Sheila S. Hemami
`Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
`Northeastern University
`407 Dana Research Building
`360 Huntington Ave.
`Boston, MA 02115
`(617) 373 7878
`Stanford University
`Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, December 1994.
`Stanford University
`M.S. in Electrical Engineering, April 1992.
`University of Michigan
`B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Summa Cum Laude, May 1990.
`Stanford, CA
`Stanford, CA
`Ann Arbor, MI
`Professional Experience
`Boston, MA
`Northeastern University
`Professor & Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, September 2013 —
`Ithaca, NY
`Cornell University
`Associate Director, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, August 2010 - June 2013.
`Professor, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, November 2006 - August 1013.
`Programming Director, CU-ADVANCE Center, November 2006 - May 2012.
`Associate Professor, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, November 2000 - October
`Assistant Professor, School of Electrical Engineering, January 1995 - October 2000.
`Palo Alto, CA
`Hewlett Packard Laboratories
`Member of Technical Staff, February-December 1994, Interactive Video Initiative:
`Multimedia Systems & Community Networking Group.
`Visiting Positions:
`Chaire Regionale d’Excellence, Pays de la Loire, Universite de Nantes, 2009-2011
`Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne WISH Distinguished Visiting Professor, Fall 2008
`Texas Instruments Visiting Professor, Rice University, Spring 2002
`Visiting Fellow, Princeton University Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Fall 2001
`Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, University of Rabat, Morocco, May 2001
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`External Research Funding
`Sponsored Research
`Cisco/Intel/Verizon, “Meeting the Video Traffic Demand of 2014: Opportunities, Strategies,
`and Prototypes,” $1,000,000, January 2011-December 2013 (1 of 4 Co-PIs).
`National Science Foundation, “Visual Information Measures for Task-Based Imaging
`Applications,” $268,261, August 2009-August 2013 (sole PI).
`National Science Foundation, “ACCEL: Advancing Cornell’s Commitment to Excellence and
`Leadership (Cornell University ADVANCE Proposal),” $3,300,000, November 2006-
`October 2011 (1 of 5 Co-PIs).
`National Science Foundation, “A Signal Processing. Approach to Modeling Visual Masking,”
`$255,873, July 2005-June 2008 (sole PI)
`National Science Foundation, “A Framework for Encoding American Sign Language and
`Other Structured Video,” joint with University of Washington, $269,584 for Cornell, July
`2005-June 2008 (1 of 3 Co-PIs)
`National Science Foundation, “Workshop Series on Starting Successful Faculty Careers,”
`$20,000, September 2004-December 2005 (1 of 2 Co-PIs)
`National Science Foundation, “Nomination of Professor Robert M. Gray for a Presidential
`Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Mentoring,” $10,000 (to
`Stanford, matched by Stanford to fund a mentoring workshop) (1 of 4 Co-PIs)
`Department of the Navy, “Channel and QOS Adaptive Wireless Multimedia Ad-hoc
`Networks,” $4,500,000, 1999-2004 (1 of 7 Co-PIs)
`Department of Energy, “Visually Optimized Scalable Image Compression,” May 1999-April
`2002, $309,000 (sole PI)
`National Science Foundation, “Visually Optimized Supra-threshold Image Compression,”
`May 1999-April 2002, $205,000 (sole PI)
`National Science Foundation Career Award, “Robust Visual Communications for Packet
`Networks,” May 1997 - April 2001, $209,000 (sole PI)
`Department of Energy, “Visual Communications for Heterogeneous Networks,” September
`1995 - August 1998, $375,000 (sole PI)
`National Science Foundation, “A Next Generation Computing and Communication
`Substrate,” July 1997 - June 2002, $1,000,000 (1 of 16 Co-PIs)
`Corporate Sponsors
`Hewlett-Packard, Lockheed-Martin, Tektronix Corporation, Eastman Kodak Company,
`AT&T, GTE, Intel, Center for Electronic Imaging & Science (New York State)
`Selected Professional Service Activities
`Chair, IEEE Publications Services and Products Board Strategic Planning Committee, January
`2013 - present. Member January 2011 - present
`Symposium Co-Chair, SPIE Electronic Imaging 2014
`Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
`September 2012
`Member-at-large, IEEE Products Services and Publications Board, January 2012-present
`General Co-Chair, IEEE Image & Multidimensional Signal Processing Workshop, June 2011
