


`Maryadele J. O’Neil, Editor
`Patricia E. I-Ieckelman, Senior Associate Editor
`Cherie B. Koch, Associate Editor
`Kristin J. Roman, Assistant Editor
`Catherine M. Kenny, Editorial Assistant
`Maryann R. D’Arecca, Administrative Associate
`Published by
`Merck Research Laboratories
`Division of
`Whitehouse Station, NJ, USA
`Q :


`Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 89-6000!
`ISBN Number 0-91 I910-00-X
`ISBN Number 978-0-9| l9|0~()0-l
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`Copyright © 2006 by MERCK & CO., INC.. Whitehouse Station. NJ, USA
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`Printed in the USA


`2-cthoxy—4—accta.midobenmic acid methyl ester: ethyl pabate. Cn-
`H,5 N04: mol wt 237.25. C 60.75%. H 6.37%, N 5.90%, O 26.97%.
`Prcpn: Grimme. Schmitz. Ber. 87, I79 (I954); 13. F. Rogers. R. L.
`Clark, BE 613166; eidem. US 3211610 (I962. I965 both to Merck
`& Co.); FR 1407055; M. L. Thominet, US 3357978 (1965, I967
`both to Soc. d‘Etudes Sci. Ind. dc I'lle-de—France). Anticoccidial
`activity studies: Rogers at al.. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 117, 488
`(1964). Metabolism in chickens: Bubs et 11].. J. Pharmacol. Exp.
`Tlwr. 154, 357 (I966).
`223-225° (some decompn). Lower melting points reported are
`caused by admixture with l0-(2-dicthylamino-l—methyIethyl)-
`phenothiazinc-HCI which melts at I66-168°. One gram dissolves
`in 400 ml water at 20°, in 20 tnl water at 40°. Sol in ethanol.
`chloroform. Soly in abs ethanol at 25° = 1.0 g/30 ml. Sparingly sol
`in acetone. Practically insol in ether. benzene. pH ofa 5% aq soln
`is about 5.8. LD50 s.c. in mice: 670 mg/kg (Farquharson. John-
`THF.RAPCAT: Antiparkinsonian.
`3748. Ethosuximide.
`[77-67-8] 3-Elhyl-3~metI1yl—2.5-pyr-
`rolidinedionc; 2-ethyI-2-methylsuccinimide: a-ethyI-a-methyl-
`succinimide; 3-methyl-3-ethylpyrrolidine—2.5—dione: Atysmal: Ca-
`pitus; Emeside: Epileo Petitmal; Ethymal; Mescntol; Pemal; Pepti-
`nimid: Petinimid: Petnidan; Pyknolepsinum; Simatin: Succimal;
`Suxilep; Suximal; Suxinulin: Zarontin. C-,H.,NO3; mol wt
`l4l.l7. C 59.56%. H 7.85%. N 9.92%. O 22.67%. Prepn: Sircar.
`J. Chem. Soc. 1927, 1252. Acute toxicity data: H. Najcr 01111..
`Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. 3, ll 19 (I966). Comparative clinical trial with
`valproic acid in epilepsy: S. Sam at a[., Neurology 32, I57 (I982).
`Brief review: S. J. Wallace.Nc-urol. Clin. 4, 601 (1986).
`White to pinkish-white. practically odorless crystals from meth-
`anol and water, mp I48-I49”. uv max (methanol): 298. 267 nm
`(Allin 805, 365). Sol in methanol. ethanol, acetone, acetonitrile.
`Sparingly sol in isopropanol. p-dioxane. ethyl acetate. methylene
`chloride; very slightly sol in water and isooctanc.
`Mixture with amprolium. Amprol Plus.
`TIIERAI’ CAT (VET): Mixture as coccidiostat.
