`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209
`1 of 30


`( TE XAS), ltK.
`v .
`c;vo Act ion liO •
`. .
`. .
`. • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
`30(b)(6) OAAL DlPOSIT10I< OF
`. . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . .
`Augu st 6, 2001
`taken ~'C 6. 2001
`l N D E X
`-'!>P• ••an<:os • - - - • • • • • • - • - - - - - - - • • 2
`u t.ihit• -
`- -
`- - -
`<il:Off llOtSC
`t:x.aaination by Mr. Bahl e r -
`.. -
`- -
`.. -
`7 Chan!!<'• a nd ~;90~ture -
`Reportr:r' s Certific ati on -
`- -
`- -
`• -
`- • -
`• 68
`.. 7 0
`?tOtice of Deposition
`u. s . Patent NO. S ,941,972
`.Abstract of Provi sion~] Router
`a s a witncs.s. at th~ insta1'ce of th1 Oefencb.nt attd duly
`sworn, w.u: taker\ 1.-i the abov• styled and no11bu~d ieau.5e
`on tht 6th d•y of ~ugust, l OOl, fro~ l : U p.11. to ~:lS
`P·•·, before: Saridra s.. GiYtns , CSJl , in 111d for the
`Statt of Texas. reported by inac;h1ne shorthand aethod,
`U tho offi ce• of Fulbr1ght & Jaworski, 600 Congress
`AYtnue, 1900 Ont Merle.all Cettter, AY$1;in, Te•~s 1&101,
`pursu~nt to the F~deral Aul~ S of C1Vf1 Procedure.
`~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""" r:
`A P P E A R A N C E S
`P>ll'" 2
`Alan o Albright
`Gray, Cary, Ware & r-reid~nrich, LLP
`1221 s. MOPac expressway
`suite 400
`Austin, Texas 78746
`David o. eahlc:r
`Fulbr19ht ~Jaworski, LLP
`l900 one American center
`600 congress Avenue
`Austin, Texas 78701
`h•ving bttn ffrst du1 y sworn, t~n;fied as tollowJ :
`(E• hil>h NOS. 22, B , ~nd 24 ""'rked . )
`I V ~R- 11.AJ·UFR :
`Good Nrn\ng 1 Mr . Ho~se.
`G<IO<I r.orn1 ng.
`lt:t N hand you whit:' s been markt-d ~s ~oese
`Exhibit 22. Before :r do thU l"t ~ just l l lr: ye>u. t.i-e
`)'OIJ tht Geoffrey UOll• that• s n~d as •n fnventor on
`t ho ~t~t In thl l c .. e7
`Yf:i .
`And you• re the SMlt Geoffrey Hoese that· 5 been
`deposed b~tore7
`Yt5 .
`DO you ni11 live i n t:he Ja•e: pliice?
`ves, t do .
`All ri9ht. Still th1 u11e age?
`.Probabl y olde r . Yoll ' re: ove r lS , you' r e
`Ok1ty •
`st; 11 over 187
`still over 18.
`l"hot h a copy of
`l"ak• a look at Exhi bit 22.
`c haparral's "Third Not ice of Deposition under Aul~
`JO(b)(G) to Cra.ssroads. ttle phiintiff in t his ca se, amd
`(512) 301-7088
`2 of 30
`CRDS 66684


`c;corr hocsc
`tahen ~t: 6. 2001
`it '?I> Q~ r u11de rs. t.Jr.hdi ng yat.1 h;ive bcit11 dt"si yn.Jit~tt 'Ctll
`SE)e:alt on behalf of Crossn:iad$ about t.opics S ;and 6.
`thot your understaodfng7
`Mil. AL8RIG>IT : Tf>«se t...,, Y .. h.
`T.._,E WITHE$.$: VU.
` 15 my
`(By Mr. Bahler') Are )'()U l)rf!pa.r1:d to do so
`t oday?
`Ye5, l ~n.
`Whilt d1d yo" do to prepare for your
`Briefly 1111t with .,y cotw1u1 ~for! this
`d•poshion. Th<ot'• about it,
`oi d you look •t any docull\l!nts?
`I b•Htve I looked at this on• doCU11ent. Yes.
`whi~h has been prt:viOtJsl~ Mi.rked n
`E•hiblt 24?
`Ho. C>ttdbit 2l, paragraph S.
`o~. thu notfce. okay. Exhibit 22.
`I loohd •t Stction S of 22.
`And 67
`Actually, no. 1 didn't look .at ti until now.
`l l
`P.r.• J
`I h•ve not bflltd Cronrood$ for •Y ~in• •• of
`this day.
`DO you have art agre1rr,.,mt th•t ~ou' re goin~ to
`bill then7
`~ot !pecHl<ally. NO .
`Do you have .Jo pcrJ.onal und.!: r~ l411nding tt1•t
`you' r1 90ing to be paid?