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`IEEE Signal Processing Society Board of Governors Member-at-Large, January 2009-
`December 2011
`Special Sessions Chair, IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 2009
`Editor-in-Chief, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, January 2008 - December 2010
`Chair, Image & Multidimensional Signal Processing Technical Committee (IMDSP TC) of
`the IEEE, 2006-7; general member, October 2001-present (includes program committee
`duties for ICASSP & ICIP); Awards Subcommittee Chair, 2005
`Co-organizer, Mentoring for Engineering Academia II, Banff, Canada, 2007
`Organizing/Program Committee, PAESMEM/Stanford School of Engineering Workshop on
`Mentoring in Engineering, June 2004
`Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, August 2000-April 2006
`Program Committee Member: Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, 2007-present; Video
`Processing and Quality Metrics, 2006-present; Visual Communications and Image
`Processing, 2006; Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, 2005; Data
`Compression Conference, 2003-present
`IEEE International Conference on Image Processing — 2002 Publicity Chair
`Other external service
`University of California, Santa Barbara ECE Advisory Committee on Faculty Diversity
`Banff International Research Station Scientific Advisory Committee, 2010-present
`Selected University Leadership and Service Activities
`Chair, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Northeastern University (47 FT
`faculty). Duties include administrative, supervisory, budgetary, and leadership responsibil-
`Associate Director, School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Cornell University —
`Responsibilities include all aspects of undergraduate eduation, including teaching
`assignments, curricular development, managing the teaching and lab budgets, and ABET
`accreditation. Additional responsibilities include managing selected public outreach
`efforts and marketing.
`CU-ADVANCE Center, Cornell University— I spearheaded, coordinated, and wrote Cornell’s
`successful proposal to the National Science Foundation’s ADVANCE program, jointly
`with Prof. Marjolein van der Meulen of the School of Mechanical and Aerospace
`Engineering. I am currently serving as Programming Director for the Center. The success
`of our grant is due in large part to our ability to engage deans and other stakeholders both
`in administration and the faculty across five colleges during the planning and proposal-
`writing process. This allowed us to quickly establish a presence across the university and
`begin reaching all faculty and administrators with programming.
`Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) Chair, Cornell University— I chaired the WISE
`Committee from 2002-5, during which time I oversaw the administration of the WISE
`Term Chairs in Engineering Program. This program provides competitive awards to
`engineering and physical science departments for the hiring of women faculty. During this
`time period, 6 hires were made with approximately $2M in grants. My time as chair
`culminated in the development of the ADVANCE proposal and program planning.
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`Junior Faculty Mentoring, Cornell University — I instituted a peer mentoring program for
`junior faculty in the College of Engineering in Fall 2004 and obtained a small grant from
`the National Science Foundation to fund this program. It has been extremely successful,
`based on both participation of and feedback from the junior faculty, and has been institu-
`tionalized by the College.
`Electrical Engineering Systems Curricular Reform, Cornell University — I proposed and
`implemented a substantial revision to the systems curriculum in electrical engineering,
`moving digital signal processing to the sophomore year to make it more accessible to non-
`EE students as well as to serve as a recruiting tool to interest more students in EE. I
`developed and taught the sophomore level course, “Multimedia Signal Processing,” which
`provided not only a strong theoretical background but also hands-on lab experience with
`JPEG and audio processing.
`I served on many Cornell department, college, and university committees in both elected and
`appointed roles, including departmental recruiting, college undergraduate admissions, and
`the university tenure appeals panel.
