Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·CASE NO. IPR2014-01207, IPR2014-01209, IPR2014-01197
`· · · · · ·· PATENT 7,015,147 B2; 6,425,035
`·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
`· · · · · · Petitioner,· · · · · · · · · ·:
`· · · · ·· vs.· · · · · · · · · · · · · ··:
`·CROSSROADS SYSTEMS, INC.,· · · · · · · ·:
`· · · · · · Patent Owner.· · · · · · · · ·:
`·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
`· · · · · · · ·· JEFFREY S. CHASE, Ph.D.
`· · · · · · · · Friday, April 3, 2015
`· · · · · · · · · · · · VOLUME I
`· · · · · ·· Videotaped deposition of JEFFREY S. CHASE,
`·Ph.D., a witness herein, called for examination by
`·counsel for the Patent Owner in the above-entitled
`·matter, pursuant to notice, the witness affirming to
`·before MAREN FAWCETT, RPR, Notary Public in and for
`·the State of North Carolina, taken at the Washington
`·Duke Inn, 3001 Cameron Boulevard, Durham, North
`·Carolina at 9:17 a.m., on Friday, April 3, 2015, and
`·the proceedings being taken down by Stenotype by
`·MAREN FAWCETT, and transcribed under her direction.
`(888) 667-DEPO
`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· On behalf of the Petitioner:
`· · · · · · GREG H. GARDELLA, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Oblon, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, LLP
`· · · · · · 1940 Duke Street
`· · · · · · Alexandria, VA··22314
`· · · · · · (703) 413-3000
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · · · · · · ·· - and -
`· · · · · · AARON Y. HUANG, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
`· · · · · · 201 Redwood Shores Parkway
`· · · · · · Redwood Shores, CA··94065
`· · · · · · (650) 802-3213
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · ·· On behalf of the Patent Owner:
`· · · · · · SCOTT CROCKER, ESQ.
`· · · · · · · ·· - and -
`· · · · · · JOHN ADAIR, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Sprinkle IP Law Group
`· · · · · · 1301 W. 25th Street, Suite 408
`· · · · · · Austin, TX··78705
`· · · · · · (512) 366-7308
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · · · · · Email:
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· On behalf of the Patent Owner:
`· · · · · · RUSSELL T. WONG, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Wong, Cabello, Lutsch,
`· · · · · · Rutherford & Brucculeri, LLP
`· · · · · · 20333 SH 249, Suite 600
`· · · · · · Houston, TX··77070
`· · · · · · (832) 446-2420
`· · · · · · Email:

`· · ·· Also Present:··Eun Hae Park, Esq., Oracle
`· · · · · · · · · · · Neal Tibrewala, L5 Software Group
`· · · · · · · · · · · Deandrae M. Shivers, Videographer












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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · · · · · · · · ·· C O N T E N T S
`·THE WITNESS· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··EXAMINATION
`· ·· By Mr. Crocker· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··6
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · -oOo-
`· · · · · · · · · ·· E X H I B I T S
`·· EXHIBIT· · · · · ··DESCRIPTION· · · · · ··IDENTIFIED
`·Exhibit 2040· · · ··Drawing· · · · · · · · · · ··161
`·Exhibit 2041· · · ··Drawing· · · · · · · · · · ··203
`·(Exhibits retained by Mr. Crocker.)
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · -oOo-














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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · · · · · · · · P R O C E E D I N G S
`· · · · · · (Mr. Huang not present.)
`· · · · · · THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··This is the beginning of
`· · ·· disk one in the deposition of Jeffrey S. Chase,
`· · ·· Ph.D., in the matter of Oracle Corporation,
`· · ·· NetApp, Incorporated and Huawei Technologies
`· · ·· Company, Limited versus Crossroads Systems,
`· · ·· Incorporated, case number IPR2014-01197.
`· · ·· Today's date is April 3rd, 2015 and the time is
`· · ·· approximately 9:21 a.m.
`· · · · · · Counsel, please introduce yourselves after
`· · ·· which our court reporter will swear in the
`· · ·· witness.
