Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`·CASE NO. IPR2014-01207, IPR2014-01209, IPR2014-01197
`· · · · · ·· PATENT 7,015,147 B2; 6,425,035
`·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
`· · · · · · Petitioner,· · · · · · · · · ·:
`· · · · ·· vs.· · · · · · · · · · · · · ··:
`·CROSSROADS SYSTEMS, INC.,· · · · · · · ·:
`· · · · · · Patent Owner.· · · · · · · · ·:
`·- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - X
`· · · · · · · ·· JEFFREY S. CHASE, Ph. D.
`· · · · · · · · Saturday, April 4, 2015
`· · · · · · · · · · · · VOLUME II
`· · · · · ·· Videotaped deposition of JEFFREY S. CHASE,
`·Ph.D., a witness herein, called for examination by
`·counsel for the Patent Owner in the above-entitled
`·matter, pursuant to notice, the witness affirming
`·before MAREN FAWCETT, RPR, Notary Public in and for
`·the State of North Carolina, taken at the Washington
`·Duke Inn, 3001 Cameron Boulevard, Durham, North
`·Carolina at 9:17 a.m., on Saturday, April 4, 2015,
`·and the proceedings being taken down by Stenotype by
`·MAREN FAWCETT, and transcribed under her direction.
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`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209

`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · ·· On behalf of the Petitioner:
`· · · · · · GREG H. GARDELLA, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Oblon, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, LLP
`· · · · · · 1940 Duke Street
`· · · · · · Alexandria, VA··22314
`· · · · · · (703) 413-3000
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · · · · · · ·· - and -
`· · · · · · AARON Y. HUANG, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Weil, Gotshal & Manges, LLP
`· · · · · · 201 Redwood Shores Parkway
`· · · · · · Redwood Shores, CA··94065
`· · · · · · (650) 802-3213
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · ·· On behalf of the Patent Owner:
`· · · · · · SCOTT CROCKER, ESQ.
`· · · · · · · ·· - and -
`· · · · · · JOHN ADAIR, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Sprinkle IP Law Group
`· · · · · · 1301 W. 25th Street, Suite 408
`· · · · · · Austin, TX··78705
`· · · · · · (512) 366-7308
`· · · · · · Email:
`· · · · · · Email:
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · ·· On behalf of the Patent Owner:
`· · · · · · RUSSELL T. WONG, ESQ.
`· · · · · · Wong, Cabello, Lutsch,
`· · · · · · Rutherford & Brucculeri, LLP
`· · · · · · 20333 SH 249, Suite 600
`· · · · · · Houston, TX··77070
`· · · · · · (832) 446-2420
`· · · · · · Email:

`· · ·· Also Present:··Eun Hae Park, Esq., Oracle
`· · · · · · · · · · · Neal Tibrewala, L5 Software Group
`· · · · · · · · · · · Rob Hahn, Videographer












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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · · · · · · · · ·· C O N T E N T S
`·THE WITNESS· · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··EXAMINATION·2·
`· ·· By Mr. Crocker· · · · · · · · · · · · · ··230, 427
`· ·· By Mr. Gardella· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ··426
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · -oOo-
`· · · · · · · · · ·· E X H I B I T S
`·· EXHIBIT· · · · · ··DESCRIPTION· · · · · ··IDENTIFIED·8·
`·Exhibit 2042· · · ··Drawing· · · · · · · · · · · ·365
`·(Exhibit retained by Mr. Crocker.)
`· · · · · · · · · · · · · -oOo-














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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · · · · · · · · P R O C E E D I N G S
`· · · · · · · · · · · · (Mr. Adair and Mr. Huang not
`· · · · · · · · · · · · present.)
`· · · · · · THE VIDEOGRAPHER:··We're now on the record.
`· · ·· Here begins Volume II, media number one, in the
`· · ·· deposition of Dr. Jeffrey S. Chase.
`· · · · · · Today's date April 4th, 2015.··Time on the·7·
`· · ·· video monitor is 0835.
`· · · · · · Would the court reporter please swear in
`· · ·· the witness so we can begin.
`· · · · · · · · JEFFREY S. CHASE, Ph.D.,
`·was called as a witness by counsel for the Patent
`·Owner and, having duly affirmed to tell the whole
`·truth before the Notary Public, was examined and
`·testified as follows:
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·Dr. Chase, welcome back.
