`(10) Patent N0.:
`(45) Date of Patent:
`US 7,181,758 B1
`Feb. 20, 2007
`(75) Inventor: Hark C. Chan, Cupertino, CA (US)
`(73) Assignee: Data Innovation, L.L.C., Northbrook,
`IL (US)
`( * ) Notice:
`Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(b) by 245 days.
`(21) Appl. No.: 10/322,624
`(22) Filed:
`Dec. 19, 2002
`6/1976 BatZ
`3,967,202 A
`4,054,911 A 10/1977 Fletcher et al.
`4,081,832 A
`3/1978 Sherman
`4,191,860 A
`3/1980 Weber
`4,215,406 A
`7/1980 Gomola et al.
`4,3014 16 A 12/1981 Spam)
`4,430,639 A
`2/1984 Bennett
`Related US. Application Data
`(63) Continuation of application No. 10/079,257, ?led on
`Feb' 19’ 2002’ now abandoned’ which is a cominw
`ation of application No. 09/699,022, ?led 'on Oct. 27,
`2000, noW abandoned, Wh1ch 1s a cont1nuat1on of
`application No. 09/480,226, ?led on Jan. 10, 2000,
`noW Pat. No. 6,347,215, Which is a continuation of
`application No. 08/939,368, ?led on Sep. 29, 1997,
`noW Pat. No. 6,021,307, Which is a continuation-in-
`part of application No. 08/644,838, ?led on May 10,
`1996’ now abandoned’ which is a Continuation-impart
`of application No. 08/279,424, ?led on Jul. 25, 1994,
`now abandoned‘
`(51) Int- Cl-
`H04N 7/173
`(52) U 5 Cl
`. ....... ...... ..; .................................. ..
`(58) Field of Classi?cation Search .............. .. 725/110,
`725/105’ 66’ 109; 455/3'1’ 150'1; 709/219;
`718/193’ 189
`See apphcanon ?le for Complete Search hlstory'
`References Cited
`3,824,597 A
`7/ 1974 Berg
`“LibmrY for PSYChiatTiSFS; American Psychiatric Press 111075 CD
`ROM Lrbray”; Information Today; vol. 10; No. 6; p. 30; Jun. 1993.
`Primary ExamineriWilliam D. Cumming
`(74) Attorney, Agent, or FirmiMartin & Ferraro, LLP
`An information distribution and processing system contains
`a sender and a plurallty of processlng un1ts. The sender
`delivers a set of digital data, Without receiving a request
`signal, to the plurality of processor units. The set of digital
`data conta1ns a ?rst set of displayable data, a second set of
`displayable data, at least one non-dlsplayable symbol, and at
`least one 11 nking reference associated with the Second Set of
`displayable data If desired, a user can Select the Second Set
`of displayable data. The associated linking reference is sent
`to a database. The database contains additional information.
`The associated linking reference is used by the database to
`search for the additional information, and returns the
`requested information to the user.
`22 Claims, 3 Drawing Sheets
`\ 120
`signal/data processor
`106 \é
`i O\
`/ satellite 110 /
`1 16
`interface /
`1 34
`nonvolatile /
`clock /
`1 18
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`Groupon, Inc.
`Exhibit 1001
`US 7,181,758 B1
`Page 2
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`Stringer et al.
`Averst et al.
`Linquist et al.
`Carswell et al.
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`2002/0186887 A1 12/2002 Rhoads ..................... .. 382/232
`“Microsoft Complete Baseball CD-ROM with Baseball Daily
`Online to Hit Stores As Microsoft Home’s First Complete Sports
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`Beiser, Karl; “What a difference a year makes: CD-ROM develop
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`Kobielus, James; “Look Before Leaping Into Internet Electronic
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`Louderback, Jim; “One man’s mission: a CD ROM Drive in Every
`PC”; PC Week; vol. 9, No. 22; p. 70; Jun. 1992.
`Marshall, Patrick; “Multimedia Software; Microsoft Knows Multi
`media and Flaunts it with Encarta CD-ROM”; InfoWorld; p. 113;
`Apr. 9, 1993.
`Newcomb, Steven et al.; “The ‘HyTime’ Hypermedia/Time-based
`Document Structuring Language”; Communications of the ACM;
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`Nicholls, Paul; “Assessing CD-ROM in Canada”; CD-ROM World;
`vol. 8; No. 5; p. 38; Jun. 1993.
