Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · · ·· AUSTIN DIVISION
`· CROSSROADS SYSTEMS, INC.,· · · · · · ·C.A. Nos.
`· · · · · · · Plaintiff,
`· ·· v.· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·1:13-CV-00800-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendant.
`·· _______________________________/
`· ·· v.
`·· ORACLE CORPORATION,· · · · · · · ··1:13-CV-00895-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendant.
`·· _______________________________/
`· ·· v.
`·· HUAWEI ENTERPRISE USA, INC., and· ·1:13-CV-01025-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendants.
`·· _______________________________/
`· ·· v.
`·· CISCO SYSTEMS, INC.,· · · · · · · ·1:14-CV-00148-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendant.
`·· _______________________________/
`· ·· v.
`·· NETAPP, INC.,· · · · · · · · · · ··1:14-CV-00149-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendant.
`·· _______________________________/
`· ·· v.
`·· QUANTUM CORPORATION,· · · · · · · ·1:14-CV-00150-SS
`· · · · · · · Defendant.
`·· _______________________________/
` · · · · · · · · · · Deposition of
` · · · · · · ·· RANDY HOWARD KATZ, Ph.D.
` · · · · · · · Tuesday, August 19, 2014
` · · · · · · · CSR 6862
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209

`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · · INDEX OF EXAMINATIONS
`·· ·
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· Page
`·· ·
`·EXAMINATION BY MR. ADAIR· · · · · · · · · · · · ··7
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·No.··Description· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·Page
`·· ·
`·Exhibit 1· ·Declaration of Randy Katz Regarding· ·7
`· · · · · · · Claim Construction of U.S. Patent
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Nos. 6,425,035, 7,051,147,
`· · · · · · · 7,934,041, and 7,987,311
`· ·
`·Exhibit 2· ·U.S. Patent No. US 6,425,035 B2,· · ··9
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Storage Router and Method for
`· · · · · · · Providing Virtual Local Storage,
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Hoese and Russell, *7/23/02, and
`· · · · · · · attachment
`· ·
`·Exhibit 3· ·U.S. Patent No. US 7,051,147 B2,· · ··9
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Storage Router and Method for
`· · · · · · · Providing Virtual Local Storage,
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Hoese and Russell, *5/23/06
`·· ·
`·Exhibit 4· ·U.S. Patent No. US 7,987,311 B2,· · ·10
`· · · · · · · Storage Router and Method for
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Providing Virtual Local Storage,
`· · · · · · · 7/26/11
`· ·
`·Exhibit 5· ·U.S. Patent No. US 7,934,041 B2,· · ·10
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Storage Router and Method for
`· · · · · · · Providing Virtual Local Storage,
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Hoese and Russell, 4/26/11
`·· ·
`·Exhibit 6· ·Plaintiff Crossroads Systems,· · · ··34
`· · · · · · · Inc.'s Notice of Oral and
`· ·
`· · · · · · · Videotaped Deposition of Randy H.
`· · · · · · · Katz
`· ·
`·Exhibit 7· ·Handwritten Diagram:··"Host, SR,· · ·93
`· ·
`· · · · · · · SR, FC SCSI, FC HPPI CI, SCSI;
`· · · · · · · Randy H. Katz; August 19, 2014"
`· ·
`·Exhibit 8· ·Handwritten Diagram:··"A, Host,· · ·100
`· ·
`· · · · · · · FC SCSI, SR, SCSI; B, Host, SCSI;
`· · · · · · · C, Host, SCSI, SR, SCSI, SR; Randy
`· ·
`· · · · · · · H. Katz; August 19, 2014"
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`·Exhibit 9· ·Expert Report of Dr. John Levy,· · ·116
`· · · · · · · with Exhibits, July 31, 2014
`· ·
`·Exhibit 10··Handwritten Diagram:··"WSA, WSB,· ··200
`· ·
`· · · · · · · WSC; SR; WSD, WSE; Randy H. Katz;
`· · · · · · · August 19, 2014"
`· ·
`·· ·
`· · · · · · · · · · · · ---o0o---
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`·· ·
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`· · · · ·· BE IT REMEMBERED that, pursuant to the laws
`·· ·
`·governing the taking and use of depositions, on
`·· ·
`·Tuesday, August 19, 2014, commencing at 9:18 a.m.
