`(12) Ulllted States Patent
`Cruz et al.
`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 8,060,910 B2
`Nov. 15, 2011
`(75) Inventors: Anthony Cruz, Port Deposit, MD (US);
`Laszlo Erdely, Jr., Crofton, MD (US)
`(73) Assignee: Verizon Patent and Licensing Inc.,
`Baskin Rid e NJ (US)
`g ’
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U_S_C_ 154(b) by 481 days_
`(21) Appl NO_ 11/614 855
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 21, 2006
`Prior Publication Data
`1/2003 Ljungdahl et a1. .......... .. 725/126
`2003/0014765 A1 *
`2003/0097662 A1* 5/2003 Russ et a1. ....... ..
`2003/0154492 A1* 8/2003 Falvo et al. ...... ..
`2004/0068747 A1* 4/2004 Robertson et al. .
`2004/0068754 A1* 4/2004 Russ ................ ..
`2004/0117g31 A1* 6/2004 Ellis et a1,
`2004/0181814 A1* 9/2004 Ellis et a1. ................... .. 725/134
`2005/0005297 A1
`1/2005 Lee
`Zoos/0009539 A1: V2005 Yassa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ " 455/4566
`2006/0184976 A1
`8/2006 Leeet al.
`2006/0288387 A1 * 12/2006 Asai . . . . . . . . . . . .
`. . . .. 725/78
`2007/0033630 A1* 2/2007 Reznik et al.
`2007/0082637 A1* 4/2007 Nam ......... ..
`2007/0101380 A1* 5/2007 Szolyga ..
`2007/0101395 A1 *
`5/2007 Cha ....... ..
`2007/0143806 A1* 6/2007 Pan
`2008/0055190 A1* 3/2008 Lee .............................. .. 345/2.1
`* cited by examiner
`Primary Examiner * Panka] Kumar
`Assistant Examiner * Mulugeta Mengesha
`US 2008/0155636 A1
`Jun. 26, 2008
`(51) In‘; C]_
`H04N 7/1 73
`(52) us. Cl. ....................... .. 725/100- 725/131- 725/151
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search
`/1 31 1 51’
`See application ?le for Complete Search history ’
`References Cited
`8/1999 Gurantz ........................ .. 725/71
`5,936,660 A *
`5,990,927 A * 11/1999 Hendricks et a1.
`.... .. 725/132
`6,529,233 B1* 3/2003 Allen ............. ..
`6,606,747 B1* 8/2003 Yuen et a1. . . . . . . .
`. . . . . . .. 725/40
`.. 370/401
`6,647,015 B2* 11/2003 Malkemes et a1.
`6,681,638 B2* 1/2004 Kazerooniet a1.
`6,766,526 B1* 7/2004 Ellis ................... ..
`6,865,746 B1* 3/2005 Herrington et a1. ..
`7,373,650 B1* 5/2008 Rodriguez et a1.
`7,725,912 B2* 5/2010 Margulis ....................... .. 725/81
`Systems, methods and devices are provided for enabling a
`wireless television network at a subscriber location in a sub
`Scribe/r television network, Such as a Cable or Satellite televi
`sion network. In general, a set top box apparatus is provided
`having a receiver con?gured to receive a media content signal
`from the television network, the media content signal being
`composed of a plurality of channels. The set top box com
`prises a plurality of tuners for tuning to various channels
`available in the media content signal. At least a ?rst tuner of
`the plurality of tuners is operatively coupled to a radio fre
`quency transmitter of the set top box. The radio frequency
`transmitter is con?gured to utilize an antenna to communicate
`a radio frequency signal for wireles sly communicating media
`content received by the ?rst tuner to at least one remote
`television. In an embodiment, the set top box further includes
`at least one radio frequency remote control for controlling the
`tuning of the ?rst tuner.
`20 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`RF musmmsa
`RF mmsums
`@ @
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 1

`US. Patent
`Nov. 15, 2011
`Sheet 1 013
`US 8,060,910 B2
`100 X
`_\ F F _\
`M 2 %
`a. T.