`Nickerson, Gordon; “WorldWideWeb”; Computers in Libraries;
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`Powell, James; Adventures with the World Wide Web: Creating a
`Hypertext Library Information System; DATABASE; vol. 17; No.
`1; p. 59; Feb. 1994.
`Quint, Barbara; “compact Cambridge/Cambridge Information
`Group; Cambridge Scienti?c Abstracts”; Database Searcher; vol. 8;
`No. 1; p. 20; Jan. 1992.
`Quint, Barbara; “Footsore Searcher Tours Online/CD-ROM ’91
`Exhibits: ‘Day Three’”; Database Searcher; vol. 8; No. 2; p. 10; Feb.
`Rubenstein, Robert et al.; “CD-ROM Update: Tax Information of
`CD-ROM”; The Tax Adviser; No. 1; vol. 24; p. 59; Jan. 1993).
`“Automatic Hypermedia Link Generation”; IBM Technical Disclo
`sure Bulletin; vol. 35; No. 1A; pp. 447-448; Jun. 1992 (JOINT
`003687 to 003689).
`“CompuServe Incorporated and Metatec Corporation Announce
`Strategic Alliance”; PR Newswire; Sep. 20, 1993 (JOINT 003789 to
`“CompuServe Releases CD”; Newsbytes; Jun. 3, 1994 (JOINT
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`“Connect with Nautilus CD”; June. 1994.
`“Creating the Hypertext Cluster”; Mar. 21, 2002 (fourteen pages).
`“Database Management”; MacUser; vol. 8; No. 13; p. 103; Jan.
`1993 (JOINT 003767 to 003772).
`“Dialog OnDisc Links: CD-ROM and Online Providing a Comple
`mentary Service”; Library Micromation News; No. 24; pp. 11-16;
`Jun. 1989.
`“First International Conference on the World-Wide Web”; May
`25-27, 1994 (ten pages).
`“FT adds features, loses manager”; Information World Review; No.
`84; Sep. 1993 (JOINT 003701 to 003703).
`“Fully Digital GML based Authoring and Delivering System for
`Hypermedia”; IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin; vol. 35; No. 2;
`pp. 458-463; Jul. 1992.
`“Getting Multimedia From a Kit”; Smart Computing; vol. 4; issue
`5; May 1993 (eight pages).
`“History of Ovid Technologies”; Feb. 5, 2002 (four pages).
`“How money programs compare”; SJM News, p. E4; Oct. 1994
`(JOINT 010810).
`“Local Area Network Program Distribution Facility”; IBM Tech
`nical Disclosure Bulletin; vol. 33; No. 5; pp. 169-171; Oct. 1990
`(JOINT 003695 to 003698).
`“Microsoft CD-ROM Yearbook: 1989-1990”; Microsoft; pp. 163
`170; 1990 (JOINT 5390 to 5400).
`“Microsoft Continues Home Momentum With Nine New Products;
`Showcases New Products and Previews First Online enhancement
`to CD-ROM Product”; Business Wire; Mar. 1, 1994 (JOINT 003660
`to 003664).
`“New CompuServe CD-ROM Brings the Power of Multimedia to
`Online Computing”; PR Newswire; Jun. 1, 1994 (JOINT 009880 to
`“Online banking popular”; Journal American; Jun. 30, 1994 (JOINT
`“Reviews/Products Comparison”; InfoWorld; p. 86; Dec. 7, 1992
`(JOINT003704 to 003727).
`“S&P And Dialog Introduce Company Information On CD-ROM;
`Standard & Poor’s Corp., CD-ROM Disc”; Information Today; vol.
`5; No. 6; p. 22; Jun. 1988 (JOINT 003699 to 003700).
`“Web/CD-ROM Hybrids, AWorking De?nition”; Feb. 1, 2002 (?ve
`Alber, Antone; Videotex/Teletext, Principles and Practices;
`McGraw-Hill Book Company; ISBN 0-07-000957-0; 1985, no
`month listed.
`Andreessen, Marc; “New X-based Information Systems Browser
`Available”; Feb. 16, 1993 (two pages).
`Andres, Clay; “Authoring Tools Help Developers Deliver Multi
`media Message on CD”; Dec. 6, 1993 (four pages).
