`High-Def Up Close
`We lay out the lT1'dj0]"[}’p€S()fH D'I‘VSa1iid what key l7aCt01‘s you should
`consider before buying. By Robert Heron
`Pioneer PRO-940!-ID
`$3300 Risk
`0 I O O 0
`The slickly cmllecf
`PRO~94OHD offerr.
`riearperft-3L'l Image
`Ciuaiity right out
`of the box 1 rilfio
`liked that the -"em ability
`toaccess i'nuszc,v:r1eo,and
`image Mes local!» or on
`a network was. ,‘_»HH|lie to
`c'onf\_c)L:re and use Ihoiigh
`it costs more Him: rW:')‘;l
`42-inch [1|:‘lSH’\,-l T\/3‘ am»
`PRO—94OHD einrm the
`Editors Ci1U|CI,‘,Hldl1k§{O
`it: soiicl L,‘E‘-|T0rl“>aHCC In an
`atiractive vet mlictlonal
`This I lI)'!'\' p|ll:i;.:v—v\'L-i'your and tlivir
`iTll1fhL'l'h11‘1' cirlicrtnkcn it ;1lrc;1d_\'nr is
`.‘-L‘I'i0l1.‘§l)' IL‘[I1.p[(.‘d tn LIL! S0. A brand I1L‘V\'
`]1igli—dcE'SL‘t. hu\\‘c\‘cr. is nn.~.'ni;i|l Dltl'L']);l.‘\'£‘.
`WIiich'1'V isriglit l'm‘_vuu?A brig-lit I.(ID
`51-t?A plii.-zinzi with |i15ciiiusly'ricl1 black’
`In-'cl.~:? .f\ 2~'ll[K‘T.‘£i?.t.‘1'L':lr-}‘I'UiL‘L'lillllIIIUJUI?
`licthru you [I:u't \v.'iys‘ will: :1 -serious wad (Ii-
`yuur li;ird—u'.i1'1icd ce1.s'h.yu1I1ibcttL‘1'bc .~'.Ln'L'
`_vnLi]i;iw.iIlrlicinrts.Iii1l1cp;i;4c:»lli;:1 I'nl—
`low. we _:ziw:_\-mi l|1L‘ Infu yuu need [1Is\\'if.I]}‘
`SL"El]L’I)l'l‘.ll1H[)'l.Vlh:ll'H ri;:l1tI"ur_\‘nu.
`Plasma TVs: Ready for Action
`l'ill.‘i]]'1£l'l'V.‘i(‘f.'~ gc-in-i'.'Ltc the iiicrcdihly
`sh;1i'p TL‘!s'U]\i|[iUl1S ncccs9::11'y fur higlrduf
`inl;i;1<‘t'_\'by$qL1a:Czirig1huLis:;iiidH ufliiiy
`g;is—I‘illn‘d c:‘llslwt\\-‘C611twn gl;lS.s‘pl;1[cs,
`Thtfit‘ culls ucl likc miniziturc ncnn lights
`:|mi::1'u;Iu(i\';ilu! E|l1\£\'l3i1ll‘U]1L‘LI \‘i:i L‘!(.‘k"
`tI'ic‘il'_\: A decade has pzissg-d szincc the
`first plii.<.i11;z ’l'V.~: ;ii‘i'i\'L'd in silnrcei. and
`odds arc nut l1l.|l1‘_\‘ ufilinac nrigiingil sols.
`l‘k'T]1;1il1 in l|.‘~‘.C lmiiiy Tlic rcnsuii: lfliriy
`pl;is;ina_-‘. um-1'c esp;-c1;i]ly SL1>€L‘L‘p[iblL‘
`(u.~;i1;il|_v.i I1ii.\'nr'Iicuii:Iiiil \'t‘0ii§.Z.1\‘} mail
`rim-.'[']ic.-.';iil l'L‘.‘€l||1
`i?w'l|1;Il llicsv.:I'|L\‘lci!
