`* MARCH 24, 2009
`Court Reporters:
`M1ntz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris
`G1ovsky & Popeo
`One F1nanc1a1 Center
`Boston, MA
`(617) 542-6000
`Fish & RTchardson, P.C.
`225 Frank1Tn Street
`Boston, MA
`(617) 542-5070
`Anne M. C1ayton, RPR
`and Debra D. Lajoie, FCRR
`One Exchange Terrace
`ProvTdence. RI
`Proceeding reported and produced by computer—aTded
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 1
`Case 1:03-cv-00440~WY—DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 2 of 198 PageID #: 6274
`MICHAEL NEGRIN (By video deposition):
`RIC RICHARDSON (By video deposition):
`ALLEN NIEMAN (By video deposition):
`Direct Examination by Mr. Hayes:
`Voir Dire Examination by Mr. Hayes:
`Voir Dire Examination by Mr. Giitzenstein:
`367, 368, 625 & 721
`134, 808, 810, 811, 259,
`254, 815, 823, 824, 116 & 238
`97 & 98
`L—6, X—6, E-7, Q-6, T-6, O-6,
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 2
`Case 1:03-cv-00440~WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 172 of 198 Page-ID #: 6444
`Yes. with an additionaT expianation that the MD5
`and the SHA are routine impTementation detaiis.
`are, at this point
`in time and were for years past,
`the Tibrary,
`then they cou1d be invoked and puTTed out
`to operate any time.
`And in fact, Microsoft makes
`avaiiabie Tibrary functions for MD5 and SHA for not
`on1y its own programmers interna11y but for everyone
`who programs in this Tanguage.
`So if somebody wants to actualiy do an MD5
`they don't have to rewrite aTT of the
`They just invoke that function, and it performs
`it and takes the output and provides it back to the
`MR. HAYES: Your Honor, we'd offer that that
`drawing is estabiished.
`Do you want
`to voir dire the
`I wouTd, your Honor.
`Good afternoon, Mr. K1ausner.
`Good afternoon.
`Mr. Kiausner, 1et's get
`some of the basics out of
`the way about what
`things are not discussed in your
`expert report. Let's starts with SHA—1.
`You don't
`have any discussion of SHA—1,
`in your reports,
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 3
`Case 1:03—cv—00440—WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 173 of 198 Page|D #: 6445
`I disagree.
`You do?
`Counsei didn't direct you to that?
`I can do that if you'd iike,
`He indicated he had it.
`the sake of
`brevity, we just taiked about SHA—1 first.
`If you want
`to --
`I don't
`think it's necessary at
`It's undisputed that the aigorithm that
`used as refiected in this drawing is the M05, and it's
`used on both sides when we're talking about Office XP
`at ieast, right?
`MR. GLITZENSTEIN: That's correct, your Honor.
`I'11 focus on MD5,
`A11 right.
`Mr. Kiausner, your report does not discuss what
`the characteristics of a summation aigorithm are, do
`It's inherent.
`they don't, but it is inherent
`in an MD5 as to what it does.
`Your report doesn't have that
`in it, sir?
`I don't describe M05 as an aigorithm that does
`It's we11—known in the business.
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 4
`Case 1:03-cv-00440-WY-DLM Document 381 Fiied 06/09/09 Page 174 of 198 PageID #: 6446
` And you aiso don't say in your reports in this
` Q.
`case that with a hash function you get out Tess than
` what you put
`I don't.
`I didn't think it was necessary.
` you drive a car, you end up with less gas in the tank
` than when you don't drive it.
`so understood.
`It's as understood as knowing that when
`And you don't say anywhere in your report that
`hash is a summation,
`aIgorithms, and anyone of ordinary skiii wouid know
`those words don't appear, but
`in terms
`of the testimony that
`they are.
`I provide,
`I point
`to these hash
`But you actuaiiy don't say that
`in your report.
`You never offered the opinion in your report that
`hashing is a summation or its equivaient,
`MR. HAYES: Objection.
`Does he mean
`specificaiiy say that?
`If you're going to object, stand up.
`1'11 object, your Honor.
`he exciuding his report, which is an opinion?
`asking for the words?
`The report speaks for itself.
`So if
`it's in there, it's in there.
`If it's not -- I mean,
`understand your argument.
`You don't need to be
`Is he
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 5
`Case 1:03-cv-00440-WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 175 of 198 Pagelli) #: 6447
`defensive about your report.
`I just don't
`remember if I
`actua11y said "summarize," your Honor.
`But 1et's say I
`didn't for the sake of argument.
`So you're agreeing that you do not offer the
`opinions in your expert report that any hashes, any MD5
`hash is the same as or equiva1ent
`to a summer or a
`summation a1gorithm,
`That's not
`think your question was did I
`Iiteraiiy say that M05 is a summation aigorithm.
`don't know that
`I did that.
`the answer to your
`Iast question is yes.