`· · ·· A.· ·Thank you.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Do you understand you're still under oath
`·for today's part of the deposition?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you discussed today's -- or, I'm
`·sorry, yesterday's proceeding with anyone?
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`· · ·· A.· ·Maybe just a little bit with my wife.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Have you spoken with counsel who are
`·present here today?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Did you review anything since we ended
`·yesterday evening?
`· · ·· A.· ·I glanced at a couple of patents.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Which patents did you glance at?
`· · ·· A.· ·I looked primarily at the -- at the
`·Crossroads patent specification.
`· · ·· Q.· ·The '035 and '147?
`· · ·· A.· ·I don't recall which one I looked at, but
`·they're all the same.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Anything other than the Crossroads patents?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·If you would get the Bergsten patent in
`·front of you, which I believe is the '209.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And if you would turn to column 7 at lines
`·20 and 22.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·I'm sorry, I have the wrong cite down here.
`·It's actually at 29.··I couldn't find it in here.··So
`·at column 7, line 29 it says:··"The OS 20 controls
`·the overall operation of the storage controller,
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`·including emulation data flow, caching of data in the
`·local memory 24, control of data mirroring and error
`·recovery."··Did I read that correctly?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is it your understanding that the OS 20 of
`·Bergsten performs the mapping of the host logical
`·address to the internal logical address and then to
`·the physical addresses?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection to form.
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··That mapping, which we
`· · ·· discussed in detail yesterday, could be
`· · ·· implemented by a combination of hardware and
`· · ·· software.··I don't recall that the Bergsten
`· · ·· specification details specifically what
`· · ·· combination, but certainly it could be
`· · ·· implemented in its entirety in the OS.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is there anything in Bergsten that suggests
`·to you that it could be done either partially or
`·wholly by hardware?
`· · ·· A.· ·Certainly it would be the responsibility of
`·the OS or operating system to initialize and manage
`·the maps.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And then, continuing on down on column 7 at
`·line 35, it says:··"In particular, the emulation
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`·drivers 21 receive read and write requests from the
`·host computer 2 and convert the read and write
`·requests into a format recognized by the OS 20."··Did
`·I read that correctly?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So the purpose of the emulation driver is
`·to convert read and write commands to a format
`·recognized by the operating system of the storage
`·controller, correct?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection, form.10·
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··I believe the text is read
`· · ·· and write requests into a format recognized by
`· · ·· the OS.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·So the purpose of the emulation driver is
`·to convert read and write requests to a format
`·recognized by the operating system of the storage
`·controller, correct?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection, form.
`· · · · · ·
` THE WITNESS:··That's what it says here.
`· · ·· And I think it's important to understand that
`· · ·· since Bergsten discloses that a number of
`· · ·· different protocols could be used for the host
`· · ·· to communicate with the storage apparatus that
`· · ·· the amount of conversion that might be required
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`· · ·· or the nature of that conversion would depend on
`· · ·· what that format is.··I think in the common case
`· · ·· where we have a standard command format
`· · ·· encapsulated over protocols, such as Fibre
`· · ·· Channel for example, that conversion would
`· · ·· involve primarily deencapsulating the commands
`· · ·· and transmitting the commands to the operating
`· · ·· system without the framing and various other
`· · ·· information that's necessary to transmit those
`· · ·· commands reliably across the network.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·So what you're saying is the level of
`·conversion might differ depending on the protocol
`·that the host device is using to communicate with the
`·storage controller; is that right?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, it is of course possible that the
`·protocol would involve some different command format
`·that does require some conversion, but Bergsten
`·certainly doesn't require that and that might not be
`·the case.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Does Bergsten describe any other
`·functionality of the emulation drivers?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, what it says here in column 7 at line
`·32 I believe is that the emulation drivers provide
`·communication of data between the storage controller
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`·and the local host computer via communication path 7.
`·So I understand that the emulation drivers are
`·responsible for interacting with whatever device
`·interfaces to that communication path and managing
`·whatever data transfer is required in order to --
`·whatever data transfer and other formatting or
`·protocol information is required in order to transmit
`·and receive data from that data path.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And by "device" you mean host device?
`· · ·· A.· ·Sorry.··I was -- when I said "device," I
`·meant an interface device that would be attached to
`·the hardware, such as shown in Figure 3, item 14, for
`·example.··It says "host device I/F," which is
`·interface, and that might, for example, be a device
`·that has some logic that manages some of the
`·functions of transmitting data to and from the host.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So is it your testimony that the emulation
`·drivers communicate with the host device interface
`·component of the storage controller?
