` New Collegiate
`A Dictionary
`(E xmwm-Zbeflsifi
`REG. 14'.-9. PAT. OFF.
`G. & C. MERRIAM COMPANY, Publishers

`'_G. & C. MERRIAM co.
`COPYRJGHTCD 1916, 1923,1931, I936. I941, 1949, 1:95;. I953, I956. I953, I959, I960, I961, I963. 1965
`BY G. Sc c. MERRIAM co.
`PHILIPPINES COPYRIGHT 1950, 195:. I953. I956, I958, I959, I960, 196:, I963, I965
`BY G.
`«S: c. MERRIAM co.
`copuuarrr 2926, 1941 IN PHILIPPINE ISLANDS .
`BY G. J: c. MERRIAM co.
`COPYRIGHT © 1961, 1:966
`All rights reserved
`MADE IN ‘rm: TJ'.S.A.

` gadget
`god-get \.'ga_-l-at\ in [origin unknown] t nsvrcs, cowgarvsncs — gain-giv-ing \'gEu-.giv-ir]\ n‘ [gain- (against) + giving: archaic
`y —o -e
`Earl-is-ttegr \agjaJ-e-'.ti(a)r\ rt — gad-get-ry \'gaj-a-tre\ n — gad~
`: Misorvmo
`gain-less \‘g§.ri-l=s\ adj : PROFl'I'Ll‘:‘sS — gain-less-tress rt
`\'gad-,oid. 'gad-\ adj [NL Gadus genus of fishes ft. Gk
`gain-1y \'lg§.n-iE\ ad] [gain (handy): : GRACEFDL, SHAPELY
`gods: 3. fish] : resembling or related to
`e cods —— gailoid n
`garnusay \g§n-*sE\ W gaiinssrd \-‘sad,
`-'sed\ gain-saying
`sad-ch indie \'gad~'l-e-,nl‘t\ n [G gatioiinir, fr. Johann Gadoiin
`[ME gainsayen, fr. gain- against (fr. OB gEtm~) + Sayer: to say-
`1B52 Finn Chernistl : a black or brown mineral Be;FeY4Si;Ou
`more at AGAIZNSI 1 : nszw, ptsrurs 2 : to speak against : comma-
`at is s source'of rare-earths and consists of silicate of iron.
`D101‘ sytrsce DENY— ga|
`b°1'Y111‘.“11s Yttrium: °°1'i'-‘mr and erbium
`‘Bait \'s='tt\ n [MB nit. irate gate. way] 1 id. manner of walking or
`gad-o-lm-i-um \.gad-‘I-‘in-E-ein\ n ENL, fr. J. Gadaiin] : a tri-
`moving on foot 3 t the want.
`trot, pace, or center of a horse
`vaient magnetic metallic element of the rare-earth group occurring
`5 ‘g a manner or rate of movement
`combination in gadolinite and several other thin air!
`13311 W 1 t to train (a horse) to use a. particular gait or set of gait:
`"‘“‘ 395
`2 : to lead (a show dog) before a judge to display carriage and
`gs-aroon \ o-'drun\ rt [F god»-on round galsit, gadroon] 1 : the
`ornaments nutchins or qarvins of a man ed molding 2 : a short
`agalt n
`rob. alter. of igore
`1 : the distance between two adjoin-
`Often 0VB1 flutins 01'reed-ms used in decoration -— BB-M0011-1!1S It
`ing car ages of a lace~m
`% frame 2 Erin‘ :‘a full repeat of a
`gad-wall ygacl-,wbl\ rt, pigadwalle or gadwail [origin unknown%
`pattern to harness weaving o woolens. 4/
`: is grayis brown dabbhng duck (Ana: strepsra) about the size n
`gamed \'ga:-a;i\ adj.:J-iaving a parflcu_Ia,3_"gait (slaw-gutted)
`thfl 11'lfl11_fiI‘d
`gai-tar \'gEt-or\ M [F guétrs] 1 : a cloth or leather leg covering
`G395 \' 6-9\ It [Gk Gfitfli 3 Earth as 9- goddess and mother of tilt!
`reaching from theinstep to ankle, mid—calf,'or knee 2 a : ananlcleu
`Greek rriyth-D1093’
`high shoe with elastic gores in the sides
`In : an overshoe with fabric
`-gaee or -ges \'_1§-@}N?1 comb farm ENL. fr. Gk gala, gt? earth}
`: seosragphical area
`Igsl \'gal\ n [by aiter.:| : Gnu.
