` Registers
`This section describes the MoBL-USB FX2LP18 registers in the order they appear in the memory map, see Figure 5-3 on
`page 81. The registers are named according to the following conventions.
`Most registers deal with endpoints. The general register format is DDDnFFF, where:
`❐ DDD is endpoint direction, IN or OUT with respect to the USB host.
`n is the endpoint number, where:
`❐ ’ISO’ indicates isochronous endpoints as a group.
`FFF is the function, where:
`❐ CS is a control and status register
`❐ IRQ is an Interrupt Request bit
`❐ IE is an Interrupt Enable bit
`❐ BC, BCL, and BCH are byte count registers. BC is used for single byte counts, and BCH/BCL are used as the high and
`low bytes of 16-bit byte counts.
`❐ DATA is a single-register access to a FIFO.
`❐ BUF is the start address of a buffer.
`Example Register Format
`❐ EP1INBC is the Endpoint 1 IN byte count.
`Other Conventions
`USB–Indicates a global (not endpoint-specific) USB function.
`ADDR–Is an address.
`VAL–Means valid.
`FRAME–Is a frame count.
`PTR–Is an address pointer.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 237 of 346

`Register Name
`R, W access
`Default val
`R, W access
`Default val
`R, W access
`Default val
`Register Function
`R, W access
`R, W access
`Default val
`Default val
`R, W access
`Default val
`R, W access
`Default val
`R, W access
`Default val
`The register table above illustrates the register description format used in this chapter.
`■ The top line shows the register name, functional description, and address in the memory.
`■ The second line shows the bit position in the register.
`■ The third line shows the name of each bit in the register.
`■ The fourth line shows CPU accessibility: R(ead), W(rite), or R/W.
`■ The fifth line shows the default value. These values apply after a hard reset.
`Special Function Registers (SFR)
`MoBL-USB FX2LP18 implements many control registers as SFRs (Special Function Registers). These SFRs are shown in
`Table 15-1. bold type indicates SFRs which are not in the standard 8051, but are included in the MoBL-USB FX2LP18.
`Table 15-1. MoBL-USB FX2LP18 Special Function Registers (SFR)
`All un-labeled SFRs are reserved.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 238 of 346

`15.3 About SFRs
`Because the SFRs are directly addressable internal registers, firmware can access them quickly, without the overhead of
`loading the data pointer and performing a MOVX instruction. For example, the firmware reads the Port B pins using a single
`instruction, as shown below.
`Single instruction to read port B:
`In the same manner, firmware writes the value 0x55 to Port C using only one MOV instruction, as shown below.
`Single instruction to read port C:
`SFRs in Table 15-1 on page 238 rows 0 and 8 are bit-addressable; individual bits of the registers may be efficiently set,
`cleared, or toggled using special bit-addressing instructions (for example, setb IOB.2 sets bit 2 of the IOB register).
`Port A (bit addressable)
`Port B (bit addressable)
`Autopointer 1 Address HIGH
`Autopointer 1 Address LOW
`Autopointer 2 Address HIGH
` SFR 0x80
`SFR 0x90
`SFR 0x9A
`SFR 0x9B
`SFR 0x9D
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 239 of 346

`Autopointer 2 Address LOW
`Port C (bit addressable)
`Interrupt 2 Clear
`Interrupt 4 Clear
`SFR 0x9E
`SFR 0xA0
`SFR 0xA1
`SFR 0xA2
`Writing any value to INT2CLR or INT4CLR clears the INT2 or INT4 interrupt request bit for the INT2/INT4 interrupt currently
`being serviced.
`Writing to one of these registers has the same effect as clearing the appropriate interrupt request bit in the MoBL-USB
`FX2LP18 external register space. For example, suppose the EP2 Empty Flag interrupt is asserted. The MoBL-USB
`FX2LP18 automatically sets bit 1 of the EP2FIFOIRQ register (in External Data memory space, at 0xE651), and asserts
`the INT4 interrupt request.
`Using autovectoring, the MoBL-USB FX2LP18 automatically calls (vectors to) the EP2_FIFO_EMPTY 2 Interrupt Service
`Routine (ISR). The first task in the ISR is to clear the interrupt request bit, EP2FIFOIRQ.1. The firmware can do this either
`by accessing the EP2FIFOIRQ register (at 0xE651) and writing a ‘1’ to bit 1, or simply by writing any value to INT4CLR.
`The first method requires the use of the data pointer, which must be saved and restored along with the accumulator in an
`ISR. The second method is much faster and does not require saving the data pointer, so it is preferred.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 240 of 346

