UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`A1. What is the information capacity per cell (not per
`sector): Provide the total number of user-
`channel information bits which can be
`See system level simulation results
`supported by a single cell in
`Mbps/MHZ/cell in a total available
`assigned non—contiguous bandwidth of
`30 MHz (15 MHz fonNard/15 MHz
`reverse) for FDD mode or contiguous
`bandwidth of 30 MHz for TDD mode.
`Provide capacities for all penetration
`values defined in the deployment model
`for the test environment in Annex 2. The
`procedure to obtain this value is
`described in Annex 2. The capacity
`supported by not a standalone cell but a
`single cell within contiguous service area
`should be obtained here.
`Does the SRTT support sectorization? If yes,
`provide for each sectorization scheme and the
`total number of user—channe| information bits
`which can be supported by a single site in
`Mbps/MHz (and the number of sectors) in a total
`available assigned non—contiguous bandwidth of
`30 MHz (15 MHz fonNard/15 MHz reverse) in FDD
`mode or contiguous bandwidth of 30 MHZ in TDD
`3 , 6 sectors per cell is effective to increase
`Coverage efficiency: The coverage efficiency of the radio transmission technology has to be evaluated
`assuming the deployment models described in Annex 2.
`A1. What is the base site coverage efficiency in
`km2/site forthe lowest traffic loading in the voice
`only deployment model? Lowest traffic loading
`means the lowest penetration case described in
`Annex 2.
`See Link budget Template
`A1. What is the base site coverage efficiency in
`km2/site forthe lowest traffic loading in the data
`only deployment model? Lowest traffic loading
`means the lowest penetration case described in
`Annex 2.
`See Link budget Template
`ERIC-1007 I Page 276 of 413
`ERIC-1007 / Page 276 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Maximum user bit rate (for data): Specify the
`maximum user bit rate (kbps) available in the
`deployment models described in Annex 2.
`At least 2048[kbps]
`What is the maximum range in metres between a
`user terminal and a BS (priorto hand—off, relay,
`etc.) under nominal traffic loading and link
`impairments as defined in Annex 2?
`See Link budget Template
`Antenna Systems: Fully describe the antenna
`systems that can be used and/or have to be used;
`characterize their impacts on systems
`performance, (terrestrial only);
`—Conventional antenna system
`(2 branch antenna diversity)
`—Tx diversity antenna system is available
`Each transmit burst is transmitted from different
`antenna which are placed like conventioal
`diversity antenna
`—Switched beam antenna will be supported.
`It improve link margin and capacity.
`e.g., does the SRTT have the capability forthe use of:
`— Remote antennas: Describe whether and how remote antenna systems can be used to extend
`coverage to low traffic density areas.
`— Distributed antennas: Describe whether and how distributed antenna designs are used, and in which
`UMTS test environments.
`— Smart antennas (e.g., switched beam, adaptive, etc.): Describe how smart antennas can be used and
`what is their impact on system performance.
`— Other antenna systems.
`Delay (for voice)
`What is the radio transmission processing delay
`due to the overall process of channel coding, bit
`interleaving, framing, etc., not including source
`data is interleaved over 18.4[ms]
`This is given as transmitter delay from the input of the channel coderto the antenna plus the receiver
`delay from the antenna to the output ofthe channel decoder. Provide this information for each service
`being provided. In addition, a detailed description of how this parameter was calculated is required for
`both the uplink and the downlink.
`What is the total estimated round trip delay in
`msec to include both the processing delay,
`propagation delay (terrestrial only) and VOCODER
`delay? Give the estimated delay associated with
`each of the key attributes described in Figure 1 of
`Annex 3 that make up the total delay provided.
`[Voice codec has not been defined yet]
`A1 .3.7.3
`Does the proposed SRTT need echo control?
`[Voice codec has not been defined yet]
`Description ofthe ability to sustain quality under certain extreme conditions.
`ERIC-1007 I Page 277 of 413
`ERIC-1007 / Page 277 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`System overload (terrestrial only): Characterize
`system behaviour and performance in such
`conditions for each test services in Annex 2,
`including potential impact on adjacent cells.
