim 1, Wherein the
`multiple digital music players consists of a large-siZed digital
`music player, a medium-sized digital music player and a
`small-siZed digital music player.
`3. The digital music player cradle of claim 1, Wherein the
`support Wall has at least one front-clip indentation running
`substantially horiZontal on a front surface for supporting a
`clip-on digital music player.
`4. The digital music player cradle of claim 1, Wherein the
`support Wall has at least one rear-clip indentation running
`substantially horizontal on a back surface for supporting a
`clip-on digital music player.
`5. The digital music player cradle of claim 1, Wherein the
`data cable is a Universal Serial Bus cable for connecting to a
`computer system.
`6. The digital music player cradle of claim 1, Wherein the
`base is substantially holloW and the base comprises an upper
`base portion and a bottom base cover Whereas the bottom base
`cover is adapted to retain a mass for providing additional
`7. A method of supporting multiple digital music players,
`the method comprising:
`providing a digital music player cradle for supporting any
`one digital music player of the multiple digital music
`players, the digital music player cradle comprising:
`a base;
`a cavity in an upper surface of the base, the cavity
`adapted to accept an end portion of a largest digital
`music player of the multiple digital music players;
`a support Wall extending from the upper surface of the
`base for supporting one of the multiple digital music
`players at a time;
`a trough in the back side of the base extending through
`the support Wall and interfacing With the cavity, the
`trough adapted to route a data cable connected to the
`one of the digital music players;
`a plurality of ledges Within the cavity, the ledges of
`decreasing siZe toWards a bottom of the cavity,
`Whereas each ledge is siZed to hold a different one of
`the multiple digital music players;
`connecting a ?rst digital music player of the multiple digi
`tal music players to a ?rst end of the data cable, a second
`end of the data cable connected to a computer system;
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 8

`US 7,742,293 B2
`inserting a ?rst end of the ?rst digital music player into the
`cavity, a back side of the ?rst digital music player resting
`against the support Wall;
`removing the ?rst digital music player from the cavity;
`connecting a second digital music player of the multiple
`digital music players to the ?rst end of the data cable, the
`second digital music player having a different Width than
`the ?rst digital music player; and
`inserting a ?rst end of the second digital music player into
`the cavity, a back side of the second digital music player
`resting against the support Wall.
`8. The digital music player cradle of claim 7, Wherein the
`?rst digital music player is a large-siZed digital music player
`and the second digital music player is a small-siZed digital
`music player.
`9. The digital music player cradle of claim 7, Wherein the
`support Wall has at least one front-clip indentation running
`substantially horizontal on a front surface for supporting a
`clip-on digital music player.
`10. The digital music player cradle of claim 7, Wherein the
`support Wall has at least one rear-clip indentation running
`substantially horizontal on a back surface for supporting a
`clip-on digital music player.
`11. The digital music player cradle of claim 7, Wherein the
`data cable is a Universal Serial Bus cable for connecting to a
`computer system.
`12. A digital music player cradle for sequentially support
`ing multiple digital music players, the digital music player
`cradle comprising:
`a base;
`a means for accepting an end portion of a digital music
`player of the multiple digital music players;
`a means for supporting the digital music player extending
`from an upper surface of the base;
`a means for routing a data cable from the means for accept
`ing an end portion of the digital music player through the
`means for supporting the digital music player, the data
`cable connected to the digital music player; and
`an stepped means for supporting the multiple digital music
`players Within the means for supporting the digital
`music player, the stepped means for supporting the mul
`tiple digital music players including ledges of decreas
`ing siZe toWards a bottom of the means for supporting
`the digital music player, Whereas each ledge is siZed to
`hold a different one of the multiple digital music players.
`13. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein the
`multiple digital music players consists of a large-siZed digital
`music player, a medium-sized digital music player and a
`small-siZed digital music player.
`14. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein the
`means for supporting the digital music player has a means for
`supporting a clip-on digital music player.
`15. The digital music player cradle of claim 14, Wherein the
`means for supporting a clip-on digital music player includes
`at least one front-clip indentation running substantially hori
`Zontal on a front surface for supporting a clip-on digital music
`16. The digital music player cradle of claim 14, Wherein the
`means for supporting a clip-on digital music player includes
`at least one rear-clip indentation running substantially hori
`Zontal on a front surface for supporting a clip-on digital music
`17. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein the
`data cable is a Universal Serial Bus cable for connecting to a
`computer system.
`18. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein the
`base is substantially holloW and the base comprises an upper
`base portion and a bottom base cover Whereas the bottom base
`cover is adapted to retain a mass for providing additional
`19. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein a
`?rst digital music player of the multiple digital music players
`is Wider than a second digital music player of the multiple
`digital music players.
`20. The digital music player cradle of claim 12, Wherein a
`?rst digital music player of the multiple digital music players
`is thicker than a second digital music player of the multiple
`digital music players.
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1047, p. 9

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