`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1751

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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1752

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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1753

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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1755

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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1756

`‘I8? '
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1757

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`<ft§aa§nr>c:x><tfi aa1$panw3}¢input aygeximage srcw“framash£ima§ssJf1e£5
`fig‘ 3:3.
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1758

`ig. SS
`S§.§$€>T§T§3?§ $§"§§E7
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1759

`xsww Ssgyxight £c§ 19$‘ Inargy Qmliae, inc’ All righis reserve,
`ci«« Sfiaafiexs :§rojifi afiganagsrififlxffilaumanagsr¢xsgi,v 1.1 &
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`$.388§1? fi$f3§fiB<££ant><ftfi>z£tx
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`ty§&whi&&afi namawussrnamm ?aluau‘§emeS3“§
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1760

`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1761

`‘¢§"{.¥ §§$‘§a"£,§¢i‘?‘E

`inc. A31 rights raservefi.
`<£»» Cogyrighx §C3 139? Enargy Saline,
`<§—« $Raaéer:
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`<§EA$><TITLE>Fiia fianagax<i§§§LEkafHEAE>
`1*>§;<:»'::~Z‘;.e33':.== ‘* §<'i§‘= tile S‘ “ >
`<¢an:$r>xtah§a bar&axmQ c&11paaéing c§il§§a$in§n2>€tr}{tS alignx1&£t>w
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`‘s %aas<§£ont><£b:<itfi2§;& a&ign%rig§
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`§.3§$S3? $3f15&<ffan£><ft§>eftr§
`cfismt mathefim¥§§¥ antimna“firamsskfhinfifiiewmgmaggx.sgi“&
`typaw&i&&&n namawasernama vaiuafi“fi@mm$8“§
`<in§ut ayyamfiifiéen namawfxamé vaiaem“1“>
`<ftd:<itr><tr><tfi aeisp$ns2><in§§t tygamimagfi &xca“£ramashfimagasf£3e§§
`<>‘;.>’*;:.e3Ié>3.:ee;> < ,«’::m}tsar>»
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`Fig. 38
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1762

`‘%°§5(°§‘ 9§§:‘2’§Et?’3
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1763

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`ah:<f¢nt famawarial aizam2>aems$S *3 §ahwx£ts<ffmnt><£b><!tdk<2fi aligni
`cfant fagemariai §ixaa2> Eigk Siag 2
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`<in§ut typamhiafian namewuafirnama va§u8m“é§ma$&“>
`cingun ay§emh&§§an namsxfxame va1aam“1“>
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1764

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`éecerzznszzn fesxituxass wixirséz
`: =a1?s§ nsazn-sasssswy
`zaczrxi grszscmssing.
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1765

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`Fig. £2
`“$¥.§S$’¥°’§"§"§..§‘§”fi $?°£3§‘:ET {Rmfi 538:}:
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1766

`is‘? iv:>:*i ::§s'a§< :3 {ha :=.?a.'i‘ amt‘! :“ruan an ms ea‘
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1767

`‘§‘§s'{§2 §§§§_e‘_2§ §",»'2.
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`: xEt:\: S:::
`fig, 443$-
`::~:i£$$“:‘s':':.:°s°§ 333$’? {mag 33:
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1768

`§*5L"}'§{?S§§‘?.23<9». ‘E
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1769

`«<36! {iii}
`= >'€a’}i'.i'£‘<.R3I?>
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`<a@tiwn v&luaxhxua>h1u§&!cp§ian§
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`Ezcpsima valaemgreanégraanefaQticn>
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`§<¢ptian va§uemEe1va:ica>Ha1vétiea<£a§tian>
`5 <isaieat><£FQ£fi»«F6RM §ctiQ§mc1§&n.xcgi>€Ifi§$T Eypaasubmit nameanaw va
`: <§$Em actiunmseiect. cgi><input ty§a$suhmit va1uawSamaxk>«fF8§fi>
`$§;§E$°§“§'°f'§§TE ‘3§%§§°§” {fiiékfi 3%?
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1770

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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1784

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
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`Method for Managing Media
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`Errrrr A- Gary
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`0 569 343 A1
`Pioneer Electronic
`0 675 341 A1
`Honda Giken—Kogyo
`0 771 686 A2
`6-1 87597
`Toyota Jidosha Kabushiki
`Kaisha Toyota-shi, Aichi-
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`Application Number
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`RuSSe"W.VVhite_ eta
`Erka A Gary
`07-146155 1995-06-O6
`CSK Corporation
`Sumitomo Electronic
`Mitsubishi Electric Corp.
`1 9396-04-30
`1 997-03-07
`1 998-04-24
`1998 0549
`Compaq Computer
`Mazda Motor
`I E
`FS Web 2-1413
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1791

`(Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Application Number
`First Named Inventor
`Russell W. White, et_a|.
`Erika A Gary
`Attorney Docket Number
`JP59085599 1984-05-17 J
`P P
`WO 96/07110
`O I p
`Pioneer Electronic Corp.
`Public Limited Company
`I E
`FS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1792

`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`1 1-068685
`I 1998-09-25
` I'
`0142256 I1998-03-30
`WO98/21672 I1998-05-22
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1793

`( Not for submission under 37 CFR 1.99)
`Russell w. \/Vhite, etal.
`Attorney Docket Number
`WO98/47252 I1998-10-22
`HW000/54187 I
`Stern, Geoffrey
`Rock.Com, Inc.
`wo 00/60450
`Khyber Technologies
`If you wish to add additional Foreign Patent Document citation information please click the Add button
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`publisher, city and/or country where published.
`MARK MOELLER, Computing Unplugged Magazine, "Product Preview, A Survey of Auto PC 2.0 for software
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`LEO DEGEN, et al., "Working with Audio:
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`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1794

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`Attorney Docket Number
`H.S. JUN GIBEE, "A Virtual Information Desk On The Internet," University of Ulsan, September 1999, pages 265-268.
`STEVE WHITFAKER, et al., "TeleNotes: Managing Lightweight Interactions in the Desktop," Lotus Development
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`ALEX POON, et al., Xerox Disclosure Journal, Vol. 19, No. 2, "Gestural User Interface Technique for Controlling the
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`DEB KUMAR ROY, "NewsComm: A Hand-Held Device For Interactive Access to Structured Audio," Massachusetts
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`ASIM SMAILAGIC, et al., "MoCCA: A Mobile Communication and Computing Architecture," Institute for Complex
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`DSPS R&D Center, Texas Instruments, 1997, pages 119-124.
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1795

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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`I Art Unit
`Russe,,W_,,,,h,te' em
`Erika A Gaw
`Attorney Docket Number
`JEFFREY A. DAVIS, "Use of Personal Computers in Satellite Command and Control Systems," Raytheon Systems
`Company, October 24, 1999, pages 283-291.
`NIKI DAVIS, "Remote Teaching Via ISDN2 And Desktop Conferencing,"Exeter University School of Education, pages
`A CHAN, et al., "The PEP-ll Project-Vifide Database," Stanford University, 1996, pages 840-842.
`KRISHNA BHARAT, et al., "Migratory Applications," Springer Berlin, Vol. 1222, 1997, pages 1-21.
`EMPEG CAR, "MP3 in your dash," Digital Audio Player User Guide, pages 1-50.
`MICROSOFT, "Getting Started Microsoft. Windows. 98" Second Edition, 1998, pages 1-138.
`SAUL GREENBERG, "PDAs and Shared Public Displays: Making Personal Information Public, and Public Information
`Personal," University of Calgary, March 1999, pages 1-11.
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`SONY, "New Technical Theory For Servicing, MZ-R5ST Operation Manual," pages 1-44.
`EFS Web 2.1.13
`Samsung Ex. 1220 p. 1796

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`RICHARD C. DAVIS, et al., "A Framework for Sharing Handwritten Notes," 1998, pages 119-120.
`KRISHNA A. BHARAT, et aI., "Migratory Applications," UIST '95, November 14-17, 1995, pages 133-142.
`BRAD A. MYERS, "Collaboration Using Multiple PDAs Connected To A PC," Carnegie Mellon University, 1998, pages
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`1996, pages 79-86

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