`Consumer Reports
`March, 1992
`SECTION: Vol. 57, No. 3; Pg. 158
`LENGTH: 5579 words
`Sales of VCRs have slowed considerably from the heady levels of the 1980s. To get them going again, manufacturers have
`been trying to entice consumers with hi-fi models at prices as low as $ 300. The effort has succeeded: More and more people
`are buying hi-fi VCRs. Of those bought last year by CONSUMER REPORTS readers we surveyed, 42 percent were hi-fi, up
`from 33 percent in 1990.
`Sound isn't the only thing that has been improving on VCRs in this price range. On-screen programming is now standard,
`with some manufacturers going a step further by incorporating innovations like VCR Plus (see the report "How To Program
`A VCR"). Other fancy features - such as a jog-shuttle control to aid in editing, and index search to let you find mid-tape
`passages quickly - keep trickling down from the high-end models. Features that are still top of the line: improved formats like
`S-VHS, sophisticated editing capabilities, and digital special effects.
`For this report, we tested 22 mid-priced hi-fi machines. We included second models from Sony and Panasonic - the Sony
`SLV-686HF and Panasonic PV-4070 - because they have editing features that could help you make better home videos.
`Average selling prices ranged from $ 305 to $ 550.
`The eyes have it
`We put each VCR through a battery of viewing tests, using both still and moving images. Every model produced a better
`picture at the faster standard-play (SP) speed, but the extended-play (EP) pictures weren't bad. That's the speed you'd likely
`use for frequent taping, since it can cram six hours of play into one T-120 videocassette.
`On the worst EP picture, we could easily see jitter - a miragelike shimmer along the edges of objects on the screen - as well
`as picture noise, which appears as small horizontal streaks of shifted color. Details such as a row of windows on a skyscraper
`were hard to make out. You might not notice such flaws, though, unless you directly compared the picture to a better one, as
`we did. By comparison, a good SP picture had no more than a hint of jitter and noise.
`Still, even the best SP picture (on the Sanyo VHR-9406) can't compare with what today's high-quality TV sets can actually
`display. That's because consumer-grade VHS VCRs deliver only 250 lines of horizontal resolution, while many TV sets can
`display 330 to 400 or more. To get a better picture, you would have to use a better source, such as an S-VHS videotape or a
`laser disc.
`Several models locate their tape doors at the center of the console, a design manufacturers claim stabilizes the picture. We
`noticed no such effect.
`Hi-fi, low-fi
`A VCR's sound quality is mainly determined by tape speed - the faster, the better - and how the sound information is stored
`on the tape. The traditional and simplest storage method, known as linear-track recording, is to lay the sound tracks down in a
`strip along the tape's edge, the way an analog audio tape deck does. But at the tape speeds of a VCR - even the faster SP
`speed - linear-track sound suffers from flutter (a wavery or rough quality), background noise, and loss of some high
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 1

