`PCCextend 100
`User's Manual
`Apri/3, 1995
`Sycard Technology
`1180-F Miraloma Way
`Sunnyvale, CA 94086
`(408) 749-0130
`(408) 749-1323 FAX
`IPR Petition for U.S. Patent No. 6,249,825




`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`1.0 Introduction1.0 Introduction
`Page 1
`Sycard Technology's PCCextend 100 PCMCIA extender card is a debug tool for PCMCIA development and test.
`PCCextend offers the following features:
`PCCswitch simulates card removal/insertion cycle
`Low profile design compatible with type I, II and III sockets
`4 layer construction to insure low noise environment
`All 68 pins available as test points
`Both I/O and memory mode signals clearly marked
`Vcc, Vpp1 and Vpp2 can be isolated through jumper blocks for current measurements
`Surface mount resistors and/or capacitors can be added to any signal line
`Vcc LEDs indicate 3.3V or 5V operation
`Convenient grounding posts for scope probes or other test equipment
`2.0 Using the PCCextend 1002.0 Using the PCCextend 100
`Using the PCCextend is relatively straightforward. The extender card is inserted into the desired slot in the host
`system. Then the PC Card under test is inserted into the card connector.
`CautionCaution: Insertion and removal of the extender and PC card should be done with care. The PC Card's
`fragile connectors may be broken or bent if improper force is used. Both card and extender should be
`inserted straight without any lateral movement or force. Proper care and use of the extender card will insure
`years of trouble free operation.
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`Page 2
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`Figure 2.0-1 The PCCextend 100Figure 2.0-1 The PCCextend 100
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`Page 3
`2.1 Test points2.1 Test points
`All 68-pins of the interface are available to probe through clearly marked headers.
`2.2 Power Indicators2.2 Power Indicators
`Two LED power indicators display the status of the socket’s Vcc. The PWR LED indicates that power is applied to
`the board. When both the PWR LED and the 5V LED are lit, a Vcc of greater than approximately 3.5V is present.
`When only the PWR LED is lit, the Vcc is at a level of less than 3.5V.
`NoteNote: The power LEDs are designed to indicate the presence of power on the Vcc supply pins. The LEDs
`do not provide an accurate measurement of Vcc. Use a voltmeter to determine the actual operating voltage.
`2.2 Current Measurements2.2 Current Measurements
`Vcc, Vpp1 and Vpp2 power buses may be isolated from the PC Card socket through three sets of jumper blocks.
`Each jumper block consists of two sets of jumpers. Both jumpers must be removed to isolate the power. A current
`meter can be inserted to measure card current consumption.
`CautionCaution: Care must be taken to insure that the current measuring device is inserted before turning on power
`to the host socket. Improper power sequencing may cause a damaging latchup condition.
`2.3 Using the PCCswitch2.3 Using the PCCswitch
`PCCextend 100 includes the PCCswitch, which can be used to momentarily interrupt the CD1 and CD2 signals.
`The PCCswitch is centrally located on the PCCextend 100 between the termination area and test points. When
`properly configured, the PCCswitch can interrupt the card detect signals (-CD1 and -CD2) to simulate a card
`removal/insertion cycle. Two three pin headers are used to configure the PCCswitch. When both CD1 and CD2
`headers are in the “A” position, CD1 and CD2 are routed directly from the host socket to the PCCextend socket.
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`Page 4
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`When the jumpers are in this position the PCCswitch is not in the circuit. In the “B” position, the host socket’s CD1
`and CD2 is routed through the PCCswitch to the CD1 signal on the PCCextend socket. When a card is inserted, CD1
`and CD2 may be momentarily interrupted by pressing the PCCswitch.
`CD2CD1CD2CD1Position APosition B
`Figure 2.3-1 Card Detect SwitchFigure 2.3-1 Card Detect Switch
