`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`6 July 2006 (06.07.2006)
`(51) International Patent Classification:
`609G 3/34 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date:
`22 December 2005 (22.12.2005)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(30) Priority Data:
`27 December 2004 (27.12.2004)
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): KONIN-
`Groenewoudseweg 1, NL—5621 BA Eindhoven (NL).
`(72) Inventors; and
`(75) Inventors/Applicants (for US only): VAN WOUDEN-
`BERG, Roel [NL/NL]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL75656
`AA Eindhoven (NL). GROOT HULZE, Hendrikus, W.
`[NL/NL]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven
`(NL). STESSEN, Jeroen, H., C., J. [NL/NL]; c/o Prof.
`Holstlaan 6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven (NL). SEVO,
`Aleksandar [YU/NL]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL—5656
`AA Eindhoven (NL). HEKSTRA, Gerben, J. [NL/NL];
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2006/070323 A1
`c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven (NL).
`BLANKERS, Hendrik, J. [NL/NL]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan
`6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven (NL). KOVACEVIC, Vedran
`[BA/NL]; c/o Prof. Holstlaan 6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven
`(NL). DEN BREEJEN, Jeroen [NL/NL]; c/o Prof. Hol—
`stlaan 6, NL—5656 AA Eindhoven (NL).
`Agents: DAMEN, Daniel, M. et al.; Prof. Holstlaan 6,
`NL—5656 AA Eindhoven (NL).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN,
`CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,
`GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KM, KN, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV,
`LY, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ, NA, NG, NI,
`NO, NZ, OM, PG, PH, PL, PT, RO, RU, SC, SD, SE, SG,
`SK, SL, SM, SY, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US,
`UZ, VC, VN, YU, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LS, MW, lVIZ, NA, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZM,
`ZW), Eurasian (Al\/l, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM),
`European (AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI,
`[Continued on next page]
`(57) Abstract: A method for displaying images on a display having backlight is disclosed, where the images is updated periodically
`c with a period. The method comprises the steps of: generating a signal with a pulse pattern for each period depending on the contents
`9 of an image to be displayed in that period; and activating backlight in accordance with the signal. Further, a display (100) comprising
`a 1sp ay pane
`an 21 ac
`1g t unit, w erein t e ac
`1g t unit comprises a contro er
`an a 1g ting ev1ce1s
`isc ose .
`The controller (104) is arranged to generate a control signal, and the lighting device is arranged to provide backlight to the display
`panel (102) according to the control signal, wherein the control signal comprises a pulse pattern depending on contents of displayed
`SONY 1009
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`SONY 1009
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`WO 2006/070323 A1
`FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, NL, PL, PT,
`RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, — with international search report
`GN, GQ, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`Declaration under Rule 4.17:
`— as to applicant’s entitlement to apply for and be granted a
`patent (Rule 4.1 7(ii))
`For two—letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the ”Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations ” appearing at the begin—
`ning of each regular issue of the PCT Gazette.
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`WO 2006/070323
`Scanning backlight for LCD
`Technical field
`The present invention relates to a method and a display, wherein backlight is
`generated depending on contents of displayed images.
`Background of the invention
`LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panels suffer from motion blur due to their
`sample-and-hold nature, i.e. the LC (Liquid Crystal) remains in the same state after
`addressing during a whole frame. When displayed objects move, as is the case in e. g. TV
`images, this causes a blurred image of the objects on the retina of a Viewer. In US
`2004/0012551 A, it is disclosed a means to drive the data for the value corresponding to a
`present frame display data. By comparing with previous frame of display data, the display
`data in the present frame that have changes are then over emphasized and written into the
`LCD driver with more than the amount of change to the picture element data. Further, a
`backlight control means to control the lighting delay time, the lighting time width, the
`lighting time interval and the number of times of lighting within one frame of a LCD
`backlighting is disclosed. However, there is a need for improved backlight control to avoid a
`flickering image.
`Summm of the invention
`It is therefore an object of the present invention to provide an improved
`method for displaying images on a display, and an improved display.
`The above object is achieved according to a first aspect of the present
`invention by a method for displaying images on a display having backlight, wherein the
`images are updated periodically with a period. The method comprises the steps of: generating
`a signal with a pulse pattern for each period depending on contents of an image to be
`displayed in that period; and activating the backlight in accordance with said signal.
