`Maryadele J. O’Neil, Editor
`Patricia E. Heckelman, Senior Associate Editor
`Cherie B. Koch, Associate Editor
`Kristin J. Roman, Assistant Editor
`Catherine M. Kenny, Editorial Assistant
`Maryann R. D’Arecca, Administrative Associate
`Published by
`Merck Research Laboratories
`Division of
`MERCK & C0., INC.
`Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA
`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 89-6000]
`lSBN Number 0-9] l9IO-00-X
`ISBN Number 978—091 l9l0—00-l
`For more
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`Copyright © 2006 by MERCK & CO.. INC. Whitehouse Station, NJ. USA
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`Printed in the USA
`[3595—1 l-71 0
`205°: bpw 92-93": volatilim
`Very slightly sol in water. A
`aq solos arc alkaline to littnu
`dl-Form hydrochloride.
`tals. dec 127—128°. Sol in wat
`d-lt‘orm. [6556-29-21 0in
`d-Form hydrochloride.
`1.11.3,“ +14.73°. Sol in water.
`l-Form. 16192-97~8] Oily
`l-Form ethylphenylbarbit
`2—(methylamino)propane ctl
`compd with l-propylhexedrit
`N30“ mol wt 387.52.
`l-Form hydrochloride.
`(at ,1," — 14.74“. Sol in water.
`'t'tttiRAt’ CAT: Adrencrgic
`7861. Propylidene C1
`propane. C111,,Clzzmol wt
`62.75%. C11.CHJCHC13.
`propionaldehyde. Toxicity:
`()(‘l'll/7. Med. 10, 61 (1954).
`Liquid. d'“1.143:bp87°.
`organic solvents. L030 orally 1
`Propyl Iodide.
`mol wt 169.99. C 21.20%. 1
`Prcpd by heating propyl alcoht
`Colorless or slightly ycllot
`102403"; ",3? 1.5051. Sol in 5
`pyridineacetic acid propyl es
`acid propyl ester: propyl 3.5-c
`done: Dionosil. ClullnlzN
`2.48%. l 56.78%. N 3.13%. (I
`517382 (1940 to 1.C.1.). Dcsc
`nuu'ol. 8. 166 ( 1953).
`Crystals. dec 186-187“. Slig
`in water at 15°: 0.014 g/100
`(1.020 g/100 ml. LDS” i.v. in mi
`'t‘tttiRAt’ (.‘A’t‘: Diagnostic aid
`n-Propyl Nitrate.
`C‘H7NO.: mol wt 105.09.
`45.67%. C11.CHZCH_.ON()3.
`nitric acid. usually in the preset
`sulfuric acid: Vogel. J. Chem. 3
`Pole yellow liquid. Sweet. s
`limiting may ruuxe i/ (a exp/1
`2.98. Azeotrope with water t
`Very slightly sol in water. SI
`concerning combustion and p
`(‘Iu'mixngv 41f Propel/ants (Pcrgt
`(.‘utniun: ll’otent ial sympton
`are irritation of eyes and skin: 1
`sis: dyspnea. weakness. diz7in
`(lair/0 t0 Cltr'miml Ilium-(Ix (1)1
`U815: Fuel ignition promoto
`organic intermediate.
`n-Propyl Nitrite.
`ester. C1117 N03: mol wt 89.09.
`35.92%. CH;CH3C1120N0.
`pyl bromide: Reynolds. Adkins
`Propylene Glycol
`(12 0.859. mp
`Colorless ethereal liquid. Extremelyflammable.
`—112.13°. bp 34.23°. Flash pt. closed cup: —31°F(-~35°C).
`Soly in water (20"): 40.5% by wt: soly of water in propylene oxide:
`12.8% by wt; miscible with alcohol, ether. LD50 orally in rats:
`1.14 g/kg (Smyth).
`Caution: Potential symptoms of overexposure are irritation of
`eyes. skin and respiratory system; blistering and burns. Sat NIOSII
`Parker Guide to Chemical Hazards (DllHS/N10$ H 97-140, 1997) p
`270. This substance is reasonably anticipated to be a human carci-
`nogen: Report on Carr'inugens. Eleventh Edition (P1320()5-1049|4.
`2004) p 111-226.
`tists: Chemical intermediate in prepn of polyethers to fonn poly-
`urethanes: in prepn of urethane polyols and propylene and dipropyl-
`ene glycols: in prepn of lubricants. surfactants. oil demulsitiers. As
`solvent: fumigant: soil sterilant.
`7857. Propyl Ether. ll 1 1—43—31 1.1'-Oxybispropane;dipro-
`pyl other. C6H14O:mol wt 102.17. C 70.53%. H 13.81%. 0
`15.66%. C; H70C3H7. Obtained by heating propyl alcohol with
`benzenesulfonic acid.
