Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 1 of 8 PageID #: 2370
`for the
`EasternD istrictofT exas
`T yler D ivision
`C .A . N o. 6:13-cv-604
`B L A C K B ER R Y L TD .,etal.
`PursuanttoL ocal PatentR ule 4-3and the D ock etC ontrol O rderentered inthese cases,
`PlaintiffStraightPathIP G roup,Inc.(“StraightPath”)and D efendantsH uaweiInvestm ent&
`H olding C o.,L td.,H uaweiTechnologiesC o.,L td.,H uaweiTechnologiesU SA Inc.,and H uawei
`D evice U SA ,Inc.(together,“H uawei”);Sam sung ElectronicsC o.,L td.,Sam sung Electronics
`A m erica,Inc.,and Sam sung Telecom m unicationsA m erica,L L C (together,“Sam sung”);and Z TE
`C orporationand Z TEU SA ,Inc.(together,“Z TE”)(collectively,“D efendants”),hereafter,“the
`Parties,”hereby subm itthisJointC laim C onstructionand Prehearing Statem ent.
`ThisStatem entaddressesthe parties’ claim constructionpositionsregarding the asserted
`claim softhe Patents-in-Suit,U .S.PatentN os.6,009,469;6,108,704;and 6,131,121. The Parties
`have m etand conferred forthe purposesofnarrowing the issuesand finaliz ing preparationofthe
`Statem ent. The Partiesagree thatthe C ourtneed notconstrue term sthatdonotappearinthis
`Statem ent.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 1


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 2 of 8 PageID #: 2371
`A . C onstructionofthose claim term s,phrases,or clausesonwhichthe Partiesagree
`The Partiesstipulate toconstructionsofthe claim term s,phrases,and/orclausesattached
`heretoasExhibitA .
`B. Proposed constructionsofdisputed claim term s,phrases,and clauses,with
`extrinsic evidence
`StraightPath’sproposed constructionforeachdisputed claim term and identificationof
`supporting evidence issetforthinExhibitB . The D efendants’ proposed constructionforeach
`disputed claim term and identificationofsupporting evidence issetforthinExhibitC .
`C . A nticipated lengthoftim e necessary for the C laim C onstructionH earing
`The Partiesbelieve thatthree (3)hourswill suffice forthe C laim C onstructionH earing,with
`tim e being splitevenly betweenStraightPathand D efendants.
`D . Identity ofwitnessesthe Partiesintend tocall atthe C laim C onstructionH earing
`StraightPathm ay rely uponthe expertopinionofD r.StuartStubblebine tosupportits
`proposed claim constructionsinthe form ofdeclarationsfiled withthe C ourtand live testim ony at
`the claim constructionhearing,should the C ourtsodesire. D r.Stubblebine will testify,if
`perm itted,thatone ofordinary sk ill inthe artduring the relevanttim e periodswould have construed
`the claim term sidentified by the partiesforconstructioninthe m annerStraightPathhasproposed,
`and thatStraightPath'sproposed constructionsare derived from the intrinsic extrinsic evidence.
`D r.Stubblebine’stestim ony m ay alsorelate tothe technology ofthe A sserted Patents,including
`any topicsD efendants’ expertsm ay opine upon. D r.Stubblebine m ay alsorebutany testim ony or
`allegationsconcerning priorartorotherdocum entsidentified by any party regarding the general
`field orback ground ofthe inventionsproduced by the partiesand/orany third partiesinthe case,
`including butnotlim ited tothe docum entsidentified inthe parties’ P.R .4-2and 4-3disclosures.
`A dditionally,StraightPathm ay offerD r.Stubblebine forthe purposesofany tutorial thatthe C ourt
`m ay choose toconduct.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 2