`An advantage of this is that the backlighting is depending on the contents of
`the displayed images for providing an image that is experienced as less flickering.
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`WO 2006/070323
`The backlight may comprise a plurality of lighting units and each lighting unit
`is associated with a part of the display, wherein the steps of generating a signal and activating
`backlight are separately adapted to each of the parts.
`An advantage of this is that an image comprising contents with very different
`contents in different parts is improved in each part.
`The pulse pattern may comprise a plurality of pulses for each period when
`contents of the displayed image comprise relatively high brightness.
`An advantage of this is that a viewer often experiences a bright image as more
`flickering, but this is compensated for by increasing the backlighting frequency for such
`The term “relatively high brightness” should in this context be construed to be
`a brightness essentially higher than an average brightness of an average image.
`The plurality of pulses may be symmetrical during said period when contents
`of displayed images comprise low changes between subsequent images.
`An advantage of this is optimal reduced flickering when an image is relatively
`static, i.e. when a viewer would experience flickering the most, and the equal distribution
`would not introduce any blurring.
`The plurality of pulses may be asymmetrical during said period when contents
`of displayed images comprise high changes between subsequent images.
`An advantage of this is reduced flickering, and counteracting blurring by
`distributing the pulses asymmetrically when there is a lot of motion in the image.
`The pulse pattern may comprise one pulse for each period when contents of
`displayed images comprise high changes between subsequent images and relatively low
`The term “relatively low brightness” should in this context be construed to be
`a brightness essentially lower than an average brightness of an average image.
`An advantage of this is optimized counteracting of blurring, while there is
`little or no experienced flickering due to low brightness.
`By symmetrical pulses, it is meant that the pulse in each half of the frame
`period is symmetrical in effective brightness and position, and for higher multiples of
`frequency, for each corresponding fraction of frame period. By asymmetrical pulses, it is
`meant that the pulse in each half of the frame period is symmetric in effective brightness
`and/or position, and for higher multiples of frequency, for each corresponding fraction of
`frame period. Effective brightness depend on pulse amplitude and/or width.
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`WO 2006/070323
`Where contents change, the method may further comprise the steps of:
`generating said signal with a first pattern; generating said signal with intermediate patterns;
`and generating said signal with a second pattern, wherein said intermediate patterns are such
`that an average value of said signal is kept constant upon a transition from said first pattern to
`said second pattern.
`An advantage of this is a seamless transition from one backlighting pattern to
`another, without any brightness dips or peaks. This is particularly advantageous when
`transition from one backlighting pattern to another is performed within a single image, i.e.
`from one part to another.
`Where the first pattern is a single pulse for each period, and the second pattern
`is two symmetrical pulses, the intermediate patterns may be two pulses with different
`effective pulse brightnesses. Where the first pattern is two symmetrical pulses, and the
`second pattern is a single pulse for each period, the intermediate patterns may be two pulses
`with different effective pulse brightnesses. An aggregated effective pulse brightness of said
`pulses within each period may be constant.
`An advantage of this is an efficient way to seamlessly transition from one
`backlighting scheme to another.
`The above object is achieved according to a second aspect of the present
`invention by a display comprising a display panel and a backlight unit, wherein the backlight
`unit comprises a controller and a lighting device, wherein the controller is arranged to
`generate a control signal, and the lighting device is arranged to provide backlight to the
`display panel according to the control signal, wherein the control signal comprises a pulse
`pattern depending on contents of displayed images.
`The backlight unit may comprise a plurality of lighting devices, and each
`lighting device is associated with a part of the display, and the control signal is separately
`adapted to each of the parts.
`The advantages of the second aspect of the present invention are essentially
`the same as those of the first aspect.
`Brief description of the drawings
`The above, as well as additional objects, features and advantages of the
`present invention, will be better understood through the following illustrative and non-
`lirniting detailed description of preferred embodiments of the present invention, with
`reference to the appended drawings, wherein:
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`W0 2006/070323
`Fig. 1 illustrates a display according to an embodiment of the present
`Fig. 2 is a mode transition diagram showing transition between two modes via
`intermediate modes;
`Fig. 3 is a mode transition diagram showing transition between modes related
`to image contents;
`Fig. 4 is a flow chart illustrating a method according to an embodiment of the
`Fig. 5 is a flow chart illustrating a method for mode transition;
`Figs. 6-20 are pulse diagrams; and
`Fig. 21 illustrates a display according to another embodiment of the present
`Detailed description of the preferred embodiments
`Fig. 1 illustrates a display 100 comprising a display panel 102. The display
`panel 102, which can be a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel, is provided with backlighting
`105. The backlighting 105 can for example comprise one or more light sources (not shown),
`such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) or gas discharge lamps. The backlight is flashed, either
`for the entire panel 102 or, preferably, by scanning backlight segments of the panel 102.
