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`Print Claim lor O.G.
`E a) The term sl this patent
`/\1 lti AN
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`not sxtend beyond the expiration date
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`Form PTO-436A
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`EATENT ApplrcArroN
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`PTO-1 556
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`'THts AppLtcATtoN ts A 371 gF pcT/Jpge/o1
`fo nE I e ru Ap p Ll CATIg N s ***{:*Yi** * * * * * * * * * tr//)
`] JAPAN 10-80031 o3t26t1gg8
`03/05/1 999
`Foreign'priority clqimed
`USC 'l 19 (a-d) conditions EI y".
`frle t I / c J AP P S / p re ex:a,
`*c]?H,Il9lI,r""*I DEVtcE AND spREAD spEcrRuM coMMuNIcAloN MErHoD
`:Authority has been given in paper
`to charge/credit DEpOStT ACCOUNT
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`I of I
`HecU'J,Pt0 Z{Notr
`U.S. Departmmt of Comftc Patent ud Tradcmdk Office
`Attorney's Docket No.
`1807 -122
`PCI / JP99/01073
`March 26, 1998
`March 5, 7999
`llil?ioo1ill?illiloforrr*,ro,o* rrr,r, orr rr*ror rrrcTRUM c,MMUNrcATr,N METH,D /'f,\
`N 2aSB
`Yasuhiro YAN0 and Hideshi MURAI
`t. [x]
`3. txl
`s. txl
`This is a FIRST submission of items conceming a filing under 35 U.S.C. 371
`This is a SECOND or SUBSEQUENT submission of items conceming a filing under 35 U.S.C. 371.
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`A proper Demand for Intemational Preliminary Examination was made by the 19th month from the earliest claimed priority
`A copy of the International Application as filed (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(2))
`a. [
`] is transmitted herewith (required only if not transmitted by the International Bureau).
`b. t X] has been transmitted by the Intemational Bureau.
`c. [
`] is not required, as the application was filed in the United States Receiving Ofhce ROruS)
`A translation of the International Application into English (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(2)).
`Amendments to the claims of the Intemational Application under PCT Arricle l9 (35 U.S.C. 371(c)(3))
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`b. [
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`c. [
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`d t X ] have not been made and will not be made.
`A hanslation of the amendments to the claims under pcr Article 19 (35 u.s.c. 371(cX3)).
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`A translation of the annexes to the Intemational Preliminary Examination Report under pCT Article 36 (35 U.S.C.
`An Information Disclosure Statement under 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.9g.
`An assignment document for recording. A separate cover sheet in compliance with 3Z
`3.28 and 3.31 is included.
`ITEMS 11. To 16. below concern other document(s) or information included:
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`14. t l
`15. t l
`16. tx l
`A FIRST preliminary amendment.
`A SECOND or SUBSEQUENT preliminary amendment.
`A substitute specification.
`A change of power of attomey and/or address letter.
`Other items or information:
`- International Search Report with cited references (5)
`u s APPL0t9forS,A"&"€
`"$, I
`I $07 -tz2
`$ 840.00
`s 360.00
`s 1560.00
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`Intemational preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CFR 1.482)
`and all claims satisfied provisions ofPCT Article 33(2)-(a)
`$ 970.00
`$ 96.00
`Surchargeof$l30.00forfurnishingtheoathordeclarationlaterthan[ ]20 [ ]30
`months from the earliest claimed priority date (37 CFR 1.492(e)).
`$ 840.00
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`$ 760.00
`Number Filed
`40 -20 =
`23 -3=
`Multiple dependent claim(s) (if applicable)
`Total Claims
`Independent Claims
`Number Exha
`x s18.00
`x $78.00
`+ $260.00
`Reduction by 1/2 for filing by small entity, if applicable. Verified Small Entity statement
`must also be filed. (Note 37 CFR 1.9, I .27 , I .28).
