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`ISBN 0-87779-201-1
`1. English language—Dictionaries.
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`I. Gove, Philip Babcock,
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`revenue or involving a governmental expenditure or govern-
`union card a 1 : a card eernfsiag prism-tel membership in good
`standing in a labor union 2 : something is]: to rescmhleIa
`in being a prerequisite to em loyrnent orIin
`, . . ant-tron
`library catalog combining in one series
`abet-lean)- by authors a number of Catalogs or the
`the Union of Sour Africa on May 31. 1 10 observed in the
`union any n, are ca Uriel) : the nearest-sari of the founding of
`union district n 2 a school district made by uniting two or
`union down adv : with the flag reversed so that itsIunion is
`downward (a flag flown union down is a signal of distress at
`nu-ibu-eer \fiylhlyalnitah, —io\ n -s : a member or advocate of
`jfplflL Unionidae] : of or relating to
`mfi-on-i-dae \.n='llna,dé\ J'I pf. cop {34L fr. (Minna L’nl'o,
`type genus -=- Juice} : a very large iamll of freshwater mussels
`[suborder SuIbuxytIlacea) having a pear y often roughly sculp-
`tured shell with a thick epidermis and larvae that pass through
`a glochidium stage and being represented Ln nearly all parts of
`the principle or policy of
`forming or adhering to a union : an advocacy or movement in
`favor of union: as a uru cap : adherence to the policy of a
`firm federal union between the states of the United States esp.
`the prmctples, theory, or
`system of combination of workers in the same occupation,
`trade, orindum {horizontal N); also : the labor union move-
`ment (the advance of ~) 0 : advocacy of the princtples of
`un-iun-lst \-n-ast\ n -s : an advocate or promoter of union and
`esp. of same Form of unionism: as a my cup : one loyal to the
`is yet: cop : a
`member of a former British political party advocatu-ig 1:31.5'3-
`tive union between Great Britain and Ireland 0 : so adherent
`or supporter of the labor union movement; cspI :I an active
`member of a labor union d : an advocate of religious union
`un—iunois-tie \ic;:nlstik. 431“ ad} :_oi'. relating to. character-
`nn-iun-mtion \“Uiltiyal'ld'z‘iihafl, -a.niz-\ n o 1 I: the quality
`nn-ion-itte \‘ss.niz\ v: sonata/.5 sue -ize in Exploit Notes
`['union + —ire] : to cause to boson-1e a member of or subject to
`the rules of a labor union {planned to "U the shop) : form into
`umun tack n. often no UtiJ : a lack consisting of the union of
`union jet burner 71 : a gas burner in which two Jets unite to
`union joint n : a joint (as between pipes) formed by means of a
`: an identifying mark attached to goods in—
`dicating that they have been produced by union labor or that
`particular goods or services have been sold or done by that
`union list It : a usu. alphabetical catalog of periodicals or other
`serials that provides bibliographical information and locates
`: an elementary, secondary, or combined
`elementary and secondary school that serves a union district —
`union security a : unranteed preservation of union status or I
`revenues obtmuedt rough clauses in a labor contract and esp.
`through provisions for closed or union shop, mamteaence of
`ce rt : n worship servtce sponsored jomt'ly by two or
`more religious denominations or communion: {urged to attend
`the union service in the Con egatiunal or Baptist Churches)
`union shop a : an establishment in which the employer by
`agreement is free Ito hire nonmembers as well Its members of
`the union but retains nonmembers on the pay-roll only on Cary
`dinon of their hccortnng members or Ihe LLDiDl'I Wllilln a speci-
`tied time (a union shop clause in a collective agreement) —cona-
`mason station n : a station used jointly by two orImore railroad
`: an tender-garment with shirt and drawers in one
`union suit
`trim-pod I\‘yllna.ped\ n »s [uni— + ~pedjtunehavlnlton1y one
`uni-personal \:yLlua+\ uni.“ [ml— 4- personal} : existing as one
`unlgpsrsonslist \"+\ n : one who believes that the deity is
`the quality or state of being
`uni-phase \“+\ adj [uni- + phase] : having but one phase (a
`uni-planar \“+\ adj [uni— + planar] : lying or occurring in
`mum! Ilmtiunl': : motion of a rigid body or fluid such that
`to a given
`uni-pad \‘y'iine.ptld\ n -S [urtiv + good [as in lripod)] : a one:
`uni-polar \Iyiina+\ adj [uni- + polar] : having or oriented in
`respect to a single pole: as a : having, produced by, or acting
`by a single magnetic or electrical pole b of a nerve cell : hav-
`0 : based on or con-
`trolled by a single compelling factor (a N coalition in politics)
`unipolar induction n : induction (as in a conducting circuit)
`unip-o-rous fiyu'nipanefi adj [urti— + porous] : having one
`pore; specij : having wood cells with a single row of bordered
`unip.o.tent \g-u'nipadaarifi adj [uni- + potent] : having power
`in one way only; my : capable of developing only in one direc-
`uni-potential \:yiina+\ adj [uni- + potential] 1 : UNIPOTEN'I‘
`12 : l>iaving the same electrical potential as something else (a N
`united front
`unit-able also unite-able \yfi'nid-abal, >ita-\ adj [unite +
`:ablc] : capable of union by growth or otherwise : that can be
`ruined together
`amt-age \‘yiinsd-ij\ n -s [IIum‘r + 113C] 1 {specification of the
`mount constitutttm .1 mm (as of a' wtamml 2 : amount m
`units (it N of 50.050 per cit sole)
`tht-a‘l \vnad-'i\ adj {innit
`«If: : mtg-ans
`lulu-tar-i-an \iyttnaherfian, —ta{a]r—. -tlu'-\ It -5 gm "Mill???"