`Bain, G. Donald; “Pinpointing Differences between Atlas Pro, Map
`Info.”; MacWeek, vol. 6; Mar. 9, p. 32; 1992 (JOINT 003651 to
`Baker, Gary; “The Mac Internet Tour Guide”; Jan. 1994 (three
`Barr, Christopher; “Buy? Hold? Sell? MarketArts Windows on Wall
`Street”; PC Magazine; vol. 13; No. 11; p. 30; Jun. 14, 1994 (JOINT
`003654 to 003655).
`Barr, Christopher; “On-line to Tomorrowland”; PC Magazine; p.
`30; Jan. 25, 1994 (JOINT 003653).
`Bermant, Charles; “Enhanced CD’s Promise to Rede?ne ‘Liner
`Notes’”; New York Times; Dec. 11, 1994 (three pages).
`Bond, Helen; “Banks hope their customers plug in to on-line bill
`paying”; The Dallas Morning News; Sep. 18, 1994 (JOINT
`01081 1).
`Bower, Gall L.; “CD-Rom, EDI, and POS: Powercom-2000”;
`CD-ROM Professional; pp. 117-121; Jul/Aug. 1994.
`Branstetter, Douglas; Depositon transcript; Aug. 2003.
`Brown, C.; “Net 286 Gazette Online Magazine”; No. 1.05; Sep. 25,
`1993 (thirty-three pages).
`Bryant, Gayle; “Combining Online and Disc”; Online & CD-ROM
`Review; vol. 17; No. 6; pp. 386-398; Dec. 1993 (JOINT 003656 to
`Burrill, William; “You Can Be the Manager with These Baseball
`Games”; Toronto Star, sec. LIFE; p. F4; (Earl Weaver Baseball)
`Aug. 31, 1991 (JOINT 7898 to 7900).
`CompuServe CD-ROM documents; 1994 (JOINT 009898 to
`CompuServe documents; Aug. 13, 2002 (JOINT 009887 to
`CompuServe Magazine; Jul. 1994 (JOINT 010743 to 010747).
`CompuServe Magazine; May 1994 (JOINT 010748 to 010749).
`CompuServe screenshots; Sep. 19, 2003 (JOINT 011139 to 01145).
`Deering, S.; “Host Extensions for IP Multicasting”; pp. 1-17; Aug.
`1989; Network Working Group; Request for Comments: 1112
`(sixteen pages).
`Enbysk, Monte; “Banking at home; New software gives access via
`computer”; Journal American; Feb. 11, 1994; (JOINT 010822 to
`File History ofU.S. Patent No. 5, 157,783 to Anderson et al.; issued
`Oct. 20, 1992 (West) (JOINT 00143 to 00605).
`File History of US. Patent No. 5,694,546 to Reisman, issued Dec.
`2, 1997 (Reisman) (JOINT 00606 to 00882).
`Ex. 1001 - Page 3 of 12
`US 7,181,758 B1
`Page 4
`Fillmore, Laura; “Internet Publishing: How We Must Think”; Dec.
`7, 1993 (seven pages).
`Flynn, Laurie; “CD-ROMs: They’re Not Just for Entertainment”;
`New York Times; p. 10; Apr. 24, 1994.
`Gautier et al.; “Automatic Program Recording System”; Radiodiff
`et TV; (w/translation) Nov. 1975 (twenty pages).
`Geosel, Jan; The Architecture of Videotex Systems; Prentice-Hall
`Inc.; ISBN 0130447765; 1983, no month.
`Germain, Joseph; “Citations from Engineering Index: EIX”; Jan.
`28, 2002 (ten pages).
`Gril?th, Cary; “The Federal Register on CD-ROM”; Information
`Today; vol. 9; No. 11; pp. 32-34; Dec. 1992 (JOINT 003682 to
`Hara, Yoshiko; “The Consortium Eyes Satellite-Based E-Book
`System”; Electronic Engineering Times; Oct. 1998 (two pages).
`Jacso, Peter, “Compuserve does CD-ROM; Product Announce
`ment”; Information Today; Oct. 1994 (JOINT 009895 to 009897).
`Keizer, Gregg; “Digital Dollars & Silicon Cents”; PC Magazine; pp.
`235-244; Jan. 25, 1994 (JOINT 003731 to 003736).