`Processing fee of $ 130.00 for furnishing the English translation later [ ] 20 [ ] 30
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`Fee for recording the enclosed assignment (37 CFR 1.21(h). The assignment must be
`accompaniedbyanappropriatecoversheet(37CFR3.28,3.31). $40.00perproperty +
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`or (b)) must be filed and granted to restore the application to pending statuy
`Vincent M, Deluca
`Rothwell, Figg, Ernst & Kurz
`555 13th St., N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Phore: 202/783-6040
`Vincent M. Deluca
`Registration Number
`Sf,{ HerU ff;}/pfU I 4 NOV lr}g
`Attomey's Dockct No.
`TB07 -122
`U.S. Depanment c
`orcomm*cc patent md rrademuk orrice
`coNcERNrNc a r,.ix6 ;iffi;.# u.s.c. 37r
`ilHti:','ffi F'ILING DA'E
`flllrg*rr.) FoR Do/Eorus
`rosunrro yANO and Hideshi MURAI
`Applicant herewith submits to the United SA
`ugnated/Elected office (Do/Eorus) *. a
`'; lx J 3^ is a F,r[
`i; i ; j ff ;i#:,","X#:-q, ;ljfili,i,tff il,,t'*l]if, *t .:,ty: | _.,^r,
`::. jf#''g=*f ,**#***:r'm';X##*:ln:fi+it#***,iili:i':,h.e1examna,.n
`5' t x I a copv of the-Intemarionar Appricarion u, nr"a ,... ,;" ::_. : l*t
`bv the lgth month from ,t.'.i.h.., craimed prioriry
`(35 u.s.c. 371(c)(2))
`:' I -- I is transmrtted herewith
`li,i$if,:"trfr t#ffi
`6 r xr i"r,rr*u';:g'm,l{r*ih:':::"{:i[,,liUnited -"rlvru4uu'a';uureau)
`rtion inro r,eri* iis"ir.s:.f$:i5[;:ing ornce (Rorus)
`--o"s'wJ u'o'u. s7l(c)(2)).
`7' IX I Amen.l*--*-.^ .,
`7. [X ] Amendments ro rhe nl.;-^ -r.,
`a. I r J':]f claims- of the Interr
`I I, -tn:irrxl#i:[ftr]*:*ii:tfilH#:*?*,;l:#ffJisc,,,Gxo,
`d. t x I n..".Illl!*' ;ffiffi:
`rntemational Bureau'
`ve nor been ,*J;il;ff';ffJ'ff'::'t for making such amendments has Nor expired.
`8' t j a fanslarion of the amendments ro rhe craims underpcTArricre l9 (35 u.s.c. 37r(c)(3)).
`* oarh or decraration of rhe inventor(s) (35 U.s.C. 371(e@)).
`j ]
`10. t
`I Atranslatior
`:zrrtliil).-'' of the annexes to the Intemational Preliminary Examinarion Reporr under pcT Arricle 36 (35 u.s.c.
`ITEMS rr' To 16' below concern other documeut(s) or informatiou incruded:
`I l' I X ] an Information Discrosure Shtement under 37 cFR l.g7 and l.gg.
`12' [ ] an assignment document for recording. A sepaxate cover sheet in <
`r--vv vvvEr r,eet rn compliance with 37 crR:.za and 3.31 is included.
`FIRs-rpreriminary amendment.
`I +
`r SUBSEeUENT preliminary amendment.
`iL J Asubstitutespecification.r
`15. t ' ] a change ofpower ofaffomey and/or address letter.
`16. t X j Other items or information:
`_ Internatjonai iearcf, Report wjth cited references (S)
`U,S. Appltcation No. (ifhom, sec 37 CFR l.j)
`09/ 42451 1
`us A?pLrcArrS9,f"&,4,8S** t I mruU;l;lmlrcArroNNo
`t X I
`The following fees are submitted:
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`International preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CFR 1.482)
`No intemational preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CFR 1.482)
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`Intemational preliminary examination fee paid to USPTO (37 CFR 1.482)
`and all claims satisfied provisions of PCT Article 33@-(4)
`$ 670.00
`$ 760.00
`$ 970.00
`$ 96.00
`months from the earliest claimed priority date (37 CFR 1.492(e).