`Describe the effect on system performance in
`terms of blocking grade of service for the cases
`that the load on a particular cell is 125%, 150%,
`175%, and 200% of full load.
`Also describe the effect of blocking on the
`immediate adjacent cells. Voice service is to be
`considered here. Full load means a traffic loading
`which results in 1% call blocking with the BER of
`10'?’ maintained.
`Graceful degradation
`Under Investigation
`Hardware failures: Characterize system behaviour
`and performance in such conditions. Provide
`detailed explanation on any calculation.
`Hardware failueres must be detected by MS itself.
`If it is detected, MS must not transmit any more.
`Interference immunity: Characterize system
`immunity or protection mechanisms against
`interference. What is the interference detection
`method? What is the interference avoidance
`Narrow band interference can be erasured every
`Band s|ot( 100[kHz] )
`frequency hopping can distribute risks caused by
`Characterize the adaptability ofthe proposed
`SRTT to different and/or time—vaiying conditions
`(e.g. propagation, traffic, etc.) that are not
`considered in the above attributes of the section
`Technology design constraints
`lnsensitive against different and/or time—varying
`Frequency stability: Provide transmission frequency stability (not oscillator stability) requirements of the
`carrier (include long term -1 year — frequency stability requirements in ppm).
`For Base station transmission (terrestrial
`component only)
`For Mobile station transmission
`Out—of—band and spurious emissions: Specify the
`expected levels of base or satellite and mobile
`transmitter emissions outside the operating
`channel, as a function of frequency offset.
`MS Tx sigbal should track receiving signal
`frequency ( 0.1[ppm])
`See Evaluation Report
`Synchronisation requirements: Describe SRTT‘s timing requirements, e.g.
`— ls BS—to—BS or satellite land earth station (LES)-
`to—LES synchronisation required? Provide precise
`information, the type of synchronisation, i.e.,
`synchronisation of carrier frequency, bit clock,
`spreading code or frame, and their accuracy.
`— ls BS—to—network synchronisation required?
`(terrestrial only)
`— State short—term frequency and timing accuracy
`of BS (or LES) transmit signal.
`— State source of external system reference and
`the accuracy required, if used at BS (or LES) (for
`example: derived from wireline network, or GPS
`— State free run accuracy of MS frequency and
`timing reference clock.
`— State base—to—base bit time alignment
`requirement over a 24 hour period, in
`Syncronization is not required but prefered for
`easier operation.
`Both wire line and GPS available for synchronous
`A1 .4.1.2
`ERIC-1007 I Page 278 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`—For private systems: Can multiple un—
`systems coexist in the same environment?
`Multiple un—synchronized systems can coexist
`Timing jitter: For BS (or LES) and MS give:
`T.B.D.[us] on the transmit signal,
`— the maximum jitter on the transmit signal,
`— the maximumjittertolerated on the received
`Timing jitter is defined as r.m.s. value of the time
`variance normalized by symbol duration.
`T.B.D.[us] tolerated on the received
`Frequency synthesizer: What is the required step
`size, switched speed and frequency range ofthe
`frequency synthesizer of MSs?
`Step size = 100[kHz] or 200[kHz]
`Switched Speed 2 288[uS]
`frequency range depends on system band width
`Describe the special requirements on the fixed
`networks forthe handover procedure. Provide
`handover procedure to be employed in proposed
`SRTT in detail.
`A1 .4.7
`Fixed network feature transparency
`Which sen/ice(s) ofthe standard set of ISDN
`bearer services can the proposed SRTT pass to
`users without fixed network modification.
`Characterize any radio resource control
`capabilities that exist for the provision of roaming
`between a private (e.g., closed user group) and a
`public |MT—UMTS operating environment.
`Describe the estimated fixed signalling overhead
`(e.g., broadcast control channel, power control
`messaging). Express this information as a
`percentage ofthe spectrum which is used for fixed
`signalling. Provide detailed explanation on your
`Characterize the linear and broadband transmitter
`requirements for BS and MS. (terrestrial only)
`BS requires linear amplifier, and broadband
`transmitteris available.
