111111111 II~~ Ill~ Dill ~111111~ ll~g 11111-1~111111111111 ~11101
`US 20130099124Al
`<W> United States
`021 Patent Application Publication
`FUson et al.
`(IU) Pub. No.: US 2013/0099124 Al
`Apr. 25, 2013
`(43) Pub. Date:
`(71) Appli~:nnt: Nl"St Lllbs, lnc.,l'uluAtlu, CA (US)
`Inventors: Je>hn P\'njamln Fllsun, Moumoin Vi~o:w,
`CA (US); Erh: D. D.anlcls, E:lst P:llo
`Alto, CA (US); Brl•n lluppl, Slut
`rmn~:lsco, CA (US)
`(73) Assi~1cc: NEST l..ADS,INC.,l'alo Alto, CA (US)
`(21) Arpl. No.: ll/624,8111
`R~h1h:d U.S. ,\ppllcallnn llut.a
`l'rovisionalaprlic:atioll No. 611627,!)!16, flied on Oct.
`21.201 I.
`l'ubllcutlun Clunlllcullun
`(S l) Int. <'1.
`GOIJ 51011
`{52) u.s. Cl.
`USl'C ... .......... ... ..
`. lSitlloi!J; 25(LI3S3
`An occupancy S&:nsing ~:k:ctronic lhcnnosllll is described thai
`includes a tlu:rmostal body having a curved ex1crior front
`~urface, u dut mutri" di~ploy muunl~'ll within lbe budy vK.-w•
`able by 11 user in fmnl of llw fmnl surface, n (IIISSive infmn.'ll
`Sensor fur IUc:lll\lrin~ infron.-d!.'llCrp,y und II &h!lp!.'ll r n:int:l
`len~ halVing 11 smnnth nul1."1' surfitce lluliL'liii!Od.~ n~:m~~ m1Jy n
`pnrdon of thlll'XIcrior front surfncc: nf the llu:nnosl:ll body.
`'lb~: Fn:snc:l lens is sllo1JI'.'<I and Clltvl.'ll so AJ 1n conform In :~nd
`form II [I lilt nf lbc: C:Utvl:d exterior fronl surface nf1Ju: lhermo-
`51:11 body • .'\ si!COnd downWllrdly dm'\:tcd passive infruml
`sensor con nlso be provid~.o'll to aid in the dctc:ctinn of on
`urpnlnc:hingtlserwhu inii..'Uds Ill iniCiliCI with lllc: tln:rmoslul.
`BOO~ 0
`" " ~ ,'


`dJ 158
`(/' "'-, "\) ··~ ~ ~ (f .J,. "\)
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`:--··---.. -l...~Y..._ --·-·---·--···----r--·-·--·······---1-t~-----··----,
`'d)i'''""''"''' .. J
`FIG. 1
`';] -D
`:I -> "':I
`= -Q
`C' = n
`ID -s· =
`t-1 c -w
`~ -....
`0 ... -1.1:1
`t-1 = ....
`~ .a:.
`> ....


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 25,2013 Sheet 2 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 A1
`FIG. 2


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`US 2013/0099124 Al
`• • •
`FIG. 3


`Potent Applicallon Publication Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet 4 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 Al
`FIG. 4


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet 5 or 19
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`FIG. 5B


`l,ntcnt ApplieaHon Publlcntion Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet 6 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`FIG. 5C


`Patent Application Publication
`Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet 7 or 19
`US 2013/0099124 Al
`FIG. 50


`Patent Application PubUcatlon Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet 8 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`FIG. 6A
`FIG. 68


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`Potent Application Publication Apr. 25,2013 Sheet 13 of J9
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`0) co


`Patent Application Publication
`Apr. 25,2013 Sheet 14 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 Al
`FIG. 7A
`650_/ y
`FIG. 78
`FIG. 7C
`FIG. 70


`Patent Applicalion Publication Apr. 25, 2013 Sbcct 15 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`FIG. 7E
`, ,
`{co-----, I
`FIG. 7F


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 25,2013 Sltcct 16 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 AI
`C!) u:
`0 12
`0 ,..
`' '
`' '
`' m/·'·,
`CD----- \


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 25,2013 Shcc( 17 or 19
`US 2013/0099124 A1
`..... .....
`' ,
`-------- ..... --- .............
`t __ _ ---


`Patent Application Publication Apr. 25, 2013 Sheet t8 of 19
`US 2013/0099124 At
`FIG. 9A
`FIG. 98
`rul ~ 9..12 ~ 920
`FIG. 9C
`c=::l(_ 550


`Parent Application Publication Apr. 25.2013 Sheet 19 of19
`US 2013/0099124 AJ
`FIG. 10A
`FIG. 108