`·· ·
`·thereof, at the law offices of Weil, Gotshal &
`·· ·
`·Manges LLP, 201 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood
`·· ·
`·Shores, California, before me, JOHN WISSENBACH, CSR
`·· ·
`·6862, of San Francisco, California, personally
`·· ·
`·appeared RANDY HOWARD KATZ, Ph.D., called as a
`·· ·
`·witness by the Plaintiff, who, being by me first
`·· ·
`·duly sworn, was thereupon examined as a witness in
`·· ·
`·said action.
`·· ·
`·· ·
`· · · · · · · · · APPEARANCES OF COUNSEL
`·· ·
`·For Plaintiff Crossroads Systems, Inc.:
`·· ·
`· · · · ·· BY:··JOHN ADAIR, Attorney at Law
`· ·
`· · · · · · · · ELIZABETH BROWN FORE, Attorney at Law
`· · · · ·· 1301 West 25th Street, Suite 408
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Austin, Texas 78705
`· · · · ·· (512) 637-9223··
`· ·
`· · · · ·· (512) 366-7297··
`·· ·
`·For Defendant Dot Hill Systems Corp:
`·· ·
`· · · · ·· COOLEY LLP
`· · · · ·· BY:··J. ADAM SUPPES, Attorney at Law
`· ·
`· · · · · · · · (appearing telephonically)
`· · · · ·· One Freedom Tower
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Reston Town Center
`· · · · ·· 11951 Freedom Drive
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Reston, Virginia 20190-5656
`· · · · ·· (703) 456-8531··
`· ·
`·· ·
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`·For Defendant Oracle Corporation:
`·· ·
`· · · · ·· BY:··AARON Y. HUANG, Attorney at Law
`· ·
`· · · · ·· 201 Redwood Shores Parkway
`· · · · ·· Redwood Shores, California 94065-1134
`· ·
`· · · · ·· (650) 802-3213··
`·· ·
`· · · · ·· EUN HAE PARK, Senior Corporate Counsel
`· · · · ·· Oracle
`· ·
`· · · · ·· 500 Oracle Parkway
`· · · · ·· M/S 5op7
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Redwood Shores, California 94065
`· · · · ·· (650) 506-1241··
`· ·
`·For Defendants Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., Huawei
`· ·
`·Enterprise USA, Inc., and Huawei Technologies USA,
`· ·
`· ·
`· · · · ·· BY:··TIMOTHY C. BICKHAM, Attorney at Law
`· · · · ·· 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Washington, DC 20036
`· · · · ·· (202) 429-5517
`· ·
`·For Defendants Cisco Systems, Inc. and NetApp, Inc.:
`· ·
`· · · · ·· DUANE MORRIS LLP
`· ·
`· · · · ·· BY:··PATRICK S. SALCEDA, Attorney at Law
`· · · · ·· 2475 Hanover Street
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Palo Alto, California 94304-1194
`· · · · ·· (650) 847-4146··
`· ·
`·For Defendant Quantum Corporation:
`· ·
`· · · · ·· DURIE TANGRI
`· ·
`· · · · ·· BY:··ELIZABETH O. KLEIN, Attorney at Law
`· · · · ·· 217 Leidesdorff Street
`· ·
`· · · · ·· San Francisco, California 94111
`· · · · ·· (415) 362-6666··
`· ·
`· ·
`· · · · ·· HUI SHEN, Ph.D., Specialist
`· ·
`· · · · ·· Steptoe & Johnson LLP
`·· ·
`· · · · ·· CHRISTOPHER THROM, Videographer
`·· ·
`· · · · · · · · · · · · ---o0o---
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:17:46 ·1·
`· · · · ·· THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··Good morning, ladies and
`09:17:47 ·2·
`·gentlemen.··My name is Christopher Throm, your
`09:17:49 ·3·
`·videographer, and I represent Elite Video
`09:17:52 ·4·
`·Productions Incorporated, located at 3018 Commerce
`09:17:56 ·5·
`·Street, Dallas, Texas 75226.··The phone number is
`09:18:00 ·6·
`·(214) 747-1952.··Today's date is August 19th, 2014,
`09:18:08 ·7·
`·and the time now is approximately 9:18 a.m.
