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`L‘urvzaa Us
`American Sportfishing Association
`Leading the Way for Spormshmg's Future
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`Sportfishing Industry Awards 2009 " nest of Show" Honors
`[Mean wwsw mm am my .--- awn: vmmfs “2:955! wonfisnw trade 2mm
`Juiy 16, 3.009 (Hume, L1; n wen 7mg (hr lmmrmmnl (Zwvar‘um m «1de Snow-snug hum.
`the wwrlq'fi mew spartfishmu traaeshow. as m run min: tum Mr mm, a rm ammo. Comm
`CQV‘VH‘W Lemar m Omnflo. He, 0m 2am: :evmsmletives hm“ {he Smm‘flxm‘) ‘ndusm. influx) M
`ovar 2.200 Lam-.5 and war WU mu: :4 mpvaemmwm. am 0.“!va m we rm: mm Imam/alums vr
`mun War 1nd annual and numrx with the warm apathmnq mmmumty The wucth<hing muqu v.
`prev-aw tram— want is amused bw l‘e Awmrican Swrfihhir‘v Aiwmtirw (LSA'
`the lfldufilf‘f‘i Made
`onuuaton w3>i<h n !‘tduuuadtzeu m Minn-Lina ‘v‘a
`W“ wan we 52m mu of VAST Hm N " mm: Wmvaase, \i‘e mu w w's flaushiv we'd. W35 more
`(\Nllpehtwo :han even fiwonyflfid bv E‘W’u (5
`[Pa .
`208 Exl'lm
`wmnarws EMEIFII (31:0 lliHll
`\- and acivsuriv'; arm (ha RUIN Home tihowusu. Hm, muduu unseen with tho mom modu: mm
`59.5mm ms was ”w mm M.
`TN: ‘12:! {he “vim! Cal Mirage 5:0 ,‘lnle hulk d best IN! A flank was Vulbki IN Mama and ruadiz as
`the mm! mm‘vativv pFDdUCY In I??? IFASY 3059 va F'Vuflucl Elvumaw II mm "It “Mum‘- utl‘qu and
`(tn! ovwzll '66! 0’ 5mm ’
`ms yam x: New 910mm! She-wave Mann r. me nclmnd inst-him! [C S! emmtas ram, luck usA
`Custom Reds and Better Ban S‘MPms. Emh: alumna [CAST exhih-lers were alga lirsl
`ime wmmam. may
`m- Donate. Haste! V‘rsiun, «as; Reels Usamcss Wuiuwide Uutduuu, Semis USA and $4qu tax. Hues:
`IDDS ihnwczse winnws
`- Srrmano AmtriLan {Drumalmm Pun! "wing and Warm Holding Compum’
`v am:
`«ah MM Best 0! Show honmin 2909'
`’Each year. lam amazed by {he nullity a! new modulus Unit Me unveIled a: the New ProduLl Showcase
`and fins yaar was no dwammf Silt Mile huswan. ASK? Drmidunt and EEO. ‘E Lin-grandam a“ a? Hit;
`wmners and everyone who Damdpaied In the New Droduu Shaman, {mm We wmvan‘m who worked
`hm: (w Alums: these lnnoumns to the {outward med“ wlw Wye-J a: indues?
`Mfikiflo up a EDEOBI 95mm (71 tCAST‘s dou,uoo-squamfoo1 shnw "out the Lew Pro-Mn Ska-wise
`wuvidfi shawl vIsiNlilv 4m the mdusm 5 mm mum/anon: 1r par and accessories 3mm and mafia
`muzszsanlflivh’ Judged {he crunch based 00 "ml Mvfls cl nmwahnn, enxul'w‘, wolkmwahil} and
`Putnam-v to «lack ‘84:! ml 9‘6»? mm"; n 1? mteqmqs, as val? as the own” “Best 0! Shaw" winner
`Page 1
`EX 2044
`Page 1
`CABLZ, INC. EX 2044
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`I my-d’lgmnnlflpl"... t9 mmnu Ugh , 1.... a Amman Spamming A5” W mm Hum bye).
`Mama LD i'ip'eizxxléaler M 1::
`Laban/mm mégilmrfzim r w whim sum-«aw
`puma»: spurs:
`leily (m [M Eruaulrv’: Inlt-sl insmmtiuns in gem and nmsm‘ym (AWN; and mad“;
`rcpresoumuvcs mm [hr prndurk hahnm zmlwlr lmwh 41f Emma/“inn me.