`US 2013/0099124 AI
`Apr. 25,2013
`l~'ll•:mt-\TIN<O Sl~I'SlSG SYSTEMS I~TO
`(00111 I Tllis upplic:~tiun cluim~ lite: bl:nt:fil ofllu.: ~umn~unly
`ussiam:d U.S. l'mv. Sl:r. No. 611627.996 lil~:d Oct. 21, 2011,
`which is incorrornh:d by rcf•.:n:uce hcn:in
`(OUIIZ( n1is pntcnl ~pc:cilic:ntion r~lotcs to systems, mc:th·
`ods, und Nlltlc:d cmnrnJh:r pml!l"o.~m products furtbc monitur·
`ing ltnd cmurol of c:ncrgy.consuminK systems or oth~r
`Nsourcc-<:onsumlng systems. MoN p1111icularly, litis putC!IIt
`5!1'-'l:ilicution Nhu.:s to an oc:up:mc:y sensing tbcnnostntlmv(cid:173)
`ing 110 UKII..'mul housing with motion deu.oction compmu:nts
`In dc:~liJ!ltinguwull·mounh.'llthc:nnosiOtt, it is dc:sir·
`ublc: tu hnve o tb~o'm!Ustut tbut has o virually pleasing, smoolh,
`sk..:k and round~'lllllt11:rior npp.:arnuc:c: while: ol tlu: 9amc time
`includinQ one or more sensors for dct~ling u\.ocupwtcy undlor
`usc:rs. It is :Uso dL'Sirnhh: nolllliW\'1: visibh: frunl fucing \'cnts
`or srilli:.\,
`It is to be oppn.ociuted thut ullhou~b excmplwy
`l.'mbodim~nts nn: pn:scntLod hr.:rc:in for thl.' particulnr c:ontl:ltt
`of IIVAC system cuntnll, dJCN nrc 11 wide Yl!ricl)l of other
`rc:sourcc usugc cooteltts for which the embodim~:nts nrc
`readily upplic<tb!e including. but notlimittd to, wot~o'T usngc:.
`uir usage, the usaae of other ruuumll\.-,ourceJ, und the usage
`ofot!tr.:r(i e., non·HVi\C•n:lah.'ll) furms ofCltc:l)!y,oswould
`be uppnrcnl to tlu: skilh:d ;uti sun jp Yi\.'W of thll present di'l·
`dosurc ntcl'l!foru, such opplicnlion of the cmbmlim~'llts in
`such nthcr n.'!iourcc usn gr.: conl~:xts is nul mtl$idc the sc:~>pc: of
`th~: pNS\.'Ilttc:uchinvs.
`10005( According to une ur muN embudimems is un UL'I:U·
`JliiRcy !lc:O~Ing ~:!L-ctmnic tlll:mtoslal
`i5 dL'!ICrihcd that
`includc:s: u thcrmustut bolly having a curvL'Il .:xtcrior front
`surlilcc. u dot nMtrix display RJOllntc:d within tlu: bndy vi~ow­
`ublc by 11 user in n"Ont of the front surfucc:; 11 pussive infrun.'ll
`sensor for measuring ir1frnn:d I.'IICJl!Y; u sbnpcd Frc:snc:l lens
`mcmb\.'t huving 11 51llOOtlt outer surface that \."lltcnds across
`un[y U purtiun uf the cxk:rior frunt surfuce of the th1.'m1USlUI
`body,th~: Fn:5nd lc.:ns IIIL'lnher being 5hofiOO nnd curvL-d ~o ~~~
`tu cunlomt to nnd fonn a p:ut of tlu: curvL'Il L'Xtcrior frunt
`surfitcc of thll thcnnoslnt body, the !"r&:.~n&:! lcns member
`includinl! nt lcus1 one fresncll~ns pnrtion comprisinQ u plu(cid:173)
`ralitv ur JaCI:lS fonnL'd 00 1111 illlt.'tiOr 5Uffa~:e of lhll fi'\!SIICI
`lens· tnl.'fJibcr tn focu~ infrurL'Il cncll!.Y onto the pnssivu infrn·
`rL'Il St.'llsur; and u microproc~o.ossor pruJ!IliiiUIIL'Illo llelect oc:.:u·
`pancy ba~d at I!..'U!il in pan on mua$urcmcnts mudc by tlu:
`passive inlrun.-d sensor.
`Ac:c:urditl~ w Stlllt4.' embodiment~. tht: FrL'IIncliens
`IUCI!lbc.:r include~ II plurulity of lcoSICIS, c::!C:h of Which is 0
`J" tL'Snellc:ns hoving li!C~IS fhnnl!d on the inii~T surfuc:c: of tbl.'
`J'tL'SIICil.:n~ member. nte tlu:nnns\:11 Call he W:lll lllOIIOiablc,
`und thl! f.rL':In~:ll.:ns m~mh~'l' co1n b.: mountL'Il bc:nr.:ath lhc dot
`mutrill displuy such that tl is bt:Juw the display when the
`lhcmtustat is muunt~o'l! tlllll wall According to some cmbudi·
`ments, the llll."mtost:rt body is disk·shnp~'ll. und whc:l'<!in tlu:
`CUtY\.-d C:Xtcrior front surfilt:l.' is srhcrical and lws n rn!lius of
`cunnturc ol' 1!N3IL't limn 100 mm.
`(UU07f Ac~'flrding to some cmbodicnc.nt~, tbl.' lhem1ostal
