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`Groupon, Inc.
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`I TechmcalEdltbyMartm Kamlr, :5 53.
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`Ex. 1012 - Page 1 of 5
`Groupon, Inc.
`Exhibit 1012
`Using Lotus Notes
`Copyright© 1994 by Que” Corporation
`All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this
`book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means, or stored in
`a database or retrieval system, without prior written permission of the pub—
`lisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and
`reviews. Making copies of any part of this book for any purpose other than
`your own personal use is a violation of United States copyright laws. For
`information, address Que Corporation, 201 W. 103rd St., Indianapolis, IN
`46290-109 7.
`Library of Congress Catalog No.: 93—8 7386
`ISBN: 1-56529-638-9
`This book is sold as is, without warranty of any kind, either express or
`implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to
`implied warranties for the book’s quality, performance, merchantability, or
`fitness for any particular purpose. Neither Que Corporation nor its dealers or
`distributors shall be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity with
`respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to have been caused
`directly or indirectly by this book.
`Interpretation of the printing code: the rightmost double-digit number is the
`year of the book’s printing; the rightmost single-digit number, the number of
`the book’s printing. For example, a printing code of 94-1 shows that the first
`printing of the book occurred in 1994.
`This book is based on Lotus Notes Version 3.
`Pubiisher: David P. Ewing
`Director of Pubiishing: Michael Miller
`Managing Editor: Corinne Walls
`Marketing Manager: Ray Robinson
`Ex. 1012 - Page2 of5
`Ex. 1012 - Page 2 of 5
`Chapter 4—Using Advanced Editing Techniques
`Hg. 4.18
`A Swedish memo
`showing non-
`English characters.
`Qumpuse chi
`Rania Knuist
`Christel Home
`BZIDSJ‘EE D§:413:42 PM
`Er reseiili USA
`Froken Knulst,
`Angaande ertoriragan om speciella krav pa alt resa till USA,
`Men master ansiilta till et’t‘vieum lirfin den Amerikanslta ambasaden, Utah ett
`visurn far man ovemuvuclteget lnte ko'pa en fiygbillett. Ni behtiver inga .specieile
`mocinationet iEir nit vistas i USA. Forsakringskassan galler 'a'ven i USA men men
`urinate ha med sig sarskildatonnuiérsom masts paskrlvas av i‘eikaren.
`e Christel
`4.1 9.). W
`Doc link "
`Doc '
`To crez
`- Not all printers can print all special characters, and Notes may have to drop some
`special characters when printing documents. In particular, most daisywheel printers
`are limited in their selection of characters. Keep this limitation in mind when compos-
`ing documents if you are sharing information with people who use older printers or
`daisywheel printers.
`finderatan at
`Often you wiil discover a relationship between documents. Perhaps a docu-
`ment that you are composing discusses a topic mentioned in another docu-
`ment. in Chapter 1, you learned about doc links, which give you a conve-
`nient method for accessing related text in another document (known as the
`link document). If you are composing a document that includes a discussion of
`the health benefits of broccoli, for example, you may want to create a doc
`link to another document that contains a terrific recipe for a broccoli salad.
`The link document need not even be in the same database as the document
`containing the doc iink.
`'Doc links appear as a tiny page of paper with its corner folded down. Associ-
`ated with each doc link is a location, called the link point, Within the link
`Ex. 1012 - Page3 of5
`Ex. 1012 - Page 3 of 5
`Understanding Doc Links
`document. When the user double-clicks the doc link, Notes displays the link
`document, showing the section of text containing the link point {see fig.
`4.19). When the user closes the link document, Notes returns to the original
`document that contained the doc link.
`Fig. 4.19
`The doc link.
`Description: Obtaining a cash advance
`When you travel. company procedures eiiow you to request a cash advance. if you
`do not QWn ammpeny American Express card. You can request an amount
`sufficient to cover noteL rental oar, and meal expenses. You cannot request
`parking, tips, and tolls in advance.
`Efleclive Dale: ll/ZUJEZ
`To requester cash advance. you must firetflll out an AC—i 4 Check Requesttorm
`[click here Lijl for information about filling out an ACE-14). Turn the term into
`. Give accounting aminimum of three days to process your requests
`afall possibie,
`Doc Iink
`Accounting will send you your cash advance check via house mail unless you
`checkthe "Pickup" box on the AC—l 4 form.
`ltyou have questions. call: Jim McDonald
`)1'1 0f
`Doc links Work correctly only if the user has access to the link document. if, for
`example, you create a doc link to a document in another database, and the user
`doesn’t have access to the other database, Notes will not be able to retrieve the link
`document if the user double-clicks the doc link.
`To create a doc link, follow this procedure:
`‘i. Open the link document and select a link point by clicking the position
`within that document that you want Notes to display when the doc
`link is activated. Note that if you open the document in read mode, the
`insertion point flashes only momentarily on—screen, but Notes still
`knows Where it is.
`2. Choose Edit, Make DocLinlc Notes puts a doc link on the Clipboard
`that corresponds to the document and link point that you selected. _
`Ex. 1012 - Page 4 of 5
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`Using Lotus Notes
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`Ex. 1012 - Page 5 of 5