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`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 1
`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 1


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`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 2
`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 2


`1 6
`adjacent angte
`[LaL adeniptifi, adi’irrfttiéfit—, a taking away <
`adt’mjsi‘us, p.part. of adimt’re,
`to take away 2 ad-, ad- +
`emera, to buy, take; see era-E]
`A'den (ad’n, ad’n). 1. A former British colony and protec-
`torate of 5 Arabia, part of Southern Yemen [now Yemen]
`Since 1967. Z. A city of 5 Yemen on the Gulf of Aden; cap.
`of Southern Yemen {190—90}. Pop. 2?1,fin{}.
`Aden. Gulf of. An arm of the Arabian Sea between Yemen on
`the Arabian Peninsula and Somalia in E Africa.
`Ad-en-au‘er (Eid’mou’ar, éidL}, Konrad. 187’6—1‘367. First
`chancellor of West Germany ll949—63l-
`ad-e-nec-to-rny [fid'n-Ekha-mé) K. Surgical excision of a
`ad-e-nlne {ad'n—En’, -in_‘t H. A purine base, C5H5N5, that is a
`constituent of DNA and RNA.
`ad-e'nl-tis [ad'n—i’tis] n. Inflammation of a lymph node or
`adeno— or aden— pref. Gland: adenectomy. [st Git.
`rt. A malig-
`ad-e-no-car-ci-no-ma [ad'n—é—kdr'sa—né-lmal
`nant tumor originating in glandular tissue. —ad"e-no-car’-
`cI-nomFa-taus [-nom’a‘tas, -nofma‘tas) ttdj.
`ad-e-no-hy-poph-y-sts lad'n—o—hi-pof’i—sis) It. The anterior
`lobe of the pituitary gland. mad'e'no-hy-pophly-se’al.
`ad’e-no-hy-poph’y-sl'al [-péf’l-sé’al} adj.
`ad-e-noid [dd'n-oid’] rt. A lymphoid tissue growth in the up-
`er part of the throat at the hack of the nose that when swol-
`en may obstruct breathing. Often used in the plural. —ttdj.
`Of or relating to lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.
`ad-ernoirdal [ad’n-oid’ll adj. 1. Of or relating to the ade-
`noids. 2. Suggestive of the vocal sound caused by enlarged
`ad‘e'ntvma jid'n-ofmaj tt., pi. mac or -ma-ta [-mavta]. A
`benign epithelial tumor having a glandular origin and struc—
`ture. —ad’e°nom-"a°tolcl'
`[adln—otn-‘a-toid’J adj. —ad’e°
`nomfa--tous [-omfa—tas] adj.
`a-den-trsine {a--Clénf.:- sén’] n. A nuclmside,f..mH13N5(_).-I,
`thatIs a structural component of nucleic acids and the major
`molecular component of ADP. AMP and ATP. [Blend of a1)—
`ENIN'E and RI'BOSF.,]
`adenostne diphosphate n. ADP.
`adenosfne monoo-phos-phate (mon’o-fos’fall) rt. 1. AMP.
`2. Cyclic AMP.
`adanoslne trlphosphate n. ATP.
`ad-e-no-sis (adln-o-‘sisj n. A disease of a gland, esp. one
`marked by abnormal formation or enlargement.
`ad‘e-rlo'vl-rus lad'n-ovvi’rasl fl. Any of a group of DNA-
`containing viruses that cause conjunctivitis and respiratory
`infections in humans. — ad-‘e-no-vifral adj.
`a-den-yI-ate cy-clase (a-dén'l-It si’klas, -klaz, ad'n-ilfit} n.
`An enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cylic AMP from
`ATP. [MNONE] + —YL + —n'I'I-_'2 + Cteu.(t)}— + —A5.l-_.j
`arde-nyl cyclase {admit} it. See adenylate cyclase.
`ad'emyl-Ic acid fad'n-il’ik) it. See AMP. [ADtNmsEl + -tL +
`—IC + 300.]
`aadept la-dépt'l adj. Very skilled. See Syns at proficient. —— n.
`ladVEpt'}. A highly skilled person; an expert. [ ttdepms,
`p.part. of tidipfsct',
`to attain : ad, ad- + npfscf,
`to grasp.]
`—a-tleptfly adv. —a~dept’ness rt.
`to meet a need.
`ad-e'qua‘te (ad’i—kwit] adj. 1. Sufficient
`2. Barely satisfactory or sufficient. [Lat ndtieqiitims. p.part.
`of adapqadre, to equalize : ad-, ad- + aeqrnire, to make equal
`4: segues. equal.] —ad’e-qua°cy {—kwa-se}, ad’e-quate'
`ness rt. — ad’e-quate-Iy adv.
`a deuit [a’ dce'l ttdj. Involving two persons. — adv. With only
`two persons involved. [Ft.]
`ad fem-imam [ad fEm’i—narn’, -naml adj. Appealing to irrel—
`evant personal considerations concerning women. [Lac ad. to
`+ ft'wiiiimm, aecusatiye of ffiitséii.-i, woman] —ad fern! l'
`nam' adv.
`ADH abbr. Antidiuretic hormone.
`ad-here {ad-hit?) isms. -hered. -her'lng. hares. 1. To stick
`fast; remain attached. 2. To be a devoted follower or sup-
`porter. [FL ndfirirt'r < Lat. ttdlinerére, to stick to : nd—, ad- -I-
`litterére, to stick]
`it. 1. The process or condi-
`ad'her-enoe {ad-hir-‘ans, —herf—]
`tion of adhering. 2. Faithful attachment; devotion.