`3746. Ethoprop. [l3l94-48-4] Phosphorodithioic acid 0-
`ethyl S.S-dipropyl ester; 0-ethyl S.S-dipropylphosphorodithioate:
`ethoprophos: VC9-I04: Mocap. CgH,.,O2 PS3: mol wt 242.34. C
`39.65%. H 7.90%. O 13.20%, P 12.78%. S 26.46%. Prepn: L. E.
`Goyette. US 3112244 (I963 to Virginia-Carolina Chem. Corp.); 1.
`H. Wilson. In, US 3268393 (I966 to Mobil). Activity: C. R.
`Harris. J. L. Hilchon. J. Econ. Enromol. 63, 2 (1970). Metabolism:
`Z. M. Iqbal. R. E. Menzcr. Biochem. Pharmacol. 21, I569 (I972).
`Soil degradation: J. H. Smelt et aI.. Pestic. Sci. 8, 147 (1977).
`Pale yellow oil, bp(,_2 86-91°. dfi" 1.094. Vapor press. at 26°:
`3.5 X l()'‘‘ mm Hg. Soly in water: 750 mg/I. Sol in most organic
`USE: Insecticide; nemzttocide.
`[522-00-9] N.N-Diethyl—a-methyI-
`3747. Ethopropazine.
`l0H-phenothiazinc- I (I-ethanamine;
`phenothiazine: I0-(2-diethylamino-2-methylethyl)phenothiazine:
`2—diethyIamino-I-propyI-N-dibenzoparathiazine: phenopropazine;
`profenamine: RP-3356; W-483; lsothazine; Isothiazine; Parkin.
`C,.,H2.,N3S; mol wt 312.47. C 73.03%. H 7.74%, N 8.97%. S
`l0.26%. Anticholinergic. Prepd from Grignard complexes of di-
`ethylziminopropyl halide and phenothiazine: S. S. Berg. 1. N. Ash-
`ley. US 2607773 (I952 to Rhone-Poulenc). Pharmacology: M. E.
`Farquharson. R. G. Johnston, Br. J. Pharmacol. 14, 559 (I959).
`Pharmacokinetics: M. Maboudian-Esfahani. D. R. Brooks. Bio-
`phurm. Drug Dispos. 20, I59 (I999). HPLC deterrnn in plasma:
`eidem, J. Cltramarogr. B 715, 417 (I998).
` N S
`Crystals. mp 53-55‘’. Usually obtained as an oil because of con-
`tamination with l0-(2-diethyIamino- I -methylethyhphenothiazine.
`[I094-()8-2] Dibuti]; Lysivane; Pardisol: Par-
`phczein; Parphezin; Parsidol: Parsitan; Paxsotil; Rodipal. C19 H2,-
`NlS.HCl: mol wt 348.93. Crystals from ethylene dichloride. mp
`Crystals from acetone -2- ether. mp 64-65°. Freely sol in water.
`LD50 in mice (g/kg): 1.65 i.p.'. l.75 orally (Najcr).
`Tl-IERAP CAT: Anticonvulsant.
`3749. Ethotoin. [86-35-I] 3-EthyI-5-phenyl-2.4~imidazoli~
`dinedione: 3~cthyl-5—phenylhydantoin; I—ethyI-2.5-dioxo-4-phenyl-
`imidazolidine; Peganone. C,,H,2N20,: mol wt 204.23. C
`64.69%. H 5.92%, N I3.72%. O 15.67%. Prepd by heating the
`potassium salt of 5-phenylhydantoin with ethyl bromide in ale at
`100° in a scaled tube: Pinner. Ber. 21, 2320 (I888). Use as anti-
`convulsanlz W. J. Close. US 2793157 (I957 to Abbott Lahs.).
`Metabolism: Dudley at al., J. PImrma('o/. Exp. Tlzcr. 175, 27
`( l 970).
`Stout prisms from water. mp 94°. Sparingly sol in cold water.
`more sol in hot water. Freely sol in alcohol. ether. benzene. dil aq
`solns of alkali hydroxides.
`THERAPCAT: Anticonvulsant.