`Endpoint(s) 2,4,6,8 Status Flags
`The bits in EP2468STAT correspond to Endpoint Status bits in the MoBL-USB FX2LP18 register file, as follows:
`Table 15-2. SFR and MoBL-USB FX2LP18 Register File Correspondences
`MoBL-USB FX2LP18 Register File
`EP8 Full flag
`EP8 Empty flag
`EP6 Full flag
`EP6 Empty flag
`EP4 Full flag
`EP4 Empty flag
`EP2 Full flag
`EP2 Empty flag
`Note The Endpoint status bits represent the Packet Status.
`Endpoint(s) 2, 4 Slave FIFO Status Flags
`Endpoint(s) 6, 8 Slave FIFO Status Flags
`Autopointer(s) 1 and 2 Setup
`MoBL-USB FX2LP18 provides two identical autopointers. They are similar to the internal ‘DPTR’ data pointers, but with an
`additional feature: each can automatically increment after every memory access. Using one or both of the autopointers, firm-
`ware can perform very fast block memory transfers.
`The AUTOPTRSETUP register is configured as follows:
`■ Set APTRnINC=0 to freeze the address pointer, APTRnINC=1 to automatically increment it for every read or write of an
`XAUTODATn register. This bit defaults to 1, enabling the auto-increment feature.
`■ Set APTREN=1 to enable the autopointer for on-chip memory access.
`The firmware then writes a 16-bit address to AUTOPTRHn/Ln. Then, for every read or write of an XAUTODATn register, the
`address pointer automatically increments (if APTRnINC=1).
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 241 of 346

`Port D (bit addressable)
`SFR 0xB0
`MoBL-USB FX2LP18 IO ports PORTA-PORTD appear as bit-addressable SFRS. Reading a register or bit returns the logic
`level of the port pin that’s two CLKOUT-clocks old. Writing a register bit writes the port latch. Whether or not the port latch
`value appears on the IO pin depends on the state of the pin’s OE (Output Enable) bit. The IO pins may also be assigned alter-
`nate function values, in which case the IOx and OEx bit values are overridden on a bit-by-bit basis.
`IOD is bit-addressable. Use Bit 2 to set PORTD - single instruction:
`; set bit 2 of IOD SFR
`Port E
`SFR 0xB1
`IO port PORTE is also accessed using an SFR, but unlike the PORTA-PORTD SFRs, it is not bit-addressable.
`Use OR to set bit 3:
`; set bit 3
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 242 of 346

`Port A Output Enable
`Port B Output Enable
`Port C Output Enable
`Port D Output Enable
`Port E Output Enable
`SFR 0xB2
`SFR 0xB3
`SFR 0xB4
`SFR 0xB5
`SFR 0xB6
`The bits in 0EA - 0EE turn on the output buffers for the five IO Ports PORTA-PORTE. Set a bit to ‘1’ to turn on the output
`buffer, set it to ‘0’ to turn the buffer off.
`Endpoint 0 and 1 Status
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 243 of 346

`see Section 15.15
`Endpoint 2,4,6,8 GPIF Slave
`FIFO Trigger
`GPIF Data HIGH (16-bit mode only)
`GPIF Data LOW w/Trigger
`GPIF Data LOW w/No Trigger
`Most of these SFR registers are also accessible in external RAM space, at the addresses shown in Table 15-3.
`Table 15-3. SFR Registers and External RAM Equivalent
`SFR Register Name
`External Ram Register Address and Name
`E6D4, E6DC, E6E4, E6EC
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 244 of 346