`Unitarian (fr. L nninu— past part, of mire to unite —+ ms;
`-n 'J + E m] 1 use cap a : a Christian who believes that the
`tie 13’ exists only in one person : a urn
`rsonaltst who dunes
`the doctrine of the Trinity : a member u a Christian denomina-
`tion who in general affirms the principles of individual freedom
`of belief. the free use of reason in religion. commitment to
`advancing truth, reliy'ous tolerance, universal brotherhoodol
`mm. :- creedless Church. a united world community, and sup--
`ortog‘ a vigorous pragrarnot liberal 50cm! action it :anan-
`hustian monothetst [as a Muhammadan‘l 3 a. . an adVOQlIl-fl
`of a theory or doctrine founded upon unity: smelt : stunts:
`b : an advocate of unity In: a unitary system; .rpecij tone who
`advocates centralization in government
`I: : an observer oldie
`dramatic unities
`innitarian \“\ ad] 1 usu cap : of, relating to, or involvmg
`Unitarians or their doctrines 2 : UNl'l’ARY 1: as a : MONlSTlC
`b : of, relating to, or advocating centralization in government
`or administration
`unitarian hypothesis also unlinrian View n : a theory in
`immunology: a single pint-e antigen will produce only one
`variety of antibody which when brought into contact With the
`antigen in appropriate form can react in various ways (as by
`agglutin citing. precipitating. fixing complement, or opsonizmg)
`uni-tar-i-an-ism \-9.nizam\ rt -s 1 cap : the principles and
`practices of Unitarians 2 sometimes cap : a Unitarian or uni-
`tury system [as of governmenll
`uni-tar-i-aesa \‘ytina.terins‘e. -rin-\ at 4:5 : the quality or stale
`of being unitary
`unijlnry \—.rere. —n\ mil [Irena at uni
`+ my} 1 : or, re--
`latmg to, based njlcuzl1 or characteriz
`by unity ta ~ tum!-
`mcpt in politics) : MOMSTIC 2 a 1 having the character of I
`unit : not divided or discontinuous (a N process?‘
`1: ; lime-
`tioninIgI as a unit esp, of measurement (established a ”'1' dlstanua'
`on watch to heat subsequent calculations} {a ~ ramming}
`c :_of. relating to, or constituting a
`tern of government to
`which power is held by‘n central sut
`Irity and maybe dale:
`stated to but is not dCrH-fd irom constituent subdivisicmsI—
`distinguished from federal 3 a z of, relating to, or involvuig
`the use of units (a N approach to a problem) (the N method 111
`arithmetic} b 3 made up of discrete units (a N loudspeaker
`With four
`or units associated in a single assembly)
`unitary color n : PSYCHOLOGICAL PRIMARY
`unitary theory n : a theory in chemistry: molecules are units
`whose parts are bound together in definite structure With
`mutual and reciprocal influence on each other — compare
`unit banking n : honking carried on by individual hankrmtli-
`out branches or corporate relationships With other banks
`null can! if : a library catalog eel-d containing full
`ttan about a book or other printed item and reprodueed in
`so that it me
`be not only used {or a mate entry but.