`Gael \'ss(c)1\ n lScGse1 Gtiidkeaik Irciaei Gaedheail 1 : a Scottish
`agai n roams-o 11642 It astronomefl : a. unit of acceleration equiva-
`Si-Eisfililaiglderr E1= gsgléfiiticfifilav Gaelic-speakingmhfibiifint 01’ Ireland.
`lefnt tO'?t1;e centimeter per second per second— used esp. for values
`0 an , o
`o grnv
`Gael-to \' 5-1ik\.aa‘J 1 : of or role
`to the Gaels and esp. the
`a-la ' a-is '
`'al-o n I
`t’r.‘MF aiefestivi
`leesure—-more t
`Celtic Hlgghlanders of Scotland 2 tigfzgrelating to, or constituting
`\ g
`1 E
`t L
`ty P
`3 i
`2 :
`cei -
`the Goiclciic s each of the Celts in Ireland. the
`ie of Man, and the
`§;§fi§,'1"1;]F551-gammy“ C
`as W regs or mom on
`a gay
`— gala adj
`tit 11 Hi
`d —- G 11
`iggft (n'gal\gn l_'a1;1gaqf_fe, frfullrgvngdl 1 a : a spearor spearheadfor
`g;*»‘,‘,“‘§§r,,§’,5.f‘§§}.‘,’§"; b ;’;{;'aEf;,§i’£§§ ’ ft‘ Gk gum“ ’ gamma ’
`taking fish orturtles it : a_handled hook forholding orlifting heavy
`ga.1ac.uc \gg.'i3k.fi_k\ ad ; of or relating to 3 galaxy
`fish 0 = n meta! spur fort: tamer-oak l d = a butcher's hook 0 = 3
`gstsotio noise a : rsdio- requcncy radiation from the Milky way
`climbing iron orits steelpoint used by a telephone lineman 2 : the
`ga_lac_tD. oi_e_515 \ga_1ak_ta_ ¢£_.a_3aS\ R PTLI
`is at upon which the
`end of a fore-and-aft soil
`is extended
`_ '
`X _
`_m 1
`fa - HOAX FRAUD D - ommnox TRICK 4 - rough treatment
`and ‘em’ '3“ °! mm‘- gas“? ° p°i'°-t 1“ \ 5‘
`\ “"10"”
`: A3553
`5 :’ GAFFB '
`Efieéiapchtogia \.E3é'1lfl-K-.:Cvl:éE-t,f€tf;nflg[lF.(E|;;£'fli'tZcf']
`: 8. sugar C5H|g05
`1 1 s : t
`with a gaff
`It :to fit (a gain cock)
`“ ‘-3 an
`‘with: gaflf
`];.»°:;escn"v't.”eTill1(.:‘eiC: also : mason 3 : to fix for the
`S:-;11‘i(;_-cglgfyl-g:\E9"131l¢'h .s1d\ n . s siycusido that yields saiectose
`purpose is c ea ng : GIMMICK
`“fie” " totem u==kn°Wn1 3*" = 8 “beer theater 0* mu“-= ha“
`gaffe \'gat‘\ rt EF, gaff, gaffe} : a social blunder : ssvx ms
`gmwmg areas and is Often kapt as E cage bird
`*:‘;‘:ihr:r:*"r §"§3:?t§i‘§f'8$€£§ié‘i"‘§” t;t::i°irs treat:
`ea:-a-I-an \-sae-.naax » = a _1_===en or the new we who
`4 - a lighting electrician on s motion-picture or telc slon set
`flf‘°-15'r'tt‘-° Hal? (inn
`IF] '
`di 11
`fl h
`ga -an- me
`ga -en- ten rt
`o pou ry
`game or
`ggegeggtcggned. tree. evoke. wee. wveie em etc
`‘§?E.§§:“$i‘f:sf3%%°%i§'tEt§“,¥oiiiE3i“%i€i' sits; =“;i:,',‘;,-.‘i irtrgtsstirte-\ "
`*5 It
`in Mi
`5 D D
`Or 0
`CI E11
`5 gag 0 I D DTBVEI1
`ree speec
`2 = to
`i s = new
`e = to »=ovm=iwe
`§"§D€°°;,3¥(5gfla:1(£,;' 5m°W) ""vi 1 = HE‘wE' “ma 2 : B‘“"‘K’Sm?
