`_ -‘il-It: rum: nr museum cnllrume in 1+1: 51111511111115:
`VULLIME 14. |EEL.|E Efl
`Novell to ship enhanced
`router with WAN support
`First in series ef expected internetwerl-ting preduets
`I'I' I.l.I'I‘LI@fI'
`Inst. p1|:u1'1. Lcs 11:1lmdLbc\e'
`an rnhsnccd 1-:35-ioll
`Ncl"17'u":1:'~: M1.Ill:1rrm'lI.1I.'I:1'|
`i:11 .-'|.ug, u1.'1:.1~.1'~:|E1r131u-a'v.'1:1'r1.r.1.1.-
`r.1g.- 1:ulTiv:ia|s.
`The I11'!'k- sn|'|-use package
`will incluclr 5J.|[!IP-.'|l'|: For -1 num-
`:l:111I.1:l.hJ and dc I'a1.'1.e
`nrt'1'u.'1:1r|\. E11.1.1l.<u:r:1|.!L Tin:
`also sup-1:-an wid-r arm
`-::u11u11:11:~1.'L1ul}.- IJDIHIII1!-. 5.111] \-|:w-
`iI1I!r-: Iain. '-ire a1rcs'iL|e11l=1IIi1r
`Net‘-:|| 1r'.1u.~rnu.'tv-«mine product
`valilusri-:Ir.I. I11 !1'a|:1Jrm:.1'.'.:|1:|i:1r.111::.
`The -"l.'|.lfl.|.i‘SlE release is t'3iDI31t'1-
`-ad I0 l'.Ii:
`:1 5I':ri1:x1:d
`l:1:- n1u.'|:1.- N-:l‘n\'u.rI: hclll.-r
`suiwrl I-:1
`|:‘11lI.'l'|'.tl'i5E v.T|.1l11r.|'1ll:i:l1E_
`Dick B-:I_1.'|r:,
`with L111: .ԤI.1.11.1I'r.~rvJ. 1.Tm1m3:I.11.'uI-
`|'|:Lw-nl Ciu.7'I1-11.'r Eimup
`.-'1. neuter 1-: u ru.-I-imric-|J:5.'1.-r
`r«.1.rl:..-ts 4!’
`111::u-missed LAN segtlm-r115. L15.
`:r:ua:|'IrL3 Ilw address |1nI,I:rs -:I1.1
`Ihr |:-xlcct;
`tnturnulmwking r.'nu.r1-cat
`:1 nm:
`:.u:'p;111rnL1 1:1ftl'.11: nr:lw1:1rk i.111:lu:«-
`Ir'_1.'. 11.1
`il11'l1.H:I11.' una-
`Iysts salts nrr ca]:-r:t'br~1l is 1:11:
`$034} million '0-1l.1lIll.
`tin: mm
`lw1.1 j‘Ell.'L
`‘I11: Nc1'|-'-"rlrr Mul1:pru:oml
`mules EE".'IC. TF.
`.I'l.p1:||t'Ta|k. pm!
`Rh-Il3IlCI5Ir11.115.p-:urr pram-sets. II:
`can nniljr mule EI".5|'. puI.'k.!"ls m-124'
`links. l.'|u.I 1hr: upttnning :r:i1.'a$-1.-
`mill add 11-‘id: arra n~:I1Morl-
`l"In'\'.-’1..'\':I suppurl
`1l11.' utlln
`to add 1n lhf
`IJI".Il.'nr:t Phase:
`IV u.111:l
`rl-u; CI."
`El-u I'DI.I'I'II
`'Iu':'.E1.H_ Intr: rf:11::i:::
`'- Frar1'1-El Hate}-
`DEC rushes
`high-end PCS
`to market
`Microsoft lays out
`enterprise products
`Aims te ease big-time dewnsizing
`I‘l"h|'1.ImI: Iacnmuv
`"1'.'In1.Ir.r1.1.-.'1 NT.
