In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`July 30, 2014
` ___________________________________________________
`Intellectual Ventures Exhibit 2005
`IBM v. Intellectual Ventures

`Page 1
` Petitioner,
` Case No. IPR2014-00660
` -against-
` Patent Owner.
` JULY 30, 2014
` 3:00 p.m.
`Telephonic Conference Call, reported by
`Mark Richman, CSR, CCR, RPR.
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 2
`A P P E A R A N C E S:
`Attorneys for the Petitioner
` 300 North LaSalle Street
` Chicago, Illionos 60654
` (
` (
` -and-
` 3330 Hillview Avenue
` Palo Alto, California 94304
` (
`Attorneys for Patent Holder
` 2040 Main Street, 14th Fl.
` Irvine, California, 92014
` (
` (
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 3
` JUDGE BISK: Good afternoon.
` This is Judge Jennifer Bisk, I have
` the board on the line with me. Can
` I have a roll call of who is
` present.
` MR. ADAMO: Yes, your Honor,
` this is Ken Adamo from Kirkland and
` Ellis. I'm lead counsel. My
` partner, Ms. Alicia Shah and one of
` our other colleagues Eugene
` Goryunov are also on the line this
` afternoon.
` JUDGE BISK: Thank you. And
` for patent owner.
` MR. BABCOCK: Good afternoon,
` your Honor, Brent Babcock for the
` patent owner, and with me is my
` colleague, attorney Scott Raevsky,
` spelled R-A-E-V-S-K-Y.
` JUDGE BISK: Thank you. This
` is a call for IPR-2014-00660 and I
` believe petitioner requested the
` conference, so why don't you go
` ahead, petitioner, and let us know
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 4
` what you're asking.
` We just request that when you
` get the transcript you upload it as
` an exhibit and it can be in the
` 3,000's so that it doesn't take
` away any of your slots.
` MR. ADAMO: Yes, your Honor,
` we will do that. Ms. Shah will be
` presenting for petitioner this
` afternoon, your Honor.
` JUDGE BISK: Ms. Shah, any
` time you're ready.
` MS. SHAH: The patent holder's
` preliminary response pointed out an
` inadvertent mistake in our
` petition. I know that 42.104 B
` doesn't require claim charts but we
` included them and missed a
` limitation for one of the grounds
` in one of the claims in our claim
` chart. And if you have the
` petition in front of you, it's
` claim 30, element A.A 1 on page 20
` of the petition. You'll see the
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 5
` petition skipped from element A to
` A 2 directly and it's missing from
` the chart.
` We request a motion to correct
` that and we would like to argue
` first that it was inadvertent which
` is one of the requirements under
` 42.104 C. Also, we believe that
` this correction will not prejudice
` the patent holder. It doesn't
` involve adding any new material to
` the petition.
` And to explain that, element
` 18.b, which is on page 11 of the
` petition, talks about the idea of
` certifying a data structure and a
` certificate signature reply.
` And this element is the same
` process that's described in 31,
` element 30.a.a1, and to make that
` clear, the petition actually makes
` that clear.
` Please let me know if I'm
` going too fast.
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 6
` JUDGE BISK: All right. No, I
` don't think so. But let's hear
` from patent owner. I assume you
` oppose this?
` MR. BABCOCK: Yes, your Honor,
` this is Brent Babcock. As a
` preface, we don't normally oppose
` every type of correction that's
` requested. In fact, in this case
` there was a typographical or
` clerical error in the original
` petition in which the petitioner
` had misidentified a reference. And
` we looked at it and believe that it
` was clear on its face that it
` complied with, with the rules as a
` clerical or typographical error and
` so we did not oppose that
` particular request so a corrected
` petition was filed.
` But in this particular case we
` did take some time to look at it
` and it's in our view, while it may
` be inadvertent, we have no basis to
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 7
` know, it's certainly not in our
` view a clerical or typographical
` error.
` The petition as Ms. Shah
` points out on page 20 is entirely
` missing an element. But if you go
` to pages 38 and page 56 of the
` petition where the same claim is
` addressed with respect to other
` prior art references, 30.a.a1 is
` explicitly addressed. And so there
` are two claim charts in which the
` petitioner had no problem with
` respect to the PKI prior art
` reference and also the RFC 1424
` reference. The petitioner
` identified that and explained the
` relevance with respect to those
` references.
