`bodily cavity
`Bodily fear
`bodily fluid
`bodily function
`bodily process
`bodily property
`bodily structure
`Bodoni font
`-- Body --
`body and soul
`body armor
`body armour
`body bag
`Body cavity
`Body cloth
`Body clothes
`Body coat
`Body color
`body count
`body covering
`body English
`body fluid
`body forth
`body guard
`body hair
` Word:
`Kids Karate Martial Arts
`2009-2014 Best of State Winner #1 Rated Kids Martial Arts Program
`Webster's 1913 Dictionary
`1. The material organized substance of an animal, whether living or dead, as distinguished
` from the spirit, or vital principle; the physical person.
`Absent in body, but present in spirit.
`- 1 Cor. v. 3
`For of the soul the body form doth take.
`For soul is form, and doth the body make.
`- Spenser.
`2. The trunk, or main part, of a person or animal, as distinguished from the limbs and head;
` the main, central, or principal part, as of a tree, army, country, etc.
`Who set the body and the limbs
`Of this great sport together?
`- Shak.
`The van of the king's army was led by the general; . . . in the body was the king and the
` prince.
`- Clarendon.
`Rivers that run up into the body of Italy.
`- Addison.
`3. The real, as opposed to the symbolical; the substance, as opposed to the shadow.
`Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.
`- Col. ii. 17.
`4. A person; a human being; - frequently in composition; as, anybody, nobody.
`A dry, shrewd kind of a body.
`- W. Irving.
`5. A number of individuals spoken of collectively, usually as united by some common tie, or
` as organized for some purpose; a collective whole or totality; a corporation; as, a
` legislative body; a clerical body.
`A numerous body led unresistingly to the slaughter.
`- Prescott.
`6. A number of things or particulars embodied in a system; a general collection; as, a great
` body of facts; a body of laws or of divinity.
`7. Any mass or portion of matter; any substance distinct from others; as, a metallic body; a
` moving body; an aëriform body.
`By collision of two bodies, grind
`The air attrite to fire.
`- Milton.
`8. Amount; quantity; extent.
`9. That part of a garment covering the body, as distinguished from the parts covering the
` limbs.
`10. The bed or box of a vehicle, on or in which the load is placed; as, a wagon body; a cart
` body.
`11. (Print.) The shank of a type, or the depth of the shank (by which the size is indicated); as,
` a nonpareil face on an agate body.
`12. (Geom.) A figure that has length, breadth, and thickness; any solid figure.
`13. Consistency; thickness; substance; strength; as, this color has body; wine of a good body.
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`14. (Aëronautics) The central, longitudinal framework of a flying machine, to which are
` attached the planes or aërocurves, passenger accommodations, controlling and
` propelling apparatus, fuel tanks, etc. Also called fuselage.
`After body
`(Naut.) the part of a ship abaft the dead flat.
`Body cavity
`(Anat.) the space between the walls of the body and the inclosed viscera; the cælum; - in
` mammals, divided by the diaphragm into thoracic and abdominal cavities.
`Body of a church
`the nave.
`Body cloth
`a cloth or blanket for covering horses.
`Body clothes
`Clothing for the body; esp. underclothing.
`Body cloths for horses.
`Body coat
`a gentleman's dress coat.
`- Addison.
`Body color
`(Paint.) a pigment that has consistency, thickness, or body, in distinction from a tint or
` wash.
`Body of a law
`(Law) the main and operative part.
`Body louse
`(Zool.) a species of louse (Pediculus vestimenti), which sometimes infests the human
` body and clothes. See Grayback.
`Body plan
`(Shipbuilding) an end elevation, showing the conbour of the sides of a ship at certain
` points of her length.
`Body politic
`the collective body of a nation or state as politically organized, or as exercising political
` functions; also, a corporation.
`- Wharton.
`As to the persons who compose the body politic or associate themselves, they take
` collectively the name of "people", or "nation".
`- Bouvier.
`Sol gold is, and Luna silver we threpe (=call), Mars yren (=iron), Mercurie quicksilver we
` clepe, Saturnus lead, and Jupiter is tin, and Venus coper.
`- Chaucer.
`v. t. 1. To furnish with, or as with, a body; to produce in definite shape; to embody.
`[imp. & p. p. Bodied ( ); p. pr. & vb. n. Bodying.]
`To body forth
`to give from or shape to mentally.
`Imagination bodies forth
`The forms of things unknown.
`- Shak.
