`HE © 1996 Nature Publishing Group http://www.nature.com/naturegenetics
`1Lahoratory of
`Carcinogenesis, MD
`01-06, National
`Institute of
`Health Sciences,
`National Institutes
`ofHealth, Research
`Triangle Park,
`North Carolina,
`{Section of
`Institute ofCancer
`Research, Haddow
`Surrey, UK and
`Chester Beatty
`Fulham Road,
`London, UK
`3Department of
`Endocrine Tumor
`Unit, Karolinska
`Stockholm, Sweden
`4Department of
`Human Genetics
`and Medicine,
`McGill University,
`Montreal General
`Hospital, Montreal,
`Quebec. Canada
`Surgery, Duke
`University Medical
`Center, Durham,
`North Carolina
`27710—261 1, USA
`6CRC Centerfor
`Molecular Biology,
`Institutefor Cancer
`Research, Haddow
`Surrey, UK and
`Chester Beatry
`Fulham Road,
`London, UK
`7Department of
`Obstetrics and
`Division of
`Oncology, Duke
`University Medical
`Center, Durham,
`North Carolina,
`3Department of
`Genetics, Duke
`Center, Durham,
`North Carolina,
`should he addressed
`to RAE
`e-maihfiitreOOl @
`SEGA? mutations in primary
`breast and ovarian cancers
`Table 1 BRCA2 mutations In primary broad cancer
`Patient no. Age
`Johnathan M. Lancaster], Richard Woosterz,
`Ionathon Mangionz, Catherine M. Phelan3‘4’5,
`Charles Cochran‘, Curtis Gumbss, Sheila Sealz,
`Rita Barfootz, Nadine Collinsz, Graham Bignellz,
`Sandeep Patelz, Rifat Hamoudiz,
`Catharina Larsson3, Roger W. Wiseman‘,
`Andrew Berchuck7, I. Dirk Igleharts,
`Jeffrey R. MarksS, Alan Ashworth6 ,
`Michael R. Stratton2 Sr P. Andrew Futrealm8
`second hereditary breast cancer gene,
`BRCA2, was recently isolatedl. Germline muta-
`tions of this gene predispose carriers to breast
`cancer, and, to a lesser extent, ovarian cancer.
`Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) at the BRCA2 locus
`has been observed in 30—40% of sporadic breast
`and ovarian tumours, implying that BRCA2 may
`act as a tumour suppressor gene in a proportion
`of sporadic cases 2‘5. To define the role of BRCA2
`sporadic breast and ovarian cancer, we
`screened the entire gene for mutations using a
`combination of techniques in 70 primary breast
`carcinomas and in 55 primary epithelial ovarian
`carcinomas. Our analysis revealed alterations in
`2/70 breast tumours and none of the ovarian car—
`cinomas. One alteration found in the breast can—
`cers was a 2-basepair (bp) deletion (471 OdelAG)
`which was subsequently shown to be a gerrnline
`the other was a somatic missense
`mutation (Asp3095Glu) of unknown significance.
`Our results suggest that BRCA2 is a very infre-
`quent target for somatic inactivation in breast and
`ovarian carcinomas, similar to the results obtained
`for BRCA1.
`We analysed genomic DNA from 70 breast and 55
`epithelial ovarian cancers for BRCAZ mutations. Thir-
`ty-four of the breast and 18 of the ovarian tumours
`(56% and 53% respectively of informative cases)
`showed LOH in the BRCA2 region, using the markers
`D13S260, D1 35171, D13SZ60, and D135153. The latter
`marker is intragenic to the RBI gene. All tumours
`analysed which were informative for both the BRCA2
`and the RBI regions of l3q show concomittant LOH
`471 OdelAG
`C to A
`(data not shown). The complete coding region was
`screened in each sample using both single strand con-
`formation analysis (SSCA) and denaturing gel deletion
`analysis. In addition, exons 10, 11 and 27 were also
`screened by the protein truncation test (PTT). Poten-
`tial sequence alterations represented by aberrant bands
`were characterized by direct sequencing in all cases.
`Sequence alterations were identified in 2/70 breast
`tumours (Table l), but none of the 55 ovarian sam—
`ples. An SSCA shift in error: 11 was detected in breast
`carcinoma sample #19 (Fig. 1). This Eagment, along
`with the corresponding fragment from the patient’s
`normal lymphocyte DNA and a healthy control, were
`sequenced directly. A 2-bp AG deletion was detected,
`corresponding to a 4710delAG mutation. This deletion
`produces a frameshift leading to a predicted premature
`termination codon 2 amino acids downstream. The
`deletion was present in the patient’s germline (Fig. 1b).