`· · ·· A.· ·The emulation drivers would include
`·whatever software is necessary to communicate with
`·the host device interface and whatever functions --
`·whatever other functions are necessary to present
`·data between the host interface and the operating
`·system in a format recognized by the operating system
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
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`·as it says here.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And then that host device interface 14 is
`·what communicates with the actual host device,
`·referring to Figure 3 that you were referencing?
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, of course, it's a combination of the
`·emulation driver, the host device interface 14 and
`·the transport medium 7 that together implement that
`· · ·· Q.· ·With the host device?
`· · ·· A.· ·With the host device.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So other than converting read and write
`·requests to a format recognized by the operating
`·system in the storage controller and providing
`·communication of data between the storage controller
`·and the local host computer via communication path 7,
`·does Bergsten describe any other functionality of the
`·emulation driver?
`· · · · · · · · · · · · (Mr. Huang enters room.)
`· · ·· A.· ·I believe that pretty much captures it.··If
`·you like, I'd be happy to look through the Bergsten
`·patent here to see if there's any other disclosure
`·pertaining to the emulation driver that I've
`· · ·· Q.· ·Certainly, if you need to reference the
`·patent any more to answer the question, do so.
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`· · ·· A.· ·I think I'll let my answer stand, that
`·pretty much sums it up.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Earlier you corrected my question to you
`·making a distinction between read and write requests
`·and read and write commands.··I believe I used the
`·word "commands" and you changed it to "requests"?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is there a distinction between request -- a
`·read and write request and a read and write command?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection to form.
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··When we say "request," we're
`· · ·· referring to -- I would understand that term to
`· · ·· refer to both a command that's being transmitted
`· · ·· and any network protocol state -- for example,
`· · ·· headers and so on -- that's necessary to send
`· · ·· that command reliably over the network.
`· · · · · · For example, in all of these systems that
`· · ·· we're talking about it's quite typical to use
`· · ·· the standardized SCSI command set to access
`· · ··
` these storage devices and that SCSI command set
`· · ·· can be encapsulated over a wide variety of
`· · ·· network transports.··When you run -- access a
`· · ·· Fibre Channel device through FCP, you're using a
`· · ·· Fibre Channel transport protocol and a SCSI
`· · ·· command that's encapsulated within that Fibre
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`· · ·· Channel transport protocol frame.··And of course·1·
`· · ·· that Fibre Channel transport protocol can run
`· · ·· over -- can actually run over ethernet today or
`· · ·· run over a variety of different transports.··So,·4·
`· · ·· depending on all the layers of the protocol
`· · ·· stack, there may be a great deal of other
`· · ·· information included within a request or within
`· · ·· the network's transmission that contains a
`· · ·· request.
`· · · · · · So I understand the emulation driver is
`· · ·· primarily isolating the operating system and
`· · ·· other machinery in the storage apparatus from
`· · ·· the details of how that communication actually
`· · ·· occurs.··It's all encapsulated within the
`· · ·· emulation driver.
`· · · · · · But it is true that nowadays we run Fibre
`· · ·· Channel over ethernet and we encapsulate
`· · ·· ethernet frames over Fibre Channel and a variety
`· · ·· of different ways we can combine these various
`· · ·· protocols to manage reliable communication over
`· · ·· whatever medium is available.
`· · · · · ·
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, referring back to that Figure 3, if the
`·communication path 7 is Fibre Channel, the emulation
`·driver will convert read and write requests from
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`·final -- from Fibre Channel to the format recognized
`·by the OS, correct?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Could I have the question
`· · ·· back, please?
`· · · · · · THE REPORTER:··So, referring back to that·5·
`· · ·· Figure 3, if the communication path 7 is Fibre
`· · ·· Channel, the emulation driver will convert read
`· · ·· and write requests from Fibre Channel to the
`· · ·· format recognized by the OS, correct?
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··Yes.··And, of course, that
`· · ·· might or might not involve any translation of
`· · ·· the actual command.··For example, if the command
`· · ·· is a standard SCSI command and the Bergsten
`· · ·· apparatus uses SCSI on the other side or
`· · ·· understands SCSI commands internally, then no
`· · ·· command conversion would be required.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·What do you mean by "the Bergsten apparatus
`·uses SCSI on the other side"?