`Are linear receivers required? Characterize the
`linearity requirements forthe receivers for BS and
`MS. (terrestrial only)
`MS requires almost linear amplifier
`( Keeping 3[dB] output back off
`Yes. Same as GSM
`Specify the required dynamic range of receiver.
`(terrestrial only)
`ERIC-1007 I Page 279 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`What are the signal processing estimates for both
`the hand—portable and the BS?
`— MOPS (Millions of Operations Per Second) value
`of parts processed by DSP
`— gate counts excluding DSP
`— ROM size requirements for DSP and gate counts
`in Kbytes
`— RAM size requirements for DSP and gate counts
`' Kb t
`y es
`In case of minimum bit rate 10[kbps]
`Diversity Demodulator(including FFT)
`O.608[M comp|exMAC/s]
`128[C0mP'eX Word
`8 [ROM]
`K = 7 Viterbi decoder
`Modu|ator(including FFT)
`O.134[M comp|exMAC/s]
`64[complex ord memory]
`almost same as MS
`Note 1: At a minimum the evaluation should review the signal processing estimates (MOPS, memory
`requirements, gate counts) required for demodulation, equalization, channel coding, error correction,
`diversity processing (including RAKE receivers), adaptive antenna array processing, modulation, A—D
`and D—A converters and multiplexing as well as some IF and baseband filtering. For new technologies,
`there may be additional or alternative requirements (such as FFTs etc.).
`Note 2: The signal processing estimates should be declared with the estimated condition such as
`assumed sen/ices, user bit rate and etc.
`A1 .4.15
`Characterize the frequency planning requirements:
`— Frequency reuse pattern: given the required C/I
`and the proposed technologies, specify
`the frequency ce|| reuse pattern (eg_ 3.
`cell, 7—cel|, etc.) and, forterrestrial
`systems, the sectorization schemes
`req.C/l = 5[dB] with Interference diversity
`1 frequency reuse with adequate system load
`3 frequenc)’ reuse With TU” '03d-
`9 frequency reuse for noise limited operation at low
`traffic and large cell.
`— Characterize the frequency management
`between different cell layers;
`— Does the SRTT use an interleaved frequency
`— Are there any frequency channels with particular
`planning requirements?
`by using different band
`—Can the SRTT support self planning technique?
`Not required.
`— All other relevant requirements.
`Note: The use ofthe second adjacent channel instead of the adjacent channel at a neighbouring cluster
`cell is called "interleaved frequency planning". If a proponent is going to employ an interleaved
`frequency plan, the proponent should state so in A1.2.4 and complete A1.2.15 with the protection ratio
`for both the adjacent and second adjacent channel.
`Describe the capability of the proposed SRTT to
`facilitate the evolution of existing radio
`transmission technologies used in mobile
`telecommunication systems migrate toward this
`SRTT. Provide detail any impact and constraint on
`This system can be implemented from minimum
`service ( e.g. voice) to high grade sen/ice
`gradually. Existing network can be used at the
`ERIC-1007 I Page 280 of 413
`ERIC-1007 / Page 280 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`A1 .4.16.1 Does the SRTT support backwards compatibility
`‘“t° ‘.3S'V."DCS ‘“ terms °f 9353’ °'”a' ”‘°d?
`terminal implementation , spectrum co—existence
`and handover between UMTS and GSM/DCS?
`Time slot length is exactly half of GSM/DCS
`frame length is exactly 1/8 of GSM/DCS
`Channel spacing is exactly half of GSM/DCS
`SRTT already has frequency hopping capability
`This also enables MAHO between UMTS and
`Are there any special requirements for base site
`implementation? Are there any features which
`simplify implementation of base sites? (terrestrial
`Information required forterrestrial link budget template
`Proponents should fulfil the link budget template given in Table 1.3 of Annex 2 and answer the following
`What is the BS noise figure (dB)?
`See Link budget template
`What is the MS noise figure (dB)?
`What is the BS antenna gain (dBi)?
`What is the MS antenna gain (dBi)?
`What is the cable, connector and combiner losses
`What are the number of traffic channels per RF
`What is the SRTT operating point (BER/FER) for
`the required Eb/No in the link budget template?
`What is the ratio of intra—sector interference to sum
`of intra—sector interference and inter—sector
`interference within a cell (dB)?