`pziiiclsi C,\‘]i1Eiitvd pi~riii;im'iil IIii.‘ig_w- J'L'f\‘I1
`lion,n1|ici'\\i<L-kiiuwri .i~i|iv.'i|i'v.‘nimi
`pI;i3:.m;J "lWl1:‘Ii—iI1." |§_\' ui||li';i~.I, tnJ.|\ '~<
`plusiiizi lL‘]L'\‘iSi<11lr§.H1lL‘h zix Elk‘ Samsung
`HP-S4273 .ll1Li[]lL‘ViZi0 VP42 HDTV. im-
`f:11‘ii;n'di0r pliuspliui‘I1:riinil;:5 [hill lwliw
`1'L'His:t :i§:ii1g.’]'hL‘su Huts ;Ilsn iI1L'l,\l']\nI'.‘llL‘ 2|
`mriuly nfclcclrniiic Pl'U1L‘L'liUHSL']lL‘l11L‘N
`that :-ill but on:-zurc lliiit burn-in is :1 thin}:
`nftliv p:i.~:r.
`llli.\x'<IllL'v.‘||ii\lll nlmm p|;,I
`13:11.11 t|n'_\ mu |v;1|\ {SIR m cl’ limv. Sorry‘,
`nu: I'].1Sl1l:i (L']L'\'i.‘iil_lI].\‘ do [ml “lc;ik" gm
`iii‘ I‘vi]l1%i‘c pcI'iiuiii' “i'm.'l‘i.'Il‘g.'iIl_L:." NIH‘ Ju
`HI’IT1Llill[L‘I‘1;IIlL‘L',1‘|t‘}(l11Li {hi-ucc.isiu1i;1l
`iit?E|\k‘lxL‘L'}‘iIl3.: yuull u\pm'l lu pi-i'|'ui'iii
`\\'iIJ'i .m_\' ulliur I|.Ii—| Icliwisinii, \'llt'|l
`en». li:a.~iu iw.'L‘;i!'1bl':ilinii. Emiiiu new p1.i.~:iii;i
`[t‘|C\‘i.HiI)I]'~ ll-ziiuim \L‘l'(‘L'Il.\ r‘.IlL'(|
`Ithmtiil hl\1l|'\ i-fiiw uinil lhcy rczicli |Lilf-
`i7r‘i3_'i1|11L‘\\ fl.( ?l‘|«..n'c rzm-cl Ll|1liIh;lL‘Hi_kZl1[
`-\ p|.i~.iim l¢'|c\'i-iun p1II'c|i:iwd
`-"S HDTVS by the Numbers
`77 HDMI Evolves
`78 HDTV Minimum Viewing Distance

`$1,099.99 list
`Plasma televisions
`offer the best value
`among the larger
`flat-panel displays,
`and the Vizio VP-'-12
`HDTV is a perfect example
`This inexpensive set deliv»
`ers a good-looking picture
`without a lot of fuss.
`today could conceivably operate eonv
`tinuously for more than 11 years before it
`reached the end ofits life. That's certainly
`soiriething the plasma iiiantzfaeturers
`couldn't guarantee :1 decade ago.
`This year witnessed the introduction
`ot‘42—inch and larger plasma televisions
`that offer native 1080p resolution. match
`ing the maximum resolution oftheir LCD
`counterparts, Pliisina sets. however. still
`can't match the absolute screen bright-
`ness ol';in LCD. and most LCDS are better
`at niiniiiiizing ambient light reflecting off
`the screen surface. Also, l.CDs are bet-
`(er stiiied for viewing at high altitudes.
`because Plasinas make more electrome-
`chanica] noise as altitude increases.
`Those coiisitlertitions aside. plasma
`televisions have a big ace up their sleeve
`in that they offer a significantly clearer and
`more detailed picture than LCDs when
`displaying moving imagery. That clarity
`also iriakcs viewing video on a plasma tele-
`vision a less eychfatigtiing experience than
`watching the same content on an LCD.
`This is an especially important consid-
`eration For those marathon action-movie
`sessions. Moreover. in light-controlled
`environments screen brightness takes a
`distant backseat to other critical picture
`characteristics. such as black level. Color
`quality, and effective video processing.