`5 5 \
`S a
`p B
`T ‘1' w. ‘IV
`B m
`1 1
`FIG. 1
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 2

`US. Patent
`Nov. 15, 2011
`Sheet 2 013
`US 8,060,910 B2
`// \V/ 238
`“L 229
`T\\ 235
`\ 232
`Set Top Box
`“- 220
`\ 225
`\ 222
`N D $ V E L E T
`FIG. 2
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 3

`US. Patent
`Nov. 15, 2011
`Sheet 3 013
`US 8,060,910 B2
`< RI ;
`< R! ;
`E ‘
`FIG. 3
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 4

`US 8,060,910 B2
`FIG. 1 is a schematic illustration of the subscriber end of an
`exemplary cable or satellite system;
`FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of a the subscriber end of
`a cable or satellite system having a multiple tuner Wireless set
`top box, in accordance With an embodiment;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic block diagram illustrating an embodi
`ment of a multiple tuner Wireless set top box.
`Exemplary embodiments noW Will be described hereinaf
`ter With reference to the accompanying draWings, in Which
`exemplary embodiments and examples are shoWn. Like num
`bers refer to like elements throughout.
`FIG. 1 illustrates a subscriber’s end 100 of an exemplary
`subscriber television network, such as a cable or satellite
`television netWork. The subscriber’s residence 115 is con
`nected to the television netWork 110 so that the subscriber can
`receive media content from the television netWork 110 and
`display the content on one or more television sets (TVs), such
`as the three illustrated TVs 125, 135, and 145. In general, a
`coaxial (“coax”) cable is used to carry television signals
`throughout the subscriber’s residence 115, from one room of
`the residence to another. Typically, a set top box (STB) 120 is
`required in order to unscramble or decrypt the media content
`and/or to decode digital media content. The STB 120 is also
`typically necessary to alloW the subscriber to communicate
`information and requests to the service provider over the
`television netWork 110 as Well as to provide the subscriber
`access to premium features that the service provider may
`offer. The exemplary STB 120 has a ?rst cable interface for
`receiving a cable that connects the STB 120 to the television
`netWork 110 and a second cable interface for receiving a cable
`that connects the STB 120 to a single TV 125. The STB 120
`typically includes an infrared radiation (IR) remote control
`for controlling the features and functions of the STB 120.
`If the subscriber desires to have more than one TV con
`nected to the television netWork 110 and the subscriber
`desires to place these additional TVs at other locations in the
`subscriber’s residence 115, the subscriber must route coax
`cable though the Walls, attic or craWl space of the house or
`around the rooms of the house so as to have cable at the
`desired locations. Routing cable around the rooms of a resi
`dence is generally unattractive and Wiring cable through the
`Walls, attic or craWl space can be time consuming and expen
`sive if the Walls are already ?nished. The problems associated
`With routing Wires are further exacerbated by the popularity
`of ?at screen TVs designed to be hung on a Wall. It is rare that
`a subscriber Will already have cable Wired to exactly the
`correct point on the Wall Where the subscriber desires to place
`the TV. Furthermore, even if the subscriber does route Wires
`to the appropriate locations, the subscriber does not have the
`?exibility to easily move the TV to a neW location.
`Even if the subscriber does have the Wiring in place at the
`correct locations, the subscriber may need to have a different
`STB for each TV, for example as illustrated in FIG. 1 by STB
`130 and TV 135. Since, as described above, the media content
`is often scrambled, encrypted, and/or encoded, the STB is
`usually required to receive the media content, especially digi
`tal content. Additional STBs may be costly since the STBs are
`often expensive electronic devices that are provided by the
`service provider for a fee. In some cases, a TV, such as TV
`145, may be “cable ready” and capable of receiving, Without
`the use of a STB, any unscrambled analog television channels
`that may be communicated over the television netWork 110.
`Such a TV, hoWever, Will not be able to receive digital-quality
`media content, scrambled/ encrypted/ encoded media content,
`or any of the premium features provided by the service pro
`vider, such as pay-per-vieW service, video-on-demand ser
`vice, interactive programming guide services, and the like.
