`RFC Index
`2 captures
`3 Nov 96 ‑ 6 Feb 98
`This file contains citations for all RFCs in reverse numeric order. RFC citations appear in this format:
`Author 1, ... Author 5., "Title of RFC", Issue date. (Pages=##) (Format=.txt or .ps) (FYI ##) (STD ##) (RTR ##)
`(Obsoletes RFC####) (Updates RFC####)
`Key to citations:
`#### is the RFC number; ## p. is the total number of pages.
`The format and byte information follows the page information in parenthesis. The format, either ASCII text (TXT) or
`PostScript (PS) or both, is noted, followed by an equals sign and the number of bytes for that version (Post- Script is a
`registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated). The example (Format: PS=xxx TXT=zzz bytes) shows that the
`PostScript version of the RFC is xxx bytes and the ASCII text version is zzz bytes.
`The (Also FYI ##) phrase gives the equivalent FYI number if the RFC was also issued as an FYI document.
`"Obsoletes xxx" refers to other RFCs that this one replaces; "Obsoleted by xxx" refers to RFCs that have replaced this
`one. "Updates xxx" refers to other RFCs that this one merely updates (but does not replace); "Updated by xxx" refers to
`RFCs that have been updated by this one (but not replaced). Only immediately succeeding and/or preceding RFCs are
`indicated, not the entire history of each related earlier or later RFC in a related series.
`For example:
`D. Mills, "Internet time synchronization: The Network Time Protocol", 10/01/1989. (Pages=29) (Format=.ps)
`Many RFCs are available online; if not, this is indicated by (Not online).
`Online copies are available via FTP from the InterNIC Directory and Database Services server, ds.internic.net, as
`rfc/rfc####.txt or rfc/rfc####.ps (#### is the RFC number without leading zeroes).
`RFCs may be requested through electronic mail from the InterNIC Directory and Database Services automated mail server by
`sending a message to mailserv@ds.internic.net. In the body of the message, include the following command:
`document-by-name rfcNNNN
`where NNNN is the number of the RFC. For PostScript RFCs, specify the extension, e.g. "document-by-name rfcNNNN.ps".
`Multiple requests can be sent in a single message by specifying each document in a comma-separated list (e.g. "document-by-
`name rfcNNNN, rfcYYYY"), or by including multiple "document-by-name" commands on separate lines.
`The RFC Index can be requested by typing "document-by-name rfc-index".
`There are so many RFC's we had to split up the index:
`RFC's 0 - 99
`RFC's 100 - 199
`RFC's 200 - 299
`RFC's 300 - 399
`RFC's 400 - 499
`CISCO Exhibit 1018
`Cisco v. Bockstar
`Trial IPR2014 - 1
`RFC Index
`RFC's 500 - 599
`RFC's 600 - 699
`RFC's 700 - 799
`RFC's 800 - 899
`RFC's 900 - 999
`RFC's 1000 - 1099
`RFC's 1100 - 1199
`RFC's 1200 - 1299
`RFC's 1300 - 1399
`RFC's 1400 - 1499
`RFC's 1500 - 1599
`RFC's 1600 - 1699
`RFC's 1700 - 1799
`RFC's 1800 - 1899
`RFC's 1900 - 1999
`For RFC's 2000 through 2055 see below!
`2055 I
`B. Callaghan, "WebNFS Server Specification", 11/01/1996. (Pages=10) (Format=.txt)
`2054 I
`B. Callaghan, "WebNFS Client Specification", 11/01/1996. (Pages=16) (Format=.txt)
`2053 I
`E. Der-Danieliantz, "The AM (Armenia) Domain", 11/01/1996. (Pages=3) (Format=.txt)
`2052 E
`A. Gulbrandsen, P. Vixie, "A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", 11/01/1996. (Pages=10)
`2051 PS
`M. Allen, B. Clouston, Z. Kielczewski, W. Kwan, R. Moore, , "Definitions of Managed Objects for APPC",
`10/30/1996. (Pages=124) (Format=.txt)
`2044 I
`F. Yergeau, "UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646", 10/30/1996. (Pages=6) (Format=.txt)
`2043 PS
`A. Fuqua, "The PPP SNA Control Protocol (SNACP)", 10/30/1996. (Pages=7) (Format=.txt)
`2041 I
`B. Noble, G. Nguyen, M. Satyanarayanan, R. Katz, "Mobile Network Tracing", 10/30/1996. (Pages=27) (Format=.txt)
`2040 I
`R. Baldwin, R. Rivest, "The RC5, RC5-CBC, RC5-CBC-Pad, and RC5-CTS Algorithms", 10/30/1996. (Pages=29)
`2038 PS
`D. Hoffman, G. Fernando, V. Goyal, "RTP Payload Format for MPEG1/MPEG2 Video", 10/30/1996. (Pages=11)
`2037 PS
`K. McCloghrie, A. Bierman, "Entity MIB", 10/30/1996. (Pages=35) (Format=.txt)
`2036 I
`G. Huston, "Observations on the use of Components of the Class A Address Space within the Internet", 10/30/1996.