`life by Aphrodite in response to the sculptor‘s prayer
`was ." 1 : something mm“ into the mouth to keep it Open
`§§iiia'§:v‘\‘5;s3’.l‘§k'§J'\‘3»fH'~rI‘f.7“§§nus name] : an? ofegenus Gaittx) of
`2 a . something thrust into the mouth to prevent speech or outcry
`‘b : CLDTURB c : a check to free speech 3 : a laugh-provoking
`evergreen herbs related to the true heeths with’ leaves.
`dely used
`remark or act 4 t HOAX. 'I'RICK
`f°r d5°D1'3fi°U-5
`‘ll:-' ms
`be or her new 1 - cm GK,fI.¥g\t1f§3¢fJ-";,g:“f"t1\Igl1k; aasinttrnitr no at ,m
`ifr. LL gaiaxfar. £1‘.
`lgaga \-E5“ n [ME in M? of GM: on n. akin to OHG Wm;
`wsv GALAXY It : one of billions oi systems each inclu ing stars,
`nebulae, star clusters, globular clusters. and interstellar matter
`pledge — more at wan] 1 - 5 tokan of de 1341'“. Spectf : B glove D,
`can cast ‘onthe ground to be taken u by an opponent a a pledge
`the“ ma“ “P *1“ ‘-‘“iV°”55 3 3 3“ ‘“-"°mb1“‘3" °f bflmmt '3'
`of combat 2 : something de osite
`as a pledge of performance
`“°*“bI‘ P°1'5°E‘5 ‘’7 thing‘
`'-‘gage v! 1 archaic : rnsnos
`archaic : s1-arcs, tusit
`g“1'ba'i“"[‘ \ 351‘b°'“°m\ " IMF" f’- L» "3 Gki"‘§'§’t“"‘- f"- Hg:
`wage W", of GAUGE
`ilteibifnalzl . a yellowish to green or brown aromat c
`er gum res
`‘gage n , GREENGAGB
`deritiedifrom several Asiet c plants and used for medicinal purposes
`gag-gar \'gag-or\ n 1 : one that gags 2 notcsn. GAGMAN
`5”“ '1 "°°’“°
`gag-gle \'gag-a1\ 71 [MB gizgyfi. fr.
`agefen to cscklel 1 : st.oox-
`H 53
`igale \'gE(e I
`in [origin unknown 1 a : is strong current ‘of air;
`esp : a flock of geese when not in fligfirt 2 :AGGRF.GATION, oLusrsti ‘
`:m‘§{?D,,‘;1 g,‘}§,',‘,f,s, fang? ‘:5 per wt
`‘"6 a G BREEZE
`gag-man \'\ n 1 : a gag writer 2 : a comedian who uses
`ngalle n Iprob. alter. :1-if
`Igtiveirfi-I‘ Britt : a periodical paymfnt of'rent
`= ‘-1’
`E138 H111;rtl tunerufilgdrestricting freedom of debate or expression esp-
`gEe8?|E1g\ag£‘|__e[$.[]-93};:55-, 3 t 91;, P1,,» fi§‘§;Jt_1te°$§,F¢§ii‘a‘f,’§‘§“
`Si-'i1g?si§r S\?gs‘s st/sr\yPl - osomw also? PRACTICAL roses
`'1°'“t° \'3””’°'-5'“ “'3” 5”‘ 9'3” \'-5‘‘“‘\ WV — BE-1.9-“Dim
`.-r — to m_.
`- “-1-—
`Sahnqte vain-.:t\ n [G gaimit fr. J. o. om 1-I818 Sw chemist]
`g§Ff'.,,,f,{"\'ga’_.15_,§§\°,,‘[fi,’md 0,53 ,
`,, bmh Em, mhma, 1.35
`5 5 “5“- dark BT55“ 331’-‘9-F5-1 Zn
`0.4 99115‘-“"3 °f 313 05153 °f 315°
`with metallic luster consisting of lead sulfide, showing hlg]jlY per-
`md 51uTl}lE“T“_
`fect cubic cleavage, and constituting the princlpai ore of lead
`S81-W \ sa-=te\ n 1 = Mm\'MAKING- 2 i eat spirits or mam!