`indud.:s o St.'Cond pussive infi'!II'~"Ci S~:I~sor for m~usurins infru ·
`Nd enl.'f!}'. und the Pll:$nt.:l lens nll:ntb.:r is ~bupcd und the
`5C:C:Ond passive infrnrcd S~'ltSUr i~ JKlsiliPIIt:d StiCh t.IUU it is
`provid~o-d With U substantially dmVnWllrdly din.'CII.'CI fJCid of
`vi\.'W when the thllnnostnt is wull mtluntL-d. ·ntc mtc:mpmc:c:c(cid:173)
`sor c11o dct\.'Cl •m Up(UUac:hiu~ U541r thut will li~ly ditL'Clly
`inh:rxt with thL'I'IIIustul bos~'lllltlcast in p~rt on the m~UN­
`ments mode: by tit.: second passlvc infrnn.od Sl.'ltSllr.
`IU008) According to some c:mbodimcniJ, n lt.'ITII"':nrturc
`Sl.'llSOr Is rrosition~'CI behind tile FNsnc:l lr.:ns member, for
`muking tcmpcrotuN mca5un:mcnts u.~c:d fnr n calculation or
`ambientlmlp~.:rntun:. A SI.'COnd lcmpcnnun: Sl.'llsnr can also
`be llrovidcd thnt i~ positioll(.'ll within the tbc:rmoslllt body in 11
`locution closer to one: or mon: hcat !l.'lll.'rnting components
`within tbr: thennostat body, such th:lt occumtc ambi.:nltcm·
`pcruturc CliO be calculntcd bused on 11 comparison betwcc:u
`ffill:JSUNOIL'IIIS from two lllml"':r.liUrc 5COSOI'S.
`[UIIt19) According to !Klme .:mbudimcnts. un occupunc:y
`s~o:nsing eli.'Cil'lltlic thennosuu ror controlling nn 11\'AC sys·
`tem within Pn ene!osUN is dcscrib~:d, \\hich lncludus a tlJSt
`pnssivcinfrnrL-d sensor mounted within I he thc:nnuslnt so oslu
`mcasul'll infrnNd energy tending to indicute occupuncy
`within the: enclosure; u S4.'Cond po~ssivc infron:d SL'tiSOt
`mounll.'d within tbl..' thc:rmostut $0 us to mt:.15UN infrarc:cl
`cnei'8Y tending to indicate 11 uwr is likely to inlt:r:Jc:t with the
`tltermo!ilnt; nnd one nr rnoN en~ c:nnsuming tlll:nnnstat
`c:nmponcnl5 (such Uti microprue~o~sors,D displ:~y nnd/or radio
`communication components) that haw ac:tive nncl innc1h·c
`stnlcs, the one or more comronc:n!S c:onsumin& lc:ss \.'IIC'l!Y
`the inoctivc stDli.'S I ban th.: active stut~-s. wh~.:n:in the transition
`rmm inoctiYe to Dl.'liVc 5\IIICS iJ bused Un ml.'ll~llf'CntCniS front
`1111: sccund rwssive infnrn.'ll sensor. AtL"Unling to ~~~~~~~~
`embodiments the second p:Luivc inrrun:d !ICII~r mounted
`abo\le th~: first pas~ivc: infr.tNd SL'Ilsor, nnd !he SI.'Ctllld p:usivc
`inlrnNd sensoristihcd d1wnw01rds so liS to cnlt:mc.:dc:tc:clion
`ofnn DJIIImaching user.
`(0010) h will be opp~lntcd tbnt these ~-ystcms und mcth·
`uds UN nuvcl, w; UN uppli~:;~tions lb~-n.oof und many uf thu
`c:omrun~:nts, systl.'fJIS, methods and olaoritluns t.'mploy~o-d and
`included lhL'I'cin. It should he IIJlpn:c:iatc:d tlwt m~bodimcnts
`of thc prL-scntly describt:d inventive budy of work c:.1n be
`implt:ntcntcd in numerous ways, including us processes,
`arpornto, sys1m1s, devices, rnetl1ods, computer rcndablc
`mL'Ilin, c:omrutntionol aiJ!orilhms, embc:ddtd or di~tribuiL'Il
`sofi\\-'llrc and/or ns a combination tlK:n.-of. S1.>Vcml illustrntive
`embodiments Dl'll described below.
`1110111 TIIC in~'lltive body of work will be n:;tdily uml~:r·
`stood by referring to the rnllowing detoik'll d.:scription in
`c:unjuuction witb the llcc:umpanying llrnwin!P, in which:
`1110121 FIG. I illustrnt~o.'S iUiexumrh:ofa sumrt homecnvi·
`ronment wilhin which one tlr more or the d~o-vic:r.:~, mcthod9.
`systems. scrvic~os. undlor computer program pnu!ucts
`d\.'1>CrihL'lf funhc:r hen:in c.10 hr.: npplicnbl.:;
`riG 2 illustr.Jtcs a n~:twork·l.:vcl vi\.W of un L'Xh:n(cid:173)
`sible dcvic:c:s und St.'l'ViCI.'S plutfonn with wltich the snmn
`hume (lfi IG I cun be inl~~llcd,nc:c:ording to snmc emhodi(cid:173)