`1 'v• cons idered it and ""Y well do so .
`Have you 1 ct the• know thilt?
`I've: mentioned the possib ility.
`And wh;it was ttte-i r rctpon$tr1
`Q ..
`uer r~s:>0n.se7
`well, her or their. What was its r~spense7
`How ~boot that ..
`Th•y oettned op~n to the po"ibillty, and i t
`ms jun rta\ ill t opi~ for' further discu5sian.
`okay, oo you h<ove any sort of financial
`~rra.ngcncnt between crossr"Oa.ds and )'Our.ult ng1rding
`your testimony here today?
`Not SP•ciflcally. NO.
`But you• re the G 9uy7
`Yt~h. Ht'• tht 6 guy,
`Recording '4Y t e.sti.ony here, no.
`Q ht" Ute • l ook u Exhi bit 24. can you tell
`rr.e llllh~t t.hii.t is?
`It• s a. document I wrote descri biflO ttle
`th•r•cteristics o f the 972 patent at ttle initial
`Is thl.t your handwrhi119 on the front7
`on t:M fax cover page?
`ves, sir.
`Y~s. it is.
`MR. ALBRIGHT: And ht ~ just put do1o1n
`on the record it's •Y h3ndwrhfog "" the throe pages
`whore it nys "utorntys' eyes only,· since vrt produetd
`l •ean, l
`just. --
`Mil .. IAMLEA: That's fine.
`( ay Mr , aahl er) Okay.
`1>1ly did you prcporc
`t.Ms docu...nt7
`t prepartd th1 s docu..ent because 1 had a
`concept 1 nd ll1 i nvon t ion thlt I felt wu l"Orth
`pursufr1{]', an.d so 1 prtpared thi $ document to initiate
`the potent fi Hng,
`okay. Alld thf s dOCUNtnt wu prepared when?
`can you tf'll fr- looki1>9 at it?
`~t,.ccn March 22nd and Kay Uth, prior to Hay
`lSth, 1997.
`All right . Md ~hen this w•s sent to
`Mr. Antloony Pettn1an on Hay 21th, 1991?
`I believe so. vu. Thn's what's 1ndicned
`by the cover sheet, and that nakn sens•.
`(By Mr. Bahler) All right.
`I know,
`Mf'". Hoese. that whe:n we spoke yQt.1 "'""' employed by
`crouroods .
`ls that still the cue?
`I don't believe th~t. •'s Corrett when we i~st
`" Q
`" Q
`Ar-e you t!lllp l O)'ed by Ct'oS sroads toctot.y7
`Ho 1 i.·,.. not~
`when did you ltav• Crossroads?
`in OCtobtr of WOO.
`Okay, Do you havt a job r19'1t ,..,.,7
`I do t>Ot.
` do yoo do for .a 1 iv i n.;?
`I ~o '""" diff•r•nt consulting kind of
`ar,.angements with diff~rertt f1"'s where l have an
`advisory role fo a couple difftrent eo>panfts of a very
`luu~e nat ..... r·e.
`Do yDu pe:rfor11 any cons..,lting or 1dvisin~ for
`1·v1: ~rn involved with things relatihg to
`tMs trhl.
`Do you have a COflswltancy orrM1!JU"'nt rith
`Crossroads for this trii117
`No. Hot specifically, >lo.
`Ar~ ytlu b4!i ng co.wipensAted for- yoLU" t.inf hlrit
`'-.,,_,,,_-;:_--,,,."!'."!' •. ,,. •• .,.,,....,,,,,_.,,.,..,.,-... c; ..... ::;~-c:-• ..,-. ':". -....,,,...,_,..,,.,,,_""·· ·"-"'··"'·"'-""'·-=·-'"'""'· .. ="'""'·"··"·"·-c:". - -..-,, .. ::;, .. :: .. :::~:::-.:::.o: •. -:_::;:,:::.=.--::c.:-:.c::-:::._.._~.~"'---:.:n. .... ~-·~.,.._.,__,.,_'"· '.,..,. ..... -
`..... ,., • .,,, .. ,,,_,.,. .. ,,.., ...,,..-, ·"'·""· .. -""··~··'
`2 (p~gcs 5 LO 8)
`c;1verni CoURt: RcpoR.rtng
`(512) 301-7088
`3 of 30
`CRDS 66685


`c;'eoi; hocsc
`'U.hen Auguu~ 6, 2001
`was thh docu~nt comMJnicated to anybody
`pr1 or to date?
`1 don"t spedficai11y recall.
`All r-ight.~ So a5 far as you recall. t.heo fir~t
`\;.,. th~t this inforMat1on 1ncludod in hhihlt 24 wu
`convnuni rated ta anybody wa$ M~Y 2B, 19977
`I believe: it would be: prior to that,
`I would e')(pect that I r-e:viewed it with lfTY
`c.o-irwentor ort tht p.n:tnt, things of that sort.