`adapte for all secon ary entries
`unit cell n : the Sim lest polyhedron that by indefinite repeti-
`tion makes up the lattice of a crystal and embodies all
`characteristics of its structure
`unit character It 1 : a natural character that is inherited on
`an all or none basis 2 z a natural character dependent on the
`presence or absence of a single gene : a typical Mendelian or
`qu alitative character
`unit Class n : a class with a single member
`unit construction n : a system of building in which large sec-
`tions (as of a shi
`) can be fabricated independently and sub-
`sequently assembféd
`mm cost it : the cost allocated to a selected unttnInd commonly.
`calculated as the cost over a period of time dmded by the‘
`number of items produced
`Innate \yii‘rtit. inn -1‘d-—'.V\ vb -Eo.f-nto_.-’—s [ME unites. it. LL
`unites, past part. of Mire, fr. L units one 7' more .1: ONE! 1"
`1 a.
`: to
`at together to form a single unit («- the Eighties
`forces oft e friendly nations)
`1} : to cause to adhere (-v bucks.
`with mortar) o : Conxrcr {a dirt road W: the farm road with
`the trim highway)
`[1 : to relate integrally (often the ideas an
`yoked. but not suited —-'i‘.S.Eliot); esp : to link by a iesnlo:
`moral bond {a purpose that unites all factions) (a treaty to 1-!
`all the independent nations) 2 : to possess tasI qualities} in
`combination (Ll'te bride. mired beauty and intelligence)
`4"“ 'i
`1 a : to become one or as if one {parncles which can ~10 farm
`a new com and —I'.S.Eljot) {mutterings of the crowd melted.
`in a Ithun emus cheer —DaI.rrell Berrigtm)
`1: :_lo become
`samba-{Ed by or as tf by ndhesmn or mixture (thehtoken bones
`of a child «I easily} {clouds of devastating smoke that ~ With
`2 : to act lfl_COt‘lE¢l’l {all parties unite-4' in signing the petition
`the river {us . .
`. to form strung —rfm_er. IGuirlc Series:_l’a.;
`3 : to enter mtD association for or ns 11 for a. common purpose
`(the group mired to improve the city‘s schools)
`in males joining, ranging, coalescing, adhering together to
`git costume. CDNJDIN. coNCUR, COOPERATIEZ UNITE often
`form a new unit. permanent or temporary (the North West
`Company united with the Hudson’s Bay Company —Amcr.
`Guide Series: Wash.) (in France the whole people saw at once
`what was upon them; the single word patrie was enough to
`unite them in a common enthusiasm and stern determination—
`W.R_lnge} CWaIINE may apply to a temporary uniting or little
`combining, fur fusing into a Slflglt 13 use, two or more diverse
`in: or to one which leaves trie oomfignents distinct (n gt t for
`impressions -—T.S.Etiot) (wealth and. sophistication combine
`with breezy western characteristics in this town -Amer. Guide
`Sci-ice: Texas) {innumerable factors combine {In
`the in-
`extricable complexity of our general story —Hilaire Bellne}
`commis- is likely to stress the notion of Immune, alien of more
`or less equal things enforces, at n Spccjflc ornt (nature'had
`Iaviahed gifts and aspirations upon turn,
`in thewaen: so
`mixed and contradictory that on‘lv by a fortunate miracle did
`some at them coal»: to produce the rich I
`try by which he is
`remembered —R.D.Mtick) CONCUR is
`sly toIbeI used c!
`thin s that happen to merge, work together‘ or nomad: when
`snot er course a! action I§ probable or plausible two opposite
`forces concurred in bringing about the Council of ”"2323 *—
`A.P.Staaley'> Cousteau-1;: indicates} joining Inf strenglh or
`force in some specific Situation With no fusion or lost of
`identity (sent “Illaint expedition. under British command, an
`cooperate with
`e White Russians at Murmansk and Arch-
`angelagninst the Bolshevist forces —J.NLI—lanson} syn see ra
`addition JOIN
`2unite \'yti.nit, :'=\ n -s [fr. obs. [mite ionit. united, fr. ME
`unit, fr, LL unitur] : an old British gold Ill-shilling piece
`issued first by James I in 1604 for England and Scotland and
`bearing in the design and inscription reference to the uniting of
`the two crowns — called also jacobus
`unusable var a} UNITABLE
`uni-pulse \': =\ n [uni— + pulse] : a single wave : PULSE
`uni-quantjc \.
