`United States Patent
`Skerlos et al.
`Receivers Tsuboi et 211, IEEE Trans Consum Electron-
`ics voI.—CE—25 No. 5 Nov. 1979, pp. 731—740.
`Inventors: Peter C. Skerlos, Arlington Hts;
`Thomas J. Zato, Palatine, both of I11.
`Primary Examiner—Michael A. Masinick
`[73] Assignee:
`Zenith Radio Corporation, Glenview,
`[2]] App]. No.: 340,555
`[22] Filed:
`Jan. 18, 1982
`Int. Cl.3 ............................................... H04B 9/00
`[52] US. Cl. ......................... 358/194.1; 455/603;
`[58} Field of Search ..................... 358/1941; 455/603,
`455/607, 608, 619
`References Cited
`2/1975 Kawamata ct a1.
`3,928,760 12/1975
`Isoda .
`4,121,198 10/1978 Tsuboi et a1.
`4,231,031 10/1980 Crowther ............................ 455/603
`1/1981 Davies...
`..... 358/1941
`4,337,480 6/1982 Bourassin
`Microcomputer—Based Remote Control System for TV
`A pulse code modulated (PCM) infrared (IR) remote
`control detector/decoder with improved noise immu-
`nity particularly adapted for use with a television re—
`ceiver is disclosed. The IR pulses are modulated by
`means ofa high frequency ciock signal in translating the
`transmitted signal to a higher frequency, more noise
`immune portion ofthe IR spectrum. After receipt ofthe
`transmitted signal by a signal detector,
`the high fre-
`quency modulation is removed from the pulses which
`are then decoded. Under the control of a microcom—
`puter, the decoder looks for the start data bit and, if
`received, the subsequent control instructions. When the
`data transmission has been decoded, the microcomputer
`activates the appropriate control outputs to the televi-
`sion receiver’s tuner system to achieve the desired con-
`trol function.
`7 Claims, 16 Drawing Figures
`IRIN~\2::b 1””
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 1
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 1


`US. Patent
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 2
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 2


`US. Patent
`Jan. 17, 1984
`Sheet 2 of 5
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 3
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 3


`US. Patent
`Jan. 17, 1984
`Sheet 3 of 5
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 4
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 4


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 17, 1984
`Sheet 4 of 5
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 5
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 5


`U.S. Patent
`Jan. 17, 1984
`Sheet 5 of5
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 6
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 6


`This invention generally relates to remote control
`receivers and more specifically is directed to an infrared
`(IR) remote control detector/decoder providing im-
`proved noise immunity particularly adapted for use
`with a television receiver.
`additional pulses of a second frequency F2 inserted in
`spaces between the pulses of the first frequency. System
`noise immunity is allegedly improved by making the
`receiver insensitive to noise received during the inter-
`pulse periods However, this approach requires the use
`of sophisticated pulse processing circuitry because two
`pulse frequencies are utilized and is limited in the num-
`ber of pulse codes available since one half of the avail-
`able pulse codes must be devoted to filling in the spaces
`between the control signal pulses operating at a fre-
`quency of F1.
`The present invention is intended to overcome the
`aforementioned limitations of the prior art by providing
`a remote control system in which a pulse code modu-
`lated control signal is used to modulate a second signal
`so as to transmit the control signal in a more noise free
`portion of the IR spectrum. The pulse code modulation
`(PCM) approach provides for an increased number of
`available codes and associated television receiver con-
`trol functions.
`Accordingly, it is an object of the present invention
`to provide an improved remote control signal detec-
`Television receiver remote control systems generally
`employ either an ultrasonic or optical
`link. Spurious
`signal problems associated with ultrasonic remote con—
`trol systems, such as multi-path reception,
`ringing, keyjangling, etc, limit the practicality of these
`systems for home use and have led to wider use of IR
`remote control systems. However, even systems utiliz-
`ing signals propagated in the IR spectrum suffer from
`spurious inputs resulting in control signal input errors.
`One approach to reducing erroneous inputs in a re-
`mote control system in which light signals are used as
`the remote control signal is disclosed in US Pat. No,
`3,928,760 to Isoda. This approach utilizes a light signal
`emitted from an electroluminescent diode which is am-
`plitude-modulated by a modulated frequency in the
`ultrasonic frequency range. By thus amplitude modulat-
`ing a light signal at an ultrasonic frequency, ambient
`noise in the ultrasonic frequency spectrum, such as that
`previously described, is allegedly avoided. In addition,
`is asserted that by modulating the light signal at a
`relatively high frequency, amplitude-modulated light
`noise generated by various sources, such as fluorescent
`lamps, is avoided.