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 3 of 8 PageID #: 2372
`StraightPathreservesthe righttoofferexperttestim ony inrebuttal toany experttestim ony
`D efendantsm ay offer. StraightPathalsoreservesitsrighttoidentify additional extrinsic evidence,
`notlim ited tothe areasofexperttestim ony,inresponse toortorebutproposed claim constructions
`from D efendants. Tothe extentD efendantspropose a constructionforany term notidentified in
`ExhibitB ,StraightPathreservesthe righttopropose additional constructionswithina reasonable
`tim e afterreceiving D efendants’ proposed construction.
`D efendants’ m ay rely uponthe expertopinionofD r.B ruce M aggstorebutexperttestim ony
`thatStraightPathm ay offer,including butnotlim ited to:
` testim ony tosupportStraightPath’sproposed claim constructionsthatone of
`ordinary sk ill inthe artduring the relevanttim e periodswould have construed the
`claim term sidentified by the partiesforconstructioninthe m annerStraightPathhas
` thatStraightPath'sproposed constructionsare derived from the intrinsic and
`extrinsic evidence,and
` the technology ofthe A sserted Patents.
`D efendantsm ay rely uponD r.M aggs’ expertopinioninthe form ofdeclarationsfiled with
`the C ourtand live testim ony atthe claim constructionhearing,should the C ourtsodesire.
`A dditionally,D efendantsm ay offerD r.M aggsforthe purpose of any tutorial thatthe C ourtm ay
`choose toconduct. D efendantsm ay alsoofferD r.M aggs’ expertopinionsforsupporting its
`proposed claim constructions,including supportforD efendants’ proposed claim constructionsthat
`one ofordinary sk ill inthe artduring the relevanttim e periodswould have construed the claim
`term sidentified by the partiesforconstructioninthe m annerD efendantshave proposed,and that
`D efendants’ proposed constructionsare derived from the intrinsic and extrinsic evidence.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 3


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 4 of 8 PageID #: 2373
`Tothe extentStraightPathproposesa constructionforany term notidentified inExhibitC ,
`D efendantsreserve the righttopropose additional constructionswithina reasonable tim e after
`receiving StraightPath’sproposed construction(s).
`E. O ther issuesthatm ightappropriately be tak enupata prehearing conference prior
`tothe C laim C onstructionH earing
`The following m otionispending before the C ourt. Tothe extentthism otionispending at
`the tim e ofthe scheduled claim constructionhearing,StraightPathrequeststhatthe C ourtallow the
`partiestoaddressthem atthe scheduled claim constructionhearing:
` StraightPath’sM otiontoforL eave toA m end ItsInfringem entC ontentions,Straight
`Path IP Group, Inc. v. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., et al.,C .A .N o.13-cv-606,
`D ock etN o.85(July 11,2014).
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 4


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 5 of 8 PageID #: 2374
`D A TED :Septem ber12,2014
`R espectfully subm itted,
`B y:/s/Michael C. Newman
`M ichael T.R enaud (adm itted pro hac vice)
`Jam esM .W odarsk i
`M ichael J.M cN am ara
`M ichael C .N ewm an(adm itted pro hac vice)
`R obertJ.L .M oore (adm itted pro hac vice)
`K ristina R .C ary
`L O V SK Y & PO PEO P.C .
`O ne Financial C enter
`B oston,M A 02111
`m trenaud@ m intz .com
`jwodarsk i@ m intz .com
`m m cnam ara@ m intz .com
`m cnewm an@ m intz .com
`rjm oore@ m intz .com
`k rcary@ m intz .com
`T.JohnW ard,Jr.
`TexasState B arN o.00794818
`T.JohnW ard
`TexasState B arN o.2084800
`J.W esley H ill
`TexasState B arN o.24032294
`C laire A bernathy H enry
`TexasState B arN o.24053063
`W A R D & SM IT H
`1127JudsonR oad,Suite 220
`L ongview,TX 75606
`jw@ wsfirm .com
`tjw@ wsfirm .com
`wh@ wsfirm .com
`claire@ wsfirm .com
`Counsel for Plaintiff
`Straight Path IP Group, Inc.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 5