`‘na+\ adj [uni- + quantic] : of, relating to, or
`giving rise to a single quantum of energy
`lunlqne \ lj'neir, "is\ ad}, Showtime: inf-EST EF, fr. L unicus
`sole. sine e. unique. it. was one + -icirs —ie — more at ONE]
`1 a : being the o
`' one : SOLE (earning money whose N object
`could be nothing at Cyril‘s welfare —Arnold Bennett) (has
`thus preserved the original and often or records —G.B.
`Parks) (you are a miracle, a wonder, a mystery .
`. one single
`N and inimitable living thing —J.C.Powys)
`b of a book
`: known to exist in no other copy 2 : being without alike or
`equal : single in kind or excellence : UNEQUALED (they stand
`alone, N, objects of supreme interest —A.B,Osborne) (as
`historian he knows that events,
`like persons, are N —JtM.
`Barzun) (remains singularly himself, a N lyrist of the first
`water —I.L.Salomon) (an almost N experience NHavelock
`Ellis) (tendencies present in our contemporary world which
`make our own times somewhatN—M.B.Smith) (storyof his life
`is considerably more N than most autobiographies —Dorothy
`C. Fisher) (the more we study him, the less N he seems NHarry
`Levin) — sometimes used with to (the problem of what to do
`with surplus women is by no means N to our own society —
`Ralph Linton) or wit-it (by no means N with the song sparrow
`the raising o
`funds —C.F.Thwing) (the wife of a career
`—Narurc Mag? 3 : muse-u, mounts (possessed ~ ability in
`diplomat has amopponuniry to observe the world political
`scene NRay Pierre) (a irunkness *- in literature —David
`Daiches) (~ peace
`and privacy —R.W.HatCh} (cheap,
`nourishing, and a N dining experimee -—T.H.Ftelding) (the
`most N characteristic of that environment —R.A.Billington)
`(she’s the most N person I ever met —Arthur Miller) (the most
`N theater in town madvt) 4 : capable of being performed in
`only one way (the factorization of a number into its prime
`factors is N) syn see SINGLE, STRANGE
`2unique \“\ n -s : something (as a specimen, thing, circum—
`stance, or person) that is unique : the only one of its kind
`(mistaking the N for the typical —W.J.Rei]ly) (the zest of the
`collector for possession of a N —Roy Bedichek) (a display of
`glass, including undercoated N3 —Dam‘sh Foreign Office Jour.)
`(the phoenix, the N of birds —Thomas De Quincey)
`unique-1y adv : in a unique manner : so as to be unique
`unique-ness n -ES : the quality or state of being unique
`uniqueness theorem n : a theorem in mathematics: a given
`problem has at most one solution
`uniq-ui-ty \yii‘nikwad-E, —wste, —i\
`-ES [unique + -ity]
`1 : UNlQUENESS 2 : a unique item
`uni-radiate \Iyiina+\ adj [uni- + radiate] : having a single
`ray or radius; esp : storauon
`uni-ramous \“+\ prIunl-ramose \“+\ adj [urti— + rumour
`or rumors] : conStsting of a Single process : UNBRANCHED
`(the appendages of crustaceans may be N or biramose)
`uni-reme \'yiin9.rém\ n -s [uni- + -reme (as in irireme)] : a
`galley having but one tier of oars
`un-ironed \I9n+\ adj [‘un- + ironed, past part. of iron]
`1 : not restrained or confined with fetters 2 : not pressed
`with a flatiron
`unis abbr unison
`uni-serial \Iyiina+\ or uni-senate \“+\ adj [uni- + serial
`or serials] : forming or arranged in a single series : having
`parts in a single row or on one side only of an axis
`uni-53m \‘+\ adj [uui- + sexual] : of, relating to, or
`restricted to one sex: a : male or female but not hermaphro-
`ditie b : DICLMUS (a on flower) — uni-sexuality \“+\ n —
`uni-sexually \"+\ adv
`lILujgson \‘yllnasan. azaifi n -s EMF.
`‘M'L miseries, ndj..
`hos-ms the same sound, in L unf- -t- sunus sound — more at
`several 3. archaic; a tone identical in pitch with another; also
`: :1 tone item which intervals are reckoned 2 I. : identity in
`musical pitch; r ecif : Lhe innerval of a perfect prime repte~
`slanted by the vibration ratio of 111
`‘b : Ihe state of being so
`tuned or sounded c : the writing, playing, or singing of parts
`in a musical passage at the same pitch or in octaves — compare
`HARMONY 2b 3 a.
