


`dispatch boat
`to disperse a crowd.
`types and position, as in an advertisement. headlina
`to spread abroad;
`speedy transaction. as of business.
`9. expeditious per-
`formance; prom tness or speed1FroceedwilIh all possible disseminate: to disperse knowledge. 3. to dispel; cause
`1:. printed matter thus displayed.
`news story.
`dispatch. 10.
`:3. method of effecting a speedy
`to -vamsh: _The wind dispersed the fog.
`4. Chem.
`to arrangement, as of merchandise. art objects. 110v
`delivery of goods. money. etc.
`b. a conveyance or
`cause (particles) to separate uniformly throughout‘ a otc.. designed to please the eye. advertise,
`to subject (hght) to buyers. etc. 10. the Visual representation or the De
`organization for the eigpeditious transmission of goods.
`solld. liquid, or gas.
`5. Optics.
`to separate and move apart in put of an electronic dance. as the screen of a 03th '..
`money. etc. 11. a. written message sentIin hasto.- 12.
`dispersion. —v.1. 6.
`{ME des loy(en) < AF despleuer) <‘fi-
`an official communication sent by special messenger.
`different directions without order or regularity; be-
`ray tops.
`see ”154' mm“ ‘iti'
`igfioir‘éé‘l'i‘éhfil‘;‘§et%§23§f°t¥ hflifi’i’iflfifié’t‘;
`9:”‘1‘3 italiireiieiht ”will “I“??? 1””all" "WE dim?” m “ml '
`3 so
`0 mg
`: yams : p ay at n,
`by aW1reIservioe to IaneWspaper or other noWs agency.
`The smoke dispers’gd into the sky.
`-—_adj. 8. Physical —S
`. J1..‘.|I)xe_1:i:.lnr. nv-n'vcn. EXHIBIT, MANlp'maTm -
`-tn_g ow or brgng to the attention-of another 01. We.
`14. mentioned in dispatches, Bret. honored by being Chem.Inoting that phase of a dispersion consnstmg of
`01' To prermv is literally to spread something “Ilia"
`named in official military reports for spocml bravery'or
`the dispersed- particles.
`[15.2 L dis-para“)
`that 1t. may be moat completely and favorably. ‘1
`acts of service. Also. deepatch.
`[< It airspace-flare) (to)
`dispergere). equiv.
`to dig n14
`7;- sper- scatter
`s. of
`hasten, speed. or < Sp despach(or)]
`-spergere. comb. form of spargere to ounce) + -sus
`to display. goods for sale. To nxmmr is to put a“
`Iii-13.. stiffix: I'. ME inflame <2 MFI< L] TqiS-pflrsh tblng in plain view and usually in a favorable 1305?.
`dlspatch! Iboat’, Nani. a. small. fast boat used for
`to gmflbg the Elm flat:
`dialweimfi dispatches.
`-°d3£’;d”t}fifésf£-“’°" 1:.- iduj-persfi-bllfi-ty, n.
`'foIr particiulIarhobserTvIation:
`s a o I case . Bee
`'— 1 ~ er
`a o-speca s ow.
`3 ma
`a use
`disgatch-er (di spach’gr)a:
`:8“:931.5611 who dis~ ——Syn.1.Saesodtter. 2. now, broadcast.
`'7. disappear.
`ing (orIt) one's qualitiegr or
`eelings: He dispgyggfi"
`2' a person Who'overseES the departure of
`evanesco. _—Ant.I1. combine.colleCt.
`1'. norance. He exhibited
`real SurprigeI 1:
`S 19““ ”taunt:
`trains. pianos, buses. etc., as for a. trans ortation com- dlspersed/ 31’enient GWI- any widely distributed EVINCE an 12-0 MAME“? have only ‘3
`pany. railroad, 9th 3_ dis “chars Sfing. a [mu u— element in rocks. more 3. etc. occurrmg as a minor, MANIFEET being “13 5mm Bf WDEdl :0 83517195 0" mum
`13,1131y made pair of dice; 10a ed dice. ’Also. despatcher. . nlonconfcentratod constituent with another element or Enfgriseioigerestkmémlflfli at“? f10urfihwparade. 1p
`[msrm‘cn+-nn13 _
`' ees
`' _ I" I'm“ a.