`ad'l'ler-ent [ad—hirfant, -her’—} H. A supporter, as of a cause
`or an individual. —adj. l. Sticking or holding fast. 2. Bot.
`Joined but not united. — ad-her’ent-Iy It'dL'.
`ad'he'slon {ad-he’zhan} n. 1. The act or state of adhering.
`2. Attachment or devotion; loyalty. 3. ASsent or agreement to
`join. 4. Plays. The molecular force that attracts or binds elis-
`similar substances. 5. Medic. a. A fibrous band of scar tissue
`that binds together normally separate anatomical structures.
`b. The binding together of bodily tissues that are normally
`separate. [Fr. adhesion 4. Lat. ndlaacsio. (trifrtlestélt- cc. adhes-
`sus, p.part. of tidbaerére, to adhere. See aimless]
`811° he- Sl'O'tO't‘fljl' {ad-hE’ZE-otlo—mE) H., pl. -l11i95. Surgical
`division or separation of adhesions.
`ad-he'slve [ad—he’siv, —zi\=] adj. 1. Tending to adhere; sticky.
`2. Gummed so as to adhere. — rt. A substance, such as paste
`or cement, that provides adhesion. —ad-he’sive-|y (lt‘ll'.
`— ad-he’slve-ness It.
`adhesive tape at. A tape lined on one side with an adhesive.
`ad hoc fad holtf, hokr) adv. For the specific purpose or situ-
`ation at hand. — adj. 1. Formed for or concerned with on:
`specific purpose: on ad bloc committee. 2. Improvised; in:-
`promptu. [ ad to + hoe, this]
`ad ham-l'nen'l [hom’a-némr mam} adj. Appealing to pp-
`sonal considerations rather than to logic or reason. [Lat..
`to + horirirem, accusative of homo, mam] —ad homll'
`naml ttdtt.
`ad f‘a'bat- if. [ad’e—a- barflk i’dha-l adj. Of or relating wa
`thermodynamic process occurring without gain or loss of
`heat. [< Ck. adiabotos, impassable : a—, not; soc tI—' + d1.4
`hams, passable (die. dia- + batos, passable < (Mittens, to 1:!"
`see gWa-‘M — ad’l-a0bat’i-cal°ly adv.
`a-dleu (a—dyo‘o", a—do‘o'] mterj. Used to express farewell. —ii.
`pl. a-dieus or a'dleux [a-dyo'ozf, a-do‘oz’}. A farewell. [Ml
`< OFr. a diea, [I commend you] to God : ct, to {-f. Lat. .-.d-
`see no—l + Dieu, God [< Lat. dens; sec deM—‘lJ
`A-di-ge [aFdi-jz't’, tilde-jé'}. A river of NE Italy rising in :1:
`Alps and flowing c. 410 km [255 mi} to the Adriatic See.
`ad in f|°l'lltum [ad In'fa—ni'tam) ads.
`(1“ adj. To infie.‘t\
`hating no end [Lat. ad, to + infinitum, accusative of at
`nous, infinite. ]
`ad In-ler-Im [infrar-am} adv. In or for the meantime; tempo
`. — adj. Acting or done ad interim; temporary. [Lat .ti
`to, or + carrier. the meantime]
`ad-I-os (ad'é—t'isl', tilde-J interj. Used to express farewell. [911
`adios, prob. translated < French tit die”. See amen]
`add-power: (ad’s—po-sit’] rt. A brown, fatty waxlike sub
`stance that forms on dead animal tissues in response to man
`ture. [nnlrolse] + Lat. ce‘ra, was]
`ad'I-po-cyte [id’s—po-sit’] It. See fat cell.
`add-pose [ad’s-pos’] adj. Of, relating to, or composed ti
`animal fat; fatty. — rt. The fat found in adipose tissue. [Nlat
`adipose: c. Lat. adeps, Min, fat.] — ad’lopose'ness. ad’l-
`pos’hty {-pés’I-té} fl.
`adlpose tlSSLlE n. A type of connective tissue that contain
`stored cellular fat.
`Ad-i-ron-dack Mountains [ad’s-ton’dék’). A grou a]
`mountains in NE NY between the St. Lawrence R. an tl'.t
`Mohawk R. Part of the Appalachian system, the range risesm
`1,629.9 m [5,344 ft}.
`ad'lt (ad's) ’1. An almost horizontal entrance to a mine. [Lat
`aditus, access < p.part. of edits, to approach : ad—, ad- -. fit.
`to go; see el-"'.]
`adj. abbr. 1. Gram. Adjective. Z. Adjunct. 3. Adjustment. 4.21]-
`so Adj. Adjutant.
`ad {Ia-comes la-iélsan-sé} n., pl. -cles. 1. The state of being
`adjacent; contiguity. 2. A thing that is adjacent.
`ad-Ja-cent [a-jft-‘santl adj. 1. Close to; lying near: adjacrn!
`cities. 2. Next to; adjoining: adjacent garden plots. [ME<
`Lat. adiarerts, adjnrent-, pr.part. of adiacére, to lie near : an.
`ad- + t'ttcére, to lie; see yé“.] —— ad-ja'cent-ly adv.
`adjacent angle N. Marla. Either of two angles having a comm—r
`side and a common vertex.
`ad°jec°tive [aj'Ilt—tfv) n. Cram. Any of a class of words use
`to modify a noun or other substantive by limiting, qualifyiru
`or specifying and distinguished in English by one of seven?