`To test the operation of the PCCswitch, be sure that your PC Card Software drivers are loaded. Momentarily press
`the PCCtest switch. Most software drivers will issue a removal beep followed by an insertion beep. The software
`may also remove power from the socket when the card is removed.
`2.4 Termination and Prototype Area2.4 Termination and Prototype Area
`A termination area located between the test points and the card connector allows access to all PC Card signals. A
`series of surface mount pads allows the user to add series resistors, pull-down resistor, or capacitance to any signal.
`The SMT pads are arranged as follows:
`When shipped from the factory, the resistor pads are shorted with PCB traces. In order to insert series resistor, these
`traces must be cut prior to soldering the resistor to the board. Pull-down resistors may be inserted by adding a resistor
`to the corresponding SMT capacitor pad. Filter capacitors may be added by inserting a small capacitor into the
`corresponding SMT capacitor pad. Figure 2.4-1 and 2.4-2 illustrate the termination areas located on both sides of the
`PCCextend board. Use this guide when making modifications to the board, since the silk-screen designations may be
`difficult to read.
`Figure 2.4-1 TerFigure 2.4-1 Termination Area - Component Sidemination Area - Component Side
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`Page 5
`Figure 2.4-2 Termination Area - Solder SideFigure 2.4-2 Termination Area - Solder Side
`2.5 PCCextend Current Protection Device2.5 PCCextend Current Protection Device
`A resettable fuse protects the host from excessive current consumption from the card. Located at R61, the,
`PolySwitch resettable fuse provides low resistance operation up to 900mA. The PolySwitch fuse may be by passed
`by soldering a shorting wire across JP4.
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`Page 6
`A. PC Card 68-Pin InterfaceA. PC Card 68-Pin Interface
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`PC Card Pinout - Memory ModePC Card Pinout - Memory Mode
`Data Bit 3
`Data Bit 4
`Data Bit 5
`Data Bit 6
`Data Bit 7
`Card Enable 1
`Address Bit 10
`Output Enable
`Address Bit 11
`Address Bit 9
`Address Bit 8
`Address Bit 13
`Address Bit 14
`Write Enable
`Card Power
`Programming Supply
`Voltage 1
`Address Bit 16
`Address Bit 15
`Address Bit 12
`Address Bit 7
`Address Bit 6
`Address Bit 5
`Address Bit 4
`Address Bit 3
`Address Bit 2
`Address Bit 1
`Address Bit 0
`Data Bit 0
`Data Bit 1
`Data Bit 2
`Write Protect
`Card Detect 1
`Data Bit 11
`Data Bit 12
`Data Bit 13
`Data Bit 14
`Data Bit 15
`Card Enable 2
`Voltage Sense 1
`Address Bit 17
`Address Bit 18
`Address Bit 19
`Address Bit 20
`Address Bit 21
`Card Power
`Programming Supply
`Voltage 2
`Address Bit 22
`Address Bit 23
`Address Bit 24
`Address Bit 25
`Voltage Sense 2
`Card Reset
`Extend Bus Cycle
`Register Select
`Battery Voltage Detect
`Battery Voltage Detect
`Data Bit 8
`Data Bit 9
`Data Bit 10
`Card Detect 2
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`Page 7
`Data Bit 3
`Data Bit 4
`Data Bit 5
`Data Bit 6
`Data Bit 7
`Card Enable 1
`Address Bit 10
`Output Enable
`Address Bit 11
`Address Bit 9
`Address Bit 8
`Address Bit 13
`Address Bit 14
`Write Enable
`Interrupt Request
`Card Power
`Programming Supply
`Voltage 1
`Address Bit 16
`Address Bit 15
`Address Bit 12
`Address Bit 7
`Address Bit 6
`Address Bit 5
`Address Bit 4
`Address Bit 3
`Address Bit 2
`Address Bit 1
`Address Bit 0
`Data Bit 0
`Data Bit 1
`Data Bit 2
`IO Port is 16 bits
`Card Detect 1
`Data Bit 11
`Data Bit 12
`Data Bit 13
`Data Bit 14
`Data Bit 15
`Card Enable 2
`Voltage Sense 1
`I/O Read Strobe
`I/O Write Strobe
`Address Bit 17
`Address Bit 18
`Address Bit 19
`Address Bit 20
`Address Bit 21
`Card Power
`Programming Supply
`Voltage 2
`Address Bit 22
`Address Bit 23
`Address Bit 24
`Address Bit 25
`Voltage Sense 2
`Card Reset
`Extend Bus Cycle
`Input Port Acknowledge
`Register and I/O select
`Digital Audio
`Card Status Changed
`Data Bit 8
`Data Bit 9
`Data Bit 10
`Card Detect 2
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology
`PC Card Pinout - I/O Mode