`l-_'qui:-mu.-r11 Cure. up-
`.l.I|uIn.11.|l': 1.Japn.-m1:
`pr<yn.'i1',I1:'.IL I1t3'i1-and nun.-
`s:1m1e11: 1-Item fur us .-tlrrlia
`‘.5. when i1
`RISE" |11rt1L'1.'s¢v:1:
`-M:lJ1 plant In
`intn'»:|11rL' r'|.|r-l1.1.-‘.1»:1us.1 high-.-ed
`|:1!1.' llm }1:u.r.
`i|"|1':-'1. I:.l.'i|!1 1:-:1! star M-hL'rs l'n'|.II.'rI.I-
`5;'l1a.'md fi.'|.r: u.11I3 p1I'int151e1'1.'i1:r:1-t. E-
`n'-I1i|. and 11 diwthulu.-d n|:1|:u|ius-
`u.I|L:d11p-1 "1'r'tn-:|-.'11.1-5.
`‘-7-"hiLc 1h1.' L19-1r.1|:1.1r.3r has 5.L'iIi
`:11‘-1L~odurr: call
`[hut rlltp 1-r.i|i ‘scale l'rI:In'1 [,1a|1r.1-
`v.'rI'iI:1::. 51.! rJr‘rI.'|up(‘r>
`l:F']'h N1 rn:1.inF1:rn1,:'5.
`AI: 1hr Wit‘ nF.'1’|i-
`Ir-$l1l;1C1n.11:I.r:r:~:H’l{'ss-e 1:..1r|5.-. I11
`can rlribc ilF|p1]il:il.'iii|F.Il
`|Jl.'IT.' 5:111!
`I!1al at
`wl:-IIl:| n:I|il uul 1.I1'1ricsrIa.1me1s. nnli Sa
`.h.‘t Pa '
`largrr s1r.k1n:I111 31 lb: and v.'Ir'1his En :Ir|gI¥ '-.'
`|I:u1'II:I,g IL‘: plum liuf lI:1|:J1.'w1.'
`r.._. W.
`r:r.11." |1.1:r.1'j..
`Ti'|:.' "'-Ii‘-i P47 H-‘ill PH.‘
`|-.Ir"-'\'I.‘-rl.|;'.I'I:II.1|1r.~i.i1|l.'I- H-.
`1, VI
`thrlr own
`'\'|'"' "
`lIJ|:I'Ib31 lull-.i:11
`i."w1r '5
`work r.1t'll1.r: 'I’~'1111:l1:-1.-.5 .‘*£'|
`ripen‘ icil.
`is lib: Firs: swp Ll'|-
`an1=l11|:r-us Mart Lu rcitssr m-vrr
`I11: 1:rI|.L 5-qqr .m .prrI,|_i
`iilI'|_l.|:'i-'.'ilt'C d-in-.v1'm.r.1n3
`Flrsit Loni-I J Kevin Etrel1-|-::-
`"- uh:
`1.12111 rm aw:-1 fifimnm h'a|n-d.'|11"l:lHl:|- 1-um... IIHIIHIII -P':—. Lam:
`wbduunxrsnlimrulutmu In 11:.-lp
`- la-‘tin: Ipplulinllltlothl 32-lrlll. 1Ir1Il‘tthI||'.'IS.
`Microsoft makes its metre
`ith Windows NT SDK
`l1:m1.'.H.11.'r1. IJ11:1utu.n'_ 3.1.11] il Is
`|."?I§,1'l 1|]
`1.-.1J|:1.I I11: 'W'1nd1-runs HTSDIK
`More 1rI1|1erLtn.1. 1hr "1"-I'ir1-d1.‘-1+5
`tSoel'twaI.'c Dcvrloprrmna Kiri.
`."~'l' SUN rmlmng.