`suffixes, such as -tms, —er, and 1’53, or by preceding a noun or
`nominal phrase. - adj. ‘l. Gram. Of, relating to, or function-
`ing as an adjective. 2. Not standing alone; derivative or de
`pendent. [ME é OFr. adjertt‘j’ s: LLat. deflections < radiates.
`p.part. ofadit'cere, to add to : ad-, adv + iaccre, to throw; 5e.
`)fé-‘J —aI1'jec-tltval l-I’i’vall adj. —ad'jec-tl'val-ly all:
`—ad'Jec-thte-ty adv.
`std-join {:I—join-l'} ,,_ joined. jointing. Joins. — a. 1. Te '3
`next to; be contiguous to. 2. To attach; append. — istr. To It
`contiguous. [ME ajomen «: OFr. ajoindre, ajoirt- < Lat. ml-
`rimleere, to join to : 6dr. ad- + ittrtgere, to join; seeng-I
`adjoin‘ing {a-joi’ning} adj. Neighboring; contiguous.
`ad-journ [a--jurn") v. -}ourned. -joum-lng. dourns. —tr. T:
`suspend until a later stated time. — hair. 1. To suspend tr:
`ceedings to another time or place. 2. To move from one pm:
`to another: We adjourned to the living room. [ME ajorrrnti
`< OFr. ttjomner: 0-, to [< Lat. arch; see tin—l + jour, day [~
`LLat. (litre-tum C. Lat. (flflflms, daily < diés, day; see deity-1.:
`— adjourn" merit rt.
`adjt. also MIL abbr. Adjutant.
`adjudge (a- lull] rm judged. dude-log. -judg-es. 1. L’III'
`a. To determine or decide by judicial procedure; adj udieait.
`b. To order judicially; rule. C. To award by law. I]ITti sen-
`tence; condemn. 2. To regard or deem. [ME ajugen < Of.-
`trjuge'r < Lat. adiiidicdre. See nnjlmtt:n1'r..]
`ad-ju-di-cate [a-jti‘o’dI-kat') 1w. cat-ed. eat-In . cats
`1. law. To hear and settle (a case}. 2. To study an settle 1'.
`dispute). [Lat adit'tdicdre, adtfia‘ictih to award to [judicially-
`: ad—, ad- + Indiana, to judge [< iridex, judge; see Itmqt'._
`— ad-Ju'di-ca'tion it. — ad-Ju’dI-ca’tlve adj. —ad-juflit
`ca'tor rt.
`ad -junt.'t [ii'ungkt'] n. 1. Something attached to another in;
`dependent or subordinate position. 2. A
`with another in a subordinate or auxiliary
`A clause or phrase added to a sentence
`—— adj. 1. Added or connected i
`auxiliary capacity. 2. Attached to a faculc
`porary or auxiliary capacity: an adjunct p
`[< Lat. adiiirretus, p.part. of adimgere, to
`—ad °Juncftlon {a-jfinglt’shan} n. — ad'j
`ad -J1.l-I'a'tlon [aj’a-ra-‘shanj
`’1. An earne
`-—ad dude-tony [:I—jdotfmtér'é, —th’e}I
`ad jute (a-joor'} tux. -jured. -jur-ing. -jurl
`or enjoin solemnly, as under oath. 2. To a
`earnestly. [ME adjttreit < Lat. edifirére, to
`+ ifircire, to swear; see yewes-‘J —ad'Jl
`adI:IILIS'I'. (a-ifistf) v. Just-ed. —_]ust-lng.
`change so as to match or fit. 2. To brin
`tions Ip. 3. To adapt or conform, as to r
`s at adapt. 4. To make more effective
`ti: timing of a car. 5. To settle; resolve.
`much is to be paid on (an insurance claim
`oneself; conform. [Obsolete Ft. adjuster
`VLat. "ttdiuxttire, to put close to : Lat. rid
`neat; see yang-E] —ad-JuatFa-ble adj
`adv. — ad-Just’er. ad-jusl'tor u.
`ad *jus‘t‘rnent {a-jfist’mant) n. 1. The act
`state of being adjusted. 2. A means of adjt
`of a debt or claim. 4. A modification, flu
`tion: an adjustment on a bill.
`ad-Ju -tant [ails-cant] n. 1. A staff officer
`manding officer with administrative affai
`3. See metabou l. [< Lat. Matthias, ca
`Mifiidre. to help. See tun] — ad'ju-tan-
`aqjutant general 15., pl. aqjutants general
`a unit having a general staff. 2. An offit
`National Guard in one of the 1.1.5. states. 3
`The chief administrative officer, a major
`adjutant stark n. See member: 1.
`ad fill-want (ails-vent) n. 1. An agent add
`crease or aid its effect. 2. An immunolo
`creases antigenic response. [< Lat. ac
`pr.part. of adffl'flrlfe, to help. See arm]
`M'IEI‘ (id'lar, ddl—l, Alfred.
`trist who theorized that neurotic behavioi
`a j.
`segion for feelings of inferiority. —Ad-le
`Ad-ler (adflar), Cyrus. 1863—1940. Am
`who was president of the Jewish Tht
`Ad'lEl' (adllar, lid-L}, Felix. 1351—1933.(
`educator who founded the Society for Eth
`Aid-[er {adder}, Mortimer Jerome. b. 1902
`and educator whose works include Ho:
`ad llb [dd lib’) edit. In an unrestrained mar
`[Short for AD Lml'l'UM.]
`tad-lib (ad-lib!) ,,_ .Iibnea. .tIu-uing. -llbs.
`and deliver extemporaneously. - tntt. Tt
`isation, as in a speech. — it. [ad’li‘b’). S!