`US 2013/0099124 At
`Apr. 25,2013
`ltiO 141 FlU. J ilh1str:ttcs nn absU:tCIL'll functionnl vi1.ow nf
`llu: cxh:nsibh: 1h:vic1.'S und services phllfunn of PIG. 2,
`uccording to some \!1\tbodimcnts;
`(tO 151
`fiG. 4 is nschcmutkdillt41llm ,,fun IIV:\C systl.'fll,
`OK.-con.linstu sumt: L'lnbudim~.'llts;
`(00161 FIGS. SA·SD illustntc nthc:nnostol having u visu·
`ully plc:uslng, Slnmuh, ~l1.'l!k und rounw:d I!Kh:rior upi'CIIfllrll:l!
`whill! at tlu: snmc time inclutlina 1mc <1r nMln: M-'11\lelt$ lhr
`dctcetin~r.OI:t:upan~.-y undfurusl!rs. accord in~ to some cmbodi·
`fiGS. 6A·6D illustrate cxrlodcd fmnt und rear (l&:r·
`Sf'l:ctivcvi~.-ws, n:s(ICC:tivcly, of u tl~rmostat with r~.-s~'l:tto its
`IWO moin com(llliiCnts, DtXordingto soroo cmbodimems;
`JOOIIIJ PIGS. 6C·6D illu~tr.lll! cxplodL'll front and f\.".ir per·
`~[II:Ctivc vil.'\v~. n:'~'Ctivcly, oftht: hend unit with n:'pcct to
`its primury I.'UmponeniS. ua:onlillJ!. to somlll.'lnllodiml.'llts:
`IOU I !If FlUS. 61!·6F illustr:llc .:xplotled front nod n:~r per·
`Spl!ttlw vl~ows, n.~p~.-etiwly. of th~: ltc:~d unit fmntal nss11mhly
`with n:~p1.-c:t In tts primary ~:omponcnts, uca,nJing tu sume
`JOOliiJ FIGS. 60-51·1 illustrate L'llplock.-d front und n::1r rer(cid:173)
`S[II:CtiVI: vi~.,vs, r~.-s(l~'ttivcly. of the buck riate unit with
`reS(IC~I 10 it~ jlrinlllty COIIIJlOR!:n!S, atc:ording tU SOIUe
`IOO:Z II FIGS. 7:\-711 show front anll f1::lr J11.'f~~'Ciiw
`rt:S~-ctivdy, of n p11ssive inl'rnn.-d sen sOC' board, nccordin~ to
`some embodiments;
`IOOl:ZI FIGS. 7C· 70 sbow frontnnd rc:ar fll."t1J1c.'l:tiw vi~o."Ws,
`r~o.'li~'Ctiwly, of 11 Fr~.'SCicl lens, oc:clmJing tu some anbodi·
`riCiS. 7E-7r liN II side Vii.'W nnd cm!l.~ sc.-etiun view,
`r~p~o-ctively, sbowinJ!, tlu: relative posilionin11. of passiw
`inl'rnn:tl s.cnsors IMid a Frc~nc!l k:ns, ~~~:cotdins tu sumc
`(0024( nos. 11:\-80 arc diagmnt$ illustr.lling c:onsidcr(cid:173)
`otions in d!.'Signln~ fon\'llrd looking nnd dnwnwnrd looking
`p~siVI! inli-o~n:d scn!Kir field~ uf vi~.w. UO.:I.'Onlins tu some
`(00151 FIGS. 9A·!.IC show funbcr dctuil uf dL.,ign cunsid·
`erntion for u rrcslll!llcll~, uccurtling tu some embodiments;
`riGS. IOA-100 an: ~ivc nnd cross-s1.-etion
`viavs, tl.'li(IL'Ctivcly, sbowinl! u ll.'111pcr.1tun: sensor mounted
`nnud.1UJ!hterbo3fd ond tlu:mwlly c:oupl~o'll tu the Fn:snclle11S,
`uc:cordina to some 1.1nbodimellls.
`(00 27( ntc subject mutter of this potent Spt.'CifiCJ1tion
`rei:M~o-s tu the subject ut:~Ucr of the lhllowins ~:ummuuly
`ossi~-d upplications, cxb or which is im:orpor.ued by n:f(cid:173)
`en.-ncc: ben:in: U.S. Ser No. 13: 199, IOSill~o-dAul!· 17, 2011;
`II.S S..:r Nu. ll!466,(J26lil\.-d May 7, 21112; .md lntL'nlationnl
`Arrlic:~tionS4.'1'. No. PCTiUSJ2100007 fiJ!.!dJoo 3, 2012. Tb~:
`snbjl.'tl mnttcr aflhis (lliiCnl Sfi'.'Cillcation 1\uthcr n:I:III.'S to the
`subj\.'CI mutter of the commonly ~~~~ig11ed U.S !kr. No.
`_ _ ( o\lly Dkt 940li·NES0232·R53004). cntitll'll"'l1ter•
`ntostlll With Iting·Shu~'ll Coutrul Member" li11.-d "-vcn dote
`lt~.'Cewith. whil:lt is inL'Orpur.u~.'ll by n:wn:m:c: h~:r~.-in lh\:
`snhj..:ct matlc:rofthi$ patc:nl ~(ll!tilic:nlion ful1hern:lli1L~ to the
`subject m:tm:r of the comrnonly nssignctl U.S. Ser. No.
`_ _ (A tty l>kt !1~02l ·NES02'\6·RSlOI2), c•uitk'llwntcr·
`ruostat With Wirin~J Tc:rminuls Conligunxlli1r S)lutiol Cum·
`ractnL-s~ und elise 11f\Vin: lnstilllution"lik'll L'Ven date heN•
`with, which is incmpnmted by n:fcn:nc:c herein. The .tbovc:·
`rcfen.'llccd (llltcnl t!pplie:tlions an: collc:ctiv«:ly n:fcn:nc«:d
`l11:rc:in us "lltl.' cummunly ussiJ!.m:d incorpuro~h.'tl ll(lplitll•
`(0028) A dctnilcd dcsc:rirtion of the: iniiC!ltiVI! body of work
`Is providc:d h~:rcin. While severn I cmbodi~m'llls nn:dc:.scribl.'ll.
`it should be understood tluttthc invent iv.: bolly nf work is nut