`in tin:
`F'|i'Inr.'a1' T1.-51.1
`l.'.r:r|'lI.'r is wlirl and
`l-'Ei1:m-sol‘! appssanuy In:n-m.-1.1
`litany dd" rI111.'rlr:IJn3
`tin: nnnugh -1|’
`-" arid nroduu wuulmsar
`Lvm2I|.'. II1 11l::acI'1.1u' u.-111:1 u.
`lint 1.'r1sI:11.'nL1.1
`I:1.rn1:l.1 cut"
`.ti:".J.l'.l.r.-'l1.11-111:-nFII1;l.1rt' I r.1.1_.' it"3.'es:u
`t'I1ni- m l&1-:-i5i'l'J.
`Ilse liller
`apps l]1.1.1
`1‘.‘t‘.-d'r.‘ 1.'F]I:l'Cl.IlJlE .5-}'3|L11'|.
`rchiburlure is rlraanl and NW-
`'.'3 will ship seen nitrr the
`ul. 1111: print :5 rin-1:11. a.1
`1.1T HT.
`Inn than the ecrig111:11
`ask force
`- adies API to
`anage LANs
`-- Vllllfiliflf
`high-lei-1:h11du5rrs Lasl.
`I3-It _1INI¥a.|
`l:l|.'|1i11|_L u pI.:r11l1.1-:1|]'r:r u 5i11gJ1.'
`1.1r.11:1'r.11:I'n :Lp,1.':1I 1l.1ut will l|."1 u:111.
`desk:-op PT‘ he manaperldireclly
`F:'uI11 111-1::
`:II1t|:~\rud‘.|\. r1u1ughtn:1n1
`The Dq:s.lc1nr1
`1"1.‘Ir1:.1.' — Llrlprsallgr 1:111:1-
`prisrng .‘.v1:'u.'rnemd'l:
`and ti;-1It.1:-tics
`1--11115-Jnr — in the -I1t'~<1 5-:1-cnl
`t1:u mot:
`:I.]'|f'Ii!1:'.1.|'iI;Il'l pwgnmming
`'|hlNi-DHI1} Elimi-
`111-4111.‘ um]
`I.I|TI-r.'1u|:1. maid.
`I'a:5L FrIn.'1.'
`:11 an-
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01367
`Straight Path - Exhibit 2018 - Page 1

`fl'llIIe.1roa-entteynraaua nlla-enuort-al"l1pI—
`True-Type package offers
`superb variety of fonts
`Package is inexpensive, but sleek
`Ilttt ability to eenipreei rents
`Il':Iui have been deactivated.
`The onl
`trouble I had was
`i tried lei install rnnre_
`lonts than I had worn lor.
`Typ-tease eventually gave me tl.
`General Proleetion Failure
`:1 he olti Unreeoyerahle Appli-
`catinti Et1'nr nenarnied I'nr'Wi.1t-
`flows .l-.|l- atler firtl trying to
`eopy lonts alter running out oi‘
`tlish space and then tr_I,-in; lu-
`It ahoeld not have
`i'nsuI|2|eI:l n-111-'tlt:'rIe my hard dial:
`it didn't
`II thought. "Oh. rtol
`At Iirrl
`anedtee set or‘ ripped-ell type-
`lrttesl" Httt lite eolletlioo ol
`aealehle TrueTlype lypelaees
`lrrtrrt 52 type
`. S"-"-'FI'E irrternatione|'s Type-
`ease la not jeat another sttl nl
`clrrrtetl Enrtla. True. rnnst rat the
`iorttt are elottes ol standards
`li.I!c 5t.'tthl'et'I'n'.. N-elhr E-hsltcrvilhc.
`Bu! suate are clnner. ul ele-
`enrtl hut less-then-usual sus-
`At $99.95, Typeaae is it great bargain
`for people looking to start it ttttsie
`type-faee llhrat-_v,r. It stands out from
`the others in the sea of font
`hemuse it treats the lllTll'|I'lJ-l1l e
`|:iI:e l'.ia:rart1rtn'til Enn-
`.Tanao:It Text. and
`at-'ai-Jaltlespaoe while '
`(‘anion jut.