`rintedadvertisement. 131 3. nm-
`Dis! Paiter, 0mm Myth. Dis (def. 1)_
`disperse! dyel, Qhem. any of the class of slightly IdiSPj-ay’ ad/,
`dis-pamper (dis pot or)
`Low to divest of the
`”“91""501‘1‘319 ‘.13’95 dispersed in aqueous 50mm“ [01‘ Pap“ °r ”that pub canon” using any- and typilili'
`status of a person having the privileges of a. pauper as
`dyeing synthetic textile flbaltsf
`several 3f the available attention-getting dcvim i.
`of public support or the right to proceed‘at lawI in dis-pension (51 513m,3—139“, “Qanh TL
`$1150.. 31%;”:nc‘f'usfigllfwgyfihggfiwgtwfli gall“ Emmi
`forum Dnuperis. Ems-l + PAUPER]
`d1599r919.t'h5 Etch ““99 ”1' an 1113mm“ Of dispersing; ‘ giants in the issue}!'(ditmin
`isfigd irdm Cfflsf'r ‘advmh'
`dis-p61 (dis all) N __ elled _ cal-ling
`to driveoflin state of being dupersed. 2. 0111153. 3. the variation of 'd"
`f d!
`t' i g“
`Ified "d1.
`various direéjtion's' Isolatlger: di’spgrss- dissipate'
`to dispel
`“If": mdeiitrhoéhrefractiIon 3E1 afar-3%???“ Subscgnc‘g' as
`lleifivéelg: a ver ls 11g,
`display ads taken I,"
`em can re rac—
`ggfiits'tflbfgfiisii1135533331 it“? (33334133 5133335 “on iggreasgnghats the wavalefigfihhdfcréases.
`b- i“ 'diS'PlaggeIgl {gimbd’l- $5131” Hggldgy-
`(or a hirt
`:17: ea In“
`_ .
`so are. onIo w ieor compoun
`'g t ntoitsrespoct ve. represe 6 W: Wings a
`e s 5
`ea :
`8 -b"_l'1
`ESlT'flr-f-nre inf. suffix] —-dis pelfln bIe, adj.
`gogfsh a? mutihe‘ roimfionffi a spectrumiblbl'a'r-Prismdrdfizafiidlyfim seenrghnv. mnzfil
`_- m
`_ .
`a sum.
`escat or go va Lies orava‘ra earoun
`m. type arger
`an bod
`'Cf. bung?-
`‘1‘ Syn. Sdee “fatteréf Ant. gather.
`the mean or median of a distribution. 4. Mil. a scat- used in headings,’advertisements. etc.
`d1 s en ). M; Obs.
`to pay out. amend.
`tared pattern of hits of bombs dropped. under identical dis-pleaSe
`(dis plézr‘).
`‘ of
`[M ispenflen) <1 01“ despendfre) < .14
`conditions. or of shots fired from the same gun With the we: 1 to incur the dissatisfaction dislike
`same firing dataLI 5. Chain. 2. system of dispersed parti- proval oi; offend; annoy: His reply displensédcilluml??.
`pendere ‘60 WElgh 01133; see DEFENSE]
`to be unpleasant; cause displeasure- DH"
`dis-pen-sa-hle (d1 spenfsa 1331). adj.
`1. capable of
`ales suspended in a solid.
`liqyidL or gas.
`(can) —-v.1‘. 2.
`being dispensed with or done without- not necessary or Diaspora (deful).
`I[< L disrersimw (3.1): dim-amid). masher
`[ME 'desplesem) < AF‘ ‘5
`essential. 2. capable of being dispensedor administered:
`equiv. to dzsp‘ers(us) gsee msrnnsn) + 4'51:- -iON]
`4155 . faisfl'r) < . VL *displnc‘ere.
`See DIEJI minim-
`The money is not dispensable at present.