`15.4 GPIF Waveform Memories
`GPIF Waveform Descriptor Data
` x
` x
`GPIF Waveform Descriptor 0, 1, 2, 3 Data
` x
` x
`*Accessible only when IFCFG1:0 = 10.
`The four GPIF waveform descriptor tables are stored in this space. See the General Programmable Interface chapter on
`page 135 for details.
`15.5 General Configuration Registers
`CPU Control and Status
`CPU Control and Status
`Bit 5
`PORTC access generates RD and WR strobes
`The 100-pin MoBL-USB FX2LP18 packages have two output pins, RD and WR, that can be used to
`synchronize data transfers on IO PORTC. When PORTCSTB=1, this feature is enabled. Any read of
`PORTC activates a RD strobe, and any write to PORTC activates a WR strobe. The RD and WR
`strobes are asserted for two CLKOUT cycles; the WR strobe asserts two CLKOUT cycles after the
`PORTC pins are updated.
`Bit 4-3
`CPU Clock Speed
`CPU Clock
`12 MHz (Default)
`24 MHz
`48 MHz
`These bits set the CPU clock speed. On a hard reset, these bits default to 00 (12 MHz). Firmware may modify these bits at any time.
`Bit 2
`Bit 1
`Bit 0
`Invert CLKOUT Signal
`CLKINV=0: CLKOUT signal not inverted (as shown in all timing diagrams).
`CLKINV=1: CLKOUT signal inverted.
`Drive CLKOUT Pin
`CLKOE=1: CLKOUT pin driven.
`CLKOE=0: CLKOUT pin floats.
`8051 Reset
`The USB host writes ‘1’ to this bit to reset the 8051, and ‘0’ to run the 8051. Only the USB host writes
`to this bit (via the 0xA0 firmware load command).
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 245 of 346

`Interface Configuration (Ports, GPIF, slave FIFOs)
`Bit 7
`Interface Configuration (Ports, GPIF, slave FIFOs)
`FIFO/GPIF Clock Source
`This bit selects the clock source for both the FIFOs and GPIF. If IFCLKSRC=0, the external clock on
`the IFCLK pin is selected. If IFCLKSRC=1 (default), an internal 30- or 48-MHz (default) clock is used.
`Bit 6
`Internal FIFO/GPIF Clock Frequency
`This bit selects the internal FIFO and GPIF clock frequency.
`FIFO and GPIF Clock
`30 MHz (default)
`48 MHz
`IFCLK pin output enable
`Invert the IFCLK signal
`This bit indicates that the IFCLK signal is inverted.
`When IFCLKPOL=0, the clock has the polarity shown in all the timing diagrams in this manual.
`When IFCLKPOL=1, the clock is inverted.
`Figure 15-1. IFCLK Configuration
`30 MHz
`48 MHz
`Bit 5
`Bit 4
`Bit 3
`Slave FIFO Asynchronous Mode
`When ASYNC=0, the Slave FIFOs operate synchronously: a clock is supplied either internally or
`externally on the IFCLK pin; the FIFO control signals function as read and write enable signals for the
`clock signal.
`When ASYNC=1, the Slave FIFOs operate asynchronously: no clock signal input to IFCLK is
`required; the FIFO control signals function directly as read and write strobes.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 246 of 346

`Bit 2
`Drive GSTATE [2:0] on PORTE [2:0]
`When GSTATE=1, three bits in Port E take on the signals shown below. The GSTATE bits,
`which indicate GPIF states, are used for diagnostic purposes.
`IO Pin
`Alternate Function
`Bit 1-0
`Select Interface Mode (Ports, GPIF, or Slave FIFO)
`GPIF Interface (internal master)
`Slave FIFO Interface (external
`These bits control the following MoBL-USB FX2LP18 interface signals, as shown below.
`IFCFG1:0 = 00
`IFCFG1:0 = 10
`(GPIF Master)
`IFCFG1:0 = 11
`(Slave FIFO)
`Note Signals shown in bold type do not change with IFCFG; they are shown for completeness.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 247 of 346

`Slave FIFO FLAGA-FLAGD Pin Configuration
`see Section 15.15
`see Section 15.15
`Slave FIFO FLAGA and FLAGB Pin Configuration
`Slave FIFO FLAGC and FLAGD Pin Configuration
`The MoBL-USB FX2LP18 has four FIFO flag output pins, FLAGA, FLAGB, FLAGC and FLAGD. These flags can be pro-
`grammed to represent various FIFO flags using four select bits for each FIFO. The PINFLAGSAB register controls the FLAGA
`and FLAGB signals, and the PINFLAGSCD register controls the FLAGC and FLAGD signal. The 4-bit coding for all four flags
`is the same, as shown in Table 15-4. In the ‘FLAGx’ notation, ‘x’ can be A, B, C or D.
`Table 15-4. FIFO Flag Pin Functions
`Pin Function
`Note FLAGD defaults to EP2PF (fixed flag).
`(Actual FIFO is selected by FIFOADR[0,1] pins)
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 248 of 346