`IEEE, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu
`Graduate fields of electrical engineering, computer science, applied math at Cornell
`Awards and Honors
`Cornell University Menschel Teaching Fellow, 2013-4
`Cornell University Stephen H. Weiss Presidential Fellow, 2012, in recognition of inspiring
`teaching of undergraduate students
`IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer, 2010-11
`IEEE Fellow, 2009, for contributions to robust and perceptual image and video
`Constance E. Cook and Alice H. Cook Recognition Award, 2005 (from the Cornell University
`Advisory Council on the Status of Women)
`Cornell University College of Engineering Faculty Diversity Award, 2005
`Joel & Ruth Spira Excellence in Teaching Award (Cornell), 2004
`Eta Kappa Nu Outstanding Young Electrical Engineer Finalist, 2002
`Fulbright Distinguished Lecturer, Morocco, 2001
`HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award, 2000 (a national award)
`National Science Foundation CAREER Award, 1997
`Kodak Term Professor of Electrical Engineering, 1997, 1998, 1999
`Honorable Mention, HKN C. Holmes MacDonald Outstanding Teaching Award, 1999
`Lilly Teaching Fellowship, 1996-7
`Cornell College of Engineering Michael Tien ‘72 Teaching Award, 1996-7, 1999-2000
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`Graduate Students
`Frank Ciaramello, Ph.D., May 2011, “A computation model of the intelligibility of
`compressed American Sign Language, and Applications to Video Coding” (Microsoft)
`David Rouse, Ph.D., December 2010, “Subjective and objective utility assessment for
`images” (Johns Hopkins University)
`Matt Gaubatz, Ph.D., May 2006, “Practical rate-control tools for wavelet-based image
`compression” (Hewlett-Packard)
`Chao Tian, Ph.D., August 2005, “Multiple Description Quantization: Improvement and New
`Approach” (AT&T Lucent Labs)
`Yegnaswamy Sermadevi, Ph.D., August 2005, “Optimal bit allocation for efficient encoding
`and transmission of video” (Microsoft)
`Damon M. Chandler, Ph.D., May 2005, “Visual Detection and Perception of Distortion in
`Wavelet-Compressed Images” (Oklahoma State University)
`Mark A. Masry, Ph.D., January 2004, “Perceptual Metrics for Video Quality Evaluation and
`Image Watermarking” (CARIS)
`Aaron Deever, Ph.D. (Applied Math), November 2000, “Projection-based Techniques for
`Lossy and Lossless Wavelet Image Compression,” (Eastman Kodak Research Labs)
`Marcia Ramos (Ms.), Ph.D., May 2000, “Perceptually-Based Image Coding” (Hewlett-
`Yan Yang (Ms.), Ph.D., January 2000, “Rate Control for Video Coding and Transmission”
`W. Knox Carey, Ph.D., August 1999, “Applications of Wavelet Coefficient Decay” (Intertrust)
`2 M.S. graduates, 30 M.Eng. graduates
`Image & Video Coding Standards Seminar — senior/1st-year-graduate JPEG/MPEG course.
`Visual Motion Seminar — 1st-year-graduate “short course.”
`Digital Signal Processing — senior-level Oppenheim & Schafer-style course.
`Introduction to Digital Signal Processing — junior-level Oppenheim & Schafer-style course.
`Signals & Information: Multimedia Signal Processing — sophomore-level DSP course.
`Statistical Signal Processing — senior/1st-year-graduate course.
`Digital Image Processing — graduate course.
`Wiener & Kalman Filtering — advanced graduate course.
`Refereed Journal Publications
`1. H. R. Wu, A. R. Reibman, W. Lin , F. Pereira, S. S. Hemami, “Perceptual visual signal
`compression and transmission,” Proceedings of the IEEE, October 2013.
`2. R. Vanam, E. Riskin, R. Ladner, S. S. Hemami, “Fast algorithms for designing nearly optimal
`lookup tables for complexity control of the H.264 encoder,” Signal, Image and Video
`Processing: Vol. 7, No. 5 (2013), pp. 991-1003.
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`3. F. M. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, “A computational intelligibility model for assessment and
`compression of American Sign Language video,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
`November 2011.
`4. D. M. Rouse, S. S. Hemami, Romuald Pépion, and Patrick Le Callet, “Estimating the
`usefulness of distorted natural images using an image contour degradation measure,” Journal
`of the Optical Society of America: A, Vol. 28, Issue 2, pp. 157-188 (2011).
`5. S. S. Hemami, A. R. Reibman, “No-reference image and video quality estimation:
`applications and human motivated design,” Signal Processing: Image Communications,
`Special Issue on Image and Video Quality Assessment, Volume 25, Issue 7, July 2010, pp.