`limitt.:d to :tny one ~:mbodimcm, but instead cncompusscs
`numerous altL'mutivcs, modific:ttions, nnd .:quivnlc:nts. Jn
`addition, while Pun!L'ItiUS srceifJC dc:tniJs 1m: SCI forth in lite
`followins description in ordL'T to provide: 11 thutuush umh:r·
`standing oftJtc invc:ntiva body of work, 50ml! ~:mbodimcnts
`1.'1111 b.: pr.teticl.'tl withuut Sllnte (If all ur tiii!W dctuil~. Mun:·
`over, !'or the: pwposc:uf clnrity,~:I.'I1;Jin ta::hnit;~llnoateriol thai
`is known in the rc:lau:d anlm5 not bL-cn desc:rib1.'11 in dctllil in
`Ordl.'t tO avoid UMI.'O..'~Iatily Obscuring the im'CtltiVC: body 0 r
`(00191 As used hc!':in the: h:nn "HVAC' irJCiutk:s systc:ms
`pm¥iding ht1th he:1ting nnd moling, h!."'lling only, cuuling
`onl~·. us w~:II us &ystcms tlwt provide othc:roc:c:up:tnt comfort
`and/or conditioning lunction:llity such a5 humidili~:;~tiun,
`dchumidifiClltion und vc:ntilntion.
`IOOJOJ As used hen: in the tc:nns rowcr"harvc:stln!J." "sh:lr·
`in~"und Mstc111in~ .. when n:fcrring Ill HVAC th1.'111tosl;~ts ull
`n:rcrto dti.'TlllOStuts thuturc dcsigR~.-d todc:riv~: powc:r from the
`JlOWc:rtr.lll~lumu:r tbruu~h the ""'uipiUI.'Itl load without usin~
`udin.-c:torcommon wire sourccdirL-clly from thctnmsformcr.
`fOOJIJ As liSI.-d hc:n:in the t.:nn "n:~idc:ntiul" when referring
`tu :1n I-IVAC tiYtilt:m mt:um; u typ~: of JiV.o\C 5ystcm lltut i~
`suitable to bent, ~col and/or otherwist: condition the interior
`ofo bttildina tiiUt is primarily used ns 11 single: f:~mily dwellinJ!.
`An c:xampl&: nf a c:uoling ~y~tt:m th;ll wnuld he cnnsidcn.'ll
`rctiidcntial would have a cooling atpacity of less th:ln about S
`tnns ofrcliigcration (I ton ofn:liigcration· l2,000 Dtulb).
`fOOllJ As used ltcn:in the: term "lisht commcrcinl .. wh1.'fl
`n:ferring to on 1-IVAC systc:m muons n IYfNI ofHVAC S)'lltcm
`thut is suitable lo hl!llt, cool undlor Olb1.'t'WiSt: condition thl!
`intc:rior of a building tbot is primarily used for c:omn~~:rciul
`pllrJIU~, but i~ uf U Sill! und CltiiSitut.:tiun tb:ltll ri.'Sidcnlial
`I·JV:\C system is considc:n.'ll suitnbl!:. :\n cxumph: or u cooling
`system tltol would "'-' considered n:1id~'llliul W<1Uid hove 11
`cooling C1Jll1City oflcss tbon nbout s tuns or n:friserntion.
`IOOJJJ "' 111cd h""tcin the l~'rlll "thcrmMtat" menn' ;t
`dcvic:.: or syst1.'fll for tL'J&UI:Jtins paramL'Icrs such as tempcro·
`llln: :utd/or humidity Within otiC!IlSIII f111r1 of Ill\ cnclosun:.lltc
`l~'tlll "thamostat" m11y include n cnntn~l unit fur 11 hc:~tlng
`and/or couling systL'IO or :1 cuntpolll.'llt p.1rt of a IICllter Cit air
`conditioner. As used herein the term "thcmtostat" cnn ulso
`n:fcr l!l.'l11!r.JIIy tu 11 vcr.;utll.: SC.'Illlin~ urul c:untrul unit (VSCU
`unit) thut i~confisul\.'d und :JdaptL'IIILl ('lnlVidc: ~(lhisticntcd,
`c:uatumi1.1.-d. em:fl!,y-saving. HVAC cuntrol Cum:tionality while
`;tithe some time b!:ing vistmlly nppealin!l. non-lntlmidntinl!.
`c:l~.~nt to behold, ond dclighllillly eusy lo uS~:.
`Jtlli34J FIG. J illu.~tro~tc:s:uu:xamrl.:ofu smun humecnvl·
`nmm1.'lll within whidl Olll! or mon: of the: ckovic"~· mctltods.
`systems. Sl."f\'Jc:t.'S, ondlor com(IUI\.'1' pro~ram produ~:ts
`describ"'IJ ful1h~:r h\.-n:in C:lln he: applicable. ·nu: dcrict1.'11
`smurt homc~:nvironrm:nt includes u struaurc: ISO. which c:un
`include, c:.~J., u hulhc, uffi~:c builllinv, IJIIC'IIW-; or mubih:
`home. It will he: ap(ln.'Ciotc:d thilt dL-vic:«:S con nl~n be inti:·
`erJtc:d into a smart hom~: environment that docs not includ..-an
`cnlin: suue1urc: 150, such as nn npllrtniCIII, condominium, or
`office 5(liiC:e. runhcr, thes013r1 bomcc:nvironml.'lll con control
`undlor be coupled 1(1 d"-vic:es outside oC tltc oclu:~l structure
`I SO lnd!.'l.'ll, sc:vc:r.1\ d~o-vir:l:!l in the smurt home cnvironmt:nl