`WordNet Dictionary
`Noun 1. body - the entire physical structure of an organism (especially an animal or human
` being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire"
`Synonyms: organic structure, physical structure
`2. body - body of a dead animal or person; "they found the body in the lake"
`Synonyms: dead body
`3. body - a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded
` as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"
`4. body - the body excluding the head and neck and limbs; "they moved their arms and legs
` and bodies"
`Synonyms: torso, trunk
`5. body - an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from
` other objects; "heavenly body"
`6. body - a collection of particulars considered as a system; "a body of law"; "a body of
` doctrine"; "a body of precedents"
`7. body - the external structure of a vehicle; "the body of the car was badly rusted"
`8. body - the property of holding together and retaining its shape; "when the dough has
` enough consistency it is ready to bake"
`Synonyms: consistency, consistence
`9. body - the central message of a communication; "the body of the message was short"
`Verb 1. body - invest with or as with a body; give body to
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`Synonyms: personify
`Legal Dictionary
`BODY. A person.
` 2. In practice, when the sheriff returns cepi corpus to a capias, the plaintiff may obtain a rule,
` before special bail has been entered, to bring in the body and this must be done either by
` committing the defendant or entering special bail. See Dead Body.
`Related Words
`Adamite, Bund, Festschrift, Rochdale cooperative, affiliation, age group, aggregate, alliance,
` amount, amplitude, an existence, ana, anatomy, anthology, aquarium, area, array, ascender,
` ashes, ashram, assemblage, assembly, association, axis, back, band, basis, bastard type, batch,
` battalion, beard, being, belly, best part, better part, bevel, bevy, bigness, black letter, bloc, block,
` bodily size, body-build, bones, branch, breadth, brigade, budget, build, bunch, bundle, burden,
` cabal, cake, caliber, cap, capital, carrion, case, cast, caste, cat, chap, character, chrestomathy,
` church, clan, class, clay, clique, clod, clump, cluster, coalition, coarseness, cohort, collectanea,
` college, colony, combination, combine, committee, common market, commonwealth, commune,
` communion, community, compilation, complement, concrete, concreteness, concretion,
` confederacy, confederation, conglomerate, conglomeration, congress, consistency, consumer
` cooperative, contingent, cooperative, cooperative society, core, corporealize, corporify, corps,
` corpse, corpulence, corpus delicti, coterie, council, counter, coverage, covey, creature, credit
` union, crew, critter, crowbait, crux, customer, customs union, data, dead body, dead man, dead
` person, decedent, denomination, density, depth, descender, detachment, detail, diameter,
` dimension, dimensions, distance through, division, dry bones, duck, durability, dust, earth,
` earthling, economic class, economic community, em, embalmed corpse, embody, en, endogamous
` group, entelechy, entity, essence, essentials, expanse, expansion, extended family, extension,
` extent, face, faction, family, fat-faced type, fatness, federation, feet, fellow, fellowship, figure, fleet,
` flesh, florilegium, font, food for worms, frame, fraternity, free trade area, fullness, fund,
` fundamental, fuselage, gang, gauge, generality, gens, girth, gist, gravamen, greatness, groove,
` groundling, grouping, groupment, guy, hand, head, heart, height, holdings, homo, hulk, hull,
` human, human being, in-group, incarnate, incorporate, individual, italic, joker, junta, kinship group,
` knot, largeness, late lamented, league, length, letter, library, life, ligature, living soul, logotype, lot,
` lower case, lump, machine, magnitude, main body, major part, majority, majuscule, man, masses,
` material body, materiality, materialize, measure, measurement, meat, menagerie, minuscule, mob,
` moiety, monad, mortal, mortal remains, most, movement, mummification, mummy, museum, nick,
` node, nose, nuclear family, number, object, offshoot, one, order, organic remains, organism,
` organization, out-group, outfit, pack, palpability, parcel, partnership, party, peer group, person,
` persona, personage, personality, personify, persuasion, phalanx, phratria, phratry, phyle, physical
` body, physique, pi, pica, pith, platoon, plurality, point, political machine, ponderability, posse, print,
` proportion, proportions, purport, quantity, quantum, radius, range, raw data, reach, reembody,
` regiment, reincarnate, relics, religious order, reliquiae, richness, ring, roman, salon, sans serif,
` scale, schism, school, scope, script, sect, sectarism, segment, sense, set, settlement, shank,
` shape, shoulder, single, size, skeleton, small cap, small capital, social class, solid, solid body,
` solidity, soma, somebody, someone, something, soul, soundness, spread, squad, stability, stable,
` stamp, staple, steadiness, stem, stiff, stock, stoutness, strength, string, sturdiness, subcaste,
` substantiality, substantialize, substantialness, substantiate, substantify, sum, tangibility, team,
` tellurian, tenement of clay, terran, the dead, the deceased, the defunct, the departed, the loved
` one, the third dimension, thickness, thing, thrust, total, totem, toughness, transmigrate, treasure,
` tribe, troop, troupe, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders,
` typefoundry, union, unit, upper case, upshot, variety, version, viscosity, volume, whole, width, wing,
` worldling, zoo
` Index: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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