`other lhan ~r. Ru»ell, &nybody elso?
`I don 1 t<iflcally r~calL lt.'s possible.
`l .. ay very pO$<lbly have shown it to Rrhn ~•dth.
`I'm certain I tHd at S""'1e a;io1nt. prfor to
`ltitt~a11y f;;ucing iL
`wh~t I'• asking fnr f s sp~cf fi c reco l liect ion
`of a.ny col*l'IUnicatiDn to anybody othrr than Mr. l'aterlll.l.n
`bie(Qre Ma)' 28rh, 1997.
`J aon't sp•ciHca)ly rec•ll thot. No.
`Now, on the 1~n page at tht bottc.•, the very
`hot tom. li n• 1 it :i;a.)'$ "eonc~,pt. by Geo ff Hoe~e t March 22 •
`1997," t11mJ it cot\t.inu~s .. First dnft, N)' 15th, 1'997."'
`14 And t~en as ••'ve already dhcuHed, you faxed this to
`25 Mr. Peterman on May 28th, 1997, right7
`"That wa.s the date: that I documented t.hat l had
`the id~a.s that a~5embled to cover th~ inatl"ria1
`presented hi:l"t.
`I'1n not sure what doc.lJmented -- what do you
`> 1997?
`" hy ''docuniente-d"?
`Q well, fo th•t answer you .. fd "th°''' the dat.
`that I doeuenetited." ... nd thrn )l[)LI mentioned something
`that you docune.nt.e.d.
`I doc:ul'llenterl that diilte as the: date- that I had
`the concept.
`How did yau arrive: at thil.t date?
`That was th• day that t.he idea. in whole as
`11 rit$tnte.d ocrurre:d to me,
`rh3t you pi ckod -- ~ow h
`"""' ;. h
`tha"t on IQy lSth or p'!'r·h4'ps 111s 1:tte as!Y 26th you
`re11emb~red .specifically tliiillt Mil)' 22nd, 1997 was lhl!
`d~te of conception?
`Thr date wasn•t May 22nd as you just st.e.ted.
`It Wi!lS 2:2nd.
`well. May lSth -- •ell, yea• did thie first
`dra.ft May 1Sth, and then I dan' t :know whr-n th i ~ M.1y or
`24 March 22nd of 1~97 dote was •dded, but 1 t "•S ~<ld~d
`ceruinly no later than M~y 18th, 1997.
`so rhe
`Q ..
`ThAt l[O be correct 1
`P.a.rdOB .i117
`question i~. whaT. m~de yo\J detide or wh"t .,,,tJ~ you
`r1<all e1th'r on May 15th, '~7 or on Hay 28Th,
`'97 th01t
`) March 22nd, •97 flllljiUi th1J ~t<: of (QnCitptiou?
`Poll' !O
`That lippear.s to be correct.
`okay. Na""t 1.'d 1;ke to •r.k you so11e quesHons
`Thi"' :Sa.y'fi ··~ir~t draft, May 15th• 1997. 11
`~bou't thillt-
`what doos thu 01ean7
`I would believe that's wl>en I too~ "'l' nous
`and cr-e .. ted thh particular word docu1tent that this was
`~t:nera.ted frolJ'I. So this '*'01.1ld h-= whtn l fir-it :started
`putting this 'into Word to create this specific
`ok.ay. Do you have: tho.5e note.s7
`? don't rrcal1 if :r have them or not.
`If ~ou had tl'le111. tl'ley •ololld have been produr:"'d
`1n this Cillse. correct?
`Actually, that would clarify 11y a:nswer of~ I
`11\0S.t c"'rtainly don't hiivC: th""'·
`ih'1: attnrn~y~ ruy ha.vie
`tile'" in the f;le• they "ight h•"• <olh<ted.
`knQW if th~y wet'e th~r~ or ntJ.t.
`(tk.ay. AnJ if lhll!')' weren 1 t produc:ed, they
`I don't
`don't. any longer exist?
`Tha.t would be 11y belief. Yeah.
`And thrn in that_ line. al~o. ii.~ we"v-e just:
`dhcu«ed, H hlks ahout "con~•Pt by Gooffroy Hoese,
`March 22nd, 19~7." What do" th~t ... an?
`(At this tirie th• proc:eed;ngs were
`inttrrupted by a tr1ephon.e ca.11.)
`""~· ALflitIGHT;
`(iln J t~ke this rral
`MR.. JU.MU:~: 5ure.
`(At this t.i•e the proc"edh9s went
`mD11entari ly off the record.)
`MR. BAHLER~ Last. question, pli"as.e:.
`{The referenced portion w•5 read ba(;ll. by
`th~ court reporter.)
`lHE WiltllSS! At the tirne the 1r1aterial
`w1,5 very fresh in iny mind. lt was actively the
`l suspect, ~lthough 1 don•t
`material I was working on.
