`Oral Hearing–September 15, 2015
`Rodney Carroll –Lead Counsel for Petitioner
`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035
`Gordon * Howard Associates, Inc., 
`Patent Owner
`Lunareye, Inc., 
`Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`United States Patent and Trademark Office

`•Ground 3: Lewis,Oncore, and Mohan
`•Ground 2: Lewis and Mohan
`•Ground 1: Mohan, Oncore, and Roach
`•Second IPR–IPR2014‐01213: Claims 1‐24 Obvious 
`under 35 U.S.C §103(a) in view of:
`•Mohan and Oncore
`•First IPR –IPR2014‐00712: Claim 3 Obvious under 
`•Background of the ‘035 Patent
`35 U.S.C §103(a) in view of:

`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Fig. 1.
`Background of the ‘035 Patent

`‘035 Patent, Ex. 1002 at FIG. 2.
`The “GPS” 
`The “Telemetry” 
`Background of the ‘035 Patent

`•Data Reordering element
`•Data Selecting element and
`•Data Selector performing data formatting functionalities:
`•Triggering element (undisputed), and
`•Enable/Disable element (undisputed), 
`•Telemetry element (undisputed),
`•GPS element (undisputed),
`Triggerablelocation‐reporting apparatus (undisputed), 
`Background of the ‘035 Patent

`sequences and are independently enabled & output
`•Reordering: NMEA sentences order data in different 
`•Selecting less than all: NMEA sentences contain different 
`location data sets
`•Data Selecting Device part of Oncore’sGPS device
`Broadest Claim
`Subject of related District Court Litigation
`•Limited to Claim 3
`First IPR: IPR2014‐00712

`•Oncorediscloses the “Data Selecting” and “Reordering” 
`•Ground 3, Claims 3, 21: Lewis, Oncore, and 
`•Lewis discloses the “Data Selecting” and “Reordering” Elements
`•Ground 2, Claims 3‐24: Lewis and Mohan
`•Oncorediscloses the “Data Selecting” and “Reordering” 
`•Ground 1, Claims 1, 2: Mohan,Oncore, and Roach
`Second IPR: IPR2014‐01213

`receiver to yield recognized benefits associated with Oncore’sGPS 
`•Motivation to utilize Oncore’sGPS receiver in place of Mohan’s GPS 
`specific, known communication protocol (NMEA‐0183)
`receiver in order to utilize a GPS receiver that communicates via a 
`•Motivation to utilize Oncore’sGPS receiver in place of Mohan’s GPS 
`place of Mohan’s GPS receiver achieves a predictable result
`Simple substitution of Oncore’scommercially‐available GPS receiver in 
`recognized benefits associated with Roach’s cellular communications 
`•Motivation to utilize Roach’s cellular communications device to yield 
`transmitter/receiver achieves a predictable result
`communications device in place of Mohan’s communications 
`Simple substitution of Roach’s commercially available cellular 
`Mohan, Oncore, and Roach
`Ground 1: A POSITA Would have Combined 

`arrange as desired for transmission. 
`available location data (e.g., only a desired subset of data) and 
`POSITA would have been motivated to use less than all of the 
`exceed  32 bits (for example, a GGA and/or GLL sentence), a 
`send location data and GPS data in a NMEA sentence could well‐
`Since Cellemetryused a 32 bit portion of a telemetry message to 
`•Roach explains that Cellemetryused a 32 bit portion of a data 
`message (corresponding to the ESN) to transmit data.
`telemetry transmitter to send location data/GPS data for vehicles.  
`•Cellemetryliterature expressly taught and suggested using a 
`Mohan, Oncore, and Roach
`Ground 1: A POSITA Would have Combined 

`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Claim 1.
`Ground 1, Claims 1, 2: Claim 1 is illustrative:

`•The “Reordering” Element –Oncore
`•The “Enable/Disable” Element –Mohan
`•The “Triggering” Element –Mohan
`•The “Telemetry” Element –Roach
`•The “Data Selecting” Element –Oncore
`•The “GPS” Element –Oncore
`•The “TriggerableLocation‐Reporting” Preamble –
`•Ground 1, Claim 1: Mohan,Oncore, and Roach

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 3.1.
`PartesReview, Paper 11 at 8.
`Decision; Institution of Inter
`OncoreDiscloses a Data Selector:

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 5.15.
`“Reordering” Elements:
`OncoreDiscloses the “Data Selecting” and 

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 5.15.
`“Reordering” Elements:
`OncoreDiscloses the “Data Selecting” and 

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 6.148-49.
`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 6.153.
`3. Universal
`3. Universal
`3. Universal
`2. Longitude
`2. Longitude
`2. Longitude
`1. Latitude
`1. Latitude
`1. Latitude
`4. Height
`4. Height
`4. Height
`3. Longitude
`3. Longitude
`3. Longitude
`2. Latitude
`2. Latitude
`2. Latitude
`1. Universal
`1. Universal
`1. Universal
`OncoreDiscloses Selecting Less Than All:

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 6.148-49.
`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 6.153.
`3. Universal
`3. Universal
`3. Universal
`2. Longitude
`2. Longitude
`2. Longitude
`1. Latitude
`1. Latitude
`1. Latitude
`4. Height
`4. Height
`4. Height
`3. Longitude
`3. Longitude
`3. Longitude
`2. Latitude
`2. Latitude
`2. Latitude
`1. Universal
`1. Universal
`1. Universal
`Location Data:
`OncoreDiscloses Reordering The Selected 

`power management scheme
`in the same way and obtain those benefits associated with Mohan’s 
`Lewis’s vehicle tracking unit to improve Lewis’s vehicle tracking unit 
`•Application of Mohan’s known power management schemeto 
`•Motivation to utilize Mohan’s power management scheme within 
`Lewisand Mohan
`Ground 2: A POSITA Would have Combined 
`of preserving and conserving power
`Lewis’s vehicle tracking unit in order to obtain the predictable result 

`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Claim 4.
`Ground 2, Claims 3‐24: Claim 4 is illustrative:

`•The “Reordering” Element –Lewis 
`•The “Enable/Disable” Element –Mohan
`•The “Telemetry” Element –Lewis
`•The “Data Selecting” Element –Lewis
`•The “GPS” Element –Lewis
`•The “TriggerableLocation‐Reporting” Preamble –
`•Ground 2: Lewis and Mohan

`Record of Oral Hearing, IPR2014-00712, Notice 42, at 23:5-25:25 (emphasis added).
`location signals.
`construed location signal and did it in such a way that there are essentially two
`integrated with these…it's a District Court claim construction, but the District Court
`And there's a third, I believe, claim construction dispute that is more or less
`explained, I think, at length that reorder implies an initial order.…
`The second dispute is about the reorders.And I think that patent owner has
`selecting device....
`major claim construction disputes. The first is…the location of the data-
`MR. COMPTON: Yes, there are, Your Honor. There are probably three, I think,
`construction disputes in this case and what are they?
`JUDGE LEE: You mention claim construction, Mr. Compton. Are there claim
`Ground 2: Claim Construction “Disputes”

`•BRI Standard applies: construction offered by the Board 
`is a reasonable interpretation
`“Chip” within Oncore’sGPS selects less than all and reorders location data/GPS 
`absent a clear disclaimer
`Limitations should not be imported from preferred embodiments into the claims 
`•Petitioner strongly disagrees for the reasons set forth in 
`the First IPR and in Petitioner’s Reply Brief:
`Claim 3 is broadest claim
`•Claim Construction Disputes arose from Claim 3
`Ground 2: Claim Construction “Disputes”

`Decision; Institution of Inter PartesReview, Paper 11 at9.
`Decision; Institution of Inter PartesReview, Paper 11 at8.
`Board’s Broadest Reasonable Interpretation

