`Individual - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictiorery
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`wal, —'vi—jal, —'vi—jfi—al\
`\in-da-‘vij-wel, -'vi-ja-
`: of, relating to, or existing as just one member or part of
`a larger group
`: having a special and unusual quality that is easilyr seen
`: intended or designed for one person
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`MAGNA 2004
`TRW v.
`Patent No.
`Full Definition of INDIVIDUAL
`1 obsolete: mSEPnRABLE
`2 a : of, relating to, or distinctively associated with an
`individual <an individual effort;
`I: : being an individual or existing as an indivisible whole
`c :
`intended for one person an individual serving>
`3 : existing as a distinct entity : SEPARATE
`4 : having marked individuality (an individual style>
`— in-di-vid-u'al-ly adverb
`I9 See individual defined for English-language learners »
`See individual defined for kids »
`Examples of INDIVIDUAL
`What are the individuai traits of the breed?
`The doctor carefuliv evaluates the individual needs of her
`Students will receive as much individual attention as
`She has a very individual style of writing.
`a pattern as individual as a fingerprint
`Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus indivisible,
`from in- + dividuus divided, from dividere to divide
`first Known Use: 15th century
`Related to INDIVIDUAL
`idiomatic, individualized, particular, patented,
`peculiar, personal, personalized, private, privy,
`separate, singular, subjective, unique
`MAGNA 2004
`TRW v. Magna
`U.S. Patent No. 8,513,590
`Individual - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
`general, generic, popular, public, shared, universal
`[+] more
`See Synonym Discussion at special, characteristic
`Zindividual noun
`: a single person : a person who is considered separate
`from the rest of a group
`: a particular person
`: a single member or part of a group
`Full Definition of INDIVIDUAL
`1 a : a particular being or thing as distinguished from a class,
`species, or collection: as (l) : a single human being as
`contrasted with a social group or institution <a teacher who
`works with individuals> (2) : a single organism as
`distinguished from a group
`b : a particular person <are you the individual I spoke with
`on the telephone?>
`2 : an indivisible entity
`the reference of a name or variable of the lowest logical
`3 :
`type in a calculus
`I3?" See individual defined for English-language learners >>
`Examples of INDIVIDUAL
`They promote a philosophy that sacrifices the rights of the
`individual for the public welfare.
`They are both rather odd individuals.
`Are you the individual I spoke with on the telephone?
`She's a very talented individual.
`The markings on tigers are unique to each individual.
`First Known Use of INDIVIDUAL
`Related to I NDIVIDUAL
`baby, being, bird, bod [British], body, character,
`cookie (or cooky), creature, customer, devil, duck,
`egg, face, fish, guy, head, human being, human, life,
`man, mortal, party, person, personage, scout, slob,
`sort, soul, specimen, stiff, thing, wight
`[+] more
`Learn More About INDIVIDUAL
`Thesaurus: All synonyms and antonyms for "individual"
`Spanish Central: Spanish translation of "individual"
`SCRABBLE®: Playable words you can make from
`Britannica.com: Encyclopedia article about "individual"
`Next Word in the Dictionary: individual bond
`Previous Word in the Dictionary: individua
`All Words Near: individual
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