`Thus, an LC cell is illuminated only for a certain fraction of the frame time. A backlight
`controller 104, which is connected to the backlighting 105 of the panel 102, controls
`backlight flashing. To avoid large area flicker, the backlight controller 104 provides a
`backlight control signal which is dependent on an image displayed on the panel 102.
`Therefore, the backlight controller 104 is connected to a display controller 106, which in turn
`receives image data from an image data source 108. It should be noted that this description is
`for illustrative purpose, and both the backlight controller 104 and the display controller 106
`can be a common video controller, or divided between two or more units, which provide the
`same fimction as the backlight and display controllers 104, 106. The data source 108 can be a
`TV decoder, a DVD player, a computer, or any other means providing images to be viewed
`on the display 100.
`An effective way to reduce large area flicker and achieving motion blur
`reduction would be to drive the panel at a higher refresh rate and use motion-compensated
`video up-conversion to achieve a higher video rate with smooth motion. For an LCD it is
`however not possible to increase refresh rate above 7 5-80 Hz. Moreover, it is very expensive
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`WO 2006/070323
`to up-convert video signals with motion compensation. The present invention provides a less
`expensive way to achieve less flicker and less motion blurring.
`To achieve this, the backlight is operated at double refresh frequency, or a
`higher multiple. This introduces a higher frequency brightness modulation, which is far
`above the flicker threshold, even for a white image.
`To provide a clearer view in examples provided below, Figs 6-20 illustrate a
`plurality of pulse patterns in pulse diagrams, which will be referred to in the description of
`the embodiments. It should be noted that the pulse diagrams show principles, from which the
`artisan is able to understand the spirit of the invention according to the embodiments
`presented below, and pulse shapes, widths, amplitudes and positions, as well as ways of
`transition from one pulse pattern to another via intermediate pulse patterns, are simplified to
`avoid obscuring the basic ideas of the present invention.
`Fig. 6 is a pulse diagram illustrating a single pulse per frame period, i.e. one
`pulse is provided for each period of refresh of the display. The effective brightness produced
`by the pulse, by controlling a light generating means, or regarding the pulse as an output of
`the light generating means, is dependent on the pulse width and the amplitude of the pulse.
`Fig. 7 is a pulse diagram illustrating a symmetrical double pulse, i.e. there is
`provided two pulses for each frame period and the pulses in each half of the frame period is
`symmetrical in effective brightness and position.
`Fig. 8 is a pulse diagram illustrating an asymmetrical double pulse, which
`pulses are symmetric in position, but asymmetric in effective brightness, i.e. there are two
`pulses for each frame period that are symmetric in position, but the pulse in each half of the
`frame period is asymmetric in effective brightness. Thus, the double pulse, considered as a
`whole, is asymmetric.
`Fig. 9 is a pulse diagram illustrating an asymmetrical single pulse, where the
`pulse is asymmetrical in sense of position.
`Fig. 10 is a pulse diagram illustrating an asymmetrical double pulse where the
`pulse pattern is asymmetrical in sense of effective brightness, since the amplitudes of the
`pulsed differ.
`Fig. 11 is a pulse diagram illustrating a double pulse pattern, where the two
`pulses are close together to achieve a lighting effect relatively similar to a single pulse pattern
`as illustrated in Fig. 6, and are therefore referred to as a quasi-single pulse.
`Fig. 12 is a pulse diagram illustrating a double pulse pattern, where the two
`pulses provide very different effective brightness by having very different pulse widths. Also
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`WO 2006/070323
`with this pattern, a lighting effect relatively similar to a single pulse pattern as illustrated in
`Fig. 9 is achieved, and is therefore also referred to as a quasi-single pulse. Fig. 13 illustrates
`an even more extreme quasi- single pulse pattern, where two pulses are very different in both
`pulse width and amplitude.
`Fig. 14 is a pulse diagram illustrating a transition between two pulse patterns,
`where a brightness peak occurs at the transition. During a period, here marked by a bracket,
`the average pulse width and amplitude are higher than over other periods, and a brightness
`peak can be experienced by a viewer.