`- 3. Ram: Cam. dia.peI-sive (di gpm-zsiv), adj.
`starving or tending to Js-plaaafing-ly, adv. —-fli§|-plans’ing-nena, :1.
`Ch" capabie 0‘: 13.91115 remitted, 3'5 an offense ”.5111:
`[< disperse.
`[ntspnnsn + -1an —dis-pe'rlsive-ly, adv. dis-pleaE-ure {dis piezh/ar), 11., 1)..
`-ure&, s“.-
`MLdispensflbuos).somV-toLdismnsiirel (midlsbnbute —dia-por/sivevnoss, n.-
`.—n. 1. diseatisfactionfdlsapproval. or mail: .
`by weight (seenlsPENBE) + «3511113 “ABLEJ "dis‘l’enffl.’ disperrsiwa pow-‘er, Optics. a measure-of the abil-
`2.- Afvhflict discomfort. ““33331955- 01' pain.
`3- ANN-5
`a cause of offense, annoyance. or
`injury. my“; -
`bilfi-ty, die-pen/ea-blo-ness, n.
`of a. substance to disperse light. equal to the uotlent
`disvpen-sa-ry (ch spenJI'S-B to).
`13L i-rlefi-
`. 1:-
`fl oaths difference in refractive indices of the su stance .Archmc.Ito dismBa-SE-
`[DIS-1 + ELEAEU“? T- 1mm.
`place “’hfi'm 50353131311133. dispensed, esp. m9d1?m959
`two representative wavelengths divided by the despluim < MF (11-
`‘13}? 0‘
`569' DIfiPmii
`2. a charitable or public institution _where medicines difference 0[ the refractive index far an intermediate mdis-pleas/ure-a-ble, adj. —dis-pleas/ure-a-h]y.aa
`are furnished and medical advace IsI given gratuitously wavelength and 1. Cf, Abbe number.
`'mSyn. 1. distaste. dislike: indignation. vexatlen. s,
`or for a small fee.
`[<‘ML dispensdno stororoom. equiv. diaper-said (di spur/soid); n. Pkyricai Chem. the dissatisfaction. ,-—Ant. 1. pleasure.
`to L dispensfire) (to) DISPENEE + «into ’ARY]
`5 s ended articles in a dis
`dis“ lode (dis plodr')
`a t M plcd ed
`dis-pen-sa-tlon (dis/ an Baffihan, —pen—). n.
`the. Hp
`- a,
`- ”“17 “m “”1 Arcgaic. to explode.
`<-L'disp:ta<ere). aim. to»:
`til Sphe noid (d1 sfe naid). n. blsphenmd.
`ms" + plaudere to ma (8 a sudden loud noise]
`aciiliiohr landliUStflttllcl? 3f dlspensing:tdis:t;ribution. 2. that dis pi]: it (di spirfit)
`u I
`t depriv
`f sp‘ 't h p
`discourage; dishearten. dfstglgfieofgfilggsqfigfim‘gg Zl’lfit‘gt‘ilip (filial:
`system. or arrangement: administration or manage— enthusiasm.
`striuo orgivanou.
`11:. De.
`H I,
`we 5
`moot: Things were managed dif erenily under the dis-‘ [131' + SPIRIT]
`[1513—1 + PLUME; cf. D'EPLUME]
`pensaiion of the last ministry.
`. Theo}. a. the divine dis-pir-it-ed (din irli tid .
`discouraged- 'de—
`_ _ _
`glodmy.‘ ,1:anKIT + ’1ng dciséglgigéigtfiaogz11:33:32fiat;in.“gag-cigglfogilliflcm:
`ordering of the affairs of the worldérofi. an appoigfruenlt,
`jectgd; . disheartenefd;
`arrangement, or favor. as by
`c. a may ions-pn- 1t-ed-ly,adu. —dis-p1r 1t-ed-nese,n.
`ward and-outward from 9a central opening.
`appointed order or age:
`the old Mosaic. _or Jewish. dis-pit-e-Dus (dis’pit/E as). adj. Archaic. malicious-
`dispeggatzoni the new gospel. or Ghnfiwn. figfimatioIfi-
`cruel; pitiless.