`Ga-len-lo \g§-‘ion-ik\ ad : of or relating to Galen or his medical
`3 5. FINE’?
`principles or method -—-
`a-len-1-cal \-i-ko1\ adj
`‘iii;L%l3i.‘§.n\.“°iiii“a‘El" has-tr-2:; rent rsrsits
`~ = a were
`of “many wefliam Amed-can mmposife herbs
`H: Show flower
`made b extracting the desire p
`c pie w than 0 or cons tuents
`Ga-Ilatlilo Em \'g:'i-to-,n.iz-om\ n :
`the Galenio system of medical
`53“? V3545‘ ad’ ‘ i“ 5 5” mam”
`tirlaovf-1?-an \
`ale:-'lE~en -'lZ-
`' of or relating to Galileo
`Igain \' in\ r:
`[ME g no fr. MF’g igrie g in fr. OF gaaigne
`gaming, 5 . gooignier to ‘ill, earn,
`Game-1’ bun 5’ of “pa mama’ physics and astronomy
`sin, gf Grnc grigin; akinto OH
`aiui-lee\'g1 -1‘
`-‘\nl'AF fr. ML game 1's.chaplor
`r:ii::?';;3.ii““ii°s£°2§ti;s;srrsztrorsmiisi 1:! ‘aoenar m3é'1=r'r3’=1=‘=%“o?°anensvstchurcn

`increase in amount. magnitude, or degree: spent)‘ : the ratio of in~
`5:11e';gi“°‘ig'sat‘?|fl\('§%;;;“R‘;'§§{h°'°“' ‘rm’ 3'2“ ” [F] ' °°nf"3"’d and
`me“: of -qufput Over ‘"9": in 3“, ‘”“9Hfl°’',
`‘gal-tam gal
`-lg~\ 7: {ME a kind of ginger. fr. MP
`lgain rt 1 a . to get possessionof . EARN ii . to Win in competition
`J ft
`1, M I =m,_vz]
`Old W51,” sad 5 [C Em, km W)
`l or conflict
`It: to get by anaturaldeveioproent or process‘ : ACHIEVE
`3“ "Wt
`“ “ Fl’,
`‘fin ,
`E an 5
`1 {id 1'
`t 5'
`‘S1,, strength)
`,1 : MAKE (N a mend)
`e (1) : to arrive at (,__,ed me
`with an aroma c root.
`roa y . any n v
`ous re a
`p an s
`vet that night)
`(2) :_‘1'RAVERSE. coves (~.-2:110 yards on the play
`33H'°‘ Va’; 9} ‘3-*1-1:?°T
`w n to one‘s side: rlsasu.-tun a : A'l't‘RA(.'r (~ attention
`831-1-11°! \ gel-9-mat. -.p5\ 71 [Fl . the crude turpentine oleorestu
`4 : to increase in (r-- momentum) 5 of :2 time iece : to run fast by
`exuded from s. southern_European pine (Firms ptnastfrl
`the arnonntof («us a. minute a day)
`-- vi
`to get advantage
`lgali \'gol\ rt EME, fr. OB gealiw akin to Gk shale, chains gall.