`joke, that is improvised. — adj. lmpmvise
`—ad-llbtber )9.
`ad [lb-10mm [ad libf‘i—tam] adj. Mus. At t
`performer. Used chiefly as a ditection givi:
`omit a part. [1.31. dd, according to + iibitt
`no please.]
`an Ice. abbr. Lot. Ad locum {to, or at, tht
`adm. abbr. 1. Administration. 2. Adminis
`ad-meas-ure [fid-mézhfarl rm. —ured. -u
`yide and distribute proportionally; appor
`< OFr. amesttrer: a—, to {4: Lat. ad; see
`measure (< LLat. ménsfinire, to measu:
`measure; see MEASURE).] —ad'measfu
`measfur-er n.
`Moms-tits (Ed-mé’tas] n. or. Myth. A k
`husband of Alcestis.
`admln. abbr. 1. Administration. 2. Admin
`ad-min-ls-ter (ad—mInFI—star] v. -tered. -t
`I. To have charge of; manage. 2.3. To
`formal way: administer the last rites. b. T:
`administer a sedative. 3. To mete out; t
`justice. 4. To manage or dispose of (a trus
`a will or an official appointment. 5. To it
`def (an Oath, for example). — mar. 1. T
`ministratot. 2. To minister: administering
`admixture»: < OFr. admjm'strer ~1‘ Lat. a
`+ ministrtire, to manage; see MINTSTER.] —
`(—i—stta-bal) adj. — ad-min'Is-trant adj.
`ad -n1ln-|5-tra.te (ad-nIInFI-strat'i hart.
`«rates. To administer.
`ad-mln'is-tra-tlon [ad-minll-strfifshanl
`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 3
`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 3


`rt boxing opponent with one or hot
`1' punches, 3. Slang. '11: canlapncc “"113"?-
`ing. such :15 .1 chimp. mat chm-hes. 2’51 _
`null. huh. or rivet. 3. Sports. A
`g in boxing. 4. Nam. A half hitch In :‘1 ._
`rope fastened back by seizing. 5. Rial. at
`[Van of r::rn:t:11.!
`} 11. 1. Unc that clinches.
`.131; a. (
`clinching. b. A tool for Cll'lchlng
`informal. A [lL‘Ci.
`1'1: factor.
`1. A rithr rising in 5“? VA and flu
`generally SW" 10 [he 'l'cuncssue R.
`'31 gradual change in a_ feature fifth
`: of .1 species or populi‘ttlfln. 1151 “311‘
`11:11! 111'
`.‘1 geographic 11!:1r111tim1.|.;GIT
`tlel-‘.l —clln|‘al {kliln-JIJ 1111?.
`11111-11111. [Brick-lormaticsn {- «mull
`lung lIltlfingl. cllng-lng.lcilngs. 1. ‘th
`.11 111' grinning. ”Pcl‘nhgn '*-.
`; resist tcpnrittiml. 3. 11.1 rmnmn 1: J"
`on. — 1:. liar. A clingsmne. [ME {fl-h “f.-
`ng'ar 11. — cling’y «11,1.
`.h'} 11.. pl. clingflsh or fish-es, 11
`111-. fishes of the family {lolticsticidle -
`:diik umler the front purl of 1}... 1‘0le;
`1hc111sclvcs to rocks and sea-weal
`thling’mnnzj. A mounpm. 2'01“
`ireJt Smoky Mts. on the I'M-NC b1-
`11:11. 01‘ or relating to .1
`lastl!‘ to the static. —- 11'. A clingsmnqr.
`:1. Facillry elevated to the 41-12mm;
`s. 2. A medical csublishlncn} run {on}:
`ipL’clnliSlS sharing the 5111m- ."~“'”i=ic1_j"-I
`ring COlllll-ilfl ur l'lISltlflzlm-“Ull
`In. a panic“
`A training scsaion with n p'JIJCLll- lo: ”k-
`clirrtqlte 4: bk.
`lrlrtrrlré $8.111an ding-
`klmli'ro: 11; Mine. conch. Sc: klr:l-*_Il
`113; lsorfluitg 2. Having, .1 Specified flint-3..
`.tcrsrctiuns: til-clinic.
`11 all]. 1. OF. relating in. u: count-um“:
`lug or lust-Ll on direct 0_b5('rl'-'illfll'l 0t .,
`tlmgnosta'. 3. Writ ohlcrtirc .md afl-nid
`l. 4. Suggestive 01 fl. Itic<llfal Clrnrc; 1111;;
`'llrlit'til style ul'tlccrir. — Knoll-:31.“I .2
`er 11. A thermometer used to rnr'asurL-hl
`.l sn1.1|l glass thermometer designed 11-1;
`he hulls so that the Hindi“)! column 1:31"
`instrument is removed from 1h..-
`Nani 11. 1. A physiei
`11. phyL'hL‘llOgiul
`lizinn in clinical studies or p1'nrt1cc.2.i.‘-
`Ions-01' [caches at :1 Clinic. ll:r. clinica-
`r (Ltlxit..|
`d~ 1m. clinked. clink-ing. cllnha. In re.
`:1 1.111111. — 11. A light slurp ringing 9m:
`1. < M Du. time”, of lntit. m'is;.]_
`mg. A priuon or :1 prison cell: :1 1:11].
`f London famous tor 115 primal
`11. l. T111: ll‘lcul'libnatil'ch residue, fumin-
`, that remains after coal combustion. a
`brick or a mass of bricks fused togrtln
`tartl hurlti‘tl brick. 4. Vitriliutl "1:11:15
`111, 5. Slang. a. A sour note in a mug;
`. min-she; .1 blunder. c. Something Ell:-
`lspicuous failure. 6. Cl."