`[van or despiteous. with (1129-
`(<‘ L).
`fggl‘é‘é‘f‘é‘flfgflfif" dis— ms + 1111mm) rain +-
`5- a uranium: “£91“? dggng 21%va 11.99 guns Wltb-
`for des- (< F)] —-dis~pit’e-ous-ly,_.udv. ~—dis-pit/e- d151‘0rt di
`_ cl
`'0 t/
`1 t d.
`It I
`gifiimlrgfiffing' mafia: 55%;}??? (”160'r Egg” ifielfitlcaaflChe ous-nass, 71"
`one’solf) (2 sggtdis, lg; forgesgifi in'a:pdrfiive‘inililuwl
`a, a relaxation of law in a
`articular case. granted by 119131308 (dis 131315"). No 413130-85, -Plflc‘ing-
`1- ’50
`éaringla bikini 'sfge danced and disported hersaljnneli
`compel (a person or persons) to leave home, countrY.
`beach. —:.-.i. 3, to divert oneself;
`ort. —n. 4. dim:
`he has the power to make and on area: a dis mat-ion 3‘70-
`(11mm: or out out of the usual or owner Jaca-
`smn: amusement: play; sport. EM mourns. dum-
`a competent superior or 1113 dele ate in laws which
`2 t
`regarding the Lenten fast.
`1:. an official
`‘53 3 tthi leaoe 01" mph“? SuPPI‘m'fi-f ““0"
`< AF desportfier). equiv. to des— 33st + porter tom __
`authorizing sucharelaxation oflaw. EMEMdispeni-acioun a???” fgc bl;
`- t9 ””11?“ Ironlifafiositiotn. 9 3339' 91‘ d15.pus.a.ble (di spar“ 1,91); .243“,
`1. designed to I
`< ML dispensfiiiim-
`(s. of diffisensfiiio) a pardon.
`0 ma 3 oneseh ’1
`(ELI Ems
`[fix-f3“ or capable of being disposed of: a disposable l1“
`2. .frao for use; available: Every disputed”
`relaxation. LLtorder. system. L:
`tribution. equiv. to 3““? 9
`[BI-55' +1 “fog-1 pa; ' Imc 39'
`(ptp. oi dispensfire to DISPENSE;
`933’ “”3
`.ls‘P “9 a"
`9’ '1 j‘
`vehicle was
`[blsrnsn + new.)
`«ml; + 4671— -10NJ —dis’pen-Ba’tion-al,
`adj. —Syn.I2. relocate. DISPLACE. xii-PLACE mean to put burpty, dis-pog/a-bla-nega,_fl_
`Aimpemgmtoqply (d1 spews; car/a in. 4.514-), adv.
`. something in a. different place from where it should be. dispos/able mfcome
`1. the part of a perm
`(dis-@911 551.5139 Hafiz/3m? TUdDISPLACE 3m": 9mm In?“ to Shiftrsflmathmg mud incomeremaining after deductingpersonalincomelm
`-pen—). a:
`the interpreting of history as a series of
`an compaiiativeylmmova 19’ more orless permanently 2. (in national income accounting) the total disposal?!
`divine dispensations.
`from its in ace.. The flood displaced houses from their
`income of all consumers.
`foundations. To MIEPLACE: is to put anomect. usually an (115- 09311 (di spa/rel)‘ n.
`the act or an ital-13$
`(”.19 Who dlspemBSi distrleT-OTP administrator.
`[ME diffig'lrlif to find; Papers befyngingg £1319, so a were més- of
`'dposing: arrangement:
`the” disposal of the Irv-E.
`dis-pen-sa-tor (disfpan Silt“! -' 9""), 7" Archaic.
`ortabie one in a min
`In e
`so that it is
`dispeniamuf < ‘ML ‘1” “Mam“ 14- manage“ Stewaf
`.. placed and temporarily. last.
`4..—depose, ous . dismiss.