`spetifir;a11~ recillll, tha.t I had docurt~nud it in nou'
`and drilft dr;awin9s ~md dccument5 that I had U$rd~ but I
`don't specifica1ly recall.
`(By ~r- Bahler) Ok•Y· DO you •• what sort of
`fl.Otes ~nd drawiflgs t!id y<11..1 nak,e7
`I d""'t spedfically reull.
`Oby. If tho .. notes &nd dra1111hg< wero not
`produced to U5 in th1$ '-1~41. thtn thty no longt.r txi"Ot,
`(512) 301-7088
`3 (pages 9 rn 12)
`4 of 30
`CRDS 66686


`lJ.>c.< 13
`I would H$UH $0, vu.
`okay. Did you CC!ll~unkate to anybody this
`con(:,p'ti on thn: yuu had of t.he i nven1:i on on Har-ch
`22nd, '97?
`• d011' t rec a 11 •
`okay. aetwecn March 2:Znd
`'g.7 .and M.1y
`28th, ' 97 did you commun1cau with anybody your ideas
`other than Mr, Russell?
`• most certainly •• J don't 5ptcifically
`recall a coriversation as such, but I n:ost: certainly
`11 would have discussed it. with Mr'4 Smith.
`PO you have any documr:ntat:ion of t:hat
`13 disclo•ure?
`Hot to my knowledge.
`Thitre inay be documen~ -- to furt~I' answer
`thH, the utorney, the approva 1 to u•e the ntorney
`and spend the money a nod ated with that w•s connecnd
`to th:1it.
`so the:~ ruy be- doc~nnmtoitition.
`I don't know
`that's -- but I don't specifically"""~ knowledge
`of it.
`Okay. Otht: r than Mr - ~tr r11:an did you s;how
`thL~ documern: or tBis ~or.cept to anybody outsid~ af
`I would holiove Bill ttuloey.
`~e:·s also one cf Cross.roads• lawyerl-7
`tee •U i'lt the \i"'' C11n ouutclt! attorney for
`patent work.
`'Latten A.ugtun:: 6. 2001
`poy- 15
`conception of your invention tRat you discuss.ed with
`2 Mr. Mulse)'. the:n why did you create the docul'lllient. t.hiill:t
`h«~ lJtien rnarked as E"hi b1t 2.411
`If I had existing document$, I prohably
`desired to increilse the ch.rhy .and the fot:u.s.
`okay. Do you spec:iflca.lly rer;all ha'Wing such
`J ret:illl having 501111 drawing$ that I'd don@:,
`I don't lmow if 1: hat f1ts what you 1 re:
`af'ld skttchu.
`c~llihg docunents or Pi1hatnot, t..vt --
`Q Well, 1·. just tryino to f;gure out. what
`existrd prior to t:td5 i;:Khibit 24, and spet~fically what
`docu .. l"t\t~ t-:xi~t~d prior to th1 u:istenc<t of D:hibit 24.
`a.elating. I pnt:!i.u..e. to the conception .. -
`-- of 'tht d°OCLtll'lent?
`5o, I'm ~ol"ry, ii a QU~stion u. to whn
`~ Yu.
`There were iii. body gf documll!nU relattng to the
`VerraunO' projitct d~.s.crihli11g characteristic~ of storage
`routers, et cn~r-. "Tk<erie 41.lrr,ost certainly ¥d!re
`aketchf!~ !111 white bQ~rd and tliings. of thi.t .sort. T~at
`,. •• ""'"""' pro<tico. sp•dflcally relatlno to the
`p,,,,, 16
`<-Onceµtfon, I don"t rec.all what documents tt'ier~ mi9~t
`have be~n other than that.
`When did you reveai 1 the COfltC:Pt to Mr. Hu 1 sry"'r
`SometiMG prior to the -- probably prior to a.t..y
`Okay. Oo you have a ~p~t:t ffc t"f'CD n~crio,.. of
`that fact?
`1 roe a 11 discussing t ~e ~at erh l of the
`disclosvre with hill"I priCJr -- and the process of
`determining what it is that I should in tel'lls of
`there be1ng .1 document; of this sort and what N.trrial
`I should incorporate. So I don 1 t spetifinlly r•,
`rau know, when that WCJ.S.
`okay. Did )-Q~ h.fllVtl' ~c;:U••rnt" with you during
`~our dhcussfons with"'· Hulsey?
`non"t re-call. Possibly,
`ok.11y. Let file ask )'ou this. If you had s.uch
`doi:;;u1nents: • why did )'DU cr.r:atr a Dl"'llll documl"nt, lllhi c;;h i"
`hhibit 247
`MR.. ALP.ICHT; Objection. A.s5UIM:$ facts
`not in evidtnte:. You (:;an answt:r.
`Tl<E WIThESS: C•n you ~•put th<
`aue:stfon or _ ...