`What is the ratio of in—cell interference to total
`interference (dB)?
`A1 .5.6
`What is the occupied bandwidth (99%) (Hz)?
`What is the information rate (dBHz)?
`ERIC-1007 I Page 281 of 413
`ERIC-1007 / Page 281 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`OFDMA Evaluation Report
`The Multiple Access Scheme Proposal for the
`UMTS Terrestrial Radio Air Interface (UTRA)
`OFDMA Concept - Frequently asked Questions (FAQ)
`Part 3
`This document describes details which were requested in many questions to the Beta Concept
`The covered areas are:
`SFH/TDMA operation performance versus doppler frequency
`SFH/TDMA operation performance versus hopping bandwidth
`Fast Fourier Transform (FFT/IFFT) complexity as main element ofthe OFDMA system
`Feasibility and importance of antenna diversity reception system in hand-portable Mobile
`Detailed Handover procedures
`Additional Information on Time and Frequency Synchronisation
`Power Amplifier Requirements
`Multiband Reception and Filter Requirements
`Frequency Hopping Feasibility
`ERIC-1007 I Page 282 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Table of Contents
`1. BER Performance versus Doppler Frequency .......................................................................... .. 284
`2. Hopping Bandwidth versus B.E.R ............................................................................................. .. 285
`3. OFDMA receiver complexity ..................................................................................................... .. 286
`4. Antenna Diversity Reception in hand-portable Mobile Station .................................................. .. 288
`5. Hand Over Scheme ofthe OFDMA System ............................................................................. .. 293
`5.1 Overview of Hand Over ..................................................................................................... .. 293
`5.2 Synchronisation ................................................................................................................. .. 293
`5.2.1 Pseudo Synchronisation System ............................................................................ .. 293
`5.2.2 Unsynchronised System ......................................................................................... .. 294
`5.3 Mobile Assisted Hand Over ( MAHO) ............................................................................... .. 294
`5.4 Base Station Originated Hand Over .................................................................................. .. 295
`5.5 Fon/vard Hand Over ........................................................................................................... .. 296
`5.6 MCS Initiated Hand Over ................................................................................................... .. 296
`6. Time and Frequency Synchronisation ...................................................................................... .. 298
`7. Power Amplifier Requirements ................................................................................................. .. 299
`8. Multiband Reception and Filter Requirements .......................................................................... .. 300
`9. Frequency Hopping Feasibility .................................................................................................. .. 301
`ERIC-1007 I Page 283 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`1. BER Performance versus Doppler Frequency
`The SFH/TDMA operation (originally proposed BDMA system by SONY) achieves very good
`frequency diversity by means of frequency hopping and very good time diversity by
`interleaving and coding.
`Both techniques will dramatically reduce the required received Eb/No and strongly improve link
`I orderto investigate the performance ofthe OFDMA proposal in high speed scenarios we
`simulated the required received Eb/No versus the doppler frequency in link level simulations.
`Table 1 shows simulation parameters. Figure 1 shows the required Eb/No value versus
`B.E.R. and Figure 2 shows the maximum Doppler frequency versus the required Eb/No value
`to achieve the target B.E.R. of 10e-3.
`Figure 2 clearly shows that the BDMA system with the selected parameters (guard time,
`subcarrier spacing, ...) has a good balance to achieve low required Eb/No values in the wide
`range of maximum Doppler frequencies. It is surprising that for very fast moving MS (
`fD=1000[Hz] , speed is 500[km/h] @2[GHz] ) the system can achieve a high quality
`transmission without special techniques (e.g. equalisation).
`Table 1: Simulation Parameter
`Delay Model
`Vehicular A
`Correlation between antennas
`Hopping Bandwidth
`Speech ( 12kbps incl. overhead )
`8 9
`Figure 1: B.E.R. versus speed
`(doppler) for speech service
`Max Dopplar Frequency [Hz]
`Figure 2: Required EB/No versus
`speed (doppler frequency
`ERIC-1007 I Page 284 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`2. Hopping Bandwidth versus B.E.R.