`IPR2014-00712, Ex. 2031 at 6.
`is directed to a preferred embodiment:
`Patent Owner’s narrow claim construction 

`receiver produces a NMEA sentence having a defined 
`•An initial order is present in the first data signal (GPS 
`•Second data signal having less than all GPS data and 
`reordered is produced by the data selecting device
`•First data signal with GPS data is produced by GPS 
`receiver and received by data selecting device
`•Data Selecting Device is separate from GPS receiver
`nonetheless taught by Lewis and Mohan:
`construction was proper, all elements are 
`Even if, arguendo, the Patent Owner’s 

`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at FIG. 2A.
`(emphasis added).
`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at col. 10, lines 53-56
`Data Selecting
`GPS Receiver
`Lewis Discloses a separate Data Selecting 

`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at FIG. 2A.
`(emphasis added).
`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at col. 10, lines 53-56
`Second Location
`First Location
`Lewis Discloses a first and second location 

`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at 9:25-58 (emphasis added).
`Lewis’sGPS produces NMEA sentences:

`Oncore, Ex. 1007 at 6.148-49.
`Ref. Station ID.
`Age of Diff. Data
`Geoidal Sep.
`Number of Sat.
`GPS Quality
`Universal Time
`Universal Time
`Universal Time
`NMEA sentences have a defined initial 

`•Lewis’s Illustrative Data Message: Location (e.g., 
`Latitude, Longitude), Time
`•GGA Sentence: Time, Latitude, Longitude, Height, etc.
`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at 11:19-56 (emphasis added).
`The switching network routes the packet of data to its destination node.
`command, the message text in the form of the vehicle location and time data, and an end-of-text suffix.
`…Illustratively, the data message would include a start-of-header preamble, a start-of-text
`the mobile telephone system 22….
`dual purpose antenna 20, which functions to receive and transmit data messages to and from its cell 24 of
`The transceiver 52 is coupled via a suitable coaxial cable 53 and an AM-FM/cellular splitter 54 to a
`the NMEA sentences:
`Lewis selects less than all of the data from 

`(emphasis added).
`Deposition of Joseph McAlexander, Ex. 1023 at 94:17-96:6
`than all of the data:
`The POSITA would know how to select less 

`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Fig. 6, Fig. 7.
`remaining data:
`Patent; discarding data & compressing the 
`The meaning of “reorders” from the ‘035 

`Deposition of Joseph McAlexander, Ex. 1023 at 24:10-25:1 (emphasis
`and reordering:
`and compressing is selecting less than all 
`Patent Owner’s Expert agrees; discarding 

`Discard & Compressed
`•Lewis’s Illustrative Data Message: Location (e.g., Latitude, 
`Longitude), Time
`•GGA Sentence: Time, Latitude, Longitude, Height, etc.
`Lewis, Ex. 1009 at 11:19-56 (emphasis added).
`The switching network routes the packet of data to its destination node.
`command, the message text in the form of the vehicle location and time data, and an end-of-text suffix.
`…Illustratively, the data message would include a start-of-header preamble, a start-of-text
`the mobile telephone system 22….
`dual purpose antenna 20, which functions to receive and transmit data messagesto and from its cell 24 of
`The transceiver 52 is coupled via a suitable coaxial cable 53 and an AM-FM/cellular splitter 54 to a
`Lewis reorders the selected data:

`(emphasis added).
`Deposition of Joseph McAlexander, Ex. 1023 at 94:17-96:6
`the selected data:
`The POSITA would know how to reorder 