`Keizer, Gregg; “MECA’s Managing Your Money Breaks Into the
`Windows Market”; PC Magazine; vol. 13; No. 12; p. 37; Jun. 28,
`1994 (JOINT 003728 to 003730).
`Keizer, Gregg; “Money Matters; PC Personal-Finance Packages”;
`Computer Shopper; Aug. 1994; (JOINT 010813 to 010819).
`Kristof, Kathy; “Breathing new life into home banking; Computer,
`TV and phone hookups are new ways of visiting the teller’s
`window”; Chicago Tribune; Jan. 4, 1994 (JOINT 010824).
`Liestol, Gunnar; “Hypermedia Communication and Academic Dis
`course: Some Speculations on a Future Genre”; The Computer
`Medium; Cambridge Unv. Press; pp. 263-283; 1993, no month used.
`Lietzke, Ron; “On-line information Goes Off-Line, Too”; Columbus
`Dispatch; Jun. 3, 1994 (JOINT 009889 to 009890).
`Mainig, Anita; “Customers Build Their Own Mine Vehicles Via
`Multimedia”; MacWeek; vol. 7; No. 30; p. 42; Jul. 26, 1993 (two
`Mann, Richard; “Quicken 3 for Windows; Productivity Choice;
`Software Review; Evaluation”; Computel; vol. 16; No. 4; p. 76; Apr.
`1994 (JOINT 003773 to 003775).
`Marcus, John; “Wilson Business Abstracts on CD-Rom for the
`Corporate Library”; Database; vol. 17; No. 3; pp. 52-55; Jun. 1994
`(JOINT 003776 to 003780).
`Mascha, Michael et al.; “Interactive Education: Transitioning CD
`ROMs to the Web”; (Virtual Chimps); May 25-27, 1994.
`Mascha, Michael; “Interactive Education: Transitioning CD-ROMs
`to the Web”; Computer Networks and ISDN Systems; vol. 27; No.
`2; pp. 267-272; Nov. 1994.
`Mazur et al.; “Joining Digital Hypermedia and Networking for
`Collaboration In Engineering Design: A Project’s Early Consider
`ation”; CD-ROM Professional; pp. 51-54; Mar. 1992.
`McManus, Neil; “CD-ROM, online hybrids; compuServe’s
`CompuServe CD”; Aug. 8, 1994 (JOINT 009885 to 009886).
`Murray, Rink; “Earl Weaver Baseball II; Software Review; one of
`four baseball simulation games reviews in ‘386 Down the Power
`Alleys”; PC Magazine; vol. 11; No. 8; p. 493; Apr. 26, 1992 (JOINT
`7903 to 7904).
`Nelson, Nancy; “Connectivity: Let Them Eat Cake”; Information
`today; vol. 5; Issue 2; Feb. 1988 (?ve pages).
`Nelson, Russell N.; Deposition transcript; Aug. 2003.
`Nelson, Theodor Holm; “Literary Machines 90.1”; 1990 (three
`pages), no month listed.
`Nesbit, Kathryn; “BRS/Links to the Future: Online Hypertext is
`Born”; Online; vol. 14; No. 3; pp. 34-36; May 1990 (?ve pages).
`Nickerson, Gord; “Mining for Gold”; CD-ROM Professional; pp.
`128-132; Jan. 1994.
`Nielsen, Jakob; “Hypertext and Hypermedia”; 1993 (ten pages), no
`month listed.
`Nunn-Price, Norman; “The Link Between CD-Rom and Online”;
`Law Technology Journal; vol. 2; No. 2; at 13; (Justis Article); May
`1993 (JOINT 7855 to 7857).
`O’Connor, Mary Ann; “Markup, SGML, and Hypertext for Full
`Text Databases-Part III”; CD-ROM Professional; pp. 130-131;
`Nov. 1992.
`Oben, Alta; “Review of Nautilus from May 1995 Monitor”; Jan. 14,
`1994 (four pages).
`Ogawa et al.; “Design Strategies for Scenario-based Hypermedia:
`Description of its Structure, Dynamics and Style”; Proceeding of the
`ACM Conference on Hypertext; pp. 71-80; Nov. 30-Dec. 4, 1992
`(eleven pages).
`Backet Driver CD-ROM Documents (JOINT 010302 to 010399), no
`date listed.