`Fig. 15 is a pulse diagram illustrating a transition between two pulse patterns,
`where a brightness dip occurs at the transition. During a period, here marked by a bracket, the
`average pulse width and amplitude are lower than over other periods, and a brightness dip
`can be experienced by a viewer.
`Fig. 16 is a pulse diagram illustrating a first pulse pattern with eight
`symmetrical pulses, and a transition to another pulse pattern with three symmetrical pulses
`via an intermediate pulse pattern, which is asymmetrical and comprises five pulses.
`Fig. 17 is a pulse diagram illustrating a transition from a quasi-single pulse
`pattern, similar to that illustrated in Fig. 12, to a symmetrical pulse pattern, similar to that
`illustrated in Fig. 7, via an intermediate pulse pattern, here illustrated similar to the quasi-
`single pulse pattern as illustrated in Fig. 11. It should be noted that a transition via
`intermediate pulse patterns normally comprises more patterns to achieve a seamless
`transition, and Fig. 17 illustrates the principle to avoid a brightness peak, which would occur
`as illustrated in Fig. 14.
`Fig. 18 illustrates the use of intermediate pulse patterns when a transition is to
`be made to a more extreme pulse pattern.
`Fig. 19 illustrates transition from a single pulse pattern to a double pulse
`pattern via a quasi-single pulse pattern as intermediate pulse pattern.
`Fig. 20 is a pulse diagram illustrating an instantaneous transition without
`intermediate pulse patterns when a scene shift is occurring. This is possible, since brightness
`dips or peaks would not be visible at a scene shift. Thus, no transition using intermediate
`pulse patterns is needed.
`The operation will be described with an example using double pulses in a
`display refresh period, i.e. double frequency, but the same principle applies for three or more
`pulses in a period, i.e. higher multiples of frequency.
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`WO 2006/070323
`For a perfect flicker reduction, these two pulses need to be spaced exactly half
`a frame distance apart and to have the exactly the same brightness, i.e. symmetrical pulses as
`illustrated in Fig. 7, resulting in a pure double frequency backlight pulsing. It is observed for
`50 Hz display refresh and double flashing, flicker is already visible when the two pulses
`differ 0.5 % in brightness at a total display brightness of 500 cd/m2 and for 60 Hz display
`refresh and double flashing, flicker is visible at 3.5 % difference in brightness between the
`The lamps are preferably operated at a fixed current. Therefore, the backlight
`brightness modulation is preferably done using pulse width modulation. The pulses can also
`comprise a series of even higher frequency pulses, i.e. the modulation can be done by pulse
`number modulation of pulse trains. Further, the amplitude of the pulses can be modulated,
`and a combination of the above mentioned backlight modulation techniques can be applied.
`Flicker is most visible in bright scenes with little or no motion, although
`flicker also is visible in bright scenes with a lot of motion, but in the latter case, motion blur
`problems increase. For example, when a bright scene with some or a lot of motion is paused,
`flicker becomes more visible, but motion blur problems, of course, disappear. Therefore, the
`backlight is operated in double pulse mode, with the two pulses in the frame exactly spaced
`at half a frame distance, and with exactly the same brightness for the two pulses, when the
`flicker problem is the most apparent.
`When there is some or a lot of motion in the scene, it is only needed to
`introduce a bit of higher frequency content in the brightness modulation. Therefore, backlight
`is operated with two pulses spaced at half a frame distance, but with different brightness of
`the pulses. A first pulse, half a frame period earlier than the second pulse takes care of
`reducing the flicker to a large extent, while it is sufficiently low in brightness not to cause a
`clear double image or to cause blur. The second pulse gives the main brightness.
`Alternatively, two pulses of same brightness can be moved closer together, as
`illustrated in Fig. 11, to improve moving image quality compared to distributing the pulses at
`half frame period distance and at the same time having some higher frequencies in the
`display brightness to reduce flicker. The reduction of motion blur is now due to that the two
`illuminated images in this case of asymmetrically distributed pulses are closer in time.
`By asymmetrically distributed pulses, it is meant that the pulse in each half of
`the frame period is asymmetric in effective brightness and position, and for higher multiples
`of frequency, for each corresponding fraction of frame period.