`09:18:11 ·8·
`· · · · ·· This is the start of disk labeled number 1
`09:18:14 ·9·
`·in the videotaped deposition of Randy Katz in the
`09:18:17 10·
`·matter of Crossroads Systems, Incorporated vs.
`09:18:22 11·
`·Dot Hill Systems Corporation, et al., Oracle
`09:18:25 12·
`·Corporation, Huawei Technologies, Cisco Systems,
`09:18:28 13·
`·NetApp, Incorporated, and Quantum Corporation, Cause
`09:18:32 14·
`·Number 1:13-CV-00800-SS and related cause numbers.
`09:18:42 15·
`·This is taken on behalf of the plaintiff.
`09:18:44 16·
`· · · · ·· Counsel, will you now please introduce
`09:18:46 17·
`·yourself and state whom you represent, start with
`09:18:47 18·
`·the questioning attorneys.
`09:18:49 19·
`· · · · ·· MR. ADAIR:··John Adair, for Crossroads
`09:18:51 20·
`09:18:52 21·
`· · · · ·· MS. FORE:··Elizabeth Brown Fore, appearing
`09:18:54 22·
`·on behalf of Crossroads Systems.
`09:18:57 23·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Aaron Huang, from Weil, Gotshal
`09:19:00 24·
`·& Manges, on behalf of Oracle Corporation, one of
`09:19:02 25·
`·the defendants in one of the related cases.
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:19:05 ·1·
`· · · · ·· MR. BICKHAM:··Timothy Bickham, from Steptoe
`09:19:08 ·2·
`·& Johnson, representing the Huawei defendants.··And
`09:19:11 ·3·
`·with me is Hui Shen, also from Steptoe & Johnson.
`09:19:15 ·4·
`· · · · ·· MR. SALCEDA:··Patrick Salceda, on behalf of
`09:19:18 ·5·
`·NetApp and Cisco.
`09:19:20 ·6·
`· · · · ·· MS. KLEIN:··Elizabeth Klein, from Durie
`09:19:22 ·7·
`·Tangri, on behalf of Quantum Corporation.
`09:19:24 ·8·
`· · · · ·· MS. PARK:··Eun Hae Park, Oracle
`09:19:27 ·9·
`09:19:27 10·
`· · · · ·· THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··Counsel on the phone?
`09:19:32 11·
`· · · · ·· MR. SUPPES:··Adam Suppes, for Dot Hill
`09:19:37 12·
`·Systems Corporation.
`09:19:37 13·
`· · · · ·· THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··The court reporter today
`09:19:41 14·
`·is John Wissenbach, from Alpha Depo.
`09:19:44 15·
`· · · · ·· Will you please swear in the witness.
`09:19:55 16·
`· · · · · · · · RANDY HOWARD KATZ, Ph.D.,
`·having been first duly sworn, testified as follows:
`· · · · · · · ·· EXAMINATION BY MR. ADAIR
`09:19:58 19·
`· · ·· Q.··Good morning, Dr. Katz.··Can you state your
`09:20:00 20·
`·full name for the record.
`09:20:02 21·
`· · ·· A.··Randy Howard Katz.
`09:20:07 22·
`· · · · ·· MR. ADAIR:··And I'm going to mark this as
`09:20:08 23·
`·Exhibit 1.
`09:20:27 24·
`· · · · ·· (Deposition Exhibit 1 was marked for
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`· · · · ·· MR. ADAIR:··Does anyone need a copy?
`09:20:33 ·2·
`· · · · ·· I've got one more spare if anyone needs
`09:20:36 ·3·
`09:20:39 ·4·
`· · ·· Q.··Can you identify the document that's
`09:20:41 ·5·
`·Exhibit 1?
`09:20:52 ·6·
`· · ·· A.··The first tab is my expert report, and it
`09:20:57 ·7·
`·appears that the rest of the exhibits are the
`09:21:00 ·8·
`·documents I depended upon for my opinions.
`09:21:06 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··And so this is the expert report, the
`09:21:11 10·
`·written opinion, you've offered in this litigation
`09:21:13 11·
`·with respect to claim construction?