`· · · · · · MR. CROCKER:··Scott Crocker here on behalf
`· · ·· of patent owner and with me I have John Adair,
`· · ·· Neil Tibrewala and Russell Wong.
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Greg Gardella of Oblon on
`· · ·· behalf of Petitioners Oracle, Huawei and NetApp,
`· · ·· and I'm joined by Eun Hae Park and Aaron Huang
`· · ·· on behalf of Oracle.
`· · · · · · · · JEFFREY S. CHASE, Ph.D.,
`·was called as a witness by counsel for the Patent
`·Owner and, having duly affirmed to tell the whole
`·truth before the Notary Public, was examined and
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·testified as follows:
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·Would you please introduce yourself on the
`· · ·· A.· ·My name is Jeffrey, J-e-f-f-r-e-y, S, as in
`·Scott, Chase, C-h-a-s-e.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Dr. Chase, we met before the deposition
`·started, but I'd like to reintroduce myself on the
`·record.··My name is Scott Crocker and I'm with the
`·Sprinkle IP Law Group and I'm here today representing
`·the patent owner, Crossroads.··Do you understand who
`·I am and who I represent?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you ever given your deposition before?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, I have.
`· · ·· Q.· ·On about how many occasions?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe this will be my seventh
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have any of the other depositions been in
`·an IPR proceeding?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you understand that today's proceeding
`·is similar to the depositions in regular litigation
`·and that you're giving sworn testimony here today?
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you understand what you and I discuss
`·here today is being taken down by our court reporter
`·and will be produced as a transcript?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Because of that, if we just have a couple
`·of -- ground rules is too strong a word, but if you
`·would wait until I finish my question before you
`·answer it and I will try to wait until you finish
`·your answer before I start my next question.··That
`·will make the proceeding go by a lot more efficiently
`·and make the court reporter's job easier.··All right?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And if I ever mention that to you again,
`·I'm not getting on you.··I'm just -- likely you'll
`·say it more to me than I will to you.
`· · ·· A.· ·Thanks.··I'll appreciate the reminder.
`· · ·· Q.· ·All right.··And then also the court
`·reporter can't take down a nonverbal response like
`·nodding your head or shaking your head.··So if you'd
`·please respond verbally to my questions.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And then if you ever don't understand a
`·question I've asked you or can't answer it the way
`·I've asked, just ask me to repeat it or rephrase it
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·and I'd be happy to do that.··All right?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··Thank you.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And the biggest one is this is not an
`·endurance test.··So if you ever need to take a break
`·for any matter, just let me know and as long as there
`·is not a question pending I'll be happy to let you
`·take a break.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··Thank you.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is there any reason why you cannot
`·competently testify today?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you understand that during the breaks
`·that we take in this deposition that you're not to
`·speak with counsel for the Petitioners regarding what
`·we're talking about here today?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And do you understand if today's proceeding
`·goes into tomorrow that will apply during the
`·overnight period?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you do anything to prepare for today's
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What did you do?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, I reviewed some materials over the
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·last few weeks and we had a meeting yesterday for
`·most of the day with Mr. Gardella here and Ms. Park
`·and discussed some of the issues in the case.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What materials did you review in order to
`·prepare for today's deposition?
`· · ·· A.· ·I reviewed my declaration, the patents at
`·issue and their claims and various cited prior art
`·references in my declaration as well as some other
`·references cited in my declaration.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Anything not cited in your declaration?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And you mentioned your declaration.··We're
`·actually here today on three separate IPR
`·proceedings.··Do you understand that?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·One of them involving the '035 patent and
`·two of them involving the '147 patent.··Do you agree?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··I'm a little -- little fuzzy on how
`·there are two proceedings regarding the '147 patent,
`·but that's -- I'll be happy to listen if you'll
`·explain it to me, but it's probably not necessary.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So -- so you filed different declarations
`·in the various proceedings; is that correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And, as you noted, the two proceedings
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·related to the '147 you have the same declaration for
`·both of those; is that correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, I filed -- I prepared declarations for
`·the IPR requests.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So -- but the declaration that you
`·prepared -- so the two that relate to the '147 patent
`·are the -- I don't know if you know the IPR numbers,
`·but the 1207 and 1209?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Okay.··And is it the same declaration that
`·you prepared that cover both the 1207 and 1209?