`: s-nosrr 2 a_: mcnasss h : to increase in weight
`n : to improve
`wrath, OE geofu yellow — more at rsnnowl 1 n : sun; esp : bile
`in health 3 of a timepiece : to run fast syn see oar, REACH — gain
`obtained from an animal and used in the arts or medicine is : some-
`ground : to ‘make progress
`thing bitter to endure o : bitterness of spirit, : RANCOR 2 : EP-
`Igaln-n [origin unknown] 1 : a beveled shoulder above a tenon
`raomssr. mrunsncs syn see rsnsnmr
`2 : a notch or mortise for inertion of a girder or joist
`ngall rt [MB gaffe, fr. OE gsnifa, fr. L gaiitz gallnutl
`.'|. B : a skin
`gain-er \' E-nor\ 71 I : one that gains '2 : a lane dive in which
`sore caused b chronic-irritation b : a cause or state of exaspera-
`the diver
`tom a forward position rotates baokwar and enters the
`tlon 2 arms a 3 sr..Av_/
`water feet first and facing away from the board
`agallvx 1 a : to fretand wear awaybyidction : oases h : mIu't'A'rs,
`'gi'i:._n-fel\ adj‘:
`roduotivc of gain : PROFIIABIB —- gain-
`vsx 2 : HARASS
`-- vi ‘1 : to become some or worn by rubbing
`: sarzs vi 2
`1:11-ly \- o-le\ adv .— Ea I1-iul-ness n
`a abut;
`9 kitten;
`or further;
`a back;
`5 bake;
`all out:
`‘on chin;
`a less;
`3 easy;
`E ift-
`I trip;
`is life
`it cut, cart;
`:3 sing;
`ii flow;
`6 flaw:
`in thin:
`it loot;
`oi coin;
`Q1, this;
`I1 foot;
`y yet;
`'yli few:
`an vision

`lath-shaped plagioclase crystals are enclosed in later formed augite
`o hti1alIn- or opl1tl1alt11o- comb _for_rr_1 LGK, fr. apizrhaimor] : eye
`ophthalmology) : eyeball (ophzfmimitis)
`oph-that-mla \tif-‘that-me-c, lip-\ n [ME obtajmio, fr. LL aph-
`thaimid, fr. Gk, fr. ophthalmos eye; akin to Gk ops eye — more at
`eye] : inflammation of the conjunctiva or eyeball
`oph-_t11al-mic \-m_ilc\ -adj : of. relating to, orsituated near the eye
`oph-t_l1a1-mo-log-to \(,)‘zif~,thal-ms-‘liij-lls, §.)§.p-\ adj
`: of or
`relat1ng'to ophthalmology — o h-thal_-mm cg-1-cal \-i-ka1\ ad}
`— oph-thal-mo-log-1-ualdy \- -i<(c»)le\ adv
`: that specializes in ophthalmology — compare 01--
`TICIAN, orvromsrrusr
`with the structure, funct ons, and diseases of the eye
`oph-that-mol-o-gy \-»jB\i n : a branch of medical science dealing
` \§f-'l:hB1-l'El9-.3k'C'Ip,_'B|p-\ n [IS_V]
`: an instru-
`ment with a mirror centrally perforated for viewing the iriterlpr
`of the eye and esp. the retina —- oph-that-too-soup-._ic \(.)a.f-
`,tJ1al-m_o- sklip—il<, (,)iip-\ qr oph-tha_l,-mo-sr_:op_-l-cal
`-1-lccl\ adj
`»— \,a.i'-,tha1-‘mas-lca-po,
`- pm \‘Ei-pé-c\ 1: comb form ENL, ft‘. _Gk -"pic, fr. 0 .9] I : con-
`dition of having (such) vision Qdiplopm) 2 .: condit on of having
`(such)'a visual defect (hyperapra)
`Iopi-ate \'5-pé-at, -,st\ adj 1 : containing or mixed with op_i-tnn
`2 a : inducing sleep : NARCDTIC ll
`: causing dullness or inaction
`nopiate n 1 : a preparation‘ or derivative of opium; broadly : ruin-
`2 : something that induces rest or inaction or quiets
`oplne \o—'pin\ vb EMF opiner, fr. L opmari to have an opinion} vi
`: _to state as an opinion r-- vi : to express opinions
`opm-1on \o-_'pir1-yan\ n ‘Ell-IE fr. MF fr. L Dplrltoflfi opmia,-_ akin
`to L opfnarl] 1 a_: a view, fudgmeni, or appraisal formed 11] the
`mind about a particular matter
`In : APPROVAL, nrrnsm 2 3. : belief
`stronger than impression and less strong than positive knowledge
`by : a generally held view. 3 a : a formal expression by an expert of
`his judgment or advice
`the formal expression of the legal
`reasons and principles upon which a legal decision 1s based
`syn osmium, VIEW‘, BELIEF, CONVICIION, PERSUASIDN. sswrsmsrrr
`mean a Eudgnlont ono holds as true. DPINION implies a conclusion
`thought out yet open to dispute; VIEW suggests an opinion more
`or less colored by bias; BELIEF implies often deliberate acceptance
`and inteilectual assent; CONVICHON applies to a firmly and seri-
`ously held belief‘ PERSUASION suggests a behef grounded on as-
`surance as by evidence) of its truth; ss;~r11_m_aNT suggests an Opinion
`more _or ess settled because rooted in lndlvldllfl-i character
` \-ya-,natcd\ adj : unduly adhering to one's own
`opinion or to preconceived notions — onin-ion-at-ed-Iy adv —
`opin-ion-a_t-ed-ness n
`opin-ion-alive \-,n§t-iv\ adj 1 : of, relating to. or consisting of
`_opioion :DOC.'IRINAi. 2 : GPINIDNATED
`0 -is-thug-no-thous
`[Gk 0 when
`ehind + E.-gnathous; akin to Gk cpr- on — more at ant-1 : aving
`retreating jaws
`is, often ailrib IME, fr. L, fr. Gk opion fr.