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`WO 2006/070323
`It is observed that for a total duty cycle of 40 %, the flicker of a 25 % to 75 %
`pulse ratio is the same as of two pulses of 20 % duty cycle each separated by approximately
`2/7 of a frame period, center to center. It is also observed that moving image quality is very
`similar for these two cases for both natural scenes and edge quality.
`When there is little or no motion and the scene is not too bright, it is preferable
`to use the asymmetrical pulse distribution. However, in this case it is not critical, and the
`backlight mode can be chosen arbitrarily, preferably in a way to avoid mode change.
`When there is a lot of motion and the scene is not too bright, no flicker
`reduction is needed, and a single or quasi-single pulse backlight operation can be used to
`achieve best performance for scenes with a lot of motion.
`Fig. 2 is a mode transition diagram showing transition between two modes
`200, 202 via intermediate modes 206, 208. If a direct transition to another mode is performed
`instantaneously, the effect could be that there is a larger gap between the last pulse of the first
`mode and the first pulse of the second mode, causing a brightness dip due to that the average
`value of the pulses temporarily dips, as illustrated in Fig. 15, or that there is a smaller gap
`between the last pulse of the first mode and the first pulse of the second mode, causing a
`brightness peak, as illustrated in Fig. 14. To avoid these backlight dips or peaks during
`change of backlight mode, intermediate modes 206, 208 are formed to achieve a seamless
`To illustrate this, the operation will be described for double pulse as in the
`example above in relation to Fig. 1, i.e. double frequency, but as above, the same principle
`applies for three or more pulses, i.e. higher multiples of frequency. For an illustrative
`example, transition is to be performed between a single pulse mode 200 to a symmetrical
`double pulse mode 202. This can for example be the case when a scene with low brightness
`and a lot of motion changes to high brightness and little or no motion.
`A first transition 210 is performed to a first intermediate mode 206. This mode
`can be a double pulse mode with asymmetrical pulses, e. g. a pulse width ratio of 5 % to 95
`%, and only a small distance between the pulses, i.e. a double pulse pattern that is relatively
`similar to the single pulse pattern. A second transition 212 is then performed to a second
`intermediate mode (not shown) with two pulses with less asymmetry, and then further
`transitions to intermediate modes with more and more symmetry to a transition 214 to a last
`intermediate mode 208 where the pulse width ratio between the pulses is almost 50 % to 50
`% and the distance between the pulses is almost a half frame distance, center to center. A last
`transition 216 is performed is performed to the symmetrical double pulse mode 202, where
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`WO 2006/070323
`the pulse width ratio is exactly 50 % to 50 %, and the distance between the pulses is exactly a
`half frame distance, center to center. The transition between the modes 200, 202 is then
`complete, and performed such that a viewer do not experience any dips or peaks in
`brightness. The transitions 210, 212, 214, 216 can be performed between each frame, or
`between each couple of frames.
`Alternatively, the transition is performed, as illustrated in Fig. 19, by forming
`a quasi-single pulse pattern with two pulses with equal effective brightness, and then
`separating the pulses in one or more steps to get to the symmetrical pulse pattern.
`The same applies with transition from symmetrical double pulse mode 202 to
`single pulse mode 200 via intermediate modes 208, 206 and transitions 218, 220, 222, 224.
`This example illustrated transition between single pulse mode and symmetrical
`double pulse mode. The same principle applies between other modes, e. g. between single
`pulse mode and asymmetrical double pulse mode, and between symmetrical and
`asymmetrical double pulse modes. Further, the principle is also applicable to multi pulse
`modes. The general principle of the transitions is to insert intermediate modes that gradually
`change the pulse patterns from one mode to another to avoid brightness dips or peaks.
`When there is a change of scene, a transition can be made directly from the
`first mode 200 to the second mode 202 by a direct transition 226, and from the second mode
`202 to the first mode 200 by a direct transition 228. A control signal, from e. g. the display
`controller, would enable the backlight controller to do such direct transitions 226, 228.
`Fig. 3 is a mode transition diagram showing transitions 300, 302, 304, 306,
`308, 310 between modes 312, 314, 316 related to image contents. Each of the transitions 300,
`302, 304, 306, 308, 310 can comprise intermediate modes, as illustrated in Fig. 2. Three
`modes 312, 314, 316 are illustrated as an example, e.g. single pulse mode 312, asymmetrical
`double pulse mode 314, and symmetrical double pulse mode 316. However, more modes can
`be comprised, e.g. different quasi-single pulse modes, asymmetrical modes, and modes with
`three or more pulses.