`)20 [ ]30
`Multiple dependent claim(s) (if
`Reduction by l/2 for frling by small entity, if applicable. Verified Small Entity statement
`must also be filed. (Note 37 CFR 1.9, 1.27, I
`Processing fee of$130.00 for furnishing the English translation later [ ] 20 t I 30
`than months from the earliest claimed priority date (37 CFR 1.492(D).
`Fee for recording the enclosed assignment (37 CFR l.2l(h). The assignment must be
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`I X ] A check in the amount of $2760.00 to coverthe above fees is enclosed.
`] Please charge my Deposit Account No. 02-2135 in the amount of $-
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`I X ] The Commissioner is hereby authorized to charge any additional fees which may be required, or credit any
`overpayment to Deposit Account No. 02-2135. A duplicate'copy of this sheet is enclosed.
`..NOTE: Where an appropriate time limit under 37 CFR 1.494 or 1.495 has not been met, a petition to revive (37 CFR 1.137(a)
`or (b)) must be liled and granted to restore the application to pending staty
`Vincent M. Deluca
`Rothwell, Figg, Emst & Kurz
`555 l3th St., N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Vincent M. Deluca
`+t {rKTs
`514 RaCo dfpf0 L+
`[/OV I9'L
`, Spread spectrum
`spectrum communication method
`and spread
`This invention relates
`to a communication device
`in a code division multiple access (CDMA)
`communication system and a method thereof.
`this j-nvention relates to a spread spectrum
`communication device for improving interleave transmission
`and transmj-ssion power control
`in spread spectrum
`communj-cation, and
`realizinq handovers between
`different frequencies and a method thereof.
`ln a CDMA cellular system, because the same carrier
`frequency is used repeatedly in every ceII there is no need
`for handovers between frequencies within the same system.
`However, considering a case such as when existing systems
`are present together, there is a need for handovers between
`different carrier frequencies. Three points pertaining to
`detailed cases are described below.
`As a
`_l_ s
`ceII where there
`consj-derable traffic, a separate carrier frequency is used
`to accommodate the increased number of subscribers, and a
`handover may be performed between those celIs. As a second
`point, when an umbrella cell consti-tution is used,
`frequencies are allocated to large and small
`cells, and handovers are performed between the cells. Then,
`as a third poj-nt, there are cases of handovers between a
`third qeneration system, such as a W (Wideband) -CDMA system,
`and a second generati-on system, such as a current mobile
`telephone system.
`in cases such as
`When performing handovers
`is necessary to detect the power of
`mentioned above, it
`frequencies. To achieve this
`carriers at the different
`detection, the receiver needs to only have a structure
`However, this
`capable of detecting two frequenci-es.
`increases the size of the constitution of the receiver, or
`makes the constitution complicated.
`Furthermore, two types of handover method may be
`considered: a mobile assisted handover (MAHO) and a network
`Comparing the -I4AHO and NAHO
`20 assisted handover (NAHO) .
`methods/ NAHO reduces the burden of the mobile devlce, but
`to be successful, it should be necessary to synchronize the
`mobile devj-ce and' the base station, whereby the
`constituti-on of the base station and the network becomed
`complicated and large in order to be capable of tracking
`each individual mobile device.
`For such reasons/ the realization of the MAHO method
`is more desirable, but to determine whether or not to
`handover, it
`is necessary to measure the strength of
`carriers of different
`frequencies at the mobile devices.
`However/ a CDMA celIular system differs
`from a ti-me
`division multiplex access (TDMA) system used in a second
`gieneration, in
`uses ordinariry
`transmi-ssion for both transmission/reception.
`fn this
`t ransmi s s ion/ reception
`receivers corresponding to two frequencies are prepared, it
`is necessary to stop the timing of the transmission or the
`reception and measure the other frequency.
`There has been disclosed a technique relating
`to a
`compressed mode method,
`time-compressing the
`transmission data in the usual mode and transmitting it
`a short time, thereby creating some spare time which can be
`to measure the other frequency carrier
`As an
`example of this, there is Japan Patent Application Natlonal
`Publication (Laid-Open) (JP-A) No. 8-500475 "Non-continuous
`Transmission for Seamless Handovers j-n DS-CDMA Systems".