`09:21:14 12·
`· · ·· A.··It is.
`09:21:15 13·
`· · ·· Q.··And the case caption sheet has a number of
`09:21:18 14·
`·different defendants on it.··So if I talk about this
`09:21:22 15·
`·litigation today, is it all right to refer to these
`09:21:26 16·
`·collectively as this litigation?
`09:21:27 17·
`· · ·· A.··Sure.
`09:21:29 18·
`· · ·· Q.··Were you retained by Dot Hill Systems Corp.
`09:21:40 19·
`·to render an opinion in this litigation?
`09:21:43 20·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:21:49 21·
`· · ·· Q.··So on paragraph 1 of the report, there's a
`09:21:58 22·
`·list of the defendants.··Were you retained by each
`09:22:02 23·
`·of these defendants to render an opinion in this
`09:22:05 24·
`09:22:14 25·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:22:42 ·1·
`· · · · ·· (Deposition Exhibit 2 was marked for
`09:22:55 ·2·
`09:22:55 ·3·
`09:22:56 ·4·
`· · ·· Q.··And do you recognize the document that's
`09:22:57 ·5·
`·been labeled Exhibit 2?
`09:22:59 ·6·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:23:00 ·7·
`· · ·· Q.··And can you identify that document?
`09:23:02 ·8·
`· · ·· A.··It is the -- one of the patents in suit.
`09:23:07 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··And that's United States Patent Number
`09:23:12 10·
`09:23:13 11·
`· · ·· A.··Correct.
`09:23:13 12·
`· · ·· Q.··And is it all right if we refer to that as
`09:23:15 13·
`·the '035 patent today?
`09:23:17 14·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:23:29 15·
`· · · · ·· (Deposition Exhibit 3 was marked for
`09:23:35 16·
`09:23:35 17·
`09:23:36 18·
`· · ·· Q.··And can you identify the document that's
`09:23:37 19·
`·been marked as Exhibit 3?
`09:23:39 20·
`· · ·· A.··This is another patent, which is one of the
`09:23:42 21·
`·patents in suit.
`09:23:44 22·
`· · ·· Q.··And that's the 7,051,147 patent?
`09:23:48 23·
`· · ·· A.··It is.
`09:23:49 24·
`· · ·· Q.··And is it all right if we refer to that
`09:23:51 25·
`·patent as the '147 patent today?
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:23:54 ·1·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:24:09 ·2·
`· · · · ·· (Deposition Exhibit 4 was marked for
`09:24:14 ·3·
`09:24:14 ·4·
`09:24:15 ·5·
`· · ·· Q.··And can you identify the document that's
`09:24:18 ·6·
`·been marked as Exhibit 4 for the record?
`09:24:20 ·7·
`· · ·· A.··It is yet another patent in suit in the
`09:24:22 ·8·
`09:24:25 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··And that's United States Patent 7,987,311?
`09:24:29 10·
`· · ·· A.··Correct.
`09:24:30 11·
`· · ·· Q.··And is it okay if we refer to that as the
`09:24:32 12·
`·'311 or "'311" patent?
`09:24:37 13·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:24:48 14·
`· · · · ·· (Deposition Exhibit 5 was marked for
`09:24:52 15·
`09:24:52 16·
`09:24:53 17·
`· · ·· Q.··And can you identify the document that's
`09:24:55 18·
`·been marked as Exhibit 5 for the record?
`09:24:57 19·
`· · ·· A.··It is yet another patent in suit in this
`09:24:59 20·
`09:25:01 21·
`· · ·· Q.··And is that United States Patent Number
`09:25:03 22·
`09:25:06 23·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:25:06 24·
`· · ·· Q.··And is it all right if we refer to that as
`09:25:08 25·
`·the '041 patent?
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:25:10 ·1·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:25:21 ·2·
`· · ·· Q.··If you look at the '041 patent, on the
`09:25:30 ·3·
`·cover sheet you'll see there's a list of related
`09:25:33 ·4·
`·applications, and the final one says -- final line
`09:25:39 ·5·
`·says it is a continuation of application number
`09:25:43 ·6·
`·09/011,799 (sic), filed on December 31st, 1997, now
`09:25:48 ·7·
`·patent number 5,941,972.