`Thus, in the exemplary system of FIG. 1, the subscriber
`runs into problems When the subscriber desires to put a TV in
`a location Where there is no coax cable readily available.
`Furthermore, even if cable is available, the subscriber may
`need to pay for additional STBs in order to access the netWork
`With additional TVs or may not be able to receive the pre
`mium features or functions that may be available to a TV
`connected to the netWork via a STB.
`FIG. 2 is a schematic illustration of a subscriber’s end 200
`of a subscriber television system utiliZing an embodiment of
`a multiple tuner Wireless set top box (STB) 220. In particular,
`in the illustrated embodiment the multiple tuner Wireless STB
`220 is being used to provide television signals to at least three
`TVs 225, 235, and 245. In this regard, the STB 220 is opera
`tively coupled to a television netWork 210. In general, the
`STB 220 may be connected to the television netWork 210 via
`a Wired connection, such as by a coax or ?ber optic cable,
`although the STB may be connected to the television netWork
`210 via other means. The STB 220 is con?gured to receive a
`media content signal, such as an audio and/or video signal,
`from the television netWork 210. In general, the media con
`tent signal comprises media content for a plurality of different
`The STB 220 includes a plurality of tuners (not shoWn),
`each tuner con?gured to receive and decode, if necessary, one
`of the plurality of channels in the received media content
`signal. At least one of the plurality of tuners is coupled to a
`radio frequency (RF) antenna. In the illustrated embodiment,
`the STB 220 includes at least three tuners. A ?rst tuner is
`operatively coupled to a ?rst RF antenna 227 and is con?g
`ured to Wirelessly communicate the media content received
`and/or decoded by the ?rst tuner to an antenna 238 of a ?rst
`TV 235. A second tuner is operatively coupled to a second RF
`antenna 226 and is con?gured to Wirelessly communicate the
`media content received and/ or decoded from the second tuner
`to an antenna 248 of a second TV 245. A third tuner is
`operatively coupled to a cable interface (not shoWn) of the
`STB 220 so that media content received and/or decoded from
`the third tuner may be communicated to a third TV 225 via a
`Wired connection. Although the embodiment illustrated by
`FIGS. 2 and 3 has three tuners, tWo of Which are coupled to RF
`antennas, other embodiments may have less than three tuners
`or more than three tuners. Furthermore, in an embodiment, all
`of the tuners may be coupled to one or more RF antennas and
`the STB may not support any Wired connections to a TV. In
`other embodiments, each tuner may be coupled to both a
`cable interface for enabling a Wired connection to a TV as
`Well as a RF antenna for enabling a Wireless connection to a
`TV. In such an embodiment, the user may use both the Wired
`and Wireless connections or choose to use either the Wired or
`the Wireless connection for each tuner depending on the
`user’s needs. Moreover, although FIG. 2 illustrates a ?rst
`antenna and a second RF antenna coupled to the ?rst tuner and
`the second tuner, respectively, in other embodiments tWo or
`more of the tuners are operatively coupled to a single RF
`antenna to enable Wireless communication of media content
`from the tuners to one or more TVs.