` So the petition itself it
` appears to us to be missing and
` it's a substantive error; it's not
` a procedural or typographical
` error.
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 8
` We also went to look at the
` Blaze declaration in which there
` aren't, there aren't claim charts
` per se but Dr. Blaze does address
` all the limitations in separate
` paragraphs.
` And on -- in his declaration
` on page 25 he addresses claim 30.
` He identifies in the claim
` recitation this particular
` limitation. But then when he goes
` through and goes through his
` analysis of the claims, if you look
` at pages 75 to 77, he completely
` omits any discussion of this
` particular limitation in his
` recitation.
` But then with respect to the
` other two prior art references, the
` PKI report on pages 136 to 139, he
` does address that limitation and
` with respect to the RFC 1424 report
` again he addresses that limitation.
` So it may be an omission, it
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 9
` may be inadvertent; it's not
` clerical or typographical. And it
` is not the same as the limitation
` set forth in claim 18.b. this
` limitation begins with the word
` receiving. That word is nowhere in
` claim 18.b in that limitation. In
` fact, what is sent or what is
` transferred may or may not be what
` is being received.
` It's not incumbent upon the
` patent owner in this particular
` case to try to figure out what the
` arguments are or arguments that
` should have been made in the
` petition and try to search
` throughout the petition to see what
` we could put in place of what the
` argument should have been.
` If there was an identical
` limitation maybe that's something
` that we would say, well, we
` understand what you meant. Here,
` we had no way of knowing what was
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 10
` intended. It looks like an
` oversight. But again, it's
` completely missing.
` So in our view, your Honor,
` this does not satisfy the
` requirements for an inadvertent or
` clerical -- excuse me, a clerical
` or typographical mistake.
` Inadvertent is not in the rule.
` And in that case our request,
` your Honor, is deny the request to
` correct the petition and let the
` petition proceed as it was filed as
` already corrected.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. Ms. Shah,
` do you want to reply?
` MS. SHAH: I do. I'll speak
` first to the omission in the Blaze
` declaration and the claim chart.
` I think it's prudent the way
` we created our petition, which is
` we first talked to our expert and
` worked on hammering out whether the
` prior art shows the claim elements,
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 11
` and then we took that information
` and put it into the petition. So
` when the element was missing in the
` declaration, which I can't entirely
` be sure but I think may be due to
` document corruption, these things
` get long and they have pictures,
` but when it was missing from there
` and got transferred into the claim
` chart, I think that's how the error
` carried over. It's absolutely a
` typographical clerical-type error
` even though it's missing in both.
` And I do want to speak to the
` substance because I believe the
` patent owner is wrong. Claim 31
` talks about a method of -- 30, I
` apologize, talks about a method of
` updating certificates. And if you
` look at page 9 of the petition, we
` speak to what claim 30 does with
` reference to the other claims. It
` says relative to claim 30, which is
` the prior art reference, discloses
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 12
` the claim method of updating a
` certificate.
` So Kapidzic teaches that when
` a new key pair is generated by some
` CA, certificate authority, the same
` procedure is followed as the
` original certification as recited
` in claim 30.
` So what we say here for claim
` 30 follow the same procedure as the
` original certification.
` The original certification --
` JUDGE BISK: Can I interrupt
` you for a second. I just want to
` say if I'm recalling it correctly,
` you're saying that in the text of
` the petition you discuss this
` limitation for claim 30 and it's
` missing in the claim chart? Or are
` you still talking about 18.b?
` MS. SHAH: No, I do want to be
` accurate. We talk about claim 30
` generally in the petition. What we
` say is that when you're updating a
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 13
` certificate, follow the same
` procedure as you followed in the
` original certification. And claim
` 18 is that original certification.
` And if you look at the text of the
` petition on claim 8, it says
` relative to claim 18, it discloses
` the method of requesting and
` issuing the certificate.
` So that's the original
` certification, is claim 18. You're
` using the same method. And patent
` holder is right that claim 18 talks
` about sending a certificate and
` claim 31 talks about receiving the
` same signed certificate. But I
` think it's obvious that when a
` certificate gets sent, it also gets
` received. And in fact the text
` that we would seek to add is the
` text in the claim 18 box on page 11
` of the petition. In fact, if you
` look at the other two claim charts,
` the other grounds, the quote in the
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 14
` claim 18 box are mirrored in the
` claim 31 box because it's the same
` transaction, one from the sender
` and one from the receiver.