`frequencies. EP recordings sound worse, about the same quality as an inexpensive AM radio.
`Hi-fi VCRs achieve a much faster effective tape speed for audio tracks by recording them as diagonal stripes across the tape's
`width under the video portion. The result is near-CD quality sound, with virtually no flutter or noise and excellent
`reproduction across a wide range of audible frequencies.
`Juxtaposing audio and video this way has just one drawback: You can't dub in a new sound track to an existing hi-fi
`recording. All VCRs let you record or play in linear-track, but among those we tested, only the Sony and the Panasonic
`editing decks also let you dub. Besides dubbing, the only reason you would use linear-track mode on any of these VCRs
`would be to play a tape made with a non-hi-fi camcorder or VCR.
`Our sound tests also measured how well the VCRs reproduced stereo MTS (multi-channel TV sound) broadcasts. Stereo
`separation is measured in decibels, with 15 dB considered the minimum needed for the spatial cues critical to stereo sound.
`All the tuners delivered at least that level, but five models - the two Sonys, the Mitsubishi, the RCA, and the Magnavox -
`went beyond that, to around 25 dB. That's enough for near-perfect stereo separation, but still far less than the 40 dB typically
`found on stereo receivers.
`Feature comforts
`Resetting a VCR's clock is such a bother that the blinking "12:00" has become a joke symbol of technological ineptitude.
`Thoughtful models provide a backup to save clock, channel, and timer settings. Sony claims one of the longest - three hours.
`Parents who want to prevent a child's hand, or perhaps a peanut butter sandwich, from finding its way into the tape
`mechanism will appreciate the tamper-proof features on some models. The Panasonic PV-4164 and Quasar are able to
`physically lock the tape door when necessary. The Hitachi and Mitsubishi can disable all controls.
`If you use a VHS or VHS-C camcorder, you can play your tapes on virtually any VHS VCR. VHS-C tapes may require an
`adapter, but that's a minor nuisance. Tapes from an 8mm camcorder are, of course, incompatible with the omnipresent VHS
`VCR, an unfortunate result of manufacturers' adopting competing formats.
`Someday, an affordable combination VHS/8mm VCR may come to market, but for now, manufacturers seem satisfied with
`making camcorder hookups more convenient for owners of 8mm camcorders who use the camcorder as a playback device.
`Half the VCRs tested feature an audio/video jack in the front of the console, suitable for connecting a camcorder. That also
`makes it easy to transfer an 8mm recording to a VHS tape.
`If you edit home recordings, look for a jog-shuttle control, a circular ring on the console or remote that you twist to vary the
`backward or forward search speed, so you can stop and start the tape exactly where you want. Editing decks (like the Sony
`and Panasonic we tested) also have circuitry that lets them perform a clean assemble edit - that is, seamlessly add one piece
`of video to another. The RCA doesn't have a jog-shuttle, but it produced a clean assemble edit, too.
`Ready, aim, zap!
`Can there be a couch within our national borders that does not serve as home base for at least one remote control, if not an
`entire flock? Manufacturers continue to move many functions off the VCR console and onto the remote. In fact, not one
`VCR we tested had console buttons for programming unattended recordings in case you misplace the remote or run out of
`Since remotes have become so critical, their design has taken on greater importance, too, as we discuss on the report about
`"Audio/Video Gear: Remote Controls". We judged VCRs' remotes by the same criteria we judged the others - how easy they
`were to use in dim light, how logically grouped and easy to use the buttons were. We also considered how versatile they were
`in operating TV sets or other VCRs.
`Sony, whose remote design has lagged behind innovators like Panasonic, now uses a jog-shuttle control to make its VCR
`remotes very easy to use. At the bottom of the remote is a dial with two buttons in the center. To start or stop playing, you
`press one of the center buttons. Turning the outer ring performs a rewind or fast forward, or controls the speed of a scene-
`by-scene search, depending on the direction you turn it and whether the tape is playing or stopped. Any of these actions can
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 2

`be carried out with just the thumb.
`Which VCR is best for you depends on how you intend to use it. If you play mostly rental tapes, look to the top dozen or so
`models, all of which had excellent pictures at standard speed. Frequent time-shifters should consider one with a good
`extended-play rating. The Fisher FVH-4903, at an average price of $ 390, had the best extended-play picture. But according
`to recent reader surveys, Fisher VCRs have needed a lot more repairs than other brands; see the report about "Readers
`If you make a lot of camcorder tapes, make sure the VCR you buy has a video jack in front. If you edit those tapes, look for
`an editing deck like the Sony SLV-686HF, $ 530, or the Panasonic PV-4070, $ 550.
`If hassle-free programming is important to you, your best choice would be one of the models with VCR Plus built-in - the
`ProScan PSVR60, $ 530, or RCA VR680HF, $ 435. The Quasar VH-6415, $ 380, and the Panasonic PV-4164, $ 435, each
`feature an optional programming device for $ 50 (see below). Or you can buy VCR Plus separately to use with any VCR. It
`costs about $ 60.
`A good choice for an all-around VCR would be the top-rated Sony SLV-585HF, $ 470, which provided a solid picture, more
`features than most other models, and an easy-to-use remote. The Sanyo VHR-9406, with the best standard-play picture and
`second-best extended-play picture in the Ratings, might be a better bargain, though. At $ 370, it was one of the least
`expensive tested.
`Listed in order of overall score. Differences of less than 8 points
`are judged not very significant. Models with the same score are
`listed alphabetically.
`(1) Brand and model. If you can't find a model, call the company;
`(see article about "Brands").
`(2) Price. The estimated average, based on prices paid nationally
`in recent months. A -*- denotes the price CU paid (an average price
`wasn't available).
`(3) Overall score. Based mostly on picture quality.
`(4) Picture quality. Based on judgments by experienced panelists
`watching tapes each VCR had recorded. Panelists judged resolution,
`freedom from unnatural edges, and visual noise. The scale is
`relative: 100 indicates the best performer, not a perfect one. A
`difference of 8 points was apparent.
`(5) Programming ease. How simple it was to set the VCR for
`unattended recordings. The VCR Plus feature on the RCA and Pro-Scan
`made them the easiest by far. Other models use on-screen
`programming; the best let you enter settings directly, instead of
`pushing Up/Down buttons.
`(6) Reception problems. If you live in a marginal reception area,
`3 of 12
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 3