`(Pages=9) (Format=.txt)
`2035 PS
`CISCO Exhibit 1018
`Cisco v. Bockstar
`Trial IPR2014 - 2
`RFC Index
`L. Berc, W. Fenner, R. Frederick, S. McCanne, "RTP Payload Format for JPEG-compressed Video", 10/30/1996.
`(Pages=16) (Format=.txt)
`2034 PS
`N. Freed, "SMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes", 10/30/1996. (Pages=6) (Format=.txt)
`2033 I
`J. Myers, "Local Mail Transfer Protocol", 10/30/1996. (Pages=7) (Format=.txt)
`2032 PS
`T. Turletti, C. Huitema, "RTP payload format for H.261 video streams", 10/30/1996. (Pages=11) (Format=.txt)
`2031 I
`E. Huizer, "IETF-ISOC relationship", 10/29/1996. (Pages=4) (Format=.txt)
`2030 I
`D. Mills, "Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) Version 4 for IPv4, IPv6 and OSI", 10/30/1996. (Pages=18)
`(Format=.txt) (Obsoletes RFC1769)
`2029 PS
`M. Speer, D. Hoffman, "RTP Payload Format of Sun's CellB Video Encoding", 10/30/1996. (Pages=6) (Format=.txt)
`R. Hovey, S. Bradner, "The Organizations Involved in the IETF Standards Process", 10/29/1996. (Pages=7)
`J. Galvin, "IAB and IESG Selection, Confirmation, and Recall Process: Operation of the Nominating and Recall
`Committees", 10/29/1996. (Pages=11) (Format=.txt)
`S. Bradner, "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision 3", 10/29/1996. (Pages=36) (Format=.txt) (Updates RFC1602)
`(Obsoletes RFC1602)
`2025 PS
`C. Adams, "The Simple Public-Key GSS-API Mechanism (SPKM)", 10/22/1996. (Pages=41) (Format=.txt)
`2024 PS
`D. Chen, P. Gayek, S. Nix, "Definitions of Managed Objects for Data Link Switching using SNMPv2", 10/22/1996.
`(Pages=90) (Format=.txt)
`2023 PS
`D. Haskin, E. Allen, "IP Version 6 over PPP", 10/22/1996. (Pages=10) (Format=.txt)
`2020 PS
`J. Flick, "Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE 802.12 Interfaces", 10/17/1996. (Pages=31) (Format=.txt)
`2019 PS
`M. Crawford, "Transmission of IPv6 Packets Over FDDI", 10/17/1996. (Pages=6) (Format=.txt)
`2018 PS
`M. Mathis, J. Mahdavi, S. Floyd, A. Romanow, "TCP Selective Acknowledgment Options", 10/17/1996. (Pages=12)
`2017 PS
`N. Freed, K. Moore, A. Cargille, "Definition of the URL MIME External-Body Access-Type", 10/14/1996. (Pages=5)
`2016 E
`L. Daigle, P. Deutsch, B. Heelan, C. Alpaugh, M. Maclachlan, , "Uniform Resource Agents (URAs)", 11/01/1996.
`(Pages=21) (Format=.txt)
`CISCO Exhibit 1018
`Cisco v. Bockstar
`Trial IPR2014 - 3
`RFC Index
`2015 PS
`M. Elkins, "MIME Security with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)", 10/14/1996. (Pages=8) (Format=.txt)
`A. Weinrib, J. Postel, "IRTF Research Group Guidelines and Procedures", 10/17/1996. (Pages=13) (Format=.txt)
`2010 I
`B. Manning, P. Vixie, "Operational Criteria for Root Name Servers", 10/14/1996. (Pages=7) (Format=.txt)
`Y. Rekhter, T. Li, "Implications of Various Address Allocation Policies for Internet Routing", 10/14/1996. (Pages=13)
`2007 I
`J. Foster, M. Isaacs, M. Prior, "Catalogue of Network Training Materials", 10/14/1996. (Pages=55) (Format=.txt) (FYI
`2006 PS
`D. Cong, M. Hamlen, C. Perkins, "The Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Mobility Support using SMIv2",
`10/22/1996. (Pages=52) (Format=.txt)
`2005 PS
`J. Solomon, "Applicability Statement for IP Mobility Support", 10/22/1996. (Pages=5) (Format=.txt)
`2004 PS
`C. Perkins, "Minimal Encapsulation within IP", 10/22/1996. (Pages=5) (Format=.txt)
`2003 PS
`C. Perkins, "IP Encapsulation within IP", 10/22/1996. (Pages=14) (Format=.txt)
`2002 PS
`C. Perkins, "IP Mobility Support", 10/22/1996. (Pages=79) (Format=.txt)
`CISCO Exhibit 1018
`Cisco v. Bockstar
`Trial IPR2014 - 4