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 6 of 8 PageID #: 2375
`/s/ Brian K. Erickson
`B rianK .Erick son
`TexasB arN o.24012594
`Todd S.Patterson
`TexasB arN o.24060396
`401C ongressA venue,Suite 2500
`A ustin,TX 78701-3799
`Facsim ile:512-457-7001
`C laudia W ilsonFrost
`TexasB arN o.21671300
`1000L ouisiana Street,Suite 2800
`H ouston,TX 77002-5005
`Facsim ile:(713)425-8401
`M ark D .Fowler(pro hac vice)
`Erik R .Fuehrer(pro hac vice)
`JonathanH .H ick s(pro hac vice)
`K rista A .C elentano(pro hac vice)
`2000U niversity A venue
`EastPaloA lto,C A 94303
`Attorneys for Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Samsung
`Electronics America, Inc. and Samsung Telecommunications
`America, LLC
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 6


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 7 of 8 PageID #: 2376
`/s/ Thomas H. Reger II
`Thom asH .R egerII
`FISH & R IC H A R D SO N ,P.C .
`TexasB arN o.24032992
`1717M ainStreet,Suite 5000
`D allas,TX 75201
`Facsim ile:(214)747-2091
`L inhong Z hang (adm itted pro hac vice)
`1425K StreetN W ,11thFloor
`W ashington,D C 20005
`Facsim ile:(202)783-2331
`lwz hang@
`Attorneys for Defendants Huawei Investment & Holding Co.,
`Ltd., Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Huawei Technologies
`USA, Inc., and Huawei Device USA, Inc.
`/s/ Thatcher A. Rahmeier
`K eithA .W alter,Jr.
`ThatcherA .R ahm eier
`222D elaware A venue,Suite 1410
`W ilm ington,D E19801
`thatcher.rahm eier@
`EverettU pshaw
`State B arofTexasN o.24025690
`D avid A .B ailey
`State B arofTexasN o.24078177
`811S.C entral Expressway,Suite 307
`R ichardson,Texas75080
`Attorneys for Defendant ZTE (USA), Inc.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 7


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111 Filed 09/12/14 Page 8 of 8 PageID #: 2377
`The undersigned certifiesthatonthis12thday of Septem ber,2014,all counsel ofrecord who
`are deem ed tohave consented toelectronic service are being served witha copy of this docum ent
`throughthe C ourt’s C M /EC Fsystem under L ocal R ule C V -5(a)(3). A ny othercounsel of record
`will be served by a facsim ile transm issionand/orfirstclassm ail.
`/s/Michael C. Newman
`M ichael C .N ewm an
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 8


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-1 Filed 09/12/14 Page 1 of 2 PageID #: 2378
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-1 Filed 09/12/14 Page 2 of 2 PageID #: 2379
`T erm or Phrase
`The ’704Patent,C laim s
`1,11,14,16,22,27and 31
`The ’469Patent,C laim s
`1,2,3,5,6,9and 14
`The ’121Patent,C laim s
`6,8,10,11,13and 14
`“dynam ically assigned”
`The ’121Patent,C laim s
`6,8,10,11and 13
`A greed U ponC onstruction
`“running instance[s]ofa com puterprogram orapplication”
`“assigned fora lim ited period oftim e,oruntil explicitly relinquished”
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 1 of 13 PageID #: 2380
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 2 of 13 PageID #: 2381
`C laim T erm
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s1,11,14,16,
`22,27and 31
`The ’469Patent,
`C laim s1,2,3,5,9and
`The ’121Patent,
`C laim s6,8,10,11,13
`and 14
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`“com m unicationsbetweentwoprocesses
`Intrinsic Evidence
`overa com puternetwork thatare not
`’469PatentatC laim s1,2,3,5,9and 14;
`interm ediated by the [server
`’469PatentatA bstract;
`server]/[directory database]/[directory
`database serverprocess]”
`’469File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000431-433;
`’469File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000739-744;
`’704PatentatC laim s1,11,14,16,22,27and 31;
`’704PatentA bstract;
`’704File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000864;
`’704Patent,D ec.4,1997,A m endm ent,at8
`(STR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -00006139);
`’704Patent,D ec.4,1997,A m endm ent,at8-9
`(STR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -1723126-1723128);
`’121PatentatC laim s6,8,10,11,13and 14;
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 12