`· · ·· A.· ·I prepared only one declaration for the
`·'147 patent.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So earlier when you said you reviewed your
`·declaration in order to prepare for today's
`·deposition, was it the one for the '147 or the one
`·for the '035?
`· · ·· A.· ·Both actually.
`· · ·· Q.· ·In reviewing the declarations in preparing
`·for today's deposition did you notice anything that
`·was inaccurate or incorrect in those declarations?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Other than counsel who are here today, did
`·you speak with anyone else to prepare for today's
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, there was also present a gentleman
`·named Aaron Huang I believe.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Anyone else?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And Mr. Huang is counsel for Oracle; is
`·that correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you ever spoken with Dr. Hospodor?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you know who Dr. Hospodor is?
`· · ·· A.· ·I heard his name mentioned yesterday, but I
`·don't know him.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you read anything that Dr. Hospodor
`·has prepared with respect to either the '035 or '147
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you read the deposition testimony for
`·Dr. Hospodor which was given in IPR -- in an IPR
`·proceeding related to the '035 patent?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you had that testimony read to you?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you know who Dr. Randy Katz is?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··Everybody knows who Dr. Randy Katz
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you spoken -- ever spoken with
`·Dr. Katz?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Has it been in relation to either the '035
`·or '147 patents?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Has it been related to your work in the
`·IPRs that we're here for today?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you read anything that Dr. Randy Katz
`·has prepared with respect to either of the two
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·When is the last time you spoke with
`·Dr. Katz?
`· · ·· A.· ·More than five years ago, probably less
`·than ten.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you read any testimony that Dr. Katz
`·has given with respect to either the '035 or '147
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What is your current job?
`· · ·· A.· ·I am a professor of computer science at
`·Duke University.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And how long have you held that position?
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· A.· ·I've been on the faculty at Duke for 20
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you have any other current employment
`·other than your job at Duke?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·You are performing consulting services
`·today, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you have a separate corporation that
`·does those consulting services?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you ever worked in the data storage
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·When was that?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, I worked for Hewlett-Packard in 2003
`·and 2004 as a visiting scholar on a sabbatical leave
`·from Duke; and prior to and during graduate school I
`·worked for a company called Digital Equipment
`·Corporation primarily on engineering for storage
`·system products and UNIX products, more generally.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Was there a name of the storage system
`·products you were working on for Digital Equipment?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, yes, I worked in Digital's
`·engineering group for the ULTRIX operating system and
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·I worked on file system components in the ULTRIX
`·operating system kernel, including network file
`·system components; and I also worked on another
`·product that actually went by several brand names at
`·different times, but at one point I believe it was
`·called Polycenter.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What years were you employed with Digital?
`· · ·· A.· ·1985 through 19 -- 1990 -- 1994.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What is your rate that you're charging for
`·the work that you're doing in the three IPRs that
`·we're here for today?
`· · ·· A.· ·If I could first amend my previous answer.
`·I think my employment with Digital might have
`·actually terminated in 1992.··It was a while ago.
`· · · · · · And my rate for these consulting services
`·is my standard rate, which is $650 an hour.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Other than the IPRs regarding the '035
`·patent or the related patents, have you worked on any
`·other IPRs?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.··Pardon me, did you ask specifically
`·about the '035 and '147?
`· · ·· Q.· ·Yes, and I meant they're -- they're more
`·than just the '035 and '147 --
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·-- correct?
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··There are two other patents.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Correct.··And so I meant other than those
`·four patents, have you done -- have you been involved
`·in any other IPRs?
`· · ·· A.· ·No IPRs other than for the Crossroads
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you have independent knowledge of
`·Crossroads outside of these patents?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Had you ever heard of Crossroads before?