`Parkinson, Kirsten L.; “Nautilus CD Adds Magazine-Like Interface;
`Product Announcement”; MacWeek; vol. 7; No. 41; p. 12; Oct. 18,
`1993 (JOINT 003787 to 003788).
`Premise Notebook Screen Captures; (JOINT 009719 to 009722), no
`date listed.
`Premise User Manual; 1991; (JOINT 009240 to 009404), no month
`Premise User Manual; 1992; (JOINT 009405 to 009464), no month
`Premise User Packet; Front and Back Cover; May 5, 1991; (JOINT
`009687 to 009688).
`Raggett, David; HTML+ (Hypertext Markup Language); pp. 1-31;
`WWW Discussion Group Request for Comments; Jul. 12, 1993.
`Reality’s “Wealth Builder 3.0 by Money Magazine”; User’s Guide
`and ?oppy disks; 1992 (JOINT 7911 to 7913; 7933 (twenty-six
`pages); 7934 (one hundred, ?fty-eight pages); 7935 (User’s Guide;
`three hundred, thirty-seven pages)), no month listed.
`Reference Manual Revised Edition; West CD Rom Libraries; 1989;
`(JOINT 009465 to 9686), no month listed.
`Reisman, Richard R.; “CD-ROM/Online Hybrids, The Missing
`Link:?”; CD-ROM Professional; vol. 8, No. 4; Apr. 1995 (nine
`Rescorla, E. et al.; “The Secure HyperText Transfer Protoclo”; Jun.
`1994 (twenty-three pages).
`Richman, Barry; “Online or Ondisc? When to Choose CD-ROM for
`your Database”; CD-ROM Professional; pp. 53-54; Mar. 1993.
`Rogers, Scot P.; “Citations from Business Dateline Thru 1998:
`BDl”; Feb. 5, 2002 (thirty-eight pages).
`Rogers, Scot P.; “Citations from Inform:Inf”; Feb. 5, 2002 (ten
`Rogers, Scot P.; “Citations from Promt-Predicasts:PM3”; Feb. 5,
`2002 (four pages).
`Salamone, Salvatore; “Electronic software Distribution: Diamond
`in the Rough”; Data Communications; pp. 109-116; Mar. 1993
`(JOINT 003794 to 003799).
`Scenarios 1-6 and SAM Screen Captives; (Jul. 1, 1993); (JOINT
`Schneider, Marc; “What is Teletext?”; Philips Semiconductors
`Video Products; pp. 2-204 to 2-212; Jun. 1994 (nine pages).
`Scisco, Peter; “Pigskin preview; computer football games; Software
`Review; Evaluation”; Computel; vol. 14; No. 6; p. 92; Sep. 1992
`(JOINT 7905 to 7910).
`Sherman, Christopher V. et al.; “Exploring Hybrid World of CD
`ROM/On-Line Products”; Multimedia Week; vol. 3; No. 10; Mar. 7,
`1994 (JOINT 7731 to 7738).
`Simon, Barry; “Pipeline: Enter the Internet”; PC Magazine; p. 46;
`Feb. 8, 1994 (JOINT 003811).
`Slay, Alan L.; “Money Management Cures”; MacWorld; pp. 152
`158; Mar. 1991 (JOINT 003812 to 003818).
`Smith Jr., Kime H. et al.; “Accessing Multimedia Network Ser
`vices”; IEEE Communications Magazine; pp. 72-80; May 1992.
`Sofware Dispatch CD and Related Documentation; 1993 (JOINT
`009734 to 009737), no month listed.
`Stangenes, Sharon; ‘“First’ teams up with Microsoft on home
`banking”; Chicago Tribune; Nov. 19, 1993 (JOINT 010826).
`Steinberg, Jeffrey A.; “GeoQuery”; MacUser, vol. 8; No. 10; p. 58;
`Oct. 1992 (JOINT 003831 to 003833).
`Sugawara, Sandy; “Microsoft’s very big ballpark estimate; Soft
`ware giant’s ‘complete baseball’ opens a window on its ambitious
`on-line plans”; Washington Post; p. C1; May 7, 1994 (JOINT
`003834 to 003836).
`Swenson, John; “Banking through home computer has arrived”;
`Journal American; May 23, 1994 (JOINT 010821).