`(13" 0.7360; mp —122°:
`Mobile liquid. Extremely flammable.
`hp 89-91°; 11,3," 1.3807. Flash pt. open cup: —5°F (—20°C).
`Slightly sol in water: sol in alcohol. ether. Highly volatile. Tends
`to form explosive peroxides. esp when anhydr. Do not allow to
`evaporate to near dryness.
`[1 10-74-71 Formic acid propyl es-
`7858. Propyl Formate.
`ter. C4H303: mol wt 88.11. C 54.53%. H 9.15%. O 36.32%.
`Colorless liquid: pleasant odor. dz“ 0.901; mp —93°; bp 818?.
`Flash pt, closed cup: 27°F(—3°C).
`”,3? 1.3771. 501 in 45 parts
`water: misc with alcohol. ether. LDSU orally in rats: 3980 mg/kg. 1".
`M. Jenner er (1].. Food Cusmer. 'l‘uxicul. 2, 327 (1964).
`7859. Propyl Gallate. 1121-79—91 3.4.5-Trihydroxybenzoic
`acid propyl ester; nvpropyl gallate: gallie acid propyl ester; PG;
`Progallin P; Tenox PG. C,(,HIZOS; mol wt 212.20. C 56.60%. H
`5.70%. O 37.70%. Spectrophotometric determn: C. S. Sastry et
`al.. 'I‘ulmtta 29. 917 ( 1982). Effects on survival ofSan'lutrtm1yr'vs
`('t'rt'vist'm': V. L. Eubanks. L. R. Beuchat. J. Food Prof. 46. 29
`(1983). Antioxidant effectiveness: M. A. Augustin. S. K. Berry. J.
`Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 60. 105 (1983). Comprehensive review of
`biological effects and toxicology: J. Am. Coll. 'I‘axit'ol. 4, 23—64
`Crystals. mp 150". Soly at 25° in water = 0.35 g/1001nl: in
`alcohol = 103 g/100 g; in ether = 83 g/100 g. Soly in cottonseed oil
`at 30° = 1.23 g/100 g; in lard at 45° = 1.14 g/100 g. [)arkens in the
`presence of iron and iron salts. Synergic with acids. BHA. BHT.
`pKa 8.11. Partition coefficient (oleyl alcohol:water) 17. Partition
`coefficient (oetanolzwatcr) 32. pH (0.05% aq soln) 6.3; (0.1% aq
`soln) 5.9: (0.2% aq soln) 5.7. LDsO in mice. rats. hamsters, rabbits
`(g/kg): 1.70-3.50. 2.1-7. 2.48. 2.75 orally: L05" i.p. in rats: 0.38
`g/kg (J. Am. Coll. Tu.\'i('()l.).
`USE: Antioxidant for cosmetics, foods. fats. oils. ethers. emul-
`sions. waxes. transfomtcr oils.
`I 101-40-61 N.d—Dimcthylcyclo-
`7860. Propylhexedrine.
`l-cyclohcxylo2-methylaminopropanc: hexahy~
`drodesoxyephedrine: Benzedrex. CmHZIN: mol wt 155.28. C
`77.35%. H 13.63%. N 9.02%. Prepd by catalytic hydrogenation
`of the phenyl analog using Adams platinum catalyst and glacial
`acetic acid as the solvent: Zenitz et al.. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 69. 1
`l 17
`(1947); Ullyot. US 2454746 ( 1948 to SK & F).
`62.75%. CHACHClCHzCl. Prepd from propyl chloride and Sb:-
`C15. Toxicity data: H. F. Smyth cl (1].. Am. Ind. llyg. Assoc. J. 30.
`471) (1969). Review of toxicology and human exposure:
`logical Profile/0r I .2-Dlt‘lllul'O/N‘Opllllt’ (PB90-182122. 1989) 131
`Fltllllmdblt’. mobile liq. Odor of chloroform. d3: 1.159: hp 95-
`96°. Solidities below —70°.
`",3," 1.4388. Flash point (ASTM open
`cup) 21°C (70°F). Despite the low flash pl it does not catch lire
`readily in ittdustrial applicatiotts. Fire pt 38°. Slightly sol in water;
`miscible with organic solvents. LDS‘, orally in rats: 1.19 ml/kg
`(.‘mninn: Potential symptotns of overexposure are eye. skin and
`respiratory system irritation: drowsiness, lightheadedness; liver and
`kidttey damage. Potential occupational carcinogen. St’t’ NIOSH
`Parke! Guide to Chemical Iluzartls (DHl'lS/NIOSH 97- 140. 1997) p
`USE: Solvent for oils. fats. resins, waxes. rubber: in. ion exchange
`manuf: in photographic lilm prodn: paper coating: petroleum cata‘
`lyst regeneration. Has been used as a soil fumigant.