`This application discloses
`method of
`reali- z:ng a
`compressed mode, wherein the spreading factor of
`spreading code used is lowered to
`compress the transmission
`The method of realizLnq the compressed mode according
`to the above application will be explained below. FIG. 36
`shows an example of transmissions in a normal mode and a
`compr€ssed mode in a conventional CDMA system. In FIG. 36,
`the vertical axis represents transmission rate/transmission
`In the
`power, and the horizontal axis represents time.
`example of EIG. 36, the compressed mode transmission is
`inserted between normal transmission frames.
`In the transmission in the compressed mode, a non-
`transmission timing is provided in the downlink frame, and
`can be set to a desired period of time (duration) . This
`non-transmlssion timing represents idle period during which
`the strength of the other frequency carrier is measured.
`transmi-ssion can be achieved by
`this wdy, ,fott"a
`inserting the idle period during transmission of compressed
`mode frames
`type of compressed mode transmission,
`transmission power increases in accordance with the time
`ratio between the idte period and the frame (compressed
`mode frame) transmi-ssion timing, and therefore, dS shown j-n
`FIG. 36, the compressed mode frame is transmitted at a
`frame in normal
`transmission power than the
`transmission. As a Consequence, transmission quality can
`be maintained even in frame transmission in compressed mode.
`In addition to the application mentioned abover ds an
`i-,+ I 5
`there is Gustafsson, M. et
`example of pertinent literature
`"Compressed Mode Techniques for
`Measurements in a Wide-band DS-CDMA System", Proc. of 8th
`IEEE PTMRC '97. This research paper discloses techniques
`for realizLnq compressed mode in cases other than when the
`spreading factor is lowered, namely when the coding rate is
`increased, when multi-code transmission is used, and when a
`transmission modulation system such as 16QAM is
`examples such as
`However, in
`transmissions are
`mentioned above,
`and within one frame, the
`in units of one frame
`transmission (in
`for slotted
`compressed mode) is more compressed than in normal
`transmission. Consequently, the interleaving size
`shortened which leads to a problem of poor decoding at the
`reception side
`Furthermore, in conventlonal examples such as the
`length of
`literature mentioned above,
`interleaving time is shortened when using "o*pt"r""d mode
`transmission, there is increased deterioration of signal
`fading, and/ since no TPC
`respect to
`quality with
`is sent during
`(transmission power control) command bit
`is not possible to achieve high-speed
`non-transmission, it
`TPC/ leaving a subsequent problem of poor signal quality.
`Furthermore, in conventional examples such as the
`application and literature mentioned above, the spreading
`lowered when carrying out a compressed mode
`factor is
`However, in general, Iowering of
`spreading factor indicates that a spreading code having a
`short code-Iength is being used. However, since the number
`of spreading codes that can be used is directly
`proportional to the square of the code-length, there is a
`problem that there are extremely few spreadJ-ng codes having
`short code-lengths, and these spreading code resources/
`for realizLng compressed mode transmission,
`which are vital
`are consumed.
`It is an object of the present invention to solve the
`problems described above by providing a spread spectrum
`communj-cation device and a spread spectrum communj-cation
`in signal
`method capable of preventing deterioration
`quality caused by compressed mode, with
`respect to
`transmission power control/ spreading code
`allocation methods and the like to mlnimize the effects of
`transmission errors
`spread spectrum communication devi-ce according to an
`of the present invention is applied j-n a code
`access system for
`division multiple
`transmitting frames in a normal mode, and intermj-ttently
`transmitting compressed frames 1n a compressed mode, and is
`characterized in that it comprises an interleaving unit for
`interleaving in bit units a frame or a compressed frame,
`which is a unit of a transmission data stream, to minimi-ze
`effects of transmission errors,' a compressing/intermittent
`transmitting unit for compressing a frame prior to or after
`the compressed mode, and moreover,
`intermittently outputting the compressed frame to
`the compressed frame has not yet been
`interleaving unit if
`interleaved, and intermj-ttently outputting the compressed
`the compressed
`frame to a device on a reception side if
`frame has been interleaved; a control unit for controlling
`j-nterleaving in bit units of
`the operation of
`transmitting operation of
`the . compressing/intermittent
`the control uni-t controlling the
`transmitting uniti
`in bit units
`to perform lnterleaving
`interleaving unit
`across multiple frames in the compressed mode.