`. op_i-um \‘5-pé-am\
`dn-n. of opus sap} 1 : a bitter brownish addictive narcotic drug
`that consists of the dried juice of the opium poppy 2 : something
`having an effect like that of opium : STUPEFIER
`opium 1101311!’ In : an annual Eurasian poppy’ (Papaver rommferym)
`cultivated si.nce antiquity as the source of opium, for its edible
`oily seeds, or for ornament
`om-ib Ifr. dpds m, lit., white animal (in some Algonquian language
`opos.sum \{c-1g'plais-cm\ n, pl opossums also opossum often
`of Virginia.)] 1 : any of various American marsnplals (family
`Didelphidae); esp :
`9. common omnivorous largely nocturnal
`and arboresl mammal
`(D1'dcIphI.s virgfniana) of the eastern US.
`2 :- any of several Australian phalangers
`lop-po-nent \o-'p6—nont\ n [L opponerzh, oppanens, prp. of op-
`panere] 1 : one that opposes : novsssanr
`2 :-a muscle that
`opposes or counteracts and limits the action of another
`syn ANTAGONIST, ADVERSAILYI orrommr implies little more than
`position on the other side as in a debate, election, contest, or
`conflict; ANTAGONls'1' imp1ies__sharper Opposition iu_a st;-ug le for
`supremacy; ADVERSARY may carry an additional Lruphcat on of
`active hostility
`zopponent adj 1 : oi-Posmo. ANTAGONISHC 2 : situated in front
`op’-par-tune \.'ap-or-'t(y)\ adj [ME-L,
`fr. MF opparmn,
`fr. L
`opporttmus, fr. ob- toward +, orrns port, harbor —- more at on-]
`1 : suitable or-convenient or a. particular occurrence (en ru
`moment) 2 : TEMELY syn see SEASDNABLE —— op-por-tuneoly adv
`— opcpor-tune-ness \-'t(y)un-ncs\ rt
`op.por-tun-ism \-'t(y)ii-,niz«am\ n : the art, policy, or practice
`of taking advantage of opportunities or circumstances esp. with
`Little regard for principles or consequences — op-pot-tun-let
`\—ncst\ n or adj — op-por-tu-nis-tic \.-(.)t(y)ii-'nis-tik\ adj
`op-par-lu-m-ly \.3ip«ar-'t(y)ii-nct—f.\
`1 :
`a. favorable juncture
`of circumstances 2 : a good chance for advancement or progress
`0p.pos.abl‘l-i-ty \a-,p5-zc-'bi1-ct-E\ n : the quality or state of being
`op-pos-able \o-‘pd-ze-hol\ adj 1 : capable of beingppposed or
`resisted 2 : capable of being placed opposite something eise
`op-pose \c-‘poz\ _vt [F opposer, fr. L opponere (pert.