`09:25:51 ·8·
`· · ·· A.··I'm sorry.··Was there a question in that?
`09:25:52 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··I just wanted to point you to that.··And
`09:25:55 10·
`·have you found that?
`09:25:56 11·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:25:56 12·
`· · ·· Q.··Okay.··And is it all right -- today I'm
`09:26:03 13·
`·just going to refer to the priority date, for
`09:26:05 14·
`·convenience, as December 31st, 1997.
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Objection.
`09:26:09 17·
`· · ·· Q.··Is that all right?
`09:26:09 18·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Pardon me.··Objection; form.
`09:26:11 19·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··I understand that the
`09:26:12 20·
`·priority date is a issue in the case.··I think I
`09:26:15 21·
`·remember a May 1997 date.··But for the purposes of
`09:26:19 22·
`·today's deposition, if that's the date we're going
`09:26:22 23·
`·to use, I accept that.··But I'm not sure that is the
`09:26:26 24·
`·actual legally determined priority date.
`09:26:28 25·
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:26:30 ·1·
`· · ·· Q.··Okay.··So I understand that.··And I'll use
`09:26:33 ·2·
`·it today to refer to the date to which they claim
`09:26:37 ·3·
`·priority, whether there's -- someone wants to
`09:26:41 ·4·
`·dispute that or not, but just for convenience today.
`09:26:46 ·5·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Same objection.
`09:26:58 ·6·
`09:26:59 ·7·
`· · ·· Q.··Have you been deposed before?
`09:27:00 ·8·
`· · ·· A.··I have.
`09:27:00 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··And how many times?
`09:27:03 10·
`· · ·· A.··Over the last 33 years or so, probably
`09:27:11 11·
`·about 15 times.
`09:27:19 12·
`· · ·· Q.··And when was the last time you were
`09:27:21 13·
`09:27:21 14·
`· · ·· A.··Last time I was deposed was last fall,
`09:27:26 15·
`·September or October of last year.
`09:27:29 16·
`· · ·· Q.··Was that in conjunction with a patent
`09:27:32 17·
`·litigation case?
`09:27:33 18·
`· · ·· A.··It was.
`09:27:34 19·
`· · ·· Q.··What case was that?
`09:27:39 20·
`· · ·· A.··It was a case involving Intellectual
`09:27:44 21·
`·Ventures.··I can't quite remember who the defendant
`09:27:47 22·
`·was in that case.··I have a list somewhere of my
`09:27:52 23·
`·recent litigation experience and could review that
`09:27:57 24·
`·for you.
`09:27:59 25·
`· · ·· Q.··And were you acting as a expert for the
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:28:04 ·1·
`·plaintiff or defendant in that case?
`09:28:05 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··For the defendant.
`09:28:10 ·3·
`· · ·· Q.··And of the other -- were you only deposed
`09:28:16 ·4·
`·once in that case?
`09:28:17 ·5·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:28:18 ·6·
`· · ·· Q.··And so the other 15 or so times you've been
`09:28:21 ·7·
`·deposed, have those all been in conjunction with
`09:28:23 ·8·
`·patent litigation?
`09:28:24 ·9·
`· · ·· A.··No.
`09:28:25 10·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Objection; form.
`09:28:28 11·
`09:28:28 12·
`· · ·· Q.··How many times have you been deposed in
`09:28:29 13·
`·conjunction with patent litigation previously?
`09:28:32 14·
`· · ·· A.··I would say approximately 12 of those 15
`09:28:34 15·
`09:29:00 16·
`· · ·· Q.··In how many of those cases was the subject
`09:29:05 17·
`·matter of the patents related to storage
`09:29:08 18·
`09:29:09 19·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Form.
`09:29:10 20·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··I'm sorry.
`09:29:13 21·
`· · · · ·· Could you repeat that, please?
`09:29:15 22·
`09:29:15 23·
`· · ·· Q.··So the -- I'm sorry.
`09:29:20 24·
`· · · · ·· So -- let me go back.··The -- of the 12
`09:29:25 25·
`·times -- approximately 12 times you've been deposed
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:29:28 ·1·
`·in conjunction with patent litigation, how many
`09:29:30 ·2·
`·different cases was that?
`09:29:32 ·3·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Same objection.
