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`Boston • New York
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1054
`Page 1

`Words are includ~d ik t:hi~ oJtomi~~on the basis of their
`~~ag<;: Worgs th~f. ::~re ~n9wn !0 J:>ayt: Sl!F~pt traq~mar~reg­
`istr~.ti\ins ~t~ shown ;yitJi an jnifJali:~pjtal !nd ¥1.\ alsq:i~en­
`ti#ed ';as traqemark~& ~? in,ye~tigatipp h~s )We* m,~de\ of
`qommpn.,Jgw Jradt:mar~ tights irta~w. . .Wprg; J:>e<:ali§t: ~gch in(cid:173)
`vestigation is impni.cticable. The inclusion of any word in this
`Djptiqp.aryis l!:ot, R?W~VCf,····::tn f,xprt:?si,qn pL.t,Q.e .R.lJ.bli§!•er's
`opip.i$i)1 :is to w:pet!ier or npt it it~
`0 p;offirief~lJ rmhts.
`Indeeq, rvr defjni~\bn}n tqjs Di9,!io ··.·.·
`.. s to §e rygard~d as
`affecting the validity df aii:j trademark.


`Americ~nl-J:t:rit~ge®.ang the t;t}gle l91:;o ~r,ex~gi~y:req trade-
`~:~~~tvf~~]~~bsein~J!~fir us1is pur~}lf!#t to A licens:·agree-
`.~u,:%~~~t r~;~~~~: ·.·i::~··.:~···~~~~:~~~ .... ~:~~li: .. ?:~~.:~y: ..... ·
`ra.~rtia!~ oJ;h~;~~:n:,
`permitted py f.~qe.t;al,copyrigh.tlaw .. Agprfs~ inqpiries to Ref(cid:173)
`erence Perniissiohs'~ HoughtbriMifflin (;'pmpahy,222 Berkeley
`Street, Boston MA 02116.
`photocol'ying and recording, or by any information storage or
`0-395"971(>1-2 (UJ>Q)
`Library of Co1i'gress Cataloging-irz~Publicatio~ r/ata
`TJ:re American heritage college dicti6nary. -3rd e4.
`ISBN 0-395-66917,0 (plain edge). '-l~l}N 0-39~-44638-4
`(thumb edge). -IS~JJ 0-395-66918-Q (del~xe bi!lding).
`1. English language-Dictionaries; 2. Americanisms.
`PE1628.A6227 1993
`Manufactured in the United States of America
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`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1054
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`Of the Quw1 Elizabeth 2
`.simil~r digestiv¢. chamber i\1 certain insects.a\ld worms, [PRor'(cid:173)
`+ Lat. ventriculus, stomach, dim. of venter, belly;];,,., pro'·
`..•...•. · ·•<.,
`ven•trlc'u•lar (·!ortadj.
`. •
`•.. · .·
`prov • erb (prov! urb I) n .. 1 •. A short pithy sayi\lg. th'!t expresses
`a basic truth .or practical precept. Z, Proverbs. (used wit/>. a
`sing. v.) See table aU3lble. [:tvj:E proverbe < OFr., <;Lat.
`proverbium : •.pro.:,. forth; see• PR0,-1 + verb!{m; ,word;· see

`pro•ver•bl•al ( adj. ·1. Of the.nature of.a.,prov(cid:173)
`erb. Z. Ex. p. ressed in a proverb; 3. Widely referred t0, a.s .if th·e··
`subject of a proverb; famous .. -c pro•verlbl•<tl•ty,adv.
`pro•vlde (pro-vidl) v. -vld•ed, ·V\d!lng, 'VIdes;. -,tr;•1. To
`furnish; supply. Z. To make available; afford. 3. To set down
`as a stipulation. 4. Archaic. To make ready ahe.a.d of time;
`prepare. - intr. '1. To .. take •. measures in· preparatio\1.· .z •. To
`supply means of subsistence. 3. To. make a stipulation or con·
`dition. [ME providen <Lat. providere, to. provide for : pro-,
`forward; see PRo-1 + videre, to see;.see weld-*.]
`pro•vld•ed (pro-vfl did) conj. On the co\lditioll; if.
`prov•l•dence (provii-dons, -dens') n. 1 ... Care ·or.preparation
`in advance; foresight. Z. Prudent management; economy.
`3. The care, guardianship, and control.exercised by a deity;
`divine direction. 4. Providence. God.