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 3 of 13 PageID #: 2382
`C laim T erm
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`Extrinsic Evidence
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents.
`The following isa briefdescriptionofthe substance ofD r.
`Stubblebine’stestim ony aboutthe term “point-to-point”:
`1. H ow one ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`inventionwould read the specificationsofthe patents-in-suit
`asclearly supporting StraightPath’sconstructionofthe term
`2. Explanationofwhatconstitutesa point-to-point
`com m unication
`3. The potential forinterm ediationofa point-to-point
`com m unicationby certainnetwork hardware and the
`specific serversthatdonotinterm ediate the point-to-point
`com m unicationclaim ed inthe patents-in-suit
`4. The nature ofthe end pointsofthe point-to-point
`com m unicationclaim ed inthe patents-in-suit
`5. D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Intrinsic Evidence
`’469PatentatC laim 9;
`“available forcom m unication”
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s11and 22
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 13


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 4 of 13 PageID #: 2383
`C laim T erm
`The ’469Patent,C laim
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`’469PatentatTable 2;
`’469PatentatTA B L E1;
`’469File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000739-744;
`’469File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000748-756;
`’704PatentatC laim s11and 22;
`’704File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000864;
`Extrinsic Evidence
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents.
`The following isa briefdescriptionofthe substance ofD r.
`Stubblebine’stestim ony aboutthe term “on-line”:
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 14


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 5 of 13 PageID #: 2384
`C laim T erm
`The ’469Patent,C laim
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`1. H ow one ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`inventionwould read the specificationsofthe patents-in-suit
`asclearly supporting StraightPath’sconstructionofthe term
`2. The relationshipbetweenbeing “on-line”and being able to
`engage inthe point-to-pointcom m unicationprotocol
`claim ed inthe patents-in-suit
`3. D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Intrinsic Evidence
`’469Patent,C laim 9;
`’469PatentatTA B L E2;
`’469File H istory atSTR A IG H TPA TH -ITC -0000748-756;
`“on-line and available forcom m unication
`withthe callerprocess”
`Extrinsic Support
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 6 of 13 PageID #: 2385
`C laim T erm
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`The following isa briefdescriptionofthe substance ofD r.
`Stubblebine’stestim ony aboutthe term “accessible”:
`1. H ow one ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`inventionwould read the specificationsofthe patents-in-suit
`asclearly supporting StraightPath’sconstructionofthe term
`2. H ow one ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`inventionwould interpretthe specificationsofthe patents-
`in-suitasclearly supporting aninterpretationofthe term
`“accessible”torepresentboththe on-line statusofthe callee
`processand the callee process’ availability for
`com m unicationwiththe callerprocess
`3. D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 16


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 7 of 13 PageID #: 2386
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`Plainand ordinary m eaning.
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`’704Patent,C laim s1,11and 22
`‘704PatentatA bstract
`’469Patent,C laim s1,2,3,5,6and 9
`‘469PatentatA bstract
`’121Patent,C laim s6,8,10,11,13and 14
`‘121PatentatA bstract
`‘121Patentat3:1- 19
`C laim T erm
`“network protocol
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s1,11and 22
`The ’469Patent,
`C laim s1,2,3,5,6and
`9 T
`he ’121Patent,
`C laim s6,8,10,11,13
`and 14
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 17