`(By Mr. BahlH) If you had docu,,.Ms showing
`Okiy, ~fte r yo~ s•nt this fax to
`Anthony Peter'""n on Moy 28th, 1991 what ehe did you do
`with re:spe:ct to t.he preparat;on of the pa.tent
`'filhat did :y.ou do nu:t7
`.t\ppJic.;ition for the 972 pi.tent?
`Put it th&t way.
`IR oener~ l, I work,(t with Mr-. Pete.r•an to
`fu•ther describe the ch•ractedstic• to hi11 •• t~at n~
`l don•t r~all)' :!il)
`c<1uld pr~parr: th~ pat.erit.
`~ "i
`' l
`re'a 11 those events.
`oid you prov1d~ h;n additionol docunents?
`Very likely.
`Which on~s.? What dacumc nt s.1
`I don't rec.all.
`Oka.y. Did Ml". Pl!te:r1na.n tir<JY~ d~ you with a
`draft patent. 1.pplica.tior.?
`Eventually, yes, he did.
`t>o YQl\I kn(l• hQ• long C: hat look 7
`Not <p•(itfeally.
`Afte r )'OU got th~ -- wh~never ft. t"las when you
`9ot it -- w1ll 1 itrilte tti«t. Y<11.t do reciill 9ett;ng i.
`dr..ilft p~t~nt iiipplicat1on. correct?
`f belie"° •o. YU.
`S"""'t1•• b•fore the thing WU filed O<eember
`(512} 301-7088
`1+ !pages 13 rn 16)
`5 of 30
`CRDS 66687


`Jl>t '97' right7
`p .. [1<17
`l l
`Did you s~t one draft or ina.ny- dr11Jts <.ir what,
`do you rec• ll?
`I don't: .specifically recall.
`ok~y. Well, yo\J got at one, right?
`..i.~t did you do with t~n draftl
`1 r11t'.ri~d it; a~ Wt?:1l u providing it to
`"t'. Russell tor f"~view.
`okay. Did anybody •ls• w1 thfo crM<ro~ds
`review it?
`l don't recil11~
`..nd 4ftor yo~ r~vi •w•d ; t
`..tlat di<I you
`Again, t don't Jptc1f1tally r-eca.11, but I do
`recall that th~rit wa' ~ener.a.lly a draf't rev1ew cycle
`and ~ubrnit"ting r;h.ange-t- •md (.DDllLlt\ii::ations wit.h
`Mr. Ptttr~" on to it:.
`oo )'O~ te'"411ll •hen th ... t rtvit'.111 tol)k placf:?
`Did you in iln~ nay doc.ur1ent that. rr-view7
`It'• po<Sibl• that, you koow, that it .. 19ht
`h\\ve b":n nor.~d 1n my notes..
`I don•t sptdfic•llY
`rtt&ll doc::umant.iny 1t.
`p.,y.. 18
`~en August: 6. 2001
`$torage... Sri" that?
`okay, o1d )'111J and Mr. rete:r ... an d1sc1J!i.S what
`..... cc;u;.i controls" tllear\t?
`I don•t !Pt'cif1cally reca.11 thilt disC\ls.s.icm.
`It '1 probably reasonable: to i::u.uml?' ilt s0tne polnt ~e
`Okay. D[) you know llrrl'hen those discus.s'ic-ns
`Hot 5pedfically. N<>.
`Iller• thoy docu••nted7
`I don't r.c•ll that they were or not.
`T.h~ lhlil next .nntienc~ :Slys. ••Method.s are:
`provided that allow for configuration and nodification
`.,f tht storage allocated u ea~!\ W<>r~>tAtlon ~ttach..t.•
`see that?
`Are tho~e rnethoQ~ disclo~ei.I 'ln ttli~ duc.u111~nt,
`~·hll>h 2·47
`I"in not surt.
`OkJi)', w.c11, it~!t. only two pa9e.s., right? can
`:you find for .. , Hithin thi5 doc:urnent 211ny w.ethods or af'ly
`disclosure of a.ny rnethod.1 that allow for configur.ation
`""d 11odificotion of the storage ~tlotted to each
`worhtation attiid•ed7
`Okay. Did )'<JU keep tho draft?
`I don't rec•ll.
`If you had kept i"t. wh, rt wor.t l d you h•v~ kt,t)t
`n would be 1n the files that wue sub1111tto<i
`for th~ ....
`It would heive been in JtY file5.
`So if :you kept that draft. )'Our 1awyrrs would
`havt' givE:n it ta us?
`I fully el(pect they y,oul d .h1.v•.
`All rioht. Let'• toke a 1 ook at E•hibh 24.
`-rhi5 h 24?
`(Nods head.)
`Lot' S go back to Exhl bit 24, 0" the SetOnd
`p~ge of t~at: exh;bit .... then's only thrrae pilges.
`lhCllJcjing (:CJYe:r, that".i corrti::.t.