`· · ·· A.· ·I think I may have and, you know, I Googled
`·them at the beginning of this, but I have no
`·knowledge of Crossroads.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, prior to your engagement in these IPRs,
`·you didn't have any knowledge of Crossroads; is that
`· · ·· A.· ·The name sounds familiar, but I don't have
`·any specific knowledge of Crossroads.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Prior to being engaged in this matter, did
`·you have any knowledge of any products that
`·Crossroads sold at any point in time?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you have any financial interest, like
`·stock, in Quantum?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· Q.· ·Cisco?
`· · ·· A.· ·I own index funds.··Certainly there are
`·various holdings in those index funds.··Specifically,
`·certainly not in Quantum.··I have held Cisco stock at
`·one point in time.··I don't believe I have any now.
`· · ·· Q.· ·How about NetApp?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Oracle?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Huawei?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And, finally, Dot Hill?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·When were you first contacted about the
`·IPRs that we're here for today?
`· · ·· A.· ·That would be in late May or June of 2014.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Who were you contacted by?
`· · ·· A.· ·I was contacted by Greg Gardella.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what were you asked to do?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, we discussed -- we discussed the case
`·and he asked -- suggested that I serve as an expert
`·witness for this proceeding.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what specifically were you asked to do
`·to serve as an expert witness in this proceeding?
`· · ·· A.· ·I was asked to review the patents at issue
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·and also review some prior art relating to the
`·patents at issue and to prepare the declarations in
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you undertake any independent prior art
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what was the prior art search that you
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, in reviewing the patents, I reviewed
`·some other systems that I was familiar with that were
`·related to the -- the technical subject matter of the
`·patents and we discussed the relationship of the
`·material in those patents with some of those other
`· · ·· Q.· ·Anything else?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What were the other systems?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, one in particular as I recall was
`·Sun's Network Disk, which was a network-based block
`·storage system with access control from the mid-1980s
`·as well as some systems from the research community
`·that I'm familiar with that have similar functions,
`·including one called Petal and another called
`·Network-Attached Secure Devices, both of which are
`·referenced in my declarations.
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`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· Q.· ·Any --
`· · ·· A.· ·There may have been others.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Any that you can recall here today?
`· · ·· A.· ·Not specifically, no.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you share the systems that you had
`·identified with counsel?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, we discussed them.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you share any materials with them
`·regarding these systems?
`· · ·· A.· ·I shared materials with them regarding
`·systems that I myself had worked on, but that was not
`·specifically with respect to prior art, which you're
`·asking about.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what were the systems that you have
`·worked on?
`· · ·· A.· ·There are a number of them.··The various
`·papers on these I believe are listed as exhibits in
`·my declaration.··I believe we listed roughly a dozen
`·papers from the time frame around and including the
`·priority date of the patents that pertains to the
`·subject matter.··I might be able to list them if --
`·if you would like me to.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Dr. Chase, I'm going to hand you what is
`·marked as Exhibit 1010 in the 1207 IPR.
`· · ·· A.· ·Thank you.
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you recognize that document?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, I do.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What is Exhibit 1010?
`· · ·· A.· ·1010 is my declaration pertaining to the
`·'147 patent.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And earlier we discussed that it's the same
`·declaration that was filed in the 1209 IPR
`·proceeding; is that correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so, yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, just for ease, if we refer to Exhibit
`·1010, we're referring to the one that you have in
`·front of you, which is the one from the 1207 IPR,
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And the one that you filed in the 1197 that
`·discusses the '035 patent, is it similar to the one
`·that's here as Exhibit 1010?
`· · ·· A.· ·It is similar in the background material
`·and to the extent that the claims are similar,
`·those -- those portions of the declaration are also
`· · ·· Q.· ·And then internally within your declaration
`·it refers to various exhibits that have -- are given
`·exhibit numbers as well, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
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`· · ·· Q.· ·And is that numbering consistent over the
`·two declarations?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe that it is.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And so, for example, Exhibit 1 is the
`·patent; is that right?··Exhibit, I'm sorry, 1001.
`· · ·· A.· ·I -- I -- that -- I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you list in the declaration what the
`·exhibits are and what their exhibit numbers are?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.··I don't recall specifically.
