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`Advances in 1988; Controversy in Scoliosis Treatment
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`Transpedicular Fixation of Thoracolumbar
`Vertebral Fractures
`The most frequent surgical treatment of thorac_o—
`lumbar fractures is still the Harrington rod system
`despite some adverse effects, the most serious
`being the locking of five to seven segments. The
`new pedicular fixation modifications suggested by
`Magerl and Dick lock only two segments and give
`far better stability of the fractures. Used’inter-
`nally, the system is convenient for the patient,
`permitting early mobilization, often without any
`external support. The instrument, called the “pos-
`terior segmental fixator” (PSF), is used both as a
`reduction device and as a fixation device. The in-
`jured vertebra is grafted through the pedicle, giv-
`ing security against late collapse after device re-
`moval. Twenty patients treated with this method
`had an average follow-up period of ten months.
`The primary reduction attains 88% of the calcu-
`lated height of the injured vertebra, with only a
`few percent loss during follow—up time. Clearance
`of fragments in the spinal canal, diagnosed with
`computed tomography scan in eight patients, was
`successfully accomplished in all but one, with only
`distraction or reduction of the fragment through a
`limited laminotomy. The instrumentation in these
`cases was lateral to the dura. Nine patients with
`neurologic deficits improved and could walk with-
`out support or with crutches within a few months.
`One patient with complete paraplegia remained
`The main goals of surgical treatment of
`thoracolumbar vertebral fractures are to
`From the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Upp-
`sala University, Uppsala Hospital.
`* Professor and Chairman, Orthopaedic Department,
`University of Uppsala.
`** Associate Professor.
`T Fellow.
`Reprint requests to Sven Olerud, M.D., Department
`of Orthopaedic Surgery, University Hospital, S-751 85
`Uppsala, Sweden.
`Received: April 13, 1987.
`achieve reduction, stability, and early, pain-.
`less mobilization. It is assumed, though not
`proven, that stable fracture fixation and de-
`compression of nerve structures facilitate the
`restoration of neurologic deficits.4*5"°"9>2*’-’2“~
`2537'” A further aim is to avoid late malposi-
`tions and to preserve lumbar mobility and
`Harrington instrumentation and similar
`methods are currently the most commonly
`used fixations for thoracolumbar frac-
`tures.2>7*‘2’2”39=“°’45 However, fracture treat-
`ment with the Harrington device has certain
`limitations. The main disadvantage is that
`this device fixates five to seven vertebrae, re-
`sulting in negative effects on mobility. This
`negative effect is greater the farther down in
`the lumbar spine the fracture is located. Fur-
`thermore, in the postoperative period a brace
`is needed for mobilization of the patient dur-
`ing healing time to avoid instrument fail-
`ures.2"3° Moreover, the patient is not allowed
`to sit for six months.
`Instability, instrument failures, and cor-
`rection losses have been reported.‘*5*'5*
`23'32"““‘5 Some loss of correction may occur
`after removal of the distraction devices, so
`that the end result is often roughly similar to
`the original defonnation.“23‘36
`Roy—Camille and co—-workers’ transpedic-
`ular screw fixations of plates37*33 paved the
`way for Mager1’s external fixation of verte-
`bral fractures with the aid of transpedicular
`screws3°‘3‘ and for posterior segmental fixa-
`tion with an internal fixator.‘*'3 This instru-
`mentation, according to Dick, seems to have
`Number 227
`February. 1988
`Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures
`FIG. 1. The posterior segmental fixator (PSF). The device consists of two reversed units. Each unit is
`composed of one threaded rod (1). On this rod two bolt grips (2) are movable in relation to each other as
`well as to two screw grips (3) that surround the pedicular screws. The components are locked into each
`other by conical screws (4). With the special handles (5), the deformed vertebral body can be reduced to
`normal height and correct lordosis.
`several advantages.” One is that only three
`vertebrae are immobilized, resulting in better
`preserved mobility.
`Because transpedicular screws, used for re-
`duction, are placed close to the injured ver—
`tebra, the possibility for anatomic reduction
`should be better, especially in the lower lum-
`bar region. When this treatment is combined
`with a transpedicular bone grafts the risk for
`secondary deformities should be minimized.