`09:29:34 ·4·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··I believe I was deposed once
`09:29:36 ·5·
`·for each case in that list.
`09:29:42 ·6·
`09:29:42 ·7·
`· · ·· Q.··And of those 12 cases, in how many was the
`09:29:48 ·8·
`·general subject matter of the patents in suit
`09:29:52 ·9·
`·storage architecture?
`09:29:53 10·
`· · ·· A.··The --
`09:29:53 11·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Same objection.
`09:29:54 12·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··The majority of the cases.
`09:30:16 13·
`09:30:16 14·
`· · ·· Q.··Do you know the names of those cases?
`09:30:23 15·
`· · ·· A.··I can recite a few that come to mind.··I
`09:30:26 16·
`·believe that we have provided you with a complete
`09:30:28 17·
`09:30:37 18·
`· · ·· Q.··So is one of those case SIPCO -- that's
`09:30:41 19·
`·S-P-I-C-O -- vs. Toro, The Toro Company?
`09:30:44 20·
`· · ·· A.··I'm sorry.··That was a case I was involved
`09:30:47 21·
`·in.··But what is your question about that case?
`09:30:50 22·
`· · ·· Q.··Was that one of the cases that involved
`09:30:51 23·
`·storage architecture?
`09:30:52 24·
`· · ·· A.··It did not.
`09:30:55 25·
`· · ·· Q.··Did Intellectual Ventures vs. Motorola
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:30:59 ·1·
`·Mobility involve storage architecture?
`09:31:00 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··It did not.
`09:31:02 ·3·
`· · ·· Q.··Did Trans Video Electronics vs. Sony
`09:31:05 ·4·
`·Corporation involve storage architecture?
`09:31:07 ·5·
`· · ·· A.··It did not.
`09:31:09 ·6·
`· · ·· Q.··Did Mformation Technologies vs. RIM involve
`09:31:13 ·7·
`·storage architecture?
`09:31:14 ·8·
`· · ·· A.··It did not.
`09:31:19 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··What did SIPCO vs. The Toro Company relate
`09:31:24 10·
`09:31:24 11·
`· · ·· A.··It was about a sensor networking set of
`09:31:29 12·
`·technology patents.
`09:31:35 13·
`· · ·· Q.··And so what's sensor networking?
`09:31:38 14·
`· · ·· A.··It's a technology of devices which are
`09:31:44 15·
`·deployed in the physical world that are sensing
`09:31:48 16·
`·temperature, humidity, and things like that and
`09:31:50 17·
`·communicating with a central computer server to
`09:31:54 18·
`·control some physical environment.
`09:31:57 19·
`· · ·· Q.··And what was the subject matter of the
`09:31:59 20·
`·patents in suit in Intellectual Ventures vs.
`09:32:02 21·
`·Motorola Mobility?
`09:32:04 22·
`· · ·· A.··It was a set of technological patents
`09:32:08 23·
`·and -- and technologies associated with mobile
`09:32:11 24·
`09:32:12 25·
`· · ·· Q.··And what was the technology involved in
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:32:15 ·1·
`·Trans Video Electronics vs. Sony Corporation?
`09:32:18 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··That was a set of technologies related to
`09:32:21 ·3·
`·video games and video storage and distribution.
`09:32:31 ·4·
`· · ·· Q.··And what was the technology involved in
`09:32:34 ·5·
`·Mformation Technologies vs. RIM?
`09:32:36 ·6·
`· · ·· A.··That was technology associated with
`09:32:40 ·7·
`·communicating in a disconnected fashion with -- sort
`09:32:45 ·8·
`·of forwarding on electronic mail to cell phones.
`09:32:54 ·9·
`· · ·· Q.··Do you recall the names of any of the cases
`09:32:57 10·
`·that involved storage architecture?
`09:33:00 11·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:33:05 12·
`· · ·· Q.··How many of those cases do you remember the
`09:33:07 13·
`·names of?
`09:33:08 14·
`· · ·· A.··I can begin to list them for you.
`09:33:11 15·
`· · ·· Q.··That would be great, if you could do that.
`09:33:13 16·
`· · ·· A.··Well, one, of course, that --
`09:33:14 17·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Form.