`Plasma televisions that are capable of
`operating at ii 72-Hz refresh rate, such as
`the Pioneer PRO-94oHD and the Pioneer
`PI)P—50oUHD. are also ideal for displaying
`24-fps material (most DVD. Blu-ray. and
`HD DVD discs). since each frame is dis-
`played three times (3 r 24 Hz = 72 Hz): by
`contrast, when such content is converted
`for :1 traditional (ii)-H7. (that is, (10—fps)
`display. it appears in an uneven 3:3 frame
`caclence.'1'hese characteristics lead many
`to describe the plasma television as the
`movie lover's HDTV.
`LCDs: Bright and Sharp
`LCD (liquid crystal display) HDTVS are
`the bestasclling flat-p:ll\t‘l display type
`available today. In fact. l.(',Ds recently
`unscatcd the \'t‘I‘lC1‘3l.'JlL‘Ctl|Cl1ULlL‘~I’;l)' tube
`(CRT) to become the best-selling display
`technology ofany kind worldwide, l.(_‘.D
`sets owe their strong appeal to several fac-
`tors. First, L(‘.I)s produce :1 hright picture
`with J (Lisuallyl matte screen surface that
`miniinizes the glare and reflections that
`Samsung HP-S4273
`$2,799 list
`C O C O O
`This 42-inch plasma HDTV may have fewer
`pixels than some of the latest l'iigh-reso|u-
`tion flat-panel displays, but it makes up for
`that with superb contrast and easy multime-
`Cllé! file support. Also, unlike the less-e)<pen-
`sive vizio \/P42. it offers some potentially
`useful extras such as a CableCARD slot, dual
`radicrfreciuency inputs, and a swivel stand.
`NEC Multeos M46-AVT
`$4,799.99 list
`0 O O I) C.‘
`NEC’s new Multeos M46-AVT IS a solidly
`built 46-inch LCD HDTV that delivers
`accurate color and superb image detail.
`Though image contrast and black levels
`aren't particularly noteworthy, the M46~AVT
`lS capable of an impressively realistic and
`natural picture once its color is profession
`ally dialed in.
`$3,699.95 list
`0 C 0 C‘ L“
`LG is among a small number of HDTV manu-
`facturers that continue to otter flat-panel
`televisions equipped with an integrated
`DVR (digitai video recorder) The 50-inch
`LG SOPCIDRA plasma TV is lust such a
`hybrid. Sadly, its potential to reduce clutter
`is wasted by poor video-processing and
`unimpressive image contrast

`Westinghouse TX-47F4-SOS
`Si‘7‘3§) 99 list
`An affordable 4'7—incl'i flatepanel HDTV that offers iO8OD
`l'I:!SOiL|[lt')H, the T>(47Fr13OS has a whOiJDli'iC_: four HDMl
`ports. and an lJT1|'Jl'E‘S5IVi‘ number of analog and digital
`vactoo 1Il|:)U'fS that accept lO80p video signals.
`Toshiba 37HL67 REGZA
`$l.l99.99 list
`. O C C’ C‘
`This LCD delivers a good—looking picture with HD notirrea
`but common artifacts tainted r‘ec_;Lilar television viewing on
`Our tests Still, it‘s hard to ignore that this 3?~inch LCD set
`boasts three HDMI ports. has plenty oi ways to tweak its
`picture‘ and can eliminate ova-rs::an of HD V|dE’O.
`can intcrlL‘i‘t: with the vicwingz cxpi:i'it:rtL‘L'.
`When properly miifigtircd. l.('.l1~i .‘l]‘L‘ :ils:t\
`[l'lL‘11m~.I L‘iim-gy-ot'!'it*iui1tdiszriltiy tech-
`iiulugy nrutiml. l"ll1'tlll}". fur \\'iLlt‘SL'l’L‘Cl1
`.\'i7L’.‘€ 1l]1LiL‘i'-in: lI'l('l1L‘.‘u.'[l'lL‘ lwst I,.(‘.D~; nl't'cr
`Liilmiitclicd sli;1i'}mc_-is‘. til‘ rc.-:nlL1ti(m—kc_\'
`for H1) t'nl][L‘ilt.