`No family history of cancer had been reported by this
`individual, who was diagnosed at age 59 with a unilat-
`eral infiltrating ductal carcinoma. In breast carcinoma
`sample #6 a somatic alteration was detected. This
`alteration was found to be a C to A transversion in
`exon 25 resulténg in an aspartate to glutamate amino
`acid change at codon 3095 (Fig. 2). The change was
`not present in the patients lymphocyte DNA, nor in
`over 300 control chromosomes. Six different highly
`polymorphic microsatellite markers on chromosomes
`16 and 17 confirmed that the tumour and lymphocyte
`DNA came from the same patient (data not shown).
`This tumour sample had LOH in the BRCA2 region
`and it was the aberrant glutamate residue that was
`retained in the tumour. This patient had a unilateral
`infiltrating ductal adenocarcinoma diagnosed at age
`74. The significance of this amino acid change is
`unclear. Additionally, several sequence variants were
`detected via SSCAé.
`The lack of BRCA2 mutations in sporadic breast and
`ovarian cancers is very reminiscent of the results
`obtained for BRCAIHO. Similar to the observation for
`BRCAI, the region containing BRCAZ undergoes LOH
`in a fraction of breast and ovarian carcinomas“. The
`Fig. 1 a, SSCA autoradlogram showing shift in Patient 19 in lane 3. b, ABI electropherograrns showing gerrnllne delAG in patient 19.
`The antisense strand is shown. M01 91', DNA from patient's tumour. MCIQN, DNA from patient’s peripheral blood. Control is unrelat—
`ed normal blood DNA.
`nature genetics volume 13 june 1996
`GeneDX1012, pg. 1
`GeneDX 1012, pg. 1
`fig © 1996 Nature Publishing Group http://www.nature.com/naturegenetics
`6 Tumor
`Fig. 2 a, Autoradiogram SSCA showing shift of tumour 6 in lane
`3. b, Electropherogram showing sequence of missense mutation
`in tumour 6. Antisense strand is shown for both patients’
`tumour and normal blood DNA. The G to T transversion in
`tumour DNA shown in the réght panel results in a GAQ to GAA/
`Asp to Glu amino acid substitution on the sense strand. This
`missense change was not present in the matching peripheral
`blood DNA from the same patient in the left panel.
`relatively close proximity of the RBI gene could be dri-
`ving the majority of the LOH seen in these cases. Our
`study set contained no tumours that demonstrated
`loss at one region versus the other when informative
`for both. However, for breast and particularly ovarian
`cancers, there is evidence to suggest that the RBI gene
`can be excluded from the regions of loss in some cases
`and is not always targeted for inactivation in cases with
`large scale losses on 13g (refs 3, 5, 11). Our screening
`set contained both tumours selected for LOH in the
`BRCA2 region as well as unselected cancer cases to
`increase the likelihood of finding mutations. Addition—
`ally, we employed three complementary techniques in
`screening for mutations, and thus feel that few coding
`region mutations have been missed. The two alter—
`ations found were both from tumours showing LOH.
`One case was a germline frameshift deletion which was
`retained in the tumour, the other a somatic missense
`mutation which was also retained in the tumour. The
`significance of the latter somatic mutation is unclear.
`Our data showing infrequent mutations in sporadic
`tumours suggests that if BRCAZ plays a significant role
`in tumourigenesis in the non-hereditary forms of
`these cancers, it is through a mechanism other than
`structural mutation. Further, combined with the data
`on somatic mutations of BRCA1 in sporadic breast
`and ovarian cancers, the evidence suggests that heredi-
`tary breast cancer (and ovarian cancer in the context of
`breast/ovarian cancer syndromes) may be fundamen-
`tally different diseases at the molecular genetic level.
`This is not to suggest that these genes play no role in
`the development of non-hereditary breast and ovarian
`cancers. Recent evidence would suggest that subcellu-
`lar localization and/or expression levels may be critical
`in BRCAI involvement in cancerlzili’, Given the results
`presented here, parallel studies on the expression,
`localization and, ultimately, normal
`function of
`BRCA2 are paramount.
`Samples. Tumour tissue and matched blood lymphocytes were
`obtained from patients treated at Duke University Medical
`Center, USA, and the Royal Marsden Hospital. England and
`from the Gynecologic Oncology Group/Cooperative Human
`Tissue network ovarian tissue bank (USA). Tissues was
`obtained under general consent
`for discarded tissue and
`tumour/white cell banking. Genomic DNA was obtained from
`tumour tissue and blood using standard procedures. The
`breast cancers were all infiltrating ductal carcinomas with the
`exception of two pure intraductal carcinomas. The mean age of
`onset for the breast study set was 53. The ovarian carcinomas
`were of mixed histology, the majority being papillary serous
`(90%), and the mean age of onset for the tumours studied was
`58. There were no cases of either bilateral breast or dual prima-
`ry breast/ovarian cancer in the study set.