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`mum in m same “fies: of Sl‘tn’s‘vmnm ‘n 17 magmas, as we” as me aura“ "mm of WW” many
`Walls ‘1}!E-d
`10m; 1( Au mew vmaun shnwmu nwnnl winners
`z'fi'crfm: ’
`m pm'm
`ram, may: am :‘4
`Oven)” Be)! a! Show and Marine (‘Mcuurv- Hobie Cal - Hobie Hiuue Pm Innk-
`Cmvkd \s‘mm Conmk 5750} 756 ”$712M
`Award , ram, Inc, um
`(ontzd‘ Holly WllliaM5 {HIS} 71?-1§77
`(ambit - burn F‘Isllimi "' i’flmuer Alba! rumba
`(cuticl; Ron Giudne, Blue heron Communicaticrs - (EN: {405:1 740-2140, ch‘ (405',- 364-333.}
`Andvew Wheflu. Mint Hanan!
`(80!; #514145
`Eleamizs A LOMMKE~NGVICO — mutant: HUS—In
`(Amt-u: {mulch swam: - {9m} 501”wa
`tyweav ~ Cur,“ Dd lar Sunglasses ~ (an:
`hmun'l have Bukhms
`“55135915 new 5500? 147 1:30 xih
`fishing hafnium [Jul-sale , Lodeablc huh:
`(nvtlacL (amt MIMI
`$262? 544 51-15
`unwan- Master union mm [ants-tn
`(mm-x rum (3 (SD-"kt
`- 1715‘ rm: mag
`Eh Hdabp ~{715-1121hr‘2‘v43
`Kids Trifle ~ Russ Reds USAIRDSS Worklwitk Ouldmrs . 1%"anth Hy “Mum: ()an
`(mm! Ema fiefus - A ()7 'x mu
`‘nu Emlav 1Hleml Traumumk
`‘4‘ch [40:74? mm»- mm: «m 5423
`rad Em: bu um birth Iwm
`(in “mm mi» mm m ;:
`1:431"), pron-um mummy
`Selma USA - Maui» hummer Sat! Bra Mode!
`so“ lure
`(warm. (ch21 Dmiannn, Onllawn an . zelL mm: 5m) 1655. amt-e, (033- 394/4455
`Hard um:
`senile USA io'm shad
`(octarj (mm acumen DnMahnn pa » (one, 923‘; 501.35%, affim {mm 594445
`(1.0 mow-tau
`Fmshwalm Reel - ski-"aw Mariam Corporation - Strum C14
`Lw-zau» Mm mmh’ewiu, Catamn Malketiuu ‘ (5293 139-1331
`saltwater sled ~ [kiwi — schist Lever Drag
`gonna: rcuy Ptdtn‘c!‘ , one; 3324539
`thwa‘el Ilnd ‘ USA Custom Hod: » um srm
`(mm: )ennis Bali 4339;“:571354
`Page 2
`EX 2044
`Page 2
`CABLZ, INC. EX 2044
` m. an Vmw mm Took Hap
`): @m - $5“
`amps“: é‘KAslmAum-n l magma-n Imp qmw.upui¢ WAMmmarlagn»Kum GAME-nwmingu. QIAdmmnll-lmnehge...
`“uni lun- whlln mm Spin shad
`Contact' Cvsml odhahor, Ooliahofl 9R — (EIM 91$ 66? 3655, office: (913) 5941444
`rmshwnlev new! - shhnano American (‘mpmuinn » suadk n
`Conun' 1am Muuuiawul: Catalyst "arming , mm m 2'
`Samelev Keel 4 Damn ‘ Sam's? Lever Draa
`tar-XML 181w MEI'SW‘ ‘- ['5le 3024580
`I rtshwller Hod USA {“5le H065 ' came “in
`(ovum: Baum £3.10
`as HIS-l
`Sdflwater “Dd v
`loomis — I'ru Green BHJS
`1V4) 2’30 V11.
`rerun, )ntr P’d}ll(1§5‘\klf.’l (mm. Markxolinc
`“ILIIJE Handunmml ' “Elmo Ioldlnu ColIIMKW ' llfiua MI! 190"" Swtem
`fit‘uu FV Fimm‘u ..
`4 «A45.
`Yernlmfli Muikll‘
`llflll‘r Bali QVAIPIIIS
`(in‘lt "tank "In
`(ovum-1mm; Fr-‘mm:
`jam: {BEADS-IQ
` 92w (w. mm» mm warn}, moducec m m:
`was? was “Momma WAD tI-o Mzmn Anmmaym A »
`halmna‘ Hafire “alwiadulera fisso
`rim {EMMA
`wintry allowinu more: than 16,060 attendms to wali
`mm slum mm.