`6. D. M. Chandler, M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Visual Masking in Natural Image Patches: A
`Model and Compression Application,” EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing/
`Patches in Vision, July 2009.
`7. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “VSNR: A visual signal-to-noise ratio for natural images
`based on near-threshold and supra-threshold vision,” IEEE Transactions on Image
`Processing, Volume 16, Issue 9, Sept. 2007, pp. 2284 - 2298 .
`8. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Efficient entropy estimation with doubly stochastic models
`for quantized wavelet image data,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume 16,
`Issue 4, April 2007, pp. 967 - 981 .
`9. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Ordering for Embedded Coding of Wavelet Image Data Based
`on Arbitrary Scalar Quantization Schemes,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume
`16, Issue 4, April 2007, pp. 982 - 996.
`10. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Robust rate-control for wavelet-based image coding via
`Bootstrapping with Probability Models,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Volume
`16, Issue 3, March 2007, pp. 649 - 663.
`11. J. Chen, C. Tian, T. Berger, S. S. Hemami, “Multiple description quantization via Gram-
`Schmidt Orthogonalization,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Volume 52, Issue
`12, Dec. 2006, pp. 5197 - 5217.
`12. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Convex programming formulations for rate allocation in video
`coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume 16, Issue
`8, Aug. 2006, pp. 947 - 959.
`13. M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “A wavelet-based scalable video quality metric and
`applications,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume 16,
`Issue 2, Feb. 2006, pp. 260 - 273.
`14. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “A new class of multiple description scalar quantizer and its
`application to image coding,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 329-332,
`April 2005.
`15. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Dynamic contrast-based quantization for lossy wavelet
`image compression,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 397-410,
`April 2005.
`16. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “On the analysis of multiple description lattice vector quantization,”
`IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 2458-70, October 2004.
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`17. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “Universal multiple description scalar quantization: analysis and
`design,” IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 50, No. 9, pp. 2089-2102, September
`18. M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “A metric for continuous quality evaluation of compressed video
`with severe distortions,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 133-
`46, February 2004.
`19. W. Xu, S. S. Hemami, “Robust adaptive transmission of images and video over multiple
`channels,” Signal Processing: Image Communication, Vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 981-1000,
`November 2003.
`20. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Effects of natural images on the detectability of simple and
`compound wavelet subband quantization distortions,” Journal of the Optical Society of
`America:A., July 2003.
`21. A. T. Deever, S. S. Hemami, “Efficient sign coding and estimation of zero-quantized
`coefficients in embedded wavelet image codecs,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
`Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 420-30, April 2003.
`22. A. T. Deever, S. S. Hemami, “Projection-based modelling and context modelling for lossless
`image compression,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 489-99,
`May 2003.
`23. M. G. Ramos, S. S. Hemami, “Supra-threshold wavelet coefficient quantization in complex
`stimuli: psychophysical evaluation and analysis,” Journal of the Optical Society of
`America:A, October 2001.
`24. Y. Yang, S. S. Hemami, “Rate control for VBR video over ATM networks: simplification and
`implementation,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 11,
`No. 9, pp. 1045-58, September 2001.
`25. Y. Yang, S. S. Hemami, “Generalized rate-distortion optimization for motion-compensated
`video coding,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 10, No.
`6, pp. 942-55, September 2000.
`26. S. S. Hemami, “Robust image transmission using resynchronizing variable-length codes,”
`IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special Issue on Error Resilient Image
`and Video Transmission, Vol. 18, No. 6, pp. 927-39, August 2000.
`27. W. K. Carey, S. S. Hemami, P. N. Heller, “Smoothness-Constrained Wavelet Image
`Compression,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 8, No. 12, pp. 1807-1811,
`December 1999.
`28. G. C. Conklin, S. S. Hemami, “A Comparison of Temporal Scalability Techniques,” IEEE
`Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 9, No. 6, pp. 909-19,
`September 1999.
`29. W. K. Carey, D. B. Chuang, S. S. Hemami, “Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation,”
`IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 8, No. 9, pp. 1293-7, September 1999.