`: a harmonious agreement or union : CON-
`CORD b : an instance or means of such agreement : a sympa-
`thetic response ' ASSENT (NS of ovcrmastering thoughts) —
`in unison adv
`n precise and perfect agreement : so as to
`harmonize exactly “pulsing in written)
`suntan): \“\ m3 1 archaic a : CONCORDAHT, CGNSGNANT
`h : EQUIVALENT 2 a : identical in musical pitch : UNISQNDUS
`{~ singing) {a ~ passage) h :tnned to the same pitch — used 5
`of a smog and esp. of any one of two or three piano strange
`that are struck by one hammer {N strings
`e : having a pitch
`that eorres
`udswith the notation [as a e pipe-organ stop)
`unis-maul yfl'nis’nai
`adj [luni'sort + if} : UNISONOUSI l
`unis—o-nanua \-rtau(t,__ n -5 {:m’lfj‘flfl -i- more] : a blending of
`sound into unison (the first two sounds reach the ear as a N—
`unis-o-nant \-nt\ adj [‘unison + -arit] : UNISONOUS 1
`um-so-no \IiinE:sB(,)n6\ adv (or adj) [It, fr. ML unisonus]
`: in unison — used as a direction esp. in ensemble instrumental
`unis-o-nous \yii'nis°nss\ adj [ML unisonus] 1 : being in
`unison : having the same degree of gravity or acuteness
`: sounded. alike in pitch 2 : alike in nature : misconoaxr
`1111-135an stock \:aru+v\ fl' [‘l'm- + issued past part. of lame]
`: stock authorized (as under the charter of a corporation) but
`not YE! Issued — on
`limit \‘yiinét, an: -‘ -+V'\ n -s {back-formation fr. witty]
`1 a [in : the first natural number : n namher that is the least
`whole number and is expressed by the numeral 1
`(2) : a single
`thing (as a magnitude or number‘: that coastitnta 1n undivided
`z a number that divides every element of a set of
`0 : a determinate quantity (as of length, time, heat,
`value, or housing) adopted as a standard of measurement for
`other quantities of the same kind: as {l} : a fractional part
`of the width of n printing character (as H. of ordinary roman
`capital Ml used in measuring the set of a piece of type and
`being of the same width for all type of the same point Size and
`proportionally wider or narrower for larger or smaller point
`: an amount of work t'as 125) hours of classroom
`work in a completed course of a secondary school) used in
`education in calculating student credits (as for graduation or
`college entrance)
`: an amount of a biologically active
`agent (as a drug, serum, vitamin, Or antigen) required to pro—
`duce a specific result under strictly controlled conditions —
`com are BIOASSAY. RAT mm (4) : one percent per ton of a
`nitrogen. 10 percent of phosphoric acid. an
`10 percent of
`fern' icing ingredient
`in fertilizer containing 5 percent of
`potash includes 25 fertilizati- us) 2 a : a single. thins or
`or group that is a constituent and isola'ole member a some
`more inclusive whole : a member of an aggregate that is the.
`least part to have clearly definable separate existence and that
`normally forms a basic element of organization within the
`aggregate (the township in the usual N of government) (the
`family as a basic N of society)
`1) : one of the commonly more
`or less repetitive sections combined in assembling a manu-
`factured article (as a bookcase or kitchen cabinet)
`c : a part
`of a military establishment that has a prescribed organization
`(as of personnel and materiel) (in the army Ns vary in size and
`complexity from the squad to the army) d : a piece or complex
`of apparatus serving to perform one particular function (a
`train drawn by two diesel Nr) (:1 power station with one N out
`of order)
`e : a combination of two or more securities offered
`at a single price (a N of one share of preferred stock and two
`shares of common offered at $110)
`I : a course or part of a
`course in an elementary or secondary school focusmg on a
`central theme and making use of resources from numerous
`subject areas and the pupils’ own experience g : BARGAINING
`UNIT 11 t a fraction of an annual pension or a retirement in—
`come benefit earned as a result of each year’s service prior to
`i : a subdivision of a Girl Scout camp comprised of
`girls and counselors who live together and plan their own
`activities in a manner comparable to a Girl Scout troop j
`: a
`molecule or portion of a molecule esp. as combined in a larger
`molecule : RESIDUE (repeating N5 in a polymer)
`2unit \“\ adj 1 a : of, relating to, forming, or involving some
`unit (N sales) (studies of N distribution)
`: existing or
`occurring per unit (the N weight of cement) (a N increment)
`(calculating the N rise or vertical change per running foot)
`2 : having independent existence : INDIVIDUAL
`[ part. of lat-rite] 1 : made one : COMBINED,
`united mint.