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 8 of 13 PageID #: 2387
`C laim T erm
`“a query astowhether
`[the/a]second process
`isconnected tothe
`com puternetwork ”
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`Plainand ordinary m eaning,excepttothe
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`See StraightPath’ssupportforproposed constructionof“on-
`line”and “process”/”processes”
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand the term s“query astowhether”and
`“connected tothe com puternetwork ”tobe giventheirplain
`and ordinary m eaning inthe field ofcom puterscience and
`network com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`See StraightPath’sproposed construction
`The ’704Patent,C laim
`1 T
`he ’469Patent,
`C laim s3and 6
`The ‘121Patent,
`C laim s6,8,13and 14
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 9 of 13 PageID #: 2388
`StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction Supportfor StraightPath’sProposed C onstruction
`Plainand ordinary m eaning,excepttothe
`extentthat“on-line”and “process”
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`require construction.
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`See StraightPath’sproposed construction
`of“on-line”and “process”
`See StraightPath’ssupportforproposed constructionof“on-
`line”and “process”/”processes”
`’704Patent,C laim s11and 22
`’469Patent,C laim 9
`’121Patent,C laim s6and 8
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand the term s“querying”,“status”,“callee
`process”and “callerprocess”tobe giventheirplainand
`ordinary m eaning inthe field ofcom puterscience and network
`com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`C laim T erm
`“querying the
`astothe on-line status
`ofthe first
`“query the [server
`second processis
`connected tothe
`com puternetwork ”
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s11and 22
`The ’469Patent,C laim
`9 T
`he ’121Patent,
`C laim s6and 8
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 10 of 13 PageID #: 2389
`“having on-line status
`com puternetwork ”
`The ’121Patent,
`C laim s10and 11
`Plainand ordinary m eaning,excepttothe
`extentthat“on-line requiresconstruction.
`See StraightPath’sproposed construction
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`See StraightPath’ssupportforproposed constructionof“on-
`’121Patent,C laim s10and 11
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand the term s“having… statuswithrespecttothe
`com puternetwork ”tobe giventheirplainand ordinary
`m eaning inthe field ofcom puterscience and network
`com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
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`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 11 of 13 PageID #: 2390
`Plainand ordinary m eaning.
`[twoorm ore
`elem ents]”/”association
`of[twoorm ore
`elem ents]”
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s11,14,16,22
`and 27
`The ‘469Patent,
`C laim s9and 14
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`’704Patent,C laim s11,14,16,22and 27
`‘469Patent,C laim s9and 14
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand these term stobe giventheirplainand
`ordinary m eaning inthe field ofcom puterscience and network
`com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 21


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 12 of 13 PageID #: 2391
`“callee process”
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s11,14,16,22,
`27and 31
`The ’469Patent,
`C laim s9and 14
`Plainand ordinary m eaning,excepttothe
`See StraightPath’sproposed construction
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`See StraightPath’ssupportforproposed constructionof
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand the term s“callerprocess”and “callee
`process”tobe giventheirplainand ordinary m eaning inthe
`field ofcom puterscience and network com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 22


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-2 Filed 09/12/14 Page 13 of 13 PageID #: 2392
`“tem porarily disabling
`com m unications”
`Plainand ordinary m eaning,excepttothe
`The ’704Patent,
`C laim s16and 27
`See StraightPath’sproposed construction
`The ’469Patent,C laim
`Innovative Communication Technologies, Inc. v. Vivox, Inc.,
`C ivil N o.2:12cv7,C ivil N o.2:12cv9,O pinionand O rder(E.D .
`V a.O ct.26,2012)
`See StraightPath’ssupportforproposed constructionof
`469patent,10:46-51and 28:41-48
`121patent,10:40-45and 28:33-40
`D r.StuartStubblebine m ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents. D r.Stubblebine’srebuttal testim ony m ay
`include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary sk ill inthe
`artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read the specificationsof
`the patents-in-suit;why a personofordinary sk ill inthe art
`would understand the term s“tem porarily disabling”and
`“com m unications”tobe giventheirplainand ordinary
`m eaning inthe field ofcom puterscience and network
`com m unications.
`D r.Stubblebine m ay alsoofferexperttestim ony regarding the
`view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe
`A sserted Patents
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 23


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 1 of 21 PageID #: 2393
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 24


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 2 of 21 PageID #: 2394
`N o. C laim T erm
`“network protocol ad-
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`“addressassigned according toa network -
`layerprotocol,suchasanIP address.”
`Supportfor D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`See also evidence cited for“point-to-point.”
`“network protocol ad-
`’704PatentC laim s:
`’469PatentC laim s:
`’121PatentC laim s:
`“addressesassigned according toa network -
`layerprotocol,suchasanIP address.”
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`File H istory
`’704,6/2/97O ffice A ctionat3-4;
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 25