`US 2013/0099124 AI
`Apr. 25. 20 13
`need not pb)·sic:Jtly be within the '1n1ctun: 1SU nt nil. l'or
`exwnple, :a dc:vlcc controlling :a pool bc:ater or iniBDtlon sys.
`k:nt C:OIR b.: Joc:nte&J outside Of lhc stniCIUn: 150.
`Ilk: dcJ1it:lt.'d stmctun: 1511 include~ a plur.~lity of
`rooms 152, ~>I:JI:Ir:llt.'llutll!:l'l partly from c:ac:h other via walls
`I 54. 11u: w-.JIIs l 54 c:nn incluc.h: inu:rior wull~ or c:xtctlor
`walls. Euch mum am fun her include u fiuur 156 and u ceiling
`158. Dt.'Vi~:cs can b.: mou~ttc..'ll un. intc..'glllll:d with undlur wp·
`ported by 11 wull 154, floor or Cl.'ilin~.
`·nM.' smart home dc:pic:tc..-d in FIG. 1 includes u plu·
`r.11ity of dcvi,;~.,;, inc:ludinl! intelligc..'Rt, muhi·scnsina. 111.'1·
`work.conn~-ctc:d dc..'Viccs ti!UI can int~o-grnte scwnlt:ssl)' with
`c:~clt nthc:r and/or with cloud-bosc..'ll server S)'Stcms to Jlrovidc
`:mytll' :1 v:~ril.'t)' of useful smnn home objt.'l:livc..'S. 0111.', more: or
`~:ach oftb1.1 devices illustr.ltt.'ll in lhu $mGJt home: c..'flvironmmt
`:and/or in 11111 ligun: ~~~ include one or mun: s&:nsor.~, a uwr
`illlt.'ffiiCc:, U pOWt.'l' SUp(lly, D COilllllURications COIIIJ'OIII.'tll, II
`mudulllrity unit und intelliJ:lt.'ltt ~unwarc Ull dl.'lil:ribc..'d l~~:n:in.
`Ex:unrlc:s or devices nn: shown in FIG. 1.
`IOOl71 An intelliscnt, muhl·scnsinl!o m::twork·c:on~octc:d
`tht.'llOO~Uit l O:Z C:UI d.:tt.'CI Dmbh::nl &:JilllUtc: ciiUr:lcll.:ristics
`(e.g., h:mJic..'l'tlturc ond'or hwnidity) and control a ht.'llting,
`\'cntllmion :and air-conditioning (IIVAC) systt.'ftl I Ol. One or
`mun: inh:lli)!c:nl, ~~~:twurL:.cunnc..'Cic..'\1, ntulli-54:1Uiilll! bnurd
`dctt."Ction units 104 can d«..'tccl thl: pn:scncc: of a haz:udous
`substnnce ondlor 3 h:~z::tnloltS condition in thc home environ·
`Rlt.'llt (c.g., smoku, lin:, or c:-t~rbon monollidc). Onu or nmro
`intclliyc:nt, multi·~~:nsinl!. n~:twurL:·t.'UIIIh.-ch.'ll cntrywuy
`ullc:rfucc dt.-vlcc~ 106, which can be lcnncd 0 ~smon duor(cid:173)
`IM:II", cun dl.'h.-ct a rcrson'sliJiproxh to or dq>anurc from 11
`lt)(:uion, control nudihtc: fimc:tion:~hty, announce 11 Jll:nM'~
`opproacb or dcp:anun: vln oodlo ur visu;~l mc::ms, or c:ontrul
`sc:ttings on 11 security sy~h.:m {c:.g., to nctivatc or d~:pctiviltc the
`sc.-curity syst~:rn).
`JOOlSJ Euch of o plumlity ofintclllacnt, mulli·sc:nsing, nct(cid:173)
`wurk-cunnt.'Cic:d wallli~U ~"Witc:ht.'ll l08 Cltll dt.1L."'I:tlllllbtCJtl
`li~htinJ! conditions, dc:h:cl room•OC:Cilf"'ncy slllll:~ 1111d con·
`tml n power and/or dim state of olll.' ur nllln: lil!llls, In some:
`inst;tncus,li~ll ~""- itches IOH com li1nher or nh~:m.11ivcly cun•
`trol u power st:llc or spec.'d of~ fnn, such us o ccilinl! fnn. [och
`of 11 plurnlity of intcllig~'llt, multi•St.'llsins, nc..1WUI'k·con·
`n~o"Ctt.'li w1111 rtua inh:rfuCI.'s 110 cun wtc:ct occupancy or 11
`nK.unur c:cK:I(tSUTI.' :sndc:unuul ~upply ofpuwc.'ftuunl.'urmun:
`wull pluJ!.S (c:.J!. .• ~uc:h th:u power is not ~U(Ifllicd 10 the: plull if
`nobocly is at lll'nll:). 'llu: smart home m;~y funhcr iACiudo :1
`phtr:~lity of intc:lligent, multi·sensina, network.coltll4'f:t'--d
`upplianccs II%, suclt 11s n:frigc:rntnr.1. sloVt."S nndfor ovens,
`tc:lt.'Visions, w:tsh~:r.o, dryctS, lishts {insi&: 11ndlor outside: du:
`struclun: I Sll), stl.'n:os, intercom systc:lllJI,I!IIfll@e-duur opc:n·
`ers, floor f:u1s, cc:ilinB lhns, wholc·house funs, w:al111ir mn•
`ditiont.'JS, pool hL".llt.'I'S 114, irriW~tion systt.'I'IIS II fi, s~curity
`S)'Sti.'RIS {including SI.'CUrity S)'SII.'ftl C:ORIJIORt.'ltiS SUCh US C:Oim•
`ern~. mntinn d~tc:ctors I"Uld windnw/dclOr scn:;ors ), ilnd ill
`fonlt. Wbih:: dc:scriJitiuns uffiG. I CliO illunlify spt.'f:if~ sen·
`sors nnd hmctionuliliL.'S associatt.-11 with spt.'Cillc d~-vtc:es, il
`will be arfll"-~iutt.-d thut any of o \'Orit.'ty nf sc:murs and func ·
`tion:tlilit.os (such liS tho~ d&:s~ribc..'d tlttouthontthc SJII.'I:ifi~a·
`tittn) cun b~: intcgr.1tc:d into tile dt.'Vicc:.
`In :ulditinn to cunt:sining pnxl!ssing und ~t.'llsing
`c::~p:ahilitics.c:ach oftbcd&.-vicc:s 102.104, 106, 108.110,112,
`114 mul 116 c:tn bu cnp11ble of durn contmtmicOJiiM~ :uul
`infomtutiun shurins with uny other of dtc: dt.'Vicc.'S 102. lll·t