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 5

`US 8,060,910 B2
`As described in more detail below, in an embodiment, the
`STE 220 is con?gured to use the one or more antennas 227
`and 226 to communicate wireless media content to the TVs
`245 and 235 over a frequency that a standard TV is con?gured
`to recognize using a standard dipole antenna. In this regard,
`the STE 220 may receive media content from the television
`network 210 using a tuner in the STE 220 and then broadcast
`the media content wirelessly in a frequency range of the RF
`spectrum that corresponds to a standard television broadcast
`channel. For example, in an embodiment, the STE 220 may
`be con?gured to convert the media content received at a ?rst
`tuner of the STE 220 into a RF signal communicated by the
`?rst antenna 227 in the frequency range of 60 to 66 megahertz
`(MHZ). This frequency range corresponds to channel 3 in the
`National Television System Committee (N TSC) standard
`adopted by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
`As such, when the ?rst TV 235 (assuming that the ?rst TV 235
`is con?gured in accordance with the NTSC standard) is tuned
`to channel 3, the antenna 238 of the ?rst TV 235 will receive
`the media content from the ?rst tuner of the STE 220 via the
`?rst antenna 227 of the STE 220. It is noted that although the
`?rst TV 235 is tuned to channel 3, the media content received
`and displayed by the ?rst TV 235 need not be the media
`content from the channel designated as channel 3 from among
`the plurality of channels received by the STE 220. Instead, the
`media content received and displayed by the ?rst TV 235 will
`be the media content for the channel received and/or decoded
`by the respective tuner. Although a signal may be broadcast
`from a television station over the same channel as the STB’s
`antenna, when the TV 235 is within a certain range of the STE
`220, the TV 235 will receive the signal broadcast from the
`STE 220 over the signal broadcast from any remote television
`station. In an embodiment, however, the STE 220 may be
`con?gured to communicate via the antenna 227 using an
`unused frequency.
`Where the STE 220 comprises a second tuner coupled to a
`second antenna 226, as in the illustrated embodiment of FIG.
`2, the STE 220 may be con?gured to use the second antenna
`226 to communicate media content received by the second
`tuner using a frequency different from the frequency used to
`communicate signals from the ?rst antenna 227. For example,
`in the embodiment described above where the ?rst antenna
`227 is used to broadcast a signal in the 60-66 MHZ frequency
`range (NTSC channel 3), the second antenna 226 may be used
`to communicate in the 66-72 MHZ frequency range, corre
`sponding to channel 4 in the NTSC standard. Thus, in such an
`embodiment, the second TV 245 may be tuned to channel 4 in
`order to receive media content from the second tuner in the
`STE 220. Moreover, depending upon their reception, one or
`both of the ?rst and second TVs may receive signals from
`both the ?rst and second antennas 227 and 226 such that, in
`this exemplary embodiment, the TV will display the media
`content from the ?rst tuner in instances in which the TV is
`tuned to channel 3 and will display the media content from the
`second tuner in instances in which the TV is tuned to channel
`As illustrated also in FIG. 2, the STE 220 may further
`comprise a plurality of remote controls for controlling the
`plurality of tuners in the STE 220. In this regard, in the
`illustrated embodiment, the STE 220 includes three remote
`controls, including a ?rst remote control 232, a second remote
`control 242, and a third remote control 222. The ?rst remote
`control 232 may be con?gured to control the ?rst tuner of the
`STE 220. As such, where a user has the antenna 238 of the ?rst
`TV 235 tuned to the frequency output by the ?rst antenna 227
`of the STE 220, the user can use the ?rst remote control 232
`to control what channel of the media signal received from the
`television network 210 is displayed on the ?rst TV 238 by
`controlling which channel of the media signal the ?rst tuner
`receives and/or decodes. Likewise, the second and third
`remote controls 242 and 222 may be con?gured to control the
`second and third tuners, respectively, and, thus, may be used
`by the users of the second and third TVs 245 and 225, respec
`tively, to control what is being viewed on the respective TV.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the ?rst and second remote
`controls 232 and 242 are each RF remote controls comprising
`RF antennas 233 and 243 for broadcasting RF signals to the
`STE 220. The STE 220 may comprise ?rst and second RF
`antennas 229 and 228 for receiving the RF signals from the
`?rst and second remote controls 232 and 242, respectively.