`09:33:15 18·
`· · · · ·· Sorry.··Pardon me.
`09:33:16 19·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··One that immediately comes to
`09:33:18 20·
`·mind is Crossroads vs. Dot Hill.
`09:33:25 21·
`09:33:26 22·
`· · ·· Q.··And other than Crossroads vs. Dot Hill,
`09:33:30 23·
`·what other cases involved storage architecture?
`09:33:35 24·
`· · ·· A.··Another case I was involved in was Storage
`09:33:38 25·
`·Computer vs. Hitachi Data Systems.
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:34:01 ·1·
`· · ·· Q.··Okay.··Other than Crossroads vs. Dot Hill
`09:34:08 ·2·
`·and Storage Computer vs. Hitachi, what other cases
`09:34:11 ·3·
`·involved storage architecture?
`09:34:13 ·4·
`· · ·· A.··Another case involved EMC vs. Hitachi Data
`09:34:18 ·5·
`09:34:26 ·6·
`· · ·· Q.··Were -- were there any other cases that
`09:34:29 ·7·
`·involved storage architecture with Hitachi Data
`09:34:33 ·8·
`·Systems that you were involved in?
`09:34:35 ·9·
`· · ·· A.··At this moment I can't recall.
`09:34:37 10·
`· · ·· Q.··Okay.··Other than the Dot Hill and Hitachi
`09:34:42 11·
`·Data Systems cases, are there -- is there any other
`09:34:45 12·
`·cases that involved storage architectures?
`09:34:49 13·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:34:49 14·
`· · ·· Q.··And what were those cases?
`09:34:53 15·
`· · ·· A.··There was a case involving Thinking
`09:34:58 16·
`·Machines Partners and IBM.
`09:35:07 17·
`· · ·· Q.··What other cases involved storage
`09:35:10 18·
`09:35:10 19·
`· · ·· A.··Thinking Machines Partners and
`09:35:17 20·
`·Hewlett-Packard Corporation.
`09:35:18 21·
`· · ·· Q.··What other cases involved storage
`09:35:21 22·
`09:35:21 23·
`· · ·· A.··Thinking Machines Partners versus a company
`09:35:25 24·
`·called Xiotech.
`09:35:33 25·
`· · ·· Q.··What other cases involved storage
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:35:36 ·1·
`09:35:36 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··There were additional cases, but at this
`09:35:40 ·3·
`·point I -- I do not recall them.
`09:35:49 ·4·
`· · ·· Q.··In Storage Computer vs. Hitachi Data
`09:35:55 ·5·
`·Systems, what were the general product types
`09:35:58 ·6·
`09:35:59 ·7·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Form.
`09:36:01 ·8·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··In that particular case, it
`09:36:05 ·9·
`·was a set of patents around a technology known as
`09:36:09 10·
`09:36:18 11·
`09:36:20 12·
`· · ·· Q.··And what was technology involved in EMC vs.
`09:36:27 13·
`·Hitachi Data Systems?
`09:36:28 14·
`· · ·· A.··It was a -- also about this technology
`09:36:32 15·
`·known as RAID.
`09:36:35 16·
`· · ·· Q.··And the -- what was the technology involved
`09:36:37 17·
`·in Thinking Machines vs. IBM?
`09:36:40 18·
`· · ·· A.··Also RAID.
`09:36:42 19·
`· · ·· Q.··And Thinking -- what was the technology
`09:36:45 20·
`·involved in Thinking Machines vs. Hewlett-Packard?
`09:36:48 21·
`· · ·· A.··Also RAID.
`09:36:51 22·
`· · ·· Q.··What was the technology involved in
`09:36:54 23·
`·Thinking Machines vs. Xiotech?
`09:36:57 24·
`· · ·· A.··RAID as well.
`09:37:10 25·
`· · ·· Q.··Did you offer any opinions in Storage
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:37:14 ·1·
`·Controller vs. Hitachi Data Systems?
`09:37:16 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··I'm sorry.··You -- you -- I think you said
`09:37:18 ·3·
`·something wrong.··Could you please repeat that?
`09:37:20 ·4·
`· · ·· Q.··I -- did you offer any opinions in Storage
`09:37:23 ·5·
`·Computer vs. Hitachi Data Systems?