`An extension of the approach employed in the above
`referenced patent is disclosed in US. Pat. No. 3,866,177
`to Kawamata et al wherein is disclosed a remote control
`system using light as a controlling signal which is first
`modulated by a high frequency signal and is then fur-
`ther modulated with a low frequency signal. The re-
`ceived light signal is demodulated to pick up the low
`frequency component which serves as the control sig—
`nal. The purpose of this high and low frequency modu—
`lation of the remote control light signal is to avoid spuri-
`ous inputs generated by DC energized fluorescent
`lamps in which the DC current is transformed into a
`high frequency current of 15 kHz to several tens kHz by
`a high frequency inverter and energizes the lamp
`thereby. The high frequency signal thus generated is
`frequently not stable further reducing the desirability of
`a light signal remote control system modulated at a high
`to make the remote control system
`In an attempt
`more noise immune, the control signal is propagated in
`the form of various combinations of pulses of a single
`frequency wave. With the number ofpulses being preset
`in the transmitter and with the receiver responsive to
`only a predetermined number of pulse arrangements,
`such remote control systems proved to be not only
`more noise immune, but also capable of transmitting a
`large number of commands for controlling various
`functions of a television receiver. However. even with
`the use of complex pulse code schemes, remote control
`systems utilizing this approach offer only limited noise
`US. Pat. No. 4,l21,198 to Tsuboi et al represents an
`to further improve the noise immunity of a
`pulse code modulation remote control system. In this
`approach a coded command signal
`transmitted as a
`plurality of pulses of a first frequency F) also includes
`It is another object of the present invention to pro-
`vide an IR signal detector/decoder with improved
`noise immunity for use in the remote control of a televi-
`sion receiver.
`invention is to
`Still another object of the present
`reduce the susceptibility of a remote control system to
`spurious inputs by employing pulse code modulated
`control signals having frequencies in a relatively noise-
`free portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.
`A still further object of the present invention is to
`provide for the microcomputer-controlled decoding of
`digital remote control signals in a television receiver.
`The appended claims set forth those novel features
`believed characteristic of the invention. However, the
`invention itself as well as further objects and advantages
`thereof will best be understood by reference to the
`following detailed description of a preferred embodi-
`taken in conjunction with the accompanying
`drawings, where like reference characters identify like
`elements throughout the various figures, in which:
`FIGS. lA—IC depict the pulse trains of the transmit-
`ted control signal in the IR remote control system of the
`present invention, with a single pulse train shown in
`various degrees of expansion;
`FIG. 2 illustrates the frequency translation of the
`transmitted control signals in the IR spectrum;
`FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram, partly in functional
`block form, of the detector/preamplifier utilized in a
`preferred embodiment of the present invention;
`FIG. 4 shows the detailed logic circuitry of a remote
`control signal decoder utilized in a preferred embodi-
`ment of the invention; and
`FIGS. 5A—SJ show the wave forms of the signals
`present in various portions of the decoder illustrated in
`FIG. 4.
`The present invention is utilized with a remote con-
`trol system in which pulse code modulated (PCM) out-
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 7
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 7


`put signals are generated in response to user operated
`controls. The code consists of a start bit comprised of
`the first two pulses followed by five groups of three
`pulses each of a data bit and its complement for control
`signal verification. The entire code. therefore, consists
`of 11 bits of information with a single pulse representing
`a “0"
`state. while a double pulse represents the “1"
`The pulses are generated at a frequency in the infra-
`red (IR) spectrum and are chopped by a 40 kHz clock
`signal. This is done to translate the signal to a higher
`frequency to avoid the usual spectrum of IR noise
`which is more predominant at the lower frequencies.