`The ?rst and second RF antennas 229 and 228 may be opera
`tively coupled to the ?rst and second tuners, respectively, via
`one or more processing elements so as to allow each remote
`control to control the respective tuner and/ or other functions
`of the STE 220. Although FIG. 2 illustrates ?rst and second
`RF antennas 229 and 228 for receiving signals from the ?rst
`and second remote controls 232 and 242, respectively, in
`other embodiments the STB may have a single RF antenna for
`communicating with a plurality of RF remote controls. Like
`wise, in some embodiments, the same antenna that is used to
`communicate media content to one or more TVs may also be
`used to receive RF signals from one or more of the RF remote
`In contrast to a traditional infrared radiation (IR) remote
`control, the RF remote control does not require a direct line of
`site with an IR sensor on the STE 220. Since the ?rst and
`second TVs 235 and 245 illustrated in FIG. 2 may likely be
`placed in different rooms of a subscriber’s home, the RF
`remote may allow the user to communicate commands to the
`STE 220 when viewing these TVs in other rooms where there
`may be no clear direct line of site to the STE 220. In some
`embodiments, such as, for example, where the STE 220
`includes one or more output jacks for connecting to a TV via
`a wired connection, the STB may also include an IR sensor
`and an IR remote control for controlling the one or more
`tuners coupled to the output jack. In this regard, in the
`embodiment illustrated in FIG. 2, the third remote control 222
`may be an IR remote control. Of course, in some embodi
`ments, all of the remote controls may be RF remote controls
`or other types of remote controls, such as IR remote controls,
`regardless of whether the one or more tuners associated with
`the remote control is coupled to a wired or wireless trans
`FIG. 3 illustrates a schematic block diagram of an embodi
`ment of the subscriber end of a subscriber television network
`and, in particular, a schematic block diagram of an embodi
`ment of STE 220. As illustrated, the STE 220 is operatively
`connected to the television network 210 and receives media
`content therefrom. The television network 210 may include a
`cable television network, a satellite television network such
`as a direct broadcast digital satellite network, a combination
`cable and satellite television network, or some other network
`capable of delivering television programs and other media
`content to a subscriber location, such as a subscriber’s home
`or business.
`In one exemplary embodiment, the television network 210
`comprises a conventional cable television network in which
`one or more content providers communicate media content to
`one or more headends. From the headends, the media content
`may be communicated over a communications network that
`includes ?ber optic and/ or coax cable networks. The commu
`nications network may comprise a plurality of nodes, each of
`which may serve a local geographical area, such as a neigh
`borhood. Each node may be connected to a plurality of taps,
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 6

`US 8,060,910 B2
`such as one tap for each subscriber location. A tap may be
`connected to one or more STBs 220 located at the subscriber
`location, such as the subscriber’ s home. The STE 220 may be
`connected to a tap by a coax or ?ber optic cable and may
`receive media content signals over such cable.
`In this regard, the STE 220 comprises a receiver 260 for
`receiving media content signals from the television netWork
`210 and communicating the media content signals to a pro
`cessor 270, Which may comprise one or more signal process
`ing elements, such as a microprocessor, an application spe
`ci?c integrated circuit (ASIC) or other computing device, for
`processing the media content signal. In an embodiment, the
`STE 220 may be a bi-directional STE 220 and may also have
`a transmitter 261 for transmitting data from the processor 270
`of the STE 220 to a service provider (not shoWn) located on
`the television netWork 210. For example, With such a bi
`directional STB 220, in addition to receiving media content
`signals, a subscriber may be able to transmit messages to the
`service provider in order to select, for example, premium
`service options such as pay-per-vieW and video-on-demand
`In general, the media content signal received by the
`receiver 260 comprises a plurality of channels in digital and/
`or analog form, each channel at a different frequency in the
`media content signal. For example, the frequencies in the
`range of approximately 5-42 MHZ are knoWn as “upstream”
`signals, and the frequencies in the range of approximately
`54-860 MHZ are knoWn as “doWnstream” signals. From the
`perspective of the STE 220, an upstream signal is transmitted
`and a doWnstream signal is received. Within the doWnstream
`range, the frequencies from approximately 88-130 MHZ are
`knoWn as “out-of-band doWnstream.” The out-of-band doWn
`stream range is used by the set-top box for receiving service
`information (e.g., electronic programming guide informa
`tion) and for receiving the scramble key used by the STE 220
`to descramble a scrambled broadcast digital signal. The “in
`band” doWnstream range is used by the STE 220 for receiving
`audio and video content in the form of a plurality of channels
`at various frequencies depending on the frequency standard
`used. Current broadcast systems typically need to support
`both analog and digital television. As such, the in-band doWn
`stream range is typically used for carrying both analog and
`digital audio and video content.