`indie. op-
`parui), fr. ob- against +- ponere toplace — more at 015:, rosmoul
`something so as to provide resistance, counterba ance, or contrast
`.1 : to place opposite or against something 2 : to place over against
`3 : to offer resistance to — op-pus-er r:
`syn COMBAT,
`l\ESlS_T, Wlrusl-AND, ANTAGQNIZE: orrose ‘may apply
`to a range extending from mere obfectlon to bitter hostility or
`warfare; COMBAT stresses the actual conflict with what one actively
`ac on with counter f0rcB,‘WII'I-ISTAND usu. adding a su gesl_‘.lDl'.l of
`opgoses; RESIST and W1‘rHsrAND imply answering an offensive
`successful outcome; ANTAGONIZE implies an arousing o resistance
`or hostility in another
`op-pose-fess \a-'pEiz-1os\ adj : mues1meLs
`lop-pooslte \'§.p¥3-29f,
`'§p-s:st\ n 1 : something that is opposed
`or contrary 2 tsrrromzm -
`iopposita adj mil}? fr. MP, fr. L appositus, pp. of cppnnerel
`1 a : set overlagainst something that is at the other end or side
`of an intervening lme or space (~ interior angles
`{r--v ends of a
`tom co er y_a
`h It If th
`1! th
`1) (1) : situated in&airs on an axis each emg separated
`(2) of floral’ parts : SUPERPOSED 2 a : orrosso, HDSTILE (v-in sides
`of the question)
`is : diametrically different (as in nature or charac-
`ter) ‘(N meanings)
`3 : contrary to one another or to a thing
`specified : i_u;v-sass (nu directions) 4 zbelng the other of a matching
`or cO_:'’«':l£l1l.'lE pair : COMPLEMENT
`(members of the ~sex) — op-
`po-slle-ly adv — opcpo-site-nose’
`syn_coN'_raApIc1oaY, corrmsav, AN"ITl‘i-ll’.'1'IC.AL: oreosms appiies
`to things in sharp contract or in conflict; coN'rnA1:>1croaY applies
`to two things that completely negate each other so that if one is
`§rue_or valid the other must_ be untrue or invalid; company
`implies extreme divergence or diametrical opposition; A1~1srr:~1s'rIcAL
`stresses clear sndunequivocal diametrlcal opposition
`fiopposile adv : on opposite sides
`aoppostie prep .1 : across from and usu. facing or on the same
`level with 2 : in a role complementary to
`opposlto number ri
`: a member of a system or class who. holds
`_re atlvely the samepcsition as a particular member in'a cort'esPUfld"
`mg system or class
` \,'.=.ip-a-'zlsh-an\ fl 1 : a configuration in which one
`celestial body is opposite another in the sky or in which the
`elongation is near or equal to 180 degrees _2 : the relation between
`two propositions having the same subject and predicate but dif-
`fering 111 quantity or quality or both 3 : an act of setting opposite
`or over against : the condition of beln so set 4 : hostile or-
`contrary action or condition
`5 a ; something that opposes;
`: a body _of persons 0 posing something
`1! often cap : a
`power #- O11-D0-Si-lion-al \-'
`11-ncl, -on-‘l\ adj
`political party opposing an Zgrepared to replace the party in
`op-press \o-‘pres\ vt
`[ME o prersen.
`MF oppresser.
`fr. L
`cppressus, pp. of opprimere,
`1'. ob- against 4- premere to press
`— more at on-, rruass] 1 a. archaic : surrhess
`b : to crash or
`burden by abuse of power or authority 2 : to burden spiritually
`or mentally as if by pressure 2 weigh down
`syn see DEPRI-SS5.
`waorzo -_~ op-pres»so1' \-’pres»or\ n
`up-pres-slon \o-'presi1-on\ n 1 a : unjust or cruel exercise of
`authority or power
`13.: something that so oppresses
`2 1 a sense
`of heaviness or obstruction in the body or mind : DEPRESSION
`op-pres-Elva .\~'pres-iv\ adj 1 : unreasonably burdensome or
`‘severe _(~ legislation)
`3 : overpowering or
`depressmg to the spirit or senses
`syn sea CINEROUS — oppres-
`sive-ly adv — op-pres-alve-nose n
`op-pro-brl-nus \a-' r5-bra-ss\ adj 1 : expressive of op robrium
`: scnmunous (~ anguage>
`2 : deserving of oppro rium -—-
`op-pro-bri-ous-ly adv -w up-pro-bri-0115-rless rt
`op-pro-bri-um \-brE—am\ n [L,
`fr. _opprobi'are to reproach,
`ab in the way of + prabrum reproach; akin ‘to 1. pro forward and