`l57-55-6l 1.2-Propanediol: meth—
`Propylene Glycol.
`yl glycol: 1.Z-dihydroxypropane. C. 11303; mol wt 76.09. C
`47.35%. 11 10.60%. 0 42.05%. CHJCHOHCHZOH. Prepn from
`glycerol: Raschig. Prahl. Ber. 61. 185 (1928). Prepn of levorota-
`tory propylene glycol from hydroxyacetone by yeast reduction:
`Levene. Walti, ()rg. Synth. coll. vol. II, 545 (1943). Synthesis of
`S-(+)—form: C. Melchiorrc, Chem. Iml. (London) 1976, 218.
`Manuf from propylene oxide by hydration: Faith. Keycs & Clark's
`Industrial Cltmttit'ul.1‘. F. A. Lowenlteim. M. K. Moran, Eds. (Wiley—
`Interseience. New York. 4th etl.. 1975) pp 688-691. Toxicity data:
`W. Bartsch 9! (ll.. APE/It'll".'FUI‘St'll. 26. 1581 (1976). GC/MS dc-
`temm in plasma: C. Giachetti ,., (1].. Bimm'd. Environ. Mass Spot'-
`tram. 18. 592 ( 1989). Review of toxicity. metabolism and bioehcnv
`istry: Rudtliek. 'l'm‘iml. Appl. Phat/“mural. 21. 102 (1972); oftox—
`icology and human exposure: Tat‘it‘nlagit'al Profile/or Ethylene
`(Myth! and Propylene Glycol (US DHHS. PB98-101 109. 1997) 250
`l'lygroscopic. viscous liquid. Slightly acrid taste.
`1.036. mp —-S9°. bp700 188.2”: bpm, 168.1": 6pm., l49.7°: bplm,
`132.0"; bpm,
`1 199°; hp...
`1 12°; bpm 964°: hp... 83.2": bps 70.8":
`hp”, 45.5°. Flash pt. open cup: 210°F (99°C). Miscible with
`water. acetone. chloroform. Sol in ether. Will dissolve many
`essential oils. but is immiscible with fixed oils.
`It is a good solvent
`for rosin. Under ordinary conditions propylene glycol is stable. but
`at high temps it tends to oxidize giving rise to products such as
`propionaldehyde. lactic acid. pyruvic acid and acetic acid. L050
`orally in rats: 25 nil/kg (Bartsch).
`IMF," — 15.01
`I-Form. bplz 88-90". bpm, 187-189“.
`d-Form. prQ4-96“. |a|f;’+15.x4° (neat).
`(135 1.04.
`0515: Nontoxic antifreeze in breweries and dairy establishments.
`Substitute for ethylene glycol and glycerol. 1n the manufef syn—
`thetie resins and de-ieing solutions. Emulsitier in foods; solvent for
`food colors and tlavors. Pharntaeeutic aid (humectant. solvent).
`As mist to disinfect air: to create artificial smoke and mist for
`theatrical use.
`THERAPCA'I'(Vli‘t‘t: Glucogenic (orally) itt ruminants.
`7856. Propylene Oxide. 175—56-9l Methyloxirane: propene
`(731160111101 th8.08. C 62.04%. H 10.41%. () 27.55%.
`Results from the action of KOH (aq) on propylene chlorohydritt.
`Toxicity: H. l". Smyth ('t u/.. .I. [In]. line. Taru'al. 23. 259 (1941).
`Toxicological comparison with ethylene oxide. (/.t'.: F.. Agut'cll ('r
`(1]., Mutul. Rm. 250. 229 (1991). Reviews: Holden in Glycols. G.
`O. Curme. F. Johnston. Eds. (Reinhold. New York. 1952) pp 250-
`261: Fail/I. Kt'yr's & Clark's Industrial Chemicals. F. A. Lowen-
`heim. M. K. Moran. Eds. (Wilcy-lnterscience. New York. 4th ed..
`1975) pp 692-697: R. 0. Kirk, T. .1. Dempsey in Kirk-()I/mter
`litu'_\'('lopmlia Q]'(.‘/tem/‘rul Technology vol. 19 (Wiley-lntersciettce.
`New York. 3rd ed.. 1982) pp 246-274. Review of manufacturing
`processes: Chem. Eng. News 70. 9-12 (Mar. 2. 1992); of carcino-
`genie risk: MRCMonugrup/ts 60. 181—213 (1994).
`O 4
`Page 1350
`Consult the Name Index before using this section.