`look here. Adjacent-channel rejection measures how well the model
`rejects strong signals from channels next to the one being watched.
`Fringe reception shows how well each VCR picked up weak broadcast
`(7) Audio. For those who listen in stereo, MTS separation gives an
`idea of a VCR's ability to separate left and right audio channels
`for stereo TV broadcasts. In hi-fi mode, all models recorded
`excellent sound, approaching that found on CDs. In linear mode,
`sound quality was much worse. Flutter is a wavery or rough sound
`produced by uneven tape speed. Audio response shows accuracy in
`reproducing the audible spectrum. (At EP speed, linear-track
`recordings were similar to an AM radio.)
`(8) Features. Useful extras include jog-shuttle and index search
`for locating tape passages quickly, power backup for clock and
`programming, and a front-mounted jack for connecting a camcorder.
`(9) Programming. How many shows and days in advance a VCR can be
`programmed to record. All models can also be programmed to record
`daily and weekly.
`(10) Cable channels. The most a VCR can receive, including channels
`2 to 13.
`(11) Remote control. Visibility indicates how easy it was to
`identify buttons in a darkened room. Ease of use includes the
`buttons' size, shape, spacing, and feel. Layout indicates how well
`frequently used controls - Power, Stop, Play, and Rewind - were
`(12) Warranty. The warranty period, in months, for parts, labor,
`and heads.
`Better <- - - - - - - - - - -> Worse
` 5 4 3 2 1
`(2) Price ($ ) 470 390 475
`(3) Overall score 90 89 89
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 93/80 98/86 96/81
`(5) Programming
` ease 4 3 4
`4 of 12
`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 4

` Adjacent
` channel 3 4 4
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/3 4/4
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 5 3 5
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 3 4 5
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 3 4 4
`(8) Features 5 4 5
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/31 6/365 4/28
`(10) Cable channels 125 125 125
` Visibility 4 2 3
` Ease of use 4 3 3
` Layout 4 3 4
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/3/12 12/3/- 12/6/12
` Advantages A,B,C,H,I,K, B,J,K,N,O,P, A,B,HK,M,N,O,V,W,
` L,N,P,S,U, S,BB X,Z,CC
` Disadvantages - - b
` Comments A,J,K,L,N,P,Q,S A,I,J,N,P,Q,R A,J,K,L,P
`(2) Price ($ ) 370 -*- 530 415
`(3) Overall score 89 89 86
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 100/84 94/76 94/80
`(5) Programming
` ease 3 4 2
` Adjacent
` channel 3 4 4
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/3 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 3 5 4
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 3 3 3
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4 4 4
`(8) Features 4 5 4
`(9) Programming
`5 of 12
`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 5

` (events/days) 6/365 8/31 8/365
`(10) Cable channels 125 125 125
` Visibility 2 4 4
` Ease of use 3 4 3
` Layout 3 4 3
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/3/- 12/3/12 24/3/24
` Advantages B,J,K,M,N,O, A,B,C,H,I,K,L, A,B,J,M,N,P,S,U,
` P,S N,P,Q,S,U, Z
` Disadvantages a b,h
` Comments A,I,J,Q,R A,H,J,K,L,N,P,Q, A,J,P,Q,S
` S
`(2) Price ($ ) 370 530 405
`(3) Overall score 85 84 83
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 96/71 93/77 94/76
`(5) Programming
` ease 3 5 3
` Adjacent
` channel 4 3 4
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/3 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 3 4 4
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 5 5 4
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4 4 4
`(8) Features 5 4 4
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/365 8/365 8/365
`(10) Cable channels 125 125 125
` Visibility 4 4 3
` Ease of use 3 4 3
` Layout 3 4 3
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/3/12 12/6/12 12/3/12
` Advantages A,B,C,E,J,L,N, B,E,G,J,P,S,U, B,J,L,M,N,P,V,AA
` Disadvantages b b a,b,e
` Comments A,I,J,O,P,Q,R,T A,G,I,J,P,Q,S J,O,Q,R
`6 of 12
`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 6