`Fig. 4 is a flow chart illustrating a method according to an embodiment of the
`invention. In a content determination step 400, the contents of the image is determined.
`Contents can comprise brightness of the image or a part of the image, and presence of motion
`in the image. A backlight control signal is generated in a backlight generation step 402 in
`dependence on the determined contents. Examples of this dependence is described above.
`Backlight is then activated based upon the backlight control signal in a backlight generation
`step 404. The backlight is activated with a backlight driver driving lamps or LEDs.
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`WO 2006/070323
`Fig. 5 is a flow chart illustrating a method for mode transition. In a first pattern
`signal generation step 500, a backlight control signal with a first pattern is generated. A
`signal with an intermediate pattern relatively similar to the first pattern is generated in an
`intermediate pattern signal generation step 502. In a determination step 504 it is determined if
`more intermediate patterns should be inserted. This can be dynamically determined or
`determined from a predefined transition procedure. If further patterns are to be inserted, the
`method returns to the intermediate pattern signal generation step 502. Otherwise, the method
`continues with a second pattern signal generation step 506 where the backlighting is operated
`in the second mode, and the transition is ready.
`Fig. 21 illustrates a display 2100 comprising a display panel 2102. The display
`panel 2102, which can be a LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) panel, is provided with a plurality
`of backlighting units 2105. Each of the backlighting units 2105 can for example comprise
`one or more lighting units, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs) or gas discharge lamps. The
`backlight is flashed, either for the entire panel 2102 or, preferably, by scanning backlight
`units 2105. Thus, an LC cell is illuminated only for a certain fraction of the frame time.
`Backlight controllers 2104, which are connected to the backlighting units 2105 of the panel
`2102, controls backlight flashing. To avoid large area flicker, the backlight controllers 2104
`provide backlight control signals which are dependent on an image displayed on an
`associated part of the panel 2102. Therefore, the backlight controllers are connected to a
`display controller 2106, which in turn receives image data from an image data source 2108. It
`should be noted that this description is for illustrative purpose, and both the backlight
`controllers 2104 and the display controller 2106 can be a common video controller, or
`divided between two or more units, which provide the same fianction as the backlight and
`display controllers 2104, 2106. The data source 2108 can be a TV decoder, a DVD player, a
`computer, or any other means providing images to be viewed on the display 2100.
`In some cases, image contents are segmented, e.g. a cloudy, bright sky at top
`and at bottom a dark ground, with sharp letters in subtitles. Therefore, in some cases, it is
`desirable to segment the driving of the backlight accordingly, i.e. by backlight units 2105
`associated to the part of the image to be shown on the display 2100. The present invention is
`also applicable to this. Thus, the backlighting is not only improved for each type of image,
`the backlighting is also improved for each part of the image associated to backlight units
`2105. To be able to implement this, there is a few things to consider.
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`WO 2006/070323
`1 1
`Analysis of the image is performed for each part of the image, where the part
`can be defined by a part illuminated by a certain lighting unit, or a part comprising a certain
`type of image contents.
`To avoid unwanted effects at borders between parts of the image, the transition
`between a pulse pattern in one part to another part is treated similar to the transition between
`a first and a second backlight pattern described above. If there is a moving object at a border
`between two parts of the image, the different effects of the different pulse patterns are
`reduced by crosstalk between the backlighting units associated with the pulse patterns.
`It can be noted that driving the backlighting in double pulse modes, or multi
`pulse modes, will in some cases produce more light than with single pulse, although the same
`total pulse duration. An explanation to this is that a switch-off time for a backlight unit last
`longer than a switch-on time. This is the case for some types of backlight units, and the
`opposite effect can be observed for other types of backlight units. The difference in lighting
`can, as described above, be prevented by using quasi-single pulse patterns. As an alternative
`to quasi-single pulse patterns, single pulse patterns, which provides some additional time for
`reactive components to settle and thus a somewhat sharper image, can be used, but with a
`compensation factor added to the pulse to equalize to a quasi-single, double, or multi pulse
`pattern. It is preferable to have a look-up table, with compensation factors for different pulse
`patterns for the actual light source or sources, from which compensation factors are used to
`enable seamless transitions between different pulse patterns, especially when used in
`neighboring partitions of an image.
`However, when a seamless transition is to be made between single and dual or
`multi pulse patterns, the following

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