`30. M. G. Ramos, S. S. Hemami, “Perceptually-Based Scalable Image Compression for Packet
`Networks,” Journal of Electronic Imaging, special issue on Image/Video Compression and
`Processing for Visual Communications, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 453-64, July 1998.
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`31. S. S. Hemami, R. M. Gray, “Subband Coded Image Reconstruction for Lossy Packet
`Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 523-39, April 1997.
`32. S. S. Hemami, R. M. Gray, “Subband Filters Optimized for Lost Coefficient Reconstruction,”
`IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 763-7, March 1997.
`33. S. S. Hemami, “Reconstruction-Optimized Lapped Orthogonal Transforms for Robust Image
`Transmission,” IEEE Trans. Circuits & Systems for Video Technology, special issue on
`Wireless Visual Communications, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 168-81, April 1996.
`34. S. S. Hemami, T. H.-Y. Meng, “Transform Coded Image Reconstruction Exploiting Interblock
`Correlation,” IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 1023-6, July 1995.
`Conference Publications/Presentations
`1. Linda McLaughlin, Sheila S. Hemami, “Reduced-reference video quality assessment with
`scalable overhead,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, September 2013.
`2. Guilherme O. Pinto, Sheila S. Hemami, “Image coding and quality estimation — null spaces
`and consequences,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2013.
`3. Sheila S. Hemami, Francis M. Ciaramello, Sean S. Chen, Nathan G. Drenkow, Dae Yeol Lee,
`Seonwoo Lee, Evan G. Levine, Adam J. McCann, “Comparing User Experiences in 2D and
`3D Videoconferencing,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Orlando, FL,
`October 2012.
`4. Albert Wang, Sheila S. Hemami, Alyosha Molnar, “Angle-sensitive pixels: a new paradigm
`for low-power, low-cost 2D and 3D sensing,” Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII,
`San Francisco, CA, January 2012.
`5. Guilherme O. Pinto, Sheila S. Hemami, “Image quality assessment in the low quality regime,”
`Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2012.
`6. Guilherme O. Pinto, David M. Rouse, Sheila S. Hemami, “Measuring contour degradation in
`natural image utility assessment: methods and analysis,” Human Vision and Electronic
`Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2011.
`7. Darshan Siddalinga Swamy, Damon M. Chandler, Kellen J. Butler, Sheila S. Hemami,
`“Parametric quality assessment of synthesized textures,” Human Vision and Electronic
`Imaging, San Francisco, CA, January 2011.
`8. F. M. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, “Quality versus intelligibility: studying human preferences
`for American Sign Language video,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Francisco,
`CA, January 2011.
`9. David Rouse, Yiran Wang, Fan Zhang, Sheila Hemami, “A Novel Technique to Acquire
`Perceived Utility Scores from Textual Descriptions of Distorted Natural Images,” IEEE
`International Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, October 2010.
`10. F. M. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, The influence of space and time varying distortions on
`intelligibility estimators for region-of-interest video,” IEEE International
`Conference on Image Processing, Hong Kong, October 2010.
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`11. F. M. Ciaramello, Jung Ko, S. Hemami, “Quality versus intelligibility: Evaluating the coding
`trade-offs for American Sign Language video,” 2010 44th Annual Conference on Information
`Sciences and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, March 2010.
`12. D. M. Rouse, R. Pepion, P. Le Callet, S. S. Hemami, “Tradeoffs in subjective testing methods
`for image and video quality assessment,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
`CA, January 2010.
`13. D. M. Rouse, S. S. Hemami, “Natural Image Utility Assessment Using Image Contours,”
`IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Cairo, Egypt, November 2009.
`14. D. M. Rouse, R. Pepion, S. S. Hemami, Patrick Le Callet, “Image utility assessment and the
`relationship with image quality assesment,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
`CA, January 2009.
`15. F. M. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, “Modeling temporal coherence in compressed American
`Sign Language Video,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2009.
`16. D. M. Rouse, S. S. Hemami, “Understanding and Simplifying the Structural Similarity
`Metric,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA, October 2008.
`17. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “On the Nearly Scale-Independent Rank Behavior of Image
`Quality Metrics,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA,
`October 2008.