`So you say in your report --
`I mean,
`the answer to your Iast question is that
`identified M05 as the corresponding e1ement
`to the
`Court's construction of a Iicensee —- a unique Iicensee
`generating means,
`licensee ID generating means.
`You rendered your expert report
`in this case
`before the Court construed that c1aim term,
`That's correct.
`And at
`the same time,
`I was
`consistent with what
`I understood the p1aintiff's
`construction was.
`In your reports in this case,
`it is true,
`is it
`that you do not say in words or in substance that
`the MD5 hashing a1gorithm is the same as or equiva1ent
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 6
`Case 1:03-cv-00440—WY—DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 176 of 198 Page!D #: 6448
`to a summer or a summation aigorithm, correct?
`I don't
`think that's true. Because when I
`identify the eiement that meets the requirement, even
`though I wrote the report before the Court's
`I use —-
`I point
`to the MD5 hash as
`corresponding to that eiement.
`So I
`think it would
`unfair to say that
`I haven't
`identified the MD5 as
`corresponding to that eiement.
`That reaiiy wasn't my question.
`My question
`reaiiy comes down to whether you say anywhere in your
`in words or in substance,
`that the MD5
`substance is the same as or equivaient
`to a summation
`aigorithm or a summer?
`MR. HAYES: Objection. Asked and answered three
`think that
`I understand the
`witness's testimony, and I
`think I understand your
`So I understand what's in the report.
`can argue about what that shows or doesn't show. what
`I'd be interested to know is whether you take issue
`with the descriptions here and with the witness's
`expression of his opinion that it is fundamentaiiy
`understood that the MD5
`is a summation aigorithm.
`if you can point out
`to me with your
`questions that what he has stated here is incorrect for
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 7
`Case 1:O3—cv~0O440-WY-DLM Document 381 Fiied 06109/09 Page 177 of 198 Page|D #: 6449
`whatever reason, I'd be interested to know that.
`Let me start out with the basis for that
`assertion, Mr. K1ausner,
`that a summation --
`hash is a summation aigorithm.
`I don't think you were
`is the basis
`for that?
`There are two things.
`One is that a hash —-
`are various types of hashes ranging from simpie
`checksums to very compticated hashes such as the MD
`asked that question by Mr. Hayes, so what
`series, Message Digest series and the SHA series.
`There's a1so the DES,
`the Government~sanctioned
`a1gorithm that was found to be not unique enough and
`was u1timate1y withdrawn.
`And for a whiie, we actua11y
`had some of the aigorithms that were found by the
`Commerce Department as not being exportabie because of
`nationa1 security reasons.
`But a11 of the hashing a1gorithms have been
`known forever to be summaries,
`to be summations.
`is no hashing aigorithm that
`I know of that fai1s to do
`summarizing and addition, and that's been true for a
`1ong time.
`Is it your testimony in this case or your opinion
`in this case, Mr. Kiausner,
`that a hash function is a
`summarizing function or that it is a summation
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 8
`Case 1:O3—cv-O0440—WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06109/09 Page 178 of 198 PagelD #: 6450
`And is it your opinion that it's a summation
`aTgorithm mereiy because it inciudes an addition sign?
`At Ieast for that reason, aiso.
`that rationale that you just provided,
`in your expert report,
`Once again, your Honor,
`it depends on
`I understood that, by saying MD5,
`was identifying a particuiar means.
`I may not
`have said that
`in the report, Iiteraiiy,
`that MD5 was a
`summation aigorithm.
`And maybe you're right, but
`didn't think it was necessary.
`I'm taiking to other
`I understand.
`Your expert report aiso doesn't discuss what your
`personal experience was with regard to hashing
`aIgorithms, correct?
`And it aIso doesn't discuss what your personal
`experience was with summation aigorithms, right?
`And I have considerable experience with
`summation aigorithms.
`And your expert report aiso doesn't discuss the
`detaiis that you took the Court
`through with regard to
`how an MD5 hash works,
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 9
`Case 1:03-cv-00440-WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 197 of 198 PagelD #: 6469
`C E R T I F I C A T I O N
`I, Anne M. Ciayton, RPR, do hereby certify
`the foregoing pages are a true and accurate
`transcription of my stenographic notes in the
`above—entit1ed case.
`Isl Anne M. Ciayton
`Anne M. Ciayton, RPR
`Apri1 28, 2009
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 10
`Case 1:03-cv-00440-WY-DLM Document 381 Filed 06/09/09 Page 198 of 198 Page|D #: 6470
`C E R T I F I C A T I 0 N
`I, Debra D. Lajoie, RPR—FCRR—CRI~RMR, do
`hereby certify that the foregoing pages are a true and
`accurate transcription of my stenographic notes in the
`above—ent1t1ed case.
`Isl Debra D. Lajoie
`Apr11 28, 2009
`Petitioner Ex. 1032 Page 11