`·They're mentioned in the text.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And I believe there is also an Appendix B
`·at the end?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, Appendix B does list the exhibits and
`·the titles of those documents.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, obviously, Exhibit 1001 is the patent
`·that this declaration was prepared for, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Which would be the '147 patent?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And so in the 1197 IPR your declaration
`·refers to the '035 patent; is that right?
`· · ·· A.· ·That's correct.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And is it also designated as Exhibit 1001?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Just trying to set it up to make it easier
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·for us to discuss so we don't have to use the
`·cumbersome qualifying everything, but if you look
`·through the rest of the exhibits in Exhibit -- I'm
`·sorry, Appendix B to your declaration, with respect
`·to 1003 through 1007, are those the same as the
`·exhibits that are attached to your declaration for
`·the 1197 IPR?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe that's true and Exhibit 1008 as
`· · ·· Q.· ·Okay.··I'm at -- so 1001 is the '147
`·patent, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And 1002 is the file history for the '147
`·patent, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And so in the declaration you prepared for
`·the '035 patent those would be the '035 patent and
`·the file history for the '035 patent; is that
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And then starting at 1003, those are the
`·references that you cited and then the other papers
`·that you discussed in your declaration, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And so from 1003 on are those consistent
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·between the two declarations?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, many of them are consistent across
`·the two declarations.··I think that the infringement
`·contentions, 1009, may also be different; 1024 may or
`·may not be included, I don't -- I don't recall
`·specifically; and, similarly, the 1025 and 1026.··I
`·believe generally that all of these are -- are the
`·same across the two declarations except insofar as
`·there are differences among the specific patents.
`·For example, the infringement contentions may be
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what do you -- what do you mean by "the
`·infringement contentions may be different"?
`· · ·· A.· ·As I recall, there are different
`·infringement contentions for each of the patents.
`· · ·· Q.· ·What numbers would those be?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, I'm speaking of the petition, Exhibit
`· · ·· Q.· ·Okay.
`· · ·· A.· ·I could be wrong about that.
`· · ·· Q.· ·All right.··Right, and we noted that -- you
`·already noted that one, that 1009 might be patent
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Okay.··And then you also mentioned that
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·1024, 1025 and 1026 might also be patent specific; is
`·that correct?··Might be?
`· · ·· A.· ·Might be, yes.··Probably not 1024 and 1025,
`·but the others, 1027 through 1031, are other
`·references that represent the state of the art prior
`·to the priority date of these patents or at the time
`·of the priority date of these patents and those I
`·believe are the same across all of the declarations.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And Appendix B, does that set out
`·everything that you reviewed to render the opinions
`·that you have rendered in these proceedings?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is the list exhaustive?
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe so.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you -- in preparing your opinions in
`·this proceeding, did you reference the SCSI-2
`· · ·· A.· ·I don't recall if it was referenced
`·specifically.··Yes, I believe it was.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Where is it listed?
`· · ·· A.· ·I don't see the SCSI-2 standard listed in
`·Appendix B.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So did you -- did you review it?
`· · ·· A.· ·I think we are actually talking about
`·the -- perhaps the SCSI -- SCSI controller commands,
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`·SCC command specification.··It is true that there
`·were some questions about the nature of discovery
`·commands in the SCSI specification at the time of the
`·prior art and I did look at some materials relating
`·to that.··They may have been -- may have been cited.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what would they have been?··What would
`·-- what in Appendix B would be -- would consist of
`·those materials?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, I'd like to -- I'd like to look at
`·the text in the declaration that pertains to that.
`·It may not be in the '147.··I think it is in the
`·'147, but I -- if it is cited in the declaration,
`·then it is left out -- apparently left out of
`·Appendix B.··I don't see it.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So -- so it should have been listed?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection, foundation, form.
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··If it is cited, then it
`· · ·· should have been listed.··But, more generally, I
`· · ·· represented to you that the list was exhaustive
`· · ·· of materials that I reviewed and it is true that
`· · ·· I did review some SCSI specification documents
`· · ·· as well.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what SCSI documents did you review in
`·order to prepare your opinions in this case?
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 1
`· · ·· A.· ·I review

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