`The 11 bits are transmitted in approximately a 56 milli-
`second period which is repeated every 180 milliseconds
`as long as the transmitter key is depressed. The codes
`for all transmitted functions have the same period; how-
`the five bit code generated is unique for each
`Shown in FIG. IA is the output wave form of the
`transmitted IR signal which is repeated every 180 milli-
`seconds. Each series of pulses is pulse code modulated
`as shown in F[G 18 wherein an individual pulse train is
`presented in expanded form to show the coded pulse
`arrangement of the transmitted pulse groups. The 11
`bits of coded information are transmitted in approxi-
`mately 56 milliseconds. Shown in FIG. 1C is a still
`expanded view of a single data bit comprised of two
`pulse trains each 500 microseconds in length. A 500
`millisecond interval is incorporated between individual
`pulse trains. The individual pulses shown in FIG. 1C
`represent the ON/OFF pulsing of the transmitter's light
`emitting diodes (LEDs). The LEDs are pulsed on and
`off in order to permit high current pulses at low duty
`cycles resulting in high power outputs of the LR. diodes
`allowing increased range.
`As previously stated, the IR pulses are modulated by
`a high frequency, i.e., 40 kHz, clock signal in the remote
`control transmitter. This results in a translation in the
`transmitted IR signal to a higher frequency in the IR
`spectrum as shown in FIG. 2. This frequency transla-
`tion is performed in order to remove the transmitted
`signal from a noisy portion of the IR spectrum and
`locate it in a relatively noise-free portion of that fre-
`quency spectrum. The plot of IR noise sources and
`harmonics in FIG. 2 represents various sources of spuri-
`ous inputs in an IR remote control system, such as fluo-
`rescent and incandescent lamps and sunlight. By thus
`translating the frequency of the PCM control signals to
`a more noise-free portion of the spectrum, the remote
`control system of the present invention is made more
`reliable and receiver signal processing is simplified.
`Referring to FIG. 3, there is shown in schematic and
`block diagram form an IR remote control detector/de-
`coder 10 in accordance with the present invention. A
`transmitted IR control signal is incident upon a photo
`diode 14 after transiting optical filter 12. Photo diode 14
`is reverse biased by means of a +V voltage source for
`greater sensitivity and is rendered conducting upon
`receipt of an incident IR signal. Connected to the cath-
`ode of photo diode I4 is grounded resistor 18 for proper
`diode biasing. The output of photo diode 14 is AC cou‘
`pled by means of capacitor 16 to the input of a high gain
`amplifier 22 for removing the DC ambient light signal
`from the received pulsed control input signal. In addi-
`tion. capacitor 16 in combination with grounded resis-
`tor 20 filter out low frequency noise components of the
`received IR control signal. The gain of amplifier 22 is
`controlled by means of grounded resistor 24 which in
`the preferred embodiment of the present invention is a
`variable resistance.
`The output of high gain amplifier 22 is coupled by
`means of resistor 26 to the base of buffer transistor 28.
`Transistor 28 provides a buffer between high gain am—
`plifier 22 and band pass filter 32 and,
`in combination
`with an emitter grounding resistance 30, further ampli-
`fies the control signal input. Resistance 26 provides for
`proper transistor biasing for transistor 28 and limits the
`current thereto. The amplified output of transistor 28 is
`provided to the primary winding 40 of transformer 34 in
`band pass filter 32. Primary winding 40 is also coupled
`by means of resistance 46 to the +V power supply.
`Transformer 34 includes a secondary winding 42 induc-
`tively coupled to primary winding 40 for generating an
`output signal
`in response to the input control signal
`provided to primary winding 40. Signal gain may be
`accomplished in transformer 34 by providing secondary
`winding 42 with a greater number of turns than that of
`primary winding 40. In the preferred embodiment of the
`present invention, the signal gain across transformer 34
`is approximately 4 to 1.
`Coupled across secondary winding 42 is grounded
`capacitor 36 which filters out unwanted signal compo—
`nents. Thus.
`transformer 34 in combination with
`grounded capacitor 36 and resistor 50 forms a band pass
`filter network having a transmission frequency centeried
`around 40 kHz which is the rate at which the incoming.
`pulse control signals are modulated. The output of band
`pass filter 32 is provided to envelope detector 38 which
`includes diode 52 and grounded capacitor 54. The posi-
`tive portion of the signal transmitted by band pass filter
`32 forward biases diode 52 and renders it conducting.
`The negative portion of the band pass filter signal re-
`verse biases diode 52, rendering it nonconducting, and it
`is not transmitted by envelope detector 38. Thus, enve-
`lope detector 38 effectively removes the carrier signal
`from the PCM control signals in providing the base
`band control signal pulses to squaring circuit 48. Squar-
`ing circuit 48 is incorporated to reshape the pulsed
`output of envelope detector 38 so that the signal pro-
`vided by squaring circuit 48 to buffer transistor 60 is
`comprised of well-defined squared pulses similar to
`those received by photo diode 14. In the preferred em»
`bodiment of the present invention. squaring circuit 48 is
`a conventional Schmidt trigger circuit.