`•Application of Mohan’s known power management schemeto Lewis’s 
`management scheme
`same way and obtain those benefits associated with Mohan’s power 
`vehicle tracking unit to improve Lewis’s vehicle tracking unit in the 
`•Motivation to utilize Mohan’s power management scheme within Lewis’s 
`preserving and conserving power
`vehicle tracking unit in order to obtain the predictable result of 
`receiver by recognized benefits associated with Oncore’sGPS receiver
`•Motivation to utilize Oncore’sGPS receiver in place of Lewis’s GPS 
`specific, known communication protocol (NMEA‐0183)
`receiver in order to utilize a GPS receiver that communicates via a 
`•Motivation to utilize Oncore’sGPS receiver in place of Lewis’s GPS 
`place of Lewis’s GPS receiver achieves a predictable result
`Simple substitution of Oncore’scommercially‐available GPS receiver in 
`Lewis, Oncore, and Mohan
`Ground 3: A POSITA Would have Combined 

`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Claim 21.
`U.S. Patent No. 6,484,035, Ex. 1002 at Claim 3.
`Ground 3, Claims 3, 21: Claim 21 is illustrative:

`•The “Reordering” Element –Oncore
`•The “Enable/Disable” Element –Mohan
`•The “Telemetry” Element –Lewis
`•The “Data Selecting” Element –Oncore
`•The “GPS” Element –Oncore
`•The “TriggerableLocation‐Reporting” Preamble –
`•Ground 3: Lewis, Oncore, and Mohan

`Thus, rearranging must encompass initial/1storder, followed by a changed/2nd
`says I am taking them and putting them in a different arrangement”
`Patent Owner’s Expert: rearranging is “changing the position”; “rearranging 
`Patent Owner’s Expert: “…reordering is broader than rearranging”
`§112, Fourth Paragraph: dependent claim specifies a “further limitation”
`•Claim 21: reordering “comprises” rearranging the 
`location data
`•Claim 20: data selecting device “discards” leaving 
`Construction of generic term “reorders”
`selected and “reordered” data; Figures 6 & 7

`construction: “arranges into a desired order for 
`generic term “reorders” as recited in Claim 3 is the PTAB’s 
`Accordingly, the Broadest Reasonable Interpretation of the 
`‘035 Patent, Ex. 1002 at 7:15-20 (emphasis added).
`‘035 Patent discloses “ordering” of location 

`Petitioner’s Reply
`receiver is consistent with the redacted portion of 
`encompass formation of a NMEA sentence by the GPS 
`•Construing “selecting less than all” and “reorders” to 
`•Arranges the selected location data into a desired order (e.g., a requested NMEA 
`sentence) for transmission
`Selects less than all location data (GLL and GGA have different location data)
`includes a data selecting device that:
`In producing NMEA sentences, Oncore’sGPS receiver 
`Oncore“selects less than all” and “reorders”

`•Ground 3: Lewis, Oncore, and Mohan
`•Ground 2: Lewis and Mohan
`•Mohan and Oncoreneed not be physically combined in:
`•Oncore’suse of the NMEA standard does not teach away 
`POSITA would not be lead away by Oncore’soff‐the‐shelf aspect
`POSITA would not be lead away by Mohan’s miniaturized aspects
`•Neither Mohan nor OncoreTeaches Away from Their Combination in 
`Oncorewould have been obvious to the 
`The Combinations employing Mohan and/or 
`Ground 1

`Petitioner’s Demonstrative Exhibits
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. §§42.6(e) and 42.105, this is to certify that I caused a
`true and correct copy of the PETITIONER’S DEMONSTRATIVE EXHIBITS
`to be served via electronic service by e-mail, in its entirety, to the counsels for the
`patent owner on this 10th day of September, 2015:
`Matthew S. Compton, Jr.,
`Stephen W. Abbott,
`Christopher M. Faucett,
`/s/Rodney B. Carroll
`Rodney B. Carroll (Reg. No. 39,624)
`Jerry C. Harris, Jr. (Reg. No. 66,822)
`Ryan D. Jenlink (Reg. No. 72,907)
`J. Robert Brown, Jr. (Reg. No. 45,438)
`Conley Rose, P.C.
`5601 Granite Parkway, Suite 500
`Plano, TX 75024
`Telephone: 972-731-2288
`Facsimile: 972-731-2289

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