`This article reports the authors’ early expe-
`riences with posterior segmental fixation
`using the Dick internal fixator” and a simi-
`lar, modified instrument, the “posterior seg-
`mental fixator” (PSF).35
`The PSF (Fig. 1) consists of two identical but
`reversed units: a threaded rod against which two
`bolt grips can be moved in relation to each other
`and two screw grips that embrace the pedicle
`screws. The firm hold of the screws in the pedicles
`greatly facilitates reduction of the fractured verte-
`bra to a correct height and to the correct degree of
`lordosis. The device is sufficiently stable to main-
`tain the reduced position until healing is com-
`pleted, without the need for a brace. If additional
`Olerud et al. ‘
`Clinical Orthopaedics
`and Related Research
`FIG. 2. The PSF allows reduction by extension as well as distraction. After reduction, the configuration
`and height of the fractured vertebra are normalized.
`translatory stability is necessary, diagonal cerclage
`between the two halves of the instrument can also
`be used.
`The operation is performed with the patient in
`the prone position on two boards meeting at the
`level of the fracture site. An operating table suit-
`able for fluoroscopy should be used, because an
`image intensifier with a C-arm is necessary for a
`correctly performed operation. The skin incision
`is made in the midline and should correspond to
`five spinous processes. The vertebral arches are
`dissected free subperiosteally to expose the facet
`joints. The sites of insertion of the screws are
`identified as described by Louis” and Roy—Ca-
`mille et al.“ The respective joint space and the
`middle of the transverse process are the most im-
`portant reference points. A Kirschner wire is used
`at fluoroscopy to locate the correct place to insert
`the screw. An opening is then made in the pedicle
`with a drill or awl, and a self-threading screw is
`bored manually through the pedicle into the ver—
`tebral body. The screw is bored 3.5-4 cm, z'.e.,
`almost to the anterior wall of the vertebral body.
`The position of the screw is checked most reliably
`in the lateral projection with the C-arm.
`When all four screws have been inserted in the
`correct position, the threaded rod is attached to
`the screws by its clutches. With the aid of the
`image intensifier, the posterior wall of the verte-
`bral body is reduced somewhat, but not com-
`pletely; this will be done later, when the normal
`lordotic angulation is achieved. Lifting the head
`end and the foot end of the two boards on which
`the patient is lying also reduces the anterior wall
`of the vertebral body, with the fixator as a support;
`this is necessary if the vertebral arches and/or in-
`tervertebral joints do not provide stability.
`Further lordosis is now achieved, if needed, by
`squeezing together the reduction pins that are
`fixed in the screw grips at the upper and lower
`vertebrae (Fig. 2). This can often be accomplished
`Number 227
`February. 1988
`Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures
`relatively easily with a pair of tongs. The screw
`grips are then locked to the bolt grips by means of
`the conical screws. When the threaded rods are
`rotated, the fractured vertebra is distracted (Fig. 2)
`until the height of the vertebral body is restored to
`Subsequently, the threaded rods are locked to
`the bolt grips. If the posterior articular system is
`undamaged, the two segments around the frac-
`tured vertebra will be adequately stabilized. If any
`intervertebral joints or vertebral arches are frac-
`tured, however, some instability will remain in
`bending and in rotation. With the use of two diag-
`onal cerclage wires between the two units of the
`instrument, adequate stability can be achieved.
`On reduction of a compressed vertebral body,
`defects will occur in the cancellous bone (as in
`compression fractures in tibial condyles). Simi-
`larly, with the insertion of transpedicular screws, a
`hole can be made with a 5—mm drill through one
`of the pedicles of the fractured vertebra into the
`vertebral body. A slightly curved punch is brought
`through the pedicle into the vertebral body (Fig.
`3); under fluoroscopic control with the image in-
`tensifier, the end plates and anterior wall of the
`vertebra are reduced, if possible. An aural specu-
`lum is inserted into the pedicular hole and a can-
`cellous bone graft—bone paste obtained from the
`posterior aspect of the iliac crest with an acetabu-
`lar reamer“‘——-is pressed into the vertebra.3
`Posterolateral fusions are only rarely per-
`formed, 1'.e., in cases of facet fractures and after a
`laminectomy. Preoperative myelography or com-
`puted tomography (CT) scans will reveal any
`fragments that have been displaced into the spinal
`canal. If there is a burst fracture, the fragment can
`often be reduced with only distraction. Otherwise,
`with a minor laminectomy such a fragment can be
`identified by fluoroscopy with an image intensi-
`fier and with the aid of an elevator inserted at the
`side of the dura. Using the PSF, the fragment can
`then be pressed back into the vertebral body. If
`this is not possible, a limited laminectomy can be
`performed after removal of the threaded rod on
`one side. Any fracture fragments can then be re-
`duced or any fragments present in the spinal canal
`extracted without any effect on the dura. The re-
`moved threaded rod is subsequently reinserted.