`'t‘ltere'i e't.'ett in
`$'!|lil.'El5. Tfitetzste it.
`original‘. PC Keys. whieh is I
`[rrelt bargain lot people ltsnlt
`set oikoyboa.-edend-o1J1er enm-
`trig 'l.Il.I alert a. ‘basic tn)-elac
`pnter st1.'.t'al:Ieils lJtat t'Incurrt:ratn-
`liilt-|1r_y. Altltrtuglr high-
`Iiotl p-ulriishers should love. it
`ptttrlislters will iiltely hey th
`was a pleasure to see how well
`original Ptdoh-e Type I type‘
`:|'I'oa' use
`crafted lite typelaces tlrere;
`Iltey printed cleanly r.trt a THEI-
`hureaosl. those l'¢l'|-'ll!I§.Ot.'| lase
`elot-per-ineh Postfieriptprlnter.
`ptrintera [whether .l'ottSet1p‘t
`l':llll T}'pec.l§.e get-ea ll-e].'LIntJ
`l'CL] lurr Ilteir unlptrt It-ill E
`just prnryidirtg l.}'peI'n.n:s. It lets
`Typeerse a Ireleoutre paths;
`that stands out front the man
`you trea1etypeeises.ore.o|lee-
`uthttra i.ttl.lte lea Lt! li.'n1.tIl:nnc|e
`tlstltltl. ottypetaeea that you one
`switch arnnng ll.1 pres-ervle
`5'!-'|'FTE lnterrtattonal. T2
`Izlesittrl standards or simply
`keep the
`ill your
`'I't.1rI.E_yn, HetcI:e'asa'a, D
`"itI'ir1tlnw: app|
`able. .i't.:t1etlher l1:trt:tl'_I.' feature in
`FIRST LOIIIH I ii-""ii 1
`ltllicrostrft rna!-toe its move with wirizlows NT SDH
`in part because de't.'\e]n|'ter:s alreacly ltrtuw [antl
`depend on how for below Hill Microsoft goes
`It-herlit rteleaaes 'lli"ir|tinItInt NT nearllte e1td nI'tI'n's
`hate pre-dtieeel thoesa-rtdn oi poeltaees wIth] the
`Wiru.|trws l.l.]'l[III.l:d ;‘.ITt1H_'ril.1'llIl1I|‘lfl,Il'IlI!t'I'Il!-It [i°iPl]
`But the irnprntrentertu are significant. Tale
`that's being ever so slightly ertende-Ii in Ilte
`‘ll-'irrJ2 .5tl'|!.
`seertrity.!tilto|d.Mierosel1premisese C'.tra1:'rI1
`that will ninlee even government buyers happy
`nrti-e-rt nd' the H1-
`Hare :irr|.p-rsrI|at1I. a sizaltle
`{as will the ability to run Foal: rpplic-Itioosl. The
`inllliurt-Ileenaee Windows rnarilet wilirespondlo
`clever use or l.‘ at. the log-tinliog-out
`a I1i5Ij1er|etre|rtEl'I|Ir1clinnu]iI3.I presented yea the
`hence eliminates Ilte |'nEsna1i:nee
`familiar ‘ii-'irii-.l.ows itttetiaee. There's no question:
`writing an applreation that atlrnles the log-on
`Det.'elctfteq1'tt.'iI! lap the e:t:t1'n. |'li.'l!I.‘£r lterztrse they
`t1 will be ltll.'tall'i'\c.