`: refilling to or produced by joint action : comoitn
`(their *1 consent}
`3 : formed by or resulting from union
`4 : being or liv—iusin agreement : HARMONIOUS (a N family) —
`unit-eddy adv — unified-neon .0: —ss
`united baptist at, user cap Ucer : a member of a Baptist sect
`formed in the late 18th century by a union of some Separate
`Ba list and Regular Baptist churches of the South
`imaged brethren n pl. my cap Ursa 1 : Mommies 3 :ChIns—
`time of several denominations desteudlng from _tl'te United
`Brethren in Christ augmenting among Gerri-tans In the L5.
`during the religious awakening of the late 18th century,
`formally organized in 1800, and resembling Methodism in doc-
`trine and polity
`united front ii 1 t a state or appearance of unity. common
`purpose. or general agreement usu._pre5ented bye hetero-
`geneous arc-up in the face of DDDOSIIIIOD or danger from an
`outside source (that Western Euro
`still continue to present s
`united front
`‘nst the threat 0 Communist as casino -
`Syria-wield ( ass.) Halon) 2 : rosuuut Peon-r {
`e a
`anoe of a united front in each country controlled by the
`sians after World War 11)
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`due to incomplete or abnormal development at the brain
`and mm. congumtAnl or due to arrest of dm‘clopment following
`ducaee or injury to early childhood 9 a : something notch!
`stuntd or
`. usu. considered silly {amused by his amiable idiot-fer)
`tuna-cytoloph-n-nous \:1dEE.Jo:sI{klufan=s\ adj {15V teta-
`+ cycl— + phau- (fr. Gk pbcinclrt In Show) + -ou:r — more
`at FANCY] ; [unwous
`main-genests \:ttlcc+ _n (NI, fr. tale + plank] : spun-
`_n1neous 0113111 (no of
`rdotoogenefic \“+\ adj
`Arnontnncougly {531' 11p arcutty ~ disorder)
`rd-m-glosgsm \pdha'gfilséa, vlos—\ r] -s [241... fr. tdfo— + -gl£‘SJlflJ
`: a condtnon to whtch the affected person pronounces his
`_words so badly_as to seem to speak a language of his own
`mole-gram \‘zuea.grn.n3\ n [15
`wmam representuuon of a chromosome complement 01:
`1d-ia»graph \-.gu1. —t‘tl.f\
`fr. ncut. of Cl: ldfogmphor specially written, in the author’s
`hundwrltlng. Er.
`_more at CARYE] : a marl: or signature
`lfi-XO-mphalu \:'sss:gnttk\ as} [Is
`formed as G ldrogrnphfcclt] : relating to. involving. or dealing
`With the concrete. individual. or umque {consrdorins history
`an A» discipline} — contrasted with unmarked:
`ld-An-mfitfll \Ildhm‘fi+\ adj [idlov 2" kinetic] of movement
`: tpduced in activity a! LhAgAApyrnmidt-al tracts of the brain
`: LDlDGlpSSlA
`id-l-o-Iect '\'IdEa.lEkt\ n -s [fdlo- + -lqcrA(:_zu it: diolecrj]
`:_ the langua or speech pattern of oue'tndtwdual at a 113:-
`A ocular pct-l
`11-1-0111 \ftdEom\ n -s {MZF at LL: ME Idioms. tr. LI. Idler-rm,
`fr._ Gk m‘ifimo peculiarity. peculmrtty or style.
`Idtousthel to some mite, Er. idler one's own. private.
`—- more at mint]
`gamma or to a district. community. or class : TONGUE. DMLECT
`to a Language : the
`CXDL'EASSIOD establm en in the usage of a language that
`Ecnllfil' to ttself etthcrA in grammnucnl construction (as no
`t wasn‘t me) or in havtug a meaningAthnt cannot be dcrivecl'
`as :t whole from the (Unjoinfld mennmgs oi its elements (as
`Monday week for “the Monday a Awuujk after next Monday";
`New 0 for "many taken diau-rhuttvely";
`"masht better"; how are you? {or "what is the state of you:
`health orAiechugsl‘") a : a slyloADr form of artistic eroression
`(as art painting. writing. comparing) that is charactertstic esp.