`· · ·· A.· ·If we refer to Figure 3, you can see that
`·next to the host device interface 14 there is a
`·storage device interface 15 that interfaces to local
`·storage devices across a transport medium 8.··And,23·
`·similarly, a variety of different protocols or
`·command sets might be used to issue commands to those
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`·storage devices.··A variety of protocols might be
`·used to issue those commands as requests.··And what·2·
`·I'm saying is that in the industry today it's
`·actually quite standard that many different kinds of
`·devices, including perhaps these local external
`·storage devices, would understand the SCSI command
`·set.··And in that case the role of the storage
`·controller would be primarily to forward the commands
`·and perform whatever address translation is required
`·in accordance with the maps which we discussed
`· · ·· Q.· ·Bergsten can support more than one type of
`·storage interface, correct?
`· · ·· A.· ·You're referring to the storage device
`·interface 15 --
`· · ·· Q.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· A.· ·-- in Figure 3?··Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So the storage controller in Bergsten can
`·have a host device interface that uses different
`·protocols or command sets than what the storage
`·device interface on the other side of Bergsten uses?
`· · ·· A.· ·Bergsten does not exclude that possibility.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, for example, you could have a main
`·frame with ESCON talking to the storage controller
`·and then that same storage controller could talk to
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`·SCSI devices using the SCSI protocol?
`· · ·· A.· ·I suppose that would be possible.
`· · ·· Q.· ·If the standard SCSI command set is used on
`·both the host device interface and the storage device
`·interface, so on both the host end and the storage
`·end, why is it that there would be no conversion
`·required internally within Bergsten?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection to form.
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··Certainly if we transmitted
`· · ·· command sets that were entirely different on the
`· · ·· medium 7 to and from the host and the medium 8
`· · ·· to and from the local external storage devices,
`· · ·· according to Figure 3, then a substantial amount
`· · ·· of conversion would be required, but if the
`· · ·· command sets are similar -- it's still the case
`· · ·· that various kinds of translation and conversion
`· · ·· might be required, but it would primarily
`· · ·· involve the virtualization mapping and
`· · ·· translation mapping from the logical storage
`· · ·· spaces that the host sees and the underlying
`· · ·· physical storage spaces on the external storage
`· · ·· devices that the storage apparatus manages.··And
`· · ·· it might be the case that a block in the storage
`· · ·· space that the host sees would actually be
`· · ·· replicated on multiple devices on the storage
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`· · ·· devices accessed through the path 8 connected to
`· · ·· the apparatus; or there might be varying degrees
`· · ·· of redundancy; or the blocks might be
`· · ·· distributed across those devices in some way.
`· · ·· And all of these different functions which would
`· · ·· be quite common in storage systems of this
`· · ·· nature would require various levels of mapping
`· · ·· and translation, certainly of the block
`· · ·· addresses.··It might involve converting a
`· · ·· command into multiple commands to the storage
`· · ·· devices and various other things that might be
`· · ·· required, but if the command sets broadly were
`· · ·· very similar then other kinds of conversion
`· · ·· would typically not be required.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·You mentioned blocks that the host sees.
`·Are you referring to the request -- requested
`·addressing space?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, I said blocks in the storage space
`·that the host sees.··And when I said "storage space,"
`·I think I was using a term from the Crossroads patent21·
`·that we are presenting a logical -- virtual local
`·storage to the host as a -- most likely as a logical
`·device and that's what I was referring to as the
`·storage space that the host sees.
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`· · ·· Q.· ·How about with respect to Bergsten?
`· · ·· A.· ·As we discussed yesterday with respect to
`·both Bergsten and Kikuchi, the address the host
`·supplies, what we call the requested address, could
`·be in a variety of forms.··Neither Bergsten nor
`·Kikuchi discloses in detail what the requested
`·address might look like other than to note that this
`·host interface and host medium 7 could be a Fibre
`·Channel medium or a SCSI medium or any one of a
`·variety of other transport networks or media that
`·were common in the industry.··And the requested
`·address could have a variety of different forms, but
`·in the discussion in Bergsten and Kikuchi it simply
`·refers to it as a number.
`· · · · · · So we might -- excuse me, it doesn't -- it
`·doesn't disclose what the specific form of that
`·requested address is.··So whether the storage space
`·that the host sees is divided into multiple logical
`·devices, which might be common, or whether it's one
`·flat block space isn't disclosed in any detail.
`· · ··
` Q.· ·If you'd refer to column 3, line 14.
`· · ·· A.· ·Pardon me, column 3, line 14?