`18. S. Ghouzali, S. Hemami, M. Rziza, D. Aboutajdine, E. M. Mouaddib, “A skin detection
`algorithm based on discrete cosine transform and generalized Gaussian density,” IEEE
`International Conference on Image Processing, San Diego, CA, October 2008.
`19. D. M. Rouse, S. S. Hemami, “Analyzing the Role of Visual Structure in the Recognition of
`Natural Image Content with Multi-Scale SSIM,” Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San
`Jose, CA, January 2008.
`20. F. M. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, “Complexity constrained rate-distortion optimization of sign
`language video using an objective intelligibility metric,” Visual Communication and Image
`Processing, San Jose, CA, January 2008.
`21. Rahul Vanam, Eve A. Riskin, Sheila S. Hemami, Richard E. Ladner, “Distortion-Complexity
`Optimization of the H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Encoder using the GBFOS Algorithm,” Data
`Compression Conference, 2007, March 2007.
`22. D. M. Rouse, S. S. Hemami, “Quantifying the use of structure in cognitive tasks,” Human
`Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2007.
`23. F. Ciaramello, S. S. Hemami, “Can you see me now? An objective metric for predicting intel-
`ligibility of compressed American Sign Language Video, Human Vision and Electronic
`Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2007.
`24. M. D. Gaubatz, S. Kwan, S. S. Hemami, “The role of spatially adapted versus non-spatially
`adapted structural distortion in supra-threshold compression,” Human Vision and Electronic
`Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2007.
`25. M. D. Gaubatz, S. Kwan, B. Chern, D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Spatially adaptive
`wavelet image compression via structural masking,” ICIP 2006, Atlanta, GA.
`26. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “Visually optimized multiple description image coding,” ICASSP
`2006, Toulouse, France.
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`27. M. Gaubatz, A. Vosoughi, A. Scaglione, S. S. Hemami, “Efficient, low complexity encoding
`of multiple burred noisy downsampled images via distributed source coding principles,”
`ICASSP 2006, Toulouse, France.
`28. D. M. Chandler, K. L. Lim, S. S. Hemami, “Effects of spatial correlations and global
`precedence on the visual fidelity of distorted images,” SPIE Human Vision and Electronic
`Imaging, San Jose, CA, January 2006.
`29. S. S. Hemami, D. M. Chandler, B. G. Chern, J. A. Moses, “Suprathreshold visual
`psychophysics and structure-based visual masking,” SPIE Visual Communication and Image
`Processing, SanJose, CA, January 2006.
`30. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Fast Accurate Rate Control for Low-Rate Wavelet-Based
`Image Coding via Bootstrapping,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing,
`Genoa, Italy, September 2005.
`31. J. Chen, C. Tian, S. Hemami, T. Berger, “A new class of universal multiple description lattice
`quantizers,” IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, Adelaide, Australia,
`September 2005.
`32. M. D. Gaubatz, D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Spatially selective quantization and coding
`for wavelet-based image compression,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech,
`and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, March 2005.
`33. S. S. Hemami, “Robust Video Coding — An Overview,” IEEE International Conference on
`Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, March 2005.
`34. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Bit allocation in video is easy,” Data Compression Conference,
`Snowbird, Utah, March 2005.
`35. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “Staggered Lattices in Multiple Description Quantization,” Data
`Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, March 2005.
`36. C. Tian, J. Chen, S. S. Hemami, “Multiple descriptions with central refinement,” 39th Annual
`Conference on Information, Sciences, and Systems (CISS), Baltimore, MD, March 2005.
`37. D. M. Chandler, N. L. Dykes, S. S. Hemami, “Visually lossless compression of digital
`radiographs based on contrast sensitivity and visual masking,” SPIE Medical Imaging: Image
`Perception, Observer, and Technology Assessment, San Diego, CA, February 2005.
`38. M. D. Gaubatz, D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Spatial quantization via local texture
`masking,” SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2005, Santa Clara, CA, January 2005.
`39. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Convexity results for a predictive video coder,” Asilomar
`Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2004.
`40. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “An embedded image coding system based on tarp filter with classifi-
`cation,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
`(ICASSP), Montreal, CA, May 2004.
`41. M. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Scalable image embeddings from arbitrary wavelet-based
`perceptual models,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal
`Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, CA, May 2004.