`Page 8
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`68 pin Card Side Connector - 5 Volt
`Surface A
`Surface B
`Pin 1
`Pin 35
`68 pin Socket - 5 Volt (System side)
`Front view
`Pin 34
`Right angle connector hole pattern - Top side
`Right angle connector hole pattern - Bottom Side
`Pin 68
`Pin 34
`Pin 68
`Pin 1
`Pin 35
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`B. PC Card Timing ReferenceB. PC Card Timing Reference
`B.1 I/O Read TimingB.1 I/O Read Timing
`Page 9
`T1 06
`I/O Read TimingI/O Read Timing
`tsuA (IORD)
`td (IORD)
`td (WT)
`th (IORD)
`REG# setup to IORD#
`Address hold after IORD# de-asserted
`REG# hold after IORD# de-asserted
`CE# to IORD# setup time
`Address setup before IORD#
`IORD# strobe width
`INPACK# delay from IORD# active
`INPACK# delay from IORD# inactive
`IOIS16# delay from Address valid
`Data Valid after IORD#
`IORD# to WAIT# delay
`WAIT# width
`Data Valid after WAIT# inactive
`Data hold after IORD# de-asserted
`IOIS16# delay from address invalid
`CE# hold after IORD# inactive
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`Page 10
`B.2 I/O Write TimingB.2 I/O Write Timing
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`R EG #
`D in
`T1 01
`T1 15
`I/O Write TimingI/O Write Timing
`tsuREG (IOWR) REG# setup to IOWR#
`thA (IOWR)
`Address hold after IOWR# de-asserted
`REG# hold after IOWR# de-asserted
`tsuCE (IOWR)
`CE# to IOWR# setup time
`tsuA (IOWR)
`Address setup before IOWR#
`IOWR# strobe width
`IOIS16# delay from Address valid
`tsu (IOWR)
`Data Setup before IOWR#
`tdWT (IOWR)
`IOWR# to WAIT# delay
`tw WT
`WAIT# width
`tdr IOWR (WT) WAIT# deasserted to IOWR# deasserted
`th (IOWR)
`Data hold after IOWR# de-asserted
`IOIS16# delay from address invalid
`CE# hold after IOWR# de-asserted
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`B.3 Memory Read TimingB.3 Memory Read Timing
`A[25:0], REG#
`Page 11
`Memory Read TimingMemory Read Timing
`th (A)
`ta (CE)
`ta (OE)
`tsu (A)
`tv (WT-OE)
`tw (WT)
`ten (OE)
`tv (WT)
`tdis (OE)
`Read Cycle Time
`Address access time
`Address hold time
`CE# access time
`OE# access time
`Address setup time
`WAIT# Valid from OE#
`WAIT# Pulse width
`Output enable time from OE#
`Data setup for WAIT# released
`Output disable inactive to data float
`Output enable time from CE#
`CE# setup time
`CE# hold after OE# inactive
`NoteNote: All timing for 250ns accesses to common memory. 600ns cycle times apply for 3.3V operation.
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`Page 12
`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`B.4 Memory Write TimingB.4 Memory Write Timing
`T100T102T101T109T108T103T110T112T106DinT113A[25:0], REG#CE[1:0]#WAIT#T104OE#WE#T105T107T111DoutT114T115T116T118T117
`Memory Write Memory Write TimingTiming
`tsu(CE - WEH)
`Write cycle time
`CE# active to WE# high
`Address valid to WE# high
`Write recover time
`Output enable setup OE# to WE#
`CE# hold time
`WE# pulse width
`Address setup time
`WAIT# valid from WE# active
`WAIT# pluse width
`WE# high from WAIT# inactive
`Data setup time
`Data hold time
`Output disable time from OE# inactive
`Output enable time from OE# active
`Output enable time from WE# inactive
`Output disable from WE# active
`CE# setup time
`Output enable hold from WE#
`NoteNote: All timing for 250ns speed version. 600ns cycle times apply for 3.3V operation. See PC Card
`Standard for other speed versions.
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


`PCCextend 100 User’s Manual
`C. PCCextend 100 SchematicC. PCCextend 100 Schematic
`Page 13
`ª 1994-95 Sycard Technology