` And so those quotes are
` carried over.
` We would do the same thing
` with our motion to correct.
` I also want to speak to the
` prejudice point. The patent
` holder, I know that prejudice to
` the patent holder is something that
` the board considers when it is
` considering a motion to correct and
` here patent holder shouldn't be
` prejudiced because they elected not
` to comment on the substance of
` petitioner's alleged ground for
` rejection. Footnote 1 of the
` patent owner's response is explicit
` that they elected not to comment on
` the substance. So there should be
` no, no prejudice to them.
` We're not adding any new
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 15
` quote. We're not adding any new
` references. We're not going to add
` exhibits. And we didn't use all of
` our pages in our original petition,
` so we also won't be going over the
` page limit in any way. To just
` copy this material from claim 18 so
` it's obvious in claim 31, I think
` it is already obvious in the
` petition. But it would be nice if
` the claim chart spelled it out
` explicitly so you're not going from
` claim chart element 31 and then
` you're looking at the text and
` saying oh, 31 does the same thing
` as 18 and then looking at 18.
` I think it's obvious in the
` petition, but we would move to
` correct just to make it absolutely
` clear.
` MR. BABCOCK: Your Honor, just
` quickly.
` JUDGE BISK: Is this Mr.
` Babcock?
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 16
` MR. BABCOCK: Yes, your Honor.
` Just quickly on three points that
` Ms. Shah raised.
` MR. BABCOCK: I think her
` discussion highlights the fact that
` it is substantive. The claim
` language is clearly different. The
` returning language versus
` receiving. If I return something
` it doesn't mean that you receive
` it. The address could be
` different. So it requires some
` substantive analysis by the board
` to figure out what could have been
` meant and requires some analysis by
` us which we're not prepared to do
` for the petitioner. So I think that
` demonstrates it's not clerical or
` typographical.
` Secondly, with regards to
` prejudice, we did argue, your
` Honor, that this claim ought to
` be -- that the trial not be
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 17
` instituted on this claim based on
` the fact they didn't address every
` limitation in the claim.
` So I think that's a legitimate
` basis for the board to deny
` institution on claim 30 based upon
` the fact that the petitioners have
` not met its burden of proof going
` element by element showing that
` every element is satisfied by the
` prior art. If there's a missing
` element you fail to meet your
` burden.
` And lastly I do think with
` regard to the pages, I think the
` corrected petition was that page,
` at page 60, so I think they are
` after the limit. Maybe they can
` squeeze another couple of lines in,
` but they are pretty much at their
` limit.
` So again we would suggest that
` this is one of the situations where
` maybe it's unfortunate and we do
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 18
` personally have sympathy for
` counsel who may have made mistakes.
` But we represent a client and we're
` not prepared to suggest the board
` should violate its rules in order
` to help correct mistakes.
` We're also concerned about the
` kind of precedent this would set
` where petitioners make mistakes in
` their petition, substantive
` mistakes, where they miss this
` thing, where they forget to cite
` things and make substantive errors.
` We pointed out in our patent
` holders preliminary response, our
` POPR, and then the petitioner goes,
` oops, I made a mistake, I forgot to
` cite a reference, I left out this
` element, I didn't do something I
` should have done, it's inadvertent,
` my bad, can I fix it. And the
` court says sure, go ahead. And
` then we're in a situation where
` we've already filed our POPR.
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 19
` Does the board give a new
` date? It just messes things up I
` think incredibly to allow the
` petitioners the ability to fix
` mistakes pointed out in the POPR if
` they are not merely typographical
` or clerical.
` MS. SHAH: Your Honor, if I
` may, earlier I said claim 31 and I
` meant 30, if I wasn't clear.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. I think I
` got that. I'm going to put
` everyone on mute for a minute while
` I discuss this with the panel.
` I'll be back shortly.
` (Pause in the call.)
` JUDGE BISK: Okay, I'm back.
` This is judge Bisk. We have all of
` the counsel that we need for
` petitioner?
