ANSI INCITS 270-1996 (R2001)
`(formerly ANSI X3.270-1996 (R2001))
`for Information Technology –
`SCSI-3 Architecture Model
`1 of 78
`Oracle Corp., et al v. Crossroads Systems, Inc.
` IPR2014-01207 and IPR2014-1209

`ANSI INCITS 270-1996 (R2001)
`(formerly ANSI X3.270-1996 (R2001))
`for Information Technology –
`SCSI-3 Architecture Model
`1 of 78

`American National Standard
`for information Technology —
`SCSI-—3 Architecture Model
`information Tecimotogy industry Councii
`Approved Aprél 8, E996
`American Nationai Standards Institute, Inc.
`This standard specifies the SCSE Architecture Nloctet. The purpose of the architecture is to pro~
`vido a common basis tor the ooordtnation oi SOS?-3 standards and to speciiy those aspects of
`SCSI-3 U0 system behavior that are tztdepeodeztt of a partictzlar technology and common to alt
`2 of 78

`Approval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the
`requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have
`been met by the standards developer.
`Consensus is established when, in the judgment of the ANSI Board of Standards
`Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly and materially
`affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than a simple
`majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that all views and
`objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be made toward their
`The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; their existence
`does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approved the standards
`or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or using products, processes,
`or procedures not conforming to the standards.
`The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and will in
`no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.
`Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretation of
`an American National Standard in the name of the American National Standards
`Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to the secretariat or
`sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.
`CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or
`withdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National Standards
`Institute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdraw
`this standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive current
`information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards
`CAUTION: The developers of this standard have requested that holders of patents that may be required for the
`implementation of the standard disclose such patents to the publisher. However, neither the developers nor the publisher
`have undertaken a patent search in order to identify which, if any, patents may apply to this standard. As of the date of
`publication of this standard and following calls for the identification of patents that may be required for the implementation
`of the standard, no such claims have been made. No further patent search is conducted by the developer or publisher in
`respect to any standard it processes. No representation is made or implied that licenses are not required to avoid
`infringement in the use of this standard.
`Published by
`American National Standards Institute
`11 West 42nd Street, New York, New York 10036
`Copyright ©1996 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)
`All rights reserved.
`No part of this publication may be reproduced in any
`form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,
`without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,
`Washington, DC 20005.
`Printed in the United States of America
`3 of 78

`.. .
`"L M -
`Foreword ............................................................................................... ..v%
`1 .3
`introduction ............................................................................... ..1
`Scope of the Architecture ........................................................... ..1
`Scope of SCSE43 Standards ....................................................... ..2
`Architecture Standard ................................................................ ..3
`implementation Standards ......................................................... ..3
`Commands ............................................................................... ..3
`Device Access Methods ............................................................. ..3
`SCSE-3 Prozocoi Standards ........................................................ ..3
`Interconnect Standards ............................................................. ..3
`¥\éormat%ve References ............................................................... ..4
`Giossary and Conventions ......................................................... ..4
`Gioesary ................................................................................... ..4
`References to SCSI Standards .................................................. ..8
`Acronyms and Aobroviations: .................................................... ..8
`Edizorieé Conventions ................................................................ ..9
`N{.if¥"lB¥iC Conventions ................................................................ ..9
`Reserved Fieéds and Codes ....................................................... ..9
`Objects end Object Notation ...................................................... ..9
`Notation for Objects ................................................................... ..9
`Object Addresses and identifiers .............................................. ..1O
`Predefined Objects .................................................................. no
`Hierarchy Diagrams ................................................................. .10
`Nozation ¥or Procedures and Functions ..................................... .11
`State Diagram ........................................................................ .3 3
`SCSI-3 Archizeczure Modei ...................................................... .14
`introduction ............................................................................ ..-.7 4
`Tne SCSE~3 Distributed Service Mode: ..................................... .15
`The SCSE~3 C¥ient~Serve2' Mode? .............................................. ..E 6
`The SCSL3 Sirootoral Modei ................................................... ..‘¥ 8
`SCSI Domain .......................................................................... ..2O
`The Service Delivery Subsystem .............................................. ..21
`Syncnronizing Client and Server States .................................... ..22
`Reqoestffiesoonse Ordering .................................................... ..22
`SCSi Device Modeis ................................................................ ..23
`SCSI initiator Model ................................................................ ..25
`SCSI Target ........................................................................... .._.25
`Tne Task Manager ................................................................... ..26
`Logical Unit ............................................................................. ..26
`Tne SCSE-3 Mode? for Distributed Commun¥oat%ons ................... ..28
`SCSI Command Model ............................................................ ..31
`Command Descriptor Block ...................................................... ..33
`Operatéon Code ....................................................................... ..34
`Control Field ........................................................................... ..35
`Status ..................................................................................... ..36
`Protocol Services in Support oé Execute Command ................... ..3?
`4 of 78