`to Lfeafrc to carry, bring — more at 3151-‘, FOR, BEAR] 1 : something
`that brings disgrace 2 a : public disgrace or ill fame that follows
`from conduct considered grossly Wrong or vicious :
`h :co:~rrsmrr, use-h_oAcu syn seeorsonacs
`Dllopilgn \s-'pyun, ii-\ vt
`[ME oppugnen, fr. 1. cppugnore, fz'._ob-
`against + pugnore to fight — more at on-, 1=uNosN'r} 1 : to fight
`against : ASSAII. 2 : to cailin question H op-pugn-er n
`Ops \_'aps\ n [L1 : the wife of Saturn and goddess of the harvest
`-op_gs1s \"a‘_p-sas\ n camb form, pl -op-sea \"gip‘.SEZ\ or -Op-Si-flea
`\'ap-so-.dez\ ENL,‘ fr. Gk, fr. opsts appearance, vision] : structure
`resembling a (specified) thing (caryapsis)
`op,-son-to \2io-'s'zin-tk\ adj : of, relating to, or involving Opsonin
`op-so-nin \'iip«sc-n'an\
`[L opsonium relish,
`fr. Gk opsfinion
`victnais, fr. ops-o‘nez'n to purchase victuals -- more at ouoorsouvl
`: a constituent of blood ‘serum that makes foreign cells mofo
`susceptible to the action of the phagocytes
`-op-sy \.'ap-st, op-\ 2: comb form [Gk -opsia, fr. opsis] : examina-
`tion (necropry)
`opt \"zi t\ vi [F cpter, fr, L opmre] : to make a. choice
`up.|,a. vs \"aip-tot-iv\ adj 1 a : of, relating to, or constitutin
`mood of verbs that is expressive of wish or desire I:
`: of, rela n3
`to. or cons_t.ltutlng_ a sentence that is expressive of wish or hope
`2 : expressing desire or wish -— optativa r: —— op-ta-tive-ly adv
`lop-tic \‘tip-tik\ adj [MF optiqus fr. ML options, fr. Git oprikos,
`fr. opserrhai to be going to see; aicin to _(}k apsis appearance, ops
`eye ~ more at _svs] 1 : of or relating to, vision or the eye
`2 *._dependent chiefly on vision for orientation
`Iophc N 1 : are 2 : any of the lenses, prisms, or mirrors of an
`optical instrument

`\"-op-ti-k;al\ adj 1 : relating to- the science of optics
`; relating to vis1on—— on-ll-cal-ly \-l:(c-)lE\ adv
`optical art 7: snonobjective art characterized by the use oi straight
`or curved lines or geometric patterns often for an illusory effect (as
`of perspective or motion)
`opttcally active adj : capable of rotating the plane of polarization
`of light to the right or left
`optically inactive adj : mscrrvs c (2)
`optic axis rt
`: a line in a doubly retracting medium that is parallel
`to the direction in which all components of plane-polarJ.zed'1i.ght
`A travel with the same speed
`optic dlslt n :
`the nearly circular light-colored area at the hack
`of the retina where the optic nerve enters the eyeball
`op-ti-cian \tlp~'tish-an\ n 1 : a maker of or dealer in optical items
`and instruments 2 : one that grinds spectacle lenses to prescrip-
`tion and dispenses spectacles H compare ocuusr, DPTOMETRISI‘
`0 tic nerve n : either of a pair of sensory cranial nerves that arise
`mm the ventral part of the dienccphalon, supply the retina, and
`conduct visual stmiuli
`to the brain — called also third cranial
`op-tics \'iip-til:s\ rt pi but sing or pi in constr : a science that deals
`with light, its genesis and propagation, the effects that it undergoes
`and produces. and other phenomena closely associated with it
`optic thalamus rt : either of two masses of nerve tissue in the floor
`of the diencephulon from which the optic nerves arise
`op-ti-mal \'ii -to-rnol\ adj : most desirable or satisfactory : or-
`TIMUM — op-
`-mal-ly \-ms-lé\ adv
`op-ii-miem \"a'p-to-,miz~cm\ n [F oprfmirme,
`ft‘. L optimum, n.,
`best, fr. neut. of cptimus best‘ akin to L ops power —7 more at
`DPULENT] 1 : a doctrine that {his world is the best posssble world
`2 : an inclination to put the most favorable construction upon
`actionsand happenings or to antici atcthehestpossible outcome-
`opoti-mist-\-msst\ r: ~.- nptimisi adj —— op-ii-mls-tut \.fi_1=-t=-
`'mis-tlk\ adj _— op-ll-mis-ti-cal \—ti—ks1\ adj — op-li-ru1s-!:i-
`cal-ly \-k(c-)1c\ adv

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