`oi on mdmduui, a pound or movement. or a mcrhmn or in-
`strument {an mtcrcEAfiAng orchestral ~} (surrealist ~J (imagi-
`nation has its speotttc hereditary ~r —Georse Sautayana}
`5911 m nuances
`id-i-um-at-rc “wished-11:, at. IEk\ also id-i-mnaat-i-nal
`gala]. JEk-\ mill ILth flit-nay a: peculiar. characteristic. fr.
`confer-nuns to whom (~ fluency tn upmh and wriung)
`(An lugbly ~ concerto}; (m Eughab) a : peculzar to a par-
`ocular group or mdivtducl : INDIVIDUAL {one person outing
`to he on
`-Iohn may) (grows to value the phymcal sex ljtc pcr_sc
`(hour VigOl‘DlJSAflJ] m was the native hie -l’ohu Buchau
`rather than as n s‘mbol of ~ relattoughlps —F.S.Chantn§
`— ldvt-o-ntat-t-cal-
`mat-lenses \Iucucs. ck.
`id-i-ocu-e-ter \.1dE'hmcd-o r}\ r: [idio- + ‘mcrcr
`strument for tracer-mining
`_n_omtcal observer
`rdmm manual n. no: cap MN : an artificzal language partially
`derived from Vohpflk and having a vocabulary consistently
`selected on the hast: of the maximum interununnallry o! the
`idgi-am-og-rn-phy \IldEa’mfigml—e\ u 15[F Idiomogmpfiie, tr.
`(diam: ldtom +_ 10- + graphic {graphy -—more at rolone] : the
`_dcsr:riptr'.u.n of 111le
`tu-l-um-ol-o-gy \-'m§laji\ r: 4:! {Idiom + -o- + Jazzy] : the
`study of drum
`A prob-able word STA'I'E ) _- oorupttre momma c
`repeated utter-s 1n m-gmyaphy (the ~ I’.\(.[..In;.l\lJ fits the
`1 : having the proper form or
`rd-m-mur-pmt: \:ssslmorflk\ mats]: fn'r'omarpiros + E —ic
`of minerals the growth of whose crystals L11
`been interfered with: confronted with aflorelumorpltir 3 : of.
`relating to, or
`\-féklfa}33\ adv
`m-io'cmor-rlhism \.==='s.ti_znm\ n_-5 [Mlflmflrpfiic 4- Jun]
`: the cnndluou of being 1dtotrto-r hte (sense 1-)
`id-iu-murguhuue \‘ueekjes\
`form at 1L! own. h. idta- + »morp}ms amorphous] : Imo-
`Monr-tvuc l
`id-ip-musoulnr \:tdi(,lo+\ ad! {ISV tdtu- + mil-.9991”; : re-
`Lmng to muscularttssue exclusively; esp : orlgmntms in
`muscle {In contracuon)
`-i|ls'o:u — 5:: units)!
`m-i-‘o-nath-ic \:tdE::pathfir\ ad} 1 : peculiar to the mdrvmd'' unl
`an obscure or unknown cause : PRIMARY («9 ep: epsy} —
`: owl-alarm {o- scuslfiwty) 2 : arming sponsor-hung or from
`_ld-i-u-pm.hu1-ca;.l-ly \-thok(chE\ adv
`lflui-opoatthy \.l«d?ll?_alh3\ rt ~55 [Gk ldiflfiflttflfilfl. fr. “for 'i-
`anthem —pntlay] : up idiopathic anomaly or dtseese
`idd-oph-a-nous \ltdEEloncs\ adj
`plminctn to show) + «on: — more at FANCY] of a egg-mil
`: exbt‘bidngiutcrfcrawe figures wtthout the aid of npoinnccope
`two-phone \'td§_h.l"611\ n [G idlophan.
`-phorte] : a mutual instrument (as a bell. gong. ruttAlu)
`source of whose sound ts the filtration of [IS elastic con-
`stituent material unmodified bycny spectnl
`a drum} — ld-lo-nhnn-ic \:==s'r5nflr\ adj
`iti-lu-plnsm \‘1déa.glazam\ n ELEV lo’io- + v lam-t: ong.
`tortucd as G Afdjop
`lunctiou spent.
`and commonly equated with chromatin — opposed to reunite.
`retina; 5
`{til-2+ + rhythmo: m
`+ E -:‘e — more atom] East-m: Clam-cl: : say-nommo
`identical equation
`.‘ss-. fln(o)l.—toi.t.-nli\ n [Ideo- +
`Idemmh \‘aggrat.