`Data Transfer Protocol Services ............................................... ..38
`§ata~tn Detivery Service .......................................................... ..39
`Sale-Out ibetivery service ........................................................ ..4{}
`Tastc and Command Lifetimes .................................................. ..4O
`Command Processing Examples .............................................. ..4‘E
`Untinked Command Exampie ................................................... ..4t
`Linked Command Exampte ...................................................... A2
`Command Processing Considerations and Exception Conditions ..44
`Auto Contingent Atlcgianoc ...................................................... ..44
`Overiapped Commands ........................................................... ..45
`Incorrect Logical Unit Selection ................................................ ":36
`Sense Data ............................................................................. "46
`Unit Attention Condition .......................
`................................. ..z%8
`i-tard Reset .............................................................................. ..49
`Task Management Fonctions ................................................... "49
`«o 6.3
`ABORT TASK .......................................................................... .51
`ABORT TASK SET .................................................................. ..51
`CLEAR ACA ............................................................................ ..52
`CLEAR TASK SET ................................................................... ..52
`TARGET RESET ..................................................................... ..52
`TERNHNATE TASK .................................................................. ..52
`-- ~»"''"_'''"'''§.6
`" ‘
`Task Management Protocot Services ....................................... ..53
`Task Management iiirnction Example ....................................... ..54
`; 7
`Task Set Management ............................................................. "55
`Terminology ............................................................................ ..56
`Task Management Events ........................................................ ..56
`Task Abort Events ................................................................... ..57
`Task States ............................................................................. ..57
`Enabied .................................................................................. ..57
`Biooked ................................................................................... ..58
`E}ormant .................................................................................. ..58
`Ended ..................................................................................... ..58
`Task Attributes ........................................................................ ..58
`SIMPLE Task .......................................................................... .59
`ORDERED Task ..................................................................... ..59
`HEAD Q?‘ QUEUE "i"ast< ........................................................... ..59
`ACA ”i”asi< ................................................................................ ..59
`Task State Transitions ............................................................. ..59
`Transition SO:S1 {ordered task) ............................................... ..60
`Transition 66:61 {simple task} ................................................. ..60
`Transition S{}:S3; S2:S3 .......................................................... ..61
`Transiiton 81:82 ...................................................................... ..6t
`Transition 81:83 ...................................................................... ..6i
`'i"ransition S2;St ...................................................................... not
`"task Set Management Examptes ............................................. ..6t
`Stocking Boundaries ................................................................ ..6t
`HEAD OF OUEUE Tasks ......................................................... ..62
`Ordered Tasks ........................................................................ ..63
`AGA Task ................................................................................ ..65
`Deferred Task Cornptetion ....................................................... ..66
`5 of 78