`_\' 1311“lest
`- first-raw. — mrr_1.-. -ared. -er-lng. -El‘l-
`timing. [Obsolete Du.
`lrl'mckrrertf ‘5 All”
`fire {:1 1::1-1 1.
`11-1111 avail/11:“
`[c obsolete clinkyr,
`nth-11.111 :-
`. oi clcinrlreu. to clench
`- 01; fftl'kifi":
`13f.5l1‘rpe; slflnl:
`trlmometcr. [NHL
`?nlfltfifi'tarll 1:. Any of \‘llt‘lfllllli «Wilt?!
`surjriIs; angles of elevation or utclmr. ,.:
`-n1ét*ril<l. cli’no-mnt’ri-ral 11d:-
`.1111.hl.‘IN-k':|N-’] .nlj. Clittcringlwi'll'fi‘ _
`iuit gold leaf; tinsel; glitter. [112. ll‘1 “1..
`1f tiltsrileli: Cffl'k‘llfc'l". to Ulink, purl!-
`A city' of E—central IA on the M155155'PF'
`. Po . 29,201.
`76931828. Amer. politician who {35551:
`—23 and 1825—28) was a [III-nap
`1739—1312. Vice President of th‘ ,
`1738—95. British general in Fl}?! Ail“
`V8.5 commander in chief of Britis
`5' (.13
`lham. b. 1947. First Lady of the Unis rip
`1d noted spokesperson for Child”
`19-113. The 42111]
`rn Jeffersnt1("Bllt"). 1:.
`. LLS.
`[since 1993-}; preuiuusl)r governor [.lf All.
`lofl- _
`rl'H-ml 1933—93}.
`7' a{l.lfn.:f1f|15'3l 11, Any of mriottz- perennial herbs
`i “We —n('.'lr'11::1111a
`in the lily family. mum: to North
`0 916“”; castt'ff'l Asia and luring broad lJaliill
`"1‘ yellow. or purplish flowers. and blue or black
`(Ifliurmmr, genus name. after DeWitt Cir "
`5k, Myth.
`”11: Muse of history, “.111. Clio -'-:
`I _, Llan'lll- to tell. See Meir-K]
`11:5 .kfirzltnét’riks] 11. 1’11st with 1: slug. 1:.) Thr
`111'\' using rcunnrnic models and advanced math-
`g-lwds of data processing and analysis. —cll"o-
`”\',_c1|ra-me'trl’rlan [-111'1311'1'511’311} 11.
`“damped. clip-ping. clips. - tr. 1. To cut. t'ltl all"
`”ml, m :15 If with shears: cllp coupons. _2. To make
`b _ citllingi 111111.111: cur all the edge 01. 11.111 wt
`1 531. T1: sllfll'lfi'n {.1 word} th luaviiig out lclturs
`. D. T11 enunciatr clearly and pi'ccircly. 6. lrtfomml.
`_ “‘33; 1...... 7. $1.113.
`[.1l"“'1'[-L-‘,'¢..: :tornctliing. 2.
`l1:,t'rmn.-1l. To trim-e rapidly.
`.1.:t of clipping. 2. finmcthinr; cl1p11utl ul'l. esp..-
`1 1,01 sham -.11
`t1:1c_slic:1t|l:g. b. A season’s shcarmI.
`lhc ‘: [ egrnri from a lrlm nr Videotape. d. lufnmml.
`-" 5111.1“ 'blow- 5.
`luformnl. A price or MIC. 15. A single
`4:111:14 “:2‘ I
`tiitlc. 7. Clips. A pair of slicurs 01' clippers. |.-\rlli
`if}! 0?:- Myra-l
`1 11. 1. A ilevlL'L- Eur gripping "f holding slung» to-
`la clasp or fastener. 2. 1‘1 pit-1:1: ui |l:\
`rim: fastens
`‘ "up u; clip; .'I brooch. 3. A mrtricli,
`lip. 4. Fumbull.
`1 U. dipping. —rr.1r. clipper}. clip. mg. clips. 1.
`11. with or as if with .1 clip: hold light 3!. Z. rootlmll. To
`'-“'“.JI1 f1" opponent not carrying the hall: lllcgullv from tip:
`St Aug“ :_ Tu etnbrucr or encompass.
`lIMiz, hunk «L
`"t”; m L435“ cntlJchr C DE clypru-nr]
`Kincaid [k|;pth:'1rtl'. -hi‘ml’_l 11. A 5th” writing hoard 1min
`inn clip .11 the top for holding or .1 “Tiling pat].
`' ‘0'le :1. 51111; A rcstunnnt. nightcllih. or other llllblilcss
`clip-ill“ cuartsmrts 1m: regularly overcharged.
`I.“ 'Ed form lhlipri 11. A worrl formed 11;- drupping rule or
`$513“: “Habit-5 from .1 ptlli'syllnhic word. such .13 Frail.
`tlliJ'PEf {ltllp’ar} 11. 1. One that c1_1h._shr:.'lrs. or c_ps. Z. An
`.nutnnifl” or tool for cutting. clipping, or shranng. Often
`”ml :11 the plural: Hull Clippers. 3. Nrtltt. A sharpthowcd 11.111-
`"'1‘- ‘csgfl (11' 1h: uml—I'S'th L'tlnt'urIl’ 111:11 was built for great
`.prrd. I1. (In: (11:11 111111?» very last. 5. Electron. 5m: limiter 2.