`s-ereiet1i.n rtrt'Ier1rt-t:a.'[t-11.t.1'e I11. 1.t.rLr.'teIpeclirt]‘a
`,5. |1rtrl'in[ tt:tt.1l tlinl Itaelrts n'i-en-e tl:te -e:t.islJt't5 C
`aoureoeode olwind‘-ows .1.l apt‘-|itII:ioosm'I=r Io
`.-"t.nt:l iI' yr.-A1.t cht:tt.'ete In get tIrr'tl:t Ilte lull li-'|'.icretat.tlI
`Witt]! and HT is included in the SDK. ll elt:lIt:l-
`network soitetionl‘ The separate. LAN Manager
`to-r wintlttwa NT will allow 'inLeg,t-ateit manage-
`open heed. the warninpge. their applications will
`run in lull 31-ltclt rnutle on all the pro-oessota NT
`ment ofntuitiple rieluorlt dontrirts.
`tulenintee dtrough ilrst r.l1il!t'tll'l|1gB.I1El
`st.:t[rpnrtt:. ineittda'ri]_]rtlel :ItlIEt. IZ'li5itaI's Iltitl .i*.lpl:tu
`.|'ltt'r:t.'y -DI
`Ifll."I:|'IE'I'Il:I'lI‘\E [lists {RAID}, and even
`ehip. and the l’-'ill"l'i ll-‘-Utltl
`allow users to worls with the same desktop
`Foitnnately. moylttg an applleetton from the
`Windows .-[Pl lit the ‘N'in.!1 .|'lti"I tlu-esn't t:t.'It.e
`in-engeiiie Itt no matter what woetttatlon they
`_ge:tiIit.. Illeyeloperr who have visited lHiorosoll's
`log; on from.
`'I'lte RAIDS rrtppott is notable. by the tray,
`pitrrtinfi inlt l1:t.'t.'e Ia.'ltiert artfet-I1iere[rnr.t1 a fear tletys
`to a low weelts to ehaege ettiating. ‘Windows 3-.i
`for wrtrleirtg with any "i|I'irtdn'ws ."lT-cloctrapatihle
`SCSL drive without need for a special [read
`up |.ic|| It'l- 31-hit NT l.'l.'ll.ll.'.
`o. the reel enius will lie in what inspired
`t!'.l|'lEI'll'l.'E:I cnattuller.
`deynietpners do w th ea.-tt attetehes of unseg,'reent-
`The iroproved data throughput lr-not 'll'l!«i: strip-
`eel n1e:r|1e|r_y;t1'ittlli|'tIe ll'treat:Ia.1-ti finjr stat 1a.sI:s in
`ing and the error eoreeet lost that iota a RAID!
`parauei, pte-etnptlye multitasking to allow
`ntaelrin-e enttlintte to operate with only {our of
`lI.'|l'l: tllaks itI|l:¢iislIlL|'|.g is aehietred entire-
`ly in aollvrare.
`Data Integrity la improved as well. It
`jrrru :irraIa.ll NT‘: file s_I,-s‘l.erI1 rwer file Il.'llu--
`eation table or High Perforntarree File
`System. every’ change in I'll: atttbcture is
`logged. in the event ol file damage. the
`operating system simply switches to tile
`prcuitatts tmrsiitat.
`|ett'l Tltey
`'l'he larniliar Windows a
`are still less than earthsltaling. but 'LI'L£]I'
`have heen irnprntned. Fnr example. the
`Iile manager ineltittes a. toolbar [or ehang-
`i''l.itltg oidet ottetotheresp-sou orati-
`la .
`P lliew applets let you assign user rights
`and ['ll':1T.l1i1!Il:lllIi1i'Ii tr nine tlrt3_-unt:l-drvt.t|'t-
`interfnte. or monitor as many operating
`system get lorrnanee perarneters as a
`Unix guru.
`I..'BI.I£I'£l.|EI'I'Ifl.It Tljtfl. far, fi'liere|'l; has.
`lrocuserl. no what NT need: in succeed! a last ttI'
`Si!-hit applieation den-eloprrtenl. Although roost
`od'the lottndation for running I2lt'_'K§.‘i‘-'|ndows 3.1.
`and ilh-l1i.'l E ehuzaeter applications ii. ‘in pleee.