`The output of squaring circuit 48 is provided to the
`base of buffer transistor 60. With the collector of tran-
`sistor 60 coupled to the +V power supply and its emit-
`ter coupled to ground via resistance 58, transistor 60
`buffers the output of squaring circuit 48 in providing
`low impedance data pulses having short rise and fall
`times to pulse decoder 56. Pulse decoder 56 then pro-
`cesses these serial data control signals,
`in a manner
`described below, and provides information regarding
`the pulse code to microcomputer 62 at a suitable rate
`allowing microcomputer 62 to process this control data
`in a conventional manner. Microcomputer 62 then pro—
`vides control signals to the apparatus to be controlled
`by means of the IR remote control system of the present
`invention, which in a preferred embodiment of this
`invention is a conventional television receiver.
`In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
`the outputs of microcomputer 62 are provided to the
`television receiver’s tuning system, with which mi—
`crocomputer 62 may be integrated. in controlling the
`various functions and operating parameters of the tele-
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 8
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 8


`vision receiver. Since the processing of the control
`signals in microcomputer 62 and the interfacing of mi-
`crocomputer 62 with the control device, such as a tele-
`vision receiver, may be conventional in nature and does
`not form a part of the present invention, this portion of
`the present system is not discussed further herein.
`Referring to FIG. 4, there is shown a PCM control
`signal decoder 56 utilized in a preferred embodiment of
`the present invention. In discussing decoder 56, refer-
`ence is made to FIGS. SA‘SJ wherein are presented the
`signal levels at various locations in decoder 56. The
`locations A—J in the decoder 56 of FIG. 4 correspond,
`respectively, to the signals shown in FIGS. 5A-5J.
`The pulsed output of the detector portion of the pres-
`ent invention is provided to input pin 66 of decoder 56.
`The pulsed control signals on line A are shown in FIG.
`5A and are provided to D-type flip-flops 82, 84. A
`clocking signal
`is provided via input
`terminal 64 to
`inverters 86, 88 as shown in FIG. 5B. In the preferred
`embodiment of the present invention, this signal is com-
`prised of 150 kHz pulses. The output of flip-flops 82, 84
`is provided to AND gate 90, the output of which is
`provided to NAND gate 92 and to AND gates 100, 102.
`The output of NAND gate 92 is coupled to and clears
`D-type flip-flops 75 through 80,
`.the combination of
`which comprises a counter 72. Thus, a control signal
`input provided to input pin 66 causes a transition at the
`O- output of flip-flop 84 which initiates a monostable
`period which is generated by flip-flops 75 through 80.
`A 14 kHz clock signal is also provided to input pin 68
`of decoder 56 and thence to one input of NOR gate 70.
`This clock signal is also provided to the clock input of
`D-type flip-flop 98. The other input to NOR gate 70 is
`provided by the output of NOR gate 96 which is en-
`abled by the combined Q outputs of flip-flops 75-80.
`When the output from NOR gate 96 to NOR gate 70 is
`low and the clock signal provided to input pin 68 tog-
`gles up or down, NOR gate 70 is enabled providing an
`input to the T~input of flip-flop 75. The toggling of
`flip-flop 75 initiates a chain reaction among the remain-
`ing flip-flops in counter 72 such that the clock signal is
`divided by a predetermined number to provide a pulse
`output from counter 72 of a predetermined duration. In
`the preferred embodiment of the present invention. the
`14 kHz clock signal provided to input pin 68 is divided
`by 29 in counter 72 to provide a 2.07 millisecond output
`from counter 72, as shown in FIG. 5D. Once counter 72
`has counted the required time interval, the output of
`NOR gate 96 to flip-flop 98 is switched.
`The output pulse of AND gate 90, as shown in FIG.