`The support of hirarchical cell structures is an important UMTS requirement. In this case each
`cell layer has a limited bandwidth.(e.g. 5[MHz] ). Originally the BDMA system achieves very
`good frequency diversity within higher bandwidths (e.g. 12.8[MHz] ). Now we simulated the
`transmission performance using a limited bandwidth to confirm the performance of frequency
`Table 2 shows the used simulation parameters, Figure 4 shows the Eb/No versus B.E.R. for
`slow moving mobile station (MS) and fast moving MS. Figure 3 shows hopping bandwidth
`versus required Eb/No value to achieve a target B.E.R. of 10e-3.
`This simulation confirmes that for fast moving M8 the dominant factor of performance
`improvement is caused by the time diversity effect (time domain interleaving) and we cannot
`evaluate the effect of hopping bandwidth limitation. In case of slow moving M8 the
`performance improves with wider hopping bandwidth.
`It is also obvious that a bandwidth of 5[MHz] is already enough to achieve very low required
`Eb/No values (effect of frequency diversity).
`Table 2 Simulation Parameter
`Delay Model
`Vehicular A
`Speech ( 12kbps incl. overhead )
`Correlation between antennas
`Max Doppler Frequency
`g 10
`3 8
`Hopping Bandwidth [kHz]
`Figure 3: Required EB/No versus
`Hopping Bandwidth
`ERIC-1007 I Page 285 of 413
`Eb/No [dB]
`Figure 4: BER versus EB/No
`5.6[Hz] , 222[Hz]
`- - 14.8[1§x/[Hzl]‘1Hop11)1ng
`12.8_[1\/1112;] Hoppmgg
`ERIC-1007 / Page 285 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`3. OFDMA receiver complexity
`The main complexity ofthe signal processing elements for the OFDMA receiver is the FFT.
`(This is ignoring the processing needed for channel decoding. To calculate the number of
`operations needed forthe FFT, the analysis presented by McDonnell and Vlfilkinson [1] is
`The size of the FFT needed at the receiver depends on the service required (scalability). For
`the case ofthe low date rate service (speech), only a 32 point FFT is required. This is
`sufficient for one band slot with 24 carriers and DQPSK modulation. Forthe highest data rate
`service (2 Mbit/s) we shall assume a bandwidth of 1.6 MHz and 8-DPSK modulation. This
`service requires a 512 point FFT.
`The total number of real multiplications for an FFT is given by [1]
`2F1og2 F
`were F is the size of the FFT. At the receiver an FFT has to be performed at the same rate as
`the time slot duration (288.46 us). For speech only every fourth time slot is used so we shall
`derive an average and peak multiplications per second figure.
`For speech therefore,
`6 Peak no. of real multiplications per second = 2 x 32 x 5 x (1 .0 / 288.46 x10'6) = 1.109 x
`Average no. of real multiplications per second (1 FFT operation per frame) = 277.33 X103
`For one frame (4*288.46us=1.154ms) 2 IFFT operations (diversity reception) and 1 FFT (TX
`burst construction) are required. This results in 3*0.27733MOPS = 0.832 MOPS.
`Forthe highest data rate (2 Mbit/s) service every 7 out of 8 time slots are used.
`6 Peak no. of real multiplications per second = 2 x 512 x 9 x (1.0 /288.46 x10'6) = 31.94 x
`For one frame (8*288.46us=2.307ms) 7*2 IFFT operations (7 used timeslots and 2 diversity
`reception) and 7 FFT (TX burst construction) are required.
`This results in 3*(7/8)*31.94 MOPS = 83.9 MOPS.
`This number can be reduced if only one Rx branch is used in the indoor environment (better
`C/I condition expected as compared to outdoor).
`It is also important to note that the main processing element ofthe OFDMA receiver is a
`readily available FFT.
`The following table summarizes the complexity of the FFT/IFFT processing. Please note the
`table gives ‘peak’ processing requirement which have to be divided by the acual used
`timeslots in the given TDMA structure.