`According to this invention, in the compressed mode,
`units to minimize
`multiple frames are interleaved in bit
`is possible to
`effects of transmissj-on errors, whereby
`secure appropriate interleaving time in
`the compressed mode
`in the same way as in the normal mode,
`and consequently,
`poor performance caused by interleavi-ng in bit units can be
`-:* J.u
`Fr L3
`A spread spectrum communication device accordlng to a
`next aspect of the invention is characterized in that the
`interleaving unit has
`memory size in correspondence with
`the number of frames
`be interleaved in the compressed
`a t
`invention, since the memory size
`According to this
`used is in correspondence with the number of frames to be
`interl-eaved in the compressed mode, interleaving in bit
`units can be performed in a number of frames sufficient
`transmission errors
`mini-mi-ze the effects of
`compressed mode.
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the invention is applied in a code division
`multiple access system for continuously transmltting frames
`in a normal mode, and intermittently
`compressed frames in
`compressed mode, and characterized
`interleaving unj-t for interleaving
`in that it comprises
`in bit units a frame or a compressed frame, which is a unit
`of a transmission data stream, to minimize effects of
`compre s s ihglintermitt ent
`for compressing a frame prior to or after
`transmitting unit
`interleaving in
`the compressed mode, and moreover/
`intermi-ttently outputting the compressed frame to
`the compressed frame has not yet beert
`25 interleaving unit if
`a a
`| .rt
`i-nterleaved, and intermittently outputting the compressed
`frame to a device on a reception side if
`the compressed
`frame has been interleaved; a control unit for controlling
`the interleaving operation in bit units of the interleaving
`the compressing/intermittent transmitting
`operation of
`the compressing/intermittent transmitting
`compressing/i-ntermittent transmitting unit so that
`compressed frame is divided to the front and rear of the
`same frame timing as in the normal mode.
`According to this invention, in the compressed mode,
`the compressed frame is divided to the front and rear of
`the normal mode, and
`the same frame timing as in
`that arrangement, and
`consequently, do appropriate interleaving' duration can be
`secured in the compressed mode as.in the normal mode using
`a simple interleaving constitution so that the effects of
`transmission errors caused by interleaving in bit units can
`be further reduced.
`A spread spectrum communication device -according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is characterj-zed in
`that the control unit controls the interleaving unit so
`that, in the compressed mode, interleaving in bit units is
`performed across multiple frames
`According to this invention,
`in the compressed mode,
`'*r :
`since i-nterleaving is controlled so that interleaving in
`is performed across multiple
`bit units
`frames, an
`appropriate interleaving duration can be secured in the
`compressed mode as in the normal mode, and consequently,
`the effects of transmission errors caused by interleaving
`in bit units can be further reduced.
`A spread spectrum communication
`device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention
`is applied in a code
`division multiple
`s ys tem
`transmitting multiple
`frames in a normal mode, and
`compressed frames in
`compressed mode, and is characterized in that it comprises
`compre s s ing / inte rmi tt ent
`compressing a frame, which comprises multiple slots and is
`a unit of a transmission data stream, and intermittently
`transmitting the compressed frame; and a control unj-t for
`controlling the compressing/intermittent transmitting unit
`so as to sl-ot the compressed frame, and intermittently
`transmit the slotted frame in N (a natural number) slot
`units .
`According to this invention, in the compressed mode,
`the compressed frame is slotted, and i-ntermittently
`transmitted in N slot units, and therefore, transmission
`power control bits .transmitted in a downlink can be
`received in comparatively short time intervals, whereby the{
`;]i rn
`amount of transmission power control error can be reduced.