`Single strand conformation analysis. The entire coding
`region, including intron/exon borders. was examined by SSCA
`(using primers given in Table 2a) Genomic DNA (20 ng) was
`amplified using primers under the following standard PCR
`conditions: 50 mM KCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl, pH 9.0, 1.5 mM
`MgCl2 (Promega), 0.2 mM dTTP, dCTP and dGTP, 0.05 mM
`dATP, and (ct-P32)dATP (Amersham) at l pCi/reaction and 2
`U Taq DNA Polymerase (Promega) in a final volume of 10 pl.
`Thermocycling conditions consisted of 30 cycles of 30 s at
`94 °C, 30 s at 55 °C, and 30 s at 72 °C, followed by one cycle of
`3 min extension at 72 °C in a 9600 Thermocycler (Perkin
`GeneDX 1012, pg. 2
`Table 23 BRCAZ PCR primers
`Sequence (5‘—>3’)
`JUL5 F3
`JUL§ R4
`JUL5 F1
`JUL5 R1
`1 T
`nature genetics volume 13 june 1996
`GeneDX 1012, pg. 2
`a; © 1996 Nature Publishing Group http://www.nature.com/naturegenetics
`Table 2b BRCAZ PTT prl ers
`1 1
`JAD54F x JAD17R
`JAD17F x JAD14R
`JAD14F x JAD12R
`JAD43F x JAD45F1
`P‘lT primer sequencea (5'—>3’)
`aEach PTT primer is preceded by the T7/Kozak sequence 5'—GGATCCTAATACGACT—
`Elmer). PCR product (4 pl) was diluted in 56 pl of loading
`buffer (95% formamide, 10 mM NaOH, 0.05% bromophenol
`blue, 0.05% xylene cyanol), denatured at 94 °C for 5 min, and
`rapidly cooled on ice. A sample of 4 pl was electrophoresed
`through a 0.5x MDE gel (AT Biochem) containing 0.6x TBE
`buffer, at room temperature for 14-18 h at 8 W, dried, and
`autoradiographed for 1—18 h. Migration shift analysis was also
`used for detection of small deletions/insertions]. Samples were
`amplified as described above and were run through 5% defea-
`turing sequencing gels at 70 W, dried and autoradiographed
`for 1—4 11.
`Protein truncation test. Exons 10, 11 and 27, which represent
`64% of the coding region, were amplified in 8 segments by the
`polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers given in Table
`217. A 1 pl aliquot of each of these primary templates was sub—
`jected to 10 additional cycles of PCR, in a reaction mixture
`containing a modified primer carrying a T7 promoter and
`eukaryotic translation initiation sequence in place of the for—
`ward primer. A 20 pl reaction mix containing 6 pl of the sec-
`ondary PCR product,
`1.6 pl of 35S-methionine
`Ci/mmol, Amersham), 0.8 ul RNAsin (recombinant 40 U/pl),
`0.4 pl TnT T7 RNA Polymerase, 0.2 pl amino acid Methion—
`ine(v) Mix, and 5.0 pl TnT Rabbit
`reticulocyte lysate
`(Promega), was incubated at 30 °C for 1 h. This product (6 pl)
`was electreephoresed on a 10—20% SDS—polyacrylamide Ready-
`Gel (Biorad), fixed, dried and autoradiographed for 3—18 h.
`DNA sequence analysis. Sequencing templates were produced
`for samples showing aberrant mobility on SSCA or PTT. Aber—
`rant SSCA bands were cut from the MDE gel and eluted in 100
`pl of dHZO for 90 min at 37 °C. An additional 30 cycles of PCR
`was then carried out to amplify the DNA eluted from the gel
`slice. A parallel PCR was carried out to amplify genomic DNA
`from the same patient using the same primers. PCR products
`were purified using the Wizard PCR Prep DNA Purification
`System (Promega) and sequenced using a PRISM DyeDeoxy
`Terminator Cycle Sequencing kit and a 373 automated fluores—
`cent sequencer (Applied BioSystems), according to manufac-
`turer's instructions.
`We thank P. Biggs, N. Rahman and B. Gusterson for assistance
`This work wasfunded in part by the NCI/Duke University
`Specialized Program ofResearch Excellence (SPORE) in brew:
`cancer P50-CA68438, MH/NCIgrantRZl ~CA68348. NIH grant
`1R21 -CA66228, the National lrtsititattes ofEnvironmental Health
`Science; the Cancer Research Campaign, BREAKTHROUGH
`Breast Cancer Charity and lean Rook Appeal, the US Army, the
`Institutefor Cancer Research. C.M.R and CL. werefunded by the
`Swedish Cancer Foundation.
`Received 28 Febniary; accepted 29 March 1996.
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