`clziim i'm'tl1cii‘ p1't‘rtillL'i'5 in that they pi'n—
`vitlv iictirly lHll—tlci:rt'L‘ viL‘\i'i1ig.iiiglcia.
`‘l‘li:it‘,~. triit-—.<tirtnt’. ll1]‘I]0St c.1_~ic:.:i pit‘-
`ii. t'i.vihlc 211 [i1L‘Sl.‘ L‘.\"ti‘«.'11tL' £li1_LEl<.‘.\.
`Wh:it'.-4 scltlnni ll1L‘flil0llt‘Ll. l1t)\\'t‘\i'Cl‘. is
`this zippaircnt lU.‘iS ofctilnr S;1tLH‘.‘1El(1l1 that
`()L‘CLl rs inl.C1').-$115 \'it‘wing:t11;:lt's l}1L't'(" ‘C.
`'l'l1i.~.‘. CUlUi‘-$Llil.1l‘Ll(lUl1l(}SH T.L‘l1t.l.‘i to he ini-
`tially purccptilwlc JI 20 [0 3i) tlc‘i1i‘ec‘.=‘. tiff
`l1L‘:id—un \-'it‘\vini:. The 1080p Westing-
`house TX-47F43OS is uni: iiutci-i'm'thjt'
`exception. Sl1U\\'ll‘Jg minimal L?0lt1l‘'(1-
`tiun |n.«:.~‘. OVt.‘[1£1iCXil‘L‘l’1'1C£1!i§:lL‘S. ll'JH[L'i1Li,
`l1n\'i'::v<>i'. .1 purplish sum-ii glurc ;1i'iL-ct.~a :i
`gi't:\\‘iiii: portimi uftl1i+i'I"\"'5i1n;igc 1l.\' tlic
`tinlur ;1ut_'Lu'.1c_\'. tun. l3.''U\'L'l1 lrmi»
`hlustimc for LCD tcclinulugy. (,ii‘cui'i.~;
`that .‘1l'C tun liluc lllltl ctiliirs that shift with
`L"hal‘.gL‘s: in lLtn1iu;mi.‘L‘ ttrt‘ l\.\'\]t1l-tilt‘ i.‘£F-1lL‘$
`I cm‘ut1ntc1' must fmqtiuntly with [l'1l.\‘ typv
`'1 hu dii't—clic;ip 4t:-inch WinBook 46D1
`ITTL‘ with its i1tiiti1".il~ltiultii1g1nut-
`tit'—tlic—lmK L‘t\l0l'L1ll:llll}‘. l\lni'cti\'t'i'.'it.s'
`L'(il0l'l'l'11Cl{i]1§1 tiwr tl.1i‘lt—rt'i~liphi
`.~iitic.='-. Wlillt‘ not pci'll‘t‘t. was .1dn1i1".1hl_\'
`lii]t“.’|]' and hL’.‘«'iL‘Ll
`:11‘ aminv |1lt\i'l‘
`l11ULlL'lS I'M‘ wcii. .‘\klLil[lUl1-
`all}, the 4013] is tlic l‘l'i}1l]lL'Hl i (ID 'l'\' l’u'
`l11L‘:HllI'L‘Ll tn ti-.itc. m:il<ing_~ it -ztiitnhlu for
`3(i080i only)
`3 (1080i only)
`42 Inches
`41 inches
`42 inches
`50 inches
`116 inches
`46 inches
`52 irltht-‘E5
`47 inches
`31 inches
`SI inches
`52 inttlit-‘S
`55 inchrs
`65 inches
`56 il'IEi'IE5
`In tleiintvs Editru~' Clifllift’
`Pmdiicls are listed hy catngury lmm
`heat lu wr.-Isl by r.\lirII].