`tlln'Plnfl [ktipfingl 11. haunt-thing cut off or out. cap.
`rrnm :1
`111'“ gpgpcr ut
`dipqneet [klip’1hrt’l
`11. A slice:
`1.11 paper contamulg news
`51.1115 rind other n1:1\'S-p:1pt:r minerml, nsu. prititctl 1111 tmlIr 1111-:
`ml: for convenience in clipping and reprinting.
`(“qua [L'IEIL lrliltl n.
`.-\ small.
`\‘NElll‘Jll’L‘ group of friends or
`marines. — rntmt rllqued. Cllqu' Ing. cliques. informal. 'lo
`rarrn. associate in. or act as :1 clit Lie.
`[F11 -=: 0171:. Latch, or 4:
`nllsulcte Fr. tin-11m. to click, cliulr. of imit. c1113.: — cllqu-‘ey.
`cliqul'y. cllquflsh .m‘i. - cliqu’lsh-Iy arltt. — cliquflsh-ness
`Elia-themes lklisitha-nez’]. Sce Cleisthenes.
`.v\ glandular cp-
`di‘telrlum llx'll‘lf'lflflll 11., pl. vteI-la [-tE-lfa].
`iilrtrital region of certain .1nnciiri worms that secretes :1 fluid
`It: lntm 11 cocoon for their 1:335. ”‘11.“. [‘ff!t'f.fl'l'll':. sing. ol' Lat.
`rlitrlltu". purl-tsatltllr. 5:1: Klelv‘l
`tlfl-D-rls iklit'ar—is. lili’tor-l 1:. A smul|,el1)ugntctl erectile or-
`!Jri .1! the anterior 11:1 rt of the 1- tilt-:1. lNl_:u. c: Gk. ltler'rum.
`Mr llIEl-‘,f uclitlo-ral {—3er1} :Hfj.
`“"9 15‘1“}. Robert. Baron {like of I’litssr}: 172.144. Britmh
`“Hlit'r who wnu instrumritml in securing Great l11'1wu1‘1.
`bursts in indm.
`:lk- .lflffl'. Clerk.
`'32:?ca1lklfi‘firlm 11.. pl. 4:112 11-1611. 1_. A sen-er 11_r errillt‘.
`“I Tila- Thu common cunt-1' 11111: which the intestinal, gen-
`111.1 durinnry 1:11:15 11511311
`111 vertebrates “Juli-.15 F1111, Ff?-
`3m, ft 5. and 11 m1.- prmnnve1113111111315.
`in. The postirrmr
`" Tl‘lc Intestinal tin-11:1 1n thmills lnYtl'lL‘lJrfiltrs. ILRT. rl'cr-
`“all filljckr. can-1].] - clo-afcal [—koli unit.
`'oh'] H l. A loose uulct' garment, sut'll 3'1 .1 UPC-
`1111;111:11 covers or conceals. — r121». cloaked. cloak-
`.‘lu cover or conceal u-rth or :1511wilh -.1 cloak SL'c
`- lMF. rlnlu- -4 UNI-r. cloque, cloak, hell 1%.
`ripe-.111, See titocxhl
`. -'n.uie mm 9139.1 lklIDlt‘an-daghrl mil- Mnrluml 111- inelm'lr. -
`link [a n Euc‘ntitl ortcti rspionagc.
`'IIti1-gth-‘Ifi‘_’_"." Of
`'Hilil'lhlla terns ll’l
`llit‘ genus; fiotllvluauu.
`H :3 Fm“
`. ‘. lu tllc temperate arid tropical Arurrlcas .111d hat--
`41111- uoakll c“”lIIHIlLIntl leaves.
`'11 ‘klék’rcfiim', -ri.?f)lll'l
`rr. 1. A mcuu where coats
`_3~. :2? “Hides may be left temporarily,
`:15 111 a Il‘lt::l[ct‘,
`0111er [11'er l'JulIil-sc adiaccnt m a legislative chamber.
`. "lulwtilv
`“Marl raw. heron. drawing. -berr.. slung. 1. To
`Innrl repeatedly; hatter 111' maul. 2.
`li: rim-{2'11
`"fin-111:3 ‘
`u criticize harshly.
`Clo-chard lhlfi-shiir-‘J 11., pl. -chards {"}. A lr.1lnp;
`grant. [Fr.
`(lac-hat, m limp «1 ()Fr. «2: V1.31.
`'clqnprunt 1'
`1: person, :11 mm: of L111.
`rIoche llalz').
`:1. 1,.-\ L'lt'
`Fitting WI'JIIIRli": ha: ii'illi :1 hell-like-
`5l::lpr. 2.
`:1 usu. hull‘ 1.1pcd covet. mud to pi'utL'CI plants
`from frost.
`‘5 01:12. hell "-I
`,\'It‘.Ll.L:11'. clor's‘
`‘11‘c t.l.t'1:.r.‘.|
`clack‘ [kick] 11. 1. An instrument other than -.1 11- rch tor Int-.13-
`Lirlng 01' indicating time. (up.
`.‘1 IIiCCl’Ht'ihrfll or clcclrnnlc tic-
`virc. 2. .31 time clock. 3. A souru- of rvgululv occurring [ml-m
`llsucl to measure the passage of lime. .15 in 11 computer. 4. An}
`of various devices that indium utensiirciuunt. such .15 .1 speed-
`'JlIlfl-Cl'. 5. Hut. The ulnwny flower huncl of :1 dandelion Il:.It
`has guncmscni, --11.clockedmlock-ingxlorhs.
`Ir. T.
