`MARCH 2. 1998
`enumernliun procedure ngI
` it changes course of USB
`Leading Edqe
`IC changes course of USB enumeration procedure
`'lhr: EZ—LF'SB famiiy III “.35 1mm Ancimr I'iilips
`integrates il ingh-ptrl'onnancc un'rroron—
`IIII‘lIIdIEs hardware suppnri” [or low—
`ll:‘.'l.‘.l USB signaiing. and takes a new tack tn
`Inaximi/u fluxil'iiliry in lilc L‘SB L‘numurMiIm
`prlnrmlllfs'. 1111150 I'E‘aturcx Llil‘ff‘rtnIlJLQ
`Am'hI'Ir’S It's {nun Inosl other USB ICs and provide a single-
`IIIIp LSI’. iI'aniva‘nialiun that Lam mum;-
`in appllcatinns
`ranging Hum C”I)St-$I."l1.'iil.i\'t" pnriphcrals. Mich as pointing
`dovigcs. to high-end devirns, such .15. scanners.
`'[ l”I<‘. Ii . inILIImol'ai'I-s un BUS l {snnpatihle cure WiLll Support
`lrunI I'l legion (If301tw:IrtI-IlI—lenpmvnl lIZIOiS inns: multiple
`wnI Inns. Mme: 15 us, the mk- oil's-1's il ii s-‘ciI Ild in Just in pHIOlI‘II-
`.II‘lLL‘ LIVL‘I‘ nti-the-shvli 8051 IL's. In addifiun, nithough must
`IIIuIIIIfiI-Liiururs minimizx print-5 |1_\' using the microcnntmller
`to handle inw-lcvu] signal handshakes, the 11.2-11.5]!-
`ll‘Jl'_'l|.|le stutt- machim-s that nl'l'load [llL'bu task frnm tlar micro-
`I In: hardware signaling leaves the microcommller
`true in hand]? more puiplieral functions and. tlierufore.
`.Iilnws nit-signers in use like II: in more complex desires.
`lffis Ills-n use an cnumemtmn scheme to maxilmzc
`llt' inIiIih- in pi riplicmls \ id Ikns'nlniulabit cnnlsnl firmniup.
`lin- (' his sIIIIIclIIrIl specifim that .“I pcnpherai must go
`{Innugh IIII Inumnaiinn pr'rrccduru whenever rhI peripher-
`.11 C”-.'Imnuls “II ”II: bus. During This prncu‘iulc,
`thI.‘ host
`assigns rhr peripheral 21 unique. ID. and the peripheral pm-
`viIir-s Hm;- host with l.ll'Yli.'l'.' nearly-Inn that Inclimno the
`[lenpliE-Iai's ('rlIlill'JililtlE‘S.
`in contrast, the L2~USB It's an through lilis enumeration
`:"U‘ik‘illil'f‘ and fitahlnh :1 lulsuiinc tmiigumnnn. ”I'lu-
`:hcn dIm-nluad new firms-Jam from the host, simnlnic a dis—
`mnIII:I:iHrvI;IInIIItI‘.i (Wit and rcpt-3.11 the «Infiltration, pm.
`VitiiTI}: Uptinlccl dcscnptms to Ihc mm. This finftwiil't‘JL'lSPLi
`mnriguraII-m sclwmv lJHL‘lS several advautugus. For exam-
`ple, n simplifih mills-III;- updates to peripherals. LI feature.
`this! (”an in- iliil..‘01'lillli it; .‘i new intcilntc, Such as” [ISl-i.
`of iCs Integrates an 8051 mkrocontroller
`The EZ—USI fasnl
`with a USII lnte ace that's handles all USB signaling. The l(
`supports postage-stampsized designs.
`software-based cunfiguratinn also enables Hm in (il‘.\"[?il{)p
`Inuitifunctinn peripherals. A USP-hawd ptripheml muld
`take on the mic 01' a modem during {Int session. for exam-
`plL’. nnd an audin wntiwsimr during anoihL-r SCh'sinlL
`The company nfr'Ifrs thIEL‘ missions Ul sin: FA-lfhll. ‘lhr-
`A3512 HIS integrates as kbytes of RAM and in {EU lines and
`costs” 36.36 {10.000}. The ANZHIQ adds tight more ISO
`lines and costs 5?.31 [1 0111.10}, and the ANZIHQ inIzreII5L-s
`memory to I I; khytcs of RA M fur $8. ?2 {1|},0I’KEI. :JIm‘ hm also
`offers an ljZ-Libli Kctlcratnr derrlnpnn-nt” kit I'm $495. The
`kit inI”'|III:ics a dcvclopnmni board, an Sflfii compiler, II gen-
`DI”eIl—1.JII11)I15I:USP.Ilevitft.’dri\‘cr, and sampleminivan-{Ind dli-
`\‘L‘l’ [2()(l(-‘..—b}' Maury Wright
`Anchor Chips, 53!: Diugn, (A. i—I’il'J-I‘S}’ —'.-"Jii|".| wuw
`(Wink N0. 521]
`Exhibit 2037 - Page 01 of 01
`LG Elecs. V. Cypress Semiconductor
`IPR2014-01386, US. Pat. 6,012,103
`EXHIBIT ”2037 ”
`Exhibit 2037 - Page 01 of 01