`The reduction usually is not jeopardized by short-
`term intraoperative dismantling of one of the de-
`vice units, because the patient is in hyperexten-
`sion. If desirable, intraoperative myelography can‘
`be performed as a check. After operation, the pa-
`tients can often be mobilized immediately with-
`out any external support or, in a few cases, with a
`simple three-point brace.”
`At follow-up examination, the reduction effect
`was measured by comparing the anterior height of
`FIG. 3. With a transpedicularly introduced
`punch, further reduction of fragments in the ver-
`tebral body can be reduced. The defect in the ver-
`tebra is then filled with a graft in the form of bone
`the injured vertebra with the calculated height of
`the same vertebra (the mean value of the vertebra
`above and the one below the injured vertebra).
`The reduction effect was also estimated by com-
`paring the Cobb angle.
`This series consisted of 20 consecutive patients
`with thoracolumbar burst fractures (14 men and
`six women) aged 16-59 years (average, 35 years).
`All fractures had been caused by high-energy
`trauma, mainly traffic accidents (1 3 patients). Ten
`of the patients had neurologic symptoms on ad-
`mission but only one had complete paraplegia.
`The injured vertebrae were T12 in three, L1 in
`five, L2 in four, L3 in two, and L4 in five patients
`(Table 1).
`When classified according to Denis,“ three
`fractures were of Type A, 14 of Type B, two of
`Type D, and one of Type E.
`Two patients were treated at a relatively late
`stage (19 and 45 days, respectively) after injury,
`and the remaining 18 patients were treated within
`five days of injury. Of these, seven had surgery on
`the day of injury.
`All were treated with open reduction and fixa-
`tion with the PSF in the manner described above.
`Olerud et al.
`TABLE 1. Kyphotic Deformities
`N0. of
`Cobb Angle (“J
`8 lordosis
`ll lordosis
`10 lordosis
`Fifteen patients had transpedicular bone grafting
`(Fig. 4); in -the other five patients the comrninu-
`tion of the vertebra was too severe for grafting to
`be worthwhile. For these and two other patients, a
`posterior fusion was done over the two immobi-
`lized segments. In 11 patients, minor 1aminoto-
`mies were carried out for inspection and/or addi-
`tional repositioning of the anterior wall of the spi-
`nal canal. Later in the series, perioperative
`myelography was routinely carried out after re-
`duction to check the repositioning of the anterior
`wall. This markedly decreased the need for lami-
`Eleven of the patients had other injuries, such
`as thoracic compression injuries or fractures of
`the lower extremities.
`The average follow-up period was ten
`months (range, six to 17 months). The mean
`time for roentgenographic control is eight
`When wound pain subsided, the patients
`were freely mobilized. They were discharged
`after two to three weeks if they had no other
`Two patients needed further operations.
`One had an anterior decompression and fu-
`sion because a postoperative CT scan showed
`that the neural decompression was not ac-
`ceptable. The second patient had continuing
`radicular pain and was therefore treated with
`root decompression.
`At follow-up examination, only the pa-
`tient with complete paraplegia remained un-
`changed. Three patients who were classified
`before operation as “motor useless,” i‘.e.,
`Frankel et al. Grade C,” were improved to
`Frankel Grade D. Six Frankel Grade D pa-
`Clinical Orthopaedics
`and Related Research
`tients were improved, although none was en-
`tirely free from neurologic symptoms. All
`except the paraplegic patient are walking
`without support or with crutches. Six pa-
`tients have returned to work, four are back at
`school, and two are being retrained. Eight are
`still on the sick list.
`Two patients were regarded as technical
`failures. In one patient the lower grips of the
`fixator were insufficient, and he regained al-
`most his original kyphotic deformity; how-
`ever, he is pain-free and working again. This
`patient was the second in this series and the
`device was a prototype. Another patient had
`a translatory instability that was not recog-
`nized at the time of operation. This patient
`should have had diagonal cerclage wiring
`done to prevent a late lumbar scoliosis of
`minor degree.
`The preoperative and postoperative ky-
`photic deformities are listed in Table I. In
`most of the fractures located in the middle
`and the lower lumbar spine, a local lordotic
`curve has been achieved.