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 3 of 21 PageID #: 2395
`N o. C laim T erm
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`Supportfor D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`’704,10/28/98O ffice A ctionat4;
`’704,3/1/99R esp.at14-15;
`’704R eexam ,11/27/09R esp.at21;
`’469,4/20/98O ffice A ctionat8.(“containing a
`network protocol address(IP address)”;
`’469,10/26/98R esp.at7-8;
`’469,3/3/99R esponse at8;
`’121R eexam ,11/25/09R esp.at14;
`’121,9/7/99R esp.at19-20.
`Extrinsic Evidence:
`D r.B ruce M aggsm ay offerexperttestim ony regarding
`the view ofone ofordinary sk ill inthe artatthe tim e
`ofthe A sserted Patents. D r.M aggs’ rebuttal testim ony
`m ay include,butisnotlim ited to:how one ofordinary
`sk ill inthe artatthe tim e ofthe inventionwould read
`the specificationsofthe patents-in-suit;explanationof
`whatconstitutesa network protocol address.
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 26


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 4 of 21 PageID #: 2396
`N o. C laim T erm
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`Supportfor D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`M arch7,2014R ebuttal ExpertR eportofD r.Stuart
`Stubblebine,atpp.1-73;R esponsive ExpertR eportof
`K evinJeffay,Ph.D ,inNet2Phone v. Skype.pp.9-35
`and the M ay 20,2008,D epositionofK evinJeffay,
`Ph.D .
`R FC 793(TC P protocol spec.),R FC 791(IP protocol
`spec.),and R FC 768(U D P protocol specification).
`D ouglasC om er,Internetwork ing withTC P/IP –Prin-
`ciples,Protocols,and A rchitecture,V ol.I (N ew Jer-
`sey:Prentice-H all,1991),e.g.,C hapter7(“Internet
`Protocol:C onnectionlessD atagram D elivery”),C hap-
`ter8(“InternetProtocol:R outing IP D atagram s”),
`C hapter10(“Protocol L ayering”),C hapter11(“U ser
`D atagram Protocol”),C hapter12(“R eliable Stream
`TransportService (TC P)”),and C hapter21(“The
`Sock etInterface”).
`W .R ichard Stevens,U N IX N etwork Program m ing
`(N ew Jersey:Prentice-H all,Inc.,1990),e.g.,C hapter4
`(“A N etwork Prim er”),C hapter5(“C om m unication
`Protocols”)and C hapter6(“B erk eley Sock ets”).
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 27


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 5 of 21 PageID #: 2397
`N o. C laim T erm
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`Supportfor D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`W .R ichard Stevens,TC P/IP Illustrated,V olum e 1–
`The Protocols(B oston:A ddison-W esley,1994),e.g.,
`C hapter1(“Introduction”),C hapter3(“IP:Internet
`Protocol”),C hapter9(“IP R outing”),C hapter11
`(“U D P:U serD atagram Protocol”),C hapter17(“TC P:
`Transm issionC ontrol Protocol”),C hapter18(“TC P
`C onnectionEstablishm entand Term ination”),and
`C hapter19(“TC P Interactive D ata Flow”).
`“having on-line status
`com puternetwork ”
`’121PatentC laim s:
`“thatare currently registered withthe serv-
`See also evidence cited for“query”term s
`Intrinsic Evidence:
`A bstract,1:59-2:9,3:19-32,5:33-37,5:39-42,5:24--
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 28


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 6 of 21 PageID #: 2398
`N o. C laim T erm
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`Supportfor D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction
`File H istory
`’704,12/2/97H uttonD ec.atEx.A ;
`’704R eexam 11/27/09R esp.at11-18,21,27-28;
`’704R eexam M ayer-Patel D ec.at10-11,13-15;
`’121R eexam ,5/7/10O ffice A ctionat6;
`’121R eexam 11/25/09R esp.at8;
`’121R eexam 11/25/05R esp.at10-11;
`’121R eexam M eyer-Patel D ec.at7-8;
`’46910/26/98R esp.at7-8;
`’4693/3/99R esp.at8-9;
`’469R eexam 11/25/09R esp.at11-12;
`Samsung v. Straight Path, IPR2014-01366
`Straight Path - Ex. 2003 - Page 29


`Case 6:13-cv-00604-KNM Document 111-3 Filed 09/12/14 Page 7 of 21 PageID #: 2399
`N o. C laim T erm
`D efendants’ Proposed C onstruction

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