`Providence. The cap. of RI, in the NE part .on Narragansett
`Bay; founded by Roger. Williams in 1636; Pop. 160,728.
`prov•l•dent (priSv'I-dont, -dent 1) adj. 1. Providing for future
`\leeds or events. Z. Frugal; economical. [ME< Lat. providens,
`provident-, pr.part. of pr.ovidere, to provide for. See PRovruB.]
`- provll•dent•ly adv.
`prov•l•den•tlal (prov'I-denlshol) adj.1. Of or resulting from
`divine providence. Z. Happening as if through divine inter(cid:173)
`vention;. opportune. -prov11•denltlal•ly adv.
`pro•vld•er (pro-vfl dor) n. 1. One who supplies a means of
`subsistence. Z. One that makes something. available.
`pro•vld•lng (pro-vild!ng) conj. On the condition; provided.
`prov•lnce. (proviins) n. 1. A territory governed as an admin(cid:173)
`istrative or political unit of a country or an empire. Z. Eccles.
`A division of territory under the jurisdiction of an archbishop.
`3. provinces. Areas of a country situated away from the cap·
`ita\ or population center. 4. A comprehensive area of knowl(cid:173)
`edge, activity, or interest. 5, The range of one:s proper duties
`and functions; scope or jurisdiction. 6. Ecol. An area of land,
`less extensive than a region, having a characteristic plant and
`animal population. 7. Any of various lands outside Italy con·
`quered. by the Romans and administered ·as self-contained
`. ....
`units. [ME < OFr. < Lat. provincia.]
`Prov•lnce•town (prov'Ins-tounl). A .town of SE MA on the
`tip of,Cape Cod. Pilgrims first landed o\1 the sit.e in 1620
`before sailing on to Plymouth. Pop. 3,374.
`pro•vln•clal (pro-vfulshol) adj.1. Of or relating to a province.
`Z. Of or characteristic of people from the provinces; not fash(cid:173)
`ionable of sophisticated .. 3. Limited in·. perspective; .n.arrow
`and self-centered. - n. 1. A native or inhabitant of.the prov(cid:173)
`inces. Z. A person who has provincial ideas or habits; •. -c pro •
`vlnlclal•lsm, pro•vln'cl•alli•ty (-shti-al'l-te) n.•
`... <
`· .
`pro•vln•cialliZe (pro-vinlsho-liz1) tr.v. Azed, ,!z•lng,..-\z•es.
`To make. provincial. - pro•vln 1clal•i•zaltion hho-ll-ziil(cid:173)
`sho\1) n.
`prov.•Jng ground (pr<folving) n. A place for.testing new .de-
`vices, weapons, or theories;:.
`. ·. ,
`pro • vi• rus .(priil yf1 rosfpro-vfl·) n.; pl. -rus • .es. The precursor
`odat.ent form of a capable of being integrated
`into the· genetic material. of a host• cell and·replicated with:it.
`pro•vi•.slon (pro,vizhlon) n. 1. The act of supp\ying;or:.fitting
`out,·Z. Something provided, 3, A preparatory a.ction ot:wea~­
`ure; 4 .. provisions. A<; of necessary supplies, :esp., foo~i.
`5. A stipulation or. qualification; esp;· a clause•in a docurjiem
`or an agreement. '""' tr. v.,.,slon~d. -slon•ing, ,sions,J'o·•upJ?ly
`with provisions. [ME ~ OFr.; forethought <Lat. provfsil?,
`provisii5n.' .~ proVisi<s,. p.partd>LPr6videre, to . .foresee; ··pro<,
`t~ide ·for;,.See PROVIDE.].,-"- pr.o•vllslonler n .. , .. ,. , > ·.: .. ,,
`·· .
`prl!•vi• slon•.al (pro,vizhl a-. nol). adj, P. royld.ed or •. s.erv .. in.!? ~nly
`for the. time bemg·; .temporary; ...- n;·•1; A perso.n h•red tem(cid:173)
`porarily for a job, typically before having. taken a qualifying
`examination. z. Provisional • .A member of the e"tremist fac':
`tion ohhe Itish•RepublicanArmy established in 1970, ""•PrO•
`· ,,, i·
`vilslon•.ahly adv;'">
`·•• • • '•'
`, ·' '"'
`pro.• vi •so •. (pr~·vii.z6) n>; p/.,.,sos or.-soes;· a:,:doc(cid:173)
`ument making a qualification or !estrictio\1;. [ME;. ~·Med.:Lat.
`proviso (9Had), provided (that) < Lat .. propfso; ablative of
`prov.fsus,:•P·Park ofpr6viderrt,.to provide;:, See .~Rovru.B.-1. ·:·····
`p.,r. o·v.i•SC). ~ry .. (pro,.vf. l.zQ .. er.C) a.·d·' ... " .Qep .. e\l.Qing.on . .o. yis. o.;. co·n·(cid:173)
`ditionah•[Fr. provisoire <o.,OFr.•<•.Med;Lat;.·proiJis6rius,<<c•
`;Lat;pr.<l1Jfsl!s; p:part.. pfptouidere; to provide £or, See PR<iY1L'Ji.]
`~prowllso!ri.•,Iy.a4v. , ::< > ,., .•
`·,.,., .•.. '··•.>>·•,,, ,·:, ..... ,,.,
`pro•vhta~.min .(pro.vflto-min) n.· A •. vitamin precursor thaUs
`' ce<;mverted to .its •:active foxlJ:i, through :Mrma\: metal?olism; '''"·
`Pro.•vo.t (p;¢1y:6); A.·dty.of.,Nocentral 'UT:SSE,pf•saltj:>ake
`,city:;· s:ettled l)y Mormons in18ji9;Pop> 86,83$: · ·
`Pro~.J.q.~> (pr.o !xij) .,n,;.,•"VOJl.i. A>Pr.Qvisional;· ,,,, ,,,,, .,,,,,
`·.·, •. ' ,, •• ,,,
`pro.,:vo• ta!tllUf {pr6~v\S\{ 1 'l't~rr) ·ni>An age!ltJ>rovoc~te\lr•,
`Cisco Systems, Inc.
`Exhibit 1054
`Page 3

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