` MS. SHAH: Kirkland, counsel
` for the petitioner is present.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay. And patent
` owner, are you still there?
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 20
` MR. BABCOCK: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE BISK: Okay, great. So
` the panel has discussed and we have
` decided not to authorize a motion
` to correct the petition for a few
` reasons, one of which is that the
` patent owner has already filed
` their preliminary response and
` there's not a lot of time left and
` we feel that if we did allow such a
` correction, the patent owner would
` have to be able to respond.
` And that brings us to the
` second point which is I believe
` this sounds fairly substantive. We
` found before that the failure to
` point out where each element was
` found in prior art is a deficiency
` in the substantive requirements in
` the petition. And I think if it's
` in there somewhere else then it's
` not a problem that needs to be
` necessarily corrected. So it's
` either substantive or not
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 21
` necessary.
` And the third reason is that I
` believe in this case we've already
` had two corrected petitions. So it
` seems there have been plenty of
` chances to fix the problems in the
` petition. We just think a third
` time is too many.
` MS. SHAH: Your Honor, if I
` may.
` JUDGE BISK: Yes, go ahead.
` MS. SHAH: I would hope the
` board would nevertheless consider
` the petition in its entirety. The
` rules don't actually require claim
` charts.
` JUDGE BISK: Of course.
` MS. SHAH: There's no doubt
` that element 18.b -- the element
` that's missing just says signing a
` certificate and sending it back and
` the quotes in element 18.b say
` exactly the signing of a
` certificate --
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 22
` JUDGE BISK: I'm sorry, I'd
` rather not hear any more arguments
` on the merits. We will look at the
` petition as a whole and decide it
` whether, you know, everything has
` been met based on what's in the
` petition.
` Unless there's any other
` issues, I think we can adjourn.
` MR. ADAMO: For petitioner
` none, your Honor, except I would
` note that we will be guided by this
` set of circumstances with respect
` to IPR to try to change any system
` errors we may be having here to
` make sure that I don't have to
` bother with you a phone call like
` this again.
` MR. BABCOCK: And no other
` issues for the patent owner, your
` Honor. We appreciate your time.
` JUDGE BISK: Thanks, everyone,
` we're adjourned.
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 23
` (Time noted: 3:22 p.m.)
`3 4 5 6 7 8 9
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 24
` C E R T I F I C A T E
` : ss.
` I, MARK RICHMAN, a Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, Certified Realtime
`Reporter and Notary Public within and for
`the State of New York, do hereby certify:
` That I am not related to any
`of the parties to this action by blood or
`marriage, and that I am in no way
`interested in the outcome of this matter.
`hereunto set my hand this ____ day of
`___________, 2014.
`6 7
`Merrill Corporation - New York

`Page 1
`1:13 3:5,22 19:17
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`1:5 6:10,22 9:14 10:11
`5:18 12:3,6 13:2,10,15
`13:17,19 21:22,25
`12:8,12,13 13:4,5,12
`4:22 5:4 10:20 11:11
`12:20 15:12,14
`4:18 7:13 8:4 13:24
`17:2,7 22:7
`6:25 17:6
`3:23 5:9 6:15 11:16
`20:15 21:4
`1:19 3:2,3,14,21 4:12
`6:2 10:16 12:14
`15:24 16:5 19:12,18
`19:19,24 20:3 21:12
`21:18 22:2,20,24
`8:3,5 10:19
`1:2 3:4 14:14 16:15
`17:6 18:5 19:2 21:14
`13:22 14:2,3
`3:17 6:7
`C 2
`:1 5:9 24:2,2
`5:6 16:23
`9:15,15 22:3
`7:11,15 8:20 10:25
`11:25 17:12 20:19
`B 4
`2:13 3:16,17 6:6,7
`15:22,25 16:2,6 20:2
`19:16,18 21:22
`11:12 15:20
`2:4 3:7,8 4:8 22:11
`13:21 15:3
`5:12 14:25 15:2
`8:5,22 16:13 17:3
`3:2,13,16 4:11
`3:25 18:23 21:12
`2:9 3:10
`19:4 20:11
`8:14 16:15,17
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`18:14 22:16
`2:5 3:11
`7:12 15:13
`F 2
`6:10 9:9 13:20,23 16:7
`10:12 17:6

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