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is characterized in
`the cont rol unit dete rmine s the N s lot uni t s i-n
`accordance with the relationship between the measuring time
`of another frequency carrier component and the amount of
`transmission power control error.
`According to this invention, since the N slot units
`are determined in accord.ance with the relationship between
`the measuring time of another frequency carrier strength
`and the amount of transmj-ssion power control error, it
`possible to secure time for reliably measuring the strenqth
`of other frequency carri-ers, and in addition, the amount of
`transmission power control error can be greatly reduced.
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is characterized in
`further has an interleaving unit for interleaving
`that it
`in bit unlts a frame or a compressed frame, which is a unit
`transmission data stream, to minimize effects of
`the control unit controlling
`transmission errors;
`the compressed mode,
`interleaving unit
`in bit units is performed across multiple
`Accord.ing to this invention, in the compressed mode,
`is controlled across
`in bit units
`since interleaving
`1 n
`multrple frames, an appropriate interleaving duration can
`be secured in the compressed mode as in the normal mode,
`and consequently, the effects of transmlssion errors caused
`by interleaving in bit units can be further reduced.
`A spread spectrum communicatj-on device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is applied in a code
`system for
`division multiple
`transmj-tting frames in a normal mode, and intermittently
`transmitting compressed frames in a compressed mode, and is
`characterized in that it comprises an interleavi-ng unit for
`interleaving in bit units a frame or a compressed frame,
`which is a unit of a transmission data stream, to minj-mize
`effects of transmission errors,' a compressing/intermittent
`transmitting unit for. compressing a frame prior to or after
`the compressed mode, and moreover/
`intermittently outputting the compressed frame to
`the compressed frame has not yet been
`interleaving unit if
`interleaved, and intermittently outputting the compressed
`the compressed
`frame to a device on a reception side if
`frame has been interleaved; a control unit for controlling
`the interleaving in bit units operation of tne interleaving
`the compressing/intermittent transmitting
`the compressing/intermittent transmitting
`operation of
`unit; wherein in th; compressed mode, the control unit
`25 controls the compressing/intermittent transmitting unit ,3
`that multlple frames prior to interleaving in bit units by
`or multiple
`frames after
`interleaving/ are compressed using code-multiplexing' in a
`given frame timing.
`According to this invention,
`in the compressed mode,
`interleaved frames are compressed using code-
`multiplexing in a given frame timing and intermittentty
`transmi-tted, whereby an approprlate interleaving duration
`can be secured in the compressed mode as in the normal mode,
`and consequently, performance deterioration caused by
`interleaving in bit units can be prevented.
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is characterized in
`that the control unit controls the interleaving unit so
`that, in the compressed mode, interleaving is performed in
`bit units across multiplq frames.
`According to this invention, in the compressed mode,
`is performed in bit units across multiple
`frames, and therefore, a longer interleaving duration can
`be secured in the compressed mode than in the normal mode,
`transmission errors caused by
`whereby the effects of
`interl-eaving in bit units can be further
`if other, frames are replaced by multi-code-
`transmitted frames and interleaving is performed, it
`possible to disperse multiple multi-code-transmitted frames
`which are in error in the same place, thereby increasing
`the correcting capability of the error-correction encoding.
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is characterized in
`that the compressing/intermittent transmitting unit has a
`memory size in correspondence with the number of frames to
`be code-multiplexed in the compressed mode.
`invention, since the memory size
`According to this
`used is in correspondence with the number of frames to be
`code-multiplexed in the compressed mode, code-multiplexing
`can be realized reliably and without loss in the compressed
`A spread spectrum communication device according to a
`next aspect of the present invention is applied in a code
`system for
`division multiple
`and intermittently
`transmj-tting f rames in
`a normal mode,
`compressed mode, is
`transmitting compressed
`characteri zed
`compressing/intermlttent transmitting unit for compressing
`a frame, which is a unit of a transmission data stream, and
`transmitting the compressed frame, in the
`compressed mode; and a control unit for controlling