`As described above the media content signal received by
`the receiver 260 may be sent to the processor 270. The pro
`cessor 270 may comprise a plurality of tuners, such as tuners
`271, 272, and 273. The tuners may be con?gured to tune to a
`particular channel by tuning to a particular frequency in the
`doWnstream range of the received media content signal. In
`this regard, the tuners may comprise one or more demulti
`plexers and/or demodulators. Often, the service providers
`broadcast a scrambled or encrypted media signal to prevent
`unauthoriZed use. If such is the case, the tuner or other pro
`cessing apparatus may further include a descrambler and/or
`decrypter con?gured to descramble and/ or decrypt the signal
`using a key provided by the service provider. In an embodi
`ment, information and instructions associated With receiving
`and processing media content signals, such as the scramble or
`encryption key, are stored in a memory 275 of the STE 220
`and accessible and/or executed by the processor 270.
`Digital signals are typically received by the STE 220 in a
`compressed or otherWise encoded data format such as the
`MPEG-2 (Moving Picture Experts Group) format for video
`signals and/or the Dolby AC3 format for audio signals. As
`such, the tuners may also comprise one or more decoders
`con?gured to decode (uncompress) the media content.
`After the tuner receives the media content for a particular
`channel by processing the signal as described above, media
`content may be further processed by a transmitter so that it
`can be vieWed and/or listened to by the subscriber using, for
`example, a television set. In the illustrated embodiment, the
`STE 220 comprises three transmitters including a ?rst trans
`mitter 281, a second transmitter 282, and a third transmitter
`The ?rst and second transmitters 281 and 282 are RF trans
`mitters and are operatively coupled to ?rst and second RF
`antennas 226 and 227, respectively. The RF transmitters 281
`and 282 are each con?gured to receive streaming media con
`tent from the respective tuner and use the respective antenna
`to transmit the media content Wirelessly using a radio fre
`quency (RF) signal, such as a RF signal in the VHF or UHF
`band of the RF spectrum. As described above, in an embodi
`ment, the RF transmitters and antennas are con?gured to
`transmit media content to one or more TVs using a frequency
`range for a particular broadcast channel as de?ned by a tele
`vision frequency standard, such as the NTSC standard. For
`example, in an embodiment, each RF transmitter is con?g
`ured to use the corresponding antenna to transmit media
`content received from a tuner at a frequency allotted to one of
`the six channels in the frequency range of 54-88 MHZ. In an
`embodiment, the user may select the frequency/channel at
`Which each transmitter and antenna transmits the media con
`The RF signals communicated by the ?rst and second
`antennas 226 and 227 are received by the antennas and the
`tuners of the ?rst and second TVs 245 and 235, respectively.
`Where the STE 220 is con?gured to transmit Wireless RF
`signals at the particular frequencies allotted to particular
`channels by a television frequency standard, a user having a
`television compliant With that standard may be able to receive
`the signal from the STE 220 using only a standard dipole
`antenna that typically comes With the TV and by tuning the
`TV to the same channel at Which the STE 220 is transmitting.
`As described above, Where the STB comprises more than one
`tuner coupled to an RF transmitter and antenna, each of the
`tWo or more transmitters and antennas may be con?gured to
`transmit at frequencies allotted for different channels so that
`different TVs can display media content from different tun
`ers. In some embodiments, the antenna on the TV may com
`prise a signal ampli?er and/or re?ector for improving the
`strength of the signal and/or the useable range of the signal
`transmitted by the STE 220.
