`SICStus Prolog
`Sicut natura nil facit per saltum
`Sid Caesar
`Sida hermaphrodita
`Sida rhombifolia
`Sida spinosa
`Sidalcea malviflora
`-- Side --
`Side action
`side arm
`Side arms
`Side ax
`Side bar rules
`Side box
`side by side
`side chair
`side chapel
`side dish
`side door
`side drum
`side effect
`side effects
`side entrance
`Side grafting
`Conference Free
`Anytime - Anywhere
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`Webster's 1913 Dictionary
`Pronunciation: sid
`1. The margin, edge, verge, or border of a surface; especially (when the thing spoken of is
` somewhat oblong in shape), one of the longer edges as distinguished from the shorter
` edges, called ends; a bounding line of a geometrical figure; as, the side of a field, of a
` square or triangle, of a river, of a road, etc.
`3. Any outer portion of a thing considered apart from, and yet in relation to, the rest; as, the
` upper side of a sphere; also, any part or position viewed as opposite to or contrasted with
` another; as, this or that side.
`Looking round on every side beheld
`A pathless desert.
`- Milton.
`4. One of the halves of the body, of an animals or man, on either side of the mesial plane; or
` that which pertains to such a half; as, a side of beef; a side of sole leather.
`One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side.
`- John xix. 34.
`5. A slope or declivity, as of a hill, considered as opposed to another slope over the ridge.
`Along the side of yon small hill.
`- Milton.
`6. The position of a person or party regarded as opposed to another person or party, whether
` as a rival or a foe; a body of advocates or partisans; a party; hence, the interest or cause
` which one maintains against another; a doctrine or view opposed to another.
`God on our side, doubt not of victory.
`- Shak.
`We have not always been of the . . . same side in politics.
`- Landor.
`Sets the passions on the side of truth.
`- Pope.
`7. A line of descent traced through one parent as distinguished from that traced through
` another.
`To sit upon thy father David's throne,
`By mother's side thy father.
`- Milton.
`8. Fig.: Aspect or part regarded as contrasted with some other; as, the bright side of poverty.
`By the side of
`close at hand; near to.
`Exterior side
`(Fort.) See Exterior, and Illust. of Ravelin.
`Interior side
`(Fort.) the line drawn from the center of one bastion to that of the next, or the line curtain
` produced to the two oblique radii in front.
`Side by side
`close together and abreast; in company or along with.
`- H. L. Scott.
`To choose sides
`to select those who shall compete, as in a game, on either side.
`To take sides
`to attach one's self to, or give assistance to, one of two opposing sides or parties.
`1. Of or pertaining to a side, or the sides; being on the side, or toward the side; lateral.
`One mighty squadron with a side wind sped.
`- Dryden.
`2. Hence, indirect; oblique; collateral; incidental; as, a side issue; a side view or remark.
`The law hath no side respect to their persons.
`- Hooker.
`3. Long; large; extensive.
`His gown had side sleeves down to mid leg.
`- Laneham.
`Side action
`in breech-loading firearms, a mechanism for operating the breech block, which is moved by
` a lever that turns sidewise.
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`Side arms
`weapons worn at the side, as sword, bayonet, pistols, etc.
`Side ax
`an ax of which the handle is bent to one side.
`Side-bar rule
`(Eng. Law.) a rule authorized by the courts to be granted by their officers as a matter of
` course, without formal application being made to them in open court; - so called because
` anciently moved for by the attorneys at side bar, that is, informally.
`Side box
`a box or inclosed seat on the side of a theater.
`- Burril.
`To insure a side-box station at half price.
`- Cowper.
`v. i. 1. To lean on one side.
`[imp. & p. p. Sided; p. pr. & vb. n. Siding.]
`2. To embrace the opinions of one party, or engage in its interest, in opposition to another
` party; to take sides; as, to side with the ministerial party.
`All side in parties, and begin the attack.
`- Pope.
`v. t. 1. To be or stand at the side of; to be on the side toward.
`His blind eye that sided Paridell.
`- Spenser.
`2. To suit; to pair; to match.
`3. (Shipbuilding) To work (a timber or rib) to a certain thickness by trimming the sides.
`4. To furnish with a siding; as, to side a house.
`WordNet Dictionary
`Noun 1. side - a place within a region identified relative to a center or reference location; "they
` always sat on the right side of the church"; "he never left my side"
`2. side - one of two or more contesting groups; "the Confederate side was prepared to
` attack"
`3. side - either the left or right half of a body; "he had a pain in his side"
`4. side - an extended outer surface of an object; "he turned the box over to examine the
` bottom side"; "they painted all four sides of the house"
`5. side - a surface forming part of the outside of an object; "he examined all sides of the
` crystal"; "dew dripped from the face of the leaf"
`Synonyms: face
`6. side - a line segment forming part of the perimeter of a plane figure; "the hypotenuse of
` a right triangle is always the longest side"
`7. side - an aspect of something (as contrasted with some other implied aspect); "he was
` on the heavy side"; "he is on the purchasing side of the business"; "it brought out his
` better side"
`8. side - a family line of descent; "he gets his brains from his father's side"
`9. side - a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for food
`Synonyms: side of meat
`10. side - an opinion that is held in opposition to another in an argument or dispute; "there
` are two sides to every question"
`Synonyms: position
`11. side - an elevated geological formation; "he climbed the steep slope"; "the house was
` built on the side of the mountain"
`Synonyms: incline, slope
`12. side - (sports) the spin given to a ball by striking it on one side or releasing it with a
` sharp twist
`Synonyms: English
`Verb 1. side - take sides with; align oneself with; show strong sympathy for; "We all rooted for
` the home team"; "I'm pulling for the underdog"; "Are you siding with the defender of the
` title?"