`09:37:25 ·6·
`· · ·· A.··I think you said "Storage Controller."
`09:37:27 ·7·
`·Storage Computer --
`09:37:28 ·8·
`· · ·· Q.··"Storage Computer," I'm sorry.
`09:37:29 ·9·
`· · ·· A.··So I'm sorry.··Could -- because I got
`09:37:31 10·
`·confused by what you said --
`09:37:32 11·
`· · ·· Q.··Oh.
`09:37:33 12·
`· · ·· A.··-- could you repeat that?
`09:37:34 13·
`· · ·· Q.··Did offer any opinions in the case of
`09:37:36 14·
`·Storage Computer vs. Hitachi Data Systems?
`09:37:38 15·
`· · ·· A.··Yes.
`09:37:40 16·
`· · ·· Q.··And in what form were those opinions
`09:37:45 17·
`·that -- reports, affidavits, declarations?
`09:37:48 18·
`· · ·· A.··That particular litigation took place in
`09:37:51 19·
`·the High Court of Justice in the United Kingdom in
`09:37:54 20·
`·London.··In that particular jurisdiction, there are
`09:37:58 21·
`·not expert reports, as in the USA.··So it involved
`09:38:04 22·
`·creating some documents of a variety of kinds but
`09:38:11 23·
`·not the traditional examples of expert reports in
`09:38:15 24·
`09:38:21 25·
`· · ·· Q.··Did you offer any opinions in EMC vs.
`(888) 667-DEPO
`19 of 215

`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:38:26 ·1·
`·Hitachi Data Systems?
`09:38:27 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··I did.
`09:38:29 ·3·
`· · ·· Q.··And in what form were those opinions?
`09:38:31 ·4·
`· · ·· A.··They were of the form of -- actually, that
`09:38:36 ·5·
`·particular case was tried before the International
`09:38:42 ·6·
`·Commerce Commission, and it was an enjoinder -- I'm
`09:38:48 ·7·
`·not sure I'm getting the legal terms exactly
`09:38:50 ·8·
`·right -- for Hitachi to be able to sell their
`09:38:53 ·9·
`·technology in the United States, because of a
`09:38:55 10·
`·claimed patent infringement of Hitachi products by
`09:38:59 11·
`·patents that were held by EMC.··So as I recall in
`09:39:04 12·
`·that case, it did involve expert reports and
`09:39:09 13·
`·depositions but was tried before the International
`09:39:14 14·
`·Commerce Commission instead of a -- a court
`09:39:17 15·
`09:39:18 16·
`· · ·· Q.··And did you give an opinion on claim
`09:39:24 17·
`·construction in that case?
`09:39:29 18·
`· · ·· A.··At this point I do not recall.
`09:39:31 19·
`· · ·· Q.··Do you know if you gave an opinion on
`09:39:33 20·
`09:39:34 21·
`· · ·· A.··I did.
`09:39:37 22·
`· · ·· Q.··Did you give any live testimony in that
`09:39:40 23·
`09:39:40 24·
`· · ·· A.··I did not.
`09:39:43 25·
`· · ·· Q.··Other than infringement, did you give an
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`Crossroads Systems, Inc. vs. Oracle Corporation
`Randy Howard Katz, Ph.D.
`09:39:47 ·1·
`·opinion on any other subject matter?
`09:39:50 ·2·
`· · ·· A.··In EMC vs. Hitachi?
`09:39:54 ·3·
`· · ·· Q.··Yes.
`09:39:54 ·4·
`· · ·· A.··I -- as I recall, I did give opinions about
`09:40:02 ·5·
`·some technical aspects of damages assessment in that
`09:40:07 ·6·
`·particular case.
`09:40:10 ·7·
`· · ·· Q.··And generally when was that case?
`09:40:14 ·8·
`· · · · ·· MR. HUANG:··Form.
`09:40:16 ·9·
`· · · · ·· THE WITNESS:··Again, I could -- I could
`09:40:18 10·
`·produce the dates for you by reviewing a document
`09:40:22 11·
`·that I have.··But if I had to put a general date to
`09:40:26 12·
`·it, it would have been in the first half of two --
`09:40:31 13·
`·so somewhere around 2002.

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