`For the default (0000) selection, the four FIFO flags are indexed as shown in the first table entry. The input pins FIFOADR1
`and FIFOADR0 select to which of the four FIFOs the flags correspond. These pins are decoded as follows:
`Selected FIFO
`For example, if FLAGA[3:0]=0000 and the FIFO address pins are driven to [01], then FLAGA is the EP4-Programmable Flag,
`FLAGB is the EP4-Full Flag, and FLAGC is the EP4-Empty Flag, and FLAGD defaults as PA7. Set PORTACFG.7 = 1 to use
`FLAGD which by default is EP2PF(fixed flag).
`The other (non-zero) values of FLAGx[3:0] allow the designer to independently configure the four flag outputs FLAGA-FLAGD
`to correspond to any flag—Programmable, Full, or Empty—from any of the four endpoint FIFOS. This allows each flag to be
`assigned to any of the four FIFOS, including those not currently selected by the FIFOADDR pins. For example, external logic
`could be filling the EP2IN FIFO with data while also checking the full flag for the EP4OUT FIFO.
`FIFO Reset
`see Section 15.15
`Restore FIFOs to Default State
`Write 0x80 to this register to NAK all transfers from the host, then write 0x02, 0x04, 0x06, or 0x08 to reset an individual FIFO
`(for example, to restore endpoint FIFO flags and byte counts to their default states), then write 0x00 to restore normal opera-
`Bit 3-0
`By writing the desired endpoint number (2,4,6,8), MoBL-USB FX2LP18 logic resets the individual
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 249 of 346

`Breakpoint, Breakpoint Address High, Breakpoint Address Low
`Breakpoint Control
`Bit 3
`Bit 2
`Bit 1
`Bit 15-0 A15:0
`Enable Breakpoint
`The BREAK bit is set when the CPU address bus matches the address held in the bit breakpoint
`address registers (0xE606/07). The BKPT pin reflects the state of this bit. Write a ‘1’ to the BREAK bit
`to clear it. It is not necessary to clear the BREAK bit if the pulse mode bit (BPPULSE) is set.
`Breakpoint Pulse Mode
`Set this bit to ‘1’ to pulse the BREAK bit (and BKPT pin) high for 8 CLKOUT cycles when the 8051
`address bus matches the address held in the breakpoint address registers. When this bit is set to ‘0’,
`the BREAK bit (and BKPT pin) remains high until it is cleared by firmware.
`Breakpoint Enable
`If this bit is ‘1’, a BREAK signal is generated whenever the 16-bit address lines match the value in the
`Breakpoint Address Registers (BPADDRH:L). The behavior of the BREAK bit and associated BKP
`pin signal is either latched or pulsed, depending on the state of the BPPULSE bit.
`Breakpoint Address High
`Breakpoint Address Low
`High and Low Breakpoint Address
`When the current 16-bit address (code or XDATA) matches the BPADDRH/BPADDRL address, a
`breakpoint event occurs. The BPPULSE and BPEN bits in the BREAKPT register control the action
`taken on a breakpoint event.
`230 Kbaud Clock (T0, T1, T2)
`Bit 1- 0
`230 KBaud Clock for T1
`Set 230 KBaud Operation
`Setting these bits to 1 overrides the timer inputs to the USARTs, and USART0 and USART1 will use
`the 230 KBaud clock rate. This mode provides the correct frequency to the USART regardless of the
`CPU clock frequency (12, 24, or 48 MHz).
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 250 of 346

`Slave FIFO Interface Pins Polarity
`Slave FIFO Interface Pins Polarity
`see Section 15.15
`Bit 5
`Bit 4
`Bit 3
`Bit 2
`Bit 1
`Bit 0
`FIFO Packet End Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the PKTEND FIFO input pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data
`sheet (active low). 1 selects active high.
`FIFO Output Enable Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the SLOE FIFO input pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data sheet
`(active low). 1 selects active high.
`FIFO Read Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the SLRD FIFO input pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data sheet
`(active low). 1 selects active high.
`FIFO Write Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the SLWR FIFO input pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data sheet
`(active low). 1 selects active high.
`Empty Flag Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the Empty Flag output pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data
`sheet (active low). 1 selects active high.
`Full Flag Polarity
`This bit selects the polarity of the Full Flag output pin. 0 selects the polarity shown in the data sheet
`(active low). 1 selects active high.
`Chip Revision ID
`Bit 7-0
`Chip Revision ID
`Chip Revision Number
`These register bits define the silicon revision.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 251 of 346