`_ M -M.-...
`Obiect Definitions
`S081 Domain ............................................................................... ..20
`Service Delivery Subsystem ......................................................... ..21
`SCSI {)ev¥ce ................................................................................ H24
`initiator ........................................................................................ .25
`Targei ......................................................................................... ..25
`Logicaé Unit ................................................................................. ..27
`Task ............................................................................................ ..27
`Requirements Precedence ............................................................. ..‘E
`Functional Scope of SOSLI3 Standards ........................................... ..2
`Example ci Hierarchy Diagram ..................................................... ..12
`State Diagzram .............................................................................. .14
`Ciient-Server Mode! ..................................................................... ..16
`SCSI Ciienhserver Mode? ............................................................ .1"?
`SCSI V0 System and Domain Mocle¥ ............................................. .16
`cos: Hierarchy ............................................................................ "19
`Domain Fcnctionaé Mode? ............................................................. ..20
`Domain Hierarchy ........................................................................ ..2{}
`Serv§ce Delévery Subsystem Héerarchy .......................................... ..2‘f
`SOS: Device Fcnciionai Mocieis ...........................
`...................... ..23
`SOS? Device Hierarchy Diagram ................................................... "24
`‘fazget Object Werarchy ............................................................... ..25
`i_ogica¥ Unii Object Hierarchy ....................................................... ..26
`Proioccé Service Reference Mode? ................................................ ..29
`Protocci Service Mode? ................................................................ ..3O
`Reqcest~f-iesponse UL? Transaction and Relazed LLP Services ......31
`‘E9 Mode? for buffered data transfers .................................................. ..38
`Command processing events ........................................................ ..42
`E..%n¥<ed Command i7>rocess%ng Events ............................................ ..43
`Task Management Request Processing ........................................ ..5-5
`Examp¥e of fiormant "Z"asiK Behavior .............................................. ..58
`Task Szazes ................................................................................. ..60
`HEA{) Q!“-‘ QUEUE ’E"as§<s
`HEAD OF QUEUE Tasks and Elocking Boundaries ........................ ..63
`6 of 78

`Ordered Tasks and Biocking Boundaries ....................................... ..64
`ACA Yasit Example ...........................
`........................................ ..65
`Example of Deferred Task Completéon .......................................... .138
`Format? of Command Descriptor Block ........................................... ..34
`Operatécm Code ........................................................................... ..35
`Centre? Fieid ................................................................................ ..35
`Status Codes ............................................................................... ..36
`7 of 78

`§:Oi’$WOi‘d {this ioreword is not part of American Nationai Standard )(3.2‘7{}~1996.)
`Tire purpose of this standard is to provide a basis for the coordination ot
`SCSH3 standards development and to define requirements, common to alt
`SCSl~3 technoiogies and impiementations, which are essentiai for compat-
`ibiiity with host SCSi-3 application software and devicewesident firmware
`across ail SCSI-3 protocois. These requirements are detined through a ref-
`erence model which specifies the behavior and abstract strtrcture which is
`generic to alt SCS|~3 EJO system impiementations.
`As with any other tecnnicat document, there may arise questions of inter»
`pretation as new products are implemented. The X3 Committee nas
`ostabltstted procedures to issue technical opinions concerning tire stan~
`dards deveioped by the X3 organization. ‘these procedures may resutt in
`SCSI Teonnioai Information Bulletins being pubiisned by K3.
`These builetins. wniie retlecttng the opinion of the Technicai Committee
`which developed tne standard, are intended soiely as soppiementary inter»
`mation to other users of the standard. Tnis standard, ANSE X3.2'?0-1996,
`as approved tnrough the publication and voting procedures of the
`American National Standards institute,
`is not altered by tnese Builetins.
`Any subsequent revision to this standard may or may not reflect the con-
`tents of tnese iecnnicai Intormation Builetins.
`Requests for interpretation, snggestions for improvement or addenda, or
`.. .. .. ..
`ar.e...we1co_:ne... “£I.i35gyg;_:s?toold... be-. sent.-. to. ..t-_ne....X3-..=.Secretariat,
`filiifiig;§,r...,_i,£.'I‘i.'d8,3;.t1.§.{.,.C.Q,,11.,n.,L:_.i_:l=,.,.,Ii..2.5_.D__....E.y$._.S.t£.£§.£*.=t;;..'..!5l.VI£;.. .. __ .. 1
`. _.._-.._
`This standard was processed and approved for suiamittal to ANSI by the
`accredits-d--Standards -Comm-i-ttee e-n--iniormati0-n- -T-e-c-h-n-0-io-gy,---X3: -
`Committee approvat of this standard does not necessariiy impiy tnat ail
`committee members voted for its approvai. At tne time it approved tins
`standard, the X3 Committee had the ioitowing members:
`James E). Converse. Gnair
`£)ona|d G. Looghry, Vice~Cnair
`Kate ivicivtiiian, Secretary
`Name of Representative
`Organization Represented
`American Nuclear Society ................................................ ..Ger:-atdine C. Main
`Sally tiartzell {Ait.}
`AMP, Inc. ........................................................................ ..Edward Keiiy
`Charles Brill {AIL}
`AppieComputer, K. lvticiiaei
`Jerry Kellenhenz {Ait.)
`ATM’ Global information Systems F. Frost
`Clyde Robicnaox (AIL)
`. ...¥"atrick L. Harris
`{Suit i-IN Information Systems, Inc .............. ..
`" " Ed Otkkoia
`"""ficrnpaq Computers............................;;
`{Jigttsi fiqoiornent Corooratiori ......................................... ..Scoti K. Jameson
`Richard i-tovey {AIL}
`Eastman Kodak Company..................................................James D. Converse
`Michael Nier {Ait.)
`Hewlett-Packard .............................................................. ..{)ona1d C. Loughry
`Karen Higgirlbottorn (Alt)
`Hitachi America, Ltd. ....................................................... ...}oi1n Neumann
`Kei Yarnasitita (AIL)
`Hughes Aircrait Company ................................................ .. Harold Zebreok
`8 of 78