`inclut:li11.:tl1ie :tl'tilit_y tn lstetitl a|.'| nr lI1.tE l1Il'll.'l'lI‘: Irrtnt
`e eorrtrnott pront
`l.itis11ot solid.
`Hut r-tier-oeott
`n.-lleyen the N1‘ torsion or SQL.
`Server will he the real 1'ic'l:eI. L:iI:e Flracle ?.|'l.
`the heat release of Microsoft's database server
`will be able to aplit pro-eeasing evenly atrtortg as
`me rt_y prat-c-essttra as 3-nu -Lare'I-t.t-l!ttrt:t'tr Il'Ill:l1I'ttE
`box. In other words. with NT. the Windows envi-
`ronment lteeomea seaiahle.
`nod lhot's I-‘here Wirldows NTrer|ly shirles.
`With iuture versions of Wlndowa running on
`sl.iskLess pailrnlrtps. ant! NT scaling up to main-
`lnrlte-size 1:!-rocessilte power.
`ltfierwnlt hn-I
`recreated [even outdone] the ltey elerrient ol
`Digital‘: Eq_Itip:t'ncnt
`|.'_‘vt.1rp."a success. HT is
`a single ape rating system
`ed to rnteroonneet all size eornprtlers into
`ti untried syat-ten.
`[IIh:in|: ‘Windows NT guarantees .‘i-‘|'t's
`dorninenee otoernpuling until the end olthe een-
`titty. I-Eeayett lteip La.
`Kr-in Strenlo -'5 |ol'ol'-|'er|I:l‘s Eelltorllr -D‘-':eoI'or.
`Fastlrte it Hot-tenet First Look oearitfnan new pred-
`tn:l3 oer-are they have dealt
`ttsrotrgh a lormar
`Samsung v. Straight Path, |PR2014—01367
`Straight Path - Exhibit 2018 - Page 2
`Ire-try:-'-only hoelterotlttd r1-to-test-i-I1: while the
`responsive let
`the user:
`lrnproyed drawing primitives: and the ITlll'll1-
`rrarne-lew.-I perfortnanoe posalhle on a.
`veestarar Intel ur RISE rrtn.t.'l:iae rtlrtrtirig NT aer-
`vi-eessueh as SOL Server or Dretle 115.
`Illllflfil dlllili. window: NT also adds
`It remote procedure -:.Il| {RFC} En-:i|il1'll1:tt will
`let anyone who earn write a stntetttred program
`write tlIJLl'lblilIEl.l epgtlieatiiaes. 'l'lte.te's no real
`d:il!'I'en|:tt;e i1e1'n.-eEt't filling a lrti.-a'| s't.tlmrtrl:ine artil.
`calling any arh-ilrary routine running on any
`rnttclttne un lhe aeItInLIri..
`In other words. -:.°lient.I's-eryer elem-elopnrertl will
`ttu longer be limited to SQL databases and itoitt
`and heroes: the Windows NT RFC is torn-
`pellhie with the Dirt rtlroted Competing
`Earirr.tnn1.Ientl_DL‘E'|-slarstl.:artl.1l1e- net'rtL1te acn-
`ernrtttltl he I1 Digital . Start. lit-."w|eII-F'.'td:art;l.i:tr
`IBM machine.
`I Ihi.t1I: ‘Windows NT will do Ion i.-rttei-pri-_'t.e'
`rlit.t:t'il1ru.Ietl aprslinulinens what the Macintosh dirt
`tor GUI applications.
`H“?! H H IX Ill-T E1.-L'1t ltt-rftsre a new gun-
`errltion of sup-eriocr applications emerges. users
`will like NT's trnproye-rnents other ‘Windows. i'l.i —
`al1l1.|.-1.1591 Iheir e'n1Jt1l.-sinant Iurtrer 'h-eing able Ll! -etlil
`ll ilrtcutttenttt.-h'i[e1Iltey' Enrnittl .1 flnppy disk trill
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01367
`Straight Path - Exhibit 2018 - Page 2

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