` PV-4070 ZENITH VRJ420HF PV-4164
`(2) Price ($ ) 550 365 435
`(3) Overall score 82 81 80
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 89/77 94/80 89/74
`(5) Programming
` ease 3 2 3
` Adjacent
` channel 3 3 3
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/3 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 4 4 4
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 4 4 3
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4 4 4
`(8) Features 4 3 4
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/30 8/365 4/30
`(10) Cable channels 99 125 99
` Visibility 4 4 4
` Ease of use 4 2 4
` Layout 4 2 4
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/12/12 12/3/12 12/12/12
` Advantages B,D,F,H,J,M,N,P, B,E,J,N,R,V B,F,I,J,M,O,P,S,
` Q,R,S,V V,Y,Z
` Disadvantages b,d,e,f a,g a,b
` Comments D,E,H,I,J,K,L,O, A,I,J,K,Q,R,T A,C,I,K,L,O,P,Q,
` R,S,U R
`(2) Price ($ ) 465 -*- 500 -*- 380
`(3) Overall score 80 80 79
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 92/76 89/78 88/74
`(5) Programming
` ease 3 3 3
` Adjacent
` channel 3 4 3
`7 of 12
`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 7

` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 3/2 4/3 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 4 4 4
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 5 4 4
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 3 4 4
`(8) Features 3 4 4
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/365 8/365 4/30
`(10) Cable channels 99 125 99
` Visibility 4 3 4
` Ease of use 4 2 4
` Layout 4 3 4
`(12) Warranty, mo. 24/12/36 12/3/12 12/3/12
` Advantages B,J,M,S,V B,J,K,N,S,T,V,Z, B,F,J,M,O,P,S,V,
` BB X,Y,Z
` Disadvantages b,c b,h a,b
` Comments A,B,F,J,O,Q I,J,Q C,I,J,O,Q,R
`(2) Price ($ ) 420 435 405
`(3) Overall score 78 78 77
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 89/75 84/72 89/73
`(5) Programming
` ease 2 5 3
` Adjacent
` channel 4 4 4
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/3 3/2
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 4 5 5
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 4 3 4
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4 4 3
`(8) Features 4 5 3
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/365 8/365 8/365
`(10) Cable channels 125 125 99
`8 of 12
`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 8

` Visibility 2 3 4
` Ease of use 3 2 4
` Layout 2 3 4
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/3/12 12/3/12 12/3/12
` Advantages B,C,J,K,L,N, B,G,J,L,M,N,Q,S, B,J,M,S,V
` W,X U,V
` Disadvantages a,b a,b b,c
` Comments J,K,M,N,P,Q,S A,I,J,Q,R,S A,B,J,O,Q
`(2) Price ($ ) 500 -*- 305 375
`(3) Overall score 77 76 72
`(4) Picture
` quality
` (SP/EP) 90/70 84/79 85/71
`(5) Programming
` ease 3 2 3
` Adjacent
` channel 4 3 4
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3 4/2 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 3 4 3
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 4 5 4
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4 4 4
`(8) Features 4 3 3
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/365 4/365 8/365
`(10) Cable channels 125 125 125
` Visibility 2 4 3
` Ease of use 2 4 2
` Layout 3 3 3
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/3/3 12/3/12 12/3/12
` Advantages B,J,K,N,S,T,V,Z, B,J,N,V B,J,N,S,V
` BB
` Disadvantages b a,b a,b,d
` Comments I,J,Q I,R A,I,O,R
` NO. 53483
`(2) Price ($ ) 325 -*-
`(3) Overall score 70
`(4) Picture
` quality
`9 of 12
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 9