`Name of Representative
`Organization Represented
`IBM Co:pc-ration .............................................................. ..Jce| Urrzzan
`Mary Anne Lawler {A¥1.)
`Instiiuie $0: Certification 0? Compute:
`Pzofesséonaés (ICC?) ..................................................... ..Ker2r2et%2 Zemrowski
`National Communications Systems .................................. ..II)ennis Sodson
`Granger Kefiey {A¥2.)
`National lnstfiaie 02 Standards and ?'ec?mo¥ogy..................Michae¥ Hogan
`James H. Burrows (AIL)
`Nozihem Telecom, Inc. .................................................... ..Me¥ Woinsicy
`John Pugh (M2,)
`Share, inc. ...................................................................... ..-Gary Aénsworth
`[}avi_c2 '¥‘hew¥%s {Aim
`Storage '¥"ec%mology Co2'po2'a2i{m........................................Josepi3 S. Zaéaczkowski
`Samuei D. Cheazham {A224}
`Sun Méczesystems, Inc ..................................................... ..Gary S. Robinson
`Sybase, inc. .................................................................... ..f3or:a¥d R. Oeutsch
`'¥'exas instruments. Inc. ................................................... ..C¥ycie Camp
`Fritz Whéztingten (AIL)
`T. Mnrioka
`Pay? 5. Jahnke {ML}
`Unisys Coyporazion .......................................................... ..John L. Nil!
`Stephen P. Oksala (AIL)
`US. Department of Defense ............................................ ..Jezry L. Smith
`C. J. fiasquarieiio (Alt)
`US. {Department of Energy................................................Caro¥ S. Bmcicsiorz
`Bruce F1. White {A¥1.)
`Xerox Corporation ........................................................... ..Jorm Wannery
`Roy Péerce {ML}
`9 of 78