`[ 1 10-80-51 Ethylene glycol mono-
`ethyl ether; Cellosolvez Oxitol. C,,H,.,O3: mol wt 90.12. C
`53.3I%. H l1.l8%. O 35.5l%. HOCH2CH3OCzI-I5. Manuf
`from ethylene oxide and ethanol: Fm'I}1,K¢'ye.t & C/aI'k'.\‘ lndu.\*tria1
`Chenticals. F. A. Lowenheim. M. K. Moran. Eds. (Wiley-lntcr~
`science, New York. 4th ed.. I975) pp 403-407. Toxicity data: H.
`F. Smyth er al.. J. Ind. Hyg. Ta.\'ic'ol. 23, 259 (I941). Series of
`articles on toxicology: Environ. Health P{’I‘.t']7t'(‘f. 57. 1-275 (I984).
`Colorless. practically odorless liq.
`0.93l. bp l35°. mp
`-70“. Flash pt, closed cup:
`ll2°F (44°C): open cup:
`riff L406. Misc with water. alc, ether. acetone. liq esters.
`It dissolves many oils. resins, waxes. etc. LD5" orally in rats: 3
`g/kg (Smyth).
`Caution: Potential symptoms of overexposure in exptl animals
`are irritation of eyes. respiratory system: blood changes: liver. kid-
`ney. lung damage: reproductive. teratogenic effects. Sec NIOSH
`Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (DHHS/NIOSH 97-140. 1997) p
`I30. 501' also Patty's lm1u.s‘tI‘iaI Hygiene and T().\‘l(‘0’0g_V vol. 2D. G.
`D. Clayton. F. E. Clayton. Eds. (Wiley-lnterscicnce. New York. 4th
`cd.. 1994) pp 2765, 2777-2785.
`USE: Solvent for nitrocellulose, lacquers and dopcs; in varnish
`removers. cleansing solns. dye baths: finishing leather with water
`pigments and dye solns; increasing stability of emulsions.
`Consult the Name Index before using this section.
`Page 643
`l..C detcrmn in plant. soil. water;
`( I990).
`I0-72°. Vapor pressure at 25°:
`ll(l ppm. Relatively stable
`lmg/kg (P1385-I43766).
`-I5-6] Hexahydro-l-mcthyl-4-
`acid ethyl ester: 4-carbcthoxy-I-
`iine: 4-carbetItoxy—I-methyI-4-
`plazine: Wy-401. C,,,H3.N()2;
`7%. N 5.36%. O 12.24%. Prcpd
`dimethylatrtinobutyronitrilc as a
`ing the hydrolysis and estcritica-
`ioazacycloheptane: Diamond er
`I; Diamond, Bruce. US 2666050
`7 /
`I4°: bp.._5 I27-129°: hp... 128-
`~lCI. Rccrystallized from ethyl
`Ct0H_v_tN03.C,,H,.()7: mol wt
`7H.Br. Crystals l'rotn ether. mp
`v—2] 2-Ethyl-l.3-hexancdiolz 2-
`rlylenc glycol; 6-I2. C,¢H,,;O3;
`1%, O 2l.8X“/r~. Prepn: Kulpin—
`J43): B. G. Wilkes. US 2407205
`tails). Activity: P. Granett. H. L.
`I945): W. V. King, ibid. 44. 339
`t. ibicl. 428. As an additive in
`rath, L. C. Rutledge. J. P/turm.
`: B. Ballanlyne (‘I tII.. Vat. Ilum.
`.15}: 0.9422. 433 0.9325.
`tus liq.
`°: hp, 102°; tap... 94-96°.
`'cssure at 20° <0.0I mm, Abs
`0.6% w/w: soly of water in 2-
`ol in ethanol. isopropanol. pro-
`tale. female rats (ml/kg): 9.85.
`~rption: ingestion causes CNS
`'og_v 1)] Cmmmtrvial Prodmvs.
`ms & Wilkins. Baltimore. 5th
`-3] 4-Acctamido~2—cthoxy—

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