`106. lCIH, 110, 112. Jl4:utd 1 Hi,:t5wcll aslounyduudscrwr
`or 111:y &ltlt~:rlk.-vicc: tbul is nt.'IWorL:-conncelt.-d unywhc:n: in dtc:
`world. ·n,c: dt.'VIccs can scod nnd n:cc:ivc: communic:~tions via
`nny of n v:uiecy of a1stom or standlltd wln:lt.•u pnl!omls
`(Wi·Fi, Zi~, 6LoWPAN. t.'lc:.) andfor nny ufo vun~:ty ul
`custom or standard win:d protocols (CAT6 Elht.'ml.'t. I lome·
`Jllug. etc.). 11te woll plug lntl.'rfoccs 110 ~n serve :as win: less
`urwln:tl ~'fl&:lllt:r.l, ondlor con function os bridges blltWc.'\:n (i)
`uc.:vicc..'li JllUI!I!C.'d into AC uutlcts uml c:unununicuting using
`llnmt.'JliUJ! nr otl..:r pnwc:r line pmtncnl, and (ii) !lcvic.:s thnl
`noc plul!scd into AC otltlt.'ts.
`!:or c:x:unple, 11 llrst lk.'Yiee an communlcutc with 11
`~t.-cnnd dcvlc:c via n wln:lt.-s:\ muter IIKI. /\ dt.'\'icc: c:nn fur1her
`communicate wicb remote dt.'Vit:lll vi:t 11 t.'Unltl:ctiun to a net·
`work, such us the: lnh:mct 152. ·n~rouJ!.It che lntc:n~~:t 162. tlu::
`dt.ovicc can communiCIIte with a ccntml Sl.'lVt."'' or a cluud(cid:173)
`computina systt.'ftl 16-t. lltc cc:ntml scrvc:r "r cloud·c:omput(cid:173)
`ing system 164 con be: ossoci:ttc:d with a manufoctun:r, sup·
`J10ft c..'Rtily or service provid&.'l' Associmt.-d with the: device. ror
`nne cmhodimclll, 11 U~"'' moy he ahlc: to contnct cuslnm'-"1'
`5Uppon usinJ! n device itself r:~tltc:r th:an nt."L'Iling to U$e other
`communic::~tinn ml!:ln.~ IIIIC:h liS n tc:lcphonc or lntcmct·con·
`n~o-ctc:d computer. Further, softwan: UJidalcs can be autom:ati(cid:173)
`coll)' sc:nl from I he ccntml server cr cloud·cOmJiuting system
`16~ lo lk.'Vicc."S (c:,g., \\hen nvoilubk:. wbc:n pun:l111sc:d, or"'
`ruutim: intcrwb).
`)0041) Oy virtue ufnctwurk C:UIUlt.'Ciivity, Ulll: ur mun: ur
`the sman·home dc:vic~ of fiG . I cun funht.T nllow n u~er to
`intcmc:t with lh1.1 dt.'Vir:c:c\'cn if the user is not proltimotc: to the:
`dc.'Vil:c:. F11r l.'ltllmplc, :s U$C.'f am c:nmmunicatc with n device:
`using 11 computc:r(c:.g .. lllk.'SktoJI computcr. lnptop c:omputc:r,
`or tnbk:t) or other ~bll.' clt.'l:lronic d&.'Vicc (c: I!·· a smwt·
`phone:). 1\ wl:bpogc: or opp c:un be cortflgurcd lo ~-cc:ivc com·
`munic:;ttioftll from the usc:r and cootml the dc:vitc: b:ascdon lito
`communicullons ondlor to Jln.'S'-'flt infonnution Dhflut th~:
`!lt.'Vii:~:'s upc::rt~tiun tu the uwr. fur c:JWmpl~:, the u~~:rc..'lln vit.-w
`:t curn:nl sctpointt~:mpcr:~tu.,: foro dwic1: and adjust it usin!l
`a computt.T. ·nlc:uscrc::ut be: In the 5tructun:durinJllhisn:mot~:
`communicntiun or outside: the structun:.
`JUII42) 11u.• smart IK1mc also l.'llll inchll!.: 11 variety of non·
`communicutina lt.')!:ICY appliunc&."S 140, stiCh us old convc:n·
`tion:ll wnsh&.-r!drycrs, n:liigcr.lloN. :md lhc: like: which cnn hu
`cuntroll~'ll. albeit collrSI.'i)' (ON/OFF), by virtuu of the wall
`plug interfoC\.'S 110. The: suuu1 bam~: cnn liu1hc:r iucludu a
`vorkry of pllttiolly commun~ting I&.'J!IIC.')' •l'flliunccs 141,
`!iUCh liS IR·c:onlmlk:d wan uir etJDditiunc:rs 01' other II~·COR•
`tmllt.'ll dcvict.'S, wbich c::tn be: cootrolk:d by IR siQnnls pro·
`vid&.'IJ by tho h:aznrd dl:tcction units 104 or the: light switches
`(011431 FIG. % illustr:~tes 11 network-level vlt.'\V of 11n cxtcn·
`sible devices nnd scn·ic~ pllllfnnn with which the: smlll'l
`IIOilll.' ofFIO. I can be inlt.-palc:d, occurding to sumct.'lnbodi·
`mt.•nb. Eolch of IIIII intelligent. nctwork<onnt.'Cit.'d dcviccs
`fmnt FIG. 1 c:~n communicate with 0111:: or mon: rcmutl:
`ccntr:~l St.'tVI::ts or cloud compuling systems I 64. The cnm·
`munication c:~n be cnobl~o'll by establishing coiUlc..'Ction to the:
`lnt~:mc:r 162 c:ithc:r di~'f:tly (lor cxumplu, usins 3GI-IG con·
`n~oocch•icy to u wire)&.·" curric:r), though 11 hubbc:tl n~:twork
`(whic:h cilll b.: schc..'lnc mnsins from :1 simple wireless router,
`for c:xuntrlc:, up to and including on intelligent. dcdicutl.'d
`whole·homc control node), or thruullh uny combhwlion
`ltl044J "lltc: ccntr:1l sc..'I'Vcr or cloud·cumruting system 164
`cnn coll.:ctu)ll:r.Jtiun datil 20:Z fmm the: smurt hnmc: di!vic&.'S.
`For c:x:tmplc, till.' dwic:c:s can rout bwly tr:~nsmit CIJII.'r:ttion
`duiJ cr cuntniO>mit opc:rution dulll in spt."Cilic inslltncc.-s (c.~ ..