`The last iiaragraph fn the section called
`•Abstrac;:t• 1:her~~s a sente.hc:e that .says -- it.'s th1
`second sent.enc.• -- tha.i 5~ys. 1"Acc;:ess c.ohtrcl~ ia.nd
`rooting are f1r1t>lent'nteod such that. l!ach workstat;on has
`ac.r:tss to ii specific of tht: data ~tore, •h;rb
`hs th• ~ppcoranco and char~cur1nics c.f lgcal
`I WOLl'ld say that th1rt .are iinplicit "'ethods ill
`that th.r: storiilge is described H being seg.ntnttti 4'.nd
`"rh.e i111p1~mientation m~thods a:re left open.
`okay. wtl)' •ere t.he)' leh cipen1
`l wou1d say that thl"re .art: a variety of
`methods within the tonte•t •·•"tion1d tht cQold b• oud
`so that it ms not pert1neot to the invention itselL
`So once --
`But that•s, you know, that•s ... l don't r~ally
`spedfitally recall.
`so, and you were refer ri rag 41 ~e cond ago to the:
`1'1111 riot s.ure if t \ISed the
`allacation of storage.
`r!9ht ..,,.d, but you wore referring to draw1n~ J on the
`1a~t p•9e of' f:l.hihit 24, corr~t.t7
`.-iell, J wu ,.,ferri~g in toto to thl!
`dtb'IOMtratton throu9h the docu1r1ent that the 5torage • .u;
`desl:dbr:d in ~iQu.r~ 1, h. cor.ffgured and ll'IOdified as Oii
`contrut of Figures 1 •nd l.
`Okay. vou m•nt1on•d "configurod," and by
`configur~d with referen'°e to Figu-re J in £xh1b11: 24,
`yofi.I Mean Un~: o .. th11 ditpiction of the. s'tor~ge
`dev!u on t~• right:-hand ,id.> that show< global data,
`and it showrs a ~tor1gt devic.e on the rlght-haind .side
`th~t hu partltfoniog for worksntion 1, wor~statlo" 2,
`work$t.it10l'I l. WQrk1t~ti~.m .t; ia..fld th~A you'vt got. t.he
`· •. ·,,. I,..,.,, .~
`(512) 301-7088
`6 of 30
`CRDS 66688


`c;eoJ+ hoese
`'Caken ~ust; 6, 2001
`\)Agr 21
`botto,. storag• d•vice is dedicued to workstation 5.
`2 That"s lfiii~1itit you '1t:!ilin by "(<ihfigured, .. right?
`I was generi(ally alluc.liny tc the fact that
`"'oltiple c.onfigora.tlons of data or ll'lultiple
`configur;itions ar• ~monstrated in that drawin9.
`akay. And t'h•t' • •hat you .,unt by
`•• confi gu r~ti Qn·1
`No. lh~t' ~ too g~nerit:. I wouldn't neil
`it d0WT1 th;11t inudr.
`I'm jus"t globally c.ommentin9 that
`in brdttr to havt: ai d~ll'IOnstr.ilttd tonf1gurJition you~d
`kave to h.ave -- it lollo1111.s. tl••t there i.s a
`confiQUF"atio11 method.
`""fhat 's the only caament I was
`really making.
`okay. So b~ck to the sentence that. on
`the second p.age of Ex hi bit 24, it UIY$. "'Methods
`ar• providt"'d that allow far configurat.ion ~nd
`modificufon." o~e >v<h ooetnod for conUgurat1on, at
`ll!ast, 1$ illustrated in Figure 3, right7
`One such method -- 1 1 111 .sorry.
`I didn't follow
`~O your quenion thero.
`Ltt 11e bad; up a.nd ~sk the ( unda11ent ii 1
`question again. This sentencl! on the :second page, the
`last sentence a.f t.h-e t.hi rd p~ragraph ott tht srcond pag~
`cf Exhibit 24 s,a.y5~ "'Jii1ethod:5 iilrt!: phlvidr;d that illlow
`for configuration and nodific;ation of the storage
`.allocated tc (f_ac:tl workstation a.tu"hed." Ok~y?
`Hy quenion t.u )'OM i5, first pairt, whtre is
`th111: ~lhod in thi~ dot:uraen't that is provided th•t
`.allow.s for a confiQUrl!itfon .of t.ha.t storage?
`I wculd s.uggest thJit the Mthod is defined in
`tfit 't-0rage router as dl"iilwn, but thiit"s. an open
`P<-rie 13
`11ethod for modification of the storage allocilted?
`Again, I would say thu that's impl1c1t in th•
`S.turage router.
`okay. Shown In Figure 3, dght?
`Okay. And how -- whaT fo •igure 3 shows
`modification of tho ~llocated storage7
`tile sutement that ~othods are p ro•i ded that
`allow for configuration and nodification of the ncrago
`allocated to H'h workstiltion att~ch•d.