`_ ~-
`Pioneer PRO-‘MOHD
`Vltlo VII! HDTV
`San-sung HP—Sl273
`use Mulleovs ms-av?
`sharp Aquas LC-520910
`Westinghouse ni-nruns
`Toshiba 3'lH|.67
`Viewsnnic fl315lw
`Samsung LN-‘F5265!’
`Surly KDS-§5A22[| SXRD
`Mitsubishi W0-£5831
`Snmsung HL-SSBTQW

`Wlnflook 46D1
`$1.199 99 list
`I I D I z‘:
`The 46~inch WiiiBool< M501 is the
`least expensive LCD HDTV We seen
`at this size. and it delivers impre-:.—
`sive picture quality ll you (‘GIT mal-<e
`do with its limited selection of
`digital video inputs. the 465i £5 a
`great deal
`sharp Aquos LC-52D92U
`$5.299 99 list
`is one serious
`This 52-inch LCD HDTV.
`showpiece. its iO80p screen offers an
`amazingly detailed and colorful picture. and
`it has a wide range of digital video inputs to
`choose from In addition. this set is the first
`Sharp LCD to offer i20—Hz "frame rate con-
`version." Buyers should know. however. that
`this is not the same as true i20—Hz imaging.
`Viewsonic N3751w
`$1.199 iist
`II 0‘ '
`This is one of the most aiforddble 37-inch
`LCD HDTVs currently available. and its
`bright picture produced the highest con-
`trast-ratio result I‘ve recorded to date. The
`downside to this otherwise tempting HDTV
`value. however. is that it makes standard-
`definition television programming look
`worse than it should.
`Samsung LN-T5265F
`$3399.99 list
`0 O i'_‘
`On paper. this colorful and higlvcontrast
`LCD HDTV has everything to create a stun-
`ningly sharp picture. Uiifortuiiately. the
`LN-T5265F‘s high-def imagery was fuzzy on
`our tests. and efforts to soive the problem
`through a software upgrade further Compli-
`Cated the matter
`brightly lit miiiii.-i. The Toshiba 37HL67
`REGZA HDTV also nl'l't'i‘.s gtiod L‘(9l0l‘
`qtizililywitliuiil ii lottil'twL‘iikitig.;1iitl its
`gct1eriiti.~itl11‘t't‘ HDMI ports: leave room
`fur ltittirc L‘XpLlI1.‘€lL‘Il‘l. UnfiirlL:ii;ilel_v. the
`37IlLh7‘.s video pi'occ:~‘siir isn't as good
`with Stal'Idill'tl'(.lI.‘llll}lIlt)l1 (51)) viduii 11>‘.
`\\‘lll'l HI) .stitit‘t'cs, so 'it‘.s‘ hcst pLliTl.'kl with
`:-2t't—tnp hUXL‘Sfl‘l;1lDrtWVldCEll1l’lllSlgTlL‘ll—
`'LlpL‘l‘ll‘J\'L"l’lL‘Ll nr native.
`The Viewsonic N3751w is ill] extutiplc
`i>t’:ii1I.(‘.l) tli;itol't'er.s stipt-rlni‘ imtigc mu-
`trust and :i triu nl'HDMl ports. but it hztd
`pmhlciiis pr<it'cssii'ig iiiturlticctl \-'lLlt.'U
`(SD iir IID). It‘)-'0i.i'rc willing to tlii (or
`p‘.l_\'5UI‘l1L‘(‘.l]'lL‘Cl.‘u't‘ tiidii) :1 littlt‘ \=vurl<,thc
`NEC Multeos M46-AVT ll!L'lLlLlt.‘.‘-’ precise
`Ctilnr cnnlriils that pt'iil’cs.siiiiinl t':ilihrn~
`tors ctiri use to tlitil in the ini.-uzi: qi.i;ilit_\-’
`tiiiiL‘;1r—i'L'l1'rr.‘iico levels. It \\';|Sl1l5U the
`t‘ii'stll1}TV I‘ve tested Il'l:1lp]‘t)pL‘!'l_\'
`tit-iiitt-i'l;ict-d ltltllli Vida-u 5uLii't'i:d {ruin
`24—fps l‘l‘l'.l[c’t‘li1l. pris.-:et'\'ii1g iimigc quzility
`timl Iuininiizintt distructiiig i1rtil".ii.‘ls.