` (SP/EP) 86/71
`(5) Programming
` ease 3
` Adjacent
` channel 5
` Fringe
` (VHF/UHF) 4/3
`(7) AUDIO
` MTS separation 4
` Linear flutter
` (SP) 4
` Linear audio
` response (SP) 4
`(8) Features 3
`(9) Programming
` (events/days) 8/365
`(10) Cable channels 125
` Visibility 3
` Ease of use 2
` Layout 2
`(12) Warranty, mo. 12/12/12
` Advantages J,P,R
` Disadvantages b,c,d
` Comments A,I,Q,R,T
`-*- denotes the price CU paid (an average price wasn't available).
`All had:
`- Excellent frequency response and adequate stereo separation for
` MTS.
`- Average to good signal-to-noise performance in SP and EP audio
` linear-track recordings.
`- Good-quality freeze frames in EP and SP mode.
`- Fair to poor flutter and mediocre audio response in EP
` linear-track recordings.
`All have:
`- Digital quartz tuners with automatic set and add/delete.
`- On-screen programming from remote control.
`- Daily and weekly programming.
`- Remote control with numeric keypad.
`- One-button quick record with offset.
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 10

`- Ability to record in SP and EP speeds and play back at SP, LP, and
` EP speeds.
`- Tape counter with memory.
`- Automatic rewind at end of tape.
`- Ability to eject tape with power off.
`- Ability to turn on automatically when a cassette is inserted.
`- 2-way speed search.
`- Hi-fi stereo.
`- Stereo and SAP (secondary audio program) reception capability.
`- Vertical lock controls to minimize freeze-frame jitter.
`A - 10 min. or more power backup.
`B - Tape counter can count in hrs./mins.
`C - Tape handling faster than average.
`D - Remote has 7 programmable buttons.
`E - Code entry remote control.
`F - Optional special programming device easier to use than regular
` programming methods.
`G - Built-in VCR Plus programming device.
`H - Jog-shuttle on remote control.
`I - Jog-shuttle on console.
`J - Tracking control on remote control.
`K - Tracking control on console and remote.
`L - Shows recording time remaining on tape.
`M - "Go-to" searches by time or number.
`N - Index search.
`O - Can search for unrecorded tape segment.
`P - Front-mounted audio/video jacks.
`Q - Good assemble editing capability.
`R - Headphone jack with volume control.
`S - Input selection on console.
`T - Channel add/delete on console.
`U - Remote can control more than one VCR.
`V - Pause switch toggles on an off.
`W - Dual stereo audio output jacks.
`X - Automatic picture sharpness control.
`Y - Can play, but not record, S-VHS tapes.
`Z - Tamper-proof switch.
`AA - Automatic tape speed; will record in SP as long as possible,
` then switch to EP.
`BB - Console viewing angle wider than average.
`CC - Owner's manual better than average.
`a - No audio level meters.
`b - Clock and counter share digits on console.
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`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 11

`c - Tape handling slower than most.
`d - Console viewing angle narrower than most.
`e - No rear input video jacks.
`f - Remote control flimsier than others.
`g - No tape counter on console.
`h - Owner's manual poorer than average.
`A - Unified remote can control same-brand TV.
`B - Can display all active channels at once.
`C - Optional bar-code programmer.
`D - Includes bar-code scanner.
`E - Audio record-level controls.
`F - Audio has ambience enhancement.
`G - Bass boost.
`H - Audio/video dub.
`I - Can record in LP speed.
`J - Automatic tracking.
`K - Slow-motion forward or backward.
`L - Reverse playback.
`M - Display dimmer.
`N - Picture sharpness control.
`O - On-screen calendar.
`P - Auto head cleaner, not tested.
`Q - Can set tape speed on timed recordings.
`R - Simulcast recording capability.
`S - Can use special control cable with certain camcorders or VCRs to
` facilitate editing.
`T - Rudimentary title generator to add titles.
`U - Discontinued; may be found in some stores.
`GRAPHIC: Photograph, Sony SLF-585HF. Whether you're replacing a relic or assembling a home theater, a hi-fi VCR
`enhances the viewing experience. Movie buffs may prefer a laser-disc player. 5 non-captioned photographs; 2 table.
`Copyright 1992 Consumers Union of U.S., Inc.;
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`7/26/14 11:24 AM
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1004, p. 12

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