`US 2013/0099124 AI
`Apr. 25,2013
`when n:tpac5lins ~IIJhlntcr ~'llrfltlrt). '11~~: scrv~:r ''r
`cloud·comruring un:hiiL'Ciun: Hi4 cwa fU11bcr pmvidu one or
`man: s~:rvicc$ 2114. Tl~~: scrvic~:s 204 cwa include, c:.J., sail(cid:173)
`Will\! u)ldate, customer 511('pUtl 0 SCO&Or dolo ~ollca;tianJlog•
`ging. n:motc: accc:.~s. n:mot..: or distributw CUlltNI, ur usc:
`sus"c.'Stions (c.~ •• b:l$L'd on mliL'Cicd opcnnlon dllto 204 to
`impNvc pcrfunnuncc, n.'\lucu utility l!ost, L'IC.), J>:nu u...wci·
`a ted with the lll:rvicc:s 204 con be stmL'dllt the a:c:nlrJIIICI'Vc:ror
`dnud·computing S)'SII!fll 164111\d tlu: c:cntrJI scrvttordoud(cid:173)
`compllling ~-ystcm 164 can ~tricve nnd tmnsmitthc data nt on
`D(lflroprintu time (c:.s .. ot regular intervals, upon receiving
`r1.-qucst from 11 us .. ,., etc.).
`\0045) One SAlient fuatUn: of 100 dL'ScribL'ti CJIU:nsible
`dt.."Via:c:s nnd scrvicc:s rtntform, ns illustmtcd in l~IG. 2, is D
`processing t.:nQim:s 206, whlcb c41l bccunccntr.ucdor o single
`~""'·cr or distribuh:d untung sc.·wr.~l diiTcr.:nl computing ""'ti(cid:173)
`til:s without limiuation. Processing ClliJina;, 20~ eun include
`c:nginc:!i cunligun.'d ,,, n:ceivu d:atu rrum u set of d&:vic~ (e.g .•
`\"ht the lnt .. 'l'na:t or 11 hubbcd network). to ind~ tile data, to
`:maly1.c th~: do\11 1111lilor to ~'-'llC:rolc sunistic:s b:lscd on dn:
`nnaly~i:l or us (lllrlllf I hi: nnal~is. The: nnnly7'-'d d.'ltll c:nn bc
`slon:d us cla:rivt.'d d:l1:1 2011. Result' orthc: 111\lllysis ur sllltistic:s
`coo lhc:Nnncr betr.msmillL'\1 bncl: Ul n d .. -vicc: providing ops
`dotu us1.'ll tn derive thu rcsuhs, 10 olln:r devici.'S, to 11 sc:rver
`f'IUViding U Wa:bp:aga: tO U US4.'t uf lhu cJc:vhx, or to OCJ~~:r
`non-dt.."\"icc cnlitia:s. For l.'lUimplc, US4.' stodstic:s, usc statistic:~
`rcl:llivc: to Usc of other d1.-vic:1!S, U5e J'UIIa:ms, undfor Statislic:s
`summuri1ing ~ .. mnr n::~din~s can ba: tron.~miucd. The re~ults
`or statistics ClU1 bc provided vi:a the: lntl'fJICt 16l. In thls
`mnnncr, I'R\~'Ssins cnsiru."$ 206 can be conligura:d 11nd rru(cid:173)
`!P".tlllmt.'d to derive u wriety ofusc:ful infomtation from the:
`op .. 'r.ltiunal d:illl obtninl.'ll from the snultl hom.:. A single
`S'-'I'Vcr cnn im:ludc uue or mon: cn@incs.
`IIIUtiJ The: tlcrivcd Wlllt em be: highly bl.'tJeliciul at 11 vnric:ty
`of difTen:nt 1!f11Dularitics for o vllliety of useful purposes,
`run~ins from cxJIIicit progronunc:d conltell oft he: lh:viccs on o
`pc:r·bomc, rtt·ncigllhorhood, or pc:r·n:aion biiSis (lhr
`a:xumplc:. tlcmand-n:s~ pmgr-o~ms rur ek.'Ctrkul ulilitia:s),
`to the gcno:rotinn ofinf .. .,:ntiulubstro~c:tionstltot c:an assist on
`a pa:r·humc basis (for uxomplc:,un inf.:fi.'IIC:C e<~n be dr:twn that
`the bomcowncr ltns len for VliCation :and so security (k.1c:ctlon
`l.'qUipm.:nt can be pur on hclahu:ncd SL'I\Sitivity), ••• tha: gcn(cid:173)
`.:r.llion or ~In list ics und nssocinll:d int'L:R.'Illinl abstr.~ctions
`thot cun bL: USL'll fur I!Lsvc:mma:nt or c:llllritublc rurpos~os. F'or
`cxwuplc:, (lt\IC(.'S»i"" engines 206 can HCDI.'Tllh:stuti~tk5 ubuut
`dt..'Via:c: usae.: ucross a Jlllptll:llion of devices nnd sc:nd tbc
`suttistics to device users. sa:rvic:c providt:rs or oth~.:r a:ntitic:s
`(c:.J! .• thnt lmvu n:qucstcd nr mny hove pnwidt.:d moncl:lry
`compensation for the statistic~). As sp .. ..:ilic illustr.ations. st3·
`tistics can bo: tro~nsmlth:d to tl~;~ritics 222, j!OYC:r!Uill!ntnl cnti·
`tii.'S 224 (a:.g .• the f

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