`attributes that identity may he assumed -_- often used with
`with and sometimes with to (a replica that Is ~ mth tho orig:-
`uaD b : vap- sbniL-u : having :5th close manhlnnce and
`A 5:79. - e
`‘ £0- + wrap-hf:
`mgra . c 5.”:
`trim“ in???
`no at! [at
`such minor difference as to be essznualjy the'sarue : e peering
`1 : consisting ol‘ or characterized by the use of idea
`or anemia: mrtly aitke (saw the I» dress on sale or three
`7 script) {the ,.., stage in the development of writing
`2 : ho-
`mo an {decal-am (an “a Sign)
`_3 : of or relating to an idcugmut
`dollars) {fine two piano; were ~32 — often used wtth with or
`to. {his cxauunation paper \As-as ~ to his brother's} {nautical
`(these characters had _somet1meti an no and sometimes ll
`issm are seldom ~ with {811310055 61 :havtrtu the same cause
`honetzc_veiuc —ADat1:l Duiuger) — luau-granud-ealoty
`or origin {Av infections? 51'): secure. sluts.
`AS-fémajleifl-lfiki. —1:\ ad?
`:16 F\
`l: )
`identical equation I: : an cquanon that u mus-fled {or all
`‘ Migrate.- ‘
`-. wt
`.1 -£5
`l co- + 1753) ‘-
`vnlucs ol‘ the 11m} symbols
`1 : the use at idicigrms a : the representation of low E,
`luncfl-cal-icty \E-li.dento'ltalod-E. c.dcn-, date,
`rt -E
`graphic symbols
`Ideoalugoigml Vida-dime].
`-jEk- sometimes :‘éd-\ or
`memumaloly \-'dent£k(n)l§. Adele. -l.t\ adv ; m an Montreal
`taco-rogue \-J
`rah also idea-log-i-eel
`\-dEo:I—\ mil
`manner : «nth complete tdenttty shoes ~ nuke): meet} : for
`1 :_ of. relating to, or based on ideology («u conflict} 2 : rc-
`all values of the mathematical syn: ol's Involved
`lnnng to or concerned with idea; {on ~ nomination ol a
`i ration
`3 : symboltcally suggest“: of an idea or mood (w
`idgn-tl-cAal-nees Human n —rs : the quality or state oi betas
`drama — idea-logot-cal-iy warrant. data -11\ adv
`identical points :2 pl : points on theArctluas of the two eyes
`.Id~ communes .Ed-\ :31 —s [F Ede-
`that occupy commondmg postpone in respect to the renna]
`ologlste. lr. l infest: + 419:: -tst] 1 a : a medalist. in the
`menu: of ideas : a student of the origin and nature or ideas
`b :_an advocate or adherent ol a particular system or doctrine
`idem-3‘53 proposition II : a proposition in logic whose subject
`and predicate are identical In meantng and whose niflrmanon
`_of tdcolo v 2 :_mtot.ootrc 1
`is therefore superfluous ("nothing inconceivable can be con-
`\-.J.LZ\ rascal-mafia [Ideology + -r‘ze] 1 : to
`ecived." Is an identical proposition}
`tnterpret or iormulatc tdeoioglcaa11y {the dogged tendency of
`identical rhyme n :Atttara RICH:
`our u’mc to an all things into grayncsAs —l.lonel Tuning)
`identical twin l’l : etther member of a pan- or? twms produced
`3 : to cause (as an mAdmdual or a nuclei matitatlonl to accept
`from a single rysote
`or conform to a pmlar ideology (planners who attempt to
`man-fi-fl-e-hfi-t-ty \ .J‘m'tento fic‘htjlcd-c, e.d-. date. -t\ it
`Liter and m the fundamental character oIAour cam-arc)
`t the cuchty or state 0 being idenul'mblc
`3 also idea-lustre \‘ldEaJ.éz.A’td-, I‘de- also -!H§\
`mandjvflqmle \‘Ifs‘sibal. _l-}=.=='=ohal\ adj
`: upbgect
`r: -s [
`Fdéolognc. hack—formation fr. idmlcgfc] l. : 1mm.
`identificsittort : capable of hem idcuultcd—Idezt-tt-h-a-hly
`\- l'.~hli\ ad?
`Ida-alooygy \.id‘e"hla,1e.
`.Id—. a

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