`Chip Revision Control
`See Section 15.15
`Chip Revision Control
`Important Note DYN_OUT and ENH_PKT default to ‘0’ on a hard reset. Cypress highly recommends setting both
`bits to ‘1’.
`Bit 1
`Bit 0
`Disable Auto-Arming at the 0-1 transition of AUTOOUT
`When DYN_OUT=0, the core automatically arms the endpoints when AUTOOUT is switched from ‘0’
`to “1’. This means that firmware must reset the endpoint (and risk losing endpoint data) when switch-
`ing between Auto-Out mode and Manual-Out mode.
`When DYN_OUT=1, the core disables auto-arming of the endpoints when AUTOOUT transitions
`from ‘0’ to ‘1’. This feature allows CPU intervention when switching between AUTO and Manual mode
`without having to reset the endpoint.
`Note When DYN_OUT=1 and AUTOOUT=1, the CPU is responsible for ‘priming the pump’ by
`initially arming the endpoints (OUTPKTEND w/SKIP=1 to pass packets to host).
`Enhanced Packet Handling
`When ENH_PKT=0, the CPU can neither source OUT packets nor skip IN packets; it has only the
`following capabilities:
`OUT packets: Skip or Commit
`IN packets: Commit or Edit/Source
`When ENH_PKT=1, the CPU has additional capabilities:
`OUT packets: Skip, Commit, or Edit/Source
`IN packets: Skip, Commit, or Edit/Source
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 252 of 346

`15.5.10 GPIF Hold Time
`For any transaction where the GPIF writes data onto FD[15:0], this register determines how long the data is held. Valid
`choices are ‘0’, ‘½’, or ‘1’ IFCLK cycle. This register applies to any data written by the GPIF to FD[15:0], whether through a
`flow state or not.
`For non-flow states, the hold amount is really just a delay of the normal (non-held) presentation of FD[15:0] by the amount
`specified in HOLDTIME[1:0].
`For flow states in which the GPIF is the master on the bus (FLOWSTB.SLAVE = 0), the hold amount is with respect to the
`activating edge (see FLOW_MASTERSTB_EDGE) of Master Strobe (which will be a CTL pin in this case).
`For flow states in which the GPIF is the slave on the bus (FLOWSTB.SLAVE = 1), the hold amount is really just a delay of the
`normal (non-held) presentation of FD[15:0] by the amount specified in HOLDTIME[1:0] in reaction to the activating edge of
`Master Strobe (which will be a RDY pin in this case). Note the hold amount is NOT directly with respect to the activating edge
`of Master Strobe in this case. It is with respect to when the data would normally come out in response to Master Strobe includ-
`ing any latency to synchronize Master Strobe.
`In all cases, the data will be held for the desired amount even if the ensuing GPIF state calls for the data bus to be tri-stated.
`In other words the FD[15:0] output enable will be held by the same amount as the data itself.
`Bits 1-0 HOLDTIME[1:0]
`GPIF Hold Time
`00 = 0 IFCLK cycles
`01 = ½ IFCLK cycle
`10 = 1 IFCLK cycle
`11 = Reserved
`Endpoint Configuration
`Endpoint 1-OUT/Endpoint 1-IN Configurations
`Bit 7
`Endpoint 1-OUT Configuration
`Endpoint 1-IN Configuration
`Activate an Endpoint
`Set VALID=1 to activate an endpoint, and VALID=0 to de-activate it. All endpoints default to VALID.
`An endpoint whose VALID bit is 0 does not respond to any USB traffic.
`Bit 5-4
`Defines the Endpoint Type
`These bits define the endpoint type, as shown in the table below.
`Endpoint Type
`BULK (default)
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 253 of 346