`is provided to NAND gate 92 which clears and
`presets counter 72 and is also provided to AND gates
`100, 102. The other input to AND gates 100, 102 is
`provided by D-type flip-flop 98 which is enabled and
`disabled by the output of counter 72. The output pulse
`of flip-flop 98 is shown in FIG. 5E and from this it can
`be seen that only during the 2.07 millisecond interval
`provided by counter 72 can the output of flip-flop 98 be
`toggled, or change state. The output of AND gates 100,
`102, as shown in FIG. 5G, is determined by the E and F 60
`inputs to AND gates 100, 102. When the output of
`AND gate 90 shown in FIG. 5C is high and the output
`of flip-flop 98 is high, the outputs of AND gates 100,
`102 as shown in FIG. 5G will turn off and on in re-
`through NOR gates 104, 106 to a D-type flip-flop 114.
`Thus, anvincoming control signal pulse provided to
`input pin 66 sets flip-flop 84 and initiates the counting of
`a predetermined time interval by counter 72. If a second
`pulse is received by input pin 66 during this interval,
`flip-flop 84 is reset. With the timing interval, signal from
`counter .72 provided to AND gates 100, 102 by NOR
`gate 96 and a control signal input provided to AND
`gates 100. 102 by flip-flop 98, the state of output flip-
`flop 114 is determined by whether or not a control
`input was received during the predetermined
`time interval. This is how decoder 56 determines
`whether one or two pulses, a binary “0" or a binary “1”,
`was provided to input pin 66.
`Coupled NOR gates 104, 106 in combination form an
`RS flip-flop and are responsive to the outputs of AND
`gates 100, 102 as shown in FIG. 56. The pulsed output
`of NOR gates 104, 106 is shown in FIG. 5H and from
`this it can be seen that the output of NOR gates 104, 106
`is reset when the output of AND gate 90 momentarily
`goes low as shown in FIG. SC in setting counter 72.
`When the output of NOR gates 104, 106 is high and the
`clock input thereto as provided via inverter 108 from
`NOR gate 96 goes high, then the output of the D-type
`output flip-flop 114 begins clocking control data into
`the microcomputer 62 where this data is processed in a
`conventional manner. Thus, a high output from flip-flop
`114 represents a double pulse input, or a binary “I",
`while a low output from flip-flop 114 represents a single
`pulse input, or a binary "0".
`There has thus been shown a detector/decoder for
`processing pulse code modulated infrared remote con-
`trol signals in which the control pulses are modulated
`by means of a high frequency clock signal in translating
`the transmitted signal to a higher frequency, more noise
`immune portion of the IR spectrum. The present inven-
`tion detects and decodes these pulse code modulated
`signals and provides these user initiated commands in
`the form of a conventional data pulse train to a mi-
`crocomputer which. in turn, directly controls the re-
`motely controlled apparatus, such as a conventional
`television receiver.
`While particular embodiments of the present inven-
`tion have been shown and described, it will be apparent
`to those skilled in the art that changes and modifications
`may be made therein without departing from the inven-
`tion in its broader aspects. The aim of the appended
`claims, therefore, is to cover all such changes and modi—
`fications as fall within the true spirit and scope of the
`We claim:
`1. In an infrared remote control receiver for process-
`ing pulse code modulated control signals generated in
`response to user selected inputs and modulated by a
`high frequency carrier signal in translating said control
`signals to a higher frequency for remotely controlling a
`plurality of functions in a controlled apparatus by means
`of a microcomputer responsive to said control signals, a
`signal detector/decoder comprising:
`light detecting means for receiving a remote control
`signal transmitted by infrared radiation;
`a band pass filter tuned to the frequency of said carrier
`signal and coupled to said light detecting means for
`filtering said received control signals;
`sponse to the high states of signals C and 0. When the 65 envelope detection means coupled to said band pass
`output of flip-flop 98 is high as shown in FIG. 5E, and
`filter for demodulating said carrier signal and for
`the output pulses of AND gate 90 as shown in FIG. 5C
`recovering said pulse code modulated control signals;
`are high, the outputs G of AND gates 100, 102 are gated
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 9
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 9


`signal decoding means coupled to said envelope detec-
`tion means for decoding said pulse code modulated
`control signals and providing the thus decoded con-
`trol signals to said microcomputer for controlling
`said apparatus;
`includes an initialization
`wherein said control signal
`pulse with said signal decoding means responsive to
`said initialization pulse for generating and providing a
`sampling interval signal to said microcomputer and
`wherein said signal decoding means decodes said
`pulse code modulated control signals and provides
`the thus decoded control signals to said microcom-
`puter during said sampling interval.