`lit gi.'Iit'i';il, .~:ii-ciillctl l20~H2 L(ID.~;ti1't‘
`designed In i‘ii'iidll<:L' i:lL'zi1‘L'i'iim1gery than
`the trziditiuniil hl'i—l--lz imidcls.a1id I find
`thtit they .=;ticci.‘cii in diiiiig so. The Sam-
`sung LN-T5265F zind the Sharp Aquos
`LC—52D92U, for cxaiiiplc. inilcr 52-inch
`.sci't't'ns_ llltlilp E‘&‘St3i|Jll011.£lI'lLllzorlll con-
`ii11iigt- smi:;ii‘iiig iiiitl t\[l1L‘]' iiintioii-rcltitcd
`i.-isties. Still. the Aqtiiis iict‘tisiiiii:ill_v iutrii~
`Ll1lL'L‘Ll i1'n:igt' t'IJI'l'll['|[lt)I1 i.=i'hi‘ii tlispltiylllg
`L1l‘l_\' Ul'\\’llIU.‘i cni':'tipliiin with S;iIi1sLing:'s
`l2(l~ll7 l.(Il).li1il tht‘ TV .slilppcti with
`l'ii'ti1\\';1rctl1ut S'11Cl'll.lL‘L‘Ll .ilm1itl1;ilftl1c
`l'L‘:~'Ul1ltlU[l(1l‘l080l \'ldt‘t1---Wl]lL‘l] is whtit
`_\'iiu‘ll miiitiiurily get with llll siitt-llitc and
`t‘.'ihlt- §I!tII‘L‘L‘$. This. llicrcliii-0. lS:lI1llll.'lL‘-
`ct-ptiihlu l':iult. While the itntiizu qutility
`.'illLl pci‘i1iriii;iiit'L‘ iit'L(ZD liiit-paiicl tole-
`\"l.‘:'lOl1.<l‘l1l.‘§ iniprnwd di':ini;itic:illyii1 the
`his! low years. I'\-‘C yet to ram‘ (111 LCD thtit
`czin iuzitch lllL' clzirity ol‘iriust llDpl.'1.-imit
`displtiys WlIL‘l1L‘il.‘-Spill}-’l11[.’, video that con-
`lziin.-i sci.-tics with sigiiificiiiu ;1l‘tlt!lll'lIS of
`iici iriii.
`A qticstiuii '.ll.1(ll.lIll1L" lulurc of LCD
`TVs L‘0t1L‘Cl‘11:~' what light .~auiirt't- they will
`use. l.Cl)_4 LlS‘L‘£ll1£il'l‘£1}'(ll-lilmpfi mutiiitcd
`hchiiid the .‘v'CI'L‘iJl'l
`.-»'ii1‘f:it'i‘ tn prndticc the
`light We set-. and the t.]1l;illl)’(ll'Lill [.(ID's
`hiickliglit systciii directly L‘t11'l'L‘fw'PlTl|1d.‘\' to
`its ability tii 1‘«.'p1'titit1L‘i: £1L‘L‘1lI’illt.‘ Ctiloi‘. A
`couple iil'yt-zirs zigii, :i gimtl LCD l'L‘}'Jl'(>—
`dticcdtilmiit75pcrcci1tiii'tliv l..‘Ui0l‘S
`dcsaibcti in the H13 spec. Witli new tirid
`lll1pl'lIVL‘Li l'lLlUl'I.“iL‘L‘lll tuhc ilt-sigiis. .~i0ini.'
`iifttiday’s l.(?l).-: iH'L‘ hiia.-itiriy. l-ll) color
`i.‘twct‘;igi: 1-iL_‘UI‘t_‘5[l'l1llC?\'CL‘CLl the spec by
`‘)0 PL‘l'L'L‘l‘ll.

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