`2‘ a-
`is 05mg of or getting rid of something: N"
`equiv. to dispmsat(us)
`see DISPENBATION) +uor —OR] displaced? perison '._a- person €11,1an or ex elled‘ pasal o waste material.
`3. a disposrng of, as MI
`dlfl'Pen-Sfl~tO-ry {d1 span/5° tor/E.
`71., pl.
`from his homeland by “gar or tyranny Abbr ' DPPD P
`or 53'1“; 13““le 01' assignment: She left no “3' 5' -'
`-ries. Labook in whichthe composition,Emparation, d1
`indicate the disposal an her 1005555310115. 4. new .
`and uses of medicinal substances are
`ascribed: a' digit) 39913911 h(d15*P1§-5 IEle‘i'ltig Til-d.
`- “13 act or
`right to dispose of a. thing; control: left athzs 4115903
`figfllgfifil .Fgggmi‘fipgfig‘n abflxfifipflsfighagmgi‘ afigffinifi die-gracetgtflfiigh'Eoegcgthidagplflcegisglracfgda dEDISPDBE 4; “all”
`1 d vlcnill '3'
`5a 1":
`5 53
`(ispc‘i zal.‘n. aneectrca e
`.. L ammo (comm) + ....m more. catatoniatosez9.n.3sdni:.n ...... .. . am,
`slut... up
`. .. b. “a
`by a floating or submerged"b‘o'dy
`'Of Archimedea’
`down the drain. Also calladdisposer.
`[s oft Im‘fi'f‘
`dis-pense (d1 spans/l. . 1:.._ mused, upenB-ln‘g,
`n. principle. m the linear m. angulai: distance in'a given disposal; see Dial-’OBAIJ]
`"fl-L 1-
`'5? deal out? dmtnb‘me‘ W “3133“" :Imsdom.
`direction between a. body or point and a reference diS'POEG (di 51352,). 1h. 1105351. 1308-1115: “9
`2- to “Emma“ ‘0 comment 1“” ”mm W“:
`position. 4. Much. the volume of. the sp‘a'ce through to out in a particular or the proper order 0T M t..-
`Pharm- to put up and distribute {medlcine). esp. on whioba piston traVel's.
`‘5. the distance or an oscillating merit: adlfflfi by arranging the
`. WI
`melpfim 4- ROI?“- Caih._Ch. t0 81‘9““ “Silents-“0'19
`body from its central position or point of eduilibrium particular or suitable place: The amp Mi “WEI...
`_._l).’l. 5. to grant dispensation.
`6. dispenseImthha.‘ at any given moment.
`3, Gaol. the otiset of rocks
`table nearby. 3. to give a. tendency. or mclm-i
`to do Without: forgo: do despense with prehm'lnorzes.
`caused by movement ,along a. fault.
`v7_ psyghaaflagI
`incline: H93 temperament disposed mm in dismgk
`13- 120 d0 1W8? with: no 0L
`‘30 Emmi “Emmi“ the transfer of an emotion from the‘object about which people.
`4- to make fit or readvtprspam‘ YD"
`from a law 91' promise.
`“‘7‘.- 7‘ Obs. expenditure.
`it was originally experienced to another object or a. 3i Ch“? iii-39°55 me 07913115” :
`'—W- 5'

`EME dispensmn) < ML dwpensfure} (to) pardon.exempt.
`person. [menace + amour]
`acids matters: is
`u as God-disposes. Is, 01:5.
`4L: gto distnbute (by weighlt), freq. of _d15pendere dis lace’ment 111111/ Now a hull that dis laces
`'7. dispose of, a.
`to deal With CD
`to weigh out. equiv. to dis— Drs- + pend- weigh]
`. a slij nificant voium “twat ‘1' {Vhen under we P Of
`1:. to get rid. of; discard.
`c. to trans .
`I—Syn. 1. apportion. allot, dole. See distribute.
`lafin hull
`. B
`.away. as by gift or sale. d. to do away with:
`dls-Ipens-er (di spenrser}. no 1. one who or that d1;
`1 g I
`We will have to dispose of the mice in our (me-
`rwluch dispenses.