`okay. And fn your 11ind that's all that's
`nece~s•ry to shaw the ability to modify7
`okay. Nothing mor•7
`1n the context, absolutely. N<>thing 1110re.
`How, in Figure 3 thre are show~ five
`wrksutions, correct7
`And there i!lrc .shO'Nn thrc@ .st:or.age devices,
`whether those are three storage dev'iccs or
`what could be subjrct. to quest.:ion, but I'll allow th11t:.
`well. they' re storage devices, correct?
`h subdi•id•d into four norage elemenu. whether
`those are 1ndiv1dual de•lces --
`-- ii- a inatter of the p1:rspe.-;ti1Je. 1rid tnn·5.
`you know. that kind of rt":latl!~, l think, in (.IArt to th~
`lt"s -- 1t'5 implicit in the drawino and in
`the t~xt that there fs such ;a iMlll!thod~ The :5pedflc
`method, whe:the:I" that•~, you know, SOl'l'lt: given
`ill1)1f1ttl!ntation, isn't de5c.ribed here that I can Ste.
`Why isn't ft d•scr!bod7
`I don't spr:cific:ally recall any reason to
`d•.cribe it or to not dtscrfbe 1t wh•n I prodll<ed t~e
`Is thf! fnf:thod of configL.antfo11
`i .. portant. to your ln1Jf'ntiC'.ln7
`YOU bow, th•t's kind of a ~uestio~ that geB
`into -- t:learly. at the ti'"e I probably didn't think.
`that it was 1 a.nd I would prtib,bly hold that opinion;
`bul: thu roquiros ~ level of analysis and thought that
`I'm re;illy not prepared to gh•e right now.
`This !ii.entir:nce aho s;ays. ""Mcthod:5 are pro1Jid~d
`that allow for 110dific•tion qf the stor~e allocation."
`•·tiere in this doc.urient is there disc:lo:iure of- ttle-
`charJ.tttristi<:5 of the invention a.s to what!ttive
`dir'y'r~ h@inQ lot.1ked at, but --
`/\ll right, Where'• the ~uhod for modHyiMg
`that stor~ge ii\ that vi~w7
`! ·-
`"6odify;ng th11 st<iragl" alloc.uion in tha:t.
`RradinQ the tt>lt. 1Cs prOYided in the Hora~"
`okay~ ti40dHication is provided in the .storage
`The capab;l ity to rncdify and nm.figure is
`-...11, the only l:hing that's connecte~
`that can MOdify in this. figure are the workst.a.t.ions.,
`could you read that back,
`(Tke refertnctd portion •ills rie~tf bilck by
`thliil Cr;t\IJ"t r~pottef'.)
`l>ll WITNESS: The purpose of the dr;iwi ng
`c;1vcns Cowu:: ~poRnng
`(512) 301-7088
`6 rp~ges 21 t"O 211)
`7 of 30
`CRDS 66689


`c;eo~ hocec
`~n August: 6. 2001
`tsn•t to actd,.i!ss the- ll0dfff cat1on and configuration.
`The purpose of th• drilwing, I think. is to sho" thf:
`t:onnectfv'ity frM thi't per.spec.t1ve. So we'rt shm1in9
`th~ work~t atio"~ ~ffe (.Unr1ttcteJ that• s d~scribed in the
`c«pt ion.
`(By Mr. &ahlor)
`ls ..,diflcation of the
`allocated stor~ge, is th~t i"'POrtant. for your
`invent ion?
`The ab11ity to do •a. Yes.
`And htJw w.oul d that be done with reference ro
`Figure 37
`It'~ _ .. I dol'\'t ltnow tha.c th. Figu r• l s~
`,,,. de,rribes how that h done.
`Okay. H there ~ny disclosurt of hOW that
`'Ol()Uld be done within this cxhibi~ 247
`1 don't know of one, but it could bt dont ovor
`It co111d bt don• through
`tho interconnect> >hown.
`~notht r interconnecL
`It could be done ove:r tht intercont\tCtS shown
`to the l'IOrkHation5, correct?
`Hypoth•tically poHibh. Y••h.
`So a~ '-!tnClf'ived, your invention conter1pl•tcd
`that MOdiflcatfo~ oF th• >tong• .. nocated co•ld bt by
`the 111dividua.l workst<i1t ions, right?
`M• . ALBRIGHT ' Objtction.
`JJ.>£.c 26
`And l'• confu$ed. if I 1nay inh rj e c:t.
`M)" U1'dersta.ndin9 1 a.gain r e f~rrin.g Nick. to
`5 n~,. ~ here. was that the.s.t w.ert COf'PlJrAtc
`ptr•pectivt of datt of lnvtntfon. Ytt, you"re
`CllJ~~t.1oning u en elc111erah o f invtntion. Thh is all
`K prior 11ate.ri•l th~t we've covered in otht:r depositions .