` t
`Tecnnécaz Commiztee X3130 on Lower Leveé interfaces, wnicn developed
`this standard, had tne following members:
`John 8. Lohmeyer, Cneirrnan
`Lawrence J. Lamers, VEce~Cnairrrzen
`Reipn O. Weber, Secretory
`Ga? Anan
`Pan? 0. Aioisi
`Ron Apt
`Geoffrey Barton
`Robert Bellino
`Cnerles Brine
`Peter Brown
`Michael Bryan
`Joe Chan
`Cnris Uiorio
`Joe {Lternbaon
`Jan V. Dedek
`Stephen G. Finch
`Edward 1”-”ong
`Loués Grantham
`Norm Harris
`Edward Haske
`Dennis R. Haynes
`Stephen F. Heél
`Stephen Ir-loirnstead
`David Hudson
`Peter Johenseon
`Gerry Johnsen
`Skip Jones
`Edward Lappin
`Joe Lawlor
`{3av§d Lawson
`Robert Ln;
`Bob Nlaszersorz
`Qavid McFadden
`James lv1oGraln
`?ete McLean
`Fetncx Mercer
`Gene Milligen
`Charles Mania
`fiennis P. Mooze
`éan Morren
`John Moy
`S. Naderehehi
`Erich Getting
`Aiarz Ft. O¥son
`Dennés Pek
`Duncan Penman
`George Penokie
`Dong Péper
`Donna Pope
`floben fleisen
`Soon Smyers
`fiobefl N. Snively
`Jen Stei
`Gary H. Stepnene
`Ciittord E. Strang Jr.
`"fhomes ‘§"~iick‘ Tewefi
`Dean Weliace
`Hanrey Waitezsdorf
`Gary M. Watson
`Micl*zae¥ Wéngard
`Mark Woétne
`Ezra Aloudia (AIL)
`Miohaeé Aiexenko W2.)
`Sieven A. Anderson (AIL)
`David Androatfa {Aft}
`Tait Asanri {Aim
`Akzam Ataiiah (An)
`Pan? Boeiay (Aim
`Kevin Caiven {Ala}
`John Cannon (Alt)
`Ken Chan me.)
`Snofan Cnan (AIL)
`Ting Li Chan (AIL)
`Mike Chenery {A¥t.)
`Nancy Cneno {AIL}
`William Clerrnney {A¥i.)
`Dan Coiegrove {A¥1.)
`Finger Cummings (AIL)
`Zane Qaggett {An}
`William Dallas (AIL)
`Varou; Dewlaoopéan {An.)
`Dhiru N. Deeai (AIL)
`Mike fineboe {A3,}
`?irno¥hy 1’-"eldman {A¥Z.)
`fidward A. Gardner {An}
`John Cieioman {M1,}
`chuck Gran: (AIL)
`Peter Haas {AIL}
`Douglas Hagennen (AIL)
`Kenneth J. Hallarn (AIL)
`Wiénam I--Earn (Alt)
`Torn Hanan {An.)
`Rick Neidick {AZL}
`Mike netzel {Alt}
`Gereéd Houloer (A|t.}
`Paul Jackson (A|t.}
`Kevin James {AIL}
`Bréan Jonneen (AIt.}
`Mark Jordan (AIL;
`Richard Kalisn {AIL}
`Greg Kepraon (AIL)
`Tnomas J. Kuiesza (M2,)
`Dennis Long (An)
`en; Mabée (An)
`Gerald Marazas {A¥2.)
`Jonn Maeiewéoz {An.)
`Daniel E. Moczarny {Aim
`E.J. Monoor (Alt.}
`Jay Neer {AIL}
`Tim Norman {Aft}
`vn Novaic (A|t.}
`Kevin R. Pokomey {An}
`Gary Porter {AIL}
`Doug Pzine {Alt}
`Steven Siemberg (Alt)
`Ron Robens {A¥¥.)
`John P. Soneibée (AIL)
`J. R. Snns {AZL}
`Michael Srnnh (Alt.}
`Aiien Snaiding {AIL}
`Adan P. Stone {AIL}
`Joe Stouea (Alt)
`George Su (Alt)
`Nico:-3 Syrnnis {Alt}
`Peze Tobias {AIL}
`Adnenne Turenne {AIL}
`Josepn Ween (AIL)
`Roger Wang (A|t.}
`gave We-be: (AIL)
`Bob Wniteznan (AIL)
`Jeflrey L. Williams (AIt.}
`Ken wine (AIL)
`Qevon Worrell {AIL}
`Charies l. Yang {An.)
`{Jenny Yeung (AIL)
`Nnke Yokoyama (Mt)
`10 0f78
`10 of 78