`Bandwidth (kHz)
`Subcarrier Number/
`Peak MOPS per single FFT/
`<42-6> 1600
`96 <128>
`384 (512)
`31.95 (95.84)
`ERIC-1007 I Page 286 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`It can be concluded that the complexity ofthe OFDMA depends upon the service required
`(almost linear complexity (MOPS) versus supported data rate). This offers benefits in terms of
`terminal cost and standby time for a given level of service. Even forthe highest data rate
`service the complexity of the receiver is reasonable.
`[1] J.T.E. McDonnell, T .A. Vlfilkinson, “Comparison of computation complexity of adaptive
`equaliser and OFDM for indoor wireless networks”, Proceedings IEEE Personal Indoor
`Mobile Radio Conference (PIMRC) 1996, pp. 1088-1091
`ERIC-1007 I Page 287 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`4. Antenna Diversity Reception in hand-portable Mobile
`It was often claimed that antenna diversity is not feasible and not effective (correlation) in a
`hand-portable mobile station (MS). In this report
`we will present information on the feasibility and
`effectivness of antenna diversity reception in a
`small (hand-held) MS.
`We present actual field test measurement results
`to prove the simulations.
`Rod Antenn
`Actual Measurement Result of
`Diversity Antennas of Mobile
`SONY has much experience in the development
`of diversity antennas for hand-portable mobile
`stations (MS). As an example we present the
`measurement results for an PDC 1.5GHz
`handheld MS. The terminal TH241 forthe PDC
`(Personal Digital Cellular) system was developed
`already 5 years ago. The following graph shows
`the layout.
`The MS achieves antenna diversity by means of
`an conventional rod antenna and a second planar
`patch antenna (see Figure 5).
`The used antenna diversity system forthe hand-
`portable mobile station shows a good
`characteristics (low correlation) the measurement
`results (based on field test with the equipment)
`shows the effectivness.
`TH241 by SONY
`Fiaure 5: TH 241 SONY PDC MS
`The following figures show the antenna pattern for both antennas.
`ERIC-1007 I Page 288 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Figure 6: Antenna Pattern (Rod)
`Figure 7: Antenna Pattern (Patch)
`The RSSI versus time was measured for different vehicular speeds ( 10[km/h] and 80[km/h]
`respectively). The full line shows the RSSI of the Rod antenna and the dotted line is the RSSI
`of the Patch antenna (Figure 8 and Figure 9...).
`It is obvious that both antennas have almost the same effective gain the correlation is very
`The actual measured correlation value is only 0.2!! (see Table 3).
`Table 3: Measured Correlation Value for Antenna Diversity
`Vehicular Speed
`Correlation between antennas
`Figure 8: RSSI of Both Antennas (Vehicular speed = 80[km/h] )
`ERIC-1007 I Page 289 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`— 162.131)
`— 104.69
`— 106.00
`— 1138.60
`— 1 1 2.09-
`—1 14.01)
`-1 16.00
`— ‘I. l 8.1)
`Figure 9: RSSI of Both Antennas (Vehicular Speed =10[km/h] )
`sec 2: 10-
`ERIC-1007 I Page 290 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Importance of Antenna Diversity Reception
`The basestation Tx power in typical operation can be larger compared to MS Tx power and
`this will achieve good results in the link budget. However, the capacity will not be improved by
`Tx power much because the capacity is mainly determined by the systems capability to
`accommodate co-channel interference.
`As seen in the DS-CDMA results, the down link capacity is small. In general (g.e. for speech
`service) the same capacity is necessary both in up link and and down link. This means that
`the capacity of DS-CDMA is limited by the down link capacity.
`Compared with OFDMA assuming the above mentioned realistic and very effective antenna
`diversity reception we believe the capacity of the OFDMA system can be 3 times larger.
`Table 4 Capacity Comparison
`W-CDMA down link capacity
`in vehicular environment OFDMA down link capacity
`in vehicular environment
`Comparison between with and without antenna diversity( Simulation
`To evaluate the perfromance with and
`without Rx antenna diversity the following
`simulation was carried out.
`The simulation parameters are shown in
`Table 5, Figure 10 shows the B.E.R.
`versus EB/N0.
`3.3dB improvement was achieved by the
`usage of an antenna diversity reception.