`Synonyms: root, pull
`2. side - take the side of; be on the side of; "Whose side are you on?"; "Why are you
` taking sides with the accused?"
`Synonyms: go with
`straddle - be noncommittal
`Adj. 1. side - located on a side; "side fences"; "the side porch"
`bottom - situated at the bottom or lowest position; "the bottom drawer"
`top - situated at the top or highest position; "the top shelf"
`2. side - added as a consequence or supplement; "a side benefit"
`Related Words
`Anschauung, Olympian detachment, Olympian loftiness, actor, adjoin, affectation, affiliation,
` aggressive self-confidence, air line, airs, ancillary, angle, angle of vision, antagonist, antihero,
` apparentation, arrogance, arrogantness, aspect, assumption of superiority, attitude, auxiliary, avert,
` axis, aye, backhand, backhanded, bank, basis, be partial to, bear off, beeline, befringe, bevel,
` bezel, bind, birth, bit, bit part, blood, bloodline, bluff, bluster, bluster and bluff, blustering, board,
` boast, boastfulness, boasting, bombast, book, border, borders, bordure, bound, boundaries,
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` boundary, brag, braggadocio, braggartism, bragging, branch, bravado, breakaway group, breed,
` brim, brink, brow, bullying, bumptiousness, bustle, camp, carry away, carry off, cast, casual,
` caucus, cause, character, cheek by jowl, chestiness, chord, chute, circuitous, clad, coast,
` cockiness, common ancestry, con, conceit, conceitedness, condescendence, condescension,
` configuration, consanguinity, continuity, cue, deflectional, delocalize, derivation, descent, deviant,
` deviative, devious, diagonal, diameter, digressive, direct line, direction, directrix, dislodge, displace,
` disposition, distaff side, divagational, divergent, division, domineering, domineeringness, draw
` aside, ease off, easy slope, edge, edge off, edges, effect, eidolon, enframe, ethnic group,
` excursive, extra, extraction, eye, facet, faction, family, fanfaronade, fashion, fat part, favor,
` featheredge, feature, feeder, female line, figure, filiation, five, flange, flank, flanking, flanks, fleam,
` flurry, fluster, fly off, footing, form, frame, frame of reference, framework, fringe, fuss, gasconade,
` gasconism, gee, gentle slope, gestalt, glacis, glance, glance off, glancing, go off, grade, gradient,
` great-circle course, guise, hand, hanging gardens, haughtiness, haughty airs, hauteur, haw, head
` off, heavy, hectoring, helicline, hem, hero, heroics, heroine, high horse, highfaluting ways, hillside,
` hoity-toitiness, hoity-toity, house, image, imago, immodesty, impression, incidental, inclination,
` incline, inclined plane, inconsequential, inconsiderable, ingenue, insignificant, insolence, interest,
` interest group, intimidation, jactation, jactitation, jib, join up with, jointly, labellum, labium, labrum,
` lap, lateral, launching ramp, lay aside, lead, lead role, leading lady, leading man, leading woman,
` ledge, lee, leeward, left-handed, lesser, libretto, light, likeness, limb, limbus, limits, line, line of
` descent, lineage, lineaments, lines, lip, list, loftiness, lofty airs, look, make way for, male line,
` manhandle, manner, march, marge, margin, marginal, marginate, margins, mental outlook, minor,
` minority group, move, move aside, nay, next-beside, nine, no, normal, oblique, obtrusiveness,
` occasional, odd, off, offshoot, opinion, out-of-the-way, outlook, overbearing pride, overbearingness,
` overweening pride, part, part-time, party, patronization, patronizing, patronizing attitude, perimeter,
` periphery, perkiness, perpendicular, person, personage, pertness, phase, phasis, philosophy,
` phylum, piece, pitch, place, plane, playbook, point of view, political party, position, posture, prefer,
` pressure group, pretension, pretensions, pretentiousness, pride, pro, protagonist, proudness,
` purfle, purl, purse-pride, put aside, race, radius, radius vector, ragged edge, ramp, rant, reference,
` reference system, regard, relocate, remove, respect, right line, rim, rodomontade, role, scarp,
` scenario, scene plot, school, score, script, secant, sect, sector, seed, seeming, segment, self-
`assertiveness, self-conceit, selvage, semblance, send, sept, set aside, set off, shape, sheer off,
` shelving beach, shift, shooting script, shore, shortcut, shove aside, show preference, shunt, shy,
` shy off, side with, sideline, sideling, sidelong, sides, sidestep, sidetrack, sideward, sidewards,
` sideway, sideways, sidewise, sidle, sight, silent majority, simulacrum, sinister, sinistral, situation,
` skin, skirt, skirting, slant, slope, soubrette, spare, spear side, spindle side, splinter, splinter group,
` splutter, sputter, squad, stance, stand, standpoint, steep slope, steer clear of, stem, step aside, stiff
` climb, stiff-necked pride, stirps, stock, straight, straight course, straight line, straight part, straight
` stretch, straightaway, strain, streamline, string, style, subordinate, subsidiary, succession,
` superbia, support, supporting character, supporting role, swagger, swank, swashbucklery, swelled
` head, swelled-headedness, switch, sword side, system, take away, take sides, take sides with,
` talus, tangent, tangential, team, team up with, text, the affirmative, the negative, thirteen, throw in
` with, title role, together, toploftiness, total effect, transversal, trim, turn aside, turn away, turn back,
` twist, unimportant, universe, uppishness, uppityness, vain pretensions, vanity, vaporing, vaunt,
` vauntery, vaunting, vector, veer off, verge, view, viewpoint, villain, vocal minority, walk-on, walking
` part, weather, windward, wing, wise
` Index: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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