`11 of78
`11 of 78

`ANS? X3.2?{|~¥996
`American Nationai Standard
`for information Technology -
`SCSI-3 Architecture Model
`0 Introduction
`This specification descrtbes a reference modei for the coordination of standards appltoatnie to SOS:-3
`HO systems and a set or common behavroral requrrernents wnton are essentiar tor the development
`of host software and device ftrrrtware that can rnteroperate with any SCSt~3 interconnect or protooot.
`1 Seem of the architecture
`The set of 8031-3 standards consists of the SCSM3 Aronttectore Moder {this specificatron) and tne
`SCSI-3 imnrementation standards described in t.‘E.
`This standard defines generic redtrirements, which pertarn to SCSI-3 tmprementation standards, and
`implementatton requirements. Art
`implementation requirement
`speoiftes behavior
`terms of
`measrrraote or observabre parameters wnion appty directly to an tmptementatron. Examptes of
`rrnplementatton redrrtrements dertned in this document are the command descrrptor block format
`_' Wang} tne status varrres to be returned upon command completion.
`Generic requirements are transformed to implementation redrrtrerrrents by an implementation
`standard. An exampre of e generrc reqtrrrement is tne hard reset behavior specified in 5.6.6.
`mtuimmo Hts
`Figure 1 w Requirements precedence
`As shown in ttgure t. atl SCSE~3 irnptementatton standards snail retiect tne generic requirements
`defined herein.
`tn addition, an implementation otaimrng SCSM3 oomptranoe shat? conform to the
`appticabie trnpiernentation requirements detined in this standard and tne appropriate soars
`impfementation standards.
`in tne event of a oonftiot between thre document and other SCSt~3
`standards under tne jurisdiction of teohnroai committee X3710,
`the requirements of this standard
`snail appiy.
`12 0f78
`12 of 78

`ANSi X3.270~1Q96
`1.1 Scope of SCSE~3 standards
`Figure 2 uses a representaiive set of specifications to show the functional partitions and the
`reiationships among SOS?-3 standards.
`9 or
`Fibre Channel
`Semi Bus
`ph Sffieagdmémgiahng
`Lteriacfi (99%
`IEEE 139-5
`P {align
`Sériai Bus
`Serial Store a
`Amhgestfiugia as
`Figure 2 - Punctionai scope of SCSE-3 standards
`: E1
`3 §‘
`“ins funciicnei areas define the scope of eacii standard as foiicws:
`SOS! Architecture Model: Defines the scsi systems rriodel, iiie iunciionai pariitioning of the SCSI-3
`standard set and requirements applicable to ail SCSi—3 impiementations and impiemeniation
`Irnpiementaiion srandards wnicn define device ciasses including a device mcdei
`each ciass. "inese sraridards specify the required commands and behavior that
`is ccrnmori
`ic ali
`devices or unique io a given class cf devices and prescribe the riiies to be foilowed by an initiator
`wnen sending commands io a device.
`Common Access Method: Emplementeiion siandard which defines a hosi architeciure and sei of
`services icr device access.
`impiementaiion standards wizicn deiine ice rules for exchanging information so tizei
`different SCSI~3 devices can communicaze.
`Inierconnectsz impiementation standards which define the eiectricai and sign:-Jiing ruies essentiai for
`devices io interoperaie over a given physicai interconneci.
`figure 2 snows new the siandards Iisied Deidw fit wiihin eacii category. The
`The diagram of
`standards incirided in ihe diagram are meant to serve as examples and may not refiect tire iuii set of
`standards currently in force.
`13 0f78
`13 of 78