`· · ·· Q.· ·Yes, sir.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And I believe we referenced this yesterday,
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`·but at line 14 it says that the storage controller
`·emulates a local storage array for the host computer
`·system which it services?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And how is this not a description in
`·Bergsten about what the local host sees?
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Objection, form, foundation.·7·
`· · · · · · THE WITNESS:··Well, when we discussed this
`· · ·· yesterday, I think I said that I understand that
`· · ·· statement to be saying that the storage that the
`· · ·· host sees that the host uses that storage in the
`· · ·· same way and perceives it in the same way that
`· · ·· it might perceive a local storage array.··And I
`· · ·· believe that's the concept that the Crossroads
`· · ·· patent refers to as virtual local storage.
`· · · · · · BY MR. CROCKER:
`· · ·· Q.· ·And in Bergsten how does the host use that
`·storage in the same way as it would a local storage
`· · ·· A.· ·Well, if we refer to Figure 1, we could see
`·that the hosts are also connected to the transport
`·medium 7 and access the storage controller through
`·this medium 7.··And that medium could be a standard
`·storage interconnect, such as a SCSI transport or
`·Fibre Channel network, and a host could use it to
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`·access a local storage array.··And what it means to
`·say that it uses it in the same way is that the
`·commands or requests that the host sends to the
`·storage controller over 7 would be broadly the same
`·or even identical to the commands and requests that
`·it would send to a local storage array over the same
`·medium.··So then, in fact, it is indistinguishable to
`·the host whether it is talking to a local storage
`·array or a remote storage controller labeled 3-1 here
`·in Figure 1.
`· · ·· Q.· ·If you would turn to page 78 of your
`·declaration from the 1207 IPR.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·It would be the second sentence of
`·paragraph 39.··Each storage controller is --
`· · ·· A.· ·I'm sorry.··Page 78, paragraph 139.16·
`· · ·· Q.· ·Correct.
`· · ·· A.· ·Okay.
`· · ·· Q.· ·The second sentence.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·"Each storage controller is capable of
`·emulating storage device access from the viewpoint of
`·a host computer system, i.e., the host uses it in the
`·same manner as a local disk."··Is that what you were
`·referring to or just discussing with me?
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And you have cited to column 5, line 65
`·through column 6, line 1?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·And so in your parenthetical -- not
`·parenthetical, your sentence in paragraph 139, "The
`·host uses it in the same manner as a local disk,"
`·what is the "it" you were referring to?
`· · ·· A.· ·The host uses the storage controller in the
`·same manner as a local disk.··And what I meant by
`·"uses" is that it interacts with the storage
`·controller in the same manner as it interacts with a
`·local disk.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Is using it different than it appearing as
`·a local disk?
`· · ·· A.· ·No.
`· · ·· Q.· ·So, using Bergsten, does a host treat the
`·storage that it sees as its local storage device?
`· · ··
` A.· ·When you say "the storage that it sees,"
`·you're referring to storage on a remote Bergsten
`·storage controller or accessed through a remote
`·Bergsten storage controller.
`· · ·· Q.· ·That appears as I believe what you -- that
`·appears as a local storage device.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.··I understand.··Yeah, you said25·
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`·"treats," so I don't -- I don't -- I like to be
`·careful about what you might mean by "treats."
`· · · · · · I think in general what happens is that the
`·act of actually attaching to the storage might be
`·different.··There may be a special initialization
`·that's required to initially set up the connection to
`·this virtual local storage, if I may.··But once the
`·storage is attached, the host uses it in the same
`·manner, treats it the same, it appears the same as
`·local storage; and that is, all functions that the
`·host and its operating system support for local
`·storage would work for the remote storage as well
`·without any modification.
`· · · · · · MR. GARDELLA:··Thank you.
`· · ·· Q.· ·Dr. Chase, let me hand you what is -- what
`·has been marked as Exhibit 1014 to all three of the
`·IPRs that we're here for 1197, 1207 and 1209.··Do you17·
`·recognize this document?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes, I most certainly recognize this
`· · ·· Q.· ·And what is this document?
`· · ·· A.· ·This document is a paper that I and some
`·collaborators wrote in 2002 I believe.
`· · ·· Q.· ·If you would turn to page 2.
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`(888) 667-DEPO
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`Oracle Corporation, et al. vs. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
`Jeffrey S. Chase, Ph.D., Vol. 2
`· · ·· Q.· ·And under 2.1 which is referred to as
`·"network storage performance," do you see that?
`· · ·· A.· ·Yes.
`· · ·· Q.· ·In the second sentenc

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