`The reduction effect, measured by com-
`paring the anterior height of the injured ver-
`tebra before and after operation, was satisfy-
`ing. The preoperative value showed a com-
`pression to 56% of the calculated height of
`the vertebra. At the first postoperative check,
`the height of the vertebra was raised to an
`average of 88% of the calculated value. After
`eight months, this value decreased to 83%.
`Roughly one-half of the total loss occurred in
`the two patients defined as technical failures.
`If these cases are excluded, the average post-
`operative height is 85% of normal.
`The reduction effect, measured by calcu-
`lating the Cobb angle, showed an average
`loss of 4° in the group of 20 patients. If the
`technical failures are excluded, the angula-
`tion loss during the eight-month period
`averaged only 2°.
`With the PSF, the primary goals of the
`treatment are achieved: the patients are
`Number 227
`February. 1988
`Thoracolumbar Vertebral Fractures
`FIGS. 4A—4C. (A) Burst fracture of L2
`(arrows). (B) CT scan showing a large frag-
`located in the spinal canal.
`Roentgenogram taken six months after re-
`duction and fixation with PSF. The trans-
`pedicular grafting gives a slightly higher
`density to the central part of the body of the
`vertebra. The height of the vertebral body is
`well restored.
`pain—free after a few days, mobilization is
`easier than after Harrington distraction
`operations since there are no sitting restric-
`tions, and the brace, when required, is of a
`simple type.”'35 The anatomic end results
`are comparable to or somewhat better than
`those achieved with the Harrington tech-
`Two principles of treatment are consid-
`ered to promote regression of partial neuro-
`logic deficits in cases of unstable vertebral
`fractures. One is decompression of the spinal
`Olerud et -al.
`Clinical Orthopaedics
`and Related Research
`cord and nerve roots; the other is elimination
`of instability.5='6’2“’35 The time factor is also
`Decompression of the contents of the spi-
`nal canal can be achieved with distraction
`procedures, laminectomy, or an anterior
`surgical approach. Laminectomies alone are
`currently considered to be of little value, be-
`cause they increase instability6*9"6 such that
`the neurologic deficit may even be aggra-
`vated.“ Moreover, posterior decompression
`is usually an illogical choice of treatment
`since the pressure on the nerve structures is
`due, in most cases, to vertebral fragments or.
`disc tissue that is forced into the spinal canal
`from the anterior direction.” This has been
`demonstrated in recent years with CT inves-
`tigations.‘”:‘‘‘’ Because distraction operations
`alone also do not guarantee adequate de-
`compression,” especially in patients with a
`fracture more than three or four days old,
`anterior decompression operations com-
`bined with posterior or anterior fixation pro-
`cedures have been used increasingly in recent
`Radical anterior decompression and stabi-
`lization, however, is in many cases a rather
`extensive procedure. Posterior reduction and
`internal fixation with the Dick device” or
`the PSF,” used in this series, are far less de-
`manding procedures and give results equiva-
`lent to those of anterior operations.
`The anatomic results in this series are
`comparable to or somewhat better than those
`achieved with the Harrington technique, the
`reduction having been close to anatomic
`(Fig. 4). The tolerance for flexion deformity
`should also be better than in Harrington-
`operated patients, since the possibility of
`compensating for such a deformity is better
`preserved when only two vertebral segments
`are immobilized. Several problems with
`Harrington—operated patients have been re-
`ported (e.g., restricted lumbar mobility and
`loss of lordosis), notably after scoliosis sur-
`gery. The same is apparently true for trau-
`matized patients treated the same way.”
`The fractured and grafted vertebraesi” are
`expected to heal after six months, although
`the device is not removed before at least one
`year. The loss of anterior vertebral height
`and increasing flexion deformity can to some
`extent be explained by the two technical fail-
`ures in this series. For the rest of the patients,
`the loss of vertebral height is less than that
`described after Harrington fixation without
`technical failures.“ The reason for the loss of
`correction in patients who do not show any
`signs of PSF failure is probably that the grip
`of the screws decreased somewhat in the
`cancellous bone of the vertebrae.
`It is interesting that there is relatively more
`loss of flexion than of vertebral height. This
`is probably due to fact that an injured disc
`will collapse when the screw grip in the ver-
`tebra decreases somewhat.
`The major advantage of this method seems
`to be that further deformation after device
`removal can be avoided, but this still has to
`be evaluated and confirmed.
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