`:11; with i stopwatch. 2. Tu tcgiflcr .1r “curd 11-1131
`mechanical Llei'lct'. — 11:11'. To tucurcl 1101111111.; hour-1 15”]:
`time clnrk: chinks m :1:
`1.11. —ldlom. clean (someones)
`clock. Shrug. in hunt or defeat
`rlol't‘l’c -:
`ONFr. cloque, hell. or ‘41
`\-ll1u. (lorltt'. hell. clock. hutll
`h-lrd.Lnr.clo-:t'1r. of imir. or
`.] —c!o:k’er :1.
`clock: [lrlc'tkl 11.
`:\n embroidered or
`mucking or smell.
`tmcx'. lJL‘ll
`CIDER radio It. A radio having .1 innit—in .1l-1rtn clocl: that 1.2111 in:
`1'11 to turn the radio 0:: .-1utt111i-.tii1.-.tlly.
`clock-wise [hloklwiz‘j reclri.
`1;?” ml;
`in the 11.11111' directing; .11.
`the rotating hands 11.
`11 clock.
`Clock-work {klfik'wlirk’l
`:\ nirclmiiism ol gran-1'5 whet-l1
`driven laIt- l‘I wound spring. .11 it: -_1 mechanical cinch. —ldlom.
`like clockwork. Willi innchllttlliltc regularity 11ml prucnsmn
`Clad (klorlj-
`1:. 1. A lump n1 cliunlc, esp. of earth or
`2.1-Iarthnr soil. 3. A dull, :Hlllplfl person: :1 dnlt.
`iMJ-Z, cut. of
`clot. lump. Sue r. i.r-r.l ucrod’ dish mfg. —clod"nlsl'1-[31I .irln.
`wciod’dlsh-ness n.
`‘l. A clumsy. 1.11.1151- rtct‘t‘t‘nl:
`ClDd'l‘lOp'pBl’ {l-clt'Jtlfltt‘ip'nl'l u.
`lmmpkin. 2.
`.-‘1 Eng hruvr shoe.
`11. A syriiltctic ilrurt.
`clc-fi-brate llill} l’l‘rflt,
`C,;l-l._.ClL"JI;_ 1:11:11 primarily to reduce
`normally elevated
`levels of plasma ClicllL‘sterUl
`l nigh-u dc.
`l'luftlll'r: 11ml
`lerll.('[lllLO{lll}Il— -:-
`clog {klr'ig klc‘lg} H. 1. An tlh5rl'ltrir11: m- l'lll'l\l[1|llL"f_’. 2. ,-‘. weight
`attached to [111:
`of .111
`to hinder mtu-‘cmcnt. 3. A
`lteuw, mil.
`it'ooilrni-sralcrl 5l1-1t'.
`-l-'. clogged. clug-glng,
`clogs. — n. 1. Tu obstruct mm-t-mrm 1111 Dr 111-. him-k up.
`2. To hamper lllt' function or activity of:
`--m. '.
`1. Tr: hecttlncuhstn1crrdnr choked up. 2. To thicken or stick
`mgrlllcr; clot. 3. Tu tin .1 clog leilicc. [MEI
`clog dance 11.
`:\ Llano: pt-rl'nl'nicd while wearing 1.11th and
`chamucrizrsd 111'
`l1c_11'_r, stamping steps. being dancer 11.
`clai-son-né [ltlon’zmnifl kl.
`'12! 11. 1. E11.1111cl1\'.zru
`which tlu: surf-.It'e cli:1.!.tr31l0fl
`is formccl 111' tlirlerent colors 1)]
`enamel separatinl
`l1_-.' [lllli birlps 1.:1' metnl Z. The process 111'
`method til producing-1 such an
`[311.111. of rlm-
`mnmrr, r0 pariilinn '3. Olir.
`111, partition <.' V1 :11.
`511:3. chirtrtrm-
`I.:1t. 1111115115. p.93“. of rlrtml'm'r.
`to rinse.
`lot-1.1.; —cloi-son-nét nth.
`(105°fo lltluir'sinrl 1r. 1. .31 con-it'd walls with an open cnlrsn-
`itrtdr un Ont: sit‘lu. running slung tlir walls uf buildings tlm
`face a t undrnngltn 2.3. :\ place. esp. :1 [nonsuerr 11r 1:11:11-1'111.
`dermal {.1 religious il'L‘luSlDI'l. b. L111:
`in a monrmcri- 1Jl' col:-
`vcni. 3.
`.1 secluded. quitt place.
`tare-1. -ter-Ing.
`4:915. 1.1115111” .11 .
`scc‘lllclt' 2,-1‘111
`';tl.1L1ilJinp;I‘. -.1-irl1:t clot-41:11 [M15 1‘lm'
`0Fr.. :Ilter-itiun of closli'c --'I I..1t. LfilflstHIH. cutlnicd place
`‘L‘ clumlrrr. to closrn]
`ciois-tral {kloi’strull .1I1u ciaus-tral -."..'l1"1".5:r.1l" .131. 1. 01'. re
`luring to. 01' like .1 cluistcr: .al‘lflllllcll, 2. Living 111
`.1 clnistcr
`clomb [klfitnl
`i'. :lrclnm'.
`.-\ Ill. .ind pqmtt. irl' climb.
`clamp gklémp; mtm'. clumped. clornp-ing. clamps. '11-: milk
`heat-Ili- uml noi
`clone {L'ln'm} H. 1. _ grnup ill generically ltll‘nl'lL'Jl cells tlrscrm‘l-
`e1] from .1 singli- mmnmu .