`42. W. Xu, S. S. Hemami, “Distortion optimized multiple channel transmission under delay
`constraints,” IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing
`(ICASSP), Montreal, CA, May 2004.
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`43. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “Sequential design of multiple description scalar quantizers,” Data
`Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, March 2004.
`44. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Efficient bit allocation for dependent video coding,” Data
`Compression Conference, Snowbird, Utah, March 2004.
`45. M. D. Gaubatz, S. S. Hemami, “Local entropy estimation for low rate wavelet image coding,”
`38th Annual Conference on Information, Sciences, and Systems (CISS), Princeton, NJ, March
`46. Y. Sermadevi, M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Rate control with a perceived quality metric,”
`Visual Communications and Image Processing, Santa Clara, CA, January 2004.
`47. D. M. Chandler, M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Quantifying the visual quality of wavelet-
`compressed images based on local contrast, visual masking, and global precedence,” Asilomar
`Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, November 2003.
`48. M. A. Masry, D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Digital watermarking using local contrast-
`based texture masking,” Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific
`Grove, CA, November 2003.
`49. G. Yadavalli, M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Frame rate preferences in low bit rate video,”
`IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, September 2003.
`50. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Linear approximations and linear programming for video rate
`control,” IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, September
`51. W. Xu, S. S. Hemami, “Delay-optimized robust transmission of images over multiple
`channels,” International Conference on Multimedia and Exposition, Baltimore, MD, March
`52. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “Universal multiple description scalar quantization: analysis and
`design,” Data Compression Conference 2003, Snowbird, Utah, March 2003.
`53. Y. Sermadevi, S. S. Hemami, “Linear programming optimizations for video coding under
`multiple constraints,” Data Compression Conference 2003, Snowbird, Utah, March 2003.
`54. C. Tian, S. S. Hemami, “On the asymptotic analysis of multiple description scalar
`quantization,” 37th Annual Conference on Information, Sciences, and Systems, Baltimore,
`MD, March 2003.
`55. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Suprathreshold image compression based on contrast
`allocation and global precedence,” SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2003, San
`Jose, CA, January 2003.
`56. M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “CVQE: a continuous video quality evaluation model for low bit
`rates,” SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging 2003, San Jose, CA, January 2003.
`57. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Contrast-based quantization and rate control for wavelet-
`coded images,” Proceedings IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing, Rochester, NY, September
`2002. Winner (2nd prize), Best Student Paper Award.
`58. M. A. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Perceived quality metrics for low bit rate compressed video,”
`Proceedings IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing, Rochester, NY, September 2002.
`Unified Patents Exhibit 1019, pg. 11
`Unified Patents v Dragon

`59. W. Xu, S. S. Hemami, “Efficient partitioning of unequal error protected MPEG video streams
`for multiple channel transmission,” Proceedings IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing,
`Rochester, NY, September 2002.
`60. D. M. Chandler, S. S. Hemami, “Additivity models for suprathreshold distortion in quantized,
`wavelet-coded images,” Proceedings SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose,
`CA, January 2002.
`61. M. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Subjective quality evaluation of low-rate video,” Proceedings
`IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001.
`62. S. S. Hemami, M. G. Ramos, “Quantifying Visual Distortion in Low-Rate Wavelet-Coded
`Images,” Proceedings IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing, Thessaloniki, Greece, October
`63. S. S. Hemami, “Supra-threshold wavelet coefficient quantization in natural images: analysis
`and application to compression,” Int. Conf. on Image and Signal Processing, Agadir,
`Morocco, May 2001.
`64. M. Masry, S. S. Hemami, W. Osberger, A. M. Rohaly, “Subjective quality evaluation of low-
`rate video,” Proceedings SPIE Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose, CA, January
`65. Y. Yang, S. S. Hemami, “Rate-distortion optimization for region- and object-based wavelet
`video coding,” Proceedings Thirty-fourth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and
`Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, October 2000.
`66. A. T. Deever, S. S. Hemami, “Scalable Image Coding with Projection-Based Context
`Modelling,” Proceedings IEEE Intl. Conf. Image Processing, Vancouver, BC, September
`67. M. Masry, S. S. Hemami, “Data Hiding in Images with Psychov

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