`Ex. 1001 - Page 4 of 12
`US 7,181,758 B1
`Page 5
`Swenson, John; “Software you can bank on; Microsoft, US. Bank
`to put ?nancial services within modern’s reach”; Journal American;
`Dec. 7, 1993 (JOINT 010825).
`USA Today; “Keyboards Dream Teams”; sec. BONUS; p. 4E; Aug.
`30, 1991 (JOINT7896 to 7897).
`Vaughn, Mary A. et al.; “Publishing on CD-ROM: The NautilusCD
`Experience”; CD-ROM Professional; vol. 7; No. 3; pp. 59-68;
`May/Jun. 1994 (JOINT 003837 to 003843).
`Vogt, Sjoerd; “CD-ROM and Online-competitors or Compatriots?
`An Online Host’s Point of View”; Online Information 92; pp. 33-45
`(David I. Raitt ed., 16th International Online Information Meeting
`Proceedings, London, Dec. 8-10, 1992); (Joint 7858 to 7871).
`Warner, Jack; “Sports Computer Games; Several new football
`games out”; The Atlanta Journal and Constitution; p. F2; Nov. 17,
`1991 (JOINT 7901 to 7902).
`Warner, Paul D.; “Tax Services and Tax Forms on CD-ROM”; CPA
`Journal; at 48; Nov. 1993 (JOINT 7752 to 7756).
`Warner, Paul D.; “A Follow-up On CD-ROM Tax Services (The
`CPA & the Computer)”; The CPA Journal Online; Jan. 1995 (four
`Weinert, Bryan; “CD-ROM Technology, Past, Future”; Jan. 23,
`2002 (three pages).
`West’s CD-Rom Communique Special Issue; Spring 1991 (JOINT
`009708 to 009710), no month listed.
`Hayes, John P; “Computer Architecture and Organization”; pp.
`398-421; Jan. 1988.
`Liu Cricket et al.; “Managing Internet Information Services”;
`O’Reilly & Associates, Inc; pp. 279-298; Dec. 1994.
`David Raggett, WWW Discussion Group Request for Comments,
`“HTML (Hypertext Markup Language),” Jul. 12, 1993.
`John P. Hayes, “Computer Architecture and Organization,” Jan.
`Phillips Multimedia, “Exploring Hybrid World of CD-ROlVUOn
`Line Products,” Multimedia Week, vol. 3, No. 10, Mar. 7, 1994.
`Law Technology Journal, The Link Between CD-Rom and Online,
`vol. 2, No. 2, May 1993, at 13. (Justis Article).
`Sjoerd Vogt, “CD-ROM and Online-Competitors or Compatriots?
`An Online Host’s Point of View,” Online Information 92 at 33
`(David I. Raitt ed., 16th International Online Information Meeting
`Proceedings, London, Dec. 8-10, 1992).
`Sjoerd Vogt, “CD-ROM and Online-Competitors or Compatriots?
`An Online Host’s Point of View,” Online Information 92 at 33
`(David I. Raitt ed., 16th International Online Information Meeting
`Proceedings, London, Dec. 8-10, 1992).
`Paul D. Warner, “Tax Services and Tax Forms on CD-ROM,” CPA
`Journal, Nov. 1993, at 48.
`G. Donald Bain, “Pinpointing Dilferences Between Atlas Pro, Map
`Info.,” MacWeek, vol. 6 (Mar. 9, 1992), p. 32.
`Christopher Barr, “On-line to Tomorrowland,” PC Magazine (Jan.
`25, 1994), p. 30.
`Christopher Barr, “Buy? Hold? Sell? MarketArts Windows on Wall
`Street,” PC Magazine, vol. 13, No. 11 (Jun. 14, 1994), p. 30.
`Gayle Bryant, “Combining Online and Disc,” Online & CD-ROM
`Review, vol. 17, No. 6 (Dec. 1993), pp. 386-398.
`“Microsoft Continues Home Momenturn With Nine New Products;
`Showcases New Products and Previews First Online Enhancement
`to CD-ROM Product,” Business Wire (Mar. 1, 1994).
`“CD-Rom With Baseball Daily Online To Hit Stores as Microsoft
`Home’s First Complete Sports Software; Comprehensive, Multi
`media Guide to America’s Favorite Pastime Is an O?‘icial Publica
`tion of Major League Baseball,” Business Wire (Jun. 10, 1994).