` 1
` 3
` 5
` 7
` 9
` 11
` 13
` 15
` 17
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` 25
` 27
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` 31
` 33
`2 2
`4 4
`6 6
`8 8
`10 10
`12 12
`14 14
`16 16
`18 18
`20 20
`22 22
`24 24
`26 26
`28 28
`30 30
`32 32
`34 34
`2 X 17
` 2
` 4
` 6
` 8
` 10
` 12
` 14
` 16
` 18
` 20
` 22
` 24
` 26
` 28
` 30
` 32
` 34
`1 1
`3 3
`5 5
`7 7
`9 9
`11 11
`13 13
`15 15
`17 17
`19 19
`21 21
`23 23
`25 25
`27 27
`29 29
`31 31
`33 33
`2 X 17
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
` 7
` 8
` 9
` 10
` 11
` 12
` 13
` 14
` 15
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` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` 26
` 27
` 28
` 29
` 30
` 31
` 32
` 33
` 34
`GND 35
`CD1 36
`D11 37
`D12 38
`D13 39
`D14 40
`D15 41
`CE2 42
`RFSH 43
`IORD 44
`IOWR 45
`A17 46
`A18 47
`A19 48
`A20 49
`A21 50
`VCCX 51
`VPP2 52
`A22 53
`A23 54
`A24 55
`A25 56
`RFU 57
`WAIT 59
`REG 61
`BVD2 62
`BVD1 63
`D8 64
`D9 65
`D10 66
`CD2 67
`GND 68
`Sycard Technology
`PCCextend 100 - Host Connector
`Size Document Number
`Date: April 4, 1995 Sheet 1 of 4


`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`C17 CAP
`0 OHM
`C18 CAP
`0 OHM
`C19 CAP
`0 OHM
`C32 CAP
`0 OHM
`C33 CAP
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`C20 CAP
`0 OHM
`C21 CAP
`0 OHM
`C22 CAP
`0 OHM
`C34 CAP
`0 OHM
`C35 CAP
`0 OHM
`C36 CAP
`0 OHM
`C37 CAP
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`C10 CAP
`0 OHM
`C11 CAP
`C23 CAP
`0 OHM
`C24 CAP
`0 OHM
`C25 CAP
`0 OHM
`C26 CAP
`0 OHM
`0 OHM
`C38 CAP
`0 OHM
`C41 CAP
`0 OHM
`C39 CAP
`0 OHM
`C40 CAP
`0 OHM
`C12 CAP
`0 OHM
`C13 CAP
`0 OHM
`C14 CAP
`0 OHM
`C15 CAP
`0 OHM
`C16 CAP
`C27 CAP
`0 OHM
`C28 CAP
`0 OHM
`C29 CAP
`0 OHM
`C30 CAP
`0 OHM
`C31 CAP
`0 OHM
`C42 CAP
`Sycard Technology
`PCCextend 100 - Data/Address Filters
`Size Document Number
`Date: April 4, 1995 Sheet 2 of 4


`0 OHM
`C43 CAP
`0 OHM
`C44 CAP
`0 OHM
`C45 CAP
`0 OHM
`C46 CAP
`0 OHM
`C47 CAP
`0 OHM
`C48 CAP
`0 OHM
`C49 CAP
`0 OHM
`C50 CAP
`0 OHM
`C51 CAP
`0 OHM
`C52 CAP
`0 OHM
`C53 CAP
`0 OHM
`C54 CAP
`0 OHM
`C55 CAP
`0 OHM
`C56 CAP
`0 OHM
`C57 CAP
`0 OHM
`C58 CAP
`0 OHM
`C59 CAP
`0 OHM
`C60 CAP
`Sycard Technology
`Size Document Number
`Date: January 11, 1995 Sheet 3 of 4


`100 ohm
`220 ohm
` 1
` 2
` 3
` 4
` 5
` 6
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` 11
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` 20
` 21
` 22
` 23
` 24
` 25
` 26
` 27
` 28
` 29
` 30
` 31
` 32
` 33
` 34
`GND 35
`CD1 36
`D11 37
`D12 38
`D13 39
`D14 40
`D15 41
`CE2 42
`RFSH 43
`IORD 44
`IOWR 45
`A17 46
`A18 47
`A19 48
`A20 49
`A21 50
`VCCX 51
`VPP2 52
`A22 53
`A23 54
`A24 55
`A25 56
`RFU 57
`WAIT 59
`REG 61
`BVD2 62
`BVD1 63
`D8 64
`D9 65
`D10 66
`CD2 67
`GND 68
`Sycard Technology
`PCCextend 100 - Card Connector
`Size Document Number
`Date: April 6, 1995 Sheet 4 of 4

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