`2. A signal detector/decoder as described in claim 1
`wherein said controlled apparatus comprises a televi-
`sion receiver including a tuning system coupled to and
`responsive to the control signal-initiated outputs of said
`3. A signal detector/decoder as described in claim 1
`wherein said signal decoder means includes an input
`latch coupled to said envelope detector and responsive
`to said pulse code modulated control signal for a prede-
`termined time period following receipt of said initializa-
`tion pulse, an output latch coupled to said microcom-
`puter for providing said decoded control signals thereto
`and logic control circuitry coupling said input and out»
`put latches for decoding said pulse code modulated
`control signals and providing a latching signal represen-
`tative thereof to said output latch.
`4. A signal detector/decoder as described in claim 3
`wherein said logic control circuitry includes counting
`means coupled to said input latch and responsive to the
`state thereof for providing a predetermined delay be-
`tween the receipt of said initialization pulse by said
`input latch and the transmission of said decoded control
`signals by said output latch to said microcomputer.
`5. A signal detector/decoder as described in claim 1
`wherein said light detecting means comprises a photo
`diode responsive to infrared radiation incident thereon
`in combination with an optical filter through which said
`infrared radiation is transmitted prior to being incident
`upon said light detecting means.
`6. In an infrared remote control receiver for process-
`ing a pulse code modulated control signal generated in
`response to user selected inputs and modulated by a
`high frequency carrier signal in translating said control
`signal to a higher frequency for remotely controlling a
`plurality of functions in a controlled apparatus by means
`of a microcomputer responsive to said control signal,
`said control signal including an initialization pulse, a
`signal detector/decoder comprising:
`light detecting means for receiving a remote control
`transmitted _by infrared radiation, said light
`detecting means including a photo diode responsive
`to infrared radiation incident thereon in combination
`with an optical filter through which said infrared
`radiation is transmitted prior to being incident upon
`said light detecting means;
`a band pass filter tuned to the frequency of said carrier
`signal and coupled to said light detecting means for
`filtering said received control signals, said band pass
`filter including a transformer having a primary wind—
`ing coupled to said light detecting means and a sec
`ondary winding, wherein a grounded capacitor is
`coupled across said secondary winding;
`envelope detection means coupled to the secondary
`winding of said band pass filter for receiving the
`filtered output therefrom, demodulating said carrier
`signal, and recovering said pulse code modulated
`control signals; and
`signal decoding means coupled to said envelope detec—
`tion means for decoding said pulse code modulated
`control signals and providing the thus decoded con-
`trol signals to said microcomputer for controlling
`said apparatus, and wherein said signal decoding
`means is responsive to said initialization pulse for
`generating and providing a sampling interval signal
`to said microcomputer with said decoded control
`signals provided to said microcomputer during said
`sampling interval.
`7. In an infrared remote control receiver for process»
`ing pulse code modulated control signals generated in
`response to user selected inputs and modulated by a
`high frequency carrier signal in translating said control
`signals to a higher frequency for remotely controlling a
`plurality of functions in a television receiver by means
`of a microcomputer responsive to said control signals, a
`signal detector/decoder comprising:
`light detecting means for receiving a remote control
`signal transmitted by infrared radiation;
`a band pass filter tuned to the frequency of said carrier
`signal and coupled to said light detecting means for
`filtering said received control signals, said band pass
`filter including a transformer having a primary wind»
`ing coupled to said light detecting means and a sec—
`ondary winding, wherein a grounded capacitor is
`coupled across said secondary winding;
`envelope detection means coupled to the secondary
`winding of said band pass filter for receiving the
`filtered output therefrom, demodulating said carrier
`signal, and recovering said pulse code modulated
`control signals; and
`signal decoding means coupled to said envelope detec—
`tion means for decoding said pulse code modulated
`control signals and providing the thus decoded con—
`trol signals to said microcomputer for controlling
`said television receiver, said signal decoding means
`an input latch coupled to said envelope detection means
`and responsive to said pulse code modulated control
`an output latch coupled to said microcomputer for pro—
`viding said decoded control signals thereto; and
`logic control circuitry coupling said input and output
`latches for decoding said pulse code modulated con—
`trol signals and providing a latching signal represen-
`tative thereof to said output latch, said logic control
`circuitry including counting means coupled to said
`latch and responsive to the state thereof for providing
`a predetermined delay between the receipt of said
`initialization pulse by said input latch and the trans—
`mission of said decoded control signals by said output
`latch to said microcomputer.
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 10
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1010, p. 10

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