`Cary Grif?th, “The Federal Register on CD-ROM,” Information
`Today, vol. 9, No. 11 (Dec. 1992), pp. 32-34.
`“Automatic Hypermedia Link Generation,” IBM Technical Disclo
`sure Bulletin, vol. 35, No. 1A (Jun. 1992), pp. 447-448.
`“Fully Digital GML based Authoring and Delivering System for
`Hypermedia,” IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin, vol. 35, No. 2
`(Jul. 1992), pp. 458-463.
`“Local Area Network Program Distribution Facility,” IBM Techni
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`* cited by examiner
`Ex. 1001 - Page 5 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Ex. 1001 - Page 6 of 12
`Ex. 1001 - Page 6 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 20, 2007
`Sheet 2 0f 3
`US 7,181,758 B1
`K-S Particle Found
`Two physicists announced that they had found the
`K-? particle. If con?rmed, this will verify the theory
`of the Nobel laureates, Professors Kenghjch?han
`and Spphi?lhan, who ?rst postulated the existence
`of the K-S particle ten years ago. The physicists,
`Drs. Lisa Emith and John Doe, showed computer
`generated results indicating the detection of the K-S
`particles in a series of experiments carried out at the
`In min r-HihEnr A r
`FIG. 2A
`K-S Particle Found‘il ‘ll Two physicists announced that
`they had found the rY’K-S particle‘Y’3€FE330AB3€.
`confirmed, this will verify the theory of the Nobel
`laureates, Professors ‘Y‘Kmdrick Chan‘Y’S?A2451I288g and
`‘Y‘Sophia Chan‘Y’8?85AC2588?, who first postulated the
`existence of the K-S particle ten years ago. The
`physicists, Drs. ‘Y’Lisa Smith‘Y‘X3098BE6z3 and 'Y’John
`Doe'Y’S?EAC783588, showed conputer generated results
`indicating the detection of the K-S particles in a series
`of experiments carried out at the "Y‘International Super
`High Energy Accelerator'Y"3€C347A498£.1I
`FIG. 2B
`Ex. 1001 - Page 7 of 12
`U.S. Patent
`Feb. 20, 2007
`Sheet 3 of3
`US 7,181,758 B1
`09% / \ satellite 210
`earth station
`f 214
`\ earth station
`22 K /
`Ex. 1001 - Page 8 of 12
`US 7,181,758 B1
`This application is a continuation of application Ser. No.
`10/079,257 ?led Feb. 19, 2002, noW abandoned, Which is a
`continuation of application Ser. No. 09/699,022 ?led Oct.
`27, 2000, noW abandoned, Which is a continuation of Ser.
`No. 09/480,226 ?led Jan. 10, 2000, now US. Pat. No.
`6,347,215, Which is a continuation of Ser. No. 08/939,368
`?led Sep. 29, 1997, now US. Pat. No. 6,021,307, Which is
`a continuation in part of application Ser. No. 08/644,838
`?led May 10, 1996, noW abandoned, Which is a continuation
`in part of application Ser. No. 08/279,424 ?led Jul. 25, 1994,
`noW abandoned. All these patent applications are incorpo
`rated herein by reference.
`This invention relates generally to information distribu
`tion, and more particularly to distributing information using
`a broadcast channel and a bi-directional communication
`Recent advancements in modem and computer technol
`ogy alloW large amount of digital data to be transmitted
`electronically. A number of information providers (such as
`neWspaper and magaZine publishers) and on-line informa
`tion distributors have formed partnerships to deliver neWs
`paper and other information on-line. In this system, a
`subscriber uses a computer and a modem to connect, through
`a regular phone line, to the computer of an on-line infor
`mation provider. The subscriber can retrieve information,
`including newspaper articles, stored in the computer of the
`information provider.
`On-line delivery of neWspaper has many advantages. For
`example, the information can be updated throughout the day
`While the printed version is printed only once or tWice a day.
`Further, it is possible to do text-based searches on the
`information. HoWever, it is found that on-line deliver of
`neWspaper and other information is sloW. For example, a
`subscriber has to Wait many seconds for a neWspaper article
`to be delivered. The quality of the electronic neWspaper is
`loW. For example, in order to reduce storage and commu
`nication requirements, graphic images appeared in the
`printed version are not universally supplied in the on-line