`s.o I' rt concerned th•t w1 •re rep~a.t 1 ng
`ground u we 11 as, you know, going off on t•ngonts that
`11 we've .already been throur,tt, .and I rta.lly don'T feel
`real coafort•ble • ith that.
`Well~ Mr. Moese, wt.en you were df'pa~~d bf!farc
`..., didn't hve this E•hibit 24, •nd •very ~uen i~• I'v•
`asked you hs bun about hhi bh 24. All ri ghH
`IS thAt corrtct7
`MA: . ALIA.IGHT! Every ciuestiori he' .s askeO
`you I think has been •bout t hat <locu,,.nt.
`(By Mr. Uhler) Now, take a loot.: at
`ohHit Z3 ••
`MR. ~LBRIGH'T: 1· .. sorry. B•t j f
`· t. ~o...e:th;no you feel lili:t you need to .Adt;i tQ m.;;ike
`yovr 41nswers co.apl1tt tUt 90es outside of that, then
`you certainly need to acid !hot in ,
`(8y Mr. 8ahlrr) All right?
`1 N1scha.n.cur1zes hh testiliiony.
`,....[ WJTMESS; Your question -- c;An you
`read that back to ••, pi .. s~?
`(Tl1e rt ft rt:nct:d port ian 'lili'AS ~ad back bt
`lh~ c~ur t reporter.)
`l>lE wnN~~s: v•s. As conceived. th•t's
`ont of the ""thods that could b< used for
`confi guration.
`(Uy Mr. Bahler) And in f•r;t. ref erring; to
`Figure )• it' Ji t:ht tJt\1y 11cthod shown, correct?
`I don't: thin\ th11\ 's • fa.ii" (ha.ra.c.t.e rh~tion,
`• • the text rtf~rs tt> 110ltiph IOtthod• . other
`doc..,,.•ts prob~ly refer to other methods of
`comunic~cing Mith the stor~gl! routtr. so in the
`ccmUAt ot all the .... of a storil.g• router 1.nd tltit
`ciefinition.s thiillt ;are il.round I would agree with
`All dght. Let's take a look at Ewhibit 2),
`l'hich Is • copy of your pat~t. th• 97.l pattnt. Md
`Fi911n 1, which Is •• actually, thi• is Figure 3 on the
`vtry h.ce.
`Th;1.t·~ a drallffn9 of your 1nvt1tt:ion,
`corrt>ct. conc:eptuAl drawin9, blDck dii119ru of yo"r
`inv~nt'itm• right. Ff9ur11: 17
` ;~one suc h blocl diagra•. Thc1l'i
`A Ohy.
`Q - . rererrfo9 te> Exhibit 23, whic" is • copy
`of yqur pilt~nt, Fi~ure 3 1 just to lay the predicate
`<19iin, th1.t 1s a. block dia!Jra. of' cine ••boctiment of
`your i nventian , corrtct?
`And sh°'"" 1n thn fi9ure are workstations,
`.trind ~hQ""'1 ~r• lo tQ r~g,• device'• t;Drre(t?
`And also sto,.a.g~ routers ~re showo t~ r~,
`And all tnr•• of tho•e t hi•t• are al<o <hown
`in i!9ur• 3 of Exhibit 24, dght7
`okay. Aho $h""" in Figur• ] of Exhibit 2J ,
`whi'h Is your patent, h s.,.,.th1h9 <all•d a "•a.nag..ent
`st:1.tio,.. • DO yo1.1 set that?
`Now, that's not shown in Figure l of
`fxhibi t 24, is i t7
`Th.i.t"s c:orr•tt.
`Q WhM did YOll conctlve ot th• ,..,•ent
`' '
`(512) 301-7088
`1 (p<\ges 25 ro 28)
`8 of 30
`CRDS 66690


`c;coi+ hoeee
`t.:'ak<:n August: 6, 2001
`' .j
`.st ~ ri o117
`I wa"'ld say 1t was Milrch 22nd.
`'97 .
`okay. whtre i> that? ~how""' sptcifically
`"here In hhibh 24 there's a e<>nceptlo" of the
`lln.lnagt.-.ent" station.
`Again, it's. i•plicit. with thr stor419't routf'r
`conc~pt .
`so one• >'0&.J hitve- a<3 li ke Flgure
`l "hich •ho"s work<taUons •nd stor1go clevtces in a
`storaoe router. iltlplicit in that disclosure h ~n
`indeptndent aanagr:tte:nt work5t1tion, c.or~ct7
`I would J.i'IY ttyc Mty contu11poraneous doc~nts.
`th1.t refer to a storagt routtr iUld the: (onCfJJt of a
`storage ro\lter at that point did a1low for .and pr-ovide
`i nri- rrnnne-ct s. for an ex te rn1. l manllgl!:i'ltl\t nation. Ye5.
`twhat contcrnpora11 to us: docu~nts7
`lhcre ' $ the Verrauno spuJfication. Pro~ably

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