`Endpoint 2, 4, 6 and 8 Configuration
`Endpoint 2 Configuration
`Endpoint 4 Configuration
`Endpoint 6 Configuration
`Endpoint 8 Configuration
`These registers configure the large, data-handling endpoints.
`Bit 7
`Bit 6
`Bit 5-4
`Activate an Endpoint
`Set VALID=1 to activate an endpoint, and VALID=0 to de-activate it. All endpoints default to valid. An
`endpoint whose VALID bit is 0 does not respond to any USB traffic.
`Sets Endpoint Direction
`0 = OUT, 1 = IN
`Defines the Endpoint Type
`These bits define the endpoint type, as shown in the table below. The TYPE bits apply to all of the
`large-endpoint configuration registers.
`Endpoint Type
`BULK (default)
`Bit 3
`Bit 1-0
`Sets Size of Endpoint Buffer
`0 = 512 bytes, 1 = 1024 bytes
`Endpoints 4 and 8 can only be 512 bytes. Endpoints 2 and 6 are selectable.
`Buffering Type/Amount
`The amount of endpoint buffering is presented in the table below.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 254 of 346

`Note The Valid bit is ignored when buffer space is allocated by the EZ-USB (for example, BUF[1:0] takes precedence over the Valid bit).
`When you are not using all of the endpoints in the endpoint configuration, disable the unused endpoints by writing a zero into the “valid” bit of
`the corresponding EPxCFG register without disturbing the default state of the other bits in the register.
`For example, if the endpoint configuration 11 (see 1.18 MoBL-USB FX2LP18 Endpoint Buffers on page 28), which uses only endpoints 2
`and 8, must be used, configure the endpoints as follows.
`EP2CFG = 0xDB;
`EP8CFG = 0x92;
`EP4CFG &= 0x7F;
`EP6CFG &=0x7F;
`Endpoint 2, 4, 6 and 8/Slave FIFO Configuration
`see Section 15.15
`see Section 15.15
`see Section 15.15
`see Section 15.15
`Bit 6
`Bit 5
`Bit 4
`Endpoint 2/Slave FIFO Configuration
`Endpoint 4/Slave FIFO Configuration
`Endpoint 6/Slave FIFO Configuration
`Endpoint 8/Slave FIFO Configuration
`IN Full Minus One
`When a FIFO configuration register’s ‘INEARLY’ or INFM bit is set to 1, the FIFO flags for that
`endpoint become valid one sample earlier than when the FULL condition occurs. These bits take
`effect only when the FIFOs are operating synchronously—according to an internally- or externally
`supplied clock. Having the FIFO flag indications a clock early simplifies some synchronous interfaces
`(applies only to IN endpoints).
`OUT Empty Plus One
`When a FIFO configuration register’s ‘OUTEARLY’ or OEP1 bit is set to 1, the FIFO flags for that end
`point become valid one sample earlier than when the EMPTY condition occurs. These bits take effect
`only when the FIFOs are operating synchronously—according to an internally- or externally-supplied
`clock. Having the FIFO flag indications a clock early simplifies some synchronous interfaces (applies
`only to OUT endpoints).
`Instantaneous Connection to Endpoint FIFO
`This bit applies only to OUT endpoints.
`When AUTOOUT=1, as soon as a buffer fills with USB data, the buffer is automatically and instanta-
`neously committed to the endpoint FIFO bypassing the CPU. The endpoint FIFO flags and buffer
`counts immediately indicate the change in FIFO status. Refer to the description of the DYN_OUT bit
`in section 15.5.9 Chip Revision Control on page 252.
`When AUTOOUT=0, as soon as a buffer fills with USB data, an endpoint interrupt is asserted. The
`connection of the buffer to the endpoint FIFO is under control of the firmware, rather than automati-
`cally being connected. Using this method, the firmware can inspect the data in OUT packets, and
`based on what it finds, choose to include that packet in the endpoint FIFO or not. The firmware can
`even modify the packet data, and then commit it to the endpoint FIFO. Refer to Enhanced Packet
`Handling in section 15.5.9 Chip Revision Control on page 252.
`The SKIP bit (in the EPxBCL registers) chooses between skipping and committing packet data. Refer
`to OUTPKTEND in section 15.6.8 Force OUT Packet End on page 266.
`MoBL-USB™ TRM, Document # 001-11981 Rev. *B
`Exhibit 2033 - Page 255 of 346

`Bit 3
`Bit 2
`Bit 0
`Auto Commit to SIE
`This bit applies only to IN endpoints.
`MoBL-USB FX2LP18 has EPxAUTOINLEN registers that allow the firmware to configure endpoints to
`sizes smaller than the physical memory sizes used to implement the endpoint buffer

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