`As described above With reference to FIG. 2, the illustrated
`embodiment of the STE 220 comprises a third tuner 273
`coupled to a third transmitter 283 that is con?gured to trans
`mit media content to a TV 225 via a cable interface 295 and a
`Wired connection. A variety transmission systems, cables,
`and interfaces, such as those knoWn in the art, may be used for
`communicating signals from the STE 220 to a TV 225 over a
`Wired connection. For example, in an embodiment, the trans
`mitter is con?gured to modulate the media content received
`from the third tuner 273 to a channel 3 or 4 frequency Which
`is then communicated to the TV using a coax cable. In other
`embodiments, the connection may utiliZe such connectors as
`composite video, S-video, component video, VGA, DVI
`(Digital Visual Interface), HDMI, IEEE 1394 (“?reWire”),
`and the like.
`As also described above With respect to FIG. 2, the STE
`220 may include a plurality of remote control devices, such as
`a ?rst remote control 242, a second remote control 232, and a
`third remote control 222. In general, embodiments of the STE
`220 may comprise at least one remote control for each tuner
`in the STE 220. HoWever, in some embodiments, there may
`Microsoft v. Biscotti
`IPR2014-01457, IPR2014-01458, and IPR2014-01459
`Petitioner Microsoft Corporation - Ex. 1055, p. 7

`US 8,060,910 B2
`be more tuners than remote controls and/ or the remote con
`trols may have the option of controlling other tuners. For
`example, in an embodiment, a user vieWing a TV utilizing a
`?rst tuner of the STE 220 may be able to use the remote
`control con?gured for controlling the ?rst tuner in order to
`command the STE 220 to utiliZe a second tuner for recording
`media content to memory 275 in the STE 220.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the ?rst and second remote
`controls 242 and 232 are RF remote controls con?gured to
`communicate With the processor 270 of the STE 220 via
`antennas 228 and 229, respectively. RF signals received by
`the antennas 228 and 229 are received by the RF receivers 291
`and 292, respectively, and are processed by the processor 270.
`The processor 270 may demodulate the signal and interpret
`the signal using, for example, a key stored in memory 275.
`The processor 270 may then control the respective tuner 271
`or 272 or perform other functions based on the signal received
`from the remote controls 242 and 232.
`In the illustrated embodiment, the third remote control 222
`is an IR remote control. As such, the STE 220 may comprise
`an IR sensor 294 and an IR receiver 293 for receiving IR
`signals from the IR remote control 222 and communicating
`these signals to the processor for processing. In other embodi
`ments, all of the remote controls associated With the STE 220
`may be RF remote controls or other types of remote controls.
`As described above, a remote control may be used to
`change the channel of the media content signal to Which a
`tuner is tuning. In an embodiment, a signal communicated
`from a remote control to the processor 270 may include an
`indication as to Which tuner that the remote control is intend
`ing to control, and such a signal may, in an embodiment, be
`changed by the user of the remote control. In other embodi
`ments, the processor 270 may distinguish betWeen the various
`remote controls by a unique identi?er, such as a unique sig
`naling frequency, associated With each remote control or by
`the particular antenna and/or receiver at the STE 220 that
`receives the signal from the remote control.
`In addition to controlling one or more of the tuners, the
`remote controls may also be used to control other functions of
`the STE 220. Such other functions may include, for example,
`requesting pay-per-vieW or video-on-demand programs,
`pausing, stopping, reWinding, and/or fast forWarding a pro
`gram, recording media content to memory 275, scheduling
`media content to be recorded to memory 275, retrieving
`media content from the memory 275, calling up an interactive
`media guide, selecting a program from an interactive media
`guide, initiating picture-in-picture, etc. In an embodiment,
`one or more of these functions may be available to any tuner
`and/ or may be commanded by any remote control of the STE
`Although not shoWn in FIG. 3, in an embodiment, the STE
`220 may support tWo-Way communication With one or more
`of the remote controls. In this regard, the STE 220 may
`include one or more transmitters (not shoWn) coupled to the
`processor 270 and to one or more of the antennas 228, 229,
`and 294 for transmitting RF, IR, or other signals to one or
`more remote controls, thereby enabling communication from
`the processor to the remote control. In this regard, in an
`embodiment, the processor may be con?gured to communi
`cate information such as advertising information or program
`guide information to a display on th

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