`Table 5: Simulation Parameter
`Delay Model
`Vehicular A
`Max Doppler Spread
`Speech ( 12kbps
`incl. overhead)
`Correlation between
`Figure 10: B.E.R. vs EB/No
`Antenna diversity reception is very effective, realistic and be implemented at reasonable cost
`There is no reason to remove it and for future high capacity systems (UMTS) we should make
`the best effort to develop even better antenna diversity reception systems as available now.
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`ERIC-1007 I Page 292 of 413
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`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`5. Hand Over Scheme of the OFDMA System
`Handover is very important and the details should be presented. In this chapter we present the
`handover schemes we propose for the OFDMA system. This chapter contains information
`mainly related to the SFH/TDMA operation of the OFDMA based UTRA proposal.
`5.1 Overview of Hand Over
`The handover scheme ofthe OFDMA proposal is based on Base Station Originated Hand
`The following lines show the outline of the hand over procedure:
`Mobile station (X) listens to the surrounding base stations. After identifying it reports the
`IDs ofthe nearest base stations (B,C,D..) to the connecting base station (A), this
`scheme is called Mobile Assisted Hand Over (MAHO)
`BS-A asks BS-B,C,D... to observe MS-X (hopping pattern is reported to surrounding
`BS-B,C,D.. detect MS-X’s receive signal strength (interference to BS-B,C,D,...).
`If BS-B detects that MS-X’s RSSI becomes higherthan normal connecting user of BS-
`B, BS-B asks BS-A to hand overthe MS-X. (Base Station Originated Hand Over)
`5.2 Synchronisation
`Synchronisation is not required in the BDMA system, however synchronisation provides many
`advantages in other aspects. Synchronisation can be provided by, for example, GPS system
`which is well known and adopted for many systems (even by the IS-95 DS-CDMA system).
`5.2.1 Pseudo Synchronisation System
`The following scheme is proposed in the non-synchronised BDMA system to achieve pseudo-
`Each base station has enough precise timing reference ( e.g. 0.1[ppm], this means
`1[ps] synchronisation slip will occur during 10[s])
`Propagation delay between BS-A and MS-X connected to BS-A (Tpd(A,X) ) can be
`measured by their closed loop timing advance measurement/adjustment.
`The Timing Difference (Framing) between the basestations BS-A and BS-B is assumed
`to be initially known (D(A,B) ).
`MS-X listens to IACH from BS-B and measures arrival time difference between BS-A
`and BS-B. Arrival time difference represents the time T = ( D(A,B)+Tpd(B,X)-Tpd(A,X) )
`The system can estimate the propagation delay between BS-B and MS-X
`(Tpd(B,X) = T - D(A,B) - Tpd(A,X) ) without te need for an activ traffic connection
`between BS-B and MS-X.
`If MS-X is handed over to BS-B, the precise Tpd(B,X) can be measured and used to
`update the D(A,B)
`ERIC-1007 I Page 293 of 413
`ERIC-1007 / Page 293 of 413

`UMTS 30.06 version 3.0.0
`TR 101 146 V3.0.0 (1997-12)
`Figure 11: Pseudo Synchronisation
`Alternative method
`To measure the D(A,B), another possibility is to use a GPS receiver at each basestation. The
`GPS signal is used to measure the timing difference (framing) between the basetations. The
`difference is reported to each ofthe basestations but still the basestations are not
`5.2.2 Unsynchronised System
`Completely non-sysnchronized system will be supported. When the mobile station performs a
`hand overthe mobile station releases the previous connection and acquires the
`synchronisation of the new base station and connects.
`This rough hand over scheme is not suitable fortight frequency reuse operation (e.g. 1
`frequency reuse) and will cause some break duration.
`5.3 Mobile Assisted Hand Over( MAHO )
`The following procedure outlines the MAHO scheme.
`Each base station can inform the connected MSs about information of the surrounding
`BS’s including IACH information and the propagation delay between the basestations
`D(A,B) as described above during the ordinary connection (using control channels).
`the mobile station can predict the IACH position of the surrounding BS’s ( bandslot and
`timeslot ).
`When the the timeslot of the IACH comes which the MS wants to pick up the MS will
`puncture both Rx and Tx hop and uses the idle time (at least 4 time slots) to pic

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