`: 2. a container. package, device, or
`5P ace men
`on :‘ WL 3- 1mm 01' measuring Archaic. disposition; habit.
`vending machine for .holding and dispensmg some— the displacement Of avessel. equal ‘30 3.19153 W!“ 0!
`[ME (MI: disposwflve]
`2240 pounds or 35 cubiorfeet of sea water.
`dis- ore-‘- + dim-18‘ porf. s. of pomw to place
`a cox-tail1
`thin in'srnall amounts, as. facial tissue. paper cups.
`can y. etc.
`[ME; see DISPENSE, seal]
`displacement ton/nage Nam.
`tho'numbel' of poa’ing-ly, a
`dis-pen-si-ble (a1 span/so bol). adj. on. dispensable.
`Ions tons of water 91159199“ '53"? “$581. light or load dis-posed (di spszdr). adj. having
`dis-people (dis pEv'paD. ELL. - 1ed.-pling.
`to deprive afgplicemgfigfmfiffswim“ 1-
`h I
`1::ch “1%$5 dIisppeitionzI inclinjedI (ifffildefrcél' 9;
`- ac-r
`ivo:aman ispose
`+ noun]
`displaces, 2.p1um {def.‘10).
`[DIBELACE «F-nnl]
`—Eo2] dis-pooled-ly, ode. edisvpos/ed-n
`..-..I...........I..-... mm... m
`99999 we iii-emit e99.9::e::;.;.—.99::a.99. goal-egos; nani<°s is 9
`poo ple-ment, n. 7diE-peo’pler. 1i.
`o —
`:EESeJE-lnv '(di/spgsf‘insél,
`the fertilization of an DD ME “esplflflmfl
`dis-po-Si'f‘ion (0151“)?9 ziéfll’enlvfl-. “311°"
`ovum by two spermatozoa.
`[131—1 + -5pgrmy < 'Gk diIS-Iplay (di splanf). Mn .1, to show; exhibit; make
`or prevailing tendency of one‘s spirits; _
`—spm'nia. Bee 932mm. «13] —Ifi-sper/mic, adj.
`viable: w display a sign. 92.
`to reveal: betray:
`to or n1_ood: a girlie-1th a. airman: qhqusflévg- -
`(di spilr’sal)
`dis ersion (dei
`dtsploy fear.
`.3.. to unfold; open out: spread outziio of mind regardinglsomet ng; inclination-
`humus}: +113]
`display a soil.
`to -ehow. ost‘entatiously;
`to gamble.
`3. p ysicai
`inclination or 139”
`- I
`to dtSDla‘y a new automobile. 5; Prim. to give special
`disposition of ice to melt when healed.
`4- 3.
`s-per-san (‘11ng sent). 7“
`1' that WIFCh Glis— promineuco to (wordI.Icaptions. etc.) by choice and or placing. as of troops or buildings.
`peTSBS- 2.9l’hysmal
`Ihem. any admixture ‘50P: dispersmn .ai‘rangement of types —11. 6. the act or an instance 01 ment of a matter.
`6. bestowal. as Y
`oapableoi maintaining the dispersed particles in 5‘13‘ displaying: exhibition: ordisplay of courage.'
`'1. an' power to dispose of a thing: control:
`ostentatious show: a vulgar-display of wealth.
`disposition. B. Archaic. regulation: alfIPD.
`dis-parse (diIspfirsf),
`. gig-sad.
`:pers-ing, Indy. Print. a. the giving of prominence to particular Words.
`pensation: the disposition of God.
`—e.£. 1.‘
`to drive or send of in various directions;
`sentences. etc.. by. the choice and arrangement” oi
`‘of dispusitifi). equiv. to desposmus) (DtP- 0
`Concise Ervmomov Kori <. descended or derived from; >. whence: b.. blend of. blended: c.. cognate with; deriv.. derivative; oquiv.. equivalent: 1331"
`m.. modification of: 0b1.. oblique: r.—. replacing; 3.. stem; 51).. spelling; trans... translation: ‘i’, origin unknown. perhaps; *, hypothetical. See the full key inside the


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