`ANS? X3.27(}-1996
`1 .2 Architecture Standard
`scsea Architecture Model (X3270-1996) (SAM): Betines the tzioctionai partitions and specifies a
`modei tor SCSl~3 U0 system and device behavior which appiies to all SCSI interconnects, protocols,
`access methods, and devices.
`implementation Standards
`1.3.1 Commands
`scs1~3 Primary Commands (X3110-eeso) rspc)" - Commands and device behavior common to
`eii SCSI-3 target devices.
`$CSE~3 mock Commands (X3710-9963) (SBCW - Block oriented SO32-3 devices (e.g., disks}.
`SCSI-3 Stream Commands (X3T‘E0~997D) {SSC)” — Strearworiertted SCS|~3 devices (eg., tape).
`SCSI-3 Graphics Commands (X3TtO~998D) (SGCW — Grapizicei
`(e,g., printers).
`SCSi~3 Medium Changer Commands (X3”E"E0-9990) (SMCW - SCSI-3 media changers such as
`CDIF-10M carouseis.
`input or output SCSi~3 devices
`SCSI-3 Controiter Commands (X3"I‘t9~XXXD) {SCCW W SCSi~3 U0 subsystem controilers such as e
`mdtsie-array device controller.
`- -
`1.33 Device Access Methods
`SCSi~3 Common Access Method {X3.332-1991:)” (CAM): A ?'i{}St architecture tor performing SOS?
`device iio. CAM defines a iayered environment and set of services, based on tire (3 computer
`iaeguage, which allow device drivers to be written that are independent of interconnects, protocols,
`coeratirig systems. and rtost oiattorrrrs.
`1.3.3 ’ SCSl~3 Protocol Standards
`The fctlcwing is a representative list of SCSI-3 protccct standards and the physical intercortrtects or:
`which trrese are irrzpfemertted.
`SCS!~3 tntertocked Protocoi {X3T1£}~856D) {SEPW — SOS!-3 Peratiei Interface.
`SCSI-3 Serioi Bus Protocoi (X3T‘EO-9929} (SBPW - High Pertcrrrrertce Seriai Bee (IEEE 1394).
`Fibre Cbartrtei Protocol for SCSI (X3110-9939} (!'~‘CP)” —— Fibre Ciiannei interccnriects.
`SCSi~3 Seriai Storage Protocoi {X3T20~XXXX) (SSP)" - SCSI-3 Serial Storage Arciiitecture.
`interconnect Standards
`scs:-3 Parallel interface (X3716-8359) (spar)
`Fibre Channel »- PH (x3*r11~xxxx)”
`High Performance Seriai sus (users 1394;”
`Seriai Storage Architecture —~ P!-I (x3'r1a.1-xxx) (ssA)”
`"13 For more iniermaticri on the current states of this docerrtertt contact the secretariat.
`14 0f78
`14 of 78

`ANSI X3270-1996
`2 Normative reference
`The toilowing standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions
`of this American National Standard. At this time of publication, tne editions indicated were valid. An
`standards are subject
`to revision, and parties to agreement based on this American Nationai
`Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibitity of applying tne most recent editions ot the
`standards indicated beiow.
`ANS: X3.131~1994,
`interfaced? (SCS!»2}
`Information systems — American National Standard Smah‘ Computer System
`3 Giosaary and Conventions
`3.1 Gioesery
`3.1.1 aborted command: An 8031 command tnat nas been ended by aborting the task created to
`execute it.
`3.1.2 ACA command: A command performed by a task with the ACA attribute (see 3.3 and obiect
`definition 6).
`3.3.3 appiioation ciient: An object that is tne source of SCSI commands.
`3.1.4 auto contingent aliegiance: The condition of a task set toliowing tne return of a CHECK
`3.1.5 btocked (task state): The state of a task that is prevented from compieting due to an ACA
`3.1.8 biocking boundary: A task set boundary denoting a set of conditions that inhibit tasks outside
`tneaboundary trorri entering the Enacted state.
`3.1.? byte: An 8-bit construct.
`3.1.8 can: The act of invoking a procedure.
`3.1.9 ciierzt~eerver: A reiationship estabiished between a pair of distributed obiects where one {the
`client) requests the other (tne server) to perform some operation or unit of work on the ciienfs betzait.
`3.1.10 ciient; An obiect that requests a service trorn a server.
`3.1.11” command: A request describing a unit of work to be performed by a device server.
`3.1.12 command descriptor btock: A structure up to 16 bytes in length used to communicate a
`command from an appiication cites! to a device server.
`3.1.13 completed command: A command tnat nae ended by returning a status and service
`response o1Task Complete, Linked Command Comoiete, or Linked Command Complete (witn tiag).
`3.1.14 compieted task: A task that nas ended by returning a status and

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