`iCr‘SlDE. 2. Au org-.unsrn descended
`ascxtlillh' from .1 Single .
`, raw: such .11.
`.1 1112111:
`[.ll'fltliIEL‘tl lit
`layering. 3. A rcplicJ or .1 J.)
`‘1 swucnc
`such .1:
`.1 gene.
`produced hIk' genetic engineering. 11. 0111' l
`mph-s or closely
`rcsclnlhlrs another. .15 in appearance or function.
`1r, cloned.
`(lowing. clones. — Ir. 1. To maLc multiple Irlunticul cnpicri
`of {:1 DNA sequence]. 2.21. To ebruhliah and 111.11't1:.'1111 pure
`lin igcs of L1 ct'll} iinilcr laboratory C(llldllmlli. 13. T11 ruptu-
`rlucc or pulp-.13.": .isentnlly: Jfol.‘
`.1 frog. 3. To mtlucr :1
`copy 0f: illlihfic.
`-- Hm. Tn grow :11.
`.1 (111111;. [(1l:. l: mu.
`—clonfal lklo’nnl] .1r1’j. —clonlal-I3.I .-11l1.-. —clon’er 11.
`Clo-nus ’Iklti'n'ls} 1:.. pl. mus-es. _-\11
`in 111-.
`muscular -.1
`1'11- cl1;1rric11:1rzed I:
`wildly :1lturl1.1t|111;nu cuA
`Far (Olllrdc'linn :tud
`. *'
`tilt. Harms.
`rlo’nic ilnlfflnrk. Hun-Ftk
`1;”. — clo-nlr-‘i-ty '!:lr‘:-
`‘ Elu’nism {kléfniz'anL lfinfi'z'alni 11'
`CIDp :I'lzlr'IpI:
`. slurp. l11.1|]r,1\1' solintl,
`.15 115':‘1litulfnticuncreic.
`—1'1m-.1J. clapped. clopoping. claps.
`'lu make or 111111-1- with
`this 50111111.
`:1 cotton. silk. or rayon 1:111-
`Clo-qua ills” cla-qué {kin-11:1". 11.
`rrc 111111 .I raised we:
`panern .1111!
`:3 pLicki-rt-tl 111' quilted
`lI-‘r. cloque. p
`of rim-11117.
`to Income hiistered
`dial. cloque. hlmer x" Medlnr. clclcctr. hell. Seirt'l.111.1:l_j
` r.
`__ 11-1; _-11.
`Of an earthworm
` :1
`Palermo University
`oi boy
`2'1 pat
`ou out
`a pay
`66 tcfiak
`at care
`cfi) bo—ot
`a father
`1'1 cut
`E pet
`fit urge
`8 be
`rh thin
`i pit
`do this
`I pie
`hw which
`1r pier
`zh vision
`6 pot
`9 about.
`a toe
`6 paw
`Stress marks:
`' (primary);
`’ (secondary), as in
`dictionary (dik’shs-nér’é)
`LaRose Ex. 1007,
`pg. 4
`LaRose Ex. 1007, pg. 4


`"'iim. h. Dissension; opposition. [Gt-r. =: Pillag-
`scmbling a flagellum; \vhiplike. 3. Relating to of -
`flagellate organism. — o.
`'lit, -lar', fia-jel’ 1,
`El, aircraft-defense gun]
`x a euglena,
`..-\ flat thin piece or layer; a chip. 2. A small
`i-, to whip .-: {lag
`Jr. dim. of flag-firm.
`- 3. A small crystalline bit of snow. 4. .‘ifm'flg. A
`flag-el-lat-ed lfifijFa-la’tt
`) adj. Biol. Having .t
`_ ottcnn'ic person; an oddball. 5. Slang. Cocaine.
`lt'ing. flakes. — tr. 1. To break flat,
`flag-ehIa-tion [fléj’a-lélshan] n. 1. The act or
`' m, chip. 2. To cover, mark, or overlay with
`— inn. To come off in flat thin pieces or
`flagellaiing. 2. Biol. The flagella: arrangement on "
`phrasal verb. flake out. Slang. 1. To fall
`ailing!“ from fatigue or exhaustion. Z.
`fla-gel-li'form [flagella-form“) nri’r'. Long, thin.
`T0 at! in 3“
`.- manner. iME. See plélt—“J —-fiakler a.
`whip-shaped: flagellilorm appendages.
`[Lon lb.-
`whip; see FLAGELLUM + -roitM.l
`frame or platform for drying fish or produce.
`fla'gel- lln [fla-jél’in} n. The chief protein compo .
`s UN fleet. hurdle, battle shield. See pink-“.1
`n. A bulletproof Eacke or vest.
`Teritll flagella.
`Halt-e5 ,flalke} urlj'. -I-er. ~l-est. 1. Made of or
`fla-gei-lum [fla-jél’:n1}n., pl. gelda l-jélla). l.-'
`like extenuun _
`threadlike appendage, esp. a whi
`thin 2. l'urining or tending to form flakes or
`cells or unicellular organisms used or locomotiun. "
`': ,‘lur'g pastry. 3. Slang. Somewhat eccen-
`_- mall-Ix aria. — flakfi-ness n.
`|'_l_at.. dim, of flagrant, whip]
`flag-eo-let iflz'tj’a-iéi", 45"} rt. Mus. A small ”1.11.“:
`1. A lie or hoax; a deception. 2. Non-
`l]-.‘l.'l' for murtm.]
`nirnt with a cylindrical mouthpiece, four finger
`two tliumbholes.
`[Fr., dim. of OFr, flaiol,
`. A drumbeat consisting of two almos

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