`in 2019. EASY ail‘ be new a! we Las Vegas meemuon cenm, from My 14-“. £010, [LAM 2011 MN
`at mm a: the Las Vegas cmvarzion Came: in Lna v29», Nevada, hum July H- .5, gen,
`The American 590%;an Associahon than: ‘5 the snonfismq INIUSYV‘YS II‘MIE assodalicn, committed In
`looking m1! '0! 2H: ‘nfitttals of "W entire >ourlhsmng uyrnnlurfiv, We aw! lht indu‘shr a unflicd voice
`smakmu ml whm emcrgmq Ems and mi-cm mm: wmfiwnliv affect swdfiahlnu bum-Hess or
`swrmsvlro mat we invest In Iona-term ventures to ensme the :ndusm MM remaln strong and
`prosperous as well as safeguard and pmmme the enaurmq eccncmm and (organ-anon mus; or
`wm'flmhl a m Ammu Aim aim mumsqnu ms Mum-Ls 91 muenu s 60 nullior‘ uncle“. wnuqunanm
`over $65 bdtinn m tetai} salm MW? 3 $125 Minn anagf on (he nsb'rm‘s anonnmy creahnq Pmploymnnf in:
`over we "1th veode.
`ASA0021 8
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`EX 2044
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`CABLZ, INC. EX 2044
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`5 x goat-val v
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`Sportfishing Industry Awards 2009 " Best of Show" Honors
`fifteen companies take tops honors during wofld's lamest spamfishing trade show
`July 16, 2009 - Driamfo, Fla. - [CAST 2009, the International Convention IfAllied Sportfisliing Trades:
`the world's largest sportfishing tradeshow, is in full swing from July 15-17, at die Orange County
`Convention Center in Orlando, Fla Over 7,200 representatives trorn the sportnsliing industry, induding
`over 2,200 buyers and over son media representan‘vos, are gathered to see the latest innovations in
`tacide, gear and apparel and network with the global sponhshing oornmunity. The snortnshing industry‘s
`tlade event IS produced by the Amencan Sportfishlng Assoclatlon (ASA). the industry's trade
`assorlation which is headquartered in Alexandria, Va.
`This year, the 52nd year of ICAST, the new Product showcase, the nadeshow‘s flagship event, was more
`competitive than ever. Sponsored by ESPN Outdoors/BASS, 208 exhibiting companies entered one tackle
`Products and accessories into the New Product Showcase. The product category with the most product
`ions was the hard lure category,
`This year the Hobie Cat Mirage Pro Angler, both a boat and a kayak, was voted by buyers and media as
`the most innovative product in the lCASl' 2009 New Product Showcase ill ball! the Marine category and
`the overall “Best of Show."
`This year’s New Product Showcase winner’s also included firststime lCASI’ exhibitors fabll, Inc., USA
`custom Rods and Better Bait systems Eight returning Iatsr exhibitors were also first-time winnerst They
`are: Durasafe, Master Vision, Ross Reels USA/Ross Worldwide Outdoors, Sebile USA and Hobie Cat. Three
`2008 showcase winners — Shimano American Corporation, Pure Fishing and Plano Molding Company > also
`won won Best of show honors in 2009.
`‘Eadi year, I am amazed by the quality of new products that are unveiled at the new Product showcase
`and this Year was no different: said Mike Nusslnan, ASA'S president and CEO. '1 congratulate all of the
`winners and everyone who participated in the New Product Showcase, from the companies who worked
`hard to develop trim innovations to the buyers and media who served as judges.”
`Making up a special section of lusr's 400,000-squar2-fom show floor, the new Product showcase
`provides soedal ViSIbIlItY for the indum's latest innovations in gear and accessories. Buyers and media
`representatives judged the products based on their levels of innovation, execution. workmanship and
`pflm‘calily to select “Best of Show' honors in 17 Categories, as well as the overall “Est of Show" winner.
`Page 4 CABLZ, INC.
`EX 2044
`Page 4
`CABLZ, INC. EX 2044
` ndustry Wald 2009
`P v 6 aAmmzan Spon'fishlng Asso... x
`Re Ho Vim Families
`rools Help
`X filial“ v
`* anml Q mmudmin l mammon- - I WWWM meflng'namn GAinukanSponfishiigAs_ aurinimatoruomehge.
`Making uli a Special section of lCAST's 400,000rsquarefoot Show floor, the New Product Showcase
`provides Special
`tvfnr the industry's latest innovations in gear and accessories. Buyers and media
`representatives judged the products based on their levels of innovation, execution, workmanship aml
`practicality to select ‘Best ofSllow" honors in 17 mtegories, as well as the overall 'Bes‘t ofSllow' winner.
`2009 ICASl New Product Showcase Award Winners
`ForDmdud details, images and other information please Contact the individual award IEchients listed
`Overall nest or snow and Harine Category 7 Hobie not a Hollie Hinge Pm Angler
`Contact: \fince console: (760) 753-9100 x230
`Alina-cl — calilz, Int. — Cablz
`Contact: Holly Williams: (205) 2224477
`Combo - Pure
`shiny - Pfllleger Arborcombo
`Contact: Ron sin
`2, Blue Heron communications 7 cell: (405) 74o274u, office: (405) 35473433
`Andrew wheeler, Project Manager - (M3) 4513245
`Electronils r Lmrancerflavioo a Lowrance Hngln
`Contact: Gordon Snrouse — (918) 607-6670
`Eyewear - Costa Del Mar Sunglasses - Zone
`Contact: Dave BulthuiS 7 (561) 8660972, (900) 4473700 x114
`Fishing Amessory - Dunsilfe - Codeahle Locks
`contact: Cathy Kraatz a (252) 54475515
`Giflvlam * Mafia!“ Vision 7 Mini lantern
`Contact: Gary G. Goerke - (715) 493-6749
`Eli McCabe - (715) 216-2443
`Kids Tackle - Ross Reels USA/Ross Worldwide Outdoors - Journev Youth Fly Fishing Outfit
`Contact: Brad Bequ 7 (970) 59673050
`tine 7 Pure Fishilg a Berkley Trilelle transom:
`Contact: Ron Giudice, Blue Heron communications — cell: (405) 74o-z74n, office: (405) 354-3433
`Clay Norris — cell: (405) 740-2740, mice: (405) 364-3433, nroduct manager
`Soltlllre-SelfileUSA-HiflicSw rrIHSvltPn-Hodel
`Corltact r CYStaI Dollatlorl, Dollallon PR , cell: (918) 60773555, office: (918) 99474455
`Hard ll": - Sebil: USA - Snin Shad
`contact: Cystal Dollahon, Dollahon PR 7 cell:( 918) 60773655, oliice: (913) 594445
`Freshwater Reel 7 Sllirnarlo American corporation a Smic CH
`Contact: John Mazurkiewicz, 63th Marketing - (574) 289-1331
`Saltwater Reel - Dailrfll - Saltist Lave! Drag
`Contact: TeITY Pederson , (562) 80279589
`Rainwater and a USA Custom Rods r Gino stix
`Contact: Dennis Ball - (332) 665-1854
`Page 5 CABLZ, INC.
`EX 2044
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`CABLZ, INC. EX 2044
` (— -> E new/armingog/nmmm/nm-releases/sparifislring-indnary-awards-m+est-of- P v o enmenunSponfishingAssot x
`Edit Vial
`Tools Help
`[riparian DKisionPoint- a. I Impr-legiwmflwe m AdminifliatwLoy'n - Kle.» G Ameriun Spom'dlingA5,, a; Adminiwm HomePage...
` * Q smisiicsFund a nsr 201i Admin |
`Hard Line * Sehile “SA a Spin Shad
`Contact: Cvstal Dollahon, Dollahon PR — cell:( 918) 507-3655, office: (918) 894-445
`Freshwater Reel - Shimano Amerifin Corporation - Shadic C"
`Contact: John Mazurkiewicl, Catalyst Marketing - (574) 289rl331
`Saltwater Reel — Daivva — Sam's! Lever Drag
`Contact: Terry Pedersnn e (562) 90279599
`Frshwater Roll ~ USA Custom Rods - Camo Sfix
`Contact: Dennis Ball — (832) 665-1854
`saltwater Rod 7 G. Loomis a Pro Green Baas
`Contact: John Mazurkiewitz, Catalyst Marketing — (574) 289-1331
`'raclde Management — Plano Holding] Company — Liana-Bait Locker System
`Contact: Douglass Riewski » (630) 552-9445
`Terminal Tackle - Heller Bait Systems - Circle Hook Rig
`Contact: Charles Fricke r (305) 48170849
`[CAST was coalocated with tire Marine Altermarket Accessories Trade Show (mars), produced by tire
`national Marine Manufacturers Association (mm), jointly allowing more than 10,000 attendees to walk
`am Show floors.
`Ill 2010, ICAST will be held at the Las Vegas Convention Center, from July 14-16, 2010. [CAST 2011 will
`be held at the Las Vegas Convention center in Las Vegas, Nevada, from July 13-15, 2011.
`The American Sportfishing Association (ASA) is the sportfislling indusfiv's trade assudalion, committed to
`looking out for the interests of the entire Sportfishing community. We give the industry a unified voice
`speaking out when emerging laws and policies could significantly allect snortfishing business or
`sportlishing itselft We invest in long-renn ventures to ensure the industry will remain strong and
`prosperous as well as safeguard and promote the enduring econom and conservation values of
`snortfishing In America. ASA also represents file interests qumerica‘s 60 million anglers who generate
`over 545
`on in retail sales with a $125 billion impaa on the nation’s economy aeafino employment for
`over one in
`on petiole
`”"2"“ “5mm"
`Help